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Story Time Do you know these popular stories? 1)Hansel and Gretel 2)Little Red Riding Hood ——-3)Sherlock Holmes 4) Beauty and the Beast B)Robin Hood 6) The Little Mermaid BS B@te 3a Did you read stories when you were young? Which one was your favourite? Complete the stories with the words in the box: Sleeping Beauty lived lived woke slept took was cast grew came married cut sow A long time ago there a beautiful princess. She ina very high tower. A wicked fairy «a spell and the princess for a hundred years. A big forest ‘round the tower. One day a handsome prince to the tower, He is sword and the trees. He tthe princess and her with a kiss, The prince the princess and they happily ever after. The Three Little Pigs made tried ate built were _ lived _ fell blew was _used came Once upon a time there three little pigs. One @ house with straw, one a house with wood and the other bricks. One day 0 big bad wolf and to destroy the houses, He ‘on each house. The houses of straw and wood down and he the pigs. The house of bricks very strong so the final pig «long and happy life. Now complete the tables with the past simple verbs from the stories: Present simple | Past simple Present simple | Past simple live be sleep eat grow make cut build cast use marry blow be try 4 take fell GRAMMAR - SIMPLE PAST TENSE EASTER HOLIDAYS Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the verbs in brackets. Last Easter holidays Jimmy and Paul (eo) campingin the mountain, They. (spend) a wonderful time there They, (wake up) early in the morning and then they (go) fora walk. n the village they (buy) everything they (need). Inthe afternoon they [play) football, (watch) the birds and. (swim) in the river. They (not have) a TV set, s0 after dinner they (talk) fora while and then they (go) to sleep. (One night, Jimmy (nave) a very strange dream: they (be) by the river watching the moon, Suddenly they (hear) someone calling “Hello! Hello!” They (turn) around and they (see) a strange creature. It {be} green and very small. He (invite) them to go to his spaceship. There they (meet) other strange creatures anda beautiful princess, They (sit] down round a table and they (eat) some strange food. jimmy (drink) a glass of fruit juice. {taste} good so he, (ask) for another glass of it Aftera while he (feel) abit strange. Oh, dear..he {turn) green and small like the others. The princess {not be) beautiful anymore and she look) horrible. What was happening? He (open) his eyes and ... what a relief! It (be) only a Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Daisy (bring) some chocolates to the birthday party. 2.1 (hear) a new song on the radio. 3. Peter (read) three books last week. 4, The Smiths (speak) Italian to the waitress. 5. Peter doesn't understand. 6. My mother (forget) to buy some milk. 7. Susan (have) a baby in August. 8 We (lose) our keys last Friday. 9. They (swim) 500m yesterday afternoon. 10.1 (give) my mother a CD for her birthday. ‘11. At the age of 23, she (become) a teacher. 12.1 (know) the answer yesterday. 13. Peter (tell) me that he lived in New York. 14.We (lend) John €200. 15.She (drink) too much coffee yesterday. 16. The children (Sleep) in the car, 17.He (keep) his promise. 18.We (choose) the steak for dinner. 19. The film (begin) late. 20. They (fly) to Madrid. 21.We (drive) to Edinburgh. 22. Mrs. Black (teach) English at the University. 23. They (send) mean e-mail earlier. (leave) at 7 a.m.. TS weekend. a 2) T----------- (listen ) to music with my friends. [ 2 we --- for the exam. So, we Ielieanre ccleereanens (finish ) your homework?" ae No, I - ‘ ai )I- (wait ) for the school bus | but it - ~ ( not-come ), = 6) Karen - ~~ (ask ) for help ¥ finish her homework. --- (invite ) them to Did you close the door? oupbanty since (+). 8) Yesterday night, somebody ---. I te) (knock) at the door, But T -=--------- Did you father wash his car? Gostseren yt , Ce): | (+) Something strange ( hoppen ) last night. (check ) his answers. | -- (deliver ) =~ (live) in Madrid three | ~ (not-study ) for the ) Clare played temnis this weekend. ( - ) =~ David washed his car on Saturday. ( Kote finished her homework. ( ? ) Marta waited for the bus. (- ) ~ Elisa called Sue togo out. ( ? ) John watched TV all the day. ( ? ) ~ G9 Alex washed the dishes, (? ) - Dorothy invited me to her birthday party. (-)-- Iulia cleaned the entire house this morning, Past Simple Tense I - Fill in the sentences with the comrect form (past simple) of the appropriate verb, and then match the sentences to the pictures. the beds in the rooms. «lot yesterday. ‘after school. me my future. eslice of pizza TV last night the table. a fairy tale tohis children. a bath, ‘the injured mon to the hospital. the homewerk. ‘ocold yesterday. in the disco last weekend. onthe berch in the perk. II - Fill in the sentences with the correct form (past simple) of the appropriate verb, and then match the sentences to the pictures. on her homework. ‘on the beach, ‘the litter into the recycling bin. lemonade. ‘the paper into smaller pieces. ‘on holiday on Morday. 18) The bus driver ‘the bus to the station. 19) Robert birdhouse on the tree. 10) Paul and James presents to each other. ‘the wheel of the lorry. ‘the piano for the test at home. in the sea. home.

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