World English Intro A

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NATIONAL alain as ‘GEOGRAPHIC ENGAGE Learning Real People « Real Places « Real Language ENGL. Real People « Real Places + Real Language Martin Milner 2» HEINLE ‘1 CENGAGE Learning: . HEINLE CENGAGE Learning ‘World English Intro A Real People « Real Places « Real Language Martin Milner Publisher: Sherrise Rochr ‘Managing Edtor: Berta de Llano Senior Development Editor: Margarita Matte Development Editor: Michael Poor National Geographic Editorial Liaison: Leila Hishmeh Technology Development Manager: Debie Mirtle Director of Global Marketing: lan Martin Director of US Marketing: Jim McDonough Product Marketing Manager: Katie Kelley Marketing Assistant: Jide Iuka Content Project Manager: Andrea Bobotas Senior Print Buyer: Betsy Donaghey Printed in the U.S.A. 671514 © 2010 Heinle, Cengage Learning [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, No part of this work covered by the copyright herein, may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronie or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 ofthe 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior 1en permission ofthe publisher. For permission to use material fom this text or product, submit al requests online 2 Further permissions questions can be emaleé to International Edition: ‘World English Intro A + CD-ROM Intro A ISBN 13: 978-1-4240-S105-2 ‘World English Intro A + CD-ROM Intro A ISBN 10: 1-4240-S1053, Heinle 20 Channel Center Street Boston, MA 02210 Usa Cengage Learning i leading provider of customized learning solutions with office locations around the globe, including Singapore, the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, and Japan. Locate your local office at: Cengage Leaming products are represented in Canada by Nelson Education Lt. Visit Heinle online at elt Visit our corporate website at CONTENTS Scope and Sequence. i . WV Unit 1 Friends and Family 7 2 Video Journal Animal Fai 12 Unit 2. Jobs around the World . 14 Video Journal A Job for Children = 24 Unit3_ Houses and Apartments. a = om 26 Video Journal A Very Special Village. : 36 Unit 4 Possessions i : . cc: BB Video Journal Uncovering the Past “ so 48 Unit 5 Daily Activ 7 _ 50 Video Journal Zoo Dentists. - a» 60 Unit6 Getting There = ss mm 62 Video Journal Voleano Trek. — R Bonus Communication Activities it 74 SKIS INDEX nnn ao st 76 Credits. ai Contents iit Speaking and Reading and Cac nO) er Nee mL) eee + Meet and introduce people | Simple present tense: 82] Greetings and | Listening for Taking about your |*Families around + Identify family members | rmx roduetions | general the World” + Deserive pec TheyreMoraandtola|ramily members | undesstnding * Ghepersonalandfamly | ge adjective Adjective information “yt young. Is ohn single? Jobs Around the World + enti jobs 4 Jobs Focusedistening Askingforand) || ‘Different Farmets + Talk about jobs Helsn'easecror | Numbers People describing (SVS PeBON Ning a + Tak about counties Indefinite article their jabs Baie parearaph to Continents, + Compare jobs in ciferent countries Contractions idescrbea petson's job Pat's an artist countries and. le + adjective + noun Aussiois a big country Pics? + Identify roomsin 3 There oms Describing nus + Describe your house There are Auriunvanst your house fe 5 + Identify household objects | thee bedrooms. household objec Final -s 2 es Is theres g People talking postions of place: SEH ext to under your ees ‘Identify personal possessions | Dernonsttative adjectives] Personal LUstening for Talking about = Talk about personal Arethese yourbooks? | possessions specific information | the persoral ummarizing 2 possessions Thatis rotyourbag. | Electronic products | People proving | BRST - ‘lass survey + Buy present hectuereire ‘ownership +» Talk abour special Pa Differentiating possessions sims bag. short/ and long « Have sounds Pai + Telltime Listening for general] Asking and understanding and | answering specificdetais questions abe + Askabout peo} aves, ally activities question ‘© Talk about what you do ieacrivties at work 4] activin Describing a Falling intonation ime doyou onstatemer start work? and informa + Deseribe ajob Wha os of frequency: always, sometimes Getting There + Askforand give directions Listening for ASK for and “Shackle specificinformation| give directions | Epic Journey’ Gry tancpharks Directions > Talkabourtransportation | twoblocks ey Fadio Transportation '» Create and use a tourroute | Turn ieftand walk adforatour |Yes‘na questions | wating = '+ Record a journey hiavero /savel journal Shehasto change buses OI Meet and introduce people Identify family members Describe people Give personal and family information y.