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Plant Syst. Evol.

225:85-101 (2000) Plant Systematics

and Evolution
Springer-Verlag 2000
Printed in Austria

Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae

(Elaeagnaceae) investigated by RAPD markers
I. V. Bartish 1'3, N. Jeppsson l, G. I. Bartish 1, R. Lu 2, and H. Nybom 1

1Balsgfird-Department of Horticultural Plant Breeding, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,

Kristianstad, Sweden
a Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sichuan, China
3 Present address: Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences, Pruhonice, Czech Republic

Received October 5, 1999

Accepted September 6, 2000

Abstract. Genetic diversity has been investigated revealed positive autocorrelation of allele frequen-
by the application of molecular markers in, for the cies when geographic distances ranged from 0 to
first time, all the taxa recognised in recent treatises 700 km, and no or negative autocorrelation at
of the genus Hippophae. RAPD (random amplified higher distances. At distances between 700 and
polymorphic DNA) analyses were conducted with 1900 km, we observed deviations from the expected
9 decamer primers, which together yielded 219 values with strongly negative autocorrelation of
polymorphic markers. We found 16 fixed RAPD allele frequencies. A corresponding relationship
markers, i.e. markers that either occurred in all between geographic and genetic distances could
plants of a population or were absent from all not be found when the analysis instead was based
plants. Several of these markers were useful for on one population from each of 8 species.
analysis of interspecific relationships, whereas oth-
ers can be considered as taxon-specific markers. Key words: Elaeagnaceae, Hippophae, sea buck-
Clustering of taxa and populations in our neigh- thorn, Systematics, taxonomy, genetic variation,
bour-joining based dendrogram was in good agree- RAPD.
ment with some recently suggested taxonomic
treatises of Hippophae. Amount and distribution The genus Hippophae L. is distributed from
of genetic variability varied considerably between N o r t h e r n Europe through Central Europe
species. Partitioning of molecular variance within and Central Asia to China, ranging from 27
H. rhamnoides supported earlier findings that a to 69N and from 7W to 122E, with a
considerable part of the total variance resides probable centre o f origin in Central Asia
among subspecies (59.6%). Within-population
(Rousi 1971). All species are diploid
variability also differed considerably. Percentage
(2n = 2 4 ) ( R o u s i 1965, 1971), windpollinated
polymorphic RAPD loci and Lynch and Milligan
within-population gene diversity estimates showed and dioecious, with gender being genetically
relatively high values for some species close to the determined (Persson and N y b o m 1998). They
geographic centre of origin in Central Asia, e.g. reproduce vegetatively with root suckers and
H. tibetana and the putatively hybridogenous sexually with bird-dispersed seeds. Natural
H. goniocarpa. Spatial autocorrelation analyses habitats include sea shores, river deltas, river
performed on 12 populations of H. rhamnoides terraces, valley slopes and sometimes mead-
86 I.V. Bartish et al.: Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae

ows, at altitudes from 0 to 5000 m (Rousi 1971, breeding programs to develop commercially
Lian et al. 1998). suitable cultivars (Kalinina and Panteleyeva
Most authors follow the taxonomy present- 1987, Yao and Tigerstedt 1994, Burmistrov
ed by Rousi (1971), with the genus Hippophae 1995, Trajkovski and Jeppsson 1999).
divided into three species; H. rhamnoides L., Both isoenzyme (Yao and Tigerstedt 1993)
H. salicifolia D. Don and H. tibetana Schlecht. and RAPD (Bartish et al. 1999a) analyses have
The species H. rhamnoides was further divided been applied to investigate genetic diversity and
into nine subspecies; ssp. rhamnoides, ssp. partitioning of genetic variation in Hippophae.
fluviatilis van Soest, ssp. carpatica Rousi, ssp. The hitherto investigated plant material has,
caucasica Rousi, ssp. turkestanica Rousi, however, been restricted mainly to some of the
ssp. mongolica Rousi, ssp. sinensis Rousi, ssp. subspecies of H. rharnnoides. The present
yunnanensis Rousi and ssp. gyantsensis Rousi. investigation was undertaken to analyse, for
Later described taxa include H. neurocarpa the first time, inter- and intraspecific genetic
S.W. Liu and J.N. He (Liu and He 1978), variation in the whole genus. The presently
H. goniocarpa Lian, X.L. Chen and K. Sun, studied material therefore included wild popu-
H. goniocarpa ssp. litangensis Lian and X.L. lations of all described taxa. We choose to use
Chert and H. neurocarpa ssp. stellatopilosa Lian RAPD for this study since RAPD markers
and X.L. Chen (Lian et al. 1995). Classification have previously been applied successfully in
has been based almost exclusively on morpho- Hippophae to analyse segregation ratios in
logical characters. However, an isozyme anal- experimental crosses (Persson and Nybom
ysis, conducted mainly on H. rhamnoides but 1998) and to estimate genetic variation in wild
with some additional samples of H. tibetana populations (Bartish et al. 1999a).
and H. neurocarpa, supports Rousi's division
of this genus into species and subspecies (Yao Material and methods
and Tigerstedt 1993). Morphologically inter-
mediate plants are found where different Plant material. All plant material was raised from
subspecies of H. rharnnoides grow sympatrical- seed except for one population (Gb) of H. rhamno-
ly, indicating inter-subspecies hybridisation ides ssp. rhamnoides which was collected as leaves
(Rousi 1971). from plants in native stands (Table 1, Fig. 1). Seed
samples were collected in natural populations with
Sea buckthorn was mentioned as a medi-
three exceptions: (1) One of the populations of
cinal plant already in the traditional Tibetan H. rharnnoides ssp. fluviatilis (9821) was represented
pharmacopoeia, completed 618-907 A.D. In by seedlings from a cross conducted at Balsg~rd
China it is also widely used to control erosion between two plants originating from Switzerland,
(Lu 1992). Sea buckthorn is an important berry (2) material of H. salicifolia (9804) was raised from
crop in Russia (5.000 ha in 1987) and neigh- seeds collected in a population with approx. 100
bouring countries. The domestication started in individuals grown in Maoxian, Sichuan, China to
1934 in the Altai, Siberia, using local germ- where it had been introduced from its original
plasm of H. rhamnoides ssp. mongolica. Re- location in Tibet, (3) material of H. rhamnoides
cently, an interest for sea buckthorn as a berry ssp. carpatica (9895-9898) was collected from open
crop has emerged also in Finland, Germany, pollinated female clones which had been trans-
Sweden and Canada (Vetters 1990, Yao and ferred to Pitesti Research Institute, Romania. Seed
collection was generally undertaken from several
Tigerstedt 1994, Wahlberg 1995, Li and Sch-
motherplants in each population except for
roeder 1996). The aromatic juice and the high H. rhamnoides ssp. carpatica (9895-9898) and
contents of vitamins A, C and E make these caucasiea (9831, 9835, 9847, 9893), where seeds
berries very interesting for the food processing were collected from a single motherplant in each
industry. Problems with climatic adaptation population.
and disease susceptibility, however, necessitates DNA extraction and PCR amplification. Apices
the exploitation of a wide range of taxa in plant of one-month old seedlings were frozen in liquid
I. V. Bartish et al.: Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae 87

