YME04-REN-Z-FD-0009 Yme New Development Generic Basis of Design - 01

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Yme New Development

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Document Title: Basis of Design

YME04-REN-Z-FD-0009 Total Pages

Document No.:
Doc. Title: Basis of Design
Document No.: YME04-REN-Z-FD-0009
Rev.: 01


1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Yme Field and License Information ........................................................................................................ 7
1.3 Project Background ................................................................................................................................ 7
1.3.1 Project Description .................................................................................................................. 8
1.4 Definitions and Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. 9
1.4.1 Units ..................................................................................................................................... 11
1.5 References ........................................................................................................................................... 11

2 Regulatory Compliance ................................................................................................ 12

3 HSE ................................................................................................................................ 13
3.1 HSE Goals............................................................................................................................................ 13

4 Field Description .......................................................................................................... 14

4.1 Reservoir Description and Subsurface Evaluation ............................................................................... 14
4.2 Drainage Strategy ................................................................................................................................ 15
4.2.1 Injection Strategy .................................................................................................................. 16
4.2.2 Evaluation of lift mechanism ................................................................................................. 16
4.2.3 Evaluation of Oil Capacity and Liquid Handling Capacity ..................................................... 17
4.2.4 Gas disposal Strategy ........................................................................................................... 17
4.2.5 Beta North............................................................................................................................. 17
4.2.6 Infill drilling on Gamma ......................................................................................................... 17
4.2.7 Gamma North East ............................................................................................................... 17
4.3 Reservoir Development Plan ................................................................................................................ 18
4.3.1 Number and type of wells ..................................................................................................... 18
4.4 Production Capacities .......................................................................................................................... 21
4.4.1 Gas handling capacity .......................................................................................................... 21

5 Fluid Profiles ................................................................................................................. 22

5.1 Production Schedule ............................................................................................................................ 22
5.2 Production Profiles ............................................................................................................................... 22
5.3 Pressure Profiles .................................................................................................................................. 29
5.3.1 Production Wells ................................................................................................................... 29
5.3.2 Injection Wells....................................................................................................................... 29
5.4 Temperature Profiles ............................................................................................................................ 32
5.5 Closed in Tubing Head Pressures ........................................................................................................ 33

6 Production Chemistry .................................................................................................. 35

6.1 Pressure, Volume and Temperature Data ............................................................................................ 35
6.2 Crude Oil Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 35
6.2.1 Miscellaneous fluid properties............................................................................................... 38
6.3 Dead Crude Assay and Viscosity Data ................................................................................................. 38
6.4 Formation and Sea Water Data ............................................................................................................ 40
6.5 Hydrogen Sulphide and Carbon Dioxide .............................................................................................. 40

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6.6 Wax ...................................................................................................................................................... 41

6.6.1 Wax Appearance Temperature ............................................................................................. 41
6.6.2 Pour Point ............................................................................................................................. 41
6.7 Asphaltenes.......................................................................................................................................... 41
6.8 Scale .................................................................................................................................................... 42
6.9 Hydrate Formation................................................................................................................................ 42
6.9.1 Hydrate Formation on Gamma and Beta .............................................................................. 42
6.9.2 Main Hydrate Conclusions .................................................................................................... 42
6.9.3 Hydrate Strategy ................................................................................................................... 43
6.9.4 Hydrate Curve....................................................................................................................... 43
6.10 Separation Issues................................................................................................................................. 43
6.10.1 Salinity .................................................................................................................................. 44
6.10.2 Emulsions and Foams .......................................................................................................... 44
6.11 Corrosion and Materials ....................................................................................................................... 44
6.12 Chemical Injection Requirements ......................................................................................................... 45

7 Drilling and Wells ......................................................................................................... 47

7.1 Well Design Principles .......................................................................................................................... 47
7.2 Yme Gamma ........................................................................................................................................ 47
7.2.1 Yme Gamma Wellbore trajectories ....................................................................................... 48
7.2.2 Well summary ....................................................................................................................... 49
7.3 Yme Beta.............................................................................................................................................. 49
7.3.1 Well summary ....................................................................................................................... 51
7.4 Artificial Lift ........................................................................................................................................... 51
7.4.1 Basis of design ..................................................................................................................... 51
7.4.2 Detailed - Downhole ESP System as Installed ..................................................................... 53
7.4.3 Future ESPs Gamma ........................................................................................................... 54
7.4.4 Subsea and Surface Equipment Requirements .................................................................... 54
7.5 ESP Topside Interfaces: ....................................................................................................................... 55
7.6 Well Clean-up ....................................................................................................................................... 55
7.7 Surface Intervention ............................................................................................................................. 55
7.7.1 Workover requirements......................................................................................................... 56
7.8 Subsea Intervention ............................................................................................................................. 56
7.8.1 Base Case ............................................................................................................................ 56
7.8.2 Reasoning for Base Case ..................................................................................................... 56
7.9 Drilling and Wells References .............................................................................................................. 56

8 Production Technology ................................................................................................ 58

8.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 58
8.2 Historic Context .................................................................................................................................... 58
8.3 Sandface Completion and Inflow .......................................................................................................... 59
8.3.1 Basis of Design ..................................................................................................................... 59
8.4 Measurement, Monitoring and Sampling .............................................................................................. 62
8.4.1 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 62
8.4.2 Well sampling ....................................................................................................................... 64
8.4.3 Sand monitoring.................................................................................................................... 64
8.4.4 Well testing and allocation .................................................................................................... 64

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8.4.5 Integrity and barrier testing. .................................................................................................. 65

8.4.6 Downhole monitoring and well intervention........................................................................... 65

9 Subsea........................................................................................................................... 66
9.1 Subsea Facilities and Document References ....................................................................................... 66
9.2 Subsea Design Codes, Standards and Guidelines............................................................................... 67
9.3 Design Life ........................................................................................................................................... 68
9.4 Location ................................................................................................................................................ 68
9.5 Subsea Infrastructure Overview ........................................................................................................... 69
9.6 Material Selection ................................................................................................................................. 70
9.7 Subsea System Description ................................................................................................................. 70
9.7.1 General Information .............................................................................................................. 70
9.7.2 Design Well Flowrates .......................................................................................................... 70
9.7.3 Well Shut-in Pressures and Maximum Wellhead Flowing Temperature ............................... 70
9.7.4 Drilling Interfaces and Workover Facilities ............................................................................ 71
9.8 Subsea Xmas Tree and Workover System .......................................................................................... 71
9.8.1 Tree Design Overview .......................................................................................................... 71
9.9 Subsea Structures ................................................................................................................................ 72
9.9.1 Subsea Template Beta ......................................................................................................... 72
9.9.2 Subsea Template Beta North................................................................................................ 72
9.9.3 Subsea Production Manifold ................................................................................................. 72
9.10 Flowlines, Risers, Flowline Jumpers and Umbilicals ............................................................................ 72
9.10.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 72
9.10.2 Beta North Flowlines ............................................................................................................. 73
9.10.3 Flow Assurance .................................................................................................................... 73
9.10.4 Erosion.................................................................................................................................. 73
9.10.5 Power System....................................................................................................................... 73
9.11 Risers 74
9.12 Subsea Production Control and Monitoring System ............................................................................. 74
9.12.1 Production Monitoring ........................................................................................................... 74
9.13 Subsea Metering .................................................................................................................................. 74
9.14 Leak Detection from Subsea Facilities ................................................................................................. 74
9.15 Sand Detection from Subsea Facilities ................................................................................................. 75
9.16 Preservation Status of Existing Facilities .............................................................................................. 75

10 Production Facilities .................................................................................................... 76

10.1 Description of Facilities ........................................................................................................................ 76
10.2 Storage 76
10.3 Submerged Loading System ................................................................................................................ 79
10.3.1 Requirements for existing offloading ..................................................................................... 79
10.3.2 Alternative offloading ............................................................................................................ 79
10.4 Topsides and Wellhead Module ........................................................................................................... 79
10.4.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 80
10.4.2 Well Conductor and Riser Caisson ....................................................................................... 81
10.4.3 Platform Wells ....................................................................................................................... 82
10.4.4 Production Separation .......................................................................................................... 82
10.4.5 Gas Compression and Treatment ......................................................................................... 84

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10.4.6 Produced Water Treatment................................................................................................... 85

10.4.7 Water Injection ...................................................................................................................... 85
10.4.8 Power Requirements and Fuel Supply ................................................................................. 86
10.4.9 Chemical Injection ................................................................................................................ 86
10.4.10 Measurement ........................................................................................................................ 87
10.4.11 Sampling Facilities ................................................................................................................ 88
10.4.12 Subsea Storage Tank and Caisson Interfaces...................................................................... 88
10.4.13 HVAC Design Temperatures ................................................................................................ 88
10.4.14 Allowance for Future tie-ins and options ............................................................................... 88
10.5 Design Life ........................................................................................................................................... 89
10.6 Environmental Targets ......................................................................................................................... 89
10.7 Operational Availability ......................................................................................................................... 89

11 Metocean Data .............................................................................................................. 91

11.1 Temperature data ................................................................................................................................. 91
11.1.1 Air Temperature (C) ............................................................................................................ 91
11.1.2 Seawater Temperature ......................................................................................................... 91

12 Summary of Geotechnical Conditions ........................................................................ 93

12.1 Bathymetric data .................................................................................................................................. 93
12.2 Yme Beta development site.................................................................................................................. 93
12.3 Flowline/ umbilical route ....................................................................................................................... 93
12.4 Production facility site ........................................................................................................................... 94
12.5 Subsidence........................................................................................................................................... 94

13 Yme Storage Tank and Caisson .................................................................................. 95

13.1 Existing caisson structure ..................................................................................................................... 95
13.1.1 Caisson support system and document references .............................................................. 95
13.1.2 Caisson Structure verification ............................................................................................... 95
13.1.3 Caisson Support Requirements ............................................................................................ 96
13.1.4 Cathodic protection system................................................................................................... 96
13.1.5 Structural Foundation for new Wellhead Module .................................................................. 96

14 Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 97
14.1 Lifetime 97
14.1.1 Design Life ............................................................................................................................ 97
14.1.2 Integrity Life .......................................................................................................................... 97
14.1.3 Service Life ........................................................................................................................... 97
14.2 Production Availability .......................................................................................................................... 97
14.2.1 Availability ............................................................................................................................. 98
14.2.2 Wells Availability ................................................................................................................... 98
14.2.3 Production Availability ........................................................................................................... 98
14.2.4 Export Availability ................................................................................................................. 99
14.2.5 Turnaround (Shutdown) Availability ...................................................................................... 99
14.3 Vapour Pressures (RVP/ TVP) ............................................................................................................. 99
14.3.1 Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP) ................................................................................................ 99
14.3.2 True Vapour Pressure (TVP) ................................................................................................ 99

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14.4 HSE Plan99

14.5 Zero environmentally harmful discharge concept ............................................................................... 100
14.5.1 Use of Chemicals ................................................................................................................ 100
14.5.2 Produced water................................................................................................................... 100
14.6 Stream Day vs. Calendar Day rates ................................................................................................... 101
14.6.1 Stream Day ......................................................................................................................... 101
14.6.2 Calendar Day ...................................................................................................................... 101

15 References .................................................................................................................. 102

Appendix 1 Production Profiles ................................................................................... 104

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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose
The objective of this Basis of Design is to provide a basis to be used for design/
adaptation of a new topsides facility for the Yme New Development Project. This
Basis of Design will also control the design development throughout each project
phase and between project phases. Together with a Regulatory Compliance Plan
(ref Error! Reference source not found.), the BoD will form the technical basis
for the project.
All work to be performed in the Yme New Development project shall comply with
the latest revision of Basis of Design (BOD); deviations from the BOD shall be
subject to Management of Change (MOC).

1.2 Yme Field and License Information

The Yme Field is located approximately 100 km from the Norwegian coastline, in
the Egersund basin in the central part of the North Sea. The water depth is 93m.
The field consists of two main structures: Yme Beta and Yme Gamma, which are
located approximately 12 km apart.
The Gamma structure was discovered in 1987 and in 1990 oil was proven in the
Beta structure.
Current License owners are:
Repsol Norge AS (operator): 60 %
Lotos Exploration and Production Norge AS: 20 %
Kufpec Norway AS: 10 %
OKEA AS: 10%

Figure 1-1 North Sea Area Map

1.3 Project Background

Statoil developed the field using Mrsk Giant Jack-Up Drilling rig with processing
facilities and a separate storage vessel for production in the period 1996-2001,
achieving a cumulative production of 51 mmstb. The field was abandoned in

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2001 following low oil prices and significant requirements for investments in the
Paladin Resources was awarded the license as operator from Norwegian
Authorities in 2004 and initiated work for a new Plan for Development and
Operation (PDO) for the Yme field. Paladin was acquired by Talisman in 2005
which was granted permission to re-develop the field in 2007 based on an
estimated 66 mmstb remaining reserves.
The basis for the re-development was the use of a Mobile Offshore Production
Unit with Storage (MOPUstor) at the Gamma location, and tie-back of subsea
templates at the Beta location. All wells were drilled and subsea equipment,
including subsea storage tank and caisson, were installed on the field prior to
arrival of the MOPU. Due to safety reasons the MOPU was evacuated in 2012
and finally removed in 2016.
In 2015 the Joint Venture decided to abandon the PDO and initiate work to
abandon the field.
Changing market conditions in 2016 provided a potential for lease of existing
Jack-Up rig, FPSO and general reduction in rates and costs which represents a
new opportunity for the Yme field.

1.3.1 Project Description

The Yme New Development Concept is based on lease of either a production
facility or a combined production and drilling facility installed on the Gamma
location. A new wellhead module will be made to be installed on top of the
existing caisson. The project will consider either a redeployment, intercept or new

The existing wells, caisson, pipelines, subsea templates shall be reused and the
existing storage tank and subsea offloading system can be reused based on

Some repair work is required on existing facilities, most notably a Caisson

Permanent Support and SLS.
A new subsea development on the Beta North structure will be tied in to the
existing subsea infrastructure.
At present, five (5) new wells is planned to be drilled, including one (1) producer
and one (1) water injector at Beta North and two (2) producers and one (1) water
injector at Gamma.
The layout of the Yme New Development Facilities is shown in Figure 1-2.

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Figure 1-2 Example of Yme New Development Layout

1.4 Definitions and Abbreviations

Terms that require special definition are specified in section 14 of this document.
Abbreviations are given below:

AoC Acknowledgement of Compliance

API American Petroleum Institute (Standard)
ASV Annular Safety Valve
bbl barrels
Bg gas formation volume factor
BoD Basis of Design
bpd barrels per day
BS&W Base Sediment and Water
CCR Central Control Room
CITHP Closed In Tubing Head Pressure
CPS Caisson Permanent Support
CTESP Coiled Tubing Electric Submersible Pump
DHSV DownHole Safety Valve
DLS DogLeg Severity
DnV Det norske Veritas
DNVGL Det norske Veritas (Germanische Lloyd)
EMS Enhanced Monitoring System
EOS Equations of State
ESD Emergency Shut Down
ESP Electric Submersible Pump
FEED Front End Engineering and Design
GOR Gas Oil Ratio
HP High Pressure/ Horse Power
HPU Hydrauliv Power Unit
HSE Health Safety Environment
ICSS Integrated Control and Safety System
ID Internal Diameter
ISO International Standards Organisation
Klif Climate and Pollution Agency
KPI Key Performance Indicator

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LAT Lower Astronomical Tide

LP Low Pressure
MDBRT Measured Depth Below Rotary Table
MODPU Mobile Offshore Drilling and Production Unit
mmstb Million stock tank barrels
MSL Mean Sea Level
MW Mega Watt
MWD Measurement While Drilling
M-SAS Master Surface Annulus Safety Valve
NCS Norwegian Continental Shelf
NDT Non Destructive Testing
NEA Norwegian Environment Agency (former Klif)
NORM Normally Occuring Radioactive Materials
NOROG Norwegian Oil and Gas Association
NORSOK Norsk Sokkels Konkurranseposisjon (Standard)
NOx Nitrogen Oxides
NPD Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
OBM Oil Based Mud
OIW Oil In Water
P50 50% probability of exceedence
Pb bubblepoint pressure
PDO Plan for Development and Operation
PGB Permanent GuideBase
PLEM PipeLine End Manifold
PLT Production Logging Tool
POB Personnel on Board
ppm parts per million
PSD Process ShutDown
PSDM PreStack Depth Migration
PVT Pressure Volume Temperature
PW Produced Water
RNAS Repsol Norge AS
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
RVP Reid Vapour Pressure
SAS Safety and Automation System
SLS Submerged Loading System
Sm3 Standard cubic meter
SRB Sulphate Reducing Bacteria
STOIIP Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place
SW Sea Water
THP Tubing Head Pressure
TVD True (or Total) Vertical Depth
TVDSS True Vertical Depth SubSea (below seabed)
TVP True Vapour Pressure
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds
VSD Variable Speed Drive
WAG Water alternating Gas
WAT Wax Appearance Temperature
WC WaterCut
WHM Well Head Module
WI Water Injection
XMT x-mas tree

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1.4.1 Units
The project shall use metric units except for pipe diameters which shall be in
inches. Alternative units can be included in parenthesis where this is considered
to add clarity.
Standard conditions are defined as 15C and 1.01325 bara, normal conditions as
0C and 1.01325 bara, and stock tank conditions as 15C and 1.01325 bara.
Further to NPD regulations: Standard reference conditions for pressure and
temperature shall when metering oil and gas be 101,325 kPa and 15 C.

1.5 References
References for this document are given in section 15.

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2 Regulatory Compliance
Figure 2-1 show the hierarchical relations between acts, regulations, guidelines,
standards and procedures according to Norwegian regulatory framework.
Compliance with this regulatory framework must be demonstrated by the operator
(anyone executing on behalf of the licensee the day to day management of the
petroleum activities) on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Figure 2-1 Norwegian Regulatory Framework

Yme New Development compliance to these regulations is set forth in the

Regulatory Compliance Plan for the project.

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The Yme New Development will comply with the requirements of Repsols
Health, Safety and Environment Policy and Management System standards for
health, safety and environmental performance. It comprises the following key
In case of conflict between safety and operational results, all employees
and contractors have the responsibility to choose safety, and the
Directorate will support that choice.
Repsol will systematically establish goals and objectives for continuous
improvement in health, safety and environmental protection.
The company's goal is to carry out all activities without injuries or other
negative effects on people's health, and without any damage to the
external environment.
Repsol will maintain regular communication with stakeholders and will
work with local communities and the society sharing its knowledge and
reporting in a trustworthy and transparent manner.

3.1 HSE Goals

The following outline goals for HSE performance shall be used for the project:
Zero harm to people and environment
Zero accidents or losses
Zero work related accidents or illnesses
Zero accidental spills or emissions

The following KPIs are valid for the project:

TRIF = < 2.75
LTIF = < 1.37
Spills Frequency = 0
HPI = 0
DO frequency = 1.6
PSE tier 1 = 0
PSE tier 2 = 0
The contractors need, as a minimum, be aligned with project KPIs above.
As the project develops more specific HSE targets shall be detailed within the
HSE Plan (see section 14.4).

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4 Field Description

4.1 Reservoir Description and Subsurface Evaluation

The Yme field is made of two separate hydrocarbon accumulation clusters, Beta
and Gamma, which are split into smaller segments. The reserves in the Yme field
are located in the middle Jurassic Sandnes formation which is a shallow marine
shore face deposit. The top reservoir depth is 3100-3200 m TVDSS. Pressure
measurements in the 2009 2010 development wells drilled by Talisman
indicated pressures of around 340 bars and 327 bars in Beta East and Gamma
structures respectively, compared to a pre-production virgin pressure of 360 bars
at the same depth. The oil is 37 API oil with a GOR ranging from 61.3
Sm/Smfor Gamma to 54.4 Sm/Sm for Beta. The permeability of the reservoir
is ranging from 1-1000 mD and the core porosity from 12-24%.
The reservoir technical data base for the Yme reservoirs is extensive compared
to the size of the field, as a result of earlier production by Statoil. The well data
base contains of 38 wells:
9 exploration / appraisal wells 1987 1999
17 development wellbores 1996 2000
1 exploration well 2005
11 development wellbores 2009 2010
There is also 5 years of production history from 1996 2001. Extensive work has
been performed since 2010 in order to update all geophysical, geological, petro-
physical and reservoir technical models on Yme, incorporating all the new
information from the drilling campaign in 2009/2010 and reprocessed seismic on
Yme Beta (PSDM).
The reservoir technical models where history-matched to 5 years of production
and to the pressures observed in 2009 - 2010. New predictions, optimization of
drainage strategy and drilling campaigns where performed.

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Figure 4-1 Yme Segments and location of the wells drilled by Statoil (1995 -
2001) and Talisman (2009-2010)

Produced P50 STOOIP 2016

(mmstb) (mmstb)

Beta North 2.4 58

Beta East 13.4 90
Beta West 0.2 13
Gamma West + Gamma South East 35 156
Gamma North East 2.40 23
Total 51 340
Table 4-1: In place volumes per segment. Gamma West and South East are
grouped together as they are the segments in Gamma with the longest
production history (and therefore the smallest uncertainty range)

4.2 Drainage Strategy

The main drainage strategy for the Yme reservoir is produced water reinjection in
order to support reservoir pressure. The produced gas will be injected in WAG
cycles in Gamma West. Water injection is needed in order to optimize recovery
and production rates from the field. Natural aquifers are present and will
contribute to maintaining the reservoir pressure in most areas, but produced
water reinjection will be required to optimize reservoir recovery.

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The existing production wells are open-hole completed with long horizontal
sections located in the high permeable layers in the reservoir; hence there will be
limited or no possibilities to shut-off water production from individual zones.
Therefore, a significant amount of produced water will have to be handled during
the life of field.
If more wells are drilled into the reservoirs on a later stage, sliding sleeves will be
evaluated to enable control of inflow from the individual branches, and to reduce
the water production, but this has not been included in the development plan at
this stage.
High power electrical submerged pumps (ESPs) are installed in both the Gamma
and Beta wells. Gas lift was included as a contingency back-up lift mechanism for
the subsea Beta production wells, for use in the event of dual ESP failure. When
the new Beta East wells were drilled in 2009, the reservoir pressure was 80 bars
higher than expected, proving a significantly higher aquifer support. Gas lift is
now the preferred artificial lift mechanism on Beta. This solution reduces
uncertainty and cost related to the ESP changes on subsea wells, and due to the
higher than anticipated pressure support in Beta, it results in a minimal reserves
reduction. For Platform wells (Gamma East location), existing ESPs will be
attempted started, with immediate change out if start fails.
The field GOR is low, some of the produced gas will be used as fuel for power
generation and the excess associated gas will be injected in WAG cycles in
Gamma West.
WAG in Gamma West is expected to lead to gas breakthrough, omitting the need
for ESPs in these wells. The resulting increase in GOR from these wells is
expected to remove need for artificial lift for start-up in later field life. Gas lift will
be installed to enable optimisation of production.

4.2.1 Injection Strategy

The current Yme development is based on long horizontal producers and
pressure support from down-flank water and gas injectors.
An evaluation with regards to drainage strategy and the degree of voidage that is
required to optimize production in each segment has been done. The evaluation
concluded that produced water reinjection appeared to be the best alternative.
See reference 49.

4.2.2 Evaluation of lift mechanism

The lift mechanisms were re-evaluated autumn 2016 (see reference 49). All
producers on Yme Gamma and Yme Beta are currently recompleted with a dual
set of ESP pumps. In addition, the Yme Beta subsea wells are completed with
gas lift as a backup system that can be used if and when the ESPs fail. Gas lift is
now the preferred artificial lift mechanism on Beta.
Gas injection in Gamma West results quickly in gas to liquid ratio above 200
Sm3/Sm3 in Gamma West producers. As a result, its not recommended to rely
on ESPs in Gamma West producers.
In Gamma East, ESPs give a better artificial lift and adds some reserves to Yme
Gamma. However, this benefit is counteracted by the additional cost of
workovers required by ESP replacements. The current recommendation is to
have gas lift in Gamma East, and to provide two VSDs to suit the 900 and 1200
hp ESP systems.

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4.2.3 Evaluation of Oil Capacity and Liquid Handling Capacity

The subsurface optimisation study (reference 49) show required liquid handling
capacities. At this rate, the oil plateau is less than one year, which indicates the
optimum oil capacity need not be set in stone.
The final choice of capacities for the Yme field can be found in Table 4-3

4.2.4 Gas disposal Strategy

There is no gas export possibility on Yme. The gas production is limited, but is
expected to exceed the need for fuel gas. A Gas disposal solution is therefore a
necessity, allowing for full gas injection in the event of Fuel gas system being
When Statoil was operating Yme between 1996 and 2001, the excess gas was
injected in the A-5 well in the Gamma West structure between July 1996 and July
1998, then A-5 was used to dispose produced water, and the gas was injected in
the dry Epsilon prospect.
Reference 49 describes the gas disposal strategy in Yme. The plan for Yme is to
re-inject the excess produced gas in the C-5 and C-6 injectors in Gamma West in
water alternating gas (WAG) cycles. The cycle frequency is approximately 6

4.2.5 Beta North

The most likely concept for Yme Beta North development is a template solution
placed in the vicinity of the Beta manifold and connected to the existing subsea
systems. During the last months the geological and reservoir technical models for
Yme Beta North have been updated. The reservoir model has been history
matched and an uncertainty evaluation of recoverable reserves has been done.

4.2.6 Infill drilling on Gamma

The current wells in Gamma and the wells that will be drilled from the three
remaining slots allow for an effective drainage of the high permeability zones in
Gamma. However, the drainage of lower permeability zones can only be
achieved by dedicating wells to these lower permeability zones. This may be
done by side-tracking existing wells. Alternatively, these reserves could be
accelerated by adding a new subsea template connected to Gamma

4.2.7 Gamma North East

When C-7 was drilled in 2010, the well hit the reservoir deeper than expected
and the development of the Gamma North East structure was considered un-
economical assuming the same oil/water contact depth as in Gamma North West.
The Gamma North East contact was revisited in the petro physical study,
showing that the log data and saturation-height functions are consistent with a
free water level at ~3243 m tvdss. The model starts to match the log interpreted
water saturation with a free water level at 3240.5 m tvdss. Because of the
uncertainty of this approach, a slightly more conservative FWL at 3239 m tvdss
was introduced in the Gamma North East structure, resulting in oil in place
volumes of 23 mmstb in the Gamma North East structure.
The considered development scenario for the Gamma North East structure is a
dual branch producer, with one branch on each side of the small fault modelled in
Gamma North East.

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4.3 Reservoir Development Plan

4.3.1 Number and type of wells
The current Yme development is based on long horizontal producers and
pressure support from down-flank water injectors. The following producers and
injectors are drilled, completed and ready to be started as soon as a new
production facility is ready:
o Yme Gamma: four oil producers and two water injectors
o Yme Beta: two oil producers and one water injector (drilled from a subsea

Segment Well Name Type of well

Gamma North West 9/2-C-2 AT2 Oil Producer

Gamma North West 9/2-C-3 T3 Oil Producer

Gamma South West 9/2-C-4 T2/ T3 Dual lateral

Oil Producer
Gamma West 9/2-C-5 WAG injector

Gamma West 9/2-C-6 WAG injector

Gamma South East 9/2-C-1 Oil Producer

Beta East 9/2-D-1 H Oil Producer

Beta East 9/2-D-2 H Oil Producer

Beta East 9/2-D-3 H Water Injector

Table 4-2 Name and type of wells drilled in 2008 - 2010 campaign

All producers on Yme Gamma and Yme Beta are currently recompleted with a
dual set of ESP pumps. In addition, the Yme Beta subsea wells are also
completed with gas lift as a backup system that can be used if and when the
ESPs fail. On Beta, the current strategy is to use gas lift as the artificial lift
method during field life as it reduces the cost and uncertainty related to the
frequent ESP changes that are not desired on subsea wells.

