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Operating System- is the first thing that is loaded into the computer.
-perform basic tasks, such as determining the input or what has been typed by the
keyboard, install software to the computer, displaying output on the monitor or
the printer.
Types of Operating System:
1. Single-user, multi- tasking- this is the type of operating system most people use on their desktop
and laptop computers.
Ex. Microsoft windows, Linux, and Apple’s Mac OS
2. Single-user, single task- this operating system is designed to manage the computer so that you can
effectively perform a task.
Ex. Palm OS
3. Multi-user- allows two or more users to run programs at the same time.
Ex. Unix, Virtual memory system and mainframe operating system such as Multiple Virtual
4. Real time- are used to run machinery, scientific instruments, and industrial system. It operates
precisely the same amount of work and tasks every time it is on.

Operating System has two interfaces:

Command Line Interface (CLI)- you can normally interact with the operating system through a set of
Graphical User Interface (GUI)- the users sees graphical pictures that make the program easier to use.
Ex. Linux, OS/2, and different version of Windows

Application Software- are programs that are used to perform special tasks like writing letters, drawing,
keeping records, etc.
Word processor- enables the creation of documents such as letters, reports, manuals, certificates,
and calendars.
Ex. Notepad, Wordpad, and MS Word File Extension: .doc., .rtf
Presentation- used to create professional-looking presentations that can handle text, drawing, pictures
sounds, videos, etc. It is used in presenting reports instead of using visual aids.
Ex. MS Powerpoint
Spreadsheet- used whenever you need to perform calculations such as grading sheets, income taxes,etc.
Ex. Lotus 123, MS Excel
DTP- short for Desktop Publishing; it is used in creating newsletters, banners, brochures, calendars,
postcards, origami, etc.
Database- used to keep large amounts of information or records in banks, schools, and almost all
-is a collection of data.
Ex. Telephone directories, shopping lists, and your teacher’s attendance record for your class.

Other Database Objects:

1. Forms- forms make it easy to enter or view data. They serve as convenient ways to enter an
individual record or retrieve and view information which they extract from the database.
2. Queries- queries searc h and extract data from one or more tables based on a criteria.
Criteria- is a condition that has to be met for that information to be extracted.
3. Reports- reports are the output or result of a query or series of queries.
Drawing- used to create illustrations or pictures.
Ex. MS paint
Microsoft Windows XP- is a full operating system created by the Microsoft Corporation. It uses a
Graphical User Interface which allows users to communicate with the
computer through icons and menus.
-the importance of windows : without windows you cannot operate the com-
puter such as the system unit, monitor, and the keyboard. Windows also
allows you to do several things at the same time like drawing pictures while
listening to your favorite song.

Basic Elements of Windows XP:

1.Desktop-is the entire screen on Windows XP. It looks and functions very much like a neat desk or
working table.
2.Icons- are small pictures found on the desktop. These are symbols representing programs,
application, or files.

Common Icons Found on the Desktop:

My Computer- this gives acces to anything saved in the computer like hard drives, floppy drives,
CD-ROM drives, files programs, and documents.
Recycle Bin- this is a temporary storage place for deleted or erased files. It can also be used for
recovering accidentally deleted files.
My Network Places- this provides easy acces to network resources if the PC is connected to a
Internet Explorer- it is used to surf the internet.
3.Start Button- it is a button found on the lower part of the desktop. It is used to start a program
or open a document.
4.Taskbar- it is a rectangular bar found at the lower part of the desktop. It contains the Start button
and shows what programs or documents are currently open.
5.Quick Launch Bar- this provides an easy way to launch a program with just one click.
6.System Tray- this is where you can find icons belonging to some of the programs that are
currently running.
7.Wallpaper-this is the background design of the desktop. You can customize the wallpaper accor-
ding to your preference.

Steps to Exit Windows XP:

1.Click on the Start button.
2.From the Start menu, click on Turn Off Computer as shown .
3. Choose the Tun Off option.

Start Menu:

Start Menu Options

1.All Programs-when the cursor passes on the All Programs menu choice, it displays a submenu of
programs or folders containing an application software.
2. My Recent Documents- this option displays a submenu of the currently used documents . But
some computers may not display this.
3.Control Panel- this provides options for new hardware or customizes the appearance of the computer,
adds or remove programs, and sets up network connections and user accounts.
4.Search-is used to locate pictures, music, documents, files, and folders in the PC.
5. Help and Support-this launches the window for Help topics, tutorials, troubleshooting, and other
support services.
6.Run- it is used to start a program by typing or browsing the executable command.
7.Log Off-this is the option to log off from the current user and log in with another user.
8.Turn Off Computer- this is used to properly shut down Windows before turning off or restarting
the computer.

Parts of a Window:

1. Title Bar- this part of the window shows the name of the program or document.
2. Application Icon- once this icon is clicked, a menu will appear. This menu displays commands
used to control the window.
3. Minimize button- this reduces the window into a small button on the taskbar.
4. Maximize button- this enlarges the window to its fullest size on the screen.
5. Restore button- this appears only when the window is at its biggest size.
6. Close button- this exits or closes an application window.
7. Menu bar- this is found below the title bar. It contains options or commands that can be
used in working with the program.
8. Toolbars- the commands are represented by icons so that you can find and use these
commands easily.
9. Scroll Bars- these bars are used when the entire document does not fit the window or the
10. Status Bar- this contains information about the status or situation of any object chosen in the

Working With Paint:

Paint- is one of Windows Accessories that allows you to draw electronically on the computer screen.
Paint environment window- has the familiar look of other Windows programs.

Parts of the Paint Window:

1. Drawing Area- looks like a canvas or blank sheet of paper where you can draw.
2. Tool Box- it contains drawing tools that can be used in creating your drawing.
3. Line Size Box- is located below the Toolbox where you can choose the width of the line
to draw.
4. Color Palette- located at the bottom of the paint window where you can select the colors
for the drawing.
5. Status Bar- shows details and information about the selected object.

Paint Menus- provide commands used for common actions in drawing pictures.
File Menu- has commands for opening, saving, and printing files.
Edit Menu- has commands for cutting, pasting, and copying.
View Menu- is a menu where you can find the command to customize the appearance of the window.
Image Menu- contains a command that allows you to flip/rotate, invert, and clear an image.
Colors Menu- has command for changing the colors, getting colors, and customizing colors.
Help Menu- provides information on how to work with paint.

Paint Tools and its Functions:

Free-from Select- selects a free-form part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.
Select- selects a rectangular part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.
Eraser- erases a portion of the picture using the selected eraser shape.
Fill with Colors- fills an area with the current drawing color.
Pick color- used to copy color from one area or object to another.
Magnifier- zooms in for a closer look at a part of a drawing.
Pencil- creates a free-form line.
Brush- a free-hand painting tool
Airbrush- sprays a dot pattern in the currently selected foreground color.
Text- puts captions and titles of your drawing.
Line- draws a straight line with a selected width.
Curve- draws a curved line with the selected line width.
Rectangle- draws a rectangle or square with the selected fill style.
Polygon- draws a polygon with the selected fill style.
Ellipse- draws a circle or ellipse with the selected fill style.
Rounded Rectangle- draws a rounded rectangle with the selected fill style.

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