\) GOAL1 MEET AND INTRODUCE PEOPLE Vocabulary Gp Pistons Track1-2 Greetings a How ate you? Fine. Good afternoon. OK. Good evening. So-so. @& BB. Greet your classmates informally. -. Greet your teacher formally. D. Listen and repeat. Tracki-3 Introductions Introducing yourself Introducing another person Hello, pleased t Nice to meet] you, too, you. lm Alan Hi, Elsa My name's Alan. Do you know Hussein? @A EE. Introduce yourself to your classmates. ABA F. Workin groups of three, Practice introducing each other. 4 Friends and Family Grammar: Present tense be Subject pronoun Be Contractions with be \ am tm You are Kim. bes he's He/She is she's We are Ron ended. oe they're They are Matia and Claudia, A. Unscramble the sentences. 1. Ron. name My is Myname is Ron. 2. Leila. is name Her 3. is name Mr.Aoki. His. 4. Tim. Their Jan names are and 5. name Your is Yan-Ching. B. Write the sentences again. Use contractions 1, Heis Ruben, He's Ruben 2. lam Peter 3. You are Rebecca. 4. They are Ashley and Jason. 5. We are Carol and Melissa. Conversation fe A. Listen to the conversation. Spell Hiroshi. ckt-5 Donna: _ Hi, Nick. How are you? Nick: ~ Great. And you? Fine. Donna, this is my friend Hiroshi Nice to meet you, Hit ... sorry? It Hiroshi, H+-R-O-S-H4. Nice to meet you, Donna, dab B. Practice the conversation in groups of three. Switch roles and practice it again. AA C. Practice the conversation again. Use your awn names. Meet and introduce people Work in pairs. Find another pair and introduce each other. Possessive adjectives My — ‘nameis Mario. Your names Rachel. His nameis Robert. Her names Liujun. Their names are Ben and Dan. (9 Wordrouus Track 1-4 | The English alphabet = ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSTUVW XYZ We sometimes spell our names for people. LessonA 5 B ») ea aaa lsd grandfather _ grandmother “\ Listening @ ite Carlos introduce his family, Point to the people and pets. Track 1-6 Cp Beeston aasn. Cicle Tor ave and F for fae Track1-6 Carlos says: 1. This is my grandfather. His name is Pedro. © This is my sister. Her name is Karina. T This is my grandmother. Her name is Elena. T This is my father. His name is Jose Manuel. 1 These are our dogs. Their names are Lucy and Lulu, T wauwn 6 Friends and Family BK C. Correct any false sentences. Take turns to read all the sentences to partner. D.Fillin the blanks in Carlos’ family tree grandmother grandfather (Susana) (Jose Manuel) ME (Carlos) Pronunciation: The /t/ sound A. Underline the letter r, Listen to the /t/ sound and repeat the ward. father Rick jack 7 mother Rose sister Robert Brown, brother Mary Brown AA. B. Take turns reading the words to a partner. Communication A. Draw your own farnly tree AB. Describe the family tree to a partner Identify family members Bring some family photos to clas. Introduce your family to your classmates. Thisismy grandmother. Her name is Alko. LessonB 7 DESCR Language Expansion: Adjectives married handsome single pretty curly straight wavy straight. = curly 1 blackhair grayhair redhair—blondhair_ brown hair ‘A. Write adjectives to describe these people. 1. They are Heis She is 2. Heis _ with hair. 3. Sheis__= with hair 4. They are_ with, — hair B. Now describe yourself tam with halt Grammar: Be + adjective Subject Be Adjective i am young, You are tall John, is single. Emily is preny. We are martied,/- They are old 8 Friends and Family all Questions with be and short answers Questions Short answers Are you married? Yes, lam. Is he/she —_single?__Yes, he/sheis. Are they married? Yes, they are. ‘A. Match the questions and the answers. Questions 1. Isyour brother tall 2. Are your brother 3, IsEmma pretty? — 4 5. Is your brother single? ‘Are your mother and father old? B. Write the questions No, 'm not, No, he/she isn’t. No, they‘re not ‘Answers a. Yes, she is. b. No, he isn’t. He's short Alan is married, Brian isn't. d.No, they're not @. No, he isn't, Hes married. aa ue A: No,she isn’t, She's tall. 2. Q A: Yes, they are. 3. @ A: Yes,lam. Conversation A. Lookat the pictures and listen to the conversation. Ana: Who’ this? Carol: It’s my brother Ana: What'shis name? Carol: Richard Ana: she married? Carol: Yes, he is. Ana: What shame! B. Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles and practice it again, €. Change the underlined words and make a new conversation, Peary ac) Work with a partner. Take turns describing your classmates, I Lessonc 9 R aaa. 1 10 ip) GOAL4 GIVE PERSONAL AND FAMILY INFORMATION ‘eading Look at the pictures. Show a partner where these people are from on the map. Complete the sentences with words from the box. [ mother blond son married black June Banks is the. of Kevin and Kate. lan Banks has curly _ hait Bois the of Feng and Huan. Mrs, Patel has hair. Alisha is to Ramesh, icle the correct answers, Her father is lan Banks. aJune bb Kate They live in Scotland, a. Kevin and Kate . Feng and Huan His wife is Huan a.Feng b.Bo Her daughters are Alisha and Rasha. a. Mrs, Patel b. Suchir Her husband is Ramesh. a.Alisha bb, Rasha Friends and Family “This is the Banks family. They come from Scotland. Ian is tall with curly