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In addition to these wells 5 new wells are planned to be drilled into the Yme
reservoirs as part of the base plan. The new wells are:
One new water injector into the Yme Gamma East flank
Two new oil producers on Yme Gamma: one on the South West flank and
one on the North East flank
One oil producer and one water injector drilled into the Yme Beta North
reservoir which is planned to be developed with a new template
connected to the existing subsea system at Yme Beta.
The production profiles include the production from all segments on Yme Gamma
and Beta including the Beta North Area.

Gamma North

C-2 A

Gamma South East


Gamma South West


Figure 4-2 Location of the Yme Gamma wells

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Figure 4-3 Location of the Yme Beta wells

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4.4 Production Capacities

The following production and injection maximum capacities are set for the new
Service Units Facility Design Rates
Produced Oil m3/d 6 500 - 9 000Note 4
Produced Water Treatment m3/d 12 500Note 5
Gross Produced Liquids m3/d 17 800Note 5
HP Gas Compression, Sm3/d 900 000
Dahydration and Injection 1 100 000Note 1
Gas Lift Sm3/d 700 000Note 2
Seawater De-aeration m3/d 6500Note 3
Produced Water Injection m3/d 13 000Note 5
Inlet Separator Pressure Barg 10
Note 1. 900 000 Sm3/d require two ESPs in operation. As far as
possible the plant shall be designed to achieve 1 100 000
Sm3/d (Full Gas Lift).
2. Only applicable for sizing of gas lift pipework etc.
3. Design to allow for future offshore installation of SW
treatment and injection facilities.
4. Given short expected plateau production, the maximum
oil capacity can be adjusted with limited economic impact.
5. Somewhat lower rates may be acceptable as long as this
does not significantly impact oil production (see profiles in
chapter 5.2).

Table 4-3 Production Capacities

The reservoir is to produce against an inlet pressure (@ Gamma wing valves and
Beta riser valve) of 13 barg. The first stage separator will operate around 10
The capacities listed in the table above are subsurface restrictions based on
stream day rates. Individual equipment design rates will differ to achieve the
above rates.

4.4.1 Gas handling capacity

The range indicated in gas handling capacity reflects the change in artificial lift
strategy. The original plan (initial Yme Re-Development in 2006) was that the
Beta wells would produce with ESPs for three years before failure and then gas
lift would come in operation for one year.
With Gas Lift now being the prepared option also for Gamma West and with the
expectation of Gas Breakthrough following gas injection the required gas
capacity is significantly increased.
Only the two wells in Gamma East will have ESPs connected, and even for
these wells, Gas Lift will be an option when pumps fail.

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5 Fluid Profiles
Production profiles are obtained from two reservoir models, one from Gamma
and one from Beta. They are constrained in each model so that combined flow is
in line with total facility capacities: 1/3 for Beta and 2/3 for Gamma.

5.1 Production Schedule

Production start is scheduled for September 2019 with six wells pre-drilled on
Gamma (4 x oil producers and 2 x WAG injectors) and three subsea wells from
Yme Beta (2 x oil producers and 1 x Water injector).
Soon after production start, 3 new wells will be drilled from the remaining Gamma
slots. Beta North will be developed in 2020, most likely with a new template and a
producer / injector pair.
The existing Gamma wells have also been identified as suitable for sidetracks at
a later date when watercut increases, and infill targets will be matured further.
Sidetracks are not included in the base case profiles.

5.2 Production Profiles

The pre-drilled wells will be phased to allow an initial oil production level of
54.000 stb/d (approx 54 000 Sm3/d). If oil rates are restricted further by existing
facilities, the phasing of wells will be changed. The oil production rate will decline,
as water cut develops.
The base reserves for this re-development scenario are approximately 50 million
bbls. Production profiles (oil, gas, produced and injected water) are included in
the following graphs, with individual well production rates also tabulated
(Appendix 1).
Yme PVT data have been reviewed and three compositions will be used,
distinguishing between the Yme Gamma, Beta East and the Beta North reservoir
respectively (reference 12, 13).
The facilities system design, with the use of the 4 service line for Gas Lift,
permits the use of gas lift in Beta wells. Although gas lift was not the preferred lift
mechanism in the first Yme redevelopment and considered as a back-up solution
only, it is now chosen as the field life-time artificial lift solution for the Beta wells in
order to avoid costly work-overs on subsea wells. An allowance is to be made in
the topsides design to supply to approximately 700,000 Sm/d of lift gas to Beta
and Gamma production wells.

The following graphs and production tables (Appendix 1) identify:

Production profiles for oil, produced water, gross liquids, and gas (all data
is presented as stream day rates without any system availability impacts),
Graph displaying water production and injection.

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Yme Oil Production (sm3/d) - Stream

10 000

9 000

8 000

7 000
Gamma Oil
6 000
Beta Oil

5 000 Total Oil

HP Capacity
4 000
Test Capacity
3 000 Total Capacity

2 000

1 000

01.sep.19 02.mar.22 31.aug.24 02.mar.27 01.sep.29 02.mar.32 01.sep.34

Figure 5-1 Yme Field Oil Production and capacity restrictions

As a consequence of reservoir modelling and history matching the 1996-2001

production, the oil production has a sharp decline, as water arrives early. The
initial well start-up is staggered to maximise of oil/gas production within plant
capacity constraints.

HP, Test and Total capacities show the basis for generating the profiles.
Adapting to existing facilities or when designing new these are guidelines.
Maximum oil capacity shall be in the range 6500 9000 Sm3/d.

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Yme Water Production (sm3/d) - Stream

14 000

12 000

10 000 Gamma PW
Beta PW

8 000 Total PW
HP Capacity

6 000 Test Capacity

Total Capacity

4 000 Gamma PW ESP


2 000

01.sep.19 02.mar.22 31.aug.24 02.mar.27 01.sep.29 02.mar.32 01.sep.34

Figure 5-2 Yme Produced Water profile and capacity restrictions

In the figure, water profiles for Gamma and total production are shown for
simulations using Gas Lift or ESPs on Gamma East. Although use of ESPs is
planned, these are expected to fail at regular intervals, so the figure above show
the range of expected water production rates.

As can be seen from the figure above, the produced water design capacity
requested/ shown is higher than the profiles show (for HP, Test and total
capacity). If significant cost savings can be made by reducing spare capacity,
reduced capacities shall be proposed by contractor.

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Yme Liquid Production (sm3/d) - Stream

20 000

18 000

16 000

Gamma Liq
14 000
Beta Liq
12 000
Total Liq

10 000 HP Capacity
Test Capacity
8 000
Total Capacity
6 000 Gamma Liq ESP GE
Total Liq ESP GE
4 000

2 000

01.sep.19 02.mar.22 31.aug.24 02.mar.27 01.sep.29 02.mar.32 01.sep.34

Figure 5-3 Yme Liquids Production profile

In the figure, profiles for Gamma and total production are shown for production
using both Gas Lift and ESPs on Gamma East. Although use of ESPs is
planned, these are expected to fail at regular intervals, so the figure above show
the range of expected water production rates.

As for produced water profiles the capacities quoted are higher than the shown
Yme requirements. The gap will cater for uncertainty in well performance. If
significant cost savings can be made by reducing spare capacity, reduced
capacities shall be proposed by contractor.

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Produced Gas and Gas Lift Rates with

ESP's in Gamma East (Sm3/d) - Stream
1 200 000

1 000 000

Gamma Gas
800 000
Beta Gas
Total Gas
600 000
HP Capacity
Test Capacity
400 000 Total Capacity Max
Total Capacity Min
200 000

01.sep.19 02.mar.22 31.aug.24 02.mar.27 01.sep.29 02.mar.32 01.sep.34

Figure 5-4 Gas Rates for Yme including Lift Gas - ESP's used on Gamma

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Produced Gas and Gas Lift Rates with Gas

Lift in Gamma East (Sm3/d) - Stream
1 200 000

1 000 000

Gamma Gas
800 000
Beta Gas
Total Gas
600 000
HP Capacity
Test Capacity
400 000 Total Capacity Max
Total Capacity Min
200 000

01.sep.19 02.mar.22 31.aug.24 02.mar.27 01.sep.29 02.mar.32 01.sep.34

Figure 5-5 Gas Rates for Yme - Gas Lift used to lift all wells (incl. Gamma

The two previous figures show gas Rates for Yme (Associated Gas plus Gas Lift
Gas). The first figure with the lower gas rates are based on ESPs on Gamma
East peaks at 900,000 Sm3/d. The second profile use Gas Lift as artificial lift
method for all wells, including Gamma East, and require a maximum gas rate of
1,100,000 Sm3/d.
The plant shall be designed to enable the higher rate. However, if there are
existing plant capacity restrictions which still allow the lower rate, reducing the
ultimate gas capacity shall be discussed with company.
The gas plant shall allow for all produced gas to be re-injected, using Water
Alternating Gas injection in C-5 and C-6 (WAG).
The gas rates in Figure 5-4 and Figure 5-5 exceeds the stipulated total capacity
figures. This is due to the simulation applying a regularity factor of 0.97 for the
wells that is not included in these stream day rates.

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Yme Water Injection Rates (sm3/d) -

Stream Days
14 000

12 000

10 000
Gamma WI

8 000 Beta WI
Total WI

6 000 Total Capacity


4 000 Total WI ESP GE

2 000

01.sep.19 02.mar.22 31.aug.24 02.mar.27 01.sep.29 02.mar.32 01.sep.34

Figure 5-6 Yme Water Injection Profiles

In the figure, profiles for Gamma Water Injection are shown for production using
both Gas Lift and ESPs on Gamma East. Although use of ESPs is planned,
these are expected to fail at regular intervals, so the figure above show the range
of expected water production rates.
The capacities quoted are higher than the shown Yme requirements. If significant
cost savings can be made by reducing spare capacity, reduced capacities shall
be proposed by contractor.
Yme has three pre-drilled water injectors, one in Beta East, and two in Gamma
West. The Gamma injectors can also be used to inject gas in a WAG regime. In
2019-2020, two additional water injectors will be drilled: one on the Gamma East
flank and one in Beta North.
For Gamma and Beta fields, simulations indicate that Produced Water
Reinjection gives a satisfactory reservoir sweep. As the rapid pressure decline in
B-3H production history indicates, Beta North is the only segment in Yme that is
not supported by a strong aquifer. The injection strategy on Beta North is
different, with additional water injection for pressure maintenance. The
unproduced Gamma North East segment is also expected to require more water
injection than the other Yme segments.

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Gas Injection Profiles (Sm3/d) - Stream

600 000

500 000

400 000

Gamma C5 GI
300 000
Gamma C6 GI
Total Capacity
200 000

100 000

01.sep.19 02.mar.22 31.aug.24 02.mar.27 01.sep.29 02.mar.32 01.sep.34

Figure 5-7 Yme Gas Injection Profile

The figure above show Injection gas rates, alternating in WAG wells C-5 and C-6
in the Gamma West formation.

5.3 Pressure Profiles

5.3.1 Production Wells
Gamma production (platform) wells will operate at close to the Yme production
facility HP separator operating pressure (approximately 10 barg).
Subsea wells on Beta will work against the backpressure of the topsides plant
and pipeline. Expected wellhead pressure for Beta on high gas lift rates are in the
area of 35 50 barg. Reduction of lift gas rates or one well operation will see this
reduced with up to 20 bar.
Slugging is expected in the pipeline and riser, especially for low production rates
with low/ without gas lift operation.

5.3.2 Injection Wells

Statoil experience with gas and water injection experience in Yme Gamma West
was from well A-5. The well was cemented and perforated. The injectivity test
with water proved low injectivity. The well was for a period on gas injection and in
1998 due to insufficient quality of the processed water, produced water had to be
injected in this well. The total dissolved solids in the produced water is 196 000

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A-5 was:
On continuous gas injection Jan 97 Jun 98
On continuous water injection Jul 98- Jan 2001
The gas injection pressure in Statoils A-5 well stayed below 250 bar and water
injection pressure is generally below 200 bar with exception of a few short
periods. Experience from this well has been used in simulating performance of
YND injection wells.
As seen in Figure 5-8 tubing injection pressure in WAG wells C-5 and C-6 is
mostly below 150 bar when injecting water, with an exception of first day after
converting from gas to water in WAG injectors. Injection pressures from Gamma
West well C8 and the two Beta injectors is lower.

Figure 5-8 Water Injection pressure and rates for wells C-5 and C-6

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Figure 5-9 shows tubing head pressure (THP), and gas injection rate in wells C-5
and C-6 which are injectors in Gamma West used for WAG injection. As can be
seen from the figure, the gas injection pressure is mostly below 200 bar (except
first day after converting from water to gas).

Water injection pressures for the remaining wells on Gamma East (C-8), Beta
East (D-3H) and Beta North are lower than for the Gamma West wells.

Figure 5-9 Gas Injection pressure and rate for wells C-5 and C6

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5.4 Temperature Profiles

Modelling results of the existing wells and subsea structures to determine flowing
pressures and temperatures have been made. Displayed results (Figure 5-10
and Figure 5-11) are shown for given production profiles.

Figure 5-10 Flowing temperature for a selection of Gamma wells

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Figure 5-11 Flowing Temperature for Beta Production Wells

Estimated arrival temperatures of Beta fluid arriving gamma topsides were

modelled for Yme Future based on existing subsurface equipment with
approximations as described in reference 29, combined with external flow
assurance input (reference 40).
Case Arrival Temperatures (C)
High Production (1 production), Low watercut 42 C
High Production (Year 2), Medium/ High Watercut 55 C
One Well Operation (Year 2), Medium/High Watercut 52-57C
Two Well (Late Production), High Watercut 65C
One Well (Late Production), High Watercut 34-65C
Note 1: High potential for slugging with significant temperature variations

Table 5-1 Indicated Beta Production Flowline Arrival Temperature

Noted from the table above is that for cases with low water cut or low production
in general will have arrival temperature below the 42C wax appearance
temperature, and will require operational management, typically wax inhibitor

5.5 Closed in Tubing Head Pressures

Closed in tubing head pressures have been determined based on the reservoir
pressure when drilling the wells for the Yme redevelopment project in 2009 and
2010. These pressures are close to the virgin pressures recorded at the initial
development of the Yme field in the 1990s, as can be seen below. Any further

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natural recharging or over injecting bringing the reservoir pressure equal to or

above Virgin pressure is unlikely, therefore the Reservoir pressure recorded in
2009 is used. A range of possible drive mechanisms may be used: natural drive,
gas lift (assuming tubing filled with gas) and Electrical Submersible Pumps
(ESP). The wells and subsea equipment has been designed to these
Reservoir Virgin Reservoir
Reservoir Segment Reservoir Pressure
Depth Pressure (1997)
(m TVD MSL) bara bara
Beta East 3258 363 343
Beta North West 3287 363 -
Gamma North West 3178 363 -
Gamma South East 3276 363 318
Gamma South West 3210 363 318

Table 5-2 Production Well BHP Analysis Parameters

Reservoir Pressure
Production Well
CITHP (bara)
Beta East 104
Beta North West -
Gamma North
Gamma South
Gamma South

Table 5-3 Preliminary Max CITHP - Natural Drive and Gas Lift

The design tubing pressures are 345 bara (5000 psi). The ESP dead head
pressures were maintained below this limit to prevent overpressure. Gas Lifted
wells will be subject to potential maximum Gas Lift pressure.

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6 Production Chemistry
The following production chemistry data represent the basis for developing
control and mitigation strategies to ensure trouble free flow of fluids in the
production system and secure continuous production of the field.

6.1 Pressure, Volume and Temperature Data

The following reservoir fluid data have been derived from PVT analysis of well
test fluids and are utilised in the reservoir models.
Fluid Property Yme Beta Yme Gamma
API grade, API 37.07 37.07
Oil Formation Volume Factor at Initial Press, 1.25 1.25
Oil Viscosity at Initial Reservoir Conditions, cP 0.71 0.71
Oil Compressibility, 1/bar at Pb 1.4504*10-5 1.4504*10-5
Gas Viscosity at Initial Reservoir Conditions. 0.050 0.048
Gas Density @ standard conditions kg/Sm 1.45 1.45
Gas Expansion Factor 1/Bg Sm/Rm 262 257
Reservoir temperature, C 114 114
Reservoir temperature datum, mRKB 3210 3210

Table 6-1 Reservoir Fluid Data

6.2 Crude Oil Analysis

Three crude oil compositions have been selected to represent the Gamma and
Beta reservoir fluids (reference 12, 13). With the addition of a higher GOR well in
Beta North West after a couple of years, two compositions are given here to
allow assessment of flow assurance and any topsides impact for the different
fluid composition.
The Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state (SRK) with Peneloux volume
correction was found suitable to match to welltest data. A common 22 component
EOS characterisations with 12 C7+ pseudo components were used for all Yme
PVT regions and tuned to match the available separator tests, single flashes and
saturation pressures.

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Item Units Yme Gamma W Yme Beta E Yme Beta

Nitrogen mole % 1.163 1.042 1.377
Carbon Dioxide mole % 1.061 1.214 1.195
Methane mole % 17.340 16.373 17.929
Ethane mole % 4.773 4.604 4.616
Propane mole % 9.006 8.358 8.818
Iso-Butane mole % 1.703 1.538 1.650
n-Butane mole % 5.406 5.434 5.963
Iso-Pentane mole % 2.132 2.317 2.440
n-Pentane mole % 2.938 3.056 3.199
Hexanes mole % 3.682 4.027 3.928
C7 mole % 6.201 6.071 5.831
C8 mole % 6.456 5.859 5.821
C9 mole % 4.345 3.906 3.989
C10-C12 mole % 7.893 7.960 7.561
C13-C15 mole % 6.053 6.215 5.845
C16-C18 mole % 4.642 4.852 4.519
C19-C21 mole % 3.560 3.788 3.493
C22-C25 mole % 3.490 3.792 3.457
C26-C29 mole % 2.450 2.726 2.453
C30-C35 mole % 2.376 2.722 2.411
C36-C45 mole % 1.992 2.387 2.062
C46-C80 mole % 1.337 1.758 1.443

Table 6-2 Reservoir Fluid's Composition (HYSYS input format)

Separate compositions were also created for Gamma South East (reference 13),
but will not be used for design, as there are few/ no wells in these areas.
Although main design shall be based on well profiles as given in Appendix 1,
sensitivities to this design should be performed with Gamma W only and Beta E
only composition to ensure process design is robust.
The GOR for these compositions are from 61.3 Sm3/ Sm3 for Gamma West, to
54.4 Sm3/ Sm3 for Beta East. Beta North West has a GOR of about 63 Sm3/

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Mol wt Density Crit T Crit P Acentric Normal Vol. Trans

g/mol g/cm C bara factor Tb C -
N2 28.014 146.950 33.94 0.0400 -195.750 -8.44E-04
CO2 44.010 31.050 73.76 0.2250 -78.500 -2.76E-03
C1 16.043 -82.550 46.00 0.0080 -161.550 -5.70E-04
C2 30.070 32.250 48.84 0.0980 -88.550 -2.39E-03
C3 44.097 96.650 42.46 0.1520 -42.050 -4.61E-03
iC4 58.124 134.950 36.48 0.1760 -11.750 -6.65E-03
nC4 58.124 152.050 38.00 0.1930 -0.450 -7.16E-03
iC5 72.151 187.250 33.84 0.2270 27.850 -9.97E-03
nC5 72.151 196.450 33.74 0.2510 36.050 -1.11E-02
C6 85.879 0.6647 234.250 29.69 0.2960 68.750 -1.64E-02
C7 94.878 0.7345 259.863 32.17 0.4646 91.950 -8.42E-03
C8 107.076 0.7589 281.821 29.32 0.5001 116.750 -1.34E-02
C9 120.824 0.7762 302.811 26.46 0.5394 142.250 -1.95E-02
C10-C12 146.529 0.7973 336.831 22.54 0.6131 187.182 -2.96E-02
C13-C15 189.411 0.8233 383.802 18.80 0.7272 246.415 -3.98E-02
C16-C18 235.803 0.8442 427.101 16.61 0.8421 298.239 -4.22E-02
C19-C21 275.503 0.8617 461.011 15.59 0.9335 337.514 -3.71E-02
C22-C25 323.271 0.8788 498.667 14.78 1.0342 379.419 -2.60E-02
C26-C29 379.160 0.8958 539.405 14.18 1.1372 422.707 -7.71E-03
C30-C35 447.384 0.9134 586.167 13.75 1.2394 465.017 2.00E-02
C36-C45 552.878 0.9360 653.928 13.43 1.3392 520.386 7.03E-02
C46-C80 768.286 0.9719 786.350 13.34 1.2630 617.668 1.85E-01

Table 6-3 SRK-P Parameters for Yme EOS model

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6.2.1 Miscellaneous fluid properties BTEX content as measured in 2001

Benzene 2.44 g/m3
Toluene 1.07 g/m3
Xylene 0.25 g/m3 Mercury
No analysis of elemental Mercury has been identified from previous production.
Trace amounts has been measured in scale material retrieved from one of the
production wells, but it is not known in what state this mercury was in (Hg0,
Hg2+, etc.) Naphtalenes
The Yme crude has no Naphthalene issue. NORM
Yme formation water contains about 100 mg/l Barium and 755 mg/l Strontium. In
the event that sulphate scale with these salts form it is likely there would be
NORM associated with this. Typical well clean-up and treatment fluids

Scale inhibitor
Acids probably acetic/ formic acid blend
Asphaltene dissolver
At present existing wells are filled with Base Oil

6.3 Dead Crude Assay and Viscosity Data

Reference 8 presents dead crude dynamic viscosity data, evaluated at a range of
shear rates and over a range of 10 to 40 C.
Shear Rate Dynamic Viscosity (cP)
s 10 C 20 C 30 C 40 C
209 15.2 4.1 - -
298 14.7 4.4 2.5 -
427 13.9 4.6 2.7 2.0
611 12.9 4.5 2.7 2.1
875 11.7 4.6 2.8 2.2
1252 10.6 4.5 2.8 2.2
1793 9.6 4.5 2.9 2.2

Table 6-4 Dead Crude Viscosity Data

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The following table (Table 6-5) has been assembled from the crude oil assay
data in Reference 11.
Fraction C Whole C5-65 65-90 90-150 150-180 180-240 240-320 320-375 375-420 420-525 525-565 375+ 525+ 565+
Yield on crude mass % 4.50 3.79 10.08 5.10 10.83 15.93 9.66 6.89 16.80 3.31 37.47 13.78 10.47
Yield on crude vol% 5.61 4.23 10.77 5.45 11.16 15.84 9.33 6.50 15.49 2.96 33.78 11.79 8.83
API Gravity at 60/60F API 37.8 88.3 65.2 56.6 49.7 43.0 36.9 32.0 28.1 24.6 20.1 21.0 13.3 11.2
Specific Gravity at 60/60F 0.8357 0.6438 0.7194 0.7523 0.7811 0.8111 0.8404 0.8652 0.8865 0.9066 0.9336 0.9276 0.9771 0.9916
Density at 15C kg/l 0.8353 0.6438 0.7192 0.7521 0.7808 0.8108 0.8400 0.8648 0.8860 0.9061 0.9331 0.9271 0.9765 0.9910
Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) kPa 63.8 122 31.1
Water content mass % 0.53
Sulphur mass % 0.18 <0.001 <0.001 0.002 0.052 0.06 0.19 0.24 0.31 0.44 0.38 0.54 0.59
Mercaptan sulphur mg/kg <2 <2 <2 <2 <2
Nitrogen mg/kg 940 <1 <1 <1 <1 9 198 570 1270 2980 2700
Basic Nitrogen mass % <0.001 0.007 0.018 0.034 0.070 0.065
Hydrogen Sulphide mass % * ND
Viscosity at 20C cSt 6.81 1.12 1.91 4.97 15.4
Viscosity at 50C cSt 3.04 0.80 1.22 2.56 5.83 15.0 44.7 148
Viscosity at 80C cSt 51.7 299
Viscosity at 100C cSt 2.22 4.18 8.48 25.2 17.2 188 487
Viscosity at 135C cSt 96.2
Cloud point C <-51 -15 12
Cold Filter Plugging Point C <-40 -18 9
Freezing point C <-60 -49.5
Pour point C 3 -51 -15 12 30 42 NES * 39 >45 33
Flash point C <10 <10 27.5
Wax content mass % 6.7
Smoke point mm 27.0 23.3
Aniline point C 54.2 59.6 71.1 79.7 87.8 94.2 98.8 93.8 96.8 97.2
Total Acid Number mg KOH/g 0.35 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.13 0.03 0.14 0.31 0.22
Cetane index (D-976) 32.5 42.9 51.7 52.5
Calculated Cetane Index (CCI) (D-4737) 37.2 43.8 55.7 64.7
Cetane number 46.3 52.8 58.6
Watson K-factor 11.9 12.0 11.9 11.9 11.7 11.7 11.6
Research Octane Number(RON) 74.8 66.0
Motor Octane Number(MON) 73.0 64.8
n-Paraffins mass % 49.5 25.3 20.4 19.3
i-Paraffins mass % 42.0 24.6 23.3 26.0
Naphthenes mass % 7.3 45.8 45.5 37.8
Aromatics (incl. benzene) mass % 1.3 4.3 10.8 16.9
Aromatics - FIA vol % 14.4 16.9
Aromatics - HPLC mass % 28.2 30.8
Benzene mass % 3.4 0.1
Naphtalenes vol % 0.01 2.24
Asphaltenes mass % 1.00 2.60 3.50
n-Pentane insolubles mass % 3.1 7.7 9.2
Conradson Carbon Residue(CCR) mass % <0.1 <0.1 0.1 2.0 5.0 13.5 17.4
Ash mass % 0.040 0.090 0.110
Vanadium mg/kg 0.9 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 2.2 6.2 8.4
Nickel mg/kg 0.6 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 2.4 6.7 8.9
Sodium mg/kg 190
Salt as NaCl mg/l > 300
Refractive index at 67C 1.463 1.474 1.486 1.503 1.503
Distillation D-86(50%) C 161 207 273 333
Copper Corrosion 1A 1A
Penetration at 25C 0.1mm 280 177

(1): Calculated density for 525+ and 565+

NES * : not enough sample

* ND: not detectable

Table 6-5 Yme Crude Assay Data

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6.4 Formation and Sea Water Data

Compositions of Yme formation water and sea water are presented below (see
also reference 1).
Water analysis (mg/l)
9/2 A - 1 9/2 1 Sea Water
Na+ 40825 42870 11180
K+ 1140 908 370
Mg2+ 2100 2070 1410
Ca 28480 26700 435
Sr2+ 723 755 7
Ba2+ 100 72 0
Fe2+ 123 60 0
Cl- 121000 120500 20310
SO42- 56 < 15 2800
HCO3- 420 726 150
TDS 195867 194696 36662
Density (g/cm ) 1.135 1.134 1.025

Table 6-6 Formation and Seawater Compositions

6.5 Hydrogen Sulphide and Carbon Dioxide

H2S is formed by the metabolic activity of sulphate reducing bacteria, SRB, or is
naturally occurring in the reservoir. Since the Yme reservoir does not contain
any significant amounts of naturally occurring H2S, it can only be produced by
SRB activity. In the oil field this occurs when sea water containing sulphate is
introduced to the reservoir fluids allowing the SRB's sufficient nutrients and
growth conditions to generate H2S. When Statoil operated Yme, no H2S was
reported to be produced with the fluids or gas. Sea water injection was limited
and none of it was reported to be produced back in any of the wells. Therefore it
is not likely that any H2S would have been back-produced either.
A study was conducted by Oil Plus (reference 23) which looked at the injection of
the following source waters after being supplied with relevant Yme data:
Raw (aerated) sea water
De-aerated sea water
Co-mingled sea water and produced water
Produced water
Because of the high reservoir temperature, 108-114C, and high salinity, ca. 200
000 mg/l (TDS), the study indicates that the souring potential is generally low.

