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1-8 f INTRODUCCION Washington Irving publicé en 1819 The Sketch Book con cuento: que pronto le hicieron famoso como uno de los primeros escritores profesionales de EEUU: Rip Var Winkle y La leyenda de Sleep) Hollow. Este Ultimo narra fa historia de un pueblecito tranquilo per leno de supersticiones sobre fantasmas. Una noche el popular maestr: Ichabod Crane vive una experiencia escalofriante con el fantasma ma famoso del lugar, el “Jinete sin Cabeza”, y desde entonces los habitante de la zona nunca han podido resolver su misteriosa desaparicién. INTRODUCCIO En Washington Irving va publicar el 1819 The Sketch Book aml contes que aviat el farien famés com a un dels primers escriptor: professionals dels EUA: Rip Van Winkle i La Legenda de Sleep) Hollow. Aquest darrer conte narra la historia d’un poblet tranquil per: ple de supersticions sobre fantasmes. Una nit el popular mestre Ichabo Crane viu una experiéncia esgarrifosa amb el fantasma més famods d Vindret, el “Genet sense Cap” i des de Ilavors els habitants de la zon mai no han pogut resoldre la seva misteriosa desaparicio. SARRERA Washington Irving idazleak 1819an argitaratu zuen The Sketc Book liburua, eta aurki egin zen ospetsu Estatu Batuetako lehenetarik idazle profesional gisa, hango ipuinei esker: Rip Van Winkle eta Th Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Azken horretan, herrixka bateko istorio: kontatzen du. Herrixka lasaia da, baina mamuen gaineko superstizioe: betea. Gau batean, Ichabod Crane maisu ezagunak esperientzia lazgary bat bizitzen du ingurumariko mamurik famatuenarekin, “Zaldizk Burugabea” zeritzonarekin, eta, orduz geroztik, eskualde hartak bizilagunek inoiz ezin izan dute argitu haren desagertze misteriotsua. Limiar Washington Irving publicou en 1819 The Sketch Book con conto: que axifia Ile outorgaron sona como un dos primeiros escritore: profesionais de EUA: Rip Van Winkle e A lenda de Sleepy Hollow. Est ultimo narra a historia dunha vilifia tranguila mais chea de supersticin: sobre pantasmas. Unha noite o popular mestre Ichabod Crane vive unhg experiencia arrepiante Coa pantasma mais famosa do lugar, 0 “Xinet sen Cabeza”, e desde aquela os habitantes da bisbarra xamais puideror resolver a sta misteriosa desaparicién. Chapter 1: Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow is a tranquil valley in America. The valley is next to the Hudson River in New York State, The people in Sleepy Hollow are the descendants of emigrants from Holland. They’re farmers. They cultivate vegetables and they work with animals. The people in Sleepy Hollow are superstitious and they think that there are ghosts in the valley. they often tell stories about ghosts and wifches. — There’s an old schoo] in Sleepy Hollow. The school has only got one room. It’s far from the farmers’ houses. The walls of the school are legs from the forest near the school. There are holes in some of the windows. Old notebooks cover the holes. 2 al THE TALL TEACHER Chapter 2: The Tall Teacher There’s one teacher in the school. His name is Ichabod Crane. He’s tall and thin. His head is small and flat, his ears are enormous and his feet are big. He’s a good teacher and his students like him. Ichabod is ugly, but all the girls in Sleepy Hollow like him because he’s very intelligent and he tells them interesting stories. The families of Sleepy Hollow know that teachers don’t get much money and they invite Ichabod to eat with them. Ichabod loves good food. He loves dancing and he sings very well, too. After school, Ichabod gives singing lessons to the young people of Sleepy Hollow to get more money. What does Ichabod do to get more money? In the long winter evenings, after his meal, Ichabod likes sitting in front of the fire with the women of Sjeepy Hollow. Ichabod and the women eat fruit and cakes and tell many stories about ghosts and witches. The stories are very scary! At the end of the evening, Ichabod walks home through the fields. It’s very dark in the fields. Snoy, covers all the trees and Ichabod thinks that the white trees are ghosts. He hears the noise of the wind in the trees and he imagines that ghosts and witches are following him and calling him. Ichabod is very frightened! X One day, Ichabod is talking to his students. Hollow. The ghosts come with the wind. It’s windy outside and suddenly a window closes. Bang! Then there’s a mysterious noise. The window Shakes and some notebooks fall. The students are frightened. A boy hides under a desk. “Is that a ghost?” he asks. x “Maybe,” Ichabod answers. “Please tell us a ghost Story!” a girl says. Story is about a cruel ghost. The ghost hasn’t got a head and he always rides a black horse.” Ichabod opens a big book and he begins to read. He speaks loudly because the wind is making a lot of noise. THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW Chapter 3: A Ghost Story “It's the year 1775. A soldier is fighting in a war. He’s riding a big, black horse. A > Ichabod goes outside