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Threat or a harm
Po p ul ation and
that has the
potential to cause
expo s ed to t h e
damage to a
comm unity
Poor rural are a s, esp ecially in
isolate d or remote region s,
are often subject to h i ghly
vulnerable housing a s w ell as
t o w e ak or non- exist e n t
e mergency a nd health
services and infrastructure.
Likewise, poor rural
communities have limited
access to productive assets
such as land, fertilizers,
irrigation., and financial
Th.e urban poor are subject to increased disaster
risk because of two inter- related processes . First,
outward urban and economic development
generate new patterns of extensive risk such as
flood i ng and other weather- related hazards,
particularl,y affecting info r m a l s e ttlem en t s on the
periphery of large cit i e s a s w e ll a s in sm a ll a nd
medi u m -si zed urban centr es . S econd, as c it i e s
grow they becom e more densely populated, and
there i s an inwa rd concentration or i ntensi f i cati on
of disaster risk associated mainly w ith
earthquakes, tropical cyclones, and flood s,
causing major asset loss and mortal ity amongst
the urban poor
Gove r nments i n poor
countries a r e n't stupid., or at
l east t hey are no more stupid
th an governments in rich
countries. Poor governance is
more a result of much deeper
structural irrationalities than it
is of political backwardness,
whatever 'backwardness'
might mean .

Ecosystems provid e t h e
fun dam ent a l necessities of
life, such as f ood, wate r,
p rotection from extreme
w eather events, and the purity
of t h e air we breathe. These
systems, however, are
threatened by unregulated
economic expansion and are
fast losing their capacity to
moderate disaster risk.
Clirn at c h a n -e ffects n c r ly
e v ,r,y p c t of hum a n
ac t j v .ity , a nd gene r fly d oes so
d estru c tive ly. With r es p ect to
di sas t er ri s k , its e ffects a r e
devast a t ing a nd a r e becoming
more so . Whil e cl i mate c h a nge
docs not magnify all di s a s t e r ,
it surely i nte n s ifies th 80 p r
cent o f dis a sters t h t r e
w th e r - r e la t e d .
W a tch the docu men t a ry about D escri b e th e hazard that
Typhoon Haiyan b ecam e disastrou s in
Do an i m p a ct a na lysis on the Tacloban?
exposure, vul n erabil ity and 2. Why was the a ffe cted areas
ha z a r d that occur to t h e vulnerable to the hazard?
affected area 3. What and who were most
A nswer the following exposed in the hazard?
questions by group. Discuss 4. On the five (5) risk factors,
your answers collaborative ly . what contributed to the
disaster experienced in
Tacloban (Typhoon Haiyan)?

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