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Table 6-7 summarise the results.

Injection Water Scenario Souring Potential
Raw sea water injection Low/moderate
Deaerated sea water Low
Commingled sea water and Low
produced water
Produced water injection only Very low

Table 6-7 Injection water souring potential

Shock dosing and continuous injection of Biocide should be planned for in the
process and/or water treatment system.
Reservoir souring is possible during field life as a result of seawater injection if
the option for future installation is exercised. The process plant should be
designed for sour service in the event that earlier seawater injection and possible
sea water injection in the future lead to higher H2S levels.
CO2 content of reservoir fluid is given in section 6.2. CO2 flashing from saturated
Produced Water may lead to high CO2 concentration in degassing lines, and
elevated CO2 concentrations in gas plant towards end of field life when oil
production is low and water production high.

6.6 Wax
Wax content and associated properties have been measured on oil from 3
exploration wells by Statoil; 9/2 1, 9/2 3 and 9/2 4S. The wax properties are
based on an evaluation of these samples (reference 32)

6.6.1 Wax Appearance Temperature

For design purposes, the Wax Appearance temperature to be used is 42C.

6.6.2 Pour Point

For design purposes, the Pour Point to be used is -2C.
Testing conducted in 2014 by Kernow Analytical Technology Ltd. indicate that
WAT (and corresponding melting temperatures) especially for Beta fluid may
be somewhat lower than indicated above. Due to the age of the samples (15
years) and uncertainty as to sampling conditions, the design shall be based on
the figures above.
The use of pour point depressant in the initial production phase, with verification
measurements of the crude will be considered as part of flow assurance work.

6.7 Asphaltenes
It is not expected that asphaltene flocculation will occur as a function of pressure
depletion at the reservoir temperature of 103 C. Asphaltene flocculation has
been observed in laboratory tests with the addition of lift gas, and is therefore a
risk for Beta production. Asphaltene inhibitor injection quills are located in gas lift
supply subsea, upstream x-mas tree, and dedicated injection facilities shall be
available for use during gas lift operation.
With Gas Lift now being chosen lift strategy for Gamma West, and optional for
Gamma East wells, Asphaltene injection and distribution facilities shall reflect
this. Optimal injection point is downhole, upstream of gas lift valve.

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Asphaltenes could be experienced in the event that producing wells experience

injection gas breakthrough. In such a case stimulation/ flushing with solvents
might be required.
See also reference 51.

6.8 Scale
There is a high potential for scaling at Yme, in the wells, in the reservoir and in
the production facilities;
Barium and strontium Sulphate forms when mixed with seawater,
Carbonate scale forms with changing pressure and temperature,
Iron scale deposits may also occur in the well.
Scale control will be a combination of continuous scale inhibitor injection, scale
squeezes and acid treatments.
Continuous scale inhibitor injection is required upstream of ESPs, upstream of
the production chokes and in the processing facilities where (produced and fresh)
water of different compositions are mixed and subjected to pressure and
temperature changes. Details can be found in reference 1.
Scale prediction results suggest that the injection of produced water gives the
lowest barite (BaSO4) scale saturation index.
Under seawater only injection, moderate barite and anhydrite (CaSO4) scaling is
expected when the injected seawater reaches the producers. The scale
deposition near the wellbore formation can be prevented by scale inhibitor
squeeze treatments. If relevant, Produced Water shall be kept physically
separate from Seawater in the topsides injection plant
Regular scale inhibitor squeezes are required for Yme to control both calcite and
barite scale deposition in the near wellbore formation (Ref 51). Scale inhibitor
should also be added into the produced water to prevent scale deposition on the
surface facilities.

6.9 Hydrate Formation

6.9.1 Hydrate Formation on Gamma and Beta
PVT sim, version 182, was used to produce the hydrate formation curves from
Yme Beta with various salt concentrations. Points to note are:
The formation water at Yme has high salt concentration and act as an
inhibitor itself. The formation water is characterised by very high salinity
and high content of Calcium. The level of Barium was uncertain at the
time of hydrate simulation. This was due to contaminated samples, and
potential error in the analytical method used. Barium value is confirmed to
be below 100 mg/l.
For more details on the study reference is made to Yme Hydrate Manual
(reference 6)

6.9.2 Main Hydrate Conclusions

From reference 6 the main conclusions can be summarised as follows:
There is a potential for Yme fluid to create hydrates prior to producing
formation water. The potential for forming hydrates is low when producing
formation water, but increases again if seawater concentration increases
in the production fluids (injection water recycle in reservoir),
Facilities should be provided to permit hydrate inhibition of the production,
gas injection and service lines,

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Hydrate temperature for pure water and reservoir fluid from Gamma West,
Sandnes formation, at bubble-point is approximately 13 C. The effect of
the salt concentration brings the hydrate equilibrium temperature down to
1 C,
For the Beta East, Sandnes formation, the hydrate temperature formation
is uncertain (suggest 23 C). But the study concludes the formation water
could bring the hydrate equilibrium temperature down to below 6 C,
Hydrate risk in a gas-lift situation shall be considered.
Hydrate mitigation procedures associated with Scale squeezes in Beta
wells must be developed

6.9.3 Hydrate Strategy

Hydrate procedures will be prepared at a later stage as part of flow assurance
considerations in the design phase. (Reference 35).
Methanol has been selected as the primary inhibitor.
Yme equipment shall be designed to withstand use of Methanol.

6.9.4 Hydrate Curve

The following curves should be used as guideline together with the Yme Hydrate
Manual (reference 6).
Customized Plot


Beta Fluid
10% Water Cut


Pressure, bara

Water; 50%
Sea Water

40 100% Sea


0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0
Temperature, C

Figure 6-1 Hydrate Curves for Yme Beta Fluid

6.10 Separation Issues

When Yme was last produced, the license was penalised on oil price due to high
salt concentration in the final product. The Yme separation process should be
designed to ensure export oil specification is met. (Table 10-1)

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6.10.1 Salinity
The salinity of the formation water is high. The chloride content is in the order of
120,000 ppm.
Good water/oil separation is necessary to avoid reduced sales prices of the crude
due to the salinity of the residual formation water in the export crude. Due to this
high salinity of the formation water, the quality of the oil is sensitive to BS&W.

6.10.2 Emulsions and Foams

Statoil experienced formation of stable emulsions in the separators. Laboratory
tests and production experience confirmed the emulsion problem. Heating and
use of chemical is required to obtain a high quality sales product. The very high
salinity of the produced water, results in high salt content under normal BS&W
Heating subsea tieback to allow Inlet Separator temperature to approach 80C is
required. Limited emulsion studies have been conducted, see reference 24.
Foam inhibitor injection shall be allowed for; especially as gas lift is required
already during first production year. Available information does not indicate that
this was an issue when Yme was produced previously.
Low shear choke valves could be considered to reduce severity of emulsions.

6.11 Corrosion and Materials

There is a corrosion risk with Yme fluids due to the presence of CO2, possible
H2S and high salinity, combined with a reservoir temperature of 110C. Several
corrosion study reports are available from the original Yme development, for
example reference 7.
The plant shall be designed for sour service.
The Beta pipelines are made of carbon steel, and corrosion protection shall be
designed accordingly.

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6.12 Chemical Injection Requirements

In the previous phase of the Yme project, chemical selection and qualification
were carried out by Nalco with support from independent laboratories. The
results of this process are presented in the following three tables. Information
from tables can be used for equipment design and system verification, although
prior to start-up, the chemical selection will be reviewed.
Information below is a starting point. The actual storage capacities may be
adjusted in agreement with Company to suit existing facilities.

Chemical Injection Dosage Viscosity Specific Material

Type Location (Mixing Fluid) cP Gravity Incompatibility
Sub-sea 10 200 ppm of 10-100 1.1 1.2 @ Carbon Steel Hydrate resistant
manifold Qliquid 16C C1018, Nitrile,
Target 100ppm 22 cSt Neoprene
residual in water (40C) 1.1 @ 16C
In all wells, 5 100ppm of 10-50 1.1 1.3 @ Carbon Steel Hydrate resistant
upstream Qwater 16C
Scale ESP 4.6 cSt
Inhibitor Sub-sea 40ppm on Qwater (40C) 1.205 @
Nalco manifold for 15C
FX2504 extra
protection in
All well trees Methanol: 1 Injection rate of
Sub-sea 30% Qwater 1m3/h for start-up
Methanol manifold for and valve
pipeline equalisation.
To lift gas at 100 ppm of Qoil 1-50 0.91 @ Nitrile, No fluids so
well heads 20-100 ppm of Qoil 16C Neoprene, recommendation
32 cSt EPDM, Viton, based on knowledge
(40C) TFE, MDPE, of similar systems
Sub-sea 100 1000ppm of 5 500 0.8 - 1 @ Hold For potential start-up
Wax Inhibitor manifold Qoil <100 cP 16C problems, low Beta
Flexoil 50-300 ppm of Qoil (0C) 0.95 @ arrival temperature,
WM2200 20C and in conjunction
with Oil Offloading.

Table 6-8 Subsea Chemical Injection Requirements

For a future seawater treatment plant to facilitate water injection, the following
chemicals shall be allowed for.
Chemical Injection Dosage Viscosity Specific Material Comments
Type Location (Mixing Fluid) cP Gravity Incompatibility
Upstream 500 - 1000ppm of 5-30 1.0 1.1 C steel, Nitrile,
Biocide de-aerator Qwater (batch) @ 16C Neoprene,
Nalco 1.4 cSt EPDM, Viton
EC6633A (40C) 1.06 @
Oxygen Downstream 1 100 ppm 5-20 1.3 1.4 Do not use Al,
scavenger de-aerator of Qwater. 2.5 cSt @ 16C C-steel, brass
Nalco (21C) 1.28 @ C steel,
EC6351A 15C
Lift Pumps

Table 6-9 Water Injection System Chemical Injection Requirements

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Chemical Injection Dosage Viscosity Specific Material Comments

Type Location (Mixing Fluid) cP Gravity Incompatibility
At manifold 10 100 ppm of 10 100 0.80 0.95 C steel, Nitrile, From report
for Gamma Qtotal @ 16C Neoprene, L011B/EN/99:
wells 16-34 cSt EPDM, TFE, Mixtures of Beta (B2)
At riser (40C) 0.938 @ MDPE and Gamma (A8)
Demulsifier outlet for 10 100 ppm of 16C Wells were more
Beta wells Qtotal difficult to treat than
Nalco upstream the individual streams
FX2134 or choke themselves. It is
DVE4Z005 recommended that
the co-mingling of
Beta\Gamma Wells is
avoided if at all
Antifoam At manifold 1 50 ppm of Qtotal 5 30 0.85 0.95 No tests performed on
Nalco for Gamma 2-10 cSt @ 16C system crude, expect
EC9242A or wells 1 100 ppm of (40C) 0.83-0.89 low foaming tendency.
FX2165 At riser Qtotal @ 16C Ranges based on
outlet for both low cost, low
Beta wells active and high cost,
high active products
Corrosion At manifold 10 100 ppm of 10 100 1.1 1.2 Carbon Steel Should be same as in
inhibitor for Gamma Qwater 22 cSt @ 16C C1018, Nitrile, Beta. If material
Nalco wells 100 ppm of Qwater (40C) 1.1 @ Neoprene quality on topsides
FX2371 16C does not require
corrosion protection,
this can be omitted.
Deoiler Down- 1 100 ppm of 400 1000 1.0 1.1 Copper, Carbon Previously tests on
Nalco stream all Qwater @ Steel C1018, Yme Mrsk Giant
EC9028B separators <600 cP 16C Brass, Buna-N, showed 35 45 ppm.
Additional (20C) 1.19 @ Natural rubber, Improved process
injection 20C Aluminium, equipment will
quill Ethylene probably lower the
downstrea propylene, Mild need for deoiler down
m hydro- steel to max 10ppm.
Biocide At manifold 100 1 000ppm of 5-30 1.0 1.1 C steel, Nitrile,
Nalco for Gamma Qwater 1.4 cSt @ 16C Neoprene,
EC6633A wells (40C) 1.06 @ EPDM, Viton.
At riser 20C
outlet for
Beta wells
Scale In all wells, 5 100ppm of 10 50 1.1 1.3 Carbon Steel Should be same as in
inhibitor upstream Qwater 4.6 cSt @ 16C Beta
Nalco ESP 40ppm on Qwater (40C) 1.205 @
FX2504 15C

Methanol All Gamma 1 30% of Qwater 21 @ 20C 0.8 1.1 Injection rate of 1m3/h
well heads 35 @ 5C @ 20C for start-up, WAG
change-over and
valve equalisation.
To lift gas 100 ppm of Qoil 1-50 0.91 @ Nitrile, No fluids so
at well 20-100 ppm of Qoil 16C Neoprene, recommendation
heads, or 32 cSt EPDM, Viton, based on knowledge
downhole (40C) TFE, MDPE, of similar systems.
injection HDPE

Table 6-10 Production Systems Chemical Injection Requirements

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7 Drilling and Wells

High level requirements and details for the Yme drilling facilities can be found in
reference 45, Basis of Design Drilling and Completion.

7.1 Well Design Principles

In total six wells (4 producers and 2 injectors) at Yme Gamma and three wells (2
producers and 1 injector) at Yme Beta have been drilled, completed and
temporarily abandoned. For the remaining three Yme Gamma well slots, two
have 30 conductors installed and one has a 30 conductor as well as a 14
surface casing installed. There are no spare well slots at Yme Beta. Operations
and design has been performed according to Repsol Policy and NORSOK D-010.
For the Yme New Development project it is important to utilize all the well slots at
Yme Gamma. Two of the three available slots will be drilled and completed as
producers and one as an injector. The well placement and trajectory design for
the future infill wells and potential sidetracks will be evaluated with respect to the
best drainage strategy.

7.2 Yme Gamma

The Yme Gamma wells were drilled by Jack-up rig Mrsk Giant. The derrick was
skidded over to the caisson and the wells were drilled trough the caissons well
guides. The Wellheads and x-mas trees are located on the upper caisson deck.

Figure 7-1 Mrsk Giant Cantilever by the Yme Gamma Caisson

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Figure 7-2 Yme Gamma Caisson with x-mas trees on upper deck

7.2.1 Yme Gamma Wellbore trajectories

Figure 7-3 Yme Gamma wellbore trajectories for the existing wells

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7.2.2 Well summary

Well Designation Objective MDBRT1 TVDSS2 Completed

9/2-C-1 Producer Sandnes 5260 m 3265 m 8/1/2010

(ESP) Formation

9/2-C-2 AT2 Producer Sandnes 5231 m 3160 m 28/9/2010


9/2-C-3 T3 Producer Sandnes 5240 m 3126 m 31/12/2009


9/2-C-4 Producer Sandnes 4637 m 3089 m 31/12/2009


9/2-C-5 WAG Injector Sandnes 4913 m 3457 m 27/8/2009


9/2-C-6 WAG Injector Sandnes 5448 m 3393 m 29/8/2009


9/2-C-7 Future 14 Casing 1344 m 23/1/2010


9/2-C-8 Future Water Conductor

Injector run

9/2-C-9 Future Conductor

Producer run

Notes 1. MDBRT Measured Depth Below Rotary Table (Actual drilling distance)
2. TVDSS True Vertical Depth SubSea (Vertical well depth below seabed)

Table 7-1 Gamma well summary table

Detailed well information can be obtained from the RNAS Drilling & Completion
group, where updated information is stored on the sharepoint site TIP in the form
of end of well reports or well data handover package for the individual well.

7.3 Yme Beta

The Yme Beta wells were drilled by the jack-up rigs Mrsk Guardian (top hole
sections) and Mrsk Giant (remaining sections and completions) above a 3-slot
subsea template which was later tied back to the Yme Gamma location.
A new subsea template is required for additional wells (Beta North). This will be
connected up to existing manifold through jumpers, and interface to existing
design by meeting the same design parameters.

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Figure 7-4 Yme Field development, including Beta Template

Figure 7-5 Yme Beta wellbore trajectories for the existing wells

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7.3.1 Well summary

Well Designation Objective MDBRT1 TVDSS2 Completed

9/2-D-1 H Producer Sandnes 4231 m 3161 m 10/7/2010


9/2-D-2 H Producer Sandnes 4540 m 3205 m 9/7/2010


9/2-D-3 H Water Sandnes 4150 m 3492 m 26/7/2010

Injector Formation

Notes 1. MDBRT Measured Depth Below Rotary Table (Actual drilling distance)
2. TVDSS True Vertical Depth SubSea (Vertical well depth below seabed)

Table 7-2 Yme Beta well summary table

Detailed well information can be obtained from the RNAS Drilling & Completion
group, where updated information is stored on TIP in the form of end of well
reports or well data handover package for the individual well.

7.4 Artificial Lift

7.4.1 Basis of design
During pre-studies of Yme Re-Development project it was identified that artificial
lift was required based on reservoir studies, experience from Statoil, economics
analysis, and historical experience. Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESPs) were
selected as the primary artificial lift method on both the Gamma and Beta
In YME Future Development Project (2012-2014) the preferred artificial lift
solution for Beta was changed to gaslift. Main reason for changing artificial lift
strategy on Beta was that when the wells were drilled, the reservoir showed
better qualities then expected in the Yme-redevelopment. As a result of the
higher quality reservoir the difference between ESP and Gas Lift was much
smaller than first anticipated. As a result of changing to gas lift the production
uptime will be higher, and well workover cost will be significantly reduced.
The Yme New Development project has further looked into artificial lift. Prosper
simulations shows that it is only C1 and C7 that will have a greater production
from using ESPs as the artificial lift method. The other wells will be producing
more or less the same with gas lift. ESP workover cost will be significantly
reduced compared with the artificial lift solution proposed previously. ESP Gamma

ESP will be the preferred artificial lift method only in wells C1 and C7. Both these
wells are located in Gamma East reservoir section, and will be supported by C8
water injection. The wells on Gamma West will be supported by the injectors C5
& C6. These wells will not be pure water injector wells as C8, but alternating gas/
water injection. Gas break though is expected to happen after 6-12 month in
GSW, and GNW with very high GOR. Therefore, the other wells than C1 and C7

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will not be suited for ESP as too high gas content in the well stream will lead to
gas locking the pumps.
C1 already has dual ESP installed, while C7 is to be drilled in the first campaign
on Yme.
C1 & C7 ESP:
In C1 a dual ESP system consisting of 900 HP/900 HP upper P110
centrifugal pumps is installed. These pumps will be attempted to start.
The pump curves for the two ESP pumps could be overlapping if required.
For new ESP wells on Gamma. Gaslift will be backup.
Detailed specification of ESP equipment installed see Figure 7-6 and
Table 7-3

Functional requirements of the ESP system:

ESP Downhole:
ESPs are designed to handle up to 10 % free gas at pump intake.
Therefore ESP in C2-C3-C4 will not be the best solution due to high GOR
in gas/water in these wells upon gas breakthrough.
ESPs are designed to achieve an average run life greater than three
years for dual ESP systems through the lifetime of the field.
Wells have a tangent section where ESP assemblies are located (at the
ESP setting depth), with the cased Dog Leg Severity (rate of turn DLS)
not exceeding 1 per 30 m.
The completion design consist of a 5 tubing string with a TR-SSSV
and gas lift mandrel backup on Beta.
ESP systems have a full downhole instruments package with data
transmitted to the platform and the ESP management system via the
power cable.
The ESP downhole pressure and temperature data will not be available
when gas-lifting the ESP completed well.
The current ESP vendor is Baker Hughes Centrilift. Centrilift shall provide
ESP as a full system including the management of all the internal
interfaces and supply of all the ESP equipment, test systems and
wellhead/tree interface systems, ESP downhole system, power
distribution system outboard of the tree
ESP scope shall be managed by a dedicated focus group including the
Repsol and allocated vendor/contractor staff who are involved with the
ESP system or parts of it.
More modelling is required to identify if the 900 HP and what pump is the
best for workover in C1 and ESP in C7.

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Figure 7-6 ESP system topology and interface Yme Gamma Gas Lift.

The C2-C3-C4 that is supported by water/gas alternating injectors C5-C6 will be
using gas lift as the artificial lift method. Gas lift will be installed either with a gas
lift retrofit solution just above the ESP packer with a M-SAS barrier on the
annulus side, or as a full recompletion with a new gas lift completion also
comprising an ASV. New gas lift completions will be completed with gas lift
mandrel and ASV. Yme Beta Gas Lift

The Yme Beta wells are at present completed with ESPs, but subsurface work
indicates that similar oil reserves can be recovered by use of Gas Lift, rather than
use of these. Initially the Beta wells will therefore be produced through the single
Gas Lift valve in the current completion. If recompleted the ESP completion will
be removed and replaced with a more purpose built Gas Lift solution, which is
described in the Well Design Summary (reference 41).
Detailed specification of current ESP equipment installed, see Figure 7-6 and
Table 7-3

7.4.2 Detailed - Downhole ESP System as Installed

The ESP sizing is defined in the ESP Downhole Basis of design report YME-
26168-Z-0013 (ref. 7.24). The ESP selection is based on the reviewed reservoir
properties from the MWD logs during drilling of the wells. Technical specification
of all ESP equipment can be found in YME-26168-Z-0370 (ref 7.19)

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7.4.3 Future ESPs Gamma

The ESP downhole architecture in C1 and C7 will be evaluated to suite the
subsurface flow requirements, and designed to meet the expected ESP lifetime.

Well System Installed Monitoring Motor Lower and Upper Seal Pump Main Cable
Dual 3 1/2" Upper 08.01.2010 562 KMHX-VC 900/4100/132 44R FER EHL CL6 H19 SB 2PFSA CL6 DSP 44/40/60 Stg 562P110LSMXXSD
Bypass with Y- Production 513SXU BB/B MCV FER M/C CUW EHL 2/0SOLBC/7KV/DL90/HTFB/EP
C1 Check Lower 08.01.2010 Quest 562 KMHX-VC 900/4100/132 44R FER EHL CL6 H19 SB 2PFSA CL6 DSP 44/40/60 Stg 562P110LSMXXSD DM/GALV/RND


Dual 3 1/2" Upper 10.10.2010 562 KMHX-VC 900/4100/132 44R FER EHL CL6 H19 SB 2PFSA CL6 DSP 38/38/38 Stg 562P155LSMXXSD
Bypass with Y- Production 513SXU BB/B MCV FER M/C CUW EHL 2/0SOLBC/7KV/DL90/HTFB/EP
C2A Check Lower 10.10.2010 Quest 562 KMHX-VC 1200/4500/173 66R FER EHL CL6 H19 SB 2PFSA CL6 DSP 44/40/60 Stg 562P110LSMXXSD DM/GALV/RND


Dual 3 1/2" Upper 23.12.2009 562 KMHX-VC 900/4100/132 44R FER EHL CL6 H19 SB 2PFSA CL6 DSP 40/51 Stg 562P200LSMXXSD
Bypass with Y- Production 513SXU BB/B MCV FER M/C CUW EHL 2/0SOLBC/7KV/DL90/HTFB/EP
C3 Check Lower 23.12.2009 Quest 562 KMHX-VC 1200/4500/173 66R FER EHL CL6 H19 SB 2PFSA CL6 DSP 52/52/38 Stg 562P155LSMXXSD DM/GALV/RND


Dual 3 1/2" Upper 31.12.2009 562 KMHX-VC 900/4100/132 44R FER EHL CL6 H19 SB 2PFSA CL6 DSP 40/51 Stg 562P200LSMXXSD
Bypass with Y- Production 513SXU BB/B MCV FER M/C CUW EHL 2/0SOLBC/7KV/DL90/HTFB/EP
C4 Check Lower 31.12.2009 Quest 562 KMHX-VC 1200/4500/173 66R FER EHL CL6 H19 SB 2PFSA CL6 DSP 52/52/38 Stg 562P155LSMXXSD DM/GALV/RND


Dual 3 1/2" Upper 15.06.2010 562 KMHX-VC 900/4100/132 44R FER EHL CL6 H19 SB 2PFSA CL6 DSP 38/38/38 Stg 562P155LSMXXSD
Bypass with Y- Production 513SXU BB/B MCV FER M/C CUW EHL 2/0SOLBC/7KV/DL90/HTFB/EP
D1 Check Lower 15.06.2010 Quest 562 KMHX-VC 1200/4500/173 66R FER EHL CL6 H19 SB 2PFSA CL6 DSP 44/40/60 Stg 562P110LSMXXSD DM/GALV/RND


Upper 02.07.2010 562 KMHX-VC 900/4100/132 44R FER EHL CL6 H19 SB 2PFSA CL6 DSP 38/38/38 Stg 562P155LSMXXSD
Dual 3 1/2"
Bypass with Y- Production 513SXU BB/B MCV FER M/C CUW EHL 2/0SOLBC/7KV/DL90/HTFB/EP
D2 Check Lower 02.07.2010 Quest 562 KMHX-VC 1200/4500/173 66R FER EHL CL6 H19 SB 2PFSA CL6 DSP 44/40/60 Stg 562P110LSMXXSD DM/GALV/RND

Table 7-3 ESP System as installed (1 of 2)

Table 7-4 ESP System as installed (2 of 2)

7.4.4 Subsea and Surface Equipment Requirements

Baker Hughes has performed a VSD study (on draft level) in Yme New
Development. The new recommendation is designed to be able to operate the
current installed 900 HP/ 1200 HP on Gamma. A total of 2 wells (C1 and C7)
were the basis for this study
VSD selected to be able to run the 1200 HP ESP on Gamma on full load require
an ABB ACS 2000 or similar.

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2 VSDs will be required to run the 2 ESP wells on Gamma. Maximum expected
power output requirements from VSD is 4800/ 173 A for the 1200 HP system,
and 4500 v/ 132 A for the 900 HP system to be able to run the ESPs at 100%
The maximum total ESP system power requirement to design for is 1.4 MW for
the two ESP wells if using 900 HP ESP, and 1.6 MW if 1200 HP ESP is required.
The actual power requirement will be revised later in FEED after final ESP sizing/
selection has been performed.
ESPs shall be monitored and controlled from the platform. All the ESP data shall
be transferred to shore for real-time online monitoring of the ESP operations and
performance. This shall be done through the control system on the platform and
EMS (enhanced monitoring system) shall be a standalone control system
interfaced to the ICSS of the platform. The Enhanced Control and Monitoring
Philosophy will be developed by Repsol, and programmed by ABB/ESP supplier.
Interfacing towards the ICSS will be done by TopsidesContractor/ ESP supplier.

7.5 ESP Topside Interfaces:

Constractor/ Supplier shall be responsible for all cabling from VSD to XMT.
Repsol shall provide the cable from Junction box to wellhead, but contractor is
responsible for installation and commissioning of this cable as well as the cable
from junction box to VSD.
The supplier will be responsible for planning, engineering, mechanical complete,
and commissioning of the VSD. The ESP supplier will support on this work.
Supplier shall be responsible all hookup and commissioning PSD, ESD, and
communication bus to the Control system, as will be defined in the Functional
Design Specification for the EMS.