0 0 0
~ 0 0
0 0
I o o o o o
0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0

b~. bb

o~ , 0 0 0 0 0 o kO 0 0 ~ ~ ~-~ 0

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U e 5~ oO



0 0 0 0 0 0

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o i~gt

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I m

,-Z ----

c/~ c/]
88 I. V. Bartish et al.: Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae

H. rhamnq
ssp. fluvi,~

H. rhamnoides
ssp. turkestanic~

H. s a l i c i ~ n t s e n s i s -~

Fig. 1. Geographical distribution of the genus Hippophae (from Hyv6nen 1996). The different subspecies of
H. rhamnoides are marked with light grey whereas the medium dark grey and A-marked area in central Asia
represents several species, namely H. neurocarpa ssp. neurocarpa, H. n. ssp. stellatopilosa, H. goniocarpa ssp.
goniocarpa and H. g. ssp. litangensis. The area marked with dark grey represents H. tibetana

nitrogen in an Eppendorf tube (1.5 ml) and stored (including reproducibility) of PCR amplification
at -80 C until used. In two cases, leaves from four products and on how these primers partitioned
and seven adult plants of H. rhamnoides ssp. genetic variability within and among populations
gyantsensis and from ssp. fluviatilis (9313), respec- and/or subspecies as calculated with AMOVA
tively, were obtained by forcing twigs in a green- (analysis of molecular variance). Consequently,
house in the winter. DNA was extracted from the the nine primers could be chosen according to
frozen seedling apices or from fresh unfolded leaves their previous performances (Bartish et al. 1999a)
(5-10 mg in each case) following the CTAB-based so that three levels of differentiation were equally
method described earlier (Bartish et al. 1999b). The well represented, i.e. three primers indicating very
only exceptions were that plant tissue was ground high percentages of within-population variance,
in Eppendorf tubes using a minipestle, and that three primers indicating very high percentages of
volumes of extraction buffer consequently could be among subspecies variance, and three primers that
reduced to 100-250 gl per sample. For population were intermediate between the first two groups.
Gb, previously extracted DNA samples (used in Data analysis. Amplification products were
our study on H. rhamnoides ssp. rhamnoides, scored visually as present or absent. Bands of
Bartish et al. 1999a) were utilised. With the excep- identical size, amplified with the same primer, were
tion of the use of another thermocycler (PTC-100 considered to be homologous. Bands were not
TM, MJ Research, Inc.), and the reduction of PCR scored if they were either very faint, very rare or
reaction volume to 15 gl, amplification conditions very common (frequency in the whole plant sample
were as described previously (Bartish et al. 1999b). less than 3% or more than 97%).
We selected nine decamer primers from Operon To estimate genetic relatedness among popu-
Technologies kits A, B, and D on the basis of lations and taxa, null allele frequencies were
results in our previous study (Bartish et al. 1999a). calculated for all 219 scored RAPDs in accordance
This selection was based both on the quality with Lynch and Milligan (1994):
I. V. Bartish et al.: Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae 89

