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UL Part II


 Lateral bone of forearm
 has a sharp interosseous border medially for the attachment of the interosseous
membrane that binds the radius and ulna together
 Important ms attached to it:
-biceps brachii -pronator teres
-flexor digitorum -supinator (posterior)
superficialis -pronator quadratus
-flexor pollicis longus -brachioradialis
-abductor pollicis longus -extensor pollicis brevis
 Medial bone of the forearm
 proximal end of the ulna is large and is known as the olecranon process, this
forms the prominence of the elbow
 Important ms attached to it:
-pronator teres -anconeus (posterior)
-brachialis -extensor indicis (posterior)
-flexor pollicis longus -flexor digitorum profundus
-supinator (posterior)


Metacarpals and Phalanges

 five metacarpal bones, each of which has a base, a shaft, and a head
 first metacarpal bone of the thumb is the shortest and most mobile
 bases of the metacarpal bones articulate with the distal row of the carpal bones;
the heads, which form the knuckles, articulate with the proximal phalanges
 Important ms attached to the hand:
-abductor pollicis brevis -palmar interosseous
-opponens pollicis -abductor digiti minimi
-flexor pollicis brevis -flexor digiti minimi
-abductor pollicis longus -opponens digiti minimi
-flexor carpi radialis -flexor digitorum profundus
-flexor carpi ulnaris


A. Anterior
 Flexors
 Pronators

Nerve supply: median nerve (except for flexor carpi ulnaris and medical half of flexor digitorum
profundus which is supplied by the ulnar nerve)

1. Superficial group : flexors and pronators

> common origin: med. epicondyle

 pronator teres (round)

 wrist flexors:
o flexor carpi radialis
o palmaris longus (tendinous) – the only tendon that will cross flexor retinaculum
aka spare tendon
o flexor carpi ulnaris
o flexor digitorum superficialis

2. Deep group : flexor of digits and pronator

 flexor digitorum profundus
 flexor pollicis longus
 pronator quadratus

B. Posterior
 Extensors
 Supinators

Nerve supply: radial nerve

1. Superficial group:
 Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
 Extensor digitorum communis
 Extensor digitorum minimi
 Extensor carpi ulnaris
 Anconeus
 Brachoiradialis

2. Posterior
 Supinator
 Abductor pollicis longus
 Extensor pollicis longus
 Extensor pollicis brevis
 Extensor indicis

* anatomical snuffbox: extensor pollicis brevis and longus tendons (supplied by radial artery)

Fascia: Wrist and Hand

1. Palmar fascia
a.thenar fascia
b. hypothenar fascia
c.palmar aponeurosis : between thenar and hypothenar fascia

2. Retinacula
a.palmar carpal ligament
b. extensor retinaculum
c.flexor retinaculum

Carpal Tunnel:
a. median nerve
b. flexor tendons of digitorum:
pollicis longus

Fascial Spaces:
 Carpal tunnel
 Thenar
 Hypothenar

Central component:
1. palmar space:
a. thenar
b. midpalmar
2. synovial flexor sheaths


Thenar Component:
1. A bductor pollicis brevis
2. F lexor pollicis brevis
3. O pponens pollicis

Hypothenar Compartment:
1. A bductor digiti minimi
2. F lexor digiti minimi
3. O pponens digiti minimi

12 short muscles ?

nerve supply: ulnar nerve (except: thenar compartment muscles and 1st two lumbricals which is
supplied by median nerve)

Lumbrical Muscles:
- Flex metacarpophalangeal joints and extend interphalangeal joints of fingers except thumb

Nerve Supply
st nd
1 and 2 - median nerve
3rd and 4th -ulnar nerve
- in between metacarpals
 4 dorsal – bipennate : abduction
 3 palmar – unipennate : adduction
 1 adductor pollicis for thumb

- nerve supply: ulnar nerve

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