7.6 Well Clean-up

The wells have yet not been cleaned up or tested. The base case has been to
clean up the production wells into the test separator immediately prior to each
wells production start-up by natural flow, gas lift or ESP.
The C1 and C7 wells will be cleaned up with ESPs or natural flow, while C2, C3
and C4 will be cleaned up with gaslift or natural flow.
Beta wells will be cleaned up using gaslift.
The OBM/suspension fluid left downhole were compatible with the original
planned process equipment in the base case.
Cleaning up to the process test separator will permit the wells to be evaluated in
terms of deliverability and an assessment made of any reservoir damage.
A well start-up/clean up strategy and following programme will be developed.

7.7 Surface Intervention

The intervention philosophy is based on a Jack-Up rig.

All intervention work and workovers will be conducted from drill floor.

For a floating concept, intervention will be based on a hired in jack-up rig

installing over a WHP.

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7.7.1 Workover requirements

The Functional Requirements for the facilities define the deck space/loads, POB
requirements and crane capacity required to carry out interventions and
Loads from well interventions as coiled tubing will be transferred onto rig
floor on the jack-up by use of a coiled tubing tension frame.
Two cranes must have a lift capacity of 40Te each for sea and platform
lifts to be able to lift a standard 2 3/8 coil reel of 3700m length.
During workover operations the loads will be transferred through the
derrick and into the jack-up.

7.8 Subsea Intervention

7.8.1 Base Case
The base case for subsea wells from the 3-slot template on the Beta structure is
to minimise the need for interventions in the first place, largely by choosing gas
lift as lifting mechanism for Beta. Secondly it is to make use of dedicated vessels
wherever possible. The following assumptions are made for the Base Case;
A rig will be required for changing out tubing,
Coiled Tubing work will require a rig or potentially a dedicated vessel,
For Wireline work a dedicated vessel can be used,
Pumping operations such as scale squeezes and acidizing will be done
through the service line from the host platform.

7.8.2 Reasoning for Base Case

For Tubing change out, a rig is required because of limited availability of
intervention vessels with Norwegian Aoc (Acknowledgment of
For both Coiled Tubing and wireline work a few vessels are certified for
this type of operations on the NCS.

7.9 Drilling and Wells References

Document and revision number may lack on documents not yet completed and
stored in E-Search. Repsol Drilling & Wells department is to be contacted if
further information is required.
Ref Description and Doc no
7.1 Talisman Energy Norge AS, Well Handover Data Package, Yme 9/2-C-1,
CIMAGE Document Number 9/2-C-1 W.60.00, Revision 01
7.2 Talisman Energy Norge AS, End of Well Report, Yme 9/2-C-1, CIMAGE
Document Number ., Revision
7.3 Talisman Energy Norge AS, Well Handover Data Package, Yme 9/2-C-2A
T2, CIMAGE Document Number 9/2-C-2A T2 W.60.00, Revision 00
7.4 Talisman Energy Norge AS, End of Well Report, Yme 9/2-C-2A & 9/2-C-2
AT2, CIMAGE Document Number ., Revision
7.5 Talisman Energy Norge AS, Well Handover Data Package, Yme 9/2-C-3 T3,
CIMAGE Document Number 9/2-C-3 T3 W.60.00, Revision 00
7.6 Talisman Energy Norge AS, End of Well Report, Yme 9/2-C-3, C3T2 &
C3T3, CIMAGE Document Number ., Revision
7.7 Talisman Energy Norge AS, Well Handover Data Package, Yme 9/2-C-4 T3,

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CIMAGE Document Number 9/2-C-4 T3 W.60.00, Revision 00

7.8 Talisman Energy Norge AS, End of Well Report, Yme 9/2-C-4, C4T2 &
C4T3, CIMAGE Document Number ., Revision
7.9 Talisman Energy Norge AS, Well Handover Data Package, Yme 9/2-C-5,
CIMAGE Document Number 9/2-C-5 W.60.00, Revision 00
7.10 Talisman Energy Norge AS, End of Well Report, Yme 9/2-C-5, CIMAGE
Document Number ., Revision
7.11 Talisman Energy Norge AS, Well Handover Data Package, Yme 9/2-C-6,
CIMAGE Document Number 9/2-C-6 W.60.00, Revision 01
7.12 Talisman Energy Norge AS, End of Well Report, Yme 9/2-C-6, CIMAGE
Document Number ., Revision
7.13 Talisman Energy Norge AS, End of Well Report, Yme 9/2-C-7, CIMAGE
Document Number ., Revision
7.14 Talisman Energy Norge AS, End of Well Report, Yme 9/2-C-8, CIMAGE
Document Number ., Revision
7.15 Talisman Energy Norge AS, End of Well Report, Yme 9/2-C-9, CIMAGE
Document Number ., Revision
7.16 Talisman Energy Norge AS, Well Handover Certificates, Yme 9/2-D 1H,
CIMAGE Document Number Yme 9/2-D-1H W.37.1, Revision A
7.17 Talisman Energy Norge AS, Well Handover Certificates, Yme 9/2-D 2H,
CIMAGE Document Number Yme 9/2-D-2H W.37.1, Revision A
7.18 Talisman Energy Norge AS, Well Handover Certificates, Yme 9/2-D 3H,
CIMAGE Document Number Yme 9/2-D-3H W.37.1, Revision A
7.19 ESP Final Document package YME-26168-Z-0370
7.20 Expected ESP run life Report YME-EPT-D-0001-PSA-1421-001
7.21 YME ESP Decision support Document YME-EPT-D0010-PSA-1462-001
7.22 YME Corrosion and Materials Review YME-EPT-D-0003-PSA-1423-001
7.23 Yme Well Scale Review, 26/5/2005, Paladin Resources
7.24 ESP downhole Basis of Design Report YME-26168-Z-0013
7.25 ESP Electrical loading YME-26168-E-0103 Rev B
7.26 Enhanced Control and Monitoring Philosophy YME-26168-Z-0034

Table 7-5 Drilling & Wells reference documents

Since the original project, an updated Scale Review is available (Ref. 50).

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8 Production Technology

8.1 Introduction
The completion strategy was to build a robust and reliable completion.
Completions cater for monitoring capabilities of installed equipment, reservoir
and well performance. The important drivers with respect to the completion
functionality were;
Sand face completion architecture,
Inflow control and management,
Artificial lift requirements,
Production optimisation and reservoir monitoring requirements,
Flow assurance requirements: Down hole scale inhibitor injection
requirements including the ability to perform frequent scale inhibition
treatments to prevent scaling in the reservoir and wellbore,
Lifecycle management requirements: Interventions, reservoir
management and formation damage management.
For future sidetracks and infill wells, the same principles will be applied, although
the design will reflect technology development.

8.2 Historic Context

The original Yme development (Statoil) experienced several technical difficulties
due to the properties of produced fluids and performance of the reservoir. The
previous development concept also set some boundaries that were challenging
to operate within.
A large part of the Production Technology work, to date, has been to review the
experience gained and documented by Statoil. The main areas of concern
highlighted by Statoil were;
Artificial lift
o Gas lifted wells - lack of gas, limited lifting capabilities (above 60
% WC)
o ESP lifted wells - short run life
Production chemistry
o Scale, CaCO3 scale precipitation, formation damage
o Emulsion, excessive OIW content
o Salt content - corrosive environment, sales specification penalties
Well testing and surveillance
o Sampling limited
o Rate data from individual wells limited
o Slugging problems from Beta subsea wells
High workover frequency and cost
o ESP failures
o Well integrity due to tubing leaks
o Material selection due to corrosive environment.
A range of different well and completion types were tested by Statoil during the
previous development. The most successful well type was the long horizontal
open hole completion with ESP lift.
The lessons learned were implemented in five sidetracks and nine new ESPs
deployed to improve oil recovery in the final two years of production.

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The previous YME experience and learnings were reviewed and incorporated
into the well and completion design.
Further experience from Statoil can be found in references 6, 7, 24, 25 and 26.

8.3 Sandface Completion and Inflow

8.3.1 Basis of Design
Details of completions are given in chapter 7. Sand Failure

No active sand control is considered for the wells. Previous rock mechanics tests
have predicted a negligible risk of sand production through the life of the well. Solids Production

Some fines should be accounted for. Initially, solids will be produced during
clean-up of the well.
The table below shows gravimetric analysis of solids found in the original Yme
development produced water and seawater cooling system. More details on this
can be found in reference 3.

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Sample Source Sample Weight Weight Weight Visual

Volume Before After Particles Examination
Number litre mg mg Mg
1 SW 1 69.0 79.3 10.3 Yellow/transparent Silica traces 40 70 m.
Fair coloured oxidation particles.

2 SW 1 68.4 76.5 8.1 As #1 + some particles >70 m.

3 SW 1 62.6 70.8 8.2 As #1 + some transparent fibre particles.

4 A1 0.5 62.6 - - Cleaner than # 1, 2 and 3. Particle sizes 10

30 m.

5 A2 0.5 67.8 72.3 4.5 Very clean sample. A few silica apparent

6 DEG 0.5 62.5 - - Similar to #4.

7 DEG 0.5 61.1 85.5 24.4 Similar to #4 but without the fibre particles.

8 A2 0.5 59.9 91.2 31.3 As #5.

9 DEG 0.5 61.8 65.2 3.4 As #1.

10 A1+A4 0.5 60.1 63.7 3.6 Varying sizes of silica apparent particles +
some metal particles 20 40 m.

11 A1+A4 0.5 61.8 - - Similar to #10 + what appears to be

elastomeric material (seal material).

12 A2 0.5 58.4 - - As #1.

13 MIX 1 57.2 74.3 17.1 Sample is covered by a milky white-yellow

substance + some semi-transparent flakes
(>300 m). Traces of what appears to be
oxidation particles.

14 MIX 1 58.3 - - As #13 but smaller content of the milky


Table 8-1 Gravimetric Analysis of Solids from Original Yme Development

Average concentration of solids at the different sample locations are presented in

the following table.

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Sample Location Average Concentration


Well A1 + A4 7.2

Well A2 36

Degasser 28

Sea Water 9

Mixed Water 17

Table 8-2 Avg. Concentration of Solids from Original Yme Development

Based on above information, the following parameters shall be used for design of
new equipment for the topsides plant:
25 mg Sand/ Solids production per litre of produced water
Average particle size of 20 m Inflow control and rock face completion architecture

Well productivity achieved during initial drilling phase and the production phase
will have a significant impact on the levels of the fluids off take. As such, skin
minimisation and the scale management system shall be focus areas during field
development planning.
The choice of open hole reservoir completions is based on Yme historical
production data proving that this solution yielded the best results. Producer 9/2-
A-8 and one track on 9/2-A-2 had open hole completions. These wells had no
indication of sand production and were very productive. Sand production is not
expected on Yme; however some fines should be accounted for (see previous
chapter). Initially, solids and debris will be produced during clean-up of the well.
Reservoir engineering work confirms that long horizontal wells give the best
recovery. Moreover open hole completions reduce the well construction risks and
On the Gamma Water Injectors a liner and selective perforation is required to
control the injectivity of the planned water flood sweep pattern and seal off the
middle part of the well, which has potentially reactive and unstable shales.

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8.4 Measurement, Monitoring and Sampling

8.4.1 Summary
Monitoring and surveillance of the Yme reservoir and individual well performance,
(well testing, down hole equipment monitoring/control), and live data to shore will
play an important role in re-developing the Yme field for optimisation of reservoir
performance and prolonged ESP run life with improved uptime for the wells.
Key issues are:
ESP monitoring (Pressure and Temperature) and control to shore,
Flow assurance; Scale and asphaltene control
Well integrity; Corrosion control
Well testing and reservoir monitoring,
Subsea well testing.
Data link to provide real time data onshore
The table below summarise the main components, which may be adjusted to suit
existing facilities subject to company agreement;

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Case Solution Challenge Frequencies

Water sampling Water sampling at Sampling of subsea wells. Regularly
for scale control individual well head This will only be possible
when wells are selectively

Well testing for Individual well needs to Access to test facilities, good Monthly or
allocation, WC- be tested regularly on test measurement when
determination, separator, or main required.
Subsea wells to be tested
gas breakthrough separator
after scale squeeze Subsea
Calculated within the interventions wells 6
ESP software monthly
Testing wells without ESP

Sand production Sand probe at main - and Determination of the sand Continuous
monitoring test separator mass/volumes.
Sampling for analysis Identification of the
offending well(s)

ESP surveillance Via the downhole Data to shore for surveillance Continuous
monitoring system Interfaces and integration
deployed with the ESP into Repsol system
Via Xmas tree gauges for
the wellhead data

Reservoir Data to shore for Interfaces and integration Continuous

management surveillance, pres., temp, into Repsol system
rates from ESP
Performance management
Further data gathering with ESP data.
during well interventions

Allocate PVT Oil sampling from Get representative samples Infrequently

properties to individual wells either
individual wells from well head or from
test separator

Production Data to shore for Interfaces and integration Continuous

management and surveillance into Repsol system

Well Integrity Regular testing tied to Maintain without Regularly

Testing ESP schedules interference with the ESPs

Table 8-3 Monitoring, testing and sampling requirements - Overview

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8.4.2 Well sampling

Well sampling of produced water will be taken every week initially to determine
water chemistry and scale potential. Based on operational experience with the
wells, this frequency will be adjusted. Also, the water samples will be used to
evaluate scale inhibitor squeeze performance.
Hydrocarbon samples of the wells will be taken initially to establish PVT
properties and how the wells compare with the overall PVT properties for the

8.4.3 Sand monitoring

The formation strength of the sand on Yme is high, with no significant sand
production when Statoil produced the Yme field (see chapter The
predrilled wells on Yme are part open completions and pre-slotted liners. Sand
detection equipment should be installed upstream the inlet and test separators on
Yme in order to detect if there is any sand production and to identify the source
as early as possible. ESP Monitoring

The downhole monitoring equipment shall be installed to control the operation of
the pump, recording historical data for optimization of reservoir management and
continuous process improvement in the operation and further design of artificial
lift and completion systems.
ESPs include monitoring system connected to the bottom of the motor. This
system include pressure/temperature discharge assembly above the pump
discharge, with main data acquisition unit located below the lower tandem motor
and connected to the power system via star point of the lower tandem motor
section stator winding.
The installed system does allow monitoring of the following downhole
Pump Intake Pressure,
Pump Intake Temperature,
Pump Discharge Pressure,
Pump Speed,
Pump Discharge Temperature,
Motor Winding Temperature,
ESP Vibration, both x & y,
Current Leakage,
Downhole Electronics Temperature.
The data transmission is via the power cable to eliminate the need for an
additional penetration through the tubing hanger and the tree.
Online monitoring and management of ESPs from the shore shall be facilitated
through data link.
Note: ESP wells were gas lift has been used as the artificial lift method. The
Downhole ESP monitoring will not be available.

8.4.4 Well testing and allocation

Monthly testing of each well through the test separator is the basis for the well
The subsea wells will be tested together if possible or individually if the total fluid
exceeds the test separator capacity, in which case production loss will occur.
Test frequency of subsea wells may therefore exceed one month and will be
done on an as need basis. Post and pre testing of the wells will be done in
conjunction with scale squeezes

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8.4.5 Integrity and barrier testing.

The integrity and the barriers of the wells will be tested according to the
applicable NORSOK standard D-010 Section 15, that deals with testing of all the
barriers in the well in the drilling phase and production phase.
The A-annulus on all wells will be constantly monitored, and where practical the
B annulus will have the capability of continuous monitoring.

8.4.6 Downhole monitoring and well intervention

The wells are set either with pre-slotted liner/ swellpackers/ open completions(C-
2 and C-4), open hole completions(C-3) and pre-slotted liner with swellpacker to
TD(C-1). The swellpacker were set across coal layers to prevent coal bits to enter
the wellstream, which could damage the ESPs. Table 1 below presents a
summary of the lower completion for the four wells. With the present completions
it is not possible to do flowing surveys with wireline tools in the hole while running
the ESPs. It is possible with another design of the flowtube/ bypass to perform
such a survey when the wells are recompleted, but the risk is considered to be
high. Therefore PLTs will not be considered as an option for wells requiring
ESPs to flow. Saturation tools that will be run during shut-in conditions are an
option, and will be considered on a well by well basis. For the wells with
swellpackers there should be a good potential that the swellpackers acts as no
flow barriers behind the liner, provided that the coal layers prevents flow. This
could present a potential for setting zone isolation plugs. There are well tractors
available that can pass the minimum restriction of 2.532 ID in the tailpipe.
Potential reward/risks has to be considered for using surveillance tools run on
wireline after the field is set on production.

Table 8-4 Lower Completion

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9 Subsea

9.1 Subsea Facilities and Document References

The existing infrastructure described in this section is developed from Yme Re-
development BoD rev 2 issued 15.11.2006.
The subsea production system (SPS), power control system, pipeline systems
and flexible riser systems are defined in the following documents and the
documents referenced therein:
Ref Doc no Description
9.1 YME-23056-Z-3006 rev 02 issued 16.10.2009. YME MCS DFI Resume (Vetco Gray)
9.2 YME-23056-Z-3201 rev C issued 28.02.2009 Overall field lay-out drw (Vetco Gray)
9.3 YME-23056-U-0004 rev A issued 25.09.2009 Overall System Users Manual (Vetco Gray)
9.4 YME-23056-U-0003 rev B issued 21.04.2008 Design Basis (Vetco Gray)
9.5 YME-23056-U-9050 rev B issued 26.06.2009 User manual Umbilical System (Vetco Gray)
9.6 YME-21389-Y-0185 rev Z2 issued 08.09.2009 DFI Resume for pipe coating (Technip / Bredero
9.7 YME-21389-Y-0041 rev Z1 issued 28.04.2010 DFI Resume for subsea installation (Technip)
9.8 YME-26168-Z-0282 rev A issued 02.07.2009 Power Umbilical calculation & verification of
selected cable design (Baker Hughes)
9.9 YME-TEN-I-0004 Rev A 09.08.2010 Performance Description of Total Yme Leak
Detection System (DNV)
9.10 DNV-13PQ5FY-1 rev 1 12.01.2012 YME Subsea Flowlines and SLS Preservation
9.11 Talisman document under activity Yme Preservation Evaluation (Technical Support)
11-024 rev 03 issued 23.02.2011
9.12 YME-21389-U-0212 rev Z1 issued 10.02.2010 Mechanical Completion Dossier
9.13 YME-23056-Z-0016 rev A issued 17.06.2009. Material Selection Report (Vetco Gray)
9.14 YME-23056-Z-0017 rev A issued 17.06.2009 Material Philosophy Report (Vetco Gray)
9.15 YME-23056-U-5048 rev 02 issued 02.09.2009 Design Verification Package & IRC (Vetco Gray)
9.16 YME-23056-U-5000-001 rev D issued Tree System Scope of Supply (Vetco Gray)
9.17 YME-23056-U-5000-002 rev D issued Tree System Scope of Supply (Vetco Gray)
9.18 YME-23056-I-6123 rev Z1 issued 28.01.2009 Functional Design Specification Wellhead
Single/Dual Pressure Temperature Sensors
(Vetco Gray)
9.19 YME-23056-U-3001 rev A issued 28.01.2009 Manifold Functional Design Specification (Vetco
9.20 YME-23056-R-3005 rev A issued 07.08.2009 ICARUS Connection Functional Design
Specification (Vetco Gray)
9.21 YME-23056-N-3012 rev A issued 06.08.2009 Manifold GRP Covers Functional Design
Specification (Vetco Gray)
9.22 YME-23056-U-9072 rev D issued 11.05.2009 Control Umbilical Functional Design Specification
(Vetco Gray)
9.23 YME-23056-U-6005 rev Z issued 20.05.2009 Production Control System Functional Design
Specification (Vetco Gray)
9.24 YME-23056-U-6000-001 to -009 rev Z issued System Scope of Supply (Vetco Gray)
9.25 YME-23056-U-6010 rev Z3 issued 28.01.2009 Software System Functional Design Specification
(Vetco Gray)
9.26 YME-23056-E-6145 rev Z1 issued 28.01.2009 Master Control Station Functional Design
Specification (Vetco Gray)
9.27 YME-23056-E-6179 rev Z3 issued 28.01.2009 MCS Software Functional Design Specification
(Vetco Gray)
9.28 YME-23056-U-6146 rev Z issued 28.01.2009 Subsea Control Module Functional Design
Specification (Vetco Gray)
9.29 YME-23056-U-6147 rev Z issued 28.01.2009 Subsea Control Module Mounting Base Functional
Design Specification (Vetco Gray)

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9.30 YME-23056-E-6114 rev Z issued 28.01.2009 Electrical Test Unit Functional Design
Specification (Vetco Gray)
9.31 YME-21389-U-0004-001 rev Z2 issued Field Layout (Technip)

Table 9-1 Existing Yme Subsea installations document references

The ESPs and submerged loading system are not a part of the subsea
production facilities but are mentioned for reference. The power umbilical for
actuating the ESPs is included herein.

9.2 Subsea Design Codes, Standards and Guidelines

The following design codes and standards were complied with for the subsea
systems design.
The primary design standards are:
NORSOK U-001 Subsea Production System
DNV OS-F101 Submarine Pipeline Systems
ISO 13628, Part 1 General requirements and recommendations
ISO 13628, Part 4 Design and Operation of Subsea Production Systems
ISO 13628, Part 7 Completion/ Workover Riser Systems

ISO 13628 series
ISO 10423 Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment
ISO 13623 Pipeline Transportation Systems
ISO 14313 Pipeline Valves
ISO 15589-2 Cathodic Protection of Pipeline Transportation Systems
ASME B31.4 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons
ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping System
ASME B31.3 Process Piping
NORSOK Standard J-003 Marine Operations
NORSOK Standard M-001 Material Selection
NORSOK Standard M-501 Surface preparation and surface coating
NORSOK Standard M-503 Cathodic Protection
NORSOK Standard M-601 Welding and inspection of piping
NORSOK Standard M-630 Material datasheets for piping
NORSOK Standard M-650 Qualification of manufacturers of special
NORSOK Standard M-710 Qualification of non-metallic sealing materials
and manufacturers
NORSOK Standard N-001 Structural design
NORSOK Standard Z-010 Electrical, instruments and
NORSOK Standard Z-015 Temporary Equipment
NORSOK U-009 Life Extension for subsea systems
NORSOK Y-002 Life Extension for Transportation Systems
NORSOK N-006 Assessment of structural integrity of offshore load-
bearing structures
API 5L Specification for Line Pipe, 42nd Edition, 2000
EN ISO 14723 Subsea Pipeline Valves

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PED European Pressure Directive

SAE AS4059 Cleanliness specification for hydraulic fluid
DNV-OS-C501 Composite Components

Subsea Recommended Practices:

DNV, RP B-401 Cathodic Protection Design
DNV RP F-102 Pipeline Field joint Coatings and Filed repair of line pipe
DNV RP-F-103 Cathodic protection of submarine pipelines by galvanic
DNV RP-F-106 Factory applied external pipeline coatings for corrosion
DNV RP-O-501 Erosive wear in piping systems
DNV RP-F111 Interference between trawl gear and pipelines
DNV RP-F112 Design guideline for duplex stainless steel used for
subsea equipment exposed to cathodic protection.
DNV RP-F116 Integrity Management of subsea pipeline systems

9.3 Design Life

The existing subsea facilities have a 15 years design life + 5 years design
storage time (storage time is time from being pre-commissioned to start-up).
The existing equipment was installed in 2008/2009.
Since the pipelines and spools were left with a preservation fluid comprising
oxygen scavenger and biocides, which in 2012 was analysed by DNV with the
conclusion that it still meet the preservation requirement/capacity with only minor
deterioration (<10%), internal corrosion is considered being negligible. It is further
considered that eventual oxygen left in the seawater inside the pipeline after
installation that might cause corrosion, now has ceased.
The subsea facilities, like the pipelines and umbilicals are managed in
accordance with Repsol Integrity Management System. Inspection are performed
without disturbing the preservation fluid and thus avoiding infiltration of new
oxygen. By avoiding internal corrosion and the fact that the systems are duly
protected against corrosion to the outer surface by coating or cathodic protection,
it is foreseen that any disturbances to its designed life-time will be negligible and
about equal to its original design life (15 years) from the production start-up.
After start-up of the production, the system will be regularly checked against
corrosion, damage and failure by external and internal inspections, which will be
a good foundation for the evaluation of an extended lifetime, should this be
required later in the production life.

9.4 Location
The Yme positions are given in table below using UTM, zone 31, 3 East,
International spheroid, Datum European 50.
Locations of the Beta and Gamma drill centres are specified in Table 9-2. Data
are extracted from Ref 9.31. These are subject to satisfactory survey. The
acceptable uncertainty radii around these targets are 50m. Beta North template
location is yet to be decided.

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Item Grid Heading East North

Beta Wellhead Protection Structure 239 581 454.4 6 402 546.8
Production and WI
Beta Manifold 240 581 497.1 6 402 518.5

Gamma Caisson Location - Production and 239.35 591 222.5 6 409 412.8
SLS Export to Tanker (GBS coordinates) 210.6 592 420.9 6 410 133.9

Table 9-2 Facility positions

The location for the Yme Storage tank, caisson and topsides facility is at the
Gamma drill centre.
The original Yme development top-hole locations are presented in Table 9-3.
Item East North

Beta 04.21.20E 54.45.15N

Gamma 04.31.00E 57.49.20N

Table 9-3 Original Yme Development Top Hole Positions

The former Statoil Beta template was located at approx: 6402400 N 580700 E.

9.5 Subsea Infrastructure Overview

The references in section 9.1 give further details.
The Yme New Development consist of a production facility with surface wells at
Gamma location, and a single Beta subsea step out tied back to the risers at the
Yme Production Facility. The Beta location is equipped with two production wells
and one water injection well. A 10 production pipeline and a 6 water injection
line ties the two locations together.
A 4 service line is installed and will be used for annular communication and as a
service conduit to the wells via a dedicated header. The main purpose of this line
will now be to provide gas lift gas for artificial lift.
Chemical injection will be routed to the trees using lines within the umbilical.
The produced fluid to, and the water injection from, the Production Facility are
transported using rigid risers routed through J tubes. Dynamic umbilical and
power line are similarly routed.
Offshore tanker loading will be performed using a Submerged Loading System
(SLS) and an oil export riser and pipeline is installed to route product to the
offshore tanker interface.

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Figure 9-1 Yme Subsea Facilities

9.6 Material Selection

This is described in references 9.1, 9.6 and 9.4, with further details described in
references 9.13 and 9.14. . Future development of the Beta Nord shall comply
with the same and supplementary requirements as applicable as per the
Regulatory compliance plan (ref Error! Reference source not found.).

9.7 Subsea System Description

9.7.1 General Information
A total of three subsea wells at Beta are drilled for the initial development.
Further information is found in reference 9.1
In the caisson there is a spare 10 pipe for a future tie-in.
For Water Injection, there is a 6 TEE at the base of the subsea storage tank,
allowing the tie-in of a future WI line. Note the WI riser is 8, but reducing to 6 for
the pipeline.

9.7.2 Design Well Flowrates

Updated well flowrates are given in Appendix 1. The new flowrates are well within
the well design rates, and do not require erosional analysis updates. Current ESP
pump design limits flow to around 3500 Sm3/d (22000 bpd).

9.7.3 Well Shut-in Pressures and Maximum Wellhead Flowing Temperature

Preliminary closed in tubing Head pressures (CITHP) are presented in section
5.5 and preliminary flowing wellhead temperature profiles are presented in
section 0.

