Monitoring and Analyzing Business Suite Processes Using Process Observer

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Process Observer is a component in the SAP Business Suite Foundation

layer that can be used to monitor and analyze their built-in processes of
SAP Business Suite, like Order-to-Cash or Procure-to-Pay, Payment etc. .

Managing business change and business automation are important
requirements in todays world.
Our customers want to manage and monitor business processes along the
lifecycle, and seamless across Business Networks and across SAP and
non-SAP applications.

The value proposition of Process Observer is to:

Gain full Process Visibility, enabling

Real-time Monitoring including exception & error handling
Business Activity Monitoring & SLA Tracking
Transparency on process quality

Insight-to-action take action as soon as issues show up

on the horizon

Enhanced Process Automation

Process Optimization allow to differentiate by

strengthening operations through continuous process

In the Business Suite we find two kinds of processes:

Modeled Process for process extensions and built-in for SAP standard delivered
processes, the applications (Business Suite)

Modeled Process
Process engine executes processes according to process

Built-in Process
Business logic executed without use of an explicit process
Collaboration treated as built-in process since activities of
different actors are driving

Built-in processes make up 95% of delivered Business Suite

The typical implemented end-to-end process is a mixture of
both orchestration types

High-Level Concept of Process Observer

The execution of Business Process Activities is exposed via events

Process Observer correlates the events into local processes and
calculates KPIs
Local storage of local processes and their KPIs in a local Process Log
A federated process log provides end-to-end Process Visibility,
Monitoring and Analytics

A note on events: Technically events that are supported are the so-called
BOR-events; BOR is the business object repository, which is used for SAP
Business Workflow (BWF), but also in other areas. SAP provides a large
number of BOR objects like sales order and business partner and the
related events. There are more than 7000 of these BOR events available in
the core Suite applications. Additionally many generic frameworks are BOR-
enabled, i.e. they can throw BOR-events if customized accordingly. This
includes the change documents used in SD and related areas. See below
for details on events and change documents.

- Processes are defined as a composition of process activities.
- Process activities are bound to tasks which represent a reusable sets of
actions/activities executed in an application.
- The application uses detectable events to inform about the execution
actions/activities on the level of the (conceptional) Business Objects.

- Processes are defined as aggreations of process activities. Use
transaction POC_MODEL to define processes, POC_VIEWER to view
process definitions.
- Process start and end activities can be marked
- KPIs (counters, cycle types, classification values) and status can be
assigned to a process
- Thresholds can be assigned to KPIs in order to trigger alerts and
- Process definitions can be versioned
- Best-practise order of execution can be attached for a graphical
representation of the process

- Tasks are defined as a combination of business object type and the
corresponding task type ( = action like Create, Approve, Release, ).
Use transation POC_FACADE to define tasks.
- Tasks are predelivered and can be custom defined.
- Tasks can be defined on header and on item level.

Process KPIs, also called PPIs, are calculated locally during
Runtime by Process Observer. Aggregated KPIs like averages
are calculated by BW, ODPs or HANA.
Thresholds are used to trigger actions.

Is a measurable quantity
Is associated with and assesses indicator values
Its scope will be defined depending on the business perspective
Targets, classifications, ranges, benchmarks, thresholds
Violation of objectives defined in assessments requires specific
actions to be taken

This maps BOR events from the application to the tasks; thus a connection from application event to process
definition is given via the task.
Note: tasks do not necessarily have to be mapped to BOR events. When using the direct event interface for
Process Observer, application can directly raise events as tasks.

You can maintain the BOR instrumentation by using Transaction POC_CUSTOMIZING and navigating to
Navigate to Maintain BOR Instrumentation or use transaction POC_BOR.
- Here map the Business Object with its corresponding BOR event. E.g. the Sales order business
object (114) is mapped to BOR object (BUS2032)
- Map the BOR events to the tasks. E.g. The SO BOR(2032) is mapped to tasks CREATED and
- The same is supported for events that are modeled using ABAP classes rather than BOR.
Note that this does not cover any ABAP event raised using the ABAP statement RAISE EVENT, but
only those events that are supported by the event runtime, similar to BOR events.

Multiple assignments are possible. This may lead to unexpected results, at least for visualization.

