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The Journal of Pain, Vol 17, No 9 (September), Suppl.

2, 2016: pp T70-T92
Available online at and

The Role of Psychosocial Processes in the Development

and Maintenance of Chronic Pain
Robert R. Edwards,* Robert H. Dworkin,y Mark D. Sullivan,z Dennis C. Turk,x
and Ajay D. Wasan{
*Department of Anesthesiology, Brigham & Womens Hospital and Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts.
Departments of Anesthesiology and Neurology, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester,
New York.
Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and xAnesthesiology & Pain Medicine, University of Washington,
Seattle, Washington.
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Abstract: The recently proposed Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addiction Clinical Trial Translations, In-
novations, Opportunities, and Networks (ACTTION)-American Pain Society (APS) Pain Taxonomy
(AAPT) provides an evidence-based, multidimensional, chronic pain classification system. Psychoso-
cial factors play a crucial role within several dimensions of the taxonomy. In this article, we discuss
the evaluation of psychosocial factors that influence the diagnosis and trajectory of chronic pain dis-
orders. We review studies in individuals with a variety of persistent pain conditions, and describe ev-
idence that psychosocial variables play key roles in conferring risk for the development of pain, in
shaping long-term pain-related adjustment, and in modulating pain treatment outcomes. We
consider general psychosocial variables such as negative affect, childhood trauma, and social sup-
port, as well as pain-specific psychosocial variables that include pain-related catastrophizing, self-
efficacy for managing pain, and pain-related coping. Collectively, the complexity and profound vari-
ability in chronic pain highlights the need to better understand the multidimensional array of inter-
acting forces that determine the trajectory of chronic pain conditions.
Perspective: The AAPT is an evidence-based chronic pain classification system in which psychoso-
cial concepts and processes are essential in understanding the development of chronic pain and its
effects. In this article we review psychosocial processes that influence the onset, exacerbation, and
maintenance of chronic pain disorders.
2016 by the American Pain Society
Key words: Biopsychosocial, phenotype, chronic pain, affect, fear-avoidance.

ersistent pain is a significant therapeutic challenge
and a public health epidemic placing burdens on
those experiencing pain as well as society more
broadly. A survey of 10 developed and 7 developing
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors, none of whom countries suggests that the point prevalence of chronic
has financial conflicts of interest relevant to the specific issues discussed.
No official endorsement by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pain among adults is 41% and 37%, respectively,226 fig-
or the pharmaceutical and device companies that have provided unre- ures which encompass a wide array of diverse conditions.
stricted grants to support the activities of the ACTTION public-private
partnership with the FDA should be inferred. Financial support for this In the United States, chronic pain is estimated to affect
supplement and for the development of the AAPT has been provided over 100 million adults at any given time, is among the
by the ACTTION public-private partnership, which has received research
contracts, grants, or other revenue from the FDA, multiple pharmaceu- leading causes of reduced quality of life, and carries
tical and device companies, and other sources. A complete list of current direct and indirect costs of over $600 billion dollars annu-
ACTTION sponsors is available at:
Address reprint requests to Robert R. Edwards, PhD, Brigham & Womens ally in the United States alone.72 Moreover, the experi-
Hospital, Pain Management Center, 850 Boylston St, Chestnut Hill, ence of persistent pain starts early; as many as 38% of
MA 02467. E-mail:
children and adolescents in community samples report
2016 by the American Pain Society the presence of chronic pain.121 Despite the widely recognized effect of chronic pain on global health,