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9.7.4 Drilling Interfaces and Workover Facilities

See reference 9.1.
With the current concept, the Jack Up drilling rig and production unit is integrated.
The rig must be able to reach all well slots on Gamma without having to be re-
positioned on seabed.
Simultaneous drilling and production from the same drill centre is required. The
drilling rig will be in control of the well it is working on, and the facility will be in
control of all other wells.
All automated safety functions shall be integrated for the entire installation

For a floating concept, the WHP shall be designed to allow access to all wells
from a standard North Sea Jack-Up rig.

9.8 Subsea Xmas Tree and Workover System

See reference 9.4 for general information.
Subsea wells are installed on Beta. Production and injection rates are presented
in Appendix 1.
The workover system will be sized for depth, usage, pressure regime and testing
duties. The system and tooling allow for the running of all tree tooling and
equipment and facilitate the control of the tree system from the drillers cabin. All
units shall comply with temporary unit recommendations of NOROG and possess
the ability to meet emergency shutdown needs of a rig.
Risers, open water or landing string, shall be designed according to ISO 13628-7.

9.8.1 Tree Design Overview

See reference 9.1, 9.15, 9.16, 9.17 and 9.18. Production Wells

Parameter Value

Maximum Design Pressure 345 bara

Maximum Design Temperature 121C

Minimum Design Temperature -46 C

Table 9-4 Subsea Tree Design Conditions

The trees require the facility for gas lift though annulus. Adjustable chokes are
required on both production and annulus bores. Water Injection Wells

Parameter Value

Maximum Design Pressure 345 bara

Maximum Design Temperature 121C

Minimum Design Temperature -46 C

Table 9-5 Subsea Water Injection Tree Design Conditions

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9.9 Subsea Structures

The subsea templates, manifolds and riser porches are presented within this
For details, please refer to references 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3.

9.9.1 Subsea Template Beta

The subsea template is the supporting structure and guide for the well
conductors and the interface to the manifold flow paths and monitoring points:
A multi well slot modularised subsea template with an over-trawlable
protection structure to protect the structure and its internals from the
detrimental effects of fishing gear impact and dropped objects,
The template is the foundation for the PGBs or other such units, manifold
system, controls elements and remote connection hubs and accessories,
The structure layout is suitable for operations from the jack-up rig Mrsk
Giant and from a typical semi-submersible rig.

9.9.2 Subsea Template Beta North

Final layout of Beta North is not decided, but the most likely solution is a new two
slot template located in the vicinity of existing Beta template and tied into this
manifold. Further info can be found in ref. 54.

9.9.3 Subsea Production Manifold

The production manifold has the following properties;
The manifold can be installed / retrieved without removing the Xmas
The manifold headers are equipped with ROV operated valves.
The manifold is designed for the distribution of control fluids and
chemicals with necessary ROV operated isolation valves towards each
production slot.
The manifold has headers for each service. ROV operated valves shall be
provided between the header and the wells.
Double barrier philosophy is incorporated for start-up or repair operations.
It shall be possible to route from the trees to the production or the
injection header.
The production manifold has spare tie-in points for future connection of
Beta North
Connections for connecting temporary Pig receivers/ launcher
For further information see references 9.19, 9.20, 9.21 and 9.22.

9.10 Flowlines, Risers, Flowline Jumpers and Umbilicals

9.10.1 General
The flowlines, risers, flowline jumpers (from tree to subsea manifold) and
umbilical shall transfer and control the production from Yme accumulations to the
processing and export facility at the Production Facility.
For details, please refer to references 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3. Production Flowlines and Risers

The produced fluids from the Beta manifold will be transported via a single 10
production flowline to a riser balcony local to the storage tank and further routed
from the riser balcony along the tank through the caisson and onto the
Production Facility

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Injection water will be transported from the Production Facility via a single 8
water injection riser down the caisson on the storage tank and further routed to
the riser balcony. From there water is routed through the manifold on the riser
balcony through a 6 pipeline to the Beta accumulation. Service Line

A stand alone 4 line is installed and routed through the caisson to the riser
balcony. From there the service line is routed through the manifold on the riser
balcony through a 4 line to the Beta manifold. This to permit:
gas lift
scale squeeze
production line depressurisation
potential pig driving fluid transmission
In the Yme New Development, the primary function will be gas lift. Umbilical
The umbilical provide hydraulic fluid for valve operation, chemicals, as well as low
voltage power and instrument connections for the subsea template.
The chemicals distributed in the umbilical are:
Scale Inhibitor (Downhole)
Asphaltene Inhibitor (Into Gas lift gas)
Methanol (to x-mas tree)
Corrosion Inhibitor (Manifold Injection)
Wax Inhibitor (Manifold injection

9.10.2 Beta North Flowlines

With a new template located in the vicinity of existing template and manifold, the
flowlines used for tie-in are likely to be relatively short flexible lines and control
Protection by means of rock-dumping, trenching and spool covers / tie-in loop
covers will be required.

9.10.3 Flow Assurance

Production profiles to be utilised for analysis of the production flowlines and risers
are presented in Appendix 1. A Flow Assurance Assessment and Plan (reference
35) has been developed.
For work related to the existing pipeline, the following U-values apply (relative to
10 Production Pipeline & Spools : 2.91 W/m2K
10 Production Spools, Bends : 2.99 W/m2K

9.10.4 Erosion
The Yme New Development will keep flow/ drawdown within the envelope of
existing erosion calculations for subsea equipment (manifolds, chokes, and
bends), jumpers, flowlines and risers.

9.10.5 Power System

The dual electrical submersible pumps (ESPs) are provided with power from a
distribution system connected to the Production Facility using a dynamic section
to the riser base and a static length from the base to the manifold locations. The
ESPs are not planned to be used for lift on Beta, hence power umbilical installed
is available for other services if required.

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9.11 Risers
Risers are installed for the services that are identified as Beta dedicated in
addition to an oil export riser to route product to the oil export pipeline and SLS.
In addition, umbilical risers are installed for the Beta controls & chemicals
umbilical and Beta ESP power umbilical.
Additional provisions for a future subsea tieback have been installed in the
caisson on the Gamma location. Additional tie-in points are available on the riser
balcony on the storage tank as well as on the Beta Production Manifold.

9.12 Subsea Production Control and Monitoring System

The subsea control system shall interface with the process control system
located on the Production Facility using acceptable protocols and hardwired to
facilitate Yme ESD requirement.
The following equipment will need be located on either the MODPU or the WHM
Subsea Control Unit,
Master Control station,
Electrical Power unit,
Test panels and modems,
Hydraulic power, to be supplied from a dedicated HPU,
Umbilical termination and hang-off heads,
Junction boxes.
The interfacing of systems is the responsibility of the contractor for the new
topsides. Herein lay the responsibility for mechanical, electrical and instrument
interfaces, as well as ensuring that all topsides equipment required to operate the
subsea systems is available, or procured.
For further information, see chapter 9.1 references 9.1, 9.23, 9.24, 9.25, 9.26,
9.27, 9.28 and 9.30.

9.12.1 Production Monitoring

For reservoir management purposes, production data must be acquired and
transmitted in such a way that measured total produced volumes of oil and water
can be allocated to individual wells, average reservoir pressure can be calculated
and sand production monitored.

9.13 Subsea Metering

No multiphase or other meters are installed subsea. Production will not be
directly metered, but component rates and allocation will be deduced from other
ESP pump instrumentation where available.

9.14 Leak Detection from Subsea Facilities

See chapter 9.1 reference 9.9.
There is currently no leak detection system installed neither on the existing Beta
Facilities nor on the Submerged Loading System.

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9.15 Sand Detection from Subsea Facilities

There are no sand detectors installed on the subsea facilities. Sand detection
equipment shall be installed upstream the inlet and test separators (ref 8.4.3).

9.16 Preservation Status of Existing Facilities

Proper preservation of existing facilities is of crucial importance with regards to
minimising potential degradation effects in the period from installation in 2008
until the facilities are becoming operational. References 9.10, 9.11 and 9.12 must
be paid due regard in this aspect and preservation issues must be carefully
evaluated regularly.
Ref 9.12 concludes on preservation throughout 2012 only and an update of the
report is required in due course.

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10 Production Facilities

10.1 Description of Facilities

The Production Facility will be either a fixed installation process facility hooked up
to a Wellhead module on the Yme caisson, or a floating installation connected
with pipelines to a WHP at the Yme caisson.

Already installed are a caisson containing wells and surface trees located at the
Gamma drilling centre. Existing storage tank can be reused if applicable.

One wellhead template has been installed at Beta location, and is tied back with
a 12 km pipeline.

Existing separate offloading point has been installed (SLS) and can be used for
Yme New Development Project if applicable.

10.2 Storage
Topsides production facilities shall deliver crude of the following quality to the
storage tank and on to the export tanker (reference 18):
Item Design Value Comment

Max Crude Temperature (C) 60

To avoid wax deposition / failure to flow /

Min Crude Temperature (C) 42
excessive heating duty in export tanker
Note 1
True Vapour Pressure (bara) < 0.95 @ 60C To reduce emissions from caisson.

For export tanker compatibility, keeping

Reid Vapour Pressure (bara) 0.56
temperature < 50C.
Note 2
Base Sediment & Water (%) <0.5 by volume

Fresh water dilution is required to meet this

specification. A target of 100 mg/l Cl is used
Salt content (mg/l Cl ) <100 to avoid oil price penalty. If cost is
prohibitive, a target of 200 mg/l may be
acceptable subject to company approval

Notes 1. If cooled further than 60C before entering caisson (down to a minimum of
50C), a TVP=0.95 bara at this lower temperature can be accepted.

2. If salt specification is not fulfilled with other means than basic separation, a
BS&W of 0.15% is required to meet 200 mg/l mg/l salt content.

Table 10-1 Stabilised Crude Oil Specification

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The Subsea tank have sufficient storage to accommodate Repsols desired crude
export parcel size plus an extra buffer to provide a margin for adverse weather or
tanker scheduling delays. Repsol desires to export 40,000 m3 (250,000 bbl)
parcels at standard temperature and pressure.
The storage tank system ensure that the space not occupied by crude never
contain an explosive mixture of hydrocarbon vapours and air, by storing over
seawater. The pump caissons shall be purged with nitrogen.
The system has been designed to minimise overboard discharges and
atmospheric emissions:
Item Design Value Comment

Target average PPM over month

Water discharged from storage contractor to assess if minor increase in
< 10 mg/l
or slops in normal operation emission can give large cost saving (step
change), < 30 mg/l regulatory max. per day

N.B. A mixture of VOCs and Inert Gas may

VOCs emitted from storage or
be emitted to atmosphere if individual
slops to atmosphere in normal Negligible
storage tanks or pipe systems have to be
purged for inspection and maintenance.

Table 10-2 Discharge Specification from Storage and Slops

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10.3 Submerged Loading System

The off-loading has been sized and configured to deliver the following
Item Design Value Comment
2 x 1250 m /h 3
Parcel size is 40,000 m , which allow
Pumps - Sufficient
Export fluid delivery rate to some buffer capacity within maximum
to deliver 3
tanker storage capacity of 48,000 m (reference
maximum size
parcel in 16 hours

To ensure adequate separation between

Minimum distance between tanker and production unit exports via a
subsea remote loading point seabed line to a separate offloading
1350 m
(PLEM), and any fixed facility. Actual distance between tanker
Production Facility and production facility will vary due to
weathervaning during loading operation.

Existing hose terminates in a 20 Hose

Hose, hawser, telemetry and To match standard End Valve with an adaptor to the 16
position references fitted to Norwegian sector hose. There is a 16 Marine break away
facility. DP fleet coupling installed on the hose. PLEM
Position is N 6410131.69; E 592415.75.

Table 10-3 Crude Oil Export system Specifications

10.3.1 Requirements for existing offloading

The topsides facility need to supply the offloading hose with up to 10 m3 of fresh
water after offloading to avoid collapse due to vacuum/ cooling (reference 34).
Testing has identified need for modifications to installed SLS system to meet
offloading requirements.

10.3.2 Alternative offloading

Existing SLS require extensive modification. Provision of alternative offloading is
desired, and an alternative design shall be offered as an option. Alterative
offloading shall as far as possible meet the fluid delivery rate to tanker as given in
Table 10-3.

10.4 Topsides and Wellhead Module

The Yme Process will be adapted to the existing process facilities if relevant. If
no existing facilities are in place, Repsol can provide previously proposed
The caisson wellhead module operational design weight shall not exceed 800
The facilities shall provide spare space and equipment loading capacity to allow
for future developments. The spare weight capacity shall not be less than 500
tonne. Suitable future deck space area/ location shall be identified by contractor.

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10.4.1 General
An offshore production topsides facility is proposed featuring:
Production reception / inlet facilities
Production separation train and crude oil stabilisation
Gas compression to meet lift gas, gas re-injection and fuel gas
Gas conditioning
Produced water treatment and injection/ disposal
Power distribution and integration with existing power generation if
Essential utilities (flare, drains, instrument/plant air, nitrogen, seawater,
diesel, deluge and foam systems, chemical injection)
Process, well control and process shutdown systems, emergency
shutdown systems and fire and gas detection systems,
Support facilities for stabilised crude oil storage (including heating
facilities for fluid in subsea storage tank) unless other facilities are
Stabilised crude oil off-loading facility for shuttle tanker crude oil export
unless other facilities are available

Production Facility capacity requirements are presented in Table 10-4.

Electric submersible pumps have been chosen as the preferred artificial lift
mechanism for Gamma East wells, with gas lift as the lift mechanism for the
Gamma West and Beta subsea wells. Compressed gas molecular weight
variations for different operating cases shall be considered in the compressor
Existing Beta subsea production well design incorporate both ESPs and gas lift
valves, but new subsea wells and recompletion will be gas lift completion only.
The service line will be utilised for gas lift supply.

Service Units Facility Design Rates

Produced Oil m3/d 6 500 - 9 000Note 4
Produced Water Treatment m3/d 12 500Note 5
Gross Produced Liquids m3/d 17 800Note 5
HP Gas Compression, Sm3/d 900 000
Dehydration and Injection 1 100 000Note 1
Gas Lift Sm3/d 700 000Note 2
Seawater De-aeration m3/d 6500Note 3
Produced Water Injection m3/d 13 000Note 5
Est. flowing THP Gamma barg 13
Inlet Separator Pressure barg 10
Note 1. 900 000 Sm3/d require two ESPs in operation. As far as
possible the plant shall be designed to achieve 1 100 000
Sm3/d (Full Gas Lift).

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2. Only applicable for sizing of gas lift pipework etc.

3. Design to allow for future offshore installation of SW
treatment and injection facilities.
4. Given short expected plateau production, the maximum
oil capacity can be adjusted with limited economic impact
5. Somewhat lower rates may be acceptable as long as this
does not significantly impact oil production (see profiles in
chapter 5.2).

Table 10-4 Yme Production Capacities (Stream Days)

Although there is no history of H2S on Yme, the process systems materials shall
accommodate sour service, and be designed according to ISO 15156 (NACE

10.4.2 Well Conductor and Riser Caisson

A total of 9 surface well slots have been designed in existing caisson. Details of
the well types and designations are presented in Table 10-5 (reference 14).
Sufficient space shall be allowed for in piping and manifold design to utilise all
slots in future.

Well Name Caisson Reservoir Structure Well Type

C1 1 Gamma South East Oil Producer (ESP)
C2 2 Gamma North West Oil Producer
C3 3 Gamma North West Oil Producer
C4 4 Gamma South West Oil Producer
C5 5 Gamma West Water and Gas Injector
C6 6 Gamma West Water and Gas Injector
C7 7 Gamma North East Future Oil Producer (ESP)
C8 8 Gamma East Future Water Injector
C9 9 Gamma South West Future Oil Producer

Table 10-5 Surface wells: Type and designation

Identified risers for remote field tie-backs are presented in Table 10-6 (Reference
Riser Slot Riser Riser Designation
10 10 inch Beta Oil Production
11 8 inch Beta Water Injection (Note 2)

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12 10 inch Future Oil Production (Note 1)

13 4 inch Beta Service Line
14 16 inch J-Tube Beta Chemicals and Control Umbilical
15 16 inch J-Tube ESP Power
16 16 inch J-Tube Future Chemicals and Control Umbilical (Note 1)
17 16 inch J-Tube Future Power Cable From Shore Contingency
18 16 inch J-Tube Future
Notes 1. The total system to be able to tie in a Beta lookalike
2. Spare 6 TEE at storage tank base for Future field tie-in to
Water Injection riser slot 11.

Table 10-6 Remote production facilities riser designations

10.4.3 Platform Wells Production Wells

Parameter Value
Maximum Design Pressure 345 bara
Maximum Design Temperature 121C
Minimum Design Temperature -46C

Table 10-7 Platform Production Tree Design Conditions

Adjustable chokes are required on production flowlines. Water/Gas Injection Wells

Parameter Value
Maximum Design Pressure 345 bara
Maximum Design Temperature 121C
Minimum Design Temperature -46C

Table 10-8 Platform Water/ Gas Injection Tree Design Conditions

Adjustable chokes are required on the injection flowlines.

Production profiles are given in Appendix 1.

10.4.4 Production Separation

Produced fluids from the Gamma platform wells and Beta subsea production
flowline will be received at the topsides processing facilities. Inlet production

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separators operating pressures are anticipated to be around 10 barg. Gamma

fluids are anticipated to arrive topsides at temperatures in the range 75 to 100C
over field life. Following gas breakthrough, some Gamma West wells may be
choked back, resulting in slugging and intermittent lower temperatures on gas.
Beta production fluids are anticipated to arrive at 40 to 65C over field life for two
well production, but below wax appearance temperature (42C) during gas lift
operation of one well. Slugging will give fluctuating inlet temperatures with the
lowest temperatures seen at unisulated riser base.
Two inlet production separators are proposed, a HP Stage Separator and a Test
Separator sized for the maximum of either a single Gamma well or full Beta
production. To achieve maximum rates, both separators can be operated in
parallel. It is required that an inlet heater be provided on the Beta flowline to heat
fluid to further facilitate Beta fluids separation (to around 80C to avoid
emulsions; reference 26 and 24). Space, weight and tie-in allowance should
allow for a similar future inlet arrangement for similar subsea tieback.
Emulsion problems were experienced during the original Yme development. Low
Beta fluid arrival temperatures and high shear rates in Gamma fluids would have
contributed to these problems. Gamma East production wells will experience high
fluid shear through the ESPs. The poor separation in the original development
resulted in Yme crude being sold at a considerable value discount, on account of
the high water content and salinity. The Yme New Development design shall
incorporate adequate crude oil separation facilities to ensure high crude sales
Interstage heat is included to ensure stabilised crude specifications (TVP/ RVP)
can be met. Oil from the 1st stage separator should be diluted with fresh water to
ensure salt specification is met.
To avoid separation upsets, dirty streams (closed drain, PW reject streams, etc.)
should not be recycled to separators if this can be avoided.
The oil must be cooled to below 60C and metered prior to flowing to storage.
Export crude quality specification is presented in the following table.

Criteria Units Specification

Base, Sediment and Water vol% < 0.5 Note 2
Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP) Bara <= 0.56
Salt Content mg/l < 100Note 1
H2S Content ppm <3
CO2 Content mole% < 0.1
Notes 1. If achieving the target of 100 mg/l proves challenging, meeting 200 mg/l
may be acceptable subject to company approval. (Reference 18)
2. Salt content of Yme produced water is 121,000 mg/l Chloride. The
necessary BS&W to meet the salt specification (200 mg/l) is 0.15% by
volume. If fresh water dilution to remove salt is used, a BS&W of 0.5
vol% is acceptable.
3. The salt content of the product oil is measured to ASTM D3230, which
measures chloride (salts) concentration in crude oil. The range of
concentration covered by ASTM D3230 is 0 to 500 mg/kg (or 0 to 150
lb/1000 bbl) as chloride concentration/ volume of crude oil.

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Table 10-9 Export Crude Oil Specification

The topsides production manifold configuration should be designed to permit

switching of the Beta field production or individual Gamma wells between the HP
and Test separators.
Criteria Units Design Rate Notes
Oil m3/d 7000 10 barg Arrival Pressure
Produced Water m3/d 8500 10 barg Arrival Pressure
Gross Produced Liquids m3/d 13000 10 barg Arrival Pressure
Gas Handling Sm3/d 934,000 Including Gas Lift Allowance
Note 1.

Table 10-10 Indicated HP Stage Separator Design Criteria (Stream Days)

Criteria Units Design Notes

Oil m3/d 3500 10 barg Arrival Pressure
Produced Water m3/d 4000 10 barg Arrival Pressure
Gross Produced Liquids m3/d 4800 10 barg Arrival Pressure
Gas Handling Sm3/d 523,500 Including Gas Lift Allowance

Table 10-11 Indicated Test Separator Design Criteria (Stream Days)

Previous slug analysis suggested 11 m slug volume is sufficient in the inlet

separators design (reference 15). Slug volume has been verified in previous
phases, but care should be taken to verify maximum separator/ downstream
system drain rates and control system response (reference 40).
Significant sand production is not expected, but for design of new equipment, the
following parameters shall be used:
25 mg Sand/ Solids production per litre of produced water
Average particle size of 20 m
Production separator design shall incorporate nozzles and space allocation for
future sand sparging and removal facilities, should these prove necessary.

10.4.5 Gas Compression and Treatment

The GOR of the oil produced is ranging from 61.3 (Gamma) to 54.4 (Beta) Sm/
Sm (Reference 24). Beta North West has a GOR of about 63 Sm/ Sm.
There will be no gas import / export. Produced gas will be used for fuel gas,
compressed and re-injected, or used for lift gas to the Beta subsea production
Gas from the inlet separators, operating at around 10 barg, flows to the
compressors. Drying of the gas is required to protect 4 beta service line and well
annuli from corrosion. The following boundary conditions should be noted:

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Gas injection pressure is limited by wellhead design pressures of 345

o Design point should be 250 barg @ rated flow at wellhead (see
Table 4-3)
o Figure 5-9 show that pressure within months is reduced to nearer
200 barg
Beta Gas lift
o Gas Lift pressure maximum 240 barg at wellhead when unloading
o When in normal operation, pressure is reduced to below 200 barg
Fuel Gas pressure will be governed by turbine type usually around 30
For Beta Gas Lift, the Gas Dehydration Performance specification (which
pipeline design is based on) is:
Criteria Units Specification

Maximum Water Content mg/Sm < 40

Table 10-12 Gas Dehydration Specification

The last stage of separation and the coalescer operate at low pressure to
achieve the required vapour pressure specification for the oil going to storage.
The gas from the LP separator will be compressed by a LP compressor, which
discharges to the suction of the main compressors.

10.4.6 Produced Water Treatment

The bulk of the produced water will be separated from the oil in the inlet
separators. The produced water treatment facilities shall be designed to achieve
sufficient quality to allow dumping to sea.
Target oil in produced water concentration is presented in Table 10-13.
Criteria Units Specification

Oil in Produced Water (Target) mg/litre < 10

Note 1
Oil in Produced Water mg/litre < 30
(Maximum for injection)

Note 1. Due to lack of information, the limit chosen is the Maximum legal daily average
figure. Statoil experiences indicate that higher OIW levels may be acceptable for
the wells.

Table 10-13 Produced Water Treatment Speciofication

The produced water facilities should be designed with connections to allow

flushing with acid to remove scale.

10.4.7 Water Injection

Reservoir pressure (for segments where there are injection wells) will be
maintained through produced water re-injection. Allowance for future Seawater
treatment facilities are required in event of aquifer performance not as predicted,

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or to provide flexibility for future tie-ins. Seawater injection water specification is

defined in Table 10-14:
Criteria Units Specification
Filtration Requirements Pump protection
Oxygen Content ppb < 10Note 1
Note 1. Requirement is set based on design of existing subsea equipment and wells.

Table 10-14 Seawater Injection Specification

There is a risk of barium sulphate scaling when injecting a mixture of sea water
and produced water. As far as possible only produced water shall be injected in
Beta wells. For Gamma wells, produced water shall be favoured to minimize
emissions to sea. Produced water and seawater shall not be mixed topsides prior
to injection. Allowance for future Seawater injection routing and manifolds shall
be made in accordance with the above restrictions.
Significant sand production is not expected, and was not experienced when Yme
was produced previously. Filtration for Produced Water is not required other than
for injection pump protection.
The maximum produced water injection temperature is 60C, limited by the 8
riser/ 6" water injection line from Gamma to Beta. The produced water discharge
to sea do not have a specific temperature restriction, but temperature effect on
environmental impact (including risk of exposure to HC gases; benzene, VOC) of
PW discharge to sea shall be assessed.

10.4.8 Power Requirements and Fuel Supply

Electrical power will be used to drive process, drilling (if available), marine and
accommodation equipment.
The Production Facility must also provide electrical power to the ESPs. The
power generation system need sufficient robustness to supply two (Gamma East
wells) ESPs simultaneously.
Expected power requirement is in the order of 15 20 MW, pending on process.
The WHRUs may supply process heating requirements through a heating
medium system. Heat requirement is expected to be in the order of 10 14 MW,
pending on process.

10.4.9 Chemical Injection

Chemical injection requirements are presented in section 6.12. Chemical
injection storage facilities should as far as possible be based on existing facilities,
but sizing shall be considered on the following criteria:
Chemicals for continuous use a minimum storage capacity for 10 days
at maximum injection rate,
Batch chemical use storage capacity to be determined based on
frequency of batch operation and assuming a 10 day supply boat period.
Final capacities will be agreed between contractor and company.
A subsea chemical distribution system is provided to distribute chemicals to
individual wells (see section9.10.1.4).
Monitoring of the flow down each chemical line shall be provided.

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Rev.: 01 Scale Inhibitor Squeeze of Production Wells

The production system shall be configured to enable scale squeeze operations to
be carried out intermittently. Scale squeezes will commence once wells start
cutting water and may be required up to two times per year per well. Facilities
are required to dose individual wells. Typically a scale squeeze operation
involves a 24 m (150 bbl) preflush, 207 m (1300 bbl) treatment and 556 m
(3500) bbl flush with dosed water at flowrates of approximately 90 m/h (13 600
Scale squeezes will be facilitated through the use of drilling equipment. For
platform wells, access will be through the x-mas tree (kill wing).
For Beta wells, a suitable tie-in point must be facilitated at a service line manifold
on the caisson. When squeezing beta wells, gas lift supply to all Beta wells will
be impaired. Acid Washes

New equipment in the production system shall be configured with sufficient
nozzles and valves to enable inhibited acid washes (organic, inorganic or
chelant) to be carried out intermittently. For existing equipment adding extra
nozzles should be considered.

10.4.10 Measurement
The crude oil and gas shall be measured to a standard acceptable to the
Norwegian authorities. The following NORSOK standards can be used as guide
for measurement and manual sampling facilities for the produced oil, fuel gas and
flare gas metering:
I-106, Fiscal metering systems for hydrocarbon liquid and gas
NPD Regulations
It is desired to measure many streams on the installation. The practicality of
introducing this shall be discussed and agreed during FEED. Allocation
The operator will perform allocation and reconcile fluid volumes from individual
wells (producers and injectors) on a monthly basis from daily figures. Daily
figures are either directly monitored and transferred or calculated from 15-minute
intervals. As a backup calculation based on well performance (P, T) is required.
An online system to collect, calculate, present, transfer data to the operator that
will perform the final reporting and reconcile production figures is required.
Typical values are:
Valve status,
Pressure/ Temperature measurements from wells and process,
Rates and consumptions. Fiscal Metering

The oil export metering system shall be designed for the maximum continuous
offloading rate. The oil export metering system shall be used for custody transfer
purposes only.
Meters on the oil export system shall use high reliability low maintenance
flowmeters of proven technology.
A redundant, spare meter shall be included in the metering system to allow
removal of the master flowmeter for annual calibration. Proving shall be
conducted in accordance with NPD regulations.
Metering to Fiscal standard is also required on streams that contribute to CO2
and NOX tax, typically Fuel Gas and Flare rates.