Note that to find out what BOR events are raised by you application during execution you can use transaction
Display Event Trace (SWEL) to trace BOR events. You need to activate the trace in SWEL or using Switch
Event Trace On/Off (SWELS).

Initially the main instrumentation of the process observer is through BOR events. A large number of BOR
events exist, about 7.000 in the Business Suite.
What we call BOR events are, accurately named, BOR event types; but since the BOR currently calls the
event types events most of the time, we are using here the terminology as used in BOR and associated
documentation; it should be clear from the content when types of events are referred to and when
In SAP SCM 7.0 events 548, BOR-objects with events: 165; in SAP CRM 7.0 events 1.343; BOR-objects with
events: 303; in SAP SRM 7.0 events 830; BOR-objects with events: 188; in SAP ERP EHP4 events 4.223;
BOR-objects with events: 1.007.

The same as for BOR events applies to IF_workflow events (class-based events).
Complete Guide for Events in Workflows in SAP ECC 6.0:

Create the event linkage in SWEC.

This will lead to the event being raised whenever the change document is created.

You can restrict the event raised by the change document to be raised only conditionally.
Call the Field Restrictions to limit and call the Condition Editor and enter the condition. It
is possible to create complex rules looking at multiple fields and their values.

Rules may take some runtime, but since this is executed in background this will not
affect dialog performance, unless there is a large number of change documents to
process within a given period of time.

The Direct Event-API for Process Observer can be called remotely via synchrounous
RFC call. Internally this is a simple function module call, or method call.
A table of events lt_event is created and used as input to the RFC module.
A single event contains information about the event (task) type, the business object (type
and id), the callable business entity (e.g. transaction), user, execution date and time, and
logical system.
For federation across systems the kernel transaction ID should be added to the event.
Document flow information should be given in the form of predecessor object information
to the event. This information is used to create the process instance chain in the process
After the execution of the function module, the events are stored in a buffer table and are
processed asynchronously.

The creation of events is normally done in customer exits of BAdI methods that are called
in update task where the changes of the underlying BO are posted to the system.

For using the RFC module in systems not containing process observer, see note

Design time:
The Process Repository contains information about known events and
Business Objects of the application, represented by the facade, and
process definitions. Process definitions are simple lists of activities that
may occur in the process, no specific ordering is required. KPIs may be
assigned to the process definitions. Process definitions are required to
monitor processes in Process Observer.

- A user executes an activity in the system. This could also be something
calleed from another program, e.g. a service, BAPI/RFC etc.
- The application raises a BOR-event (or something similar supported by
Process Observer). This is captured by Process Observer, and mapped
agains a process model. One or many activities are determined
- The activity is mapped to a process instance and stored in the process log
- The process log data is available for monitoring through APIs
- Process log data is also available for analytics

- The process log is created near realtime using background job
- The process log contains Processes as own entities with additional
information as futher basis for process related monitoring and analysis.
- KPIs and their evaluations are directly calculated during runtime.

- You can navigate from the application directly to the process manitor (via Generic
Object Services)
- The process monitor gives you the log of the execution, the KPI values. Threshold
violations are indicated.
- The process diagram shows the mapping of the process progress to the predefined
process definition.

Process Observer detects the violation of predefined thresholds. Thresholds
can be set for process definitions, or for individual processes using BRFplus
rules. Following the violation, a BOR event is thrown indicating the violating
process. The BOR event can be used to trigger automated reactions like
launching a workflow, calling a service or sending an event to NW BPM, or
contacting a person using email, SMS, etc. using the alert management
(ALM, BC-SRV-GBT-ALM), which is provided as part of the SAP Web
Application Server.
For more details see

Through the direct event API, systems that do not have Process Observer
locally available, here called client systems, can participate.
This may be non-SAP systems or SAP systems of lower releases or SAP
systems where for some reason Process Observer is not set up.
Also application that are not sending BOR events can use this Event API
This requires the external system to provide the events. For SAP some best
practices how to do that exist (see MDG example).
The process log is available in the Suite system and only in local (to the
Suite) UIs.
Limitations of this approach are obviously availability of events in the client
systems and overall performance considerations; even though the API is
capable of bundling, volume may be a limiting factor.

BRFplus Integration Points:
- Customer-defined Process Status additional to System Status
- Binding of Task to Activity (e.g. whether the event should be logged with definition A or
definiton B)
- Calculation of Classification KPI
- Threshold Calculations

The BRFplus functions are delivered with application POC_SAP_BRF_APP.