Edwards et al The Journal of Pain T71
however, pain science continues to lack a precise, psychosocial domains, evaluation and selection of assess-
evidence-based taxonomy of chronic pain conditions, ment instruments) is addressed in a complementary
which would facilitate improvements in diagnosis and supporting article in this Supplement to The Journal of
treatment.65 Pain230; to avoid redundancy, in this article we focus spe-
The Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addiction Clinical Trial cifically on the understanding of the role of psychosocial
Translations Innovations Opportunities and Networks processes in shaping the development and trajectory of
(ACTTION) public-private partnership with the U.S. pain conditions. It is also important to note that
Food and Drug Administration, and the American Pain although the AAPT taxonomy is in many ways a typical
Society have joined together to develop an evidence- category-based diagnostic taxonomy, most of the psy-
based chronic pain classification system termed the chosocial processes described in this article, which have
ACTTION-American Pain Society Pain Taxonomy important roles in shaping the development and trajec-
(AAPT). As noted in the initial description of the taxon- tory of chronic pain conditions, are best considered as
omy, pain management stands to benefit substantially continuous, dimensional variables rather than as cate-
from the development of an empirically-based classifica- gorical designations.
tion system that can serve to illuminate individual dif- One additional important consideration: although the
ferences in the pain experience, inform policy, clarify AAPT describes psychosocial mechanisms as part of
prognosis, and guide treatment decisions.65 The struc- dimension 5, we have endeavored to limit the use of
turing of the AAPT was on the basis of a consensus de- the term mechanism because of some well-known lim-
cision that the dimension along which pain disorders itations of the existing literature.18,103,112,125 In
would be categorized is organ system/anatomical struc- particular, for a process to function as a causal
ture, which includes: peripheral and central neuropathic mechanism, it must be fully distinct from its effect and
pain, musculoskeletal pain, pelvic/urogenital, visceral must clearly precede that effect in time. The literature
pain, and disease-related pains not classified elsewhere in this area, although rich in suggestive associations
(eg, pain associated with active cancer, sickle cell dis- between psychosocial constructs and pain-related out-
ease, and Parkinson disease). Some of the most impor- comes, is impeded by substantial conceptual and theo-
tant characteristics of the taxonomy are that 1) it be retical overlap of constructs, as well as overlap in the
on the basis of the best available evidence rather than methods by which they are measured (ie, usually by
solely on consensus or expert opinion, 2) the diagnostic self-report on numerically scaled questionnaires), and
criteria for specific chronic pain disorders should be from a relative dearth of clear prospective studies. That
determined using existing mechanistic and diagnostic is, many of the findings that identify putative psychoso-
evidence, rather than historical precedent or theoretical cial mechanisms are on the basis of respondent recall of
biases, 3) it reflects the multidimensional and bio- past events or states, or on mediational analysis of cross-
psychosocial nature of chronic pain, and 4) it empha- sectional data, the limitations of which we elaborate in
sizes the inclusion of existing information regarding the Evaluating Psychosocial Contributions to Chronic
mechanistic features and risk factors for pain conditions, Pain Outcomes section.
including not only neurobiological but also psychosocial
In addition to establishing core diagnostic criteria for The Biopsychosocial Model of Pain
numerous chronic pain conditions (dimension 1), the Before the 1960s, most people viewed chronic pain
AAPT provides dimensions on which to categorize com- conditions as primarily medical issues with clear patho-
mon features and comorbidities of the conditions (di- physiological bases that required physical treatments
mensions 2 and 3), as well as detailing the such as surgery or medication.103 Subsequently, a bio-
consequences (dimension 4), and contributory mecha- psychosocial understanding has come to dominate the
nisms (dimension 5) of persistent pain disorders. A num- professional scientific communitys characterization of
ber of these identified features, consequences, and chronic pain. Collectively, the biopsychosocial approach
mechanisms are psychosocial in nature. Indeed, pro- describes pain and disability as a multidimensional, dy-
cesses such as mood, affect (negative and positive), namic interaction among physiological, psychological,
coping, and social support are included in the taxonomy and social factors that reciprocally influence each other,
as specific examples of risk factors, protective factors, or resulting in chronic and complex pain syndromes.73,103
comorbidities that affect the experience of chronic pain The overlap between affective disturbance and
and its presentation.65 The purpose of this article is to chronic pain has been widely recognized for many
highlight the contributory role of psychosocial factors decades.74,231 Pain is defined as a sensory and an
(eg, their function as risk factors, protective factors, or affective experience, and reviews of pain assessment
moderators) in the context of the AAPT classification sys- invariably emphasize that pain unpleasantness, or
tem. The present review is one of a series of foundational affective responses to pain, should be assessed along
supporting articles intended to highlight and describe with pain intensity and other sensory features.65 Re-
crucial areas that are common to many or all of the con- views of the biopsychosocial model of pain cite its sub-
ditions within the AAPT taxonomy. The process of psy- stantial history, including Engels call for a new medical
chosocial assessment (eg, conceptualization of model,64 Fordyces seminal work on the contribution
T72 The Journal of Pain Psychosocial Processes and Chronic Pain Disorders
of communication and contextual factors, and Loes- studies evaluating variability in pain-related outcomes
ers synthesis of biopsychosocial principles,142 and after joint replacement surgery highlight the importance
emphasize its nearly universal acceptance in principle of assessing mental health, or psychosocial functioning,
if not practice.147,168 A good deal of empirical preoperatively,56,83,238 because patients with higher
evidence underpins the biopsychosocial model, and baseline levels of anxiety and depression report less
few would likely argue that psychological constructs benefit, more complications, increased pain and
and processes are irrelevant to the experience of pain. analgesic use, and poorer function for years after total
In practice, however, psychosocial factors are often knee or total hip replacement.56,83,238
assigned secondary status and viewed largely as Overall, recent reviews and meta-analyses support
reactions to pain. As we will describe in the Distress the importance of a broad array of psychosocial factors
section, longitudinal, observational research supports in shaping pain-related experiences and outcomes
a strong bidirectional link between mood disorders across numerous pain conditions.173,182,238 A good
and persistent pain; the development of an enduring deal of this work has involved studies of back pain.
pain condition confers a substantially increased risk For example, Taylor and colleagues217 noted that vari-
for the subsequent diagnosis of an affective disorder, ables such as job dissatisfaction, low job control, mini-
and psychosocial variables such as depression, anxiety, mal social support, depression, and interpersonal
and distress are among the most potent and robust conflict were strongly associated with incident low
predictors of the transition from acute to chronic back pain (LBP). In another systematic review and
pain.10,12,59,139,173,258 meta-analysis, similar processes such as distress, low
Across numerous studies, individuals with a variety of self-efficacy, and pain-related fear were identified as
chronically painful conditions generally have a several- crucially important in back and in neck pain.131 Reviews
fold increase in the risk of experiencing clinically signifi- of other conditions such as postoperative pain,202
cant mood or anxiety symptoms,10,12,59,161 and chronic pelvic pain,195 fibromyalgia (FM),44 and neuro-
instruments used to assess depression, anxiety, and pathic pain45 have reached similar conclusions. Some
distress have been recommended for use as outcome of these factors are discussed in further detail in the
measures in randomized controlled trials of pain General Psychosocial Factors and Pain-Specific Psychoso-
treatments.58,227-229 Because of the synergy between cial Constructs sections; here we simply note that these
pain and negative affect, this makes good logical variables appear to serve as robust risk factors that
sense: efficacious analgesic treatments that reduce the confer vulnerability for the development of persistent
frequency and intensity of pain should have a pain. We should also emphasize that characterizing do-
beneficial effect on patients affective states and mains of variables as psychological or psychosocial
appropriate treatment of emotional distress should refers principally to the method of assessment rather
have a positive influence on the experience of than the presumed underlying pathophysiologic mech-
pain.9,12,127,136 Indeed, several randomized controlled anism that drives pain-related outcomes.54 That is,
trials in primary care settings have shown that although they may be assessed via patient self-report
antidepressant treatment in patients with comorbid of cognitive and emotional processes, constructs such
chronic pain and mood disorders produces fairly rapid as somatic awareness, anxiety, and pain-related cata-
analgesic benefits that are anticipated by, and robustly strophizing likely reflect altered peripheral and central
correlated with, improvements in indices of nervous system processing of sensory stimuli. For
psychosocial distress.126,192 example, these psychological features of patients
We should note that it is important not to confuse psy- are often significantly correlated with measures of so-
chological constructs and processes with psychiatric matosensory amplification or central sensitiza-
illness. Although psychiatric conditions certainly co- tion.54,59,103 Indeed, recent reviews of vulnerability
occur with chronic pain, and chronic pain samples do and resilience factors in chronic pain emphasize the
show elevations in rates of psychiatric disor- association of psychological processes with
ders,10,12,59,161 elevated levels of negative affect and neurobiological pathways such as epigenetic
diminished cognition at subthreshold levels for a processes, cellular priming, and alterations in brain
psychiatric disorder also play an influential role in networks concerned with reward, motivation, and
shaping pain responses and pain-related outcomes. For learning, and descending modulatory control (Fig 1).50
example, evidence suggests that elevations in negative Thus, neuropathic processes of sensitization at the pe-
affect and pain-specific distress are associated with ripheral, spinal cord, and/or brain levels are likely to
reduced benefit from a variety of potentially pain- be heightened by psychosocial factors, present concur-
reducing treatments.59,247,248 Wasan and colleagues249 rently, longitudinally, or antecedent in relation to the
reported that back pain patients with high levels of painful condition.
negative affect experienced approximately a 50% reduc- Despite its widespread support, there has also been
tion in oral opioid analgesia relative to patients with low some criticism of the limitations of the biopsychosocial
negative affect. Recently, a number of relevant prospec- model of pain. The model is rather vague about the spe-
tive studies have involved studies of interpatient vari- cific pathways by which its elements interact and there
ability in pain outcomes after surgery. Longitudinal are often no clear boundaries between categories of
Edwards et al The Journal of Pain T73

Figure 1. Interactive pathways shaping risk for chronic pain. From: Denk et al.50

processes and constructs. Moreover, many of the expla- Mechanism-Based Pain Models
nations invoked by the biopsychosocial model to account
for interindividual variability in pain-related outcomes Under the broad umbrella of the biopsychosocial
are so multifactorial they are unfalsifiable by empirical approach to understanding chronic pain, a number of
research.73-75,250 Additional criticisms include the more specific, mechanism-oriented models have been
observation that most biopsychosocial studies do not developed to describe the pathways by which particular
routinely measure variables within each of the 3 processes can influence pain-related outcomes. Perhaps
domains (biological, psychological, and social)183; the most widely known and influential of these models
indeed, it has been suggested that the biopsychosocial is the Fear Avoidance Model (FAM), which was advanced
model may overweight psychosocial factors, especially nearly 20 years ago to explain the development and
in the absence of clear anatomic pathology, which risks persistence of disabling LBP in a subgroup of patients.239
reverting to a dualistic perspective of mind versus The model proposes that pain-related disability is caused
body.250 Other researchers have noted that the bio- by an interacting, cyclical sequence of fear-related cogni-
psychosocial model, as commonly described, may be tive, affective, and behavioral processes (Fig 2). The basic
too restrictive because it fails to capture important ele- concept underpinning the model is that fear of pain
ments of quality of life, such as spirituality and religion, leads to a cascade of deleterious consequences (Fig 2).
which has led to the development of a biopsychosocial- Confrontation and avoidance are postulated as the 2
spiritual model of chronic pain that was recently applied categories of behavioral responses to fear about pain;
to patients with sickle cell disease.218 Still other ap- the former leads to the eventual reduction of fear over
proaches have emphasized behavioral aspects of pain, time. Avoidance, in contrast, leads to the maintenance
with a biopsychomotor model highlighting the critical or amplification of fear, which in turn results in disuse
roles of communicative pain behaviors, protective pain and disability.47,242 Since its introduction, the FAM has
behaviors, and social response behaviors.215 Despite inspired productive research and has grown to be the
these criticisms, however, the biopsychosocial model of leading paradigm for understanding disability
pain has been enormously valuable in shaping our un- associated with a wide range of musculoskeletal pain
derstanding of individual differences in pain, and in conditions. Over the past decade, the original FAM has
guiding the development of efficacious and effective been extended to include learning, motivation, and
psychosocial and behavioral interventions to reduce self-regulation theory.47 In several recent systematic re-
the suffering and sequelae associated with persistent views of the elements of the FAM, including thousands
pain.73,103,258 The AAPT taxonomy is designed to give of patients in clinical studies, the authors concluded
balance to the sets of biological, psychological, and that within cohorts of patients with LBP for less than
social variables and importantly their interactions 6 months, there was high-quality prospective evidence
across chronic pain disorders. Each of these constituent that fear avoidance behaviors were associated with
domains should be considered in classifying all chronic more pain and functional disability, poorer treatment
pain disorders, hence the multidimensional system outcomes overall, and reduced probabilities of return
outlined.48 to work, and decreased fear avoidance was associated
T74 The Journal of Pain Psychosocial Processes and Chronic Pain Disorders