blond hair. His wife, June, has wavy brown hair. Jan and June have two children: a son anda young daughter. Their names are Kevin and Kate. Meet Feng and his family. They are from China, His wife’s ‘name is Huan. They have one son. His name is Bo. He is young. He is two years old. t | uROP. Cs This is the Patel family. They are from India. Mrs. Patel has two daughters. They are married. ‘Their names are Alisha and Rasha. ‘Their husbands are Ramesh and Suchir. Alisha is married to Ramesh, Rasha is married Suchir. They all have black hair. Communication BA Look at the photos. Choose one photo. Describe a person to a partner. Your partner guesses who you are describing 1. David 2. Ayako, 4, Michelle Write a description of a family member. Heis tall with curly black hai Hes single Goal 4 Beveproco and family Paulo Work with a partner. Take turns describing your family LessonD 11 PRT ase Ve sd Before You Watch Label the animals. Use the words in the box female lion leopard male gorilla _meerkats male lion polar beat SS ee renner Sime ren) Ponca AM East Affice While You Watch ‘A. Watch the video. Circle T for true and F for false, Polar bears have big families. 2. Lions live in family groups. Male lions have red hair Meerkats are big, Female gorillas have gray hair on their backs, Sea 12 Friends and Family B. Complete the sentences, Use the words in the box. pretty big long lions male 1. There is one male ina family 0 2. Amaletlion has hair on his neck 3. Meerkats|ive in. groups. 4, Young meerkats are 5. The ____ gorillas the leader of the family C. Watch the video to check your answers, After You Watch Aa dolphin Aasloth Aawolf ‘A. Write the names of the animals in the correct box. Big ‘Small Live in lions meerkats groups Live alone polar bears ‘rhino fs big, It lives alone. Doyou Yes lagiee B. Compare your answers with a partner's answers. 74 No, dort. Loe VideoJournal 13 Identify jobs Talk about jobs Talk about countries Compare jobs in different countries Vocabulary BD ‘A. What do they do? Listen and label the pictures with words from the bax. Pe *° Eeaae engineer teacher | banker architect doctor artist 3.Jane_____° 4.Dae-Jung__, Sit ___— "6. Hannah: ___. "7. Harvey Fermanda ==—4 B. In your opinion, are these jobs interesting or boring? Write the jobs from exercise A on the lines boring interestin 4 C. Compare your answers with a partner's answers Grammar: Be (negative) Be+not Contractions ' am Im not you aren't = Be adoctor — Youtenot he/she isn't not hesnot/shesnot we arent Heche is we're not they arent We/they are doctor) | Meyrenot 16 Jobs around the World Indefinite article Jirr’s a doctor. Pat's an artist. *We use a before a consonant sound. "We use an before a vawel sound, A. Look at the pictures on the opposite page. Fill in the blanks with is or is not. 1. Jim a taxi driver. He a doctor. 2. Oscar a teacher, He an architect, 3. Fernanda __anarchitect.She_, “a doctor. 4. Dae-Jung an engineer. He achef. 5. Eun__ a banker. She an artist. B. Circle T for true and F for false. 1. Hannah is a taxi driver. T 2. Jane isan engineer. T 3. Dae—Jung is an artist. T 4, Eun isnotan artist. T i 5. Harvey is notan architect. © F F F F Hannah isnt a tax river. She is a doctor. C. Correct the false sentences. Read the new sentences to a partner. Conversation A. Listen to the conversation. Is Jill married or single? Hi, Jean. Hows life? Fine, And you? Great. How are the children? /re good. But they're not children now. Jim's married. He's an-engineer. Wow! Time passes. And what about Jill? Haw old is she now? Is she married? Jean: _ No, she’s still single. To show surprise, we can say: B. Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles and practice it again, | formal <——> informal Really! Amazing! Wow! ©. Change the underlined words and make a new conversation What do you do? Identify jobs What does your ‘Askyour classmates about their jobs, Ask them about their family’s jobs. LessonA 17 K ABOUT JOBS Listening Q* Look at the pictures. Guess the people's jobs. Listen and check your guesses. ‘A Michelle A Carlos Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the chart. How old is he/she? ‘What is his/her job? Is his/her job interesting? BA C.Work with a partner. Take turns reading the numbers in English. Numbers 1oten 20 twenty 30 thirty Tone eleven 21 twenty-one 40 forty 21wo 12iwelve 22 twenty-two 50 fifty Toaskabout | 3 three 1B thirteen 23 twenty-three 60 sixty someone's age wesay:Howold | 4Ur 14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 70 seventy isheshe? Sfive 15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 80 eighty Theansweris: | 6s 16 sixteen 26 twenty-six 90 ninety Shes/Hes 28 Tseven 17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 100 one hundred years old. Beight 18 eighteen 28 twenty-eight 101 one hundred and 9nine 19 nineteen 29 twenty-nine one @Ad_ D.Now tell a partner about the people in exercise B. 