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This is how a newsreader commonly hosts a program

Opening Greet your listeners/viewers, mention your

name and the program you are hosting and
tell how long the program will last.
Introduction Mention where the news comes from and
the topic
News News consists of three parts

Headline/lead: answer the elements

of what, whe, where, and who

News feature: tells why and how

Reminder: gives additional important

Closing Say when youll be back with the program
and ask your listener/viewers to stay tuned
to your station
Being a newsreader is not as easy as you might imagine.
You have to pay attention to:

Pronunciation (the way a word is spoken)

Intonation (the rise and fall of the voice in speaking)

Clarity in speaking; and

Pause (a temporary stop in a news reading)

News telling about a formal event performed on a special occasion, e.g. official opening of a
building, seminar, congress, commemoration, anniversary, a handover of a position, a
celebration of a special day, or a welcome party for official guest from other countries.

News telling about any violation of law, an omission of a duty or the commission of an act
forbidden by law.
Headlines are printed in large letters to catch the readers eye and use as few words as
possible. Hence, we sometimes call it phrase headlines. Grammar words like articles (a, an,
the) and auxiliary verbs (is, are, was, were, may, must, can, etc) are often out.
See examples of phrase headlines:

Government to Accelerate Infrastructure Development

Government Thingking of Setting up Six Economic Corridors

Old Woman Jailed for Shoplifting

Cambodia, Thailand Accept RI as Observer

MoU of Textile Products with China Signed

Some headlines use the present tense although the event happned two days ago. Why? The
present tense gives sense of freshness and immediacy. This makes the news more
interesting to read.
The tenses in headlines:

The past participle is used for passive Agreement is signed today.

Headlines: Agreement Signed Today ( past
The infinitive is used for future The President will open the ASEAN summit.
Headline: President to Open ASEAN Summit (to
The present participle is used for English teacher are having a TEFLIN seminar
happening events
Headline: English Teacher Having TEFLIN Seminar
(present participle)
To be and pronouns omitted in People are free to choose leader
Headline: People Free to Choose Leader (adjective)

Newspaper language is not the same as ordinary English. It prefers short and distinctibe
words. The following are some examples of words commonly used in newspaper.

Newspaper Words Meaning

Back Support
Boost Encourage
Graft Corruption
Hit Attack badly
Pledge Promise
Probe Investigation
Talks Discussions
Threat Danger
Vow promise

Writing The Source of News (Attribution)

Attribution informs you of the source of information, the person being quoted, or the person
whose statement is paraphrased. Attribution mentions the sources full name and job title in
the first reference. On the next attribution, write only the last name. If the informant has a
specific title or rank, mention it before their full name.
Examples of attribution:
1. In quote
We have to support this program to help Yogyakarta be an environmentally friendly
city, Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X said.
2. In paraphrase an quote
Yogyakarta Gorvener Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X supports the environmentally
friendly bike-to-work and bike-to-school program. We have to support this program
to help Yogyakarta be an environmentally friendly city, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono
X said.

Establish Newsworthy Events

Headlines should be eye-catching to draw the readers attention. A good headline is both
informative and alluring. The opening paragraph states the most important information of a
newsworthy event. What information should be stated in the opening paragraph? The
opening paragraph informs readers of important or unique features of an event, subjects
related to the events, as wel as the location and the date. This paragraph simply answer
5WH-question ( what, who, when, where, why, how). Understanding these requirenments,
imagine the most suitable headline and introduction paragraph.
Create A Background Event Chronologically
Telling the background event of a news story is commonly done after writting the headline
news because people want to know why or how the event happened. We tell the readers
the sequence of the events in chronological order.

Background events do not alwasy tell events in chronological order, but sometimes also
explain why the events happen.

Items to be checked
1. Is the format correct? (the title, margins, and spacing)
2. Text organization
a. Has he/she mentioned the newsworthy event?
b. What is the topic?
c. How many background events are there in his/her news?
d. Has he/she included the source?
e. Who is the source?
3. Grammar
a. Has he/she written the headline correctly?
b. Has he/she used action verbs and saying verbs?
c. Has he/she used passive sentences in her/his news?

4. Punctuation
a. Has he/she written the date, month, and year correctly?
b. Has he/she put the correct punctuation for the name and place?
News Item

Kendari SAR Team Finds 3 More

Kendari: On Thursday, three more victims
from a ship that sank in the Banda Sea
Newsworhty were found by a search and rescue team.
event They were Aris Triono, the captain of the
Amami cargo ship, Yakub, a crewman, and
Suharto, a passenger.
The Amami cargo ship had been
missing since the incident occurred on
Friday last week.
The three victims were found on
Background Thursday, floating in water close to Menui
event Island, Central Sulawesi Province. Two
other victims were earlier saved by the SAR
team in the Banda Sea on Saturday last
week, only a day after the ship sank due to
bad weather.
The SAR team is still searching for
10 crew members ad a passenger still
source missing after the incident, said Rocky
Asikin, the head of Kendari SAR team.
The Jakarta Post - Jakarta

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