Figure 2. The FAM of pain. From: Vlaeyen and Linton.240,241

with improved clinical outcomes.251,252 Collectively, over time, there is minimal evidence that the sequence of in-
three-quarters of published studies reported that base- fluence unfolds uniquely in the manner specified by the
line levels of fear avoidance significantly influenced model. Thus, although the extant literature provides
treatment outcomes, with participants high in fear valuable information on psychosocial constructs and
avoidance reporting more pain and disability, and processes that are related to the experience of pain,
showing lower levels of return to work after treat- and in some cases supports the concept of specific vari-
ment.251,252 In addition, treatment-related reductions ables as prospective risk factors, or protective factors,
in fear avoidance beliefs were important mediators of there is a general lack of definitive evidence for causal
treatment benefits such as reduced pain and return to mechanistic influences.
work. The FAM emphasizes cyclical relationships between its
A key prediction of the original FAM is the specific, hypothesized risk factors (catastrophizing, fear, depres-
prospective, sequential inter-relationships between cat- sion), however, recent findings support the central
astrophizing, fear, depression, and pain-related importance of cumulative interactions among overlap-
disability, and the role of fear as a common barrier to re- ping factors, with cumulative risk load being a key
covery. Many of the initial studies used cross-sectional contributor to pain outcomes, and potentially serving
analyses to test aspects of the FAM; these provided firm as the optimal target of treatment.254 For example, pa-
evidence of associations between the constructs of inter- tients with elevated scores on a greater number of risk
est (eg, pain-related fear was positively associated with factors (ie, those with a higher cumulative risk load)
measures of disability), but longitudinal designs are are more likely to develop prolonged pain and
needed to confirm the sequence and direction of rela- disability.256 The clinical value of this approach has
tionships proposed in Fig 2.254 Interestingly, several been highlighted by findings that a single measure of cu-
recent studies using a 3-panel, prospective design (in mulative risk load shows greater predictive strength and
which earlier changes in 1 variable, from time 1 to time scope than combined severity measures of catastrophiz-
2, are investigated as predictors of later changes in an ing, fear, and depression.255,256 Additionally, stratifying
outcome variable, from time 2 to time 3) have failed to clinical interventions on the basis of cumulative
show that changes in pain catastrophizing precede prognostic risk has been shown to lead to improved
changes in pain-related fear or that changes in fear pre- outcome and reduced treatment cost.254,256 Although
cede changes in depression.19,253 These findings the cyclical relationships of the FAM offer appealingly
highlight a common conceptual problem in research specific clinical implications (eg, treating
that purports to examine causal psychosocial catastrophizing before fear), model-relevant interven-
mechanisms: the hypothesized associations between tions fail to meet this level of specificity and increasing
variables of interest are often strong, but the evidence suggests that cumulative, global risk indices
postulated temporal pathways (variable X affects may be a more important target of treatment than
variable Y, which in turn affects outcome Z) are rarely particular psychosocial constructs.254,256 Because of the
specific. That is, although these factors inter-relate across complexity of chronic pain,73,103 it should perhaps not
Edwards et al The Journal of Pain T75
be surprising that the FAM fails to identify a universal determined by affective and cognitive factors, because
pathway leading to pain-related disability. Moreover, patients with high levels of anxiety and thought suppres-
the unique associations between FAM measures (such sion will show a maladaptive distress endurance
as fear of pain and catastrophizing) and outcomes such response pattern and others with high levels of positive
as longitudinal changes in pain intensity or return to affect and a tendency to minimize the threat value of
work after a painful injury are generally modest, with pain will show a more adaptive eustress endurance
these measures often explaining 10 to 15% of the vari- response pattern. Thus, the AEM highlights the inter-
ance in outcomes in the context of multidimensional pre- play of psychosocial processes with behavior, and defines
dictive models.254,256 For example, a given patient may patient subgroups on that basis (ie, the adaptiveness of
indeed experience intense fear during an acute pain showing endurance in the face of pain depends on
episode, which leads to later avoidance behavior and the psychosocial correlates of that behavior). Overall,
disability, but another may have a preexisting mood these various models postulate that patterns of affect,
disorder that subsequently amplifies negative pain- cognition, and behavior interact with an array of neuro-
related cognitions such as fear and catastrophizing. biological pathways to shape long-term pain outcomes
Despite the limitations described, this mechanism- such as disability.86,197 For examples of other disease-
based model has collectively produced enormous heuris- related biopsychosocial models, the reader is referred
tic value in facilitating our understanding and testing of to publications on multiple sclerosis pain,164 sickle cell
some of the pathways by which psychosocial processes pain,218 cancer pain,175 and HIV-related neuropathic
can shape long-term pain-related outcomes. pain.153 A comprehensive assessment of the overlap
A number of other explanatory biopsychosocial and the unique features of these models would be well
models have been proposed, and it would require beyond the scope of the present article, but we note
more space than we have available to adequately that many influential psychosocial factors are common
describe them. We briefly mention one other model to most of these disease-related models.
the avoidance-endurance model (AEM)84,85which has
some overlap with the FAM, although it emphasizes
Evaluating Psychosocial Contributions to
the importance of particular behaviorally-defined sub-
groups.86 The AEM hypothesizes that while some pa- Chronic Pain Outcomes
tients experiencing persistent pain will become fearful In this section we discuss 2 broad categories of
and activity-avoidant, others will show an endurance mechanistic studies. In the first, psychosocial pro-
response, characterized by maintained activity and cesses either exist within an individual as preexisting
task persistence. The type of endurance response is vulnerability factors (eg, childhood trauma50) or


Pathways: Pathways:
Behavior Behavior
Cognition Cognition
Chronic Pain

Examples of Diathesis Examples of

Risk/Vulnerability (Illness, Injury, Resilience/Protective
Factors Acute Pain) Factors