18 Jobs around the World Pronunciation: Contractions with be 0 A. Listen and circle what you hear. eer 1 Im 2. Tamnot Imnot 3. youare youre 4, youare not you aren't youre not 5. sheis she's 6. she isnot she isn't he's not 7. weare we're 8. wearenot welte not we aren't 9. theyare they're 10. theyare not they're not they arent I@A_B. Take turns reading the phrases in exercise A. Point to the phrases as a partner reads them. Communication Read the questions and answer them for yourself. Then ask two classmates the questions. Write their answers. What is yourname? What is your job? Is itinteresting? Ian is 27 years old and hes a computer technician His job is interesting. ae 7 LessonB 19 Chile | Word Focus We say the United Kingdom and the United States. 20 Jobs around the World juenos Aires, Sim” 200 Argentina Nonaes Language Expansion: Countries and cities A wet A hot A cold Ady Guess the country. 1. ItSin Asia. It’s big, it’s cold, _China 2. It$in Europe. It’s small. It’s wet. ___ 3. ItSin South America, It’s big. it's hot 4. ItSin South America. It’s small, The cay 5. It’sin North America. It's hot Grammar: Be + adjective + noun Statement Question Answer Africa isabig isthe United Kingdom —_No, itisnvt. tsa continent. {UK) 2 big country? small country. Egyptisahot, Is the United Statesa big Yes, itis dry country, country? A. Unscramble the sentences, China Is a country? big _ big The is country. United States is a Russia country. cold Ishot Egypta country? country, small Japan is a RWNS B. Answer the questions. > Is Mexicoa cold country? No ibis \sChilea big country? _ \sJapan 2 hot country? Is the UK a small country? |s Egypt a wet country? vawne Conversation AA. Listen to the conversation. Where is Mohamed from? Alan: Where do you come from, Mohamed? Mohamed: 'm from Cairo. Alan: Cairo is in Egypt right? Mohamed: Yes. Alan: So, tell me about Eqypt, Mohamed. Mohamed: Well, it's in Africa—North Africa, Alan: Is it a hot country? Mohamed: Yes, it’s very hot B. Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles and practice it again. Change the underlined words and make a new conversation Lesson 21 i G 4 COMPARE JOBS IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES Reading BA A.Look at the pictures. Describe the people to SEE aed a partner B. Complete the sentences. Use the words in Different Farmer Ss the box, eee, Semen ee ee Elena is from Chile, and she is a farmer. She farmer — Euroy Africa ‘ aes oe grows grapes and makes wine. The weather in EEO Chile is good for grapes. In summer it is hot and ee dry, and in winter it is cold and wet. Her wine is very good. It goes to North America and Europe. 3, She grows 4, Herwine goes to 5. Solomon and Abraham are from 6. They grow 7. They are C. Answer the questions 1, Is itwet in Chile in the summer? 2, Is Elena's wine good? 3, Are Solomon and Abraham brothers? 4, Ate they good farmers? 5, Is it cold in Namibia? 22. Jobs around the World Communication A Look at the pictures, Discuss the followin pi 9 questions with a partner, 1. Where are these people from? 2. What do they do? 3. Ae they old or young? 4. Ate their jobs interesting? a Aastik A Henry Writing Read about Aastik, Aastikis from Nepal, He s a farmer but his farm is very small. He grows rice. His rice does not go to other countries. Its for his family Write a simitar paragraph about Henry. Use these words: United States, big, wheat, Asia from Namibia in Africa. They are farmers. ey grow millet and maize for their family. The weather in Namibia is good for millet. It is ot and dry. Solomon and Abraham are good Cc re ity Talk toa partner about farmers your country. What do they grow? What is the weather like? Are their [=] VIDEO JOURNAL A JOB FOR CHILDREN Before You Watch MA Work with a partner. Look at the picture. Answer these questiag 1. What do these children do? 2. Are they old or young? 3. Is their job interesting? While You Watch fon o A. Watch the video. Label the pictures below. Puffins fly to the town. Puffins get lost. Children find lost puffins. Puffins leave the cliffs. beach bor Aapufin Word Foes exciting interesting, fun crash into= run into; hie 24 Jobs around the World B. Watch the video again. Circle T for true and F for fake. ta Puffin patrols look for bird nests. F There are pus nests in the cif F All the puffins ly out to sea TF F F Some puffins get lost in to Purfin patrols rescue puffings. wn, EB © Complete the sentences withthe words or phrases in ie box. Watch the video again to check your swe. lookfor rescue leave throw getlost 1. Some puffins in town. 2. Thepuffiings _ theclif 3. The children _ the pufflings out to sea 4, The puffin patrols____the lost pufflings in parking lots 5. Thechildre _ the puffins. Siisag 4 A puffin patrol looks for and rescues lost pufflings After You Watch BA Work witha partner. Take turns describing the job of the puffin patrols, ba Video Journal 25 Identify rooms in a house Describeyour house Identify household objects Compare houses NTIFY ROOMS IN A HOUSE Vocabulary A. Label the rooms in the apartment. B. Complete the sentences about the house in the picture. Use the words in the box. garage downstairs livingroom fireplace bedrooms The kitchen is 1 2. The is in the backyard. 