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clc; %clear the command window

clear; %clear all variables

J=2; %value of surface current

Js=J*[0 0 1]; %the vector of surface current

Zmin=-10; %coordinate of lowest z value on line

Zmax=10; %coordinate of maximum z value on line

NumberOfZDivisions=100; %number of cells in the z direction

dz=(Zmax-Zmin)/NumberOfZDivisions; %step in the z direction

dL=dz; %area of one subsection of line
XCellCenter=0;%just as origin

NumberOfXPlottingPoints=30; %number of plotting points along the x

axis,set by yourself.
NumberOfYPlottingPoints=30; %number of plotting points along the y axis
PlotXmin=-5; %lowest x value on the plot plane
PlotXmax=5; %maximum x value on the plot plane
PlotYmin=-5; %lowest z value on the plot plane
PlotYmax=5; %maximum z value on the plot plane
PlotStepX= (PlotXmax-PlotXmin)/(NumberOfXPlottingPoints-1);%plotting
step in the x direction
PlotStepY=(PlotYmax-PlotYmin)/(NumberOfYPlottingPoints-1); %plotting
step in the y direction
PlotYmin:PlotStepY:PlotYmax); %build arrays(matrix) of plot plane
PlotZ=0; %since xy plane so z equal zero
Bx=zeros(NumberOfXPlottingPoints,NumberOfYPlottingPoints); %x component
of field
By=zeros(NumberOfXPlottingPoints, NumberOfYPlottingPoints);%z component
of field
for m=1:NumberOfXPlottingPoints %repeat for all plot points in the x
for n=1:NumberOfYPlottingPoints %repeat for all plot points in the y
PlotX=XData(m,n); %x coordinate of current plot point
PlotY=YData(m,n); %y coordinate of current plot point
if ((PlotY==0)&(PlotX>=Xmin)&(PlotX<=Xmax)) % if the plotting point is
on the current sheet
Bx(m,n)=J/(4*pi); % we use the model of infinite current sheet
Rp=[PlotX PlotY PlotZ]; %poistion vector of observation points, for the
position of answer

for j=1:NumberOfZDivisions %repeat for all cells in the z direction,

100 to 1, then will stop.

ZCellCenter=Zmin+(j-1)*dz+0.5*dz; %Y center current subsection

Rc=[XCellCenter YCellCenter ZCellCenter]; %position vector of center of
current subsection, define line current
R=Rp-Rc; %vector pointing from current subsection to the current
observation point
norm_R=norm(R); %get the distance between the current surface element
and the observation point
R_Hat=R/norm_R; %unit vector in the direction of R
dH=(dL/(4*pi*norm_R*norm_R))*cross(Js,R_Hat); %this is the contribution
from current element
Bx(m,n)=Bx(m,n)+dH(1,1); %increment the x component at the current
observation point
By(m,n)=By(m,n)+dH(1,2); %increment the z component at the current
observation point
end %end of j loop
end %end of n loop
end %end of m loop

quiver(XData, YData, Bx, By);

xlabel('x(m)');%label x axis
ylabel('y(m)');%label y axis

%The following routing caculates the magnetic field at point P

P=[0 2 0];%position of point P
Hp=[0 0 0];%the magnetic field at point P

for j=1:NumberOfZDivisions %repeat for all cells in the y direction

ZCellCenter=Zmin+(j-1)*dz+0.5*dz; %Y center current subsection

Rc=[XCellCenter YCellCenter ZCellCenter]; %position vector of center of
current subsection
R=P-Rc; %vector pointing from current subsection to the current
observation point
norm_R=norm(R); %get the distance between the current surface element
and the observation point
R_Hat=R/norm_R; %unit vector in the direction of R
dH=(dL/(4*pi*norm_R*norm_R))*cross(Js,R_Hat); %this is the contribution
from current element
end %end of j loop

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