Distress Social Support

Trauma Active Coping

Fear Acceptance

Catastrophizing Self-Efficacy

Figure 3. Illustration of the effect of psychosocial constructs and processes on pain-related outcomes. Abbreviation: CNS, central ner-
vous system.
T76 The Journal of Pain Psychosocial Processes and Chronic Pain Disorders
potentially protective factors (eg, social sup- tunately, mediation analysis has been most frequently
port102,213), or emerge in response to the experience applied to cross-sectional data, often resulting in inap-
of pain (eg, fear-avoidance behavior,47 self-effi- propriate causal conclusions. Cross-sectional mediation
cacy211,261; Fig 3). These psychosocial forces then shape analysis, which uses patterns of between-subject varia-
individual variability in pain-related outcomes over tion to substitute for within-subject temporal variation,
time. For example, specific psychosocial characteristics cannot provide the basis for causal assertions. Longitudi-
place individuals at elevated or reduced risk for the nal designs are an essential prerequisite for drawing any
transition from an acute to a persistent pain state, or type of conclusions about causal associations between
for the development of pain-related disability in the variables. In addition, although many mediational
context of a persisting pain condition.139,183 In the studies evaluate a single mediator of the association be-
second type of mechanistic study, which involves an tween predictor and outcome, it is much more likely, in
intervention within a group of patients with chronic the context of a complex condition such as chronic
pain, the treatment is hypothesized to directly affect pain, that a number of mediators contribute to any
a psychological factor, a change that is then observed relationships.131,151
associated with a subsequent change in one or more To assess mediation in pain studies, linear regression,
outcome variables of interest. That is, the bootstrapping approaches, or structural equation
psychological factor acts as a mediator (though not modeling (SEM) techniques are most often
necessarily a causal mechanism) through which a applied.131,151 Linear regression is relatively simple to
treatment confers its benefits. This type of study use and widely familiar to researchers but makes strong
parallels, in its structure, many biological and assumptions about the data that are not always met
pharmacological studies in which a medication acts (eg, the assumption of no measurement error). In an
on a specific receptor, a transcutaneous electrical influential publication, Baron and Kenny14 laid out
nerve stimulation (TENS) unit reduces the several requirements that must be met to form a media-
transmission of pain-related information in the distri- tion relationship. In short, the independent (predictor)
bution of a nerve, or a physical therapy regimen variable must be significantly associated with the depen-
strengthens a particular group of muscles. In general, dent (outcome) and the mediator variable in univariate
if a psychosocial process contributes causally to regression analyses, and in a regression in which the
treatment-related changes in outcomes, then several mediator and the independent (predictor) variable are
conditions should be met.35,111 First, a change in the entered together, the mediator must remain signifi-
psychosocial factor should precede any changes in cantly associated with the dependent (outcome) vari-
the outcome. Second, changes in that factor should able, and the previously significant path between the
be statistically related to subsequent changes in the independent (predictor) and dependent (outcome) vari-
outcome. Third, the temporal relationship should not able must be reduced in magnitude, or rendered nonsig-
be reversible; that is, changes in the outcome should nificant. Increasingly, mediation studies have used
not produce subsequent changes in the psychosocial bootstrapping, which is a general approach to statistical
factor (although meeting this criterion is complicated inference on the basis of random resampling from the
by the dynamic, bidirectional interactions between observed data. In general, the traditional Baron and
pain and psychosocial processes). A study meeting Kenny14 regression-based mediation analyses has fairly
these conditions would provide substantive, although limited power; bootstrapping has been widely recom-
not definitive, evidence that the identified mended because it improves power, even in relatively
psychosocial process is on a causal pathway linking a small samples, and obviates concerns over violating
treatment with an outcome. However, rarely do normality assumptions.17,123
studies in this area meet such rigorous standards. SEM can also be used to test mediation effects, and is
Often, mediation analysis is used to test the hypothe- being increasingly used by psychosocial pain re-
sized effects. Mediation analysis offers a method of searchers.3,11,214 SEM is a combination of regression
testing theories regarding the causal links between a analysis and factor analysis and, although many of
predictor and an outcome.131,151 Mediators, also the same assumptions are made about the data, it
known as intermediate variables, or indirect effects, are handles the inclusion of several mediating factors
variables that are on a causal pathway between more readily, it can include latent (unobserved)
predictor and outcome, and explain the effect of the factors, and it can account for measurement error.
former on the latter. Mediation analysis, which is SEM also provides goodness-of-fit statistics that allow
increasingly applied to study psychosocial contributions comparisons between tested models. This technique
to the experience of pain, tests whether the influence does, however, require substantially larger sample sizes
of a predictor or treatment on an outcome occurs via than traditional regression analysis. It is important to
change in a particular intermediate variable, the emphasize that studies using mediation analysis
mediator. Mediation analysis can be applied to data (including those that use SEM), no matter how sophis-
from various types of study designs, from cross- ticated their statistical approaches, are limited by their
sectional surveys to randomized controlled trials, design, and that cross-sectional studies cannot provide
although different study designs impose different limita- evidence for causal, mechanistic relationships between
tions on the interpretation of mediational effects. Unfor- variables.
Edwards et al The Journal of Pain T77
Psychosocial Factors Influencing fusion for degenerative spondylolisthesis, patients were
followed after surgery for 2 years to determine the
Pain-Related Outcomes predictors of functional outcomes.180 In multivariate
In the following sections we evaluate evidence for a analysis, high preoperative symptoms of depression re-
number of psychosocial factors that have been studied mained the only significant predictor of failure to return
as contributors to the development, long-term conse- to work after surgery, even in multivariate models with
quences, and sequelae of persistent pain, as well as pre- and postoperative pain intensity included, fully
treatment-related outcomes. In general, these variables mediating the prospective association between pain in-
do not appear to be condition-specific; most have been tensity and occupational disability. Patients in the upper
studied across multiple AAPT diagnostic categories with half of the distribution of preoperative depression scores
similar results. Conceptually, we organize these factors were approximately one-third less likely to return to
as general psychosocial constructs and processes, which work and, among those who did return, took nearly
are not unique to individuals experiencing pain, and twice as long postoperatively to begin working again.180
pain-specific psychosocial factors, which are defined
and measured with reference to individuals pain experi- Childhood Traumatic Experiences and
ence. This review is not exhaustive; rather we highlight Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
some of the most influential and commonly-studied fac- Strong prospective links have been observed between
tors (Fig 3). Specific assessment instruments to measure early traumatic experiences and the subsequent devel-
psychosocial constructs are described in a complementary opment of chronic pain.2,25,106 We should note that
article in this supplement to The Journal of Pain.230 It is many of these traumatic experiences are social and
important to keep in mind that many of the constructs dis- interpersonal in nature. Childhood physical, sexual, and
cussed in this article overlap to at least a moderate degree. psychological abuse are reported to be risk factors for
For example, catastrophizing is often significantly associ- the adult development of pain conditions such as FM,
ated with indices of depression, anxiety, and fear of irritable bowel syndrome, chronic pelvic pain, and
pain, with correlation coefficients that are frequently in temporomandibular joint disorders.2,166 Many of these
the range of .4 to .6, revealing a substantial degree of effects are substantial in magnitude; a recent meta-
shared variance among these constructs.59,94,253,257 analysis reported that the presence of past trauma was
associated with a two- to threefold increase in the subse-
General Psychosocial Factors quent development of chronic widespread pain in multi-
variate models across dozens of studies; reports of abuse
Distress in childhood conferred a 97% increase in risk (ie, odds ra-
Depression, anxiety, and general indices of emotional tio = 1.97) for having a painful somatic syndrome (eg,
distress are probably the most commonly assessed psy- FM) in adulthood.2 To date, it is not clear whether the as-
chological factors in patients with persistent pain, and sociation between trauma and later chronic pain is a
as a cluster of negative emotions, thoughts, and behav- direct result of exposure to the trauma, is driven predom-
iors are also termed negative affect. Recent systematic inantly by individual affective, cognitive, and behavioral