Custom BRFplus rulesets are part of application POC_SAP_BRF_CUST_APP.
Application POC_SAP_BRF_CUST_APP may need to be copied from client 000
to the working client.
For further information see note 1694459.

How to add a BRFplus Rule in transaction POC_MODEL:

- Select entry in the list (if necessary create list entry first!)
- Press button Create BRFplus rule, then save first before going on. A rule ID should
now be visible.
- Press butten Edit BRFplus rule

Besides using the BRFplus to create return values for Process Observer, you are also
able to trigger side effect from BRFplus, for example by calling function modules or
triggering workflows.

As an alternative to the BAdIs you find BAdIs. (not available in all SPs)
In releases < SAP_BS_FND 702 you can only use the BAdIs.

Exits available during execution are powerful tools. You may:
- Enrich event data received from the application, and implement
BAdIs for Processing of all Events (red)
individual mappings to tasks and processes.
- During
BAdI: the logging
Enhance/Split Tasksof(POC_MAIN_TASK)
process data you may store additional
This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Process Observer (CA-EPT-POC) component.
You data,
can use this BAdI or trigger actions
to enhance/split tasks.using ABAP code.
The BAdI is executed before the determination of the process definition or instance take
place. [Not available in all SPs.]
BAdI: Enrichment of Task Log Data (POC_MAIN_BA_LOG)
You can use this BAdI to enrich process log data before it is written to the process log.
You can either write additional data to fields you add to the customer includes provided in
the interface structures for the process log, or you can also trigger the update of own
tables from this BAdI.
BAdI: Extend Datasources for BW Extraction (RSU5_SAPI_BADI)
This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the SAP Business Information Warehouse
Extractors (BC-BW) component. Using this BAdI you are able to either fill fields with data,
or change the content of the DataSource fields that you added to the extract structure of a
DataSource as an append structure.

In order to use Process Monitoring & Analytics as a solution the following
building blocks are required:
- Instrumentation of Applications: the application needs to provide the
required events. Check available BOR events and pre-delivered content
- Process Definition: define the activities and KPIs to be observed. You
may check pre-delivered process definitions.
- Monitoring & Analytics: Basic Instance Monitoring is directly available in
Process Observer with the Process Monitor. More advanced monitoring
and analytics requires the usage of SAP BI or SAP HANA and the
creation of specific dashboards and reports on top using BI Tools like
SAP Dashboards and SAP Lumira.
Generic content packages for Process Observer are available for SAP
BI with BI Content > 7.x6 and for SAP HANA with SAP Hana Live 1.0
SP03 for SAP ERP 6.0 EhP 4.

Reuse Views for HANA-based real-time analytics with Process Observer
data are delivered with Suite HANA Live for EhP4 for ERP 1.0 SP03. The
virtual data models (VDMs) are contained in package sap.hba.eccfnd701.
Find the documentation

Example for the usage of field level changes: Reporting on field changes of
some key fields of the sales order with Bex Web Analyzer.

SAP Dashboards (aka Xcelsius) based on BW, ODP and on HANA allow
observation of processes over time, and the drilldown/filtering of critical
Process Observer data can be combined with application data (see lab-
preview dashboard on the right side).
A sample dashboard is delivered (left side).

This diagram shows how Process Observer is integrated into other
business suite components:

The Process Log is the central component to give insight into your
processes, but also to trigger follow-up actions.
Events about process execution are thrown by SAP or through an API
by non-SAP applications and stored in the process log. Process log
information can by accessing through the Process Monitor directly or by
querying via Enterprise Search. From the process monitor you can navigate
to the process-related business objects.
Light-weight consumption is possible via ODATA/Gateway.
Datasources allow the extration to and direct access from Business
Warehouse. Real-time data access (RDA) is available. Analytics Data is
also available through ODPs. The existing datasources can be used to
replicate process log information to HANA via ETL. Alternatively the process
log tables can be replicated directly using SLT. The report-report interface
allows navigation between reports, and to backend applications.
Additionally, process log content be made available for applications through

Once Process Observer is activated in the system, the Generic Object
Services (GOS) provide access to the Process Monitor showing all
process instances related to the business object. Thus the process
becomes available for the users executing the process.

