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Study halls agroklimat and hydrology have done over the function of research and change

characteristic discharge das krueng aceh cooperate with pusdata eight .Research aims to study the
rate of change of land use based on analysis of the satellite images and its impact on the discharge
das krueng aceh .Das krueng aceh is one of 15 das in the aceh .Das it has broad 207.496 ha , and
were on two administrative territory , the banda aceh and kabupaten aceh besar .Das krueng aceh
dominated by lowland of the basin and plains , and the wavy , the , and hills .Topography the varies
from flat until steep and located at the height of 0-1.710 m dpl .The with a slope 0-8 % dominated
area elongated middle to downstream , while hills and the mengapitnya in the upper .The surging
with broad 17 % of the regions there were on the outskirts of the roundabout

Change cover land to study changes in cover land das krueng aceh, has done analysis image
landsat the results of the acquisition 3 july 1994 and 14 may 2002.Based on image landsat 1994,
cover land of the widest about 48 % of the miserably ).With with a cover more land also had
capacity infiltration high, like a shrub and gardens a mixture, it reached 59,5 %.Meanwhile the
results of interpretation image landsat 2002 show cover land widest still in the form of a forest (
47.6 % of the miserably ).As the area das, this proportion is in good, but extent declining 0.9 % or
1.837 ha for 8 years, or an average 229,6 ha per year.The rate of change is still well below the the
rate of change the forestry area national, good issued by the government and non-governmental
A reduction in the area greatest impact on bush / grass ( 3.477 ha ) and forests ( 1.837 ha ), generally
turned into fields ( 2.922 it, in the side of a river krueng aceh, and shrub ( 1.340 ha ) in the east of
banda aceh.Woods that turn shrub reached 1.417 ha, especially in the area near jantho ( table ) 1
Change characteristic discharge das krueng aceh change characteristic hidrologis das resulting
from a change of land use for years 1994-2002, it can be seen analysing water balance das monthly
sub- das krueng food, das krueng aceh ( 21,603.6 it ) based on the discharge daily at the station
their food, as well as data daily rain recorded by rain their siron station, in indrapuri, the district of
aceh large.An analysis of discharge do with sub-das krueng because of food and quality of the data
better than sub-das another at das krueng aceh
Based on analysis of the water balance das monthly , during the 1996-2003 a decline in volume
the river of 417,4 mm / year , although the decline in annual rainfall is only 24.6 mm. these
differences could be attributed to function changing hidrologis das due to the transfer function
To learn more change characteristic of discharge due to over the area, done application
model simulation discharge daily gr4j, that is a new approach in the field of hydrology.According
to the method classical, change discharge known based on approach das in pairs.Behavior two das
identical monitored continuously for a certain time, then one of das given treatment and the other
tolerated in a civilized the original condition.By comparing discharge between das original and
das that experienced modification biofisik condition, the impact of hidrologis by the modification
das it can be seen
In practice , it is very difficult to obtain the two watersheds were almost identical
Therefore , the approach is through the application of the model allows the discharge .
This model was developed based on the relationship between inputs ( rain ) and output
( Debit ) who constitute the hydrological response of a watershed biophysical conditions .
To calculate the change in flow due to modifications watershed biophysical model
debit calibrated to obtain the model parameters . Calibration is carried out under conditions
DAS before treatment ( before modified ) . Once the model parameters
in the year before the watershed obtained modified , simulated discharge in the year after the
watershed are modified .
The simulation results further discharge compared with the measurement data . Influence
of modified biophysical watershed indicated by the difference between the discharge simulation
with measurement In research Krueng Aceh , GR4J model parameters obtained by
perform validation using the data in 1996 , which includes data rainfall , evapotranspiration
Potential ( ETP ) , and the daily debit . ETP Data taken from service Blang bintang , rainfall data
from station Siron village , and discharge data from station Boga village . Furthermore, the model
parameters were validated data in 1996 used for simulation based on the daily discharge daily
rainfall and daily ETP year 2003. In this way will be obtained simulated discharge in 2003
reflecting DAS biophysical conditions before experiencing land conversion . The comparison
between discharge simulations with observations shows the discharge flow changes due land
conversion in the period 1996-2003
Comparison of monthly water balance Sub - Krueng Boga , between the discharge
simulation before land conversion and after going over the land are presented in Table 2 .
According to the DAS monthly water balance analysis , land conversion in the Krueng Aceh
over the years has led to the production of water 19942002 Sub - Krueng Boga menu
run 32.1 % ( Budi Kartiwa and Nono Sutrisno )

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