reviews indicate that chronic pain patients show eleva- responses to the traumatic event (eg, intense fear, avoid-
tions, relative to pain-free controls, in all of these indices ance behavior), or is primarily a retrospective attempt at
of self-reported negative affect.28,95 Although explaining clusters of diverse symptoms for which there
psychological symptomatology is often interpreted as a may be no immediately apparent etiology.25
consequence of chronic pain, prospective studies Not all individuals exposed to trauma go on to experi-
suggest that premorbid psychological dysfunction ence pain-related consequences, of course, but such ex-
represents a risk factor for the future development of posures appear to substantially enhance those risks. A
numerous chronic pain conditions.54,66,139 Moreover, recent meta-analysis reported that individuals who re-
similar psychosocial constructs and processes predict ported exposure to psychological trauma were nearly 3
the likelihood of transition from acute to chronic times more likely (than those with no trauma exposure)
musculoskeletal pain (ie, higher distress levels are to have persistent pain, regardless of the type of
prospectively related to an increased probability of trauma.2 Moreover, it is not only abuse that confers risk
transitioning to chronic pain).54,183 Overall, there is a for the subsequent development of persistent pain. In
wealth of evidence that symptoms of depression, a prospective, longitudinal study of over 7,500 children
anxiety, and emotional distress contribute strongly surveyed at age 7 and again at age 45, those with child-
(more strongly than pain intensity, in many studies) to hood reports of distressing events such as hospitaliza-
key long-term outcomes of persistent pain such as phys- tions, familial financial crises, and the death of a
ical disability,81,97,196 work disability,118 health care parent showed an approximately doubled risk for the
costs,16 mortality,107,209 and suicide.87,98 In general, adult development of chronic widespread pain.106 These
these studies establish the association of pain with the associations remained even after adjusting for potential
deleterious outcomes of interest, and then show that confounding variables such as psychological distress and
some or all of that association can be statistically socioeconomic status. Not surprisingly, the links between
accounted for by indices of depression, anxiety, or trauma and pain may summate cumulatively across the
distress. For example, in a recent study of lumbar lifespan. On the basis of retrospective reporting, several
T78 The Journal of Pain Psychosocial Processes and Chronic Pain Disorders
studies have shown that military veterans with combat comes in persons with conditions such as spinal cord
exposure and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symp- injury, multiple sclerosis, and acquired amputation,102
tomatology may be more likely to have experienced pre- whereas a higher degree of solicitousness in the social
vious childhood or adulthood traumas as well.116,117 environment predicted increased pain-related
Thus, it is possible that the large association of adult- disability.102 The social environment may be particularly
experienced trauma (eg, combat exposure) with delete- important for persons with acquired amputation during
rious pain-related outcomes may reflect the cumulative the first few months after the amputation, because
effect of multiple historical traumas as well. several studies reported that patients with positive gen-
Some categories of traumatic stress appear more likely eral social support were less likely to develop persistent
to serve as pain-relevant risk factors than others. For phantom limb pain after amputation.82 The immediate
example, one longitudinal study noted that although social environment in the form of parents (for children
some childhood stressful medical events such as pro- experiencing pain) and spouses (for married adult pa-
longed hospitalization were associated with chronic tients with pain) exerts a powerful influence on pain-
pain in adulthood, other events such as childhood surgery related outcomes. In the case of children with persistent
conferred no additional risk.106 Overall, combat exposure pain, parents cognitive and behavioral functioning and
and PTSD in adulthood are reported to have the strongest responses in reaction to childrens pain have also been
statistical association with chronic pain.2,25 PTSD is a shown to play an important determining role in chil-
psychiatric condition that results from exposure to a drens pain responses.177-179,193 In particular, parental
traumatic event, and involves an array of negative pain catastrophizing is strongly related to the
cognitive and behavioral response to the trauma, development of childrens persistent pain after major
including emotional hyperarousal, avoidance behavior, surgery,174 and is significantly related to the childs
and re-experiencing of the traumatic event. PTSD has disability.89 Parental attention to pain and solicitousness
been identified as a risk factor for chronic pain,99,100 for behaviors that encourage children to avoid regular activ-
the transition from acute to chronic pain,122 and for ities may provide specific pathways by which parental
elevated severity of pain and disability in abuse vic- catastrophizing amplifies a childs pain experience and
tims.262,263 A number of studies have evaluated PTSD behavior.43,89,235
symptoms as a statistical mediator of the association It is clear that the interactions between patients with
between trauma and various pain-related outcomes. In chronic pain and their significant others can either facil-
a cross-sectional primary care survey study, patient recall itate or impair adjustment to chronic pain.30,36,135
of child abuse was linked with the report of pain and Studies across painful conditions illustrate the
pain-related limitations in adulthood, and current levels important role of significant others. For example,
of PTSD symptomatology fully mediated those associa- among couples, high levels of spousal depressive
tions.187 Similarly, in a sample of veterans, PTSD symp- symptoms predict worsening patient disability and
toms mediated the association between childhood disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
maltreatment (physical and emotional abuse) and phys- over a 1-year period.129 In cancer pain, social support
ical health outcomes, including the presence and inten- and interpersonal effectiveness seem to play an impor-
sity of persistent pain.130 Finally, although a 30-year tant role in shaping pain report and general health.175
prospective study failed to find that PTSD symptoms Patients with partners showing avoidant attachment
formally mediated the longitudinal relationship between styles and anxious attachment styles are more likely to
childhood abuse and chronic pain in adulthood, there report increased pain and decreased well-being.76,185,186
was an interactive, synergistic effect of these variables, Patients attachment styles are also important predictors
with the presence of PTSD symptoms amplifying the pre- of pain-related outcomes among children and adults; in-
dictive effect of childhood abuse on later-life pain out- dividuals with anxious or insecure attachment styles are
comes.191 Collectively, there is strong evidence from a at elevated risk for poorer mental and physical health,128
number of studies that abuse and trauma are linked for reduced engagement in physical activity,5 and for less
with the subsequent development and effect of pain, treatment-related improvement in affective outcomes
with PTSD symptomatology in adulthood making a sub- among patients participating in a multidisciplinary treat-
stantial contribution to those associations. ment program.124 It is also important to understand the
nature (eg, supportive, solicitous, adversarial) of other
Social and Interpersonal Processes important social interactions, such as relationships at
Social forces shape a variety of health-related out- work; lack of social support at work and dissatisfaction
comes, and pain is no exception. As noted in a review with coworkers; and interactions with the disability
of the factors affecting adjustment to chronic pain in in- compensation system, which are among the most potent
dividuals with disabilities, most studies have focused on predictors of work disability related to pain.90,162,163 For
either perceived global social support or solicitous social example, Li and colleagues138 studied workplace support
responses (eg, offering to take over tasks or encourage- among arthritis patients; those who reported low work-
ment to become less active).102 Of more than a dozen place support were much more likely to develop depres-
studies of perceived social support as a contributor to sive symptoms and work-related disability 18 months
pain-related functioning, most reported that more later. Moreover, differing social and occupational
perceived social support was associated with better out- structures across countries appear to contribute to
Edwards et al The Journal of Pain T79
cross-national differences in rates of return to work and rumination about pain-related symptoms, and magni-
occupational disability in the context of painful work fication of pain reports.59 Although catastrophizing
injury. Anema and colleagues6 compared sustainable positively correlates with general measures of negative
return-to-work rates between 6 different countries and affect such as depressive symptoms and anxiety, it also
found that differences in job characteristics and social shows a unique and specific influence on pain-related
disability systems were more important than medical in- outcomes.59,120,184 Overall, a higher level of
terventions, patient, and injury-related factors in ex- catastrophizing has been shown to be a risk factor
plaining the large between-country differences in rates for the development of long-term pain, and for nega-
of return to work after painful occupational injuries. tive sequelae of pain such as worsening physical