and finds Katrina. “Please, dance with me,” Ichabod says. Katrina looks at Brom and smiles. Then she goes into the house with Ichabod. Ichabod loves music, and he’s a good dancer. He’s very happy because he’s dancing with Katrina. Brom Bones comes into the room and sits in a corner. He isn’t happy, because Katrina is dancing with Ichabod. The music stops and some men go outside to the garden. The men Jike to tell stories about wars and ghosts. The stories are different every time. Ichabod goes outside, too, because he likes these stories. One farmer tells a very scary story, Then another farmer tells the story of Major Brouwer and the Headless Horseman. THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW Chapter 9; The Bridge “T often see the Headless Horseman’s black horse in the cemetery,” the second farmer says. Brom Bones goes outside and he tells another story about the Headless Horseman. “It’s the year 1805. One night, I'm riding near the church and the Headless Horseman 7 passes me on his horse. “I want a race with you,’ I say to him. ‘My horse always wins races!’ Daredevil runs very quickly and we pass the Headless Horseman. But when we come to the bridge, the | Headless Horseman disappears. J can only see fire on the bridge!” “That's a scary story,” Ichabod says. “I hope I don’t see the Headless Horseman on the bridge tonight!” Brom laughs and says, “Ichabod is always frightened, but I’m never frightened!” Where does the headless horseman disappear? THE BRIDGE It’s 12.00 at night. The farmers and their families prepare to go home. Brom and his friends are on their horses. Brom says something. His friends laugh and they ride from the farm. Ichabod goes inside the house and talks to Katrina. But after a few minutes, Ichabod comes out of the house. Ichabad is very sad and he’s angry, too. He runs to Gunpowder. F Katrina doesn’t 4 love me! She doesn’t want to marry me! | Ichabod and Gunpowder begin to ride home through the fields. It’s very dark and windy and Ichabod hears a lot of scary noises. Ichabod thinks about all the ghost stories and he’s very frightened, 2 Ichabod comes to the bridge near the church amnd he remembers the story of Major Brouwer and the Headless Horseman. “Oh, no! I can hear noises!” Ichabod g says to Gunpowder. “And I can see something white in ththe Ichabod is very frightened. He wants to cross the bridge quickly but suddenly, Gunpowder stops. Gunpowder doesn’t want to cross the bridge. At that moment, Ichabod hears another noise. H Behind the trees near the bridge, he can see an enormous : black figure. The figure doesn’t move. “Who are you?” Ichabod asks timidly. The blaosck figure doesn’t answer. “Who are you?” Ichabod asks again. but there i isn’t an answer. Ichabod is very frightened. He tries to sing a hyaymn, but be can’t sing because he’s very nervous. What does Gunpowder do? Suddenly, the black figure starts to move. The figure is a big, tall man on a big, black horse! “Run quickly, Gunpowder!” Ichabod shouts. “Cross the bridge!” But Gunpowder doesn’t want to cross the bridge. Gunpowder is frightened, too. He turns and runs in the opposite direction. Ichabod looks behind him. The black figure is following ther! It hasn’t got a head! It’s the Headless Horseman! His head is in front of him on his saddle! Gunpowder runs very quickly but the Headless Horseman’s horse runs quickly, too. Suddenly, Ichabod’s saddle falls to the ground. NOLL Oh, no! That’s the farmer’s new saddle! THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW Gunpowder is running very quickly. Ichabod’s arms are round Gunpowder’s neck. He isn’t a good rider and he doesn’t want to fall. Help! Help! Nobody hears him. He looks behind him. Now the Headless Horseman has got his head in his hand. He throw his head at Ichabod — whoooosh! The head hits Ichabod’s Gunpowder and the black figure on the big, black horse run past Ichabod. Gunpowder runs and runs. Finally, he comes to his farm. Ichabod doesn’t move. He’s lying under some trees. His hat is on the ground near him, and everything is dark and silent. 24 THE NEXT MORNING Chapter 10: The Next Morning The next morning, the farmer sees Gunpowder in the field at his farm. “Where’s my new saddle?” the farmer thinks. He goes to the school. Ichabod isn’t there. it’s strange. Ichabod is The farmer speaks to the people of Sleepy Hollow. “Helly me! We have to find Ichabod — and my saddle!” he says. They look everywhere. They look in the forest, in the fields and near the old bridge. After some time, they find th: farmer’s saddle. Finally, they find Ichabod’s hat under some trees. Near the hat they find a pumpkin. The pumpkin is in many piece: They look and look but they can’t find Ichabod. What do the people find? Choose the correct pictures. c D THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW The next Sunday, at church, everybody is talking abou ichiahon 's pisagpedance. “it’s a | mystery! e Where’s Ichabod? The Genple of. Sleepy Hollow are. A and frightened, but they’re