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Teaching listening comprehension

Lic.Ronal David Aguilar

What is listenig comprehension?
It is more than just hearing what is said; rather, it is a childs ability
to understand the meaning of the words he hears and to relate to
them in some way. When children hear a story, for instance, good
listening comprehension enables them to understand it, remember
it, discuss it, and even retell it in their own words.

Cambridge university press published 1984

Para una mejor comprensin se
utiliza diferentes actividades

Reading and
writing activities

Esta actividad trata

demostrar la
comprensin a travs
de la lectura y
redaccin textos.

Efectivamente a travs de esta actividad el autor

trata de explicar como el estudiante comprende
cuando otro estudiante lee un texto

Cambridge University press published 1984

People talking on the telephone

Esta actividad trata de
explicar la
comprensin auditiva
a travs de la
comunicacin por el
telfono de una
persona a otra.

Cambridge university press published 1984

Shopping centre

Esta actividad trata de

mostrar la comprensin
auditiva a travs de la
comunicacin entre
personas en un centro de
compra , en un mercado.
Donde ellos intercambian
ideas y opiniones a travs
de lo que quieren

Cambridge university press published 1984

Skills and strategies: towards a new
methodology for listening

This article calls for a rethinking of the

purposes of the listening lesson, and
examines ways in which we can teach the
skill rather than simply practise it. The
approaches proposed are based on
micro-listening exercises which practise
individual subskills of listening

Efectivamente ,el autor trata de explicar la enseanza de

comprensin auditiva a travs de ejercicios practicndolas
individual y grupalmente.
ELT Journal, Volume 52, Issue 2, 1 April 1998, Pages 110118
Learners' Perceptions of Listening
Comprehension Problems

Many EFL learners find that they are unable to

comprehend natural spoken English delivered
at normal speed. The paper reports a study of
listening problems encountered in the EFL
classroom in the ESP Centre at Damascus
University, as reported by the learners
themselves. It looks in particular at learner
strategies, features of the listening text,
characteristics of the speaker, attitudes of the
listener, the task to be completed as a result of
understanding the text, and the degree of
visual or written support for the aural input

Ali S. Hasan, published online 23 abril 2010 page 137- 153

Listening Comprehension: Approach,
Design, Procedure

His article outlines three dimensions in the teaching of
listening comprehension. In approach, it discusses the
nature of spoken discourse and offers a theory of listening
comprehension that takes into account the processes that
listeners make use of. In design, it analyzes learners'
listening needs, proposes a taxonomy of micro-skills, and
establishes objectives for teaching these skills. And
finally, in procedure, it presents classroom activities and
exercise types that can be used to attain these objectives

En efecto, el autor trata de establecer objetivos para la enseanza de las

habilidad de escuchar, con la ayuda de actividades y ejercicios que se puedan
utilizar para alcanzar los objetivos.

Jack c. Richards, published june 1983 page 219 240

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