q = xl/2[1 - Var(x)/8x2] -1 , populations (excluding half- and full-sib families

and also pop. 9313 for which sampling procedure
where q = estimated null allele frequency, x = was not known in detail, i.e. populations from the
proportion of the N sampled individuals that do subspecies carpatica, caucasica and fluviatilis) was
not exhibit the marker, Var(x) = x ( 1 - x ) / N is the computed from the data matrix using all 219 scored
sampling variance of the frequency of null homo- RAPDs (SIMINT in NTSYS). This matrix was
zygotes. A matrix of null allele frequencies within- used for an AMOVA analysis (Excoffier et al. 1992,
populations (the original data are available from Huff et al. 1993) to estimate variance components.
the authors upon request) was used in a neighbour- We analysed the partitioning of molecular variance
joining (NJ) cluster analysis based on Nei's genetic between species/subspecies for our total plant
distances (Nei 1972) (Appendix) with software sample, and between subspecies within H. gonio-
package PHYLIP, version 3.573c (Felsenstein carpa, H. neurocarpa and H. rhamnoides (ssp.
1993). To test robustness of the relationships mongolica, rharnnoides, turkestanica) respectively.
indicated in our data, a bootstrap analysis was To analyse possible relationships between
performed. The resulting trees were used to gener- genetic and geographic distances in our plant
ate a consensus tree (by majority rule and strict sample, we generated a matrix of geographic
consensus tree program in PHYLIP) summarising distances between populations (Kirvan 1997):
the relationships described by all 100 resampled
data sets. Dij = [(111.3 ABS(lat~ - latj)) 2
Principal co-ordinate analysis (DECENTER 2 ] 1/2
and EIGENVECTOR programs in NTSYS-pc, + (111.3 ABS(lon,- lonj)) cos(lati)cos(latj)|J
version 1.8, Rohlf 1997) was applied to a matrix
of Nei's genetic distances among populations and where D/i is the distance between populations i and
families to obtain additional information about j in kilometres, and lati, lati, loni, and loni are
inter- and intraspecific similarities. A three-dimen- latitudes and longitudes of populations i and j.
sional plot was produced by NTSYS-pc to repre- Correlation analyses were carried out with Mantel
sent the result graphically. tests (MXCOMP in NTSYS-pc, 9999 permutations
Within-population gene diversity was calculat- were used to compute the significance of a given
ed using the formulae of Lynch and Milligan (1994) correlation) between the geographic distances ma-
as has been described in detail in a previous study trix and the above described population-based
(Bartish et al. 2000). To avoid serious underesti- matrix with Nei's genetic distances among RAPD
mation of gene diversity within-populations (or profiles. These analyses were conducted: (1) on the
families) due to a high number of taxon-specific loci entire plant material, (2) on 12 populations and
in the whole data set (Liu and Furnier 1993, Bartish families of H. rhamnoides, and (3) on 8 popula-
et al. 2000), two or, in some cases, three gene tions, each representing a different Hippophae
diversity estimates were derived for each popula- species: H. rhamnoides was represented by popula-
tion. In the first set of gene diversity estimates, all tion 9810, H. neurocarpa by population 9837, and
219 scored loci were included in the calculations H. goniocarpa by population 9806. Populations
according to the standard procedure for this kind 9805 and 9808 were excluded from the second data
of data. A second set of gene diversity estimates set but included in the third since their systematic
was calculated only for species with more than one affiliation with H. rhamnoides remains doubtful. In
population, and includes only loci that are poly- addition, pairwise comparisons of genetic distances
morphic within that species. The third set of gene between populations were plotted against corre-
diversity estimates was calculated according to Liu spondent geographic distances for the H. rharnnoi-
and Furnier (1993) and includes those loci that are des populations and families.
polymorphic within a species (population if there A modified version of spatial autocorrelation
was only one) but to this was also added twice the analysis as described by Sokal and Oden (Sokal
number of loci with fixed marker presence within and Oden 1978) was conducted to further examine
that species (or population). the association between genetic and geographic
To estimate the partitioning of genetic variance distances for 12 populations and families within
at different levels, a matrix of squared Euclidean H. rhamnoides. A series of matrices corresponding
distances among individual plants for natural to different geographic distance classes were pro-
90 I.V. Bartish et al.: Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae

duced to represent the model to be tested. Com- Table 2. RAPD markers with fixed allele presence/
parisons between pairs of populations within a absence (i.e. the marker is present or absent in all
certain distance class were coded 0, and all other plants, or in all but one plant within the popula-
pairwise comparisons were coded 1. To achieve tion). Marker code: OPA-08.1050 denotes the am-
approximately similar numbers of pairwise com- plification with primer OPA-08 of a band which is
parisons coded as 0 in each of these matrices, the 1050 base pairs
distance range was set at 300 km in most cases
Marker Present in Absent in
(sometimes increased to 350 km or 400 km). By
populations populations
computation of Pearson correlation coefficients
between the matrix of Nei's genetic distances OPA-08.1050 9804 All others
among populations and families, and each of the OPA-08.1650 9895, 9896, All others
matrices of distance classes, we obtained altogether 9897, 9898
18 autocorrelation coefficients (Ra), which were OPA-15.440 9838, 9803 All others
plotted in a correlogram covering a distance of OPA-15.550 9801, 9810, Gb, All others
more than 6000 kin. However, correlogram pat- 9821, 9313,
terns are influenced not only by the strength of the 9847, 9893,
correlation between genetic and geographic dis- 9831, 9835,
tances but also by the spatial distribution of 9895, 9896,
pairwise geographic distances among the analysed 9897, 9898
populations. Consequently, we wanted to compare OPA-15.680 9805 All others
our actual R~ values with 'ideal' values ( = expected OPB-02.780 9805, Gb All others
values) derived from a hypothetical perfect corre- OPB-04.430 9895, 9896, All others
lation between genetic and geographic distances in 9897, 9898
our data set. To obtain these 'ideal' values, we just OPB-04.1700 All others 9895, 9896,
repeated the autocorrelation analysis but this time 9897, 9898
substituting the genetic distances with the actual OPD- 18.280 Gb All others
geographic distances. OPD-18.300 9805 All others
OPD-18.320 9804 All others
OPD-18.800 9804, 9808 All others
Results OPD-18.1000 9838, 9803 All others
R A P D profiles and fixed loci. All markers OPD-18.1100 9808, Gb, All others
scored in our R A P D analysis, 219 in total, 9821, 9313,
9847, 9893,
were polymorphic. We were able to closely
9831, 9835,
compare R A P D profiles from the present
9895, 9896,
study with previously obtained data (Bartish 9897, 9898
et al. 1999a) since the same individual plants in OPD-18.1200 9894, 9128, 9866 All others
population G b were included in both studies, OPD-18.1500 9804, 9837 All others
as well as the same set of primers. In the
present study, 109 not previously scored
markers were encountered, none of which, in all individual plants from the same popula-
however, occurred in population Gb. The tion, or in all but one individual. The ampli-
numbers of loci with markers scored in at fication of such markers differed considerably
least one individual plant within population among primers, with 50% of them generated
G b in the previous and present studies were by primer OPD-18. Three of these markers
very similar: 95 and 97, respectively. (OPA-08.1650, OPB-04.430 and OPB-04.1700)
W e found 16 markers with fixed R A P D were specific for H. rhamnoides ssp. carpatica.
allele presence or absence within all popula- Several other taxa (H. gyantsensis, H. rharn-
tions included in the analysis (Table 2). A noides ssp. rharnnoides a n d ssp. sinensis,
marker allele was regarded as fixed if the H. salicifolia, H. tibetana) had one or two
correspondent marker was present or absent taxon-specific markers.
I. V. Bartish et al.: Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae 91