excited, too. “Now we’ve got another story tc they say. tell about the Headless Horseman! Ichabod never comes to the valley again, but the people of Sleepy Hollow say that his ghost is in the school. They close the old school and they build a new school in a different place. A new teacher comes to the valley. Katrina marries Brom Bones. THE NEXT MORN! One day, an old farmer from Sleepy Hollow visits New York. When he returns to Sleepy Hollow, he’s got some ipapartant ne news. “The Headless | Horseman has got him. It’s their favourite story and they often tell it when they sit in front of the fire on cold, winter evenings. Every time the people of Sleepy Hollow tell the story of Ichabod, somebody always asks, “Why were pieces of pumpkin on the ground near Ichabod’s hat?” Brom Bones always laughs when Lacey knows why. Why does Brom Bones laugh? Choose the correct picture to help you find the reason. English alone angry brave bridge excited farmers fighting flat frightened get dark ghosts go away grave ground he’s lying Headless Horseman hides hits holes hope hurt it’s stormy laughs lawyer Jeaves lightning logs loudly make a terrible mess GLOSSARY Castellano solo enfadado valiente puente ilusionado, contento granjeros luchando plana asustado oscurecer fantasmas se marchan tumba suelo esta tumbado Jinete sin Cabeza se esconde golpea agujeros espero Je duelen hay tormenta se rie abogado hojas relampago troncos en voz alta ponen todo patas arriba 28 Catala sol enfadat valent pont il-lusionat, cont grangers iluitant plana espantat fer-se fuse fantasmes se’n van tomba terra esta estirat Genet sense Ca s'amaga colpeja forats espero li fan mal hi ha tempesta riv advocat fulles llampec troncs en veu alta posen tot potes enlaire English alone angry brave bridge excited farmers fighting flat frightened get dark ghosts go away grave ground he’s lying Headless Horseman hides hits holes hope hurt it’s stormy laughs lawyer leaves lightning logs loudly make a terrible mess GLOSSARY Euskara bakarrik haserre ausarta zubia gogo bizitan, pozez baserritarrak borrokan zapala izutua ilundu mamuak alde egiten dute hilobia lurra, zorua etzanda dago Zaldizko Burugabea ezkutatzen da jotzen du zuloak espero dut minez dauzka ekaitza ari du barre egiten du legegizona, abokatua hostoak tximista enborrak ozenki, goraki dena hankaz gora jartzen dute 29 Galego sé enfadado valente ponte ilusionado, ledo granxeiros a loitar plana asustado escurecer pantasmas marchan tumba chan esta deitado Xinete sen Cabeza agachase bate buratos agardo déenlle hai treboada ni avogado follas relampo troncos en voz alta pofien todo 6 revés English marry her on the way home play tricks on pulls him from pumpkins race rides run past saddle scary shakes shouts takes her for rides telling jokes through the fields to have fun turns war witches GLOSSARY Castellano casarme con ella de camino a casa gastar bromas a lo tira calabazas carrera monta en pasaron cornendo por donde estaba silla de miedo se mueve, se sacude grita la pasea en su caballo contando chistes a través de / por los campos pasarselo bien vuelve guerra brujas 30 Catala casar—naamb el de campiap a cs fer bropnes el fa Caawe de carbassas cursa cavalcaa van Passir corre per onnera sella de por es Mou,|,se la passeza en el seu Casal] explicanm acudil a travéséde / pels camps Passar-hho bé gira guerra bruixes English Marry her on the way home Play tricks on pulls him from pumpkins race rides run past saddle Seary shakes shouts takes her for rides telling jokes through the fields to have fun turns war witches GLOSSARY Euskara harekin ezkondu etxera bidean -ri adarra jotzea -tik bota:zen du kuiak, kalabazak Jasterketa -en gainean ibiltzen da -en paretik lasterka igaro ziren zela beldurgarriak higitzen da, inarrosten da oihukatzen du (zaldiz) paseatzera eramaten du txisteak kontatzen soroetan barrena olgatu, ondo pasatu itzultzen du gerra sorginak 3 Galego casar con ela de camifio 4 casa facer brincadeiras a tirao cabazas carreira Monta en pasaron a cotrer por onde estaba cadeira de medo médvese, abanéase berra paséaa no seu cabalo a contar chistes a través de / polos eidos pasalo ben volve guerra bruxas The luegend of Sleepy Hollow by Washimington Irving Retold by yw Jeanine White Burlingtonon Books PO. Box x* 54411 4721 Limsmassol Cyprus Burlington I s Books is an imprint of Danos Books Ltd. The publiillisher would like to thank the following people: Castellanemo: Elena Terdn Herranz Catala: Maria Esteve Serravifials Euskara: : Joan Ignazio Bereziartua Iraola Galego: Ramén Nicolas Rodriguez All rightests reserved by the publisher. No part of this publication may be ra reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any fooorm or by any means — electronic, mechanical, photocoryepying or otherwise — without permission in writing from the 9e publisher. {SBN 9901963-46-796-2 This sinvrnplified version copyright © 2002 Burlington Books Burlingtaston Reader No. E1.09 10 9 8 7 11 100 09 08 07

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