The Process Instance diagram allows quickly monitoring the progress of a
process with respect to the process definition.

It is available from Business Suite Foundation 7.31 SP08 (ERP 6.0 EhP6
SP08) or Business Suite Foundation 7.47 (EhP EhP7)
It can also be set up as sidepanel in SAP Business Client, and so be linked
to the Process Monitor, or the normal business applications (e.g. VA03).

Technically this requires the installation of the SAP jNet frontend component
on the display client.

Current versions of SAP NWBC support sidepanels for applications. A
Process Observer sidepanel can be attached to the applications, to display
important process information (like KPI values and status, related business
objects and process participants) and to navigate to the process monitor.

Current versions of SAP NWBC support sidepanels for applications. Jam
integration, as well as notes & attachment sidepanels work on process
instance level within the process monitor, and with process definitions in the
process definition viewer.

The general idea of the Concept Gateway is to enable the developer, which
usually doesnt have the SAP Application expertise, to consume Information from
SAP Backend Systems
The Concept Gateway builds on standards like ODATA, meaning SAP Backend
Data are exposed as REST based Services.
Consumption Tools supporting the ODATA open standard and the concept of a
service meta document can help the developer to understand the Data service
and support him in building a first skeleton of code that he can refine. Actually
this concept is available as a product called NW Gateway.
So, we have applied these concepts to build a new Data Service called Process
Gateway as part of the NW Gateway SP04.
One important aspect of that Data service was to build an easy to consume
Resource Model that also supports the usual ODATA capabilities like navigating
between entities and filtering information.
The other important capability of such a Process Gateway Data Service is to be
able to connect to different SAP Process Orchestration Infrastructures like a NW
BPM or Process Observer enabeld Suite System. That means that the Process
Gateway Data Service not only provide easy access to process information but
also a uniform access.
Resources are part of NW gateway (SP 04).
The appropriate backend release to support this is required nevertheless (701
SP12, 702 SP 10, 731 SP04).

To adopt Process Observer follow these steps:
Check available application content or RDS provided
Enhance or create Process Definition in the POB Repository
Add missing Events to the application, if necessary
Enhance the Process Log, if necessary
Create spcific analytics content and dashboards for your processes, as

The sample process definitions can be reviewed, copied etc. in transaction
By default customizing is only available in client 000. Therefore it may be
required to copy it into your working client.
You can use the SAP Customizing tools to copy entries from client 000 into
your working client, see:

Find more details on the sample process definitions online:


Further content is planned

Procure-to-Pay Instumentation for Process Observer in SCN

Paul Vahle GmbH & Co KG (The VAHLE Group) is a mid-sized company
based in Kamen, Germany that has specialized in mobile power and data
transmission since 1912.
They are active in 52 countries and have 13 subsidiaries worldwide. VAHLE
develops, manufactures, and installs customized power and data
transmission systems for various material handling applications.

VAHLE implemented the Business Suite Foundation component Process

Observer together with SAP consulting partner Cubeserv in order to identify
bottlenecks and streamline their order-to-cash process run on SAP ERP.
The overall deployment time of the Process Observer component took only
10 days. The monitoring setup, on top of Process Observer, allowed them
to identify gaps in material planning and in stocking processes that were
slowing down product delivery. Appropriate training of business users and
constant evaluation now enables them to deliver faster and make their
customers happier.

The complete success story is published at:

Design & Analysis
Identification of business processes
Explicit documentation with process landscapes and business process models
Design of performance metrics
Validation of models using reviews, discussions, and simulation
Verification of formal properties

Implementation of business process models and performance metrics
Assignment of responsibilities, Organizational Change Management
Configuration of business process management systems
Enrichment of process models with technical aspects
Integration of applications, data and services, coding

Performance of process instances
and collection of execution data
Observation of progress by process instances
Identification of exceptions and deviations
Provision of information about conducted tasks, execution time, and resources involved
Verification that process instances run in presence of system modifications

Identification of weaknesses and potentials for improvement by using execution data and comparing
with performance indicators
Adoption of process mining techniques
Input for succeeding phases