Gene diversity within populations. Esti- corrected number of loci (Hj3), respectively.
mates of gene diversity within populations The correspondent comparison between esti-
are strongly affected by whether all loci in the mations of polymorphism yields r = 0.894.
data set are included or not (Table 3). How- Comparison between gene diversity and per-
ever, the rank order o f populations remains centage polymorphic loci, including all loci,
rather similar, and Pearson correlation coeffi- yielded r = 0.966, whereas the corresponding
cients are high for comparisons between diver- analysis between estimations based on the
sity values obtained in different ways (P < corrected number of loci (P%3 and Hj3 in
0.001 in all cases). F o r instance, r = 0.882 for Table 3), yielded r = 0.978.
comparison between gene diversity estimates The within-population gene diversity esti-
based on all loci (Hjl in Table 3) and on a mates and the percentages of polymorphic loci

Table 3. Within-population (I) and within-family (II) gene diversity according to Lynch and Milligan
(1994) (Hj)* and percentage polymorphic RAPD loci (P%). Each of these parameters was calculated in at
least two ways: (1) inlcuding all 219 loci, (2) including only loci that are polymorphic within species, (3)
including loci that are polymorphic within the species (population, if there was only one) as well as two
times the number of loci that are fixed for marker presence in that species (population). Populations 9805
and 9808 are here treated as two separate species

Hjl Hj2 Hj3 P% 1 P% 2 P% 3

H. goniocarpa
ssp. goniocarpa (9806) 0.151 0.217 0.206 45.2 65.1 61.9
ssp. litangensis (0001) 0.166 0.239 0.228 52.1 75.0 71.3
H. gyantsensis (9128, 9866, 9894) 0.115 - 0.195 36.1 - 61.2
H. neurocarpa
ssp. neurocarpa (9837) 0.083 0.152 0.132 21.5 39.2 34.1
ssp. stellatopilosa (9807) 0.087 0.159 0.138 26.5 48.3 42.0
H. rhamnoides
ssp. fluviatilis (9313) 0.097 0.126 0.115 24.7 32.0 29.2
ssp. mongolica (9801) 0.087 0.112 0.102 26.9 34.9 31.9
ssp. rhamnoides (Gb) 0.104 0.128 0.117 31.1 40.2 36.8
ssp. sinensis (9805) 0.064 - 0.121 20.6 - 29.1
ssp. turkestanica (9810) 0.118 0.153 0.140 36.1 46.7 42.7
ssp. yunnanensis (9808) 0.076 - 0.143 26.5 - 50.0
H. salicifolia (9804) 0.058 - 0.108 19.2 - 35.6
H. tibetana (9803, 9838) 0.146 - 0.245 51.1 - 86.5
H. rhamnoides
ssp. carpatica (9895) 0.088 0.108 0.099 23.8 30.8 28.1
ssp. carpatica (9896) 0.104 0.105 0.096 24.2 31.4 28.7
ssp. carpatica (9897) 0.088 0.107 0.098 23.8 30.8 28.1
ssp. carpatica (9898) 0.104 0.134 0.122 28.8 37.3 34.1
ssp. caucasica (9847) 0.074 0.070 0.064 16.9 32.0 29.2
ssp. caucasica (9893) 0.072 0.082 0.075 18.3 30.2 27.6
ssp. caucasica (9831) 0.074 0.074 0.069 17.4 32.0 29.2
ssp. caucasica (9835) 0.072 0.069 0.063 14.2 30.2 27.6
ssp.fluviatilis (9821) 0.046 0.060 0.054 12.8 16.6 15.1
* Standard errors for Hjl-values were 0.00008-0.00018, and for Hj2- and Hj3-values 0.0007-0.0008
92 I.V. Bartish et al.: Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae

varied considerably between populations. The The remaining two subspecies, sinensis and
highest diversities were observed in popula- yunnanensis, are more problematic with a very
tions of H. goniocarpa (both subspecies) and weak support for their positions (21% and
H. tibetana with Hi3 values between 0.206 and 31%, respectively) in the dendrogram. In
0.245 (Table 3). Hippophae salicifolia (popula- addition, H. gonioearpa showed some affinity
tion 9804) was the least diverse among species to the H. rhamnoides group. The two species
(Hi3 = 0.108). H. tibetana and H. salicifolia occupy relatively
Cluster analysis. Relationships resolved by isolated positions, and do not appear to be
the cluster analysis (Fig. 2) were in good closely related, neither to each other nor to any
correspondence with one of the most recent other taxon.
taxonomic treatises of Hippophae (Lian and Several clusters within the main H. rhamno-
Chen 1993). Six of the subspecies of H. rhamno- ides group had very high values of bootstrap
ides (carpatica, caucasica,fluviatilis, mongolica, support in our dendrogram (Fig. 2) and there-
rhamnoides and turkestanica) formed a well fore appear quite reliable. A m o n g these are
supported cluster (bootstrap support 96%). three clusters comprising all the populations