Of course, the social environment can also be har- disability, higher health care costs, and the amplifica-
nessed for adaptive purposes. Keefe and col- tion of pain sensitivity among patients with LBP and
leagues113,114 have added spouse-assisted coping skills joint pain.37,61,63 Retrospective survey studies in
training to standard cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) patients with musculoskeletal pain have indicated
and multidisciplinary pain management programs, hy- that catastrophizing often emerges as one of the
pothesizing that the supportive and reinforcing effects most important pretreatment variables predicting
of a spouse will facilitate improved pain-related coping surgical outcomes,137,202 and a risk factor that
and enhance self-efficacy for managing pain-related impairs the effectiveness of pain-relieving interven-
symptoms. Such interventions generally involve dyadic tions.92,109 Longitudinal studies show associations of
sessions that teach couples communication skills and catastrophizing with worsening pain and reduced
use mutual goal-setting to assist chronic pain patients treatment benefit among, for example, arthritis
in acquiring, maintaining, and effectively deploying patients recovering from knee surgery.60,70,194,238
pain-coping skills. In the most recent randomized Multiple randomized controlled trials have shown
controlled trial, in patients with LBP and their spouses,1 that pain patients with high pretreatment
the spouse-assisted intervention produced larger de- catastrophizing scores report less benefit from topical
creases in fear of pain and catastrophizing than the stan- analgesics,150 cortisone,149 oral analgesics,199 pain-
dard multidisciplinary intervention. relieving surgeries,238 and psychosocial treatments
Other individual social and interpersonal relationships such as CBT.53,232
are also important influences on pain-related outcomes. A recent study of patients with persistent orofacial
In particular, the results from many studies of psycho- pain, randomized to 6 weeks of either standard care
therapy process and outcome confirm that 2 interper- or CBT and followed for 12 months, confirmed the
sonal factors: 1) stimulating patient expectations that treatment-mediating effects of catastrophizing.140 Pa-
treatment will help; and 2) establishing a sound thera- tients with high levels of pretreatment catastrophizing,
peutic relationship between patient and therapist, are and those whose catastrophizing scores did not change
crucial foundations upon which successful interventions after treatment, were significantly more likely to be
are built.156 A handful of studies suggest that an index nonresponders at 1 year follow-up. Indeed, baseline
of the therapeutic relationship (ie, the working alliance) levels of catastrophizing in the nonresponder group
statistically mediates the positive effects of rehabilitative were >1 SD higher than baseline catastrophizing scores
treatments among people with musculoskeletal for the responder groups.140 It is interesting to note
pain.32,79,80 Indeed, creating and sustaining an effective that catastrophizing may have its most influential
therapeutic alliance appears to be a necessary and mechanistic effects in the context of active, rather
sufficient condition for promoting the pain-improving than placebo treatments. In a recent trial of TENS for
effects of diverse interventions.34,35 It is also the case postoperative pain,190 patients who underwent joint
that psychosocial processes such as depression can replacement surgery were randomized to receive
negatively affect patient-provider relationships. For TENS, placebo TENS, or standard care (no TENS) for
example, a recent study showed that depression was 6 weeks. Those in the TENS group with high baseline
associated with patientphysician discordance in esti- catastrophizing scores showed less pain reduction and
mates of disease severity15 (ie, depressed patients esti- reduced functional outcomes (eg, lower range of mo-
mated their disease severity as much worse, on tion) at 6 weeks. In contrast, there was no association
average, than did their physicians). Such discordance is of catastrophizing with pain-related outcomes in the
likely to be common, especially in light of the invisible other groups (ie, those receiving placebo or standard
nature of pain, and it can have deleterious effects on pa- care treatment).
tient satisfaction and adherence to treatment regi- Furthermore, the benefits of many diverse analgesic
mens.88 therapies appear to be explained partly by their effects
on cognitiveemotional processes such as catastrophiz-
ing. This is certainly true for CBT and similar psychosocial
Pain-Specific Psychosocial Constructs treatments. Longitudinal process analyses indicate that
changes in catastrophizing and negative affect precede
Catastrophizing changes in clinical pain,33,141,220,222 that CBT can
Catastrophizing is a pain-specific psychosocial produce substantial reductions in catastrophizing even
construct comprised of negative cognitive and among patients whose chronic pain has persisted for
emotional processes such as helplessness, pessimism, decades,167,171 and CBTs catastrophizing-reducing
T80 The Journal of Pain Psychosocial Processes and Chronic Pain Disorders
effects may last for months or years. Multiple studies Self-Efficacy
that use cross-lagged panel analyses, or similar statistical
Self-efficacy is a broad concept that refers to an individ-
approaches, have shown that substantial portions of the
uals belief in his or her own ability to perform a certain
variability in end-of-treatment outcomes for CBT and
behavior to achieve a desired outcome.115,213 According
multidisciplinary treatment can be accounted for by
to Banduras social cognitive theory, self-efficacy is a ma-
early-treatment changes in catastrophizing.29,31,33
jor determinant of individuals thoughts, feelings, and
Interestingly, as recent reviews point out,101,220 we
behaviors in stressful situations, and affects individuals
know relatively little about the mechanisms
ability to cope successfully when confronted with difficult
underlying CBT and other nonpharmacologic pain
challenges. Pain-related self-efficacy is often measured
treatment approaches, and it may be that disparate
using self-report scales such as the general chronic pain
treatments operate in part via common mechanisms.
self-efficacy questionnaire,4 or disease-specific measures
For example, changes in catastrophizing statistically
such as the arthritis self-efficacy scale (for patients with
mediate the benefits of CBT,31,33,105,233 and
arthritis pain),146 which assess patients perceived ability
multidisciplinary treatment programs,52 as well as exer-
to control pain symptoms and to function despite pain
cise- and activity-based physical therapy interventions
(see Turk et al230 in this supplement to The Journal of
that do not explicitly target catastrophizing.133,208
Pain). Self-efficacy has been characterized as a protective
Smeets and colleagues208 compared CBT, active physical
psychological resource in patients with persistent pain,
treatment (ie, aerobic and strength training), and their
and a resiliency factor associated with improved func-
combination, and found that the 3 active treatments
tional outcomes among children, adolescents, and adults
did not differ significantly on pre- to post-treatment
with chronic pain.213 A number of prospective studies
change in pain catastrophizing, but that pre- to post-
have assessed self-efficacy as an influential contributor
treatment changes in pain catastrophizing predicted
to functional outcomes in a variety of painful conditions.
pre- to post- changes in most outcomes across the inter-
For example, a longitudinal study in patients with chronic
vention groups (ie, catastrophizing diminished just as
LBP showed that self-efficacy partially mediated the asso-
much in the active physical treatment group as in the
ciation between pain and disability at multiple study time
CBT group, and reductions in catastrophizing were
points.46 Moreover, changes in self-efficacy (but not
equivalently influential predictors of improvements in
changes in pain-related fear) over the 1-year course of
pain across groups). Across the active treatments, cata-
the study partially mediated the association between
strophizing reduction accounted for 35 to 40% of the
changes in pain and changes in disability.46 Very similar
benefit of treatment in terms of reduced pain and
findings (eg, high self-efficacy is associated with better
disability. Collectively, these results suggest that reduc-
functional outcomes, and variability in self-efficacy medi-
tion in catastrophizing among chronic pain patients
ates the association between pain intensity and disability)
may account for some of the beneficial effects of many
have been observed in other pain conditions such as
behavioral pain treatments.
arthritis, headache,108 FM,165 and pediatric pain condi-
Catastrophizing clearly overlaps with numerous other
tions.91 To illustrate, in a prospective treatment study,
psychosocial processes, showing positive associations
self-efficacy was among the most potent mediators of
with indices of depression, anxiety, distress, and fear of
CBT-related improvements in pain and disability among
pain, and inverse associations with self-efficacy, opti-
patients with persistent orofacial pain.232 Overall, high
mism, and other positive factors.59,94,169 However, even
levels of self-efficacy are associated with lower reported
when controlling for some of these related factors,
intensity and unpleasantness of pain, and with less phys-
catastrophizing often retains a significant unique,
ical disability. As noted in recent reviews,115,211 the
predictive influence (although it is true that no
persistent and pervasive nature of chronic pain requires
published studies, to our knowledge, control for every
patients to make constant adjustments to learn to live
other variable listed here). For example, after
with their disease. Thus, many nonpharmacologic
statistically adjusting for indices of depression and
treatments target self-efficacy as an important process
anxiety, catastrophizing remained significantly