Application integration: Ready-to-run integrations of Process Observer into SAP standard processes and applications are provided:
The following content for Process Observer (configuration and BAdI), delivered via standard support (SP and note), is currently available:
Basic O2C process instrumentation (see Monitor Sales Order Processing with Process Observer for Built-In Processes (POB))
P2P tracking on item level (see Instrumentation for Procure-to-pay process on item level in Process Observer)
Dedicated RDS packages to integrate applications and processes. The following RDS package is currently available :
RDS Master Data Governance (see New SAP RDS called SAP MDG Content Accelerator)
Real-time aggregation and analysis of process log information and KPIs is possible via SAP HANA. Therefore, the Process Observer logs are
replicated into SAP HANA via SLT and Virtual Data Models delivered with SAP HANA Live. This makes it possible to report and aggregate over
process observer log information (see SAP HANA Live for EHP4 for ERP) using BI tools or SAP Smart Business. The new SAP Smart Business
allows it to create personalized and HTML5 dashboards and analyses on top of the HANA views that run on desktop computers as well as on mobile
For classical analysis using delivered BI content for Process Observer (see BI Content for Process Observer), Process Observer log data is replicated
into SAP BI via data sources. Custom reports and UIs can be built on top of Process Observer and other application content.
In addition to SAP BI, SAP's partner, Cubeserv, also delivers process dashboards that visualize process observer data graphically and allow further
process analysis (see Process Observer a new SAP approach to analyze Business Suite processes!).
A specific form of process analysis is the analysis of Process Observer log information via Operational Data Providers (ODPs), which allow the
aggregation of data as well as the creation of reports using BI tools in a specific BI client belonging to the backend system itself (see SAP Operational
For a comparison of BI tools for the frontend that can be combined with SAP BI and SAP HANA to analyze date, please see:
On SAP HANA, you can further extended Process Observer with SAP Operational Process Intelligence (SAP OPInt) powered by SAP HANA for an
improved operational support of your solution for the business end users.
This is especially helpful in cross-system monitoring and the definition of cross-system KPIs on HANA. Operational Process Intelligences also provides
an improved 3rd party integration and a number of tools for the improved monitoring and operation of your processes (such as phase and milestone
views, dashboards, trend & prediction, task management).
Process Mining allows the detection and the analysis of Process Observer log information according to process variants. Currently this is supported by
using external Process Mining tools via the MXML export functionality. A sample report for exporting the log data as MXML is delivered (see Applying
Process Mining Techniques to Process Observer Data using the ProM Toolkit). ProM of the Process Mining Group or Fuxicon Disco are example of the
external products supporting the MXML interface.
While Process Observer delivers more runtime-oriented and performance-oriented information about your processes (process execution history, cycle
times), you may also have Solution Manager-based Business Process Monitoring and Analytics (BPMon/BPA) in your landscape, which focuses
more on monitoring current backlog / issues in your system and comes with a large set of predefined KPIs. For more information about the different
capabilities and the common usage of the tools, please see Comparison of Business Process Monitoring / Business Process Analytics (BPMon/BPA)
and Process Observer (POB).

Find more information online:
- SAP Process Object Builder:
- SAP Application Interface Framework:

MDG supports create and change requests for master data like material or
business partner. The initial change is done on the SAP MDG-Hub server
triggerend by a MDG change request workflow. The master data is then
distributed to client systems, where additional workflows can be triggerend
and further, client specific data can be maintained.
Process Observer can be used to monitor the workflow cross MDG-hub and

MDG instrumentation for Process Observer will be provided with RDS

MDG Content Accelerator.

For details see SCN Blog: Monitoring of cross system workflows with SAP
Process Observer (

The graphical sidepanel is also available for other applications.

Process Object Builder 1.0 is planned for ramp-up in August 2012. Process
Objects from Process Object Layer (POL) are instrumented to use Process
Observer for monitoring. The target is to monitor the entire orchestrated
process using Process Observer.

SAP Application Interface Framework
A powerful framework for interface implementation, monitoring and error
A proven solution with more than seven years of development and
customer history
A cross-industry solution with customers from 25 industries

Interface Implementation (Design Time)

Interface implementation mainly through Customizing menus
Easy access to relevant data or functions of underlying SAP application
Re-use of interface components (e.g. checks, mappings, actions)
Supports variants of interfaces (exceptions or additional steps)
Independent implementation and testing of interface components and
interface variants

Monitoring and Error-Handling (Runtime & Operations)

Business user monitoring (power user)
Customizable authorizations for interface access
Overview of interface status

Process Observer provides log data as input to BP Analytics [BPMon] on
SAP Solution Manager for further processing.
This functionality can be achieved using customer-specific extensions.
This functionality is not available in standard as of yet.