3. The are upstairs. 4. The is in the Grammar: There is/there are ‘Statement Questions Answers Thereis garage. Isthereacloset? Yes, there is. No, there isn't. ‘There are three Are there two Yes, there are. bedrooms upstairs. bathrooms? No, there aren't. “The contraction of theres = theres. 28 Houses and Apartments Plural nouns. Thouse 2 houses i 1 bedroom 2 bedrooms ‘Add ans a the end of the word to make it plural. ‘A. Complete the sentences with the correct form: there is or there are. 1 abig kitchen 2 three bathrooms. 3, Ne ayard? 4. Isthere a closet? Yes, 5. Is there a garage? No, B. Unscramble the sentences. a is big There garage isnt There closet a a swimming Is there pool _ there two Are bathrooms garages are There two waeno Conversation IG) listen tothe conversation. stherea garage? 114 Realtor: What about this apartment? EF Client: Is ita big apanment? Realtor: Yes, there are three bedrooms. Client: = And bathrooms? There is just one bathroom, Is there a garden? No, there isn’t, But there’s a garage. dak B. Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles and practice it again. Change the underlined words and make @ new conversation, Whataboutis a useful and simple way to ask for someone's opinion. LSU Akx a Ril hy Work with a partner. Draw a simple floor plan like the apartment | on page 28. Tell your partner the names of the rooms, LessonA 29 (33) GOAL2 DESCRIBE YOUR HOUSE Listening 30 Houses and Apartments B. Listen again. Circle T for true and F for false. 1. There is one bedroom in Betty's house. TF 2. There are four bedrooms in Joe's house. TF 3. There is a fireplace in Katsuro’s house. Ze 4, There are five bedrooms in Ramon's house. iF 5. There isa yard in Liling’s house. TF Pronunciation: Final -s OQ AA. Listen and check the correct column. vock'16 Eee Seo) Seon gardens apartments garages bathrooms: kitchens houses windows Oo B, Listen again and repeat the words. Track 1-16 There is one bedroom Communication in this house. @A Work with a partner. Take turns describing these houses. wv eee Describe your house to the class. — LessonB 31 IDENTIFY HOUSEHOLD OBJECTS Language Expansion: Furniture and household objects Asofe ‘Abed ‘armchair Arefrigerator - T : | Atable Achair bookcase Amicrowave l ' ‘Acoffee table lamp Astove a in which rooms do you usually find the furniture and household objects above? A TCE Bedroom Grammar: Prepositions of place i Se > ©& ain on A under A next to 32 Houses and Apartments A. Lock at the pictures. Complete the sentences with in,on, under, or next to. . There's aTV. the bedroom. 2. There's a boy the swimming pool 3. There are three books he table. i 4, The stove is the refrigerator. 5, The dogis the table There isa sola anda coffe table @A B. What can you see in the pictures? Take turns describing them. Conversation Q A. Listen to the conversation. Where is Tracey's magazine? cki-17 Tracey: Where is my magazine? Kevin: _Isitinthe bedroom? Tracey: No, it isn’t, And it’s not on the kitchen table Kevin: Here its! It's under your bag AB. Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles and practice it again. AC. Change the underlined words and make a new conversation. Identify household objects Work with a partner. Take turns describing a room in your house. Lesson€ 33 |») GOAL4 COMPARE HOUSES ‘aC BA A. Lookat hous e pictures, Where do you think the we Unusual Houses B. Read and answer the questions. The Kombai people of Irian Jaya live in tree ho Is there a bathroom in the tree house? The houses are high in the trees. There is only one room in the house. It is the kitchen, the liv room, the dining room, and the bedroom. is it hot in an igloo? _ 3. How many rooms are in the igloo? 4, Are there a lot of rooms in Dar Al Hajar? Abraham Niaqu is from Quebec in Canada. Hk is making a snow house called an igloo. There is only one room in an igloo. It is not cold in ar igloo. In fact, it is quite hot. 34 isa big house and there are a lot of rooms in house. It is hot in Yemen, but it is not hot ide the house. ‘is house is called the Crooked House. lowever, it is not a house. Nobody lives in it. It is a shop—a very special shop! The chitect, Szotynscy Zaleski, got the idea from 'a children’s book. It is very unusual. Writing A. Look at this plan of a house. Complete the paragraph. Thisisa plan of a house. There's a small kitchen. In the kitchen there is a anda refrigerator. The kitchen is next to the room. In the dining room there th six chaits. The living 1 the dining room. There is a sofa in the living room. There _ inthe house—one big mm and a small bedroom. There is @ in the big bedroom. B. Now