associated with such diverse outcomes as return to
work,77,216 pain-related physical disability,93 risk for pre-
scription opioid misuse,154,155 brain responses to a Positive Factors
noxious stimulus,78,143 pain intensity,8 pain tolerance,225 Most of the frequently studied psychological facets of
and suicidal ideation.62 Moreover, catastrophizing likely the biopsychosocial model could be broadly classified as
interacts with other processes such as social support.26 It having a negative valence (eg, negative affect, distress,
is not just the patients degree of catastrophizing that trauma, catastrophizing). Indeed, some past reviewers
has been shown to influence important pain-related out- of this literature have called for more attention to posi-
comes; spousal levels of catastrophizing and patient cat- tive factors that may confer protection from and resil-
astrophizing are modestly correlated with each other ience against chronic pain and related
and often both emerge as unique influential predic- suffering.22,23,119,223 Such resiliency research focuses on
tors.134,181 Similar findings were obtained when how individuals successfully adapt to adverse stimuli or
evaluating the influence of parental catastrophizing on situations, such as prolonged and persistent pain, and
childrens reports of pain, particularly postoperative its effect on multiple areas of physical, emotional, and
pain.174,176,189 social functioning.39,108 Although resiliency factors
Edwards et al The Journal of Pain T81
have been linked to outcomes in the FAM, previous changes in mindfulness were equivalent across MBSR
research suggests that risk and resilience factors do not and placebo (ie, pain education), and that changes in
represent opposite ends of a spectrum because mindfulness were strongly associated with a host of func-
individuals can be concurrently high or low in both tional outcomes approximately equally across the 2 treat-
types of factors.254 This research suggests that consider- ments. Other studies of acceptance-oriented
ation of risk as well as resiliency factors may help explain interventions have arrived at similar conclusions
how individuals can live with chronic pain without regarding the importance of acceptance and psychologi-
concurrently experiencing disability.254 cal flexibility as process variables that may serve as treat-
A number of studies have indicated that improving ment targets.159,243,246 Such findings suggest that, much
active pain-coping is an important component of many like catastrophizing, shifts in positive psychosocial
nonpharmacological treatments.34,35,52,141,224 Such factors can be associated with, or potentially predictive
active coping generally includes engaging in positive of, individual differences in the outcomes of a variety of
thinking, making encouraging self-statements, distract- treatments, whether those treatments specifically target
ing ones attention from pain, undertaking as much those factors (eg, MBSR) or not (eg, pain education).
physical activity as possible within pacing guidelines, or Indeed, some recent work has suggested that
using physical pain-reducing techniques such as relaxa- mindfulness-based interventions may have greater effects
tion exercises and stretching. For example, a recent pro- on pain-related catastrophizing, especially in the context
spective study of multidisciplinary treatment revealed of high levels of pain intensity, than traditional CBT ap-
that patients who entered treatment with stronger per- proaches.49,55 Such findings suggest the possibility of
sonal beliefs in their ability to control pain, and those tailoring individual psychosocial interventions on the
who increased their use of positive self-statements and basis of important patient characteristics, although we
cognitive reinterpretation of pain, showed the most sub- do not yet have firm evidence from large randomized,
stantial decreases in pain-related interference at controlled trials on which to base such
6 months and 18 months after treatment.52 As the au- recommendations. For example, with the importance of
thors note, this highlights a process-oriented role for the social environment in shaping pain responses,
active cognitive coping mechanisms in shaping the out- individuals with a supportive significant other might
comes of multidisciplinary treatment. That is, facilitation benefit most from couples-based coping skills training,
and encouragement of adaptive active pain-coping ef- which has been shown to outperform standard multidis-
forts may be one pathway by which such treatments ciplinary treatments for some patients.1
exert their beneficial effects. It is important to mention, Finally, there has been some exciting recent work in
however, that negative cognitiveemotional processes the area of cognitivebehaviorally-oriented educational
were assessed in this study as well, and treatment- interventions that aim to increase knowledge of pain-
related changes in negative affective and cognitive related biology.147,168 Such Explaining Pain (EP)
states such as pain-related catastrophizing were stronger treatments include a range of educational techniques
predictors of outcomes than positive factors. designed to change patients understanding of the
With the fairly recent advent of interventions such as biological processes that underlie pain; these changes
acceptance and commitment therapy and mindfulness in the conceptualization of pain are hypothesized to
meditation for chronic pain, a good deal of interest has serve as a mechanism to reduce pain itself. EP
arisen in what psychosocial processes may underlie the interventions are grounded in educational psychology
observed benefits of these and related treatments.119,120 and current theories of pain biology.147,168 The core
Acceptance and commitment therapy is an empirically- objective of the EP approach to treatment is to help
based, process-focused psychological intervention that patients shift from the understanding of pain as a
de-emphasizes active efforts to control pain, and encour- marker of tissue damage or pathology, to the
ages acceptance, psychological flexibility, and values- understanding that pain is a marker of the perceived
based action as the most productive response to need to protect body tissue. Recent reviews reported
persistent pain.158,159 Numerous cross-sectional studies that EP interventions increase accurate knowledge of
have shown the important potential contributions of pain-related biology, decrease catastrophizing and
acceptance-related processes to the physical functioning pain-related negative affect, and reduce the intensity
of chronic pain patients,159,160,243-246 with higher levels of patients pain.132,147,168,219
of patient acceptance often buffering the effect of high
pain severity on pain-related disability. Some interven- Other Factors
tional studies have also reported acceptance to act as a Numerous other process variables have also been eval-
mediator in interventional research. For example, in a uated in mediational studies of treatment outcomes.
recent study of several hundred chronic pain patients Pain-related fear has already been discussed with respect
completing multidisciplinary treatment, Akerblom and to the FAM, and it is helpful to keep in mind that indices
colleagues3 identified acceptance as the single most of fear and catastrophizing are strongly intercorrelated
important mediator of treatment outcomes such as pain such that their unique influence can be difficult to iden-
interference. Mindfulness has also been studied in a tify statistically when they are measured together.27,256
similar role: Schmidt et al200 compared mindfulness- Additional key process variables such as pain-related ex-
based stress reduction (MBSR) with a pain education con- pectations likely overlap with these factors as well. Ex-
trol condition, and reported that significant prepost pectations are a crucial component of placebo
T82 The Journal of Pain Psychosocial Processes and Chronic Pain Disorders
responses, they can strongly influence the outcomes of Catastrophizers experience more difficulty controlling
active treatments, from surgery,71,264 to opioid or suppressing pain-related thoughts than do noncatas-
analgesics,20 to acupuncture.260 A recent analysis of mul- trophizers, they ruminate more about their pain sensa-
tiple large acupuncture trials reported that patient as tions, and their cognitive and physical task
well as provider expectations for treatment success performance is more disrupted by anticipation of
were potent predictors of response,259,260 with better pain.188 Similarly, in samples of patients with painful
pretreatment expectations prospectively predicting rheumatic disease, individuals with clinical depression
improved patient outcomes after treatment. Finally, show a word-recall bias for disability-related and pain-
measures of somatization, somatic focus, or somatic related words,51 as well as a tendency to ruminate about
awareness assess important psychosocial characteristics pain-related word meaning.207 Collectively, the results of
as well, particularly in the setting of chronic these studies suggest that patients with particular psy-
widespread pain conditions such as FM or its comorbid chosocial characteristics conveying risk for negative
conditions.54,66,67 These measures have rarely been long-term pain outcomes (ie, high levels of distress and
studied as targets of change in interventional studies, catastrophizing, and low levels of self-efficacy) are
but a good deal of evidence exists for their role as key most likely to anticipate pain, to interpret ambiguous
risk factors predicting the development and course signals as being related to pain, to attend to pain-
(including the transition from acute to chronic pain) of related visual cues, and to experience interference of
numerous pain conditions such as temporomandibular pain with other cognitive activities.
joint disorders,66 and neuropathic pain conditions like
postherpetic neuralgia57,110 or burning mouth Central Nervous System Pathways
syndrome.198 Progress in brain imaging has been exponential in
recent years, producing evidence of alterations in brain