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10.4.11 Sampling Facilities

Sample facilities are required for product streams, wellstreams, produced water,
and other environmental purposes. The need for sampling should be identified
early. Sampling requirements may be set by regulations, standards, NEA, or by
Company. Where regular sampling is required, permanent facilities shall be

10.4.12 Subsea Storage Tank and Caisson Interfaces

The existing subsea storage tank will be used for Crude Oil Storage as intended,
unless the proposed facility has equal or better storage facilities. If existing tank
is utilised, the new topsides facility shall provide adequate facilities for supporting
this functionality.
This functionality includes the following functions, (complete list to be developed
in FEED):
Crude Oil Storage
o Crude oil to caisson
o Power and functionality for 2 x offloading pumps
o N2 purge to pump caissons
o Heating for maintaining offloading/ storage temperature > 42C
o Support/ integration of level instrumentation into SAS
o Vent to safe area
Ballast Water
o Continuous skimming function for ballast water nose tanks
o Power and functionality of 2 x skimming pumps
o N2 purge to pump caissons
o Monitoring of ballast water quality (OIW)
o Alarm to CCR at high OIW levels
o Hot Seawater return to caisson

o Oil Export Line
o Freshwater makeup

The existing SLS will require major modifications. An alternative offloading option
shall be proposed as an option.

10.4.13 HVAC Design Temperatures

The company propose that the extreme temperatures are not used for HVAC
design, but rather a slightly less conservative basis to avoid significant
Typical North Sea air temperature data for HVAC design:
Min: -6C / 90% Relative Humidity
Max: 22C / 75% Relative Humidity
For seawater, the following design values shall be used:
Min: 5C
Max: y(C) = 14 0.1 * x (m depth) (Ref: Figure 11-1)
When designing HVAC components, any temperature rise across SW pumps and
system shall be accounted for.

10.4.14 Allowance for Future tie-ins and options

The caisson is designed for tie-in of a second subsea tie-back. In this respect,
the following allowances shall be made:
Routing for an additional 10 production line from caisson Tie-in and to
process plant

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Allowance for Future Inlet Heater for production line (Section 10.4.4)
Allowance for future tie-in of support to such a development (Tie in to
Service Line/ Umbilical on WHM)

Seawater injection will not be installed, but design shall ensure this is available
for future installation by
Space allowance for main equipment (deaerator, vacuum package, pipe
routings etc.)
Ensure implementation of system can be performed in line with
requirements set in this BoD (10.4.7).

Future weight allowance of 500 tonne has been specified in section 10.4.

10.5 Design Life

The Facility and equipment installed shall be designed for a 15 year design life.
The facility shall be capable of meeting all statutory/ regulatory requirements for
remaining in the field for the design life, taking normal maintenance and repair
into consideration. If cost to achieve the design life requires work that incur
excessive cost, this can be reduced subject to agreement with company.
The terms used are defined in section 14.1.

10.6 Environmental Targets

The following environmental design parameters have been chosen. Reasonable
endeavours shall be used to further improve environmental performance, and
these efforts and their consequences presented.
Source Design

Flaring To be minimised.

Produced Water Discharge < 10 mg/l oil in water

Minimise discharge by PWRI

Chemical Discharge Compliance to 0 discharge


Power Generation Lo NOX design

Note 1
Offloading Emissions VOC recovery system
Solid Waste Recycle / disposal onshore

Notes 1. VOC recovery for tanker.

Table 10-15 Environmental Design Parameters

10.7 Operational Availability

The design of the facilities should seek to achieve as high availability as possible,
without excessive cost. The term Production availability is defined in section 14.2.
The criteria have been set based on discussions with typical vendor. The
availability will be assessed in FEED, and reasonable endeavours will be taken to
improve upon this figure.

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Criteria Availability (%)

Production Availability 95 %

Table 10-16 Production Availability

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11 Metocean Data
DNVGL has prepared a document which includes a comprehensive set of
metocean criteria and premises which can be used for the design and
reassessment of offshore structures, subsea installations and marine operations.
The above mentioned DNVGL document does not include updated data for
current and temperature. Therefore current temperature data shall be taken from
Fugro Oceanor report Updated Metocean Criteria for the Yme Platform
(reference 42).
Data for marine growth, seismic actions, snow and ice shall be taken form

11.1 Temperature data

11.1.1 Air Temperature (C)
The following temperature data has been abstracted from reference 42.

Table 11-1 Monthly and annual minimum, average, maximum temperature

and humidity data

11.1.2 Seawater Temperature

The following temperature data has been abstracted from reference 42, which
contains further narrative and information on salinity and density.
For all depths the extreme minimum temperature can be taken as 5C. The
extreme maximum temperature decreases linearly with depth from 20C at the
surface to 10.0C at 100 m. The seasonal variation of the monthly mean
temperature at two depths is shown below.

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Figure 11-1 Seasonal variation of monthly mean seawater temperature

From Reference 42, the following temperature data are obtained:

Month Minimum Mean Maximum
(C) (C) (C)
January 3.72 6.11 8.97
February 3.16 5.06 7.39
March 2.91 4.85 7.09
April 3.91 6.09 9.29
May 5.31 9.03 13.05
June 8.20 11.83 16.07
July 10.43 14.61 20.70
Augusts 12.15 15.66 20.23
September 11.28 13.46 16.96
October 8.35 11.68 15.22
November 7.02 9.72 13.08
December 4.02 7.68 10.15

Overall 2.91 9.61 20.70

Table 11-2 Statistics of Seawater monthly minimum, mean and

maximum temperature at Surface

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12 Summary of Geotechnical Conditions

See reference 10 for detailed Geotechnical design report.
Soil Unit No. Depth Interval (m) Soil Description
1 0.0 2.5 SAND, dense to very dense, fine to medium,
with occasional shell fragments
2 2.5 10.0 SILT, sandy, clayey with thin layers of hard clay
and silty sand
3 10.0 16.0 CLAY, stiff to hard, interbedded with silty fine
4 16.0 26.0 CLAY, stiff to hard, with pockets and
laminations of silty fine sand

Table 12-1 Four-layer deposit at the YME Gamma location (recommended

in NGI, 2007)

Reference 5 presents Soils parameters for design and Geotechnical data for
block 9/2, derived in 2007.
Further information and data can be found in references 47 and 48.

12.1 Bathymetric data

The water depth at Yme varies around 75 to 100 metres (MSL).
The water depth and further data is given in the metocean report (reference 4
and 44).
Locations of the drill centres are given in table Table 9-2, with the exception of
Beta North, as this is yet to be determined.

12.2 Yme Beta development site

For geotechnical data for the gamma to beta pipeline route, see reference 19
Exact Beta North location not yet identified, and need for additional survey for
flowline/ template will be assessed later.

12.3 Flowline/ umbilical route

For geotechnical data, see reference 19.
Seabed sediments along the route are slightly shelly, slightly silty sand with some
boulders and trench infill crossing the route.

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12.4 Production facility site

There is only limited information for part of the area, see reference 19. Previously
drilling jack up rigs has been placed in the area and there may be spud can
depressions in the sea bed.

12.5 Subsidence
Subsidence is not expected at Yme. The Yme reservoirs consist of strongly
consolidated sandstone that should not collapse. None of the original Yme wells
collapsed after five years of production, even if the reservoirs were depleted by
approximately 200 bars at the end of the first production period in 2001.

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13 Yme Storage Tank and Caisson

The Yme New Development project is based on keeping the existing storage
tank and caisson to keep the value of the existing Gamma Wells. Below follow
references to the installed system, as well as requirements directly related to this.
Facility requirements are set out in section 10.2.

13.1 Existing caisson structure

A 5.25 m diameter steel caisson cantilevers up from the subsea tank and
supports a 10m square cellar deck at 118.9 m above tank base. For drawings
see reference 20 and 21

13.1.1 Caisson support system and document references

The caisson is supported by the storage tank by a grouted connection at the
lower end and by a bracing system connected to the support columns on top of
the storage tank. The structural analysis and design of the caisson and storage
tank was originally done by SBM as documented in the following structural
design reports:
Ref Doc no Description
13.1 YME-11208-N-3342/P 11208-6042, Structural analysis caisson to tank
Rev. 0 connection
13.2 YME-11208-N-3054/P 11208-6012, Fatigue strength assessment substructure
Rev. A
13.3 YME-11208-N-3234/P 11208-5852, Local structural analysis substructure
Rev. 0 MOPUStor
13.4 YME-11208-N-3586-001/P 11208- Structural analysis column, caisson lower
5851, Rev. 0 end and bracing
13.5 YME-11208-N-3053/P 11208-5784, Fatigue strength assessment of legs and
Rev. B caisson
13.6 YME-11208-N-3425-001/P 11208- Structural analysis substructure tank
5668, Rev. A
13.7 YME-11208-N-3585-001/P 11208- Scantling analysis substructure
5667, Rev. B
13.8 YME02-23484-N-RA-0008, Rev.01 Caisson Global Analysis

Table 13-1 Storage Tank and Caisson reference documents

13.1.2 Caisson Structure verification

Company has together with our Structural Integrity Contractor performed
structural reanalysis to verify the fatigue life of critical parts of the caisson and the
caisson supports based on the fatigue damage accumulated from actual loading
conditions induced from all relevant historic design conditions.
The structural fatigue assessments performed by the Structural Integrity
Contractor has identified hot spot areas which has been concluded with lower
fatigue life than the required design. These areas have been subjected to
detailed NDT inspections, fracture mechanics and probability assessment in
order to demonstrate a sufficient safety level. The on-going comprehensive

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structural integrity regime will be maintained for the remaining service life
including the removal phase.

13.1.3 Caisson Support Requirements

In order to be able to support the new WHM onto the existing caisson and
demonstrate that the structural integrity for the existing caisson and caisson
brace can be obtained for the remaining service life at the Yme field, then it is
required to install a new Caisson Permanent Support (CPS). (Ref 52)

13.1.4 Cathodic protection system

The cathodic protection system for the Caisson and Storage tank was designed
for a service life of 15 years. The Caisson and Storage Tank has been on the
YME field since autumn 2008 with both internal and external seawater exposure.
The cathodic protection system will therefore have to be reassessed to ensure
the required extended service life.
To satisfy the requirement of an extended service life of the caisson and storage
tank the cathodic protection system shall if necessary be upgraded to meet the
design life defined in chapter 10.4.14.

13.1.5 Structural Foundation for new Wellhead Module

In order to be able to support the new WHM onto the existing caisson, the
caisson topside will need to be prepared by removing existing structures and
equipment. In addition, necessary structural foundation for the WHM will need to
be installed. (Ref 53).

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14 Definitions

14.1 Lifetime
For the Yme Project, the definition of Lifetime adopted is the same as defined in
NORSOK Y-002. The following terms will be used:
Design Life
Integrity Life
Service Life

14.1.1 Design Life

Specified period for which the integrity of the system is documented in the
original design with anticipated maintenance, but without requiring substantial

14.1.2 Integrity Life

Period during which the system or component may be operated without infringing
the integrity acceptance level
The integrity life is longer than the design life, and in most cases the integrity life
cannot be documented. The integrity life is the upper theoretical limit for the
design life.
Conservatism in design and material data is the background for much of the
difference between integrity life and design life. In the design process the focus is
on documenting an acceptable integrity level for the specified design life. The
design process is often conservative when choosing parameters for calculations
and qualifications.

14.1.3 Service Life

Time length the system is intended to operate.
The service life is a part of the application toward authorities.
The design life of a system is 25 years. However, the system was intended to
operate 15 years (limited by the reservoir predictions), and the operator applied
for a 15 years permission. Later the operator wants to extend the service life with
5 years, for a total of 20 years. In this case the design supports the application for
service life extension with respect to design life.

14.2 Production Availability

The definitions used herein are based on definitions and descriptions in ISO

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Figure 14-1 Illustration of availability relationships and terminology used.

14.2.1 Availability
Ability of an item to be in a state to perform a required function under given
conditions at a given instant of time, or in average over a given time interval,
assuming that the required external resources are provided.
Overall availability for an installation can be expressed as
Aoverall = Awells * Aproduction * Aexport * Aturnaround
The different components are treated differently, and are described in the
chapters below.

14.2.2 Wells Availability

The availability of wells is the time the well is available to produce to its full
reservoir potential.
Failure of ESP pump, tree-valves, gas lift valves, DHSV testing etc. will impact
the individual well availability.
In subsurface modelling, values for availability used is 94% for ESP operated
wells, and 97% for gas lifted wells.

14.2.3 Production Availability

Production availability (Aproduction) is the ratio of production to planned production,
or any other reference level, over a specified period of time. The measure is used
in connection with analysis of delimited systems without compensating elements
such as substitution from other producers and downstream buffer storage.
Battery limits need to be defined in each case.
The Production Availability in this Basis of Design is based on volume. The
reservoir/ well production potential or plant design capacity - is assumed to be
100% capacity; whichever is the lowest. Battery Limits

In this Basis of Design document, the definition of Production Availability
Topsides production facilities
Subsea production facilities (including flow assurance, supply of utilities to
x-mas trees and subsea facilities)
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Process and Utilities

Export facilities
Environmental targets
Product quality Specifications
Water injection (overcapacity may compensate for downtime)
One day yearly stop for testing of critical valves
To aid clarity for facilities design, the following shall not be included:
Wells and reservoir performance
Weather restrictions related to logistics (helicopter flights, supply boats
and tanker availability)
Planned long term maintenance shutdowns (turnaround) and modification

14.2.4 Export Availability

With export availability, it is the weather criteria that have been considered for the
shuttle-tanker. It is assumed the contract with the shipping company is sufficient
to ensure tanker availability do not impact this figure.
The weather criteria for the tank boats (assuming same class boats as for last
Significant wave height (Hs) less than 3.5 m when hooking up to the buoy
Hs < 4.5 m for the operation
Wind speeds < 20 knots if wind direction could blow the tanker towards
the Yme installation
An export availability of Aexport > 99.5% is achievable, but require ordering export
tanker early when weather is inclement when oil production is above about 4000
Sm3/d (25000 bbld).

14.2.5 Turnaround (Shutdown) Availability

Aturnaround is set to 2 weeks every 3rd year. For the relevant year this equals (365-
14)/365 = 96,2%.

14.3 Vapour Pressures (RVP/ TVP)

14.3.1 Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP)
Is the absolute vapour pressure exerted by a liquid at 100F (37.8C) as
determined by the test method ASTM D-323.

14.3.2 True Vapour Pressure (TVP)

Is the equilibrium partial pressure exerted by a volatile organic liquid as a function
of temperature. A corresponding temperature is required for TVP to be defined.

14.4 HSE Plan

The Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Plan is document that specifies the
main requirements and activities to be developed during the different phases of
the project.
This document describes how HSE shall be managed by Repsol Norge AS
(RNAS) Yme New Development Project organization throughout the project. The
project will be conducted in several phases, and the HSE Plan will be updated
The main objectives of the HSE Plan are to:
Present the key HSE requirements to all involved parties/levels

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Provide a vehicle for HSE Management within all levels and phases of the
An HSE Activity Plan which further details the HSE activities will be developed
(reference 43).

14.5 Zero environmentally harmful discharge concept

Norways goal of zero environmentally harmful discharges to the sea was
introduced in (White Paper) Report no 58 (1996-97) to the Parlament (Stortinget)
on environmental policy for sustainable development. It has since then been
included in several more White papers, and information and current status can be
found at Norwegian Climate and pollution agency web-pages.
This objective is often misunderstood. It calls for discharges of environmentally
harmful substances to be reduced and minimised, not eliminated completely.
The zero discharge goal is to be reached within acceptable limits for the
environment, safety and economics. This has been underlined by several
subsequent reports to the Parlament.

14.5.1 Use of Chemicals

This objective involves the following restrictions on chemical usage:
no discharges of toxic or environmentally harmful chemicals
no discharges of other chemicals which could cause environmental harm
no or minimal discharges of substances which rank as pollutants in
None of the substances in the red and black categories defined by the Norwegian
Environment Agency (NEA) may be released to the sea.
NEA states in the report that the goal of zero environmentally harmful discharges
is regarded as having been attained for chemical additives.

14.5.2 Produced water

The following restrictions are also imposed on discharges of hydrocarbons and
other natural substances produced together with oil and gas:
no or minimal discharges of environmental toxins
no discharges of other substances which could cause environmental
The greatest remaining challenge is a further reduction in discharges of oil and
naturally occurring environmental toxins in produced water. The following
guidelines have been given by NEA in 2010 (Reference 22):
There is no general requirement for produced water (re-)injection
For new field developments, overall cost/ benefit evaluations should be
carried out; including overall environmental impact of measures to reduce
Produced Water emissions (recognising that injection may increase
emissions to air, etc.)
Long term impact of discharge of produced water to the marine
environment is not fully understood. In the coming years there will be a
continued focus on reducing these emissions by
o Improving effect of existing cleaning technology
o Develop new methods for removing harmful substances from
produced water
Additional requirements in regulations or field specific permits will be
considered to further reduce emissions

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14.6 Stream Day vs. Calendar Day rates

When presenting production profiles, calculating economy, and designing
equipment, production volumes are given per day.

14.6.1 Stream Day

Stream day is the maximum production (throughput) the well/ field/ plant can
achieve in 24 hours of operation if everything is on line and working.
Stream Day is used for designing equipment and to identify production potential.
Unless otherwise stated, all presented production profiles and figures in this
document are given in Stream Days.

14.6.2 Calendar Day

Calendar day is the production for a full year, divided by the days in that year.
Baked into the Calendar day figure is Production Availability, Well availability,
planned maintenance stops, etc.
Calendar day is a lower figure than Stream day.
Calendar Day is used typically for calculating project economics, production
forecasts etc.

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Rev.: 01

15 References
1. Zhang, Y. & Hellings, G.; Yme Well Scale Review, Helix-RDS, Project
No.: PAL0115, Final Report, Revision 000, 26th May 2005.
2. Oilphase; 9/2-7S (9/2-B-3H), PVT Report; Bottom Hole Samples, Report
No. STAT798, 28/10/1999.
3. Mator; Particle analysis on Yme produced water and sea water, Final
report, revision 00, 13/02/98.
4. Statoil Report; "Environmental Design Basis Block 9/2 Conceptual
Phase", Doc No INGA-NOG-93034, dated 07/06/93.(See also reference
5. NGI; Talisman Energy Yme Gamma Soil Investigation Phase 3. Soil
Parameter Report, 20071219-3 December 2007.
6. Statoil report; Yme Hydrat Manual, Paladin ObjectID: 17644.
7. Statoil report; Material Evaluation of Yme Wells, Paladin ObjectID:
8. PROLAB; Well 9/2-1 DST 3, TBP Distillation, Wax and Hydrocarbon
Analysis, PROLAB report no. 87.53, 19/06/1987
9. Fugro Oceanor; Metocean Conditions for Yme YME-TEN-Z-0001,
Revision R4
10. NGI Report; GBS Foundation Yme MOPUstor 20061682-2
11. Statoil; Crude Oil Assay.pdf YME3KV97
12. Talisman Energy; PVT Input for HYSYS Simulation on Yme YME-TEN-
P-0036 Rev.01
13. DewPoint AS; Yme HYSYS EOS and Compositional Input YME-TEN-P-
0037 Rev.02
14. GustoMSC; Substructure Caisson Internal Layout Arrangement Plan
YME-11208-N-3202-001 Rev.Z2
15. Scandpower; Yme Beta Production Line Transient Analysis Phase 1
16. Talisman Energy; PJT-REP-YME-011 Yme Redevelopment Project
Basis of Design Revision 02, 15/11/2006
17. Fugro C50871/6813/RO; YME Field Metocean measurements YME-
TEN-Z-0108 Rev. B
18. Repsol; Crude Oil Specification YME New Development YND04-REN-Z-
19. Talisman Energy; Floyd & Associates Ltd for Talisman Energy NORGE
AS Gamma to Beta Pipeline route Survey Report NCS 9/2 YME-TEN-Z-
0002 Rev A
20. GustoMSC; Substructure Caisson Construction Plan YME-11208-N-
3098-001 Rev06
21. GustoMSC; Substructure Caisson Cellar Deck Construction Plan YME-
11208-N-3098-001 Rev06
22. KLIF; Nullutslipp fra Petroleumsvirksomheten offshore Klif memo
23. Oil Plus Ltd.; "Review of reservoir souring potential in the Yme field
offshore Norway" 611A-REP-01Rev1
24. Statoil; Evaluering av de emulsjonsdannende egenskapene til
formasjonsvann og fraktureringsske med olje fra Yme Beta st (brnn
25. Statoil MOM- Emulsion Problems Yme Oil F&U-UoD/96032 19/11/97
26. Statoil; Yme 2001 Petroleum Engineering Experience Report Vol1-3

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Rev.: 01

27. Deleted
28. DewPoint AS; PVT characterization of the Yme Reservoir Fluids July
2008 (Stored in CIMAGE)
29. Talisman Energy; Flow Assurance: Yme Beta Gamma Pipeline
comparison of HYSYS and Subsurface simulation preliminary results
YME01-TEN-P-RA-0002 Rev. 02
30. GustoMSC; Volume 6 MOPUStor Crude Oil Storage & SLS Export
Operations Manual YME-11208-Z-1050 Rev A
31. Deleted
32. N/A
33. Talisman Energy; Yme Future Evaluation of Wax Properties YME01-
34. GustoMSC; MOPUStor SLS Pressure Drop, Surge & Heat Loss
Calculation YME-11208-Z-1004 rev03
35. Repsol; Flow Assurance Assessment and Plan YME04-REN-P-TA-0001
36. Baker Hughes; VSD Recommendations for Yme YME01-13948-E-RA-
37. Deleted
38. Xodus; Yme Future Flow Assurance for Beta Pipelines YME01-27338-P-
39. Deleted
40. Xodus; Yme Future Flow Assurance Impact on slugging by using Gas
Lift on Beta YME01-27338-P-RA-0004
41. Talisman; Well Design Summary YME01-TEN-D-RA-0003
42. Fugro; Updated Metocean Criteria for the Yme Platform YME01-25961-
43. Repsol; HSE Plan YME04-REN-S-TA-0002
44. DNV GL; Yme Metocean Data Metocean design basis for wind, waves
and water level YME04-19259-N-RA-0001
45. Repsol; Basis of Design Drilling and Completion YME04-REN-D-FD-
46. KANFA; Phoenix Intermediate Phase Technical Report, Appendix G Flow
Assurance Study (Genesis) 40157-KA-00-Z-RA-00001
47. NGI; Talisman Energy - Yme Gamma Soil Investigation. Laboratory
Testing. Phase 2. Factual Report. 20071219-2
48. Fugro; Geotechnical Report. Laboratory and In-Situ Data. Gamma site
investigation. Block 9/2, Norwegian Sector, North Sea 71507-5 (02)
49. Repsol, Yme: Subsurface input to Basis of Design optimization, January
2017, YME04-REN-X-RA-0003
50. Repsol; Scale Review Yme04-REN-X-CA-0005
51. Repsol; Chemical treatment of production wells YME04-REN-D-RA-
52. Repsol; CPS Basis of Design (Design Premise) YME04-11624-N-FD-
53. Repsol; WHM Design Premise YME04-11624-N-RA-0033
54. Repsol; Preliminary Subsea Basis of Design YME04-25647-Y-RA-0001

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Rev.: 01

Appendix 1 Production Profiles

The production profiles below are developed from work done in late 2016/ early
2017 (ref 49). The case shown is a full gas lift case with a total Gas Capacity of
1,1 mSm3/d. For the rates in the tables to exactly match the 1,1 mSm3/d capacity,
the numbers supplied should be multiplied with well uptime (0.97), as the
displayed rates are streamday rates without any uptime considerations.
If the Gamma East wells are being produced by ESPs, the oil rates will be
marginally higher, gas rates lower (as lift gas will not be included), whilst the
water rates are likely to increase due to the pumps being able to lift water more
efficiently in late life. The higher water rates have been accounted for in the
capacities requested for the plant (Table 4-3), and are displayed in the figures in
section 4.4.
The following profiles are included in this appendix:

Table 15-1 Yme Field total Rates

Table 15-2 Gamma Field Total Rates
Table 15-3 Beta Field Total Rates
Table 15-4 Gamma C1 Producer
Table 15-5 Gamma C2 Producer
Table 15-6 Gamma C3 Producer
Table 15-7 Gamma C4 Producer
Table 15-8 Gamma C7 Producer
Table 15-9 Gamma C9 Producer
Table 15-10 Gamma WAG and Water Injector Well Profiles
Table 15-11 Beta D-1H Producer
Table 15-12 Beta D-2H Producer
Table 15-13 Beta North Producer
Table 15-14 Beta East and Beta North Water Injectors

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Table 15-1 Yme Field total Rates