9897 H. rhamnoidesssp. carpatica

9896 H. rhamnoidesssp. carpatica
~ ~ ) 9898H. rharnnoidesssp. carpatica
~) 9895 H. rhamnoidesssp. carpatica
C) Gb H. rhamnoidesssp. rhamnoides

63.0 70.0 U 9847 H. rhamnoidesssp. caucasica

100.0[ - " - " ~ 9893 H. rhamnoidesssp. caucasica
9831 H. rhamnoidesssp. caucasica
9835 H. rharnnoidesssp. caucasica
100.____~ 9821 H. rhamnoidesssp. fluviatilis
9313 H. rhamnoidesssp. fluviatilis
100.0 9801 H. rhamnoidesssp. mongolica
21.0 9810 H. rhamnoidesssp. turkestanica

51.0 O 9808 H. rhamnoidesssp. yunnanensis

56.0 [----] 9805 H. rhamnoidesssp. sinensis
,& 9806 H. goniocarpassp. goniocarpa
i 0001 H. goniocarpassp. litangensis
47.0~"~ 9128,9894,9866 H. gyantsensis
9837 H. neurocarpassp. neurocarpa
9807 H. neurocarpassp. stellatopilosa
9803,9838 H. tibetana
9804 H. salicifolia

Fig. 2. Neighbour-joining cluster analysis of RAPD-based genetic distance data in the genus Hippophae.Node
numbers indicate the percentage of node presence in 100 bootstrap subreplicates
I. V. Bartish et al.: Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae 93

of ssp. carpatica, of ssp. caucasica, and of ssp. and turkestanica, 9810). The sample of pooled
fluviatilis, respectively (100%), one cluster with H. gyantsensis populations was close to the
ssp. mongoIica together with ssp. turkestanica sample of pooled H. tibetana populations, and
(100%), and one cluster with ssp. fluviatilis the two subspecies ofH. goniocarpa were placed
together with ssp. caucasica (99%). By con- close to each other. In contrast, the group of
trast, the support is considerably weaker H. rhamnoides ssp. carpatica populations was
(55%) for the group with ssp. carpatica and rather far removed from the other groups.
ssp. rhamnoides. AMOVA analyses. Several analyses of
Finally, the two subspecies of H. neurocar- molecular variance were calculated on different
pa have marginally good support for their levels, and including different parts of the
clade (58%), whereas the two subspecies of dataset (Table 4). First, one A M O V A was
H. goniocarpa do not seem to belong to the carried out on the total plant sample (exclud-
same lineage (Fig. 2). ing populations consisting of full-sib or half-
Principal co-ordinate analysis. As in the sib families), using species as a group variable.
cluster analysis, a principal co-ordinate anal- This indicated that 48.6% of the total vari-
ysis (PCO) revealed close genetic relationships ability resides between species and 51.4%
among populations from the same subspecies within. Another A M O V A was carried out on
(ssp. carpatica and ssp. caucasica, but note the the same data set but using subspecies as
somewhat more distant placement of the ssp. a group variable. This time 59.6% of the
fluviatilis populations 9313 and 9821) and variability was found between subspecies and
between ssp. fluviatilis - caucasica, and ssp. 40.4% within.
mongolica- turkestanica (Fig. 3). In accor- Three species were represented by more
dance with the cluster analysis, H. salicifolia than one subspecies and could therefore be
(9804) is clearly differentiated from all other analysed for intraspecific partitioning of mo-
taxa. However, several taxa were placed con- lecular variance. We found that 37.3%, 51.5%
siderably closer to each other in the PCO and 42.8% of the total variance was allocated
compared to in the cluster analysis. For between subspecies within H. goniocarpa,
example, population Gb (ssp. rhamnoides) H. neurocarpa, and H. rhamnoides, respectively
appears very close to the group of Asiatic (Table 4). For H. rhamnoides, only the sub-
H. rhamnoides subspecies (mongolica, 9801, species mongolica, rhamnoides and turkestanica


I Table 4. Analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA)
using 219 RAPD loci, conducted among and
within species and subspecies of the entire genus
Hippophae; and among and within subspecies of
PCO3 H. goniocarpa, H. neurocarpa and H. rhamnoides.
Percentual distribution of the variance components
is given for each of two levels. All estimations are

! -0.116 -0.I22

significant (P < 0.001)
Source of variation
Among Within Among Within
Fig. 3. Three-dimensional representation of a princi- species species subsp, subsp.
pal co-ordinate analysis of genetic relationships
Hippophae 48.6 51.4 59.6 40.4
between populations of Hippophae (see Table 1 for
H. goniocarpa 37.3 62.7
collection data). Percentage explained variability was:
H. neurocarpa 51.5 48.5
PCO1 41.5%, PCO2 20.2%, and PCO3 12.1%.
H. rhamnoides 42.8 57.2
Labelling of taxa as in Fig. 2
94 I.V. Bartish et al.: Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae

were included in the analysis since sinensis and less than 700 km apart, whereas the other
yunnanensis may not belong here altogether, three clusters (B-D) contain geographically
and the other three subspecies had been more distant comparisons. Cluster B contains
sampled as full-sib or half-sib families. pairwise comparisons between families of
Correspondence with geographic distances. H. rhamnoides ssp. carpatica on the one hand,
We found a significant correlation between and ssp. caucasica and ssp. fluviatilis on the
geographic and genetic distances when the other hand. Cluster D contains comparisons
whole plant material was analysed (r = 0.398, between two Asiatic subspecies of H. rhamno-
P = 0.0000) and when the 12 populations ides (mongolica and turkestanica) on the one
(families) of H. rhamnoides were analysed hand and two subspecies from Southern and
(r = 0.345, P = 0.0000) (excluding family Northern Europe (fluviatilis and rhamnoides)
9821, which was derived from an experimental on the other hand. All other comparisons are
crossing, and populations 9805 and 9808 represented in clusters A and C except for one
which may not belong to this species). By outlier caused by a comparison between pop-
contrast, there was no significant correlation in ulations of subspecies mongolica and turkesta-
the analysis of eight populations from separate nica, which are genetically very similar in spite
species (r = -0.175, P = 0.2943). of growing 1315 km apart.
Plotting pairwise genetic distances within Spatial autocorrelation analysis, performed
H. rhamnoides against correspondent geo- only on populations (families) of H. rhamnoi-
graphic distances revealed four distinct clusters des, revealed a relatively close association of
of pairwise comparisons (Fig. 4). Cluster A expected and observed Ra when the geographic
represents comparisons between populations distances between populations (families) ran-
ged from 0 to 700 kin, and from 1900 to
0.15 4700 km (Fig. 5). Considerable deviations
from expected values of Ra were observed
within ranges from 700 to 1900 km (these
19 distances mostly correspond to cluster B in
c'- Fig. 4) and above 4700 km (cluster D). This
o9 0.10 analysis shows that pairwise comparisons
.o D
within clusters A and C represent the closest
19 approximation to an isolation by distance
model for our data set.
o9 j"
19 0.05 /
g Discussion
Fixed alleles. Only four out of 156 polymor-
phic RAPD loci had fixed allele presence/
absence differences between subspecies of
0.00 H. rhamnoides in a previous R A P D study of
0 2000 4000 6000 8000
genetic diversity in this species (Bartish et al.
Geographical distance (km) 199%). By contrast, 16 loci with fixed alleles
between populations were scored in the present
Fig. 4. Plot of pairwise comparisons of genetic and
geographic distances for 12 populations ofH. rhamnoi- study (Table 2). This number may even be
des. Regression analyses were calculated on all underestimated, since some apparently homol-
comparisons (I; y = 0.072 + 0.91 - 10-Sx; R 2 = ogous D N A fragments (bands with the same
0.119), and on comparisons included in clusters A size and amplified by the same primer) may, in
and C only (II; y = 0.018 + 0.25. 10-4X; R 2 = fact, be heterologous, especially when geneti-
0.922) cally distant taxa are included in the same
I. V. Bartish et al.: Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae 95

0,8 study, we refrain from a detailed discussion of

systematic and phylogenetic aspects and have
essentially followed the taxonomy suggested
by Rousi (1971). However, we believe it is
worthwhile to point out some results that are
0.4, i ~
Expected either in accordance with previously published
studies, or disagree seriously.
_~ 0,2" Q In general, our results are in good corre-
"Q, spondence with the taxonomy suggested by
O Lian and Chen (1993), who considered that: i)
< H. goniocarpa, H. gyantsensis, H. neurocarpa
and H. tibetana form a group (section Gyants-
-0.2 i i
ensis) separately from the H. rhamnoides,
' ' b" Q~. ...o..~ H. salicifolia and H. sinensis group (section
-0.4 A , ~i B i i i
I i
~I D U Hippophae); ii) H. rhamnoides consists of
, - ,ooooooooo oo oo o o S & oo 88
o o o o ~- o o o&
& & six subspecies (carpatica, caucasica, fluviatilis,
COI~ 0 0 ~0 03 ~o ~ kO.O0
O oooooo ooo mongolica, rhamnoides and turkestanica); iii)
.... caca ~ ,<-ao H. sinensis consists of two subspecies, sinensis
and yunnanensis, which previously were in-
Distance class
cluded into H. rhamnoides (Rousi 1971). It is
Fig. 5. Correlogram of autocorrelation coefficients clear from our data that H. gyantsensis is
for 18 distance classes in 12 populations ofH. rhamno- separate from H. rhamnoides, and we thus
ides. Filled circles indicate observed autocorrelation follow the taxonomy of Lian and Chen here
coefficients, open circles indicate expected autocorre- instead of Rousi (who regarded it as a
lation coefficients provided that genetic and geo- subspecies of H. rhamnoides). There is still a
graphic distances are perfectly correlated. Letters dispute concerning the status of ssp. sinensis
(A-D), denoting different distance ranges, corre- and ssp. yunnanensis, which were again con-
spond to those used for labelling the clusters in Fig. 4
sidered subspecies of H. rhamnoides in the
most recent systematic overview of the genus
analysis (Rieseberg 1996). Loci with fixed (Lian et al. 1998). However, our R A P D data
alleles between species or subspecies are espe- do not support the notion that ssp. sinensis and
cially valuable for phylogenetic reconstruction ssp. yunnanensis are closely related, and it is
based on character state differences, such as not clear whether they should be kept within
parsimony or maximum likelihood analyses. H. rhamnoides. These matters will be dealt with
However, we refrained from using this kind of in more detail later, incorporating data also
analyses since (1) we had no data to unambig- from amplified chloroplast D N A RFLPs (Bar-
uously support the notion that the markers tish et al., unpubl, data).
obtained with our 16 fixed loci really were There was also some correspondence be-
homologous, and (2) plant samples were tween our results and a previously published
relatively small. parsimony analysis based on morphological
T a x o n o m y of Hippophae. Phylogeny and characters (Hyv6nen 1996), like the clustering
taxonomy in Hippophae is rather complicated of ssp. rhamnoides and ssp. carpatica as well as
as can be concluded from the existence of H. gyantsensis and H. neurocarpa. However, in
several highly dissimilar taxonomic systems, our analysis, H. gyantsensis and H. rhamnoides
the latest of which were suggested by Rousi ssp. turkestanica were not closely related,
(1971), Avdeyev (1983), Lian and Chen (1993), which instead Hyv6nen's (1996) morphologi-
Hyv6nen (1996) and Lian et al. (1998). Due to cal study suggests. We also found no evidence
the restricted plant material analysed in our of a close relationship between H. salicifolia on
96 I.V. Bartish et al.: Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae

the one hand and the H. rhamnoides subspecies mately the same number in populations of
sinensis and yunnanensis on the other hand. H. goniocarpa as in one or the other parent,
Moreover, Hyv6nen's data suggest that H. tibe- and many markers were not fixed. Further
tana and H. neurocarpa are much more closely pointing to a hybridogenous origin, ssp.
related to each other than most other subspe- goniocarpa and ssp. litangensis were among
cies of H. rhamnoides are, which is highly the most diverse taxa in our study regarding
unlikely according to previous morphology- percentage of polymorphic markers and with-
based studies (Rousi 1971), isozyme analysis in-population gene diversity. However, results
(Yao and Tigerstedt 1993), and our results. of the PCO analysis (Fig. 3) indicate that
Additional research and application of other H. goniocarpa ssp. goniocarpa and ssp. litan-
molecular marker systems in the genus Hip- gensis are closely related to one only of their
pophae may be necessary to clarify these putative parental taxa: H. rhamnoides ssp.
discrepancies. sinensis and ssp. yunnanensis, respectively,
To conclude, the present analysis is con- since they clustered much closer to these taxa
cordant with the previous isoenzyme study by than to any other (including the other two
Yao and Tigerstedt (1993) and strongly sup- putative parental taxa: H. neurocarpa ssp.
ports the systematic treatment of Hippophae neurocarpa and ssp. stelIatopilosa). Conse-
developed by Rousi (1971) and Lian et al. quently, we cannot exclude the possibility that
(1993, 1998). By contrast, our data do not the two H. goniocarpa subspecies have been
support the treatment of Hippophae as a genus derived mainly from the two H. rhamnoides
with only one (Avdeyev 1983) or two (Hyv6- subspecies with only minor introgression from
hen 1996) species. e.g. the two H. neurocarpa subspecies. How-
Reticulate evolution in Hippophae. Based ever, irrespective of their origination, we do
on several shared morphological characters not think treating these distinctive, alleged
and a distribution which is sympatric with that hybrid taxa as subspecies of one and the same
of two putative parental species, Lian and species is justifiable.
Chen (1993) and Lian et al. (1995) suggested Although the evolutionary history of
that H. goniocarpa ssp. goniocarpa and ssp. H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensis and ssp. yunnanen-
litangensis have originated from interspecific sis is not clear, at least some genetic introgres-
hybridisation between H. neurocarpa ssp. neu- sion to these taxa from a phylogenetically
rocarpa and H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensis, and distant group of species, like H. gyantsensis,
between H. neurocarpa ssp. stellatopilosa and H. neurocarpa and H. salicifolia, can be
H. rhamnoides ssp. yunnanensis, respectively. suspected from analysis of markers diagnostic
Our fixed marker data support this hybridisa- for differentiation between this group and
tion theory for both taxa. Thus, we found H. rhamnoides. For example, marker OPD-
seven RAPD markers with fixed absence/ 18.800 was present and fixed in H. salicifolia
presence in one or both subspecies of H. neu- and in ssp. yunnanensis, but absent in all other
rocarpa and which had the reciprocal absence/ populations (Table 2), and marker OPD-
presence in all populations of H. rhamnoides, 18.1400 was absent in H. salicifolia, in ssp.
including ssp. sinensis and ssp. yunnanensis. sinensis and ssp. yunnanensis, and in H. neuro-
These seven markers had a frequency of about carpa ssp. neurocarpa, but present and fixed in
0.5 within both or at least one of the popula- all other (except H. goniocarpa ssp. litangensis)
tions of H. goniocarpa (9806 and 0001, data populations. The clustering of these two sub-
not shown). Besides, RAPD markers, recipro- species together with H. salieifolia in a parsi-
cally fixed in the suggested parental taxa of mony analysis (Hyv6nen 1996), and separating
both subspecies (41 and 36 markers for the them from the group of remaining H. rhamnoi-
putative parents of ssp. goniocarpa and ssp. des subspecies (Lian and Chen 1993), demon-
litangensis, respectively), occurred in approxi- strates how introgression is indicated also by
I. V. Bartish et al.: Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae 97

morphological characters. Moreover, analysis represented by 9 and 11 populations, respec-

