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For your 1st FMA:

1. Describe the assigned ISSP of your group.

2. Give your personal reaction and opinion on the posted comments regarding your chosen topic.

Guide Questions:

1. Where do you agree or disagree?

2. Are there comments you want to expound more?

3. Did the organization develop their mission, vision, SWOT analysis before doing the ISSP and did
they integrate it?

The main mission of the Department of National Defense is to guard against external and
internal threats to national peace and security, promote the welfare of soldiers, veterans and
their families in order to attain national security, uphold sovereignty and territorial integrity,
support socio-economic development and political stability while the vision is to be a
A strategic partner of the international community, capable and responsive, professional and
competent, effective and efficient in meeting external and internal challenges to national security
and domestic stability as well as contributing to the social and economic development of the

The ISSP of the DND consider the SWOT analysis although the ISSP did not mention the use of
SWOT but as I read the ISSP, the similar process was used. On the part of the strength, the
department identified the major output of the system plus the integration of all stand alone
system. In the weakness part, they identifies the possible problem if ever they are going to
implement the proposed system which according to them must be addressed to avoid problem.

The main threat in the proposed system are system hacking. To address eminent danger of
the fast growing hacking attacks done recently to government and private websites, the DND
creates Cyber Security Division to address this particular problem. In term of opportunity, the
DND si proposing a new system for the department and the plan of purchasing some equipment
which may lead to better service of the department.

4. How did they measure their performance and what are their corrective actions?

There are 12 indicator that been stated in the ISSP of the

1. LAN connectivity and the NOC cabling system-the baseline data are
the Current status of LAN connectivity and the current NOC cabling
system while the target is percentage decreased in LAN-related
concerns and percentage increased cyber counter measures
2. Enhanced LAN connectivity and NOC cabling system
The baseline is the current LAN connection capability and current
NOC cabling system. The target is 100% LAN connectivity and the
100% NOC recabled
3. Work productivity with better connectivity and cabling system
The baseline is the current work productivity and 100 % work
4. No of cyber intrusion
The baseline for this is the current cyber security capability while the
target is percentage decrease in cyber intrusion
5. Standardized Protocol
The baseline is the current standard operating procedure while the
target is standard operating procedure
6. Enhanced cybersecurity equipment
The baseline is the current cyber security policy while the target is
implementation of cyber security policy
7. Cyber security attacks and counter measures
The baseline for this is the current number of cyber attacks and the
current number of cyber counter measures while the target are
percentage decreased in cyber attack and percentage increased
cyber counter measures
8. Update cyber security equipment
The baseline data for this is the current detection and prevention
capability and the target is 100% detection and prevention capability
9. Enhanced cyber security equipment
The baseline data is the current cyber security policy while the target
is the implementation of cyber security policy.
10. No. of operational system
The baseline data for this is the current operational system while the
target is the PMIS and the IPPMS
11. Efficiency of operational systems
The baseline data is the current accomplishment while the target is
percentage increase of target accomplishments
12. Performance Evaluation
The baseline data for this is the current system performance while the
target is the 100% system Performance rating
5. Did they use the strategic model in page 15 (found in Unit 1)?

6. Did they identify the stakeholders? What are the roles of the different players in information

7. What are the components of the different information systems in terms of information
systems building blocks?

8. What are the successful and unsuccessful initiatives? For those that are unsuccessful, what are
the probable reasons for their failure?

Submission status

When the new MISS leadership took over in mid-

2011, a review of the ICT programs was undertaken,
which also saw the introduction of Cyber Security as
one of the main thrusts of the new leadership.
Realizing the has led to the creation of the Cyber
Security Division of MISS, which was approved in
time for the DND Rationalization Plan. In connection
with cyber security and defense, several projects
have been put up, the first of which was the
installation of the Defense Security Monitoring
Center (DSMC), the main goal of which is to provide
an information sharing mechanism where the law
enforcement agencies and private partners can
come together to improve the ability to safeguard the
country and prevent criminal activities which are now
done through cyberspace. This envisions providing
the President, the Secretary of National Defense,
and selected high ranking officials information
regarding occurrences of incidents/situations that
are of national interest. The conceptualization and
establishment of the best thu

One of the system that is implenented by DND is the

PMIS ( Personnel Management Information System
which has an objective of
For your 1st FMA:

1. Describe the assigned ISSP of your group.

2. Give your personal reaction and opinion on the

posted comments regarding your chosen topic.

Guide Questions:

1. Where do you agree or disagree?

2. Are there comments you want to expound more?

3. Did the organization develop their mission, vision,

SWOT analysis before doing the ISSP and did they
integrate it?

4. How did they measure their performance and

what are their corrective actions?

5. Did they use the strategic model in page 15

(found in Unit 1)?

6. Did they identify the stakeholders? What are the

roles of the different players in information systems?

7. What are the components of the different

information systems in terms of information systems
building blocks?

8. What are the successful and unsuccessful

initiatives? For those that are unsuccessful, what are
the probable reasons for their failure?

The DND has many stakeholders. The first is the

Local Government unit where the department
provide an assistant. The second is the school or
training institution. A training institution may request
an assistant, training, or scholarship from the
department. The third is the general public where
the department provide an information to the public
especially when rhere is a calamity. Another entity is
the National Computer Center where the NCC is the
one who helped for crafting and implentation of
ISSP. The Senate and House of representatives
stakeholder is concern with legislative agenda of in
relation with the DND. Another stakeholder is the
international community wherein this entity can
provide funds and technolog transfer.

Commision on audit thid stakeholder provide the

department the latest circular and memorandum
while the DND submit an audit report to this

Departmenf of budget and management- this

stakeholder provide the budget for thr department.
On ther hand the DND submit the yearly budget
proposal to the DBM

Civil Service Comission -this department is

responsible for creating a plantilla for different
position. They are the one who approved the
appointment of DND personnel and set the
qualification standard of every position

Service/producr provider this stakeholder provide

the services and product for DND. This stakeholder
join in the bidding and observe the procurement law.

Attached bureau/agencies (AFP, NDCP, OCD.

PVAO, VMMC this stakeholder are the attached
agency and bureau in the department. they provide
assistance to the department and give directives to
implement the plans, policies and program of DND.

NSC, OPAP, DILG, DFA, DOTC-this stakeholder are

the key security sector and defense stakeholder of
whole nation

The mission of the department is to guard against

external and internsl threat to national security,
promote the weld are of the soldier veteran and their
family in order to attain national security, uphold the
sovereignty and territorial a

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