Yme Totals
Date Oil Gas Water GL Beta+East GL East Water Inj Gas Inj
sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d
15.09.2019 8 846 541 472 1 955 240 000 100 000 1 672 468 502
15.10.2019 8 846 543 915 1 946 240 000 100 000 1 649 471 561
15.11.2019 8 846 535 672 2 215 240 000 200 000 1 692 463 620
15.12.2019 8 553 527 241 2 949 240 000 200 000 1 743 471 019
15.01.2020 8 834 552 684 3 289 396 785 184 551 1 847 481 693
15.02.2020 8 400 538 107 3 748 406 735 189 179 2 011 490 064
15.03.2020 7 465 488 397 4 075 430 000 200 000 4 014 477 320
15.04.2020 6 532 482 916 4 064 430 000 200 000 4 007 494 845
15.05.2020 5 966 473 608 3 932 360 000 200 000 3 876 494 845
15.06.2020 5 558 467 952 3 970 360 000 200 000 3 913 494 845
15.07.2020 7 061 593 385 3 788 347 551 193 084 3 729 494 845
15.08.2020 6 610 579 272 4 089 356 624 198 125 4 028 494 845
15.09.2020 6 391 594 993 4 652 346 518 192 510 4 572 494 845
15.10.2020 6 127 583 563 5 210 375 709 174 749 5 122 494 845
15.11.2020 5 726 545 582 5 486 401 633 186 806 5 395 466 810
15.12.2020 5 336 565 274 5 455 388 192 180 555 5 368 494 845
15.01.2021 4 934 557 478 5 081 360 000 200 000 5 001 494 845
15.03.2021 3 941 572 452 5 208 290 000 200 000 5 125 494 845
15.05.2021 4 129 569 899 5 291 385 035 179 086 5 215 494 845
15.07.2021 3 935 559 427 5 684 392 183 182 411 5 606 494 845
15.09.2021 3 637 573 666 5 234 382 464 177 890 5 161 494 845
15.11.2021 3 301 566 841 5 619 360 000 200 000 5 540 494 845
15.01.2022 3 079 560 732 6 010 360 000 200 000 5 925 494 845
15.04.2022 2 808 569 146 6 056 385 549 179 325 5 971 494 845
15.07.2022 2 748 561 743 6 489 390 602 181 675 6 401 494 845
15.10.2022 2 550 569 286 6 291 360 000 200 000 6 203 494 845
15.01.2023 2 343 566 763 6 944 371 652 195 606 6 684 494 845
15.04.2023 2 027 566 339 6 731 393 010 174 671 6 383 494 845
15.07.2023 1 996 562 311 7 164 395 799 175 911 6 713 494 845
15.10.2023 1 803 566 006 7 047 310 000 200 000 6 573 494 845
15.01.2024 1 683 564 093 7 435 375 080 194 847 6 804 494 845
15.04.2024 1 590 569 543 7 253 392 118 172 359 6 670 494 845
15.07.2024 1 631 568 315 7 711 392 971 172 735 7 041 494 845
15.10.2024 1 602 569 221 7 953 371 706 193 094 7 225 494 845
15.01.2025 1 451 568 240 7 966 393 023 172 757 7 159 494 845
15.04.2025 1 360 567 336 7 749 393 651 173 034 6 967 494 845
15.07.2025 1 414 566 471 8 160 394 252 173 298 7 307 494 845
15.10.2025 1 382 522 033 8 246 385 000 200 000 7 439 449 135
15.01.2026 1 290 566 671 8 461 394 113 173 237 7 485 494 845
15.04.2026 1 214 532 243 8 053 418 029 183 749 7 225 459 663
15.07.2026 1 259 566 745 8 577 394 062 173 214 7 588 494 845
15.10.2026 1 248 495 616 8 486 443 472 194 933 7 646 423 052
15.01.2027 1 155 513 825 8 527 430 823 189 373 7 608 441 777
15.04.2027 1 094 471 313 8 201 455 000 200 000 7 423 398 769
15.07.2027 1 102 501 676 8 701 439 262 193 082 7 750 429 696
15.10.2027 1 126 436 913 8 660 455 000 200 000 7 853 364 547
15.01.2028 1 045 463 681 8 619 455 000 200 000 7 749 391 759
15.04.2028 960 414 398 8 361 455 000 200 000 7 602 342 136
15.07.2028 981 418 531 8 791 455 000 200 000 7 922 346 701
15.10.2028 1 010 395 892 8 831 455 000 200 000 8 004 323 707
15.01.2029 936 403 465 8 697 455 000 200 000 7 877 331 600
15.04.2029 847 360 657 8 545 455 000 200 000 7 792 288 443
15.07.2029 878 313 641 8 747 455 000 200 000 8 034 241 714
15.10.2029 906 343 771 8 956 455 000 200 000 8 149 265 342
15.01.2030 859 342 966 8 822 455 000 200 000 8 087 264 893
15.07.2030 804 333 347 8 670 455 000 200 000 7 961 255 591
15.01.2031 740 367 348 6 811 372 500 200 000 6 068 294 107
15.07.2031 700 357 846 6 736 372 500 200 000 5 991 285 441
15.01.2032 673 324 730 6 748 372 500 200 000 6 026 252 756
15.07.2032 604 288 442 5 781 302 500 200 000 5 358 216 829
15.01.2033 618 265 617 6 710 372 500 200 000 6 024 194 290
15.07.2033 595 234 412 6 670 372 500 200 000 6 022 163 333
15.01.2034 539 185 623 5 621 302 500 200 000 5 355 114 757
15.07.2034 545 150 084 6 452 372 500 200 000 5 993 79 417

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Table 15-2 Gamma Field Total Rates

Gamma Field Total
Date Oil Gas Water GL West GL East Water Inj Gas Inj
sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d
15.09.2019 5 898 383 966 1 926 210 000 100 000 1 642 468 502
15.10.2019 5 898 387 025 1 909 210 000 100 000 1 612 471 561
15.11.2019 5 898 379 083 2 154 210 000 200 000 1 631 463 620
15.12.2019 5 898 386 485 2 860 210 000 200 000 1 655 471 019
15.01.2020 5 898 397 155 3 124 258 372 184 551 1 681 481 693
15.02.2020 5 898 405 528 3 463 264 851 189 179 1 725 490 064
15.03.2020 5 664 392 791 3 556 280 000 200 000 3 495 477 320
15.04.2020 5 167 410 310 3 305 280 000 200 000 3 247 494 845
15.05.2020 4 777 410 294 3 061 210 000 200 000 3 005 494 845
15.06.2020 4 476 410 310 3 025 210 000 200 000 2 968 494 845
15.07.2020 4 113 410 309 3 133 202 738 193 084 3 074 494 845
15.08.2020 3 878 410 309 3 284 208 031 198 125 3 223 494 845
15.09.2020 3 885 440 549 3 745 202 135 192 510 3 664 494 845
15.10.2020 3 800 440 525 4 219 244 648 174 749 4 131 494 845
15.11.2020 3 555 412 490 4 422 261 528 186 806 4 331 466 810
15.12.2020 3 296 440 525 4 328 252 776 180 555 4 240 494 845
15.01.2021 3 018 440 525 3 897 210 000 200 000 3 817 494 845
15.03.2021 2 236 468 599 3 916 140 000 200 000 3 833 494 845
15.05.2021 2 466 468 599 3 808 188 041 179 086 3 732 494 845
15.07.2021 2 442 468 592 4 112 191 531 182 411 4 034 494 845
15.09.2021 2 302 492 664 3 579 186 785 177 890 3 507 494 845
15.11.2021 2 075 492 664 3 898 140 000 200 000 3 819 494 845
15.01.2022 1 951 492 664 4 228 140 000 200 000 4 143 494 845
15.04.2022 1 822 509 974 4 179 188 292 179 325 4 094 494 845
15.07.2022 1 881 509 974 4 530 190 759 181 675 4 443 494 845
15.10.2022 1 739 520 967 4 286 140 000 200 000 4 199 494 845
15.01.2023 1 569 520 969 4 849 136 924 195 606 4 589 494 845
15.04.2023 1 347 526 213 4 579 183 405 174 671 4 232 494 845
15.07.2023 1 382 526 197 4 961 184 706 175 911 4 510 494 845
15.10.2023 1 232 532 537 4 791 70 000 200 000 4 317 494 845
15.01.2024 1 143 532 535 5 123 136 393 194 847 4 492 494 845
15.04.2024 1 075 539 479 4 894 180 977 172 359 4 312 494 845
15.07.2024 1 137 539 481 5 310 181 371 172 735 4 640 494 845
15.10.2024 1 126 541 476 5 512 135 166 193 094 4 783 494 845
15.01.2025 992 541 477 5 485 181 395 172 757 4 677 494 845
15.04.2025 916 541 470 5 228 181 685 173 034 4 446 494 845
15.07.2025 984 541 469 5 599 181 963 173 298 4 746 494 845
15.10.2025 966 497 793 5 648 140 000 200 000 4 840 449 135
15.01.2026 886 543 144 5 823 181 898 173 237 4 847 494 845
15.04.2026 822 509 387 5 372 192 936 183 749 4 544 459 663
15.07.2026 878 544 567 5 852 181 875 173 214 4 862 494 845
15.10.2026 878 474 038 5 719 204 679 194 933 4 878 423 052
15.01.2027 795 492 825 5 718 198 841 189 373 4 800 441 777
15.04.2027 743 450 852 5 352 210 000 200 000 4 574 398 769
15.07.2027 761 481 770 5 810 202 736 193 082 4 860 429 696
15.10.2027 793 417 512 5 730 210 000 200 000 4 923 364 547
15.01.2028 720 444 744 5 651 210 000 200 000 4 781 391 759
15.04.2028 642 395 883 5 356 210 000 200 000 4 597 342 136
15.07.2028 670 400 434 5 747 210 000 200 000 4 879 346 701
15.10.2028 705 378 154 5 752 210 000 200 000 4 925 323 707
15.01.2029 636 386 049 5 584 210 000 200 000 4 764 331 600
15.04.2029 552 343 531 5 399 210 000 200 000 4 645 288 443
15.07.2029 589 296 799 5 566 210 000 200 000 4 852 241 714
15.10.2029 621 327 197 5 741 210 000 200 000 4 933 265 342
15.01.2030 581 326 749 5 581 210 000 200 000 4 846 264 893
15.07.2030 533 317 443 5 358 210 000 200 000 4 649 255 591
15.01.2031 529 355 967 5 336 210 000 200 000 4 593 294 107
15.07.2031 505 347 297 5 325 210 000 200 000 4 579 285 441
15.01.2032 485 314 613 5 355 210 000 200 000 4 634 252 756
15.07.2032 423 278 684 4 395 140 000 200 000 3 972 216 829
15.01.2033 443 256 146 5 326 210 000 200 000 4 641 194 290
15.07.2033 424 225 189 5 289 210 000 200 000 4 641 163 333
15.01.2034 372 176 612 4 240 140 000 200 000 3 975 114 757
15.07.2034 381 141 272 5 073 210 000 200 000 4 613 79 417

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Table 15-3 Beta Field Total Rates

Beta Field Total
Date Oil Gas Water Gas Lift Water Inj
sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d
15.09.2019 2 948 157 506 30 30 000 30
15.10.2019 2 948 156 890 37 30 000 37
15.11.2019 2 948 156 589 61 30 000 61
15.12.2019 2 655 140 756 89 30 000 89
15.01.2020 2 936 155 529 166 138 414 166
15.02.2020 2 502 132 578 286 141 884 286
15.03.2020 1 801 95 606 519 150 000 519
15.04.2020 1 365 72 606 760 150 000 760
15.05.2020 1 189 63 314 871 150 000 871
15.06.2020 1 082 57 642 945 150 000 945
15.07.2020 2 948 183 076 655 144 813 655
15.08.2020 2 732 168 963 806 148 593 806
15.09.2020 2 505 154 444 907 144 382 907
15.10.2020 2 327 143 037 991 131 061 991
15.11.2020 2 171 133 091 1 064 140 105 1 064
15.12.2020 2 040 124 749 1 127 135 416 1 127
15.01.2021 1 916 116 953 1 184 150 000 1 184
15.03.2021 1 704 103 853 1 292 150 000 1 292
15.05.2021 1 663 101 300 1 484 196 995 1 484
15.07.2021 1 493 90 835 1 572 200 652 1 572
15.09.2021 1 335 81 002 1 655 195 679 1 655
15.11.2021 1 226 74 177 1 721 220 000 1 721
15.01.2022 1 128 68 068 1 782 220 000 1 782
15.04.2022 985 59 172 1 877 197 258 1 877
15.07.2022 868 51 769 1 959 199 843 1 959
15.10.2022 811 48 319 2 004 220 000 2 004
15.01.2023 774 45 794 2 095 234 727 2 095
15.04.2023 679 40 127 2 151 209 605 2 151
15.07.2023 614 36 114 2 203 211 093 2 203
15.10.2023 571 33 469 2 256 240 000 2 256
15.01.2024 540 31 558 2 312 238 687 2 312
15.04.2024 515 30 064 2 358 211 140 2 358
15.07.2024 494 28 834 2 401 211 600 2 401
15.10.2024 476 27 745 2 442 236 540 2 442
15.01.2025 459 26 764 2 482 211 628 2 482
15.04.2025 444 25 865 2 521 211 966 2 521
15.07.2025 429 25 001 2 561 212 290 2 561
15.10.2025 416 24 241 2 599 245 000 2 599
15.01.2026 404 23 527 2 639 212 215 2 639
15.04.2026 392 22 856 2 681 225 093 2 681
15.07.2026 381 22 178 2 726 212 187 2 726
15.10.2026 370 21 578 2 768 238 793 2 768
15.01.2027 360 21 000 2 809 231 982 2 809
15.04.2027 351 20 461 2 849 245 000 2 849
15.07.2027 342 19 906 2 891 236 526 2 891
15.10.2027 333 19 401 2 930 245 000 2 930
15.01.2028 325 18 937 2 968 245 000 2 968
15.04.2028 318 18 515 3 005 245 000 3 005
15.07.2028 311 18 098 3 044 245 000 3 044
15.10.2028 305 17 738 3 079 245 000 3 079
15.01.2029 300 17 415 3 113 245 000 3 113
15.04.2029 295 17 126 3 147 245 000 3 147
15.07.2029 290 16 843 3 182 245 000 3 182
15.10.2029 285 16 574 3 215 245 000 3 215
15.01.2030 278 16 218 3 241 245 000 3 241
15.07.2030 271 15 903 3 312 245 000 3 312
15.01.2031 211 11 381 1 475 162 500 1 475
15.07.2031 195 10 549 1 412 162 500 1 412
15.01.2032 187 10 117 1 393 162 500 1 393
15.07.2032 181 9 758 1 386 162 500 1 386
15.01.2033 176 9 471 1 383 162 500 1 383
15.07.2033 171 9 223 1 381 162 500 1 381
15.01.2034 167 9 010 1 380 162 500 1 380
15.07.2034 163 8 812 1 379 162 500 1 379

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Table 15-4 Gamma C1 Producer

Gamma East C1 Producer
Date Oil Gas PW Gas Lift THP BHP
sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d bar bar
15.09.2019 1 214 93 272 355 100 000 88 314
15.10.2019 1 250 96 131 470 100 000 74 301
15.11.2019 999 76 833 397 100 000 78 297
15.12.2019 1 214 93 397 498 100 000 67 288
15.01.2020 1 169 89 941 501 92 276 63 282
15.02.2020 1 560 119 945 689 94 590 42 268
15.03.2020 2 012 154 751 837 100 000 14 249
15.04.2020 1 921 147 669 787 100 000 14 243
15.05.2020 1 816 139 557 773 100 000 14 238
15.06.2020 1 654 127 050 789 100 000 14 235
15.07.2020 1 396 107 241 856 96 542 14 231
15.08.2020 1 220 93 721 906 99 062 14 230
15.09.2020 1 119 85 913 939 96 255 14 229
15.10.2020 1 038 79 670 983 87 374 14 230
15.11.2020 976 74 915 1 026 93 403 14 232
15.12.2020 914 70 172 1 067 90 277 14 233
15.01.2021 844 64 786 1 099 100 000 14 234
15.03.2021 729 55 923 1 146 100 000 14 235
15.05.2021 644 49 449 1 184 89 543 14 237
15.07.2021 582 44 696 1 218 91 205 14 238
15.09.2021 539 41 345 1 253 88 945 14 240
15.11.2021 505 38 752 1 275 100 000 14 242
15.01.2022 477 36 632 1 308 100 000 14 244
15.04.2022 448 34 405 1 355 89 663 14 247
15.07.2022 428 32 883 1 392 90 838 14 249
15.10.2022 410 31 502 1 426 100 000 14 251
15.01.2023 399 30 631 1 462 97 803 14 253
15.04.2023 387 29 749 1 485 87 336 14 255
15.07.2023 373 28 626 1 496 87 955 14 255
15.10.2023 361 27 724 1 513 100 000 14 256
15.01.2024 351 26 925 1 530 97 423 14 258
15.04.2024 341 26 166 1 548 86 180 14 259
15.07.2024 330 25 327 1 565 86 367 14 260
15.10.2024 316 24 256 1 580 96 547 14 261
15.01.2025 303 23 290 1 595 86 379 14 262
15.04.2025 286 22 002 1 606 86 517 14 263
15.07.2025 277 21 286 1 617 86 649 14 263
15.10.2025 271 20 851 1 626 100 000 14 264
15.01.2026 266 20 431 1 634 86 618 14 264
15.04.2026 261 20 030 1 641 91 875 14 265
15.07.2026 256 19 662 1 648 86 607 14 265
15.10.2026 251 19 247 1 655 97 466 14 266
15.01.2027 244 18 751 1 661 94 686 14 266
15.04.2027 237 18 171 1 667 100 000 14 266
15.07.2027 229 17 580 1 673 96 541 14 267
15.10.2027 222 17 056 1 678 100 000 14 267
15.01.2028 214 16 420 1 683 100 000 14 267
15.04.2028 203 15 614 1 688 100 000 14 268
15.07.2028 191 14 693 1 692 100 000 14 268
15.10.2028 177 13 606 1 699 100 000 14 269
15.01.2029 169 12 999 1 706 100 000 14 269
15.04.2029 164 12 608 1 710 100 000 14 270
15.07.2029 159 12 194 1 715 100 000 14 270
15.10.2029 153 11 750 1 719 100 000 14 270
15.01.2030 145 11 118 1 723 100 000 14 271
15.07.2030 133 10 185 1 729 100 000 14 271
15.01.2031 123 9 465 1 731 100 000 14 271
15.07.2031 118 9 047 1 732 100 000 14 271
15.01.2032 114 8 708 1 731 100 000 14 272
15.07.2032 109 8 394 1 729 100 000 14 271
15.01.2033 106 8 110 1 727 100 000 14 271
15.07.2033 102 7 853 1 725 100 000 14 271
15.01.2034 99 7 616 1 723 100 000 14 271
15.07.2034 96 7 394 1 722 100 000 14 271

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Table 15-5 Gamma C2 Producer

Gamma West C2_AT2 Producer
Date Oil Gas PW Gas Lift THP BHP
sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d bar bar
15.09.2019 1 931 122 747 0 70 000 61 267
15.10.2019 1 962 126 125 0 70 000 45 243
15.11.2019 1 570 101 946 8 70 000 50 239
15.12.2019 1 590 105 562 196 70 000 33 227
15.01.2020 1 274 86 578 343 64 593 31 225
15.02.2020 1 498 105 957 532 66 213 16 218
15.03.2020 1 197 83 687 590 70 000 14 212
15.04.2020 1 013 71 764 643 70 000 14 211
15.05.2020 938 72 193 700 70 000 14 212
15.06.2020 890 75 390 727 70 000 14 211
15.07.2020 824 72 379 740 67 579 14 209
15.08.2020 714 55 165 721 69 344 14 208
15.09.2020 635 45 275 721 67 378 14 208
15.10.2020 559 37 607 708 61 162 14 207
15.11.2020 544 36 807 734 65 382 14 209
15.12.2020 503 33 368 735 63 194 14 209
15.01.2021 504 34 196 784 70 000 14 213
15.03.2021 497 38 460 845 70 000 14 216
15.05.2021 396 27 435 767 62 680 14 210
15.07.2021 403 42 424 851 63 844 14 210
15.09.2021 468 92 604 1 035 62 262 14 207
15.11.2021 444 51 157 972 70 000 14 218
15.01.2022 386 37 456 972 70 000 14 222
15.04.2022 298 26 478 872 62 764 14 217
15.07.2022 244 20 199 817 63 586 14 210
15.10.2022 318 77 217 1 115 70 000 14 211
15.01.2023 219 22 693 928 68 462 14 220
15.04.2023 200 20 117 872 61 135 14 214
15.07.2023 181 20 451 811 61 569 14 205
15.10.2023 175 19 885 870 70 000 14 212
15.01.2024 158 16 968 876 68 196 14 214
15.04.2024 154 21 409 856 60 326 14 208
15.07.2024 138 18 559 764 60 457 14 198
15.10.2024 134 16 367 803 67 583 14 204
15.01.2025 133 15 939 850 60 465 14 210
15.04.2025 129 22 556 806 60 562 14 200
15.07.2025 123 20 269 711 60 654 14 189
15.10.2025 122 14 987 763 70 000 14 200
15.01.2026 118 16 461 824 60 633 14 206
15.04.2026 109 22 294 770 64 312 14 194
15.07.2026 104 19 994 674 60 625 14 184
15.10.2026 108 13 084 740 68 226 14 198
15.01.2027 106 13 876 809 66 280 14 205
15.04.2027 98 19 136 751 70 000 14 194
15.07.2027 94 19 446 679 67 579 14 185
15.10.2027 96 12 334 730 70 000 14 197
15.01.2028 96 12 559 787 70 000 14 203
15.04.2028 91 17 441 731 70 000 14 192
15.07.2028 85 16 988 678 70 000 14 186
15.10.2028 88 11 629 725 70 000 14 196
15.01.2029 89 11 848 770 70 000 14 201
15.04.2029 82 15 489 721 70 000 14 192
15.07.2029 78 14 106 679 70 000 14 188
15.10.2029 82 11 037 722 70 000 14 196
15.01.2030 82 11 250 747 70 000 14 199
15.07.2030 72 13 374 633 70 000 14 183
15.01.2031 67 10 505 574 70 000 14 178
15.07.2031 64 9 326 553 70 000 14 177
15.01.2032 63 8 987 546 70 000 14 176
15.07.2032 65 10 528 553 70 000 14 176
15.01.2033 64 10 991 555 70 000 14 176
15.07.2033 63 10 244 551 70 000 14 176
15.01.2034 62 8 816 552 70 000 14 177
15.07.2034 61 7 576 563 70 000 14 180

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Table 15-6 Gamma C3 Producer

Gamma West C3_T3 Producer
Date Oil Gas PW Gas Lift THP BHP
sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d bar bar
15.09.2019 1 992 121 338 0 70 000 62 268
15.10.2019 2 064 126 682 0 70 000 44 245
15.11.2019 1 476 92 139 247 70 000 40 239
15.12.2019 1 315 83 649 656 70 000 17 227
15.01.2020 923 58 975 809 64 593 14 224
15.02.2020 505 30 021 874 66 213 14 222
15.03.2020 389 23 174 842 70 000 14 219
15.04.2020 292 68 227 595 70 000 40 220
15.05.2020 162 81 447 306 0 52 229
15.06.2020 141 95 669 228 0 65 230
15.07.2020 157 122 377 254 0 67 227
15.08.2020 216 153 177 347 0 62 220
15.09.2020 296 127 457 518 0 41 215
15.10.2020 516 114 201 1 042 61 162 14 202
15.11.2020 413 76 504 1 021 65 382 14 208
15.12.2020 423 138 798 1 171 63 194 14 205
15.01.2021 208 146 553 695 0 49 220
15.03.2021 226 304 520 660 0 65 228
15.05.2021 155 285 521 384 0 75 218
15.07.2021 56 126 386 122 0 81 230
15.09.2021 25 57 852 50 0 81 238
15.11.2021 68 61 336 242 0 60 243
15.01.2022 108 105 754 469 0 57 240
15.04.2022 144 338 959 526 0 73 224
15.07.2022 77 224 908 270 0 80 221
15.10.2022 26 52 795 96 0 70 242
15.01.2023 141 174 828 788 0 44 227
15.04.2023 131 368 751 642 0 58 215
15.07.2023 78 262 504 432 0 66 211
15.10.2023 92 153 786 676 0 47 219
15.01.2024 119 171 302 888 0 38 217
15.04.2024 126 405 074 851 0 46 205
15.07.2024 94 296 527 678 0 49 197
15.10.2024 137 146 289 1 237 67 583 18 197
15.01.2025 110 181 413 1 042 60 465 34 209
15.04.2025 130 439 385 1 159 0 29 190
15.07.2025 98 303 869 896 0 33 183
15.10.2025 85 53 901 1 011 70 000 14 199
15.01.2026 133 192 989 1 405 60 633 14 199
15.04.2026 121 414 248 1 311 0 14 182
15.07.2026 110 324 267 1 155 0 15 172
15.10.2026 69 44 772 960 68 226 14 198
15.01.2027 114 154 546 1 344 66 280 14 201
15.04.2027 110 367 042 1 297 0 14 183
15.07.2027 100 301 959 1 160 0 14 173
15.10.2027 62 47 661 961 70 000 14 197
15.01.2028 98 130 006 1 266 70 000 14 200
15.04.2028 97 331 743 1 262 0 14 182
15.07.2028 88 255 197 1 134 0 14 176
15.10.2028 58 49 253 965 70 000 14 196
15.01.2029 84 102 013 1 171 70 000 14 200
15.04.2029 86 286 493 1 243 0 14 183
15.07.2029 72 187 561 1 039 0 14 181
15.10.2029 55 51 395 971 70 000 14 195
15.01.2030 66 69 526 1 051 70 000 14 198
15.07.2030 75 267 819 1 111 0 14 175
15.01.2031 75 307 940 1 077 0 14 169
15.07.2031 75 302 852 1 051 0 14 167
15.01.2032 74 272 280 1 020 0 14 167
15.07.2032 70 244 504 993 0 14 167
15.01.2033 67 214 694 963 0 14 168
15.07.2033 62 186 015 929 0 14 169
15.01.2034 55 146 668 825 0 14 172
15.07.2034 46 107 484 706 0 14 177

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Table 15-7 Gamma C4 Producer

Gamma West C4_T3 Producer
Date Oil Gas PW Gas Lift THP BHP
sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d bar bar
15.09.2019 761 46 608 1 570 70 000 14 274
15.10.2019 622 38 086 1 438 70 000 14 265
15.11.2019 635 38 879 1 350 70 000 14 260
15.12.2019 636 38 903 1 292 70 000 14 256
15.01.2020 358 21 835 1 180 64 593 14 248
15.02.2020 212 12 860 1 052 66 213 14 238
15.03.2020 172 10 398 984 70 000 14 233
15.04.2020 161 9 707 973 70 000 14 232
15.05.2020 159 9 623 973 70 000 14 232
15.06.2020 160 9 657 972 70 000 14 231
15.07.2020 165 9 966 976 67 579 14 232
15.08.2020 226 14 591 1 003 69 344 14 234
15.09.2020 414 93 636 1 257 67 378 14 223
15.10.2020 390 129 257 1 133 61 162 23 219
15.11.2020 394 149 093 1 275 65 382 14 208
15.12.2020 266 125 409 975 63 194 28 210
15.01.2021 234 116 372 924 70 000 31 213
15.03.2021 159 34 435 928 70 000 14 208
15.05.2021 284 37 692 996 62 680 14 220
15.07.2021 338 169 780 1 422 63 844 14 213
15.09.2021 123 119 684 672 62 262 51 224
15.11.2021 139 144 057 871 70 000 43 219
15.01.2022 114 100 183 936 70 000 30 211
15.04.2022 117 13 947 878 62 764 14 215
15.07.2022 314 172 091 1 428 63 586 14 213
15.10.2022 192 175 258 996 70 000 36 214
15.01.2023 132 115 734 1 063 68 462 23 205
15.04.2023 105 14 881 883 61 135 14 214
15.07.2023 268 176 489 1 450 61 569 14 212
15.10.2023 109 159 521 897 0 29 216
15.01.2024 95 129 020 1 039 68 196 26 206
15.04.2024 81 12 758 856 60 326 14 212
15.07.2024 203 171 501 1 454 60 457 14 210
15.10.2024 110 176 082 999 0 29 212
15.01.2025 99 124 752 1 168 60 465 16 197
15.04.2025 77 12 570 843 60 562 14 210
15.07.2025 178 173 866 1 471 60 654 14 208
15.10.2025 118 237 290 1 332 0 14 199
15.01.2026 83 110 538 1 119 60 633 14 192
15.04.2026 64 11 126 816 64 312 14 208
15.07.2026 146 162 396 1 449 60 625 14 207
15.10.2026 114 237 561 1 413 68 226 14 196
15.01.2027 67 89 863 1 039 66 280 14 190
15.04.2027 49 9 224 782 70 000 14 205
15.07.2027 113 127 566 1 350 67 579 14 207
15.10.2027 100 211 536 1 381 70 000 14 196
15.01.2028 59 79 347 1 013 70 000 14 190
15.04.2028 46 9 347 798 70 000 14 207
15.07.2028 93 98 861 1 270 70 000 14 207
15.10.2028 86 186 168 1 357 70 000 14 196
15.01.2029 53 70 889 1 000 70 000 14 191
15.04.2029 45 10 554 816 70 000 14 208
15.07.2029 70 67 138 1 140 70 000 14 208
15.10.2029 71 154 566 1 323 70 000 14 197
15.01.2030 53 70 911 1 075 70 000 5 73
15.07.2030 50 9 020 866 70 000 14 215
15.01.2031 52 10 311 898 70 000 14 218
15.07.2031 48 9 285 915 70 000 7 104
15.01.2032 47 9 097 952 70 000 14 218
15.07.2032 0 0 0 0 10 162
15.01.2033 37 7 690 953 70 000 1 22
15.07.2033 34 6 999 949 70 000 2 26
15.01.2034 0 0 0 0 6 95
15.07.2034 28 5 825 937 70 000 14 219