Downstream Pathways structure as well as function among patients with chronic
Psychosocial processes likely affect a number of spe- pain.50,68,148 Functional magnetic resonance imaging,
cific pathways that convey some of their effects (whether positron emission tomography, and
beneficial or deleterious) on pain outcomes. In the electroencephalography are commonly used to study
following sections we touch on several such pathways. the neural bases of pain. Other magnetic resonance-
based measures (eg, diffusion tensor imaging, spectros-
Maladaptive Health Behaviors
copy) are also being used to assess pain-related changes
General and pain-specific negative cognitions appear in the brains interconnections, chemistry, and structure
to reduce the likelihood of exercise and other health- to gain further insights into the neurobiology of chronic
promoting behaviors among patients with chronic pain, pain. Recent reviews nicely summarize the literature
which may contribute to their effect on long-term pain comparing patients with a variety of persistent pain con-
outcomes such as functional disability. Features of pain- ditions with pain-free controls,13,148,152 identifying a
related catastrophizing have been shown to correlate number of cortical regions that are considered to be
with less effective medication use,172 less positive health important for the perception of pain.50,68 These include
behavior such as exercise,38 and a lower likelihood of the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices,
attending scheduled treatment visits140,206; these are insular and anterior cingulate cortices, the prefrontal
plausible pathways by which psychosocial distress could cortices, and many subcortical areas such as the
enhance disease, amplify pain, and promote mortality. periaqueductal gray, amygdala, and cerebellum. Many
In samples of obese patients with knee osteoarthritis, of these areas have been reported to have altered gray
catastrophizing was associated with poorer weight matter density in patients with persistent pain,7,157 and
management, with more frequent binge eating, with they also show changes in the brains default mode
reduced physical capacity, and with reduced weight- network and other resting state networks,145,170
related quality of life.210 In prospective studies in patients suggesting long-lasting functional brain changes related
with acute LBP, those with high levels of negative affect to the presence of chronic pain. Non-neural components
and catastrophizing are most likely to engage in extended of the central nervous system also appear to be affected;
periods of bed rest, least likely to exercise, and most likely patients with chronic back pain show enhanced micro-
to become physically deconditioned over time.24,237 In glial activation relative to pain-free controls.144
contrast, protective and resilience factors such as social Although a thorough treatment of the role of cogni-
support are associated with greater engagement in tion and emotion in shaping the brains processing of
physical activity and exercise.213 sensory information is well beyond the scope of this
article, we note that many of the psychosocial factors
Information Processing Biases and Increased mentioned previously have been shown to modulate
Attention to Pain the perception of pain and the neural consequences of
High levels of depression, distress, and catastrophiz- chronic pain. For example, past studies of gray matter
ing, and low levels of self-efficacy for managing pain loss in FM have indicated that atrophy of specific brain
may produce attentional and information-processing regions is more strongly related to the presence of symp-
biases that lead individuals to attend selectively and toms of anxiety and depression than to chronic pain.96
intensely to pain-related stimuli.48,188,201,234 That is, psychosocial distress may directly contribute to
Edwards et al The Journal of Pain T83
amplification of the central nervous system conse- physiological terms will occur anytime soon, despite
quences of living with a long-term pain condition. impressive advances in functional neuroimaging.
Pain-specific cognitive and affective processes also have Future studies in this area may benefit from the mea-
important associations with functional brain responses surement of larger sets of these process variables, and
to pain. In several studies, higher levels of catastrophiz- from additional theoretical work on their inter-
ing were related to enhanced functional magnetic reso- relationships, to further illuminate their interactions. At
nance imaging responses to calibrated noxious stimuli in this point, additional cross-sectional mediational analyses
areas such as anterior insular cortex among FM patients78 are unlikely to make meaningful contributions to the na-
and also among pain-free adults.203 Structurally, eleva- ture of these biopsychosocial interactions, although lon-
tions in catastrophizing among patients with chronic gitudinal mediational studies may shed light on the
abdominal pain were associated with thinning of the temporal dynamics of such associations. An additional
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a key pain-modulatory complication is that because some of the specifically-
site.21 Several psychophysical studies have also shown postulated causal and temporal associations (eg, the
that catastrophizing, anxiety, and other negative affec- sequential cyclical relationships hypothesized in the
tive processes are related to reduced effectiveness in de- FAM) have not withstood empirical scrutiny, there has
scending pain-inhibitory systems.236 In addition, we been little consistency in how researchers organize the
recently reported that impaired activity in regions of psychosocial variables being investigated. For example,
the prefrontal cortices mediated the association be- in recent studies, depressive symptoms, catastrophizing,
tween catastrophizing and hyperalgesia in patients self-efficacy, and mindfulness have each been examined
with FM.143 This effect was observed even after statisti- statistically as predictors, mediators, and outcome vari-
cally controlling for patients degree of depressive symp- ables. This reflects the overlap among these constructs,
tomatology, which is significantly positively correlated but makes planning future process studies a challenge.
with catastrophizing scores. Finally, psychosocial and Such considerations are especially important in light of
behavioral interventions that target cognitive processes recent evidence that the theoretically-based techniques
have been shown to reverse these functional and struc- comprising particular treatment approaches may be
tural brain changes over the course of just months.204,205 less important than whether the techniques affect key
Collectively, these findings substantiate the possibility factors that underlie changes in cognition, emotion,
that interventions that reduce catastrophizing and and behavior.31,33-35 Treatment-related improvements
negative affect may produce long-lasting, adaptive shifts in cognitive content variables such as pain catastrophiz-
in brain processing of pain. ing,104,212,221 self-efficacy, and perceived pain con-
trol104,105,212,232 appear to be influential across
modalities of intervention and across pain-related out-
comes, although the hierarchical and temporal relation-
Conclusions ships among these factors are presently not well
The AAPT provides an empirically-based, multidi- understood. Collectively, the complexity and profound
mensional, chronic pain classification system, within variability in chronic pain highlights the need to better
which psychosocial factors play key roles. As the te- understand the interacting forces that determine the tra-
nets of the biopsychosocial model suggest, a number jectory of chronic pain conditions, and we recommend
of these variables act as risk or resilience factors, that future studies using the AAPT classification system
influencing the probability of developing a chronic consider assessing the psychosocial factors identified in
pain condition, the severity of pain-related conse- this article. It is important to acknowledge that psycho-
quences such as disability, and the success or failure logical and social factors are not solely secondary reac-
of various pain treatments (Fig 3). Studies in patients tions to persistent pain; rather, they are intricately
with a variety of pain diagnoses reveal that general involved in an amalgam of biopsychosocial processes
and pain-specific psychosocial variables exert sub- that characterize chronic pain. Across biological diagno-
stantive influences on pain outcomes. These psycho- ses, a diverse array of psychological, social, and contex-
social variables have anatomical and tual factors need to be considered in their roles as
neurophysiological counterparts. That is, psychosocial potential risk factors, protective factors, and process vari-
processes do not exclude involvement of neurophysi- ables within the dynamic system of forces that consti-
ological processes, but provide a useful, alternative tutes a chronic pain condition. Moreover, their broad
perspective on these processes. At times, pain physiol- applicability suggests that such factors should be consid-
ogists, pain psychologists, and philosophers have ered in classifying patients within all domains of chronic
assumed that psychological concepts and processes pain disorders, regardless of presumed etiology (eg,
used to explain pain would be gradually replaced by neuropathic, musculoskeletal, inflammatory). The AAPT
physiological concepts and processes. For example, taxonomy represents an important, evidence-based
in the 1970s and 1980s many philosophers would step toward that goal.
have predicted that the statement my c-fibers are
firing would replace the statement, I am in pain
as a description of an individuals experience.40-42 Acknowledgments
This has not occurred. In general, we doubt that the The authors thank Mina Lazaridou, PhD for her valu-
replacement of psychological terms with able assistance in organizing the manuscript.
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