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Rise of the Dead Season 3 Episode 3

New Group

(Alaska)(Safe zone)

the camera showed Jake walking through the safe zone and as he was he
was looking up and down the 30 foot high walls and he was checking out the
support beams and as he was he said.

Jake: How cool.

as he said that a 15 year old girl interrupted him the same age as he is and as
she did she said.

Maya: I know stops the dead ones from coming in hear.

as she said that Jake looked at her confused and as he did he said.

Jake: Im sorry who are you.

as he said that Maya said.

Maya: Im Maya...your from that new group that moved in at that new house
down the block arent you.

as she said that Jake said.

Jake: yeah I name is Jake.

as he said that Maya started to walk away and as she did Jake said.

Jake: wait...where are you going.

as she said that Maya said.

Maya: No where...see you around Jake.

as she said that she ran off and as she did Jake watched as she left and as
he did he started to walk off in the opposite direction then she did.

as he did the camera jumped to Roy and he was walking through the
community and as he was he was waving to people as they walked by and as
he did a man in his late 20s walked out of his house and as he did he saw
Roy walked past it and as he did he said.Cameron: You the new constable.

as he said that Roy looked at him and as he did he said.

Roy Welson: Yeah I am.

as he said that Cameron looked at him like he had a problem with Roy and as
Roy saw this he said.Roy Welson: do you have a problem with that.

as he said that Cameron said.

Cameron: on with your day.

as he said that Cameron saw Maya walk up to his house and as he did he
Cameron: Good morning Maya.

as he said that Maya said.

Maya: good morning.

as she said that Cameron said.

Cameron: Hunter is in his room along with Adam.

as he said that Maya walked into his house and she closed the door behind
her and as she did she said.
Maya: thanks.

as she said that Cameron glared at Roy as he watched him walk away the
camera jumped to Sargent Ford and General Hansan and as it did it showed
them walking in on the soldiers that were in the safe zone and as they did the
soldiers were all sitting down playing a card game and as they were General
Hansan and Sargent Ford looked at each other with shocked looks and as
they did General Hansan kicked one of the soldiers chairs and as he did the
soldier stood up and he looked like he was about to punch him.

And he stopped once he saw the General uniform and as he did the soldier
Second Lieutenant Daniels: you son of a...a...a...

as he said that General Hansan said.

General Hansan: you son of a what Second Lieutenant Daniels.

as he said that the lieutenant said.

Second Lieutenant Daniels nothing sir.

as he said that General Hansan said.

General Hansan: thats right...nothings the right answer.
as he said that Sargent Ford said.Sargent Ford: Attention.

as he said that all the other soldiers got up from there card game and they
stood at attention and as they did Sargent Ford walked along the line of
soldiers and as he did he said.Sargent Ford: which one of you is in charge

as he said that a women spoke up and as she did she said.

Captain Peyton: I am sir.

as she said that Sargent Ford and General Hansan walked up to her and as
they did they leanned in on her and as they did General Hanasan said.

General Hansan: well it looks like were in charge now Captain.

as he said that Captain Peyton said.

Captain Peyton: yes sir.

as she said that General Hansan stepped away and as he did he said.General
Hansan: this unit by the looks of it has gotten lazy and me and Sargent Ford
here have been placed in charge by your leader Denise. Now we are going to
get you back in shape is that clear.

as he said that none of the soldiers answered him and as they didnt General
Hansan said.
General Hansan: I said...IS THAT CLEAR.

as he said that all of the soldiers in the room shouted YES SIR and as they did
Sargent Ford said.
Sargent Ford: Good now drop and give us 200 push ups starting...

as he said that General Hansan said.

General Hansan: NOW.

as he said that all of the soldiers in the room dropped to the ground and
started doing push ups and as they did General Hansan and Sargent Ford
gave each other hi fives and as they did the camera fanned off to the side of
the screen and Denise was watching them with her guards and as she was
she said.
Denise: Oh there good.
as she said that the camera jumped to where the camera stored the food for
the safe zone and as it did it showed that they were running low on food and
as they were it showed Gloria with a bin and she was collecting some canned
goods. As she was Ella the person in charge of keeping the food and guns in
check said.
Ella: your brave going for the peanuts thats been there since the start...what
are you grabbing all that stuff for any ways.