of phylogenetic relationships between chloro- tively, and this range of variability was actu-
plast genomes of the same group of taxa as ally found within one subspecies (ssp.
used in the present study (Bartish et al., rhamnoides). These results suggest that we
manuscript submitted.) strongly suggests con- need to analyse several more natural popula-
siderable differentiation of ssp. sinensis from tions from each of our species before making
other species. In conclusion, the systematic safe conclusions about levels of within-popu-
position of ssp. sinensis and ssp. yunnanensis lation diversity.
within H. rhamnoides is not well supported, and Partitioning of genetic variance. Applica-
treating them as separate species appears to be tion of AMOVA in our material revealed that
a better alternative. a substantial part of the molecular variability
Gene diversity estimates. The within-pop- (from 37.3% to 59.6%) is allocated among
ulation gene diversity estimate for the subspecies, both within the genus as a whole
H. rhamnoides ssp. rhamnoides population Gb and within separate species. Variability among
was, in a previous study (Bartish et al. 1999a), species within the genus is also of this same
approximately twice as high as the value magnitude (48.6%). Variability among sub-
obtained in the present study, when all scored species of H. rhamnoides (ssp. mongolica,
loci were included (0.201 and 0.104, respec- ssp. rhamnoides and ssp. turkestanica) in the
tively). By contrast, there was only a slight present study (42.8%) was the result reported
difference between the corresponding estimates in an isozyme study (Yao and Tigerstedt 1993):
obtained after exclusion of loci that lacked 41.6% of the variability within H. rhamnoides
markers in this particular population (0.240 and 55.6% of the total variability was allocat-
and 0.234, respectively). ed among subspecies (ssp. mongolica, ssp.
Considerable underestimation of gene di- rhamnoides, ssp. sinensis and ssp. turkestanica)
versity values can thus be avoided by not and species (H. neurocarpa, H. rhamnoides and
including loci with fixed marker absences. This H. tibetana), respectively.
appears especially valid in studies of popula- Obviously the partitioning of molecular
tions from highly diverse taxa (Bartish et al., variance within and among populations is
2000). It should be kept in mind, however, that directly influenced by the overall diversity of
gene diversity values may still be underesti- the plant sample. Within-population variabil-
mated due to the presence of loci with high ity accounted for 85% of the total variance
marker frequencies in small plant samples within ssp. rhamnoides (Bartish et al. 1999a),
(Lynch and Milligan 1994), and erroneously but only for 40.4% when the analysis was
scoring some co-dominant loci as dominant enlarged to the entire genus Hippophae (pre-
(Bartish, unpublished). Consequently, compar- sent study).
isons of the actual gene diversity estimates Geographic distances. The published evi-
across studies or marker systems may not be dence for an isolation-by-distance model re-
valid, whereas the relative order of estimates vealed with D N A markers has increased
obtained within a study can be considered as considerably in recent years (e.g. Dawson et al.
more reliable. In the present study, H. gonio- 1995, Raybould et al. 1996, Le Corre et al.
carpa and H. tibetana were the most diverse 1997, Comes and Abbott 2000, Reusch
species, and H. salicifolia the least diverse, with et al. 2000). The present study shows that the
an almost two-fold difference in within-popu- association between genetic and geographic
lation gene diversity estimates. This is a rather distances can change considerably along the
modest range of variability compared to the range of geographic distances (Fig. 5). Thus a
10-fold differences reported in the isozyme series of relatively high positive correlations at
study by Yao and Tigerstedt (1993). In their 0-700 km show good concordance between
study, ssp. rhamnoides and ssp. sinensis were observed and expected Ra values. These are
98 I.V. Bartish et al.: Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae

followed by a series of strong negative corre- tions of controlled crosses between ssp.
lations at 700-1900 km which are much lower carpatica and other subspecies of H. rhamno-
than the expected Ra values. In the range of ides could possibly yield important informa-
1900 to 4700 km, observed and expected Ra tion on these matters.
values are instead quite similar. Finally, the Finally, it should be mentioned that re-
observed Ra values are much higher than the moval of comparisons included in clusters B
expected Ra values for comparisons among and D (Fig. 4) yields a very close correlation
populations from the geographically most among the remaining genetic and geographic
distant (>4700 km) subspecies (mongolica distances in H. rhamnoides: r = 0.940, P =
and turkestanica on the one hand compared 0.0000. This indicates that isolation-by-dis-
tofluviatilis and rharnnoides on the other hand; tance may be considered as the prevailing
cluster D, Fig. 4) which may indicate a devia- model to explain population differentiation
tion from the isolation-by-distance model due within this widely distributed, wind-pollinated
to relatively recent gene flow between these and outcrossing species.
subspecies. Climatic oscillations in the late No significant correlation between genetic
Quaternary may have caused considerable and geographic distances was found when
changes in the distributional ranges of the populations from different species were includ-
H. rharnnoides subspecies, and may have cre- ed in the same analysis. This may indicate
ated natural conditions amenable for genetic a relatively random spatial structure in the
exchange between at present geographically distribution of species, and a lack of major
distant taxa (Bartish and Jeppsson, in press). interspecific gene flow within Hippophae de-
Pairwise comparisons between families of spite the evidence for interspecific hybridisa-
ssp. carpatica and population 9313 (ssp. flu- tion between at least some of the species (H.
viatilis), and between families of ssp. carpatica goniocarpa, H. neurocarpa and H. rhamnoides)
and ssp. caucasica (cluster B, Fig. 4), revealed as indicated by both morphological (Lian et al.
genetic distances that are higher than expected 1995) and molecular (present study) data.
from an isolation-by-distance model. It should
be noted that ssp. carpatica is the only
Valuable help with collection of material was
subspecies of H. rhamnoides, which grows
received from Mahir Kucuk, Rolv Lundheim,
both on seashores and in mountains. It is also Paulina Mladin and Murtazali Rabadanov. Help-
possible that extant populations of ssp. car- ful remarks on an earlier version of the manuscript
patica, on the one hand, and ssp. caucasica and were obtained by two anonymous reviewers. Fi-
ssp. fluviatilis, on the other hand, dispersed nancial support from the Swedish Council for
from different glacial refugia. Studies of post- Forestry and Agricultural Research to IVB and
glacial dispersal routes, as well as investiga- HN is greatly appreciated.
I. V. Bartish et al.: Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in Hippophae 99







e~ t~q








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