SAP Dashboards (aka Xcelsius) based on BW, ODP and on HANA allow
observation of processes over time, and the drilldown/filtering of critical
Process Observer data can be combined with application data (see lab-
preview dashboard on the right side).
A sample dashboard is delivered (left side).

SAP Partner CubeServ delivers Process Observer dashboards for operational reporting
based on ODP direcly on SAP ERP and strategic reporting based on SAP BI.

Today as a business user in finance, sales, procurement getting the
information you need at the right time is tough. You have to wait (as
opposed to responsive), you use old data (as opposed to real-time), you
leverage generic UX (as opposed to one that is adapted to your role),
information is provided in multiple places (as opposed to single source of
truth) -> The result is you struggle connecting analysis with execution (as
opposed to instant insight to action)
This is where Smart Business cockpits come into play. SBc are new
cockpits to help you drive your business through fact-based information (vs
gut feel). SAP Smart Business cockpits are new cockpits - including tailored
KPIs and graphical visualization designed for instant insight-action in the
context of the SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA. SAP Smart
Business cockpits leverage SAP Fiori Design principles for a simplified yet
beautiful UX.
SAP Smart Business Cockpits are:
Responsive: Bringing together transactions and analytics to close the
gap between insight and action
Personalized: Offering personalized role-based tailored KPIs, actionable
insights, news feeds and tasks
Seamless: Delivering the same real-time insights and user experience
across desktops, mobiles and tablets
Beautiful: Delivering the same real-time insights and user experience
across desktops, mobiles and tablets

SAP OPInt 1.0 supports the following business event provider systems
SAP Business Suite Applications (via Business Suite Foundation
Process Observer)
SAP Business Workflow (via Workflow Faade)
SAP NetWeaver Process Orchestration (via BPM Process Faade)
Please see appendix for required release/SP levels

Future releases of SAP OPInt will enable you to connect to non-SAP

environments and scenarios:
SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (Integration Visibility) for 3rd party
business application integration, message flow event integration into a
business scenario (e.g., a start or end event of a phase) and B2B
conversation events
SAP NetWeaver Cloud Integration (Cloud Integration Visibility)
Sybase Event Streaming Platform (ESP) for complex event pattern
SAP Operational Process Intelligence Extensibility (e.g., to build
Non-SAP integration of providers, for instance a social---media adapter)
offering a generic method to implement a non-SAP data model

SAP OPInt is especially helpful in cross-system monitoring and the
definition of cross-system Process KPIs on HANA (which is currently a
limitation in Process Observer).

Operational Process Intelligences also provides an improved 3rd party

integration and a number of tools for the improved monitoring and operation
of your processes (such as UI5-based phase and milestone views,
dashboards, trend & prediction, task management).

When combining Process Observer with SAP OPInt, you import the process
definitions from the Process Observer system, and connect them to
scenarios in SAP OPInt. You define phases and KPIs directly in SAP OPInt.
At runtime process log information is always collected by Process Observer,
and in the side-by-side scenario replicated in real-time into the SAP
OPInt HANA system.

Process Observer is delivered with Software Component Business Suite
Foundation (SAP_BS_FND).
It is currently available for the software component versions SAP_BS_FND
7.01, 7.02, 7.31, 7.46 and 7.47
The Business Suite Foundation is part of almost all Business Suite product
based on Web AS ABAP.
For details on your products, please consult your System Landscape

Information Resources:

Process Observer in SCN (

Overview page of Process Observer in SCN that contains links to
relevant articles, including blog post on how to setup process observer
and create first process definitions for logging.
Process Observer in SAP Help Portal
Application Documentation of Process Observer in SAP Help Portal.
BIT605 Process Observer
=70222065 )
2-day classroom training (offered by SAP University in Germany, other
countries on request)

A selection of Process Observer blog postings in the SCN:

- Introduction
- Architecture
- Create Process Definition for Monitoring
- Direct Event API
- Tracking field changes
- Monitor cross-system workflow
- Thresholds, SLAs and Alerts
- Process Mining

Process Observer in Help Portal

Business Function Documentation

Application Documentation for Process Observer

BI Content Documentation

BI Content Extension



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