As she said that there were 4 other women there all around Glorias age and
they were all house wifes and as they were Gloria said.Gloria Welson: Im
making something special for the party tomorrow.

as she said that the girls giggled and as they did Shelly said.

Shelly: If only I knew how to cook.

as she said that Gloria said.

Gloria Welson: thatd be a miracle now wouldnt know I could teach
you sometime...if youd like...I mean Im free now that Denise made Roy the
new constable and if Im not mistaken you have kids that are my kids age
they could spend time with each other while I teach you.

as she said that Isabella said.

Isabella: See Shell I told you some one would teach you if you would just ask.

as she said that Gloria looked at her watch and as she did she said.

Gloria Welson: oh look at the time I have to get going if I want all of this ready
by the time the party starts tomorrow.

as she said that she walked out of the building and as she did all the women
said by to each other and as they did Gloria got the smile off of her face and
as she did Roy was waiting for her once she was outside of the building. As
he joined her Roy said.
Roy Welson: what was that all about.

as he said that Gloria said.

Gloria Welson: well I dont want them to know what I had to do to survive and
before the rotters took over I was just like them...a simple house wife now Im
something more and if I play my cards right I can hide that. and with this
place I can be invisible again.

as she said that Roy said.

Roy Welson: Ok.

as he said that he walked off and as he did Gloria said.

Gloria Welson: see you later tonight.

As she said that Roy said.

Roy Welson: See you tonight.

(Alaska)(Sunset)(Travelers Camp)
the camera jumped to the travelers camp and as it did it showed the bosss
RV and it jumped inside it and as it did it showed Brian, Alex and Private
Oliver with the Boss all surrounding a map and as they were they were
talking about a plan.
The Boss: Ok Brian you will take some of our men and youll attack this part
of there wall and Alex and youll take some of the men and youll jump over
the wall and attempt to take some prisoners. And you Private Oliver will do
the same but with this wall and I will guard the outside of the Island and
make sure that no one escapes does that sound like a good plan.

As he said that Private Oliver said.

Private Oliver: attacking them is a number game do we have more men then

as he said that the boss said.

The Boss: I have exactly 200 men that I can divide evenly between you guys
and me to make this plan work...and the safe zone only has a hundred
residents and do you really think with them living behind that wall these past
3 years and us living out here these past 3 years will give them a chance at
beating us.

as he said that Private Oliver didnt answer him and as he didnt the boss
The Boss: exactly so tomorrow there scheduled to go on a supply run and
when they take there toughest fighters well go and make our move.

(Alaska)(Night)(Safe Zone)
(Denises Apartment)

the camera jumped to Denises apartment and as it did her place was full of
people and as it was there was a knock at her door and as there was Denise
answered it and as she did Denise saw that Roy, Gloria, Rose and Emily were
at the door and as they were Denise saw they were all dressed nice and as
they were Denise said.Denise: Ah...Roy its nice to see you...I thought you
werent going to come.
as he said that Roy said.
Roy Welson: why wouldnt I after all you did let me and my people in to your
as he said that Denise said.
Denise: Come in come in.

as she said that a man also in his 50s came up to Denise and kissed her and
as he did she kissed him back and as he did Denise said.
Denise: Roy I want you to meet my husband Jackson.

as she said that Jackson shook Roys hand and as he did Jackson said.
Jackson: finally I get to meet the man my wifes been talking about the past
few weeks you saved 20 people.

as he said that Roy said.

Roy Welson: well you run a whole community.

as he said that Jackson said.

Jackson: I only live here same as you...dont sell yourself short I didnt build
these walls someone else did...but you saved 20 people thats over 2 dozen
lives in your hands. You my friend deserve a drink.

as he said that he gave Roy a shot and he poured Roy some whiskey and as
he did Jackson poured himself one to and as he did he said.