write about your house. in my house theres Lf WY Goal4 Ber Dt Work with a partner. Take turns, Compare your own house with the houses In the reading. LessonD 35 |) VIDEO JOURNAL A VERY SPECIAL VILLAGE Before You Watch ‘A. Complete the video summary. Use the words in the box. fishermen artists village paint Sea art in Italy. Camogit is Many people in Camogli fish. There are also houses and buildings. e alled trompe loe ety special. The paintings |, but they are not 36 Houses and Apartments waa y B. Watch the video again. Circle T for true and F for false, sentences. a. with bright colors. bartists ¢. things look real d.from the sea e. with romp The fishermen painted their hous. Raffaella and Carlo are! You can see the houses of Camogli__ il art Camoglt is large city in Camogli people paint their houses in bright colors, The houses in Camogli are very special T All the artists in Italy use trompe (veil technique. Oily fishermen paint their houses with trompe /oei art. After You Watch BBA Work with 2 partner, Take turns describing the changes you would make to your house with trompe /oeil. want te two balconies, A This wall isa trompe foel painting Video Journal 37 Identify personal possessions Talk about personal possessions Buya present Talk about special possessions Vocabulary ‘A. Complete the names of the objects in the pictures. Use the words in the box. book = pen = watch = bag glasses handbag wallet ring keys necklace dictionary notebook A2.n_t_b_k == A5.p a6 ach 9 a10 {ae * There are no glasses J) inmy picture, but dB. Take turns. Find the differences between the two pictures. ieee.) Pore ¢ STUDENT A STUDENT B 40 Possessions Grammar: Demonstr tive adjectives Singular Plural Possessive nouns <@ _ Thisisyour bag Ate these your books? _ {t's Jims bag, Near Thatisnotyourbag. Those are not my pens Fares A. Match the questions and the answers. There is more than one right answer. Question Answer 1. Isthis your pen? _ a. Yes, they are. I 2. Are thase your keys?__ b.No, itisn't. It’s Peter’. wy 3. Are these your glasses?__<.Yes, itis 4, Is that yourdictionary?____d. No, they aren't. They're Angie's. B. Look at the pictures. Use the cues to writ questions. (fa) Arethoseyourglasses? (far) (ner) (rear) ~~ (far) Conversation qy see the conversation. What isin the bag? 4 jaektig Andrea: Is this your bag? Jennifer: No, that’s my bag Andrea: Maybe it's Jims. Jennifer Let's look inside. There's a book, a dictionary, a pen, a wallet 5. Andrea: A .wallet? Look inside. Jennifer: Right, it’s Jims bao BAB. Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles and practice it again. A C.Change the underlined wards and make a new conversation, eeu See un le ee Describe the contents of your bag to a partner, LessonA 41 ABO PERSONAL POSSESSIONS alee Listening 4 OQ A. Listen. Circle T for true and F for false. Track 1-19 There is cell phone in Gill's bag, 2. There isa dictionary in Gills bag 3, There isa cell phone in Lee's bag. F 4, There is a notebook in Lee's bag, . F ) B. Listen again, Answer the questions Track1-19 1. What does Gill have in her bag that Lee doesn''t have in his bag? _ a ae enlealh 2. What does Gill have in her bag that Lee has in his bag? ae ee 3. What does Lee have in his bag that Gill doesn’t haveinherbag? C. Work with a partner, Take turns. Aska id answer the questions. |, What does Gill have in her bag that you don't have in your bag? 2. What does Gill have in her bag that you have in your bag? 3, What does Lee have in his bag that you dontt have in your bag? 4. What does Lee have in his bag that you have in your bag? 42 Possessions QO B. Listen again and repeat the words. ck 1-20 Aa 1. Write the name of en object on a small piece of Pronunciation: Short / and long e sound A. Listen and check the boxes. this ¥ these heat hit ms his hes sheeo ship Communication paper. Give the paper to your teacher. 2. Your teacher mixes the papers and gives you someone else's paper 3, Find the owner. Excuse me, is this your watch? Istheea pencil inyour bag? Aska partner about what is in his/her bag t LessonB 43 EIU a 44° Possessions Language Expansion: Electronic products ace. pacts Pee 20! i}< re AA. Label the items on the Web page, Use the words in, Dplayer — DVDplayer cellphone laptop _— electronic dictionary mcorder _touchphone MP3 player udio B. Read the Web page. Complete the sentences. 1. The camcorder is in the _Vi section, 2. The a d the ___ ate in the Phones section. 3. The electronic dictionary isin the section. 4, The MP3 players in the _seetion, Grammar: Have Statements Negative WYouMWe/They havea laptop. VYouMie/They don't have a CD player. He/She has.a camcorder He/She doesn'thhave a DVD player. Yes/no questions Short answers Do /yowwe/they have an MP3 player? Yes,/you/we/they de. No, /you/we/they don't. Does he/she have a cell phone? ‘es, he/she does. No, he/she doesn't. . Complete the sentences with have or has. 1. Jim Hi anew laptop. 