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Table 15-8 Gamma C7 Producer

Gamma North East C7 Producer
Date Oil Gas PW Gas Lift THP BHP
sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d bar bar
15.09.2019 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.10.2019 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.11.2019 1 218 69 286 152 100 000 21 185
15.12.2019 1 142 64 973 218 100 000 14 172
15.01.2020 1 010 57 440 291 92 276 14 173
15.02.2020 932 52 992 315 94 590 14 173
15.03.2020 872 49 524 304 100 000 14 169
15.04.2020 823 46 690 306 100 000 14 166
15.05.2020 788 44 675 310 100 000 14 164
15.06.2020 759 42 969 309 100 000 14 163
15.07.2020 736 41 642 307 96 542 14 161
15.08.2020 713 40 351 307 99 062 14 160
15.09.2020 693 39 148 306 96 255 14 158
15.10.2020 674 38 100 309 87 374 14 158
15.11.2020 659 37 217 315 93 403 14 157
15.12.2020 647 36 519 321 90 277 14 158
15.01.2021 638 36 014 327 100 000 14 158
15.03.2021 626 35 262 337 100 000 14 158
15.05.2021 611 34 411 344 89 543 14 158
15.07.2021 596 33 545 350 91 205 14 158
15.09.2021 567 31 938 359 88 945 14 158
15.11.2021 558 31 422 366 100 000 14 158
15.01.2022 554 31 194 375 100 000 14 159
15.04.2022 551 31 005 391 89 663 14 161
15.07.2022 540 30 404 406 90 838 14 162
15.10.2022 535 30 166 420 100 000 14 164
15.01.2023 509 28 678 439 97 803 14 165
15.04.2023 329 18 512 493 87 336 14 163
15.07.2023 277 15 608 521 87 955 14 164
15.10.2023 249 14 047 544 100 000 14 166
15.01.2024 230 12 957 564 97 423 14 168
15.04.2024 216 12 140 580 86 180 14 170
15.07.2024 203 11 426 594 86 367 14 171
15.10.2024 192 10 834 606 96 547 14 172
15.01.2025 184 10 373 619 86 379 14 173
15.04.2025 177 9 967 629 86 517 14 174
15.07.2025 170 9 551 635 86 649 14 175
15.10.2025 163 9 183 642 100 000 14 176
15.01.2026 158 8 915 649 86 618 14 177
15.04.2026 154 8 683 655 91 875 14 177
15.07.2026 150 8 446 659 86 607 14 178
15.10.2026 147 8 256 663 97 466 14 178
15.01.2027 144 8 138 669 94 686 14 179
15.04.2027 142 8 021 676 100 000 14 180
15.07.2027 140 7 883 680 96 541 14 180
15.10.2027 137 7 743 685 100 000 14 181
15.01.2028 135 7 616 691 100 000 14 181
15.04.2028 133 7 484 696 100 000 14 182
15.07.2028 130 7 335 699 100 000 14 182
15.10.2028 127 7 170 702 100 000 14 183
15.01.2029 124 7 004 706 100 000 14 183
15.04.2029 122 6 859 710 100 000 14 184
15.07.2029 119 6 710 714 100 000 14 184
15.10.2029 116 6 532 720 100 000 14 185
15.01.2030 112 6 336 726 100 000 14 185
15.07.2030 106 5 994 732 100 000 14 186
15.01.2031 101 5 700 739 100 000 14 187
15.07.2031 93 5 233 748 100 000 14 188
15.01.2032 87 4 921 753 100 000 14 188
15.07.2032 83 4 668 756 100 000 14 189
15.01.2033 79 4 466 759 100 000 14 189
15.07.2033 76 4 296 761 100 000 14 190
15.01.2034 73 4 143 764 100 000 14 190
15.07.2034 71 4 001 766 100 000 14 190

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Table 15-9 Gamma C9 Producer

Gamma South West C9 Producer
Date Oil Gas PW Gas Lift THP BHP
sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d bar bar
15.09.2019 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.10.2019 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.11.2019 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.12.2019 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.01.2020 1 164 82 386 0 64 593 32 183
15.02.2020 1 191 83 753 0 66 213 14 149
15.03.2020 1 022 71 257 0 70 000 14 137
15.04.2020 958 66 253 0 70 000 14 133
15.05.2020 914 62 799 0 70 000 14 130
15.06.2020 872 59 574 0 70 000 14 128
15.07.2020 835 56 705 0 67 579 14 125
15.08.2020 789 53 304 0 69 344 14 122
15.09.2020 730 49 121 3 67 378 14 119
15.10.2020 623 41 690 43 61 162 14 117
15.11.2020 569 37 955 51 65 382 14 115
15.12.2020 543 36 258 59 63 194 14 115
15.01.2021 590 42 604 68 70 000 14 117
15.03.2021 0 0 0 0 4 32
15.05.2021 375 34 091 133 62 680 14 110
15.07.2021 466 51 761 150 63 844 14 114
15.09.2021 581 149 240 211 62 262 14 106
15.11.2021 361 165 940 171 0 14 94
15.01.2022 311 181 445 166 0 17 95
15.04.2022 265 65 180 157 62 764 14 92
15.07.2022 277 29 490 217 63 586 14 116
15.10.2022 256 154 030 233 0 16 100
15.01.2023 169 148 405 169 0 27 111
15.04.2023 196 74 202 205 61 135 3 21
15.07.2023 205 22 519 250 61 569 14 118
15.10.2023 246 157 573 290 0 14 101
15.01.2024 191 175 365 227 0 18 97
15.04.2024 158 61 932 204 60 326 9 58
15.07.2024 168 16 141 256 60 457 14 119
15.10.2024 237 167 648 287 0 14 98
15.01.2025 162 185 711 212 0 19 93
15.04.2025 117 34 990 185 60 562 14 92
15.07.2025 139 12 628 268 60 654 14 121
15.10.2025 206 161 582 274 0 14 97
15.01.2026 127 193 811 191 0 20 92
15.04.2026 113 33 004 179 64 312 14 91
15.07.2026 111 9 802 266 60 625 14 120
15.10.2026 190 151 118 288 0 14 99
15.01.2027 119 207 651 197 0 19 90
15.04.2027 106 29 258 180 70 000 14 93
15.07.2027 85 7 338 268 67 579 14 120
15.10.2027 175 121 182 296 0 14 105
15.01.2028 117 198 797 213 0 18 90
15.04.2028 72 14 255 181 70 000 14 98
15.07.2028 82 7 359 275 70 000 14 122
15.10.2028 168 110 327 303 0 14 110
15.01.2029 117 181 296 231 0 16 90
15.04.2029 54 11 528 198 70 000 14 104
15.07.2029 90 9 089 279 70 000 14 122
15.10.2029 144 91 917 285 0 14 115
15.01.2030 121 157 607 259 0 14 90
15.07.2030 95 11 051 287 70 000 14 122
15.01.2031 111 12 045 317 70 000 14 128
15.07.2031 106 11 554 325 70 000 14 129
15.01.2032 101 10 620 353 70 000 14 134
15.07.2032 96 10 592 364 70 000 14 136
15.01.2033 90 10 195 369 70 000 14 136
15.07.2033 86 9 782 373 70 000 14 137
15.01.2034 83 9 369 377 70 000 14 138
15.07.2034 79 8 991 379 70 000 14 139

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Table 15-10 Gamma WAG and Water Injector Well Profiles

Gamma West C5 WAG Injector Gamma West C6 WAG Injector Gamma East C8 Water Inj.
Date Gas Water THP BHP Gas Water THP BHP Water THP BHP
sm3/d sm3/d bar bar sm3/d sm3/d bar bar sm3/d bar bar
15.09.2019 0 1 642 124 450 468 502 0 181 351 0 0 0
15.10.2019 0 1 612 124 450 471 561 0 158 327 0 0 0
15.11.2019 0 1 631 124 450 463 620 0 148 314 0 0 0
15.12.2019 0 1 655 124 450 471 019 0 143 308 0 0 0
15.01.2020 0 1 681 124 450 481 693 0 139 303 0 0 0
15.02.2020 0 1 725 125 450 490 064 0 137 300 0 0 0
15.03.2020 477 320 0 194 367 0 1 517 17 341 1 978 37 361
15.04.2020 494 845 0 185 356 0 1 390 13 337 1 858 32 358
15.05.2020 494 845 0 180 351 0 1 199 4 328 1 806 27 352
15.06.2020 494 845 0 177 348 0 1 123 -1 323 1 845 25 350
15.07.2020 494 845 0 175 345 0 1 160 -1 324 1 914 25 350
15.08.2020 494 845 0 172 342 0 1 247 2 326 1 976 26 351
15.09.2020 0 1 065 58 385 494 845 0 139 303 2 599 50 370
15.10.2020 0 1 289 71 397 494 845 0 134 296 2 842 63 381
15.11.2020 0 1 418 80 406 466 810 0 131 292 2 913 69 387
15.12.2020 0 1 407 78 404 494 845 0 130 291 2 833 69 388
15.01.2021 0 1 218 61 387 494 845 0 129 290 2 599 61 381
15.03.2021 494 845 0 163 333 0 1 142 -4 321 2 691 59 379
15.05.2021 494 845 0 162 331 0 1 272 -5 319 2 460 56 378
15.07.2021 494 845 0 156 324 0 1 511 11 334 2 523 60 381
15.09.2021 0 1 167 49 375 494 845 0 140 304 2 340 57 379
15.11.2021 0 1 265 56 382 494 845 0 138 302 2 554 64 384
15.01.2022 0 1 416 70 396 494 845 0 137 301 2 727 74 393
15.04.2022 494 845 0 158 326 0 1 344 4 327 2 751 79 398
15.07.2022 494 845 0 155 323 0 1 617 13 336 2 826 85 404
15.10.2022 0 1 384 64 390 494 845 0 136 299 2 815 87 406
15.01.2023 0 1 664 89 414 494 845 0 134 296 2 925 96 414
15.04.2023 494 845 0 156 324 0 1 459 -1 323 2 773 92 411
15.07.2023 494 845 0 153 321 0 1 776 17 339 2 734 91 411
15.10.2023 0 1 592 83 408 494 845 0 130 291 2 725 93 412
15.01.2024 0 1 767 104 429 494 845 0 126 286 2 726 94 414
15.04.2024 494 845 0 155 323 0 1 582 2 324 2 730 96 416
15.07.2024 494 845 0 151 319 0 1 909 17 338 2 732 98 418
15.10.2024 0 2 054 119 442 494 845 0 125 284 2 729 99 419
15.01.2025 0 1 947 115 439 494 845 0 122 281 2 731 100 420
15.04.2025 494 845 0 153 321 0 1 723 3 325 2 723 101 421
15.07.2025 494 845 0 149 316 0 2 026 15 335 2 720 102 422
15.10.2025 0 2 120 125 447 449 135 0 117 275 2 720 103 422
15.01.2026 0 2 124 125 447 494 845 0 120 278 2 722 103 423
15.04.2026 459 663 0 148 315 0 1 820 3 324 2 724 104 424
15.07.2026 494 845 0 146 312 0 2 138 16 336 2 724 105 424
15.10.2026 0 2 155 124 447 423 052 0 113 270 2 724 105 425
15.01.2027 0 2 074 116 439 441 777 0 116 274 2 726 105 425
15.04.2027 398 769 0 141 306 0 1 848 3 325 2 726 106 425
15.07.2027 429 696 0 139 303 0 2 136 17 336 2 724 106 426
15.10.2027 0 2 200 126 448 364 547 0 109 265 2 722 106 426
15.01.2028 0 2 061 115 438 391 759 0 112 268 2 720 106 426
15.04.2028 342 136 0 137 301 0 1 882 3 324 2 714 106 426
15.07.2028 346 701 0 132 295 0 2 175 20 339 2 704 106 426
15.10.2028 0 2 231 128 450 323 707 0 105 261 2 694 105 425
15.01.2029 0 2 073 116 439 331 600 0 106 262 2 691 105 425
15.04.2029 288 443 0 132 295 0 1 955 7 328 2 690 105 425
15.07.2029 241 714 0 124 286 0 2 164 21 340 2 688 105 425
15.10.2029 0 2 246 128 450 265 342 0 102 258 2 688 105 425
15.01.2030 0 2 163 88 413 264 893 0 99 254 2 683 105 425
15.07.2030 0 1 976 126 450 255 591 0 85 234 2 673 104 425
15.01.2031 0 1 929 125 449 294 107 0 80 228 2 664 104 424
15.07.2031 0 1 922 94 420 285 441 0 78 224 2 658 103 423
15.01.2032 0 1 984 122 446 252 756 0 76 222 2 649 102 422
15.07.2032 0 1 332 111 436 216 829 0 75 221 2 640 101 421
15.01.2033 0 2 009 79 405 194 290 0 74 219 2 632 100 421
15.07.2033 0 2 016 81 407 163 333 0 73 218 2 625 99 420
15.01.2034 0 1 356 95 421 114 757 0 73 218 2 618 99 419
15.07.2034 0 2 000 122 446 79 417 0 73 218 2 613 98 419

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Table 15-11 Beta D-1H Producer

Beta East D-1H Producer
Date Oil Gas PW Gas Lift THP BHP
sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d bar bar
15.09.2019 1 406 75 723 27 16 000 63 290
15.10.2019 1 401 74 923 30 16 000 44 264
15.11.2019 1 423 75 888 31 16 000 33 245
15.12.2019 1 328 70 617 37 16 000 27 233
15.01.2020 1 488 78 993 73 73 821 34 216
15.02.2020 1 259 66 853 138 75 672 32 206
15.03.2020 895 47 650 261 80 000 32 198
15.04.2020 691 36 913 369 80 000 29 193
15.05.2020 606 32 414 420 80 000 29 193
15.06.2020 561 30 001 451 80 000 28 193
15.07.2020 306 16 335 294 53 098 46 216
15.08.2020 349 18 685 337 54 484 40 215
15.09.2020 354 18 921 354 52 940 39 215
15.10.2020 353 18 856 368 48 056 38 215
15.11.2020 347 18 576 380 51 372 37 214
15.12.2020 340 18 180 391 49 653 37 214
15.01.2021 330 17 662 401 55 000 36 214
15.03.2021 302 16 187 411 53 000 35 214
15.05.2021 293 15 709 452 62 680 39 210
15.07.2021 268 14 399 470 63 844 38 210
15.09.2021 252 13 568 483 62 262 38 210
15.11.2021 241 12 975 494 70 000 37 210
15.01.2022 232 12 509 503 70 000 37 210
15.04.2022 221 11 952 515 62 764 36 210
15.07.2022 212 11 446 525 63 586 36 210
15.10.2022 203 10 995 532 70 000 36 210
15.01.2023 205 11 067 561 78 242 37 207
15.04.2023 193 10 468 561 69 868 37 206
15.07.2023 185 10 040 564 70 364 36 206
15.10.2023 179 9 682 568 80 000 36 206
15.01.2024 182 9 848 598 85 246 37 205
15.04.2024 176 9 551 600 75 407 37 205
15.07.2024 171 9 290 602 75 571 37 205
15.10.2024 167 9 048 603 84 479 37 206
15.01.2025 162 8 826 604 75 581 37 206
15.04.2025 159 8 627 604 75 702 37 206
15.07.2025 155 8 441 604 75 818 38 206
15.10.2025 152 8 284 604 87 500 38 206
15.01.2026 150 8 145 604 75 791 38 207
15.04.2026 148 8 019 604 80 390 38 207
15.07.2026 145 7 900 604 75 781 38 207
15.10.2026 143 7 794 604 85 283 38 208
15.01.2027 142 7 695 604 82 851 39 208
15.04.2027 140 7 602 603 87 500 39 208
15.07.2027 138 7 511 603 84 474 39 209
15.10.2027 137 7 430 603 87 500 39 209
15.01.2028 135 7 353 602 87 500 39 209
15.04.2028 134 7 281 602 87 500 40 209
15.07.2028 133 7 209 601 87 500 40 210
15.10.2028 131 7 140 600 87 500 40 210
15.01.2029 130 7 074 600 87 500 40 210
15.04.2029 129 7 008 599 87 500 40 211
15.07.2029 128 6 940 599 87 500 41 211
15.10.2029 126 6 867 598 87 500 41 211
15.01.2030 120 6 498 578 87 500 37 207
15.07.2030 113 6 151 567 87 500 33 203
15.01.2031 141 7 660 691 87 500 26 191
15.07.2031 131 7 083 666 87 500 26 187
15.01.2032 125 6 797 658 87 500 26 185
15.07.2032 121 6 571 655 87 500 26 184
15.01.2033 118 6 394 654 87 500 25 184
15.07.2033 115 6 242 653 87 500 25 183
15.01.2034 113 6 113 652 87 500 25 183
15.07.2034 111 5 994 651 87 500 25 183

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Table 15-12 Beta D-2H Producer

Beta East D-2H Producer
Date Oil Gas PW Gas Lift THP BHP
sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d bar bar
15.09.2019 1 542 81 784 3 14 000 69 299
15.10.2019 1 548 81 967 7 14 000 45 270
15.11.2019 1 525 80 701 29 14 000 33 250
15.12.2019 1 327 70 139 51 14 000 27 237
15.01.2020 1 449 76 535 93 64 593 34 221
15.02.2020 1 243 65 726 148 66 213 32 212
15.03.2020 906 47 956 258 70 000 32 205
15.04.2020 674 35 693 390 70 000 29 202
15.05.2020 583 30 900 450 70 000 29 203
15.06.2020 521 27 641 494 70 000 28 205
15.07.2020 252 13 358 273 43 444 46 222
15.08.2020 293 15 563 321 44 578 40 223
15.09.2020 296 15 736 341 43 315 39 224
15.10.2020 291 15 469 358 39 318 38 224
15.11.2020 283 15 046 372 42 031 37 224
15.12.2020 275 14 589 384 40 625 37 224
15.01.2021 265 14 089 396 45 000 36 224
15.03.2021 260 13 856 429 47 000 35 223
15.05.2021 250 13 289 468 53 726 39 222
15.07.2021 230 12 221 486 54 723 38 222
15.09.2021 215 11 454 500 53 367 38 222
15.11.2021 203 10 802 513 60 000 37 222
15.01.2022 192 10 224 524 60 000 37 223
15.04.2022 178 9 511 539 53 798 36 223
15.07.2022 166 8 876 551 54 503 36 223
15.10.2022 157 8 369 558 60 000 36 224
15.01.2023 170 9 095 635 73 352 37 221
15.04.2023 158 8 437 635 65 502 37 219
15.07.2023 150 8 022 638 65 967 36 219
15.10.2023 143 7 659 646 75 000 36 219
15.01.2024 136 7 277 650 73 068 37 220
15.04.2024 131 6 983 654 64 635 37 221
15.07.2024 126 6 731 657 64 775 37 221
15.10.2024 122 6 497 660 72 410 37 222
15.01.2025 117 6 271 662 64 784 37 222
15.04.2025 113 6 052 663 64 888 37 223
15.07.2025 109 5 820 665 64 987 38 223
15.10.2025 105 5 596 666 75 000 38 223
15.01.2026 100 5 362 667 64 964 38 224
15.04.2026 96 5 122 668 68 906 38 224
15.07.2026 91 4 867 669 64 955 38 225
15.10.2026 87 4 642 670 73 100 38 225
15.01.2027 83 4 434 671 71 015 39 226
15.04.2027 79 4 247 672 75 000 39 226
15.07.2027 76 4 068 673 72 406 39 226
15.10.2027 73 3 915 673 75 000 39 227
15.01.2028 71 3 775 674 75 000 39 227
15.04.2028 68 3 650 674 75 000 40 228
15.07.2028 66 3 524 674 75 000 40 228
15.10.2028 64 3 412 675 75 000 40 229
15.01.2029 62 3 307 675 75 000 40 229
15.04.2029 60 3 213 675 75 000 40 229
15.07.2029 58 3 117 676 75 000 41 230
15.10.2029 57 3 032 676 75 000 41 230
15.01.2030 54 2 867 647 75 000 37 227
15.07.2030 50 2 662 633 75 000 33 224
15.01.2031 70 3 722 785 75 000 26 211
15.07.2031 65 3 467 746 75 000 26 205
15.01.2032 62 3 320 735 75 000 26 203
15.07.2032 60 3 186 731 75 000 26 202
15.01.2033 58 3 077 729 75 000 25 202
15.07.2033 56 2 981 728 75 000 25 202
15.01.2034 54 2 898 728 75 000 25 202
15.07.2034 53 2 817 728 75 000 25 202

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Table 15-13 Beta North Producer

Beta North Producer
Date Oil Gas PW Gas Lift THP BHP
sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d sm3/d bar bar
15.09.2019 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.10.2019 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.11.2019 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.12.2019 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.01.2020 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.02.2020 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.03.2020 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.04.2020 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.05.2020 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.06.2020 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.07.2020 2 391 153 384 87 48 271 50 297
15.08.2020 2 090 134 715 148 49 531 42 277
15.09.2020 1 855 119 787 212 48 127 41 269
15.10.2020 1 683 108 713 264 43 687 40 264
15.11.2020 1 541 99 468 312 46 702 39 261
15.12.2020 1 426 91 980 353 45 139 39 258
15.01.2021 1 321 85 202 387 50 000 38 256
15.03.2021 1 142 73 810 452 50 000 37 254
15.05.2021 1 120 72 302 564 80 589 41 250
15.07.2021 996 64 215 616 82 085 40 248
15.09.2021 868 55 980 671 80 051 40 247
15.11.2021 782 50 399 713 90 000 39 247
15.01.2022 704 45 336 755 90 000 39 247
15.04.2022 586 37 708 823 80 696 38 247
15.07.2022 489 31 447 882 81 754 38 248
15.10.2022 451 28 954 914 90 000 38 250
15.01.2023 399 25 631 900 83 133 39 252
15.04.2023 328 21 222 955 74 235 39 255
15.07.2023 278 18 052 1 001 74 762 38 257
15.10.2023 249 16 128 1 042 85 000 38 260
15.01.2024 222 14 433 1 063 80 374 39 264
15.04.2024 208 13 530 1 104 71 098 39 268
15.07.2024 197 12 813 1 142 71 253 39 272
15.10.2024 188 12 200 1 179 79 651 39 275
15.01.2025 179 11 666 1 216 71 262 39 279
15.04.2025 172 11 187 1 253 71 376 39 282
15.07.2025 165 10 740 1 292 71 485 40 286
15.10.2025 159 10 361 1 328 82 500 40 289
15.01.2026 154 10 019 1 367 71 460 40 293
15.04.2026 149 9 714 1 409 75 796 40 296
15.07.2026 144 9 411 1 452 71 451 40 299
15.10.2026 140 9 142 1 493 80 410 40 302
15.01.2027 136 8 871 1 534 78 116 41 306
15.04.2027 132 8 612 1 574 82 500 41 309
15.07.2027 127 8 327 1 615 79 646 41 312
15.10.2027 123 8 056 1 654 82 500 41 315
15.01.2028 120 7 808 1 692 82 500 41 318
15.04.2028 116 7 584 1 730 82 500 42 321
15.07.2028 113 7 365 1 769 82 500 42 323
15.10.2028 110 7 186 1 804 82 500 42 326
15.01.2029 108 7 034 1 839 82 500 42 329
15.04.2029 106 6 905 1 872 82 500 42 331
15.07.2029 104 6 786 1 907 82 500 43 334
15.10.2029 102 6 675 1 941 82 500 43 336
15.01.2030 105 6 853 2 016 82 500 31 240
15.07.2030 108 7 091 2 113 82 500 18 140
15.01.2031 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.07.2031 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.01.2032 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.07.2032 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.01.2033 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.07.2033 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.01.2034 0 0 0 0 0 0
15.07.2034 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Table 15-14 Beta East and Beta North Water Injectors

Beta East D-3H Water Injector Beta North Water Injector
Date Water THP BHP Water THP BHP
sm3/d bar bar sm3/d bar bar
15.09.2019 30 -15 348 0 0 0
15.10.2019 37 -31 331 0 0 0
15.11.2019 61 -46 317 0 0 0
15.12.2019 89 -57 305 0 0 0
15.01.2020 166 -64 298 0 0 0
15.02.2020 286 -67 295 0 0 0
15.03.2020 519 -60 302 0 0 0
15.04.2020 760 -43 319 0 0 0
15.05.2020 871 -33 329 0 0 0
15.06.2020 945 -26 336 0 0 0
15.07.2020 135 -73 289 519 -33 330
15.08.2020 162 -73 289 644 -47 315
15.09.2020 179 -71 291 728 -54 308
15.10.2020 193 -70 292 798 -59 304
15.11.2020 205 -68 294 859 -62 300
15.12.2020 215 -67 295 912 -64 298
15.01.2021 225 -66 296 959 -66 296
15.03.2021 244 -65 297 1 049 -68 294
15.05.2021 278 -62 300 1 205 -70 291
15.07.2021 293 -61 301 1 279 -71 289
15.09.2021 307 -60 302 1 347 -72 288
15.11.2021 319 -59 303 1 402 -72 288
15.01.2022 330 -58 304 1 452 -72 288
15.04.2022 347 -56 306 1 530 -71 289
15.07.2022 363 -55 307 1 596 -69 290
15.10.2022 372 -54 308 1 633 -67 292
15.01.2023 391 -53 309 1 704 -65 294
15.04.2023 407 -53 309 1 744 -61 298
15.07.2023 421 -53 309 1 782 -58 301
15.10.2023 432 -51 312 1 824 -54 305
15.01.2024 445 -49 313 1 866 -50 309
15.04.2024 458 -48 314 1 900 -46 313
15.07.2024 471 -47 315 1 930 -42 317
15.10.2024 483 -46 316 1 959 -38 321
15.01.2025 496 -45 317 1 986 -34 325
15.04.2025 508 -44 318 2 013 -30 329
15.07.2025 521 -43 319 2 040 -26 333
15.10.2025 534 -42 320 2 064 -22 336
15.01.2026 548 -41 321 2 091 -18 340
15.04.2026 562 -40 322 2 119 -14 344
15.07.2026 577 -39 323 2 149 -10 348
15.10.2026 591 -38 325 2 176 -6 351
15.01.2027 605 -37 326 2 203 -3 355
15.04.2027 620 -35 327 2 229 1 358
15.07.2027 635 -34 328 2 256 4 362
15.10.2027 649 -33 329 2 281 8 365
15.01.2028 664 -32 330 2 305 11 369
15.04.2028 678 -31 332 2 328 14 372
15.07.2028 693 -30 333 2 351 18 375
15.10.2028 707 -29 334 2 372 21 378
15.01.2029 721 -27 335 2 393 24 381
15.04.2029 734 -26 336 2 412 27 384
15.07.2029 749 -25 337 2 433 30 387
15.10.2029 763 -24 338 2 453 32 389
15.01.2030 860 -30 332 2 381 35 394
15.07.2030 918 -39 323 2 394 41 401
15.01.2031 387 -62 300 1 088 54 417
15.07.2031 401 -69 293 1 011 69 432
15.01.2032 417 -70 292 976 83 446
15.07.2032 435 -70 292 951 96 460
15.01.2033 455 -69 293 928 109 474
15.07.2033 477 -68 293 904 122 487
15.01.2034 500 -67 295 880 135 500
15.07.2034 525 -66 296 854 147 512

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