Jackson: Come on...come on.

as he said that Roy and Jackson clinked glasses and as they did Roy said.
Roy Welson: to survival.

as he said that Jackson said.

Jackson: to survival.

as he said that they drank from there glasses and as they did the camera
jumped to the door again and as it did someone knocked and a man in his
20s dressed in a nice suit opened it and as he did the camera showed Hank
and Kyle dressed nice standing in the door and as the man opened the door
he said.
Alexander: welcome you must be from the new group thats in town.

as he said that Hank said.Hank Masters: Yes we are.

as he said that Hank looked in the door and he saw a table in the room filled
with drinks and as he did he said.
Hank Masters: oh beer.

as he said that he walked paster Alexander and as he did Kyle was left and as
she was Alexander said.Alexander: my name is Alexander...Denise is my mom.

as he said that Kyle took his hand as he held it out and as she did Kyle said.
Kyle: well your mom is doing a wonder full job with this place Alexander
thank you.

as they walked into the room the camera showed Sargent Ford and General
Hansan arriving in uniform behind them and as they did they closed the door
as they entered the room and as they did Sargent Ford said.Sargent Ford:
have you been to many of these before.

as he said that General Hansan said.

General Hansan: yeah I have the president used to through hundreds of them
all year around the only thing good about these parties are the boozes.

as he said that a person walking by with drinks on a try came by and General
Hansan took 2 and he handed one to Sargent Ford and as he did he said.
Sargent Ford: thanks.

as he said that they made there way into the party and as they did Lisa, Gary,
and Jake entered the party and as they did Jake noticed that Maya was there
and he left Lisa and Gary and as he did Gary said.Gary Smith: I dont know
about this.

as he said that Lisa saw all of the liquor on the table and as she did she said.

Lisa Benderson: they have liquor.

as she said that Gary said.

Gary Smith: I think I can stay for a while.

as he said that the camera jumped to the outside of the building and it
showed Dazman staring in on them and as it did he was all dressed nice and
as he was it showed that he didnt have his swords with him and he was the
last member of his group to go up because he just saw Bobby Lincoln, Marylin
Reed, Sheriff Green and Officer Jefferson go up.And as he was deciding to go
back home the camera jumped to the party and as it did there was a knock at
the door and as there was Chloe...Denises daughter answered it and as she
did Dazman was stunned at her beauty and as he was she said.
Chloe: are you here for the party.
as she said that Dazman shook his head yes and as he did Chloe said.
Chloe: well come on in my name is Chloe...Denise is my mom.

as she said that Dazman said.

Dazman Hodge: my name is Dazman.

as he said that he entered the party and he closed the door behind him and
as he did the camera jumped to Roy and as it did Roy had a drink in his hand
and as he did he was watching his group chat with the community.
As he was he saw Gloria talking with the house wifes that she was talking
with earlier and as he saw that he saw Jake hanging out with Maya and the
local kids and as he saw that he saw Dazman sitting down on the couch
chatting with Chloe and as he did Denise walked up to him and as she did she
said.Denise: see you can make it here as long as you trust us.

as she said that Roy kept looking at the party and as he did Denise said.
Denise: theres one thing I need from you though.

as she said that Roy kept staring at the party and as he did he said.Roy
Welson: What is it.

as he said that Denise said.

Denise: tomorrow is our daily supply run and I was wondering if you and some
of your group could go with the people that normally go with my group...I
mean if thats all right with you.

as he said that Roy said.

Roy Welson: consider that done.

as he said that Dazman walked up to Denise with a pice of paper and as he

did he said.
Dazman Hodge: Denise I have those names.

as he said that Denise said.

Denise: thats excellent lets go talk about this over hear.

as she said that she lead Dazman away from Roy and as she did Roy kept
drinking from his whisky glass and as he did he kept watching members of
his group having fun.

(Screen goes black)(End Scene)

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