2. Doyou touch phone? 3. Idon't. __acell phone. 4, DoesChen___._a DVD player? 5. Alan a.cameorder. * Write questions with have. , you/cell phone?_Do youthave a cell phone? Alison/big house? yourmy keys? Aki/a laptop? Mario and Linda/an apartment? win w Conversation A. Sun-Hee and Hana are buying a present for Sun-Hee's brother, Listen to the conversation. What do they buy? ‘Sun-Hee: Look at these new products! Hana: Wow, these cameras look cool. And cheap! 4" Sun-Hee: My brother already has a Good camera Hana: © Does he have a touch phone? Sun-Hee: No, he doesiit. Let's get a touch phone! B. Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles and practice it again. C. Change the underlined words and make a new conversation, We use Wow! Coal! to show interest. Both are informal Buy a present Work with a partner. Practice buying a present for a friend. Use the conversation and the Web site for ideas. Lesson€ 45 |)) GOAL4 TALK ABOUT SPECIAL POSSESSIONS Jewelry is beautiful. In every country and ine age, people have jewelry. Reading A A. These people are wearing tradi jewelry. Some peo Aisha comes from. Djibouti. Her father is an important Other nk man. She has a lot of with a partner. jewelry, It is made from gold. he sentences, Circle T for tue and F mportant mi jewelry is not mad 1. Where does Aisha come from? How old are the necklace and pendants? ‘These are earrings. They are from Kiev and are 1,500 years old. They are large and very beautil 3, Where do the earrin 4, Whatis the Vik y made of ? 46 Possessions Communication A Work with a partner to complete the chart. 1. Fillin the first column with your information, 2. Fillin the second column with your partner's information. 3. Fill in the third column about your pa bestfriend, Doyouravea] LYestdo. Dplyer Tr 8 Pee peat aCD player? a laptop computer? an electronic dictionary? this is jewelry from the ship the Concepcidn. It necklace? fs about 300 years old. There are two beautiful earrings? aces and three pendants. We think they an MP3 phyer ome from Asia, but we are not sure. rite about your partner. Use the information in. the chart Writing ‘My partner has a CD player, @ laptop computer, and a video camcorder. She doesn’t have ar electronic dictionary, a calculator, or an MP3 player. j Nf Goal4 Berets Prrseet| Peony this is Viking jewelry from Norway. It is made ‘silver. It is about 1,000 years old. There are Pains and bracelets. Work with a partner Tell your partner | about a special possession. What is it? Where is it from? Is itold ornew? ff Se a LessonD 47 |3) VIDEO JOURNAL UNCOVERING THE PAST Before You Watch A Work with a partner, Decide which of these things are ‘interesting to archeologist: Alewelry Amumm Apot 48. Possessions While You Watch gp Pvisch the video. Check the pictures that you see page 48, we BB. Watch again and complete the sentences from the video using the words in the box, Paintings interesting si old slow 1. They arelookingfor____ things. 2. Archeologists also study human remains, like these _ 3, Itis_____ work 4. Archeologists stud __ in aves. 5. Sometimes the wo: fous, but its always After You Watch ‘A. Match the tools to the job. There can be more than one right answer. TOOLS a a. broom betuler «.brus 4 hammer 1. archite ‘ 2. artist__ 3. archeologist__ dB. Compare your answers with a partner's answers, Video Journal 49 Tell time Talk about people’ ete Talk about what you Describe a job Vocabulary 8 Acgetup Atzkeashower start work A finish work Asx oclock Asix thirty, half past six a [ eee es a Ateke anap goto bed ‘Ahave lunch Ahave dinner Asixfifteen, A five forty-five ‘a quarter after six a quarter to six 1 lBefive clock 9 3 Z 5 B. Complete the sentences with your awn information 1. Iget up at 4, [finish work at 2. | take a shower at 5. |goto bed at 3. | start work at__ Grammar: Simple present tense—statements and negatives Statement Negative What time... VYou/We/They get up at VYou/We/They don’t go to work on ‘What time do I/you/we/they start work? seven otlock. Saturday. What time does he/she start work? He/She gets up at seven thirty. He/She doesn’t go to bed at nine thirty. “The simple present tense is used for actions that we do every day. 52 Daily Activities Time expressions with the simple present tense every day/morning/afternoon/evening at three o'clock in the morning/the afternaon/the evening ‘on Sunday A. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in parentheses 1. Alan _get: be! __ (get up) at eight otlock 2) Non —_ (start) work at seven thirty in the evening, 3 Wes i _— (not take a nap) in the afternoon. 4. Wendy and {not have lunch) at one o'clock. 5. Dae-Ho are _____(finish) work at two oclock every day. B. Unscramble the sentences takeanap | inthe afternoon _Ita lap in the afternoon 2. does not ateightoclack Helen start work 3. atone thirty have lunch We 4. morning | every take a sho 5. work finishes at five o'clock Paul Conversation ) A. Listen to the conversation. What time does Mariana go to bed Sunday through Thursday? Abel: What time do you get up? Mariana: | get up at seven thirty Monday through Friday. Abel: And on the weekend? Mariana: | get up at about ten od Abel: And what time do you go to bed? Mariana: Sundey through Thursday, at about eleven o'clock, but on the weekend . , . late! What time does A B.Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles and practice it again, your mother get up? AG. Practice the conversation again, Use your own information. She gets up) at sic thity ‘i Work with a partner. Ask and answer time questions about _ | iend or relative, LessonA 53 Tyee Uioleha 230) 78) ae Ly ‘A Joe! Sartore at work A photograph by Joel Sartore Avphotograph by Joe! Sartore Listening (@) A. Look at the photos. What is Joel's job? Listen to the interview and check yos ‘eckson PON B. Listen again and answer the questions. Yack1-23 1. What is Joet’sjob? — _-_ 2, What time does he get up?___. 3. What time does he take a nap? 4, What time does he take photos? _- Sun way “Thursday Th f- niewon ‘Monday oe eee 30 tae bi i tae Tnch win chao Tuesday Saturday 720 pm anesi fics SO at beach photos. Wednesday take a photo = usea camera what do you doon Monday? : BA C.Work with a partner. Take turns asking and answering questions about vl} goto dassat you do every day. Bodlock 54 Daily Activities Pronunciation: Falling intonation on statements and information questions OQ A rack 1-24 ‘ . 1. What time do you get up? get up at six o'clock, ‘ s 2. What time do they have lunch? They have lunch at one thirty ‘ ‘ {oes Bill go to bed? He goes to bed at eleve fen and 1 3. What tin aclock. ke turns reading the following questions and answers to a partner. wi 1at time does Salma start work? She starts work at eight thirty, What time do they get up? They get up at a quarter to seven. What time do you finish work? | finish work at six o'clock. Communication hab). Write two mi Answer all the questions. Ask two classmates the questions, 2 questions. Jatninethiny. — | =e ee es Ze 1.get up? 2. have breakfast? 3, start work? Bete ee Clea Tell a partner about your classmates’ activities, LessonB 55 TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DO AT WORK Language Expansion: Work Activities 3 | Accheck emails Ameet clients Ago to meetings Atravel Atalkto peopleon —/Amake photocopies goto the bank Acfill out forms the phone A. Write the activities in the correct column. feed Icheck my emails. Sa ek cuhsec Re ices maces BA. B.What other things do you do at work? Make a list. Then tell a partner. Grammar: Simple present tense—questions and answers Question Short answer Do V/you/we/they meet clients every day? Yes, /you/we/they do No, Vyouswe/they don’t. Does he/she meet clients every day? ‘Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn't. Adverbs of frequency 0% | sometimes meet clients. I never answer the phone, A. Match the questions and the answers. Questions Answers Do you meet clients every day? _ a.Yes, they do. 2, Does Alan meet clients every day? — b.No she doesn't. She goes every week. 3. Do Chrisand Helen travel alot? _ ¢.No, Idontt, I never meet clients. 4, Does Hilary go to the bank every cay? _ d. Yes, | do. 5, Do you goto meetings every day? _ e.Yes, he does. Z Write about your work. Complete the sentences using always, somet check my emails at nine o'clock. go to meetings on Mondays. make photocopies. go tothe bank fill out forms. 1 a 3, 4 Conversation OQ A. Listen to the conversation: What does Brenda do at work? sacks Yoshi: Tell me about your work Brenda: Well, ma personal assistant at a travel agency, Yoshi: What do you do at work? Its not very interestina, Do you travel? Sometimes. | go to meetings with my boss. lke to Rio and singapore Yoshi: Not interesting! It sounds fantastic to me. Yos! Brend (AB. Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles and practice it again. AC. Change the underlined words and make a new conversation. es, never. Oh, I check my boss's emails. | make photécopies,| he bank, boss = your superior the person at the top We can use fie to give exempiles. LessonC 57 A dentist astronaut > Reading BA A. Work with a partner to answer these questions, What do these pe their working hout work? vue or F for false 1. Robots have longholidays. = T F 2. Robots finish work at five oclock T FI Working under the sea isa problem for robots. 4, The police use robots. nere are robots in outer space 58 Daily Activities What a job! It’s not a job description for a person. Its jal description for a robot. Robots don't eat, they don't take naps, and they don't go to bed. They work 24 hours a day every day. They are very useful. Job Description Working Hours: 24 hours a day, every day Salary: $0 Holidays: None Duties: Welding cars A. Arobot welds carin 2 Japanese car factory.

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