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In today's modern societies mass media have play an important role to shaping up of individuals opinions and characters, media

mass includes TV, Newspaper, Internet, and so forth. In this essay I will discuss the influence of mass media on the society

To begin with, whatever we see through mass media is thought to be correct, society are believes what they view in newspaper or in
TV without verifying the correctness. For instance, in 2008 and during the economic crisis we found a lot of wrong reports in news
referring to this recession but later on we found majority of the information they claimed were not accurate. Hence, in some cases
mass media sources are misleading their followers, hence followeers have to check the

Six 1st 3rd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Listening 67 65 89 73 80 83

Read 67 70 67 86 72 81

Speak 90 90 90 90 90 90

Writing 71 67 87 83 80 90


1. Read Aloud:
Master the pronunciation of each word where the stress.

Note the plural s , es , sis , th , ed , est and other pronunciation laws and changes.

The vowel letter before the pronunciation changes.

Get the first sentence to find the meaning of the group and the sentence, in the preparation of 20 seconds according to
the analysis of the meaning of the group and the sentence is not to judge the correct sentence.

Speed, then please refer to the scientific American 60 seconds of speed, to maintain high-speed, absolutely not Caton,
read the wrong read also read, read quickly press next , otherwise if the edge of the voice of the General Assembly to
their voice also recorded The

There is time to Baidu under the English word pronunciation law, so even if the encounter words, according to the word
spelling can also determine the pronunciation.

Pronunciation to pay attention to cadence, RA esoteric: fast, accurate, for the boys loud but do not furious too
frightened, beware of complaints, girls depressed voice, repeated keywords, adjectives and adverbs ( zhong ) read.

If there are juxtaposed relations words, such as, beautiful , rich , healthy and smart , then the first three adjective
tones, smart down tone.

Practice materials: machine by

2. Repeat Sentence

Pure rely on training, no other way, contribute to the score of the hearing

Prerequisite : understand the sentence.

Method : remember the first letter of each word method (first letter memory method), the first practice 50 , if they are
not suited, and then contact 50 words rely on your memory, if not, try the first half of the first letter The second half to
write down the words, if it is not, in the mouth when listening to try to follow the sentence to see if you can remember
the word.

Other methods : focus on understanding the meaning of the sentence, delayed with the law, the beginning of the end
of the law

Repeat the time for the speed did not ask, as long as the tone as much as possible to imitate the recording on the line.

Practice materials: scallop hearing a single sentence practice, www.enflares.com website on

the RS and WFD , or old care every sentence fine listening

3. Describe Image

10 seconds of conclusion / implication as much as 40 seconds

Speed to maintain the mechanical medium speed speed, but also requires fluency and no card Dayton, the
tone is not high

Different plans to prepare a different template, column and line graph I have used extreme value method, that is, the
highest and lowest value.

Pie pie to say color: the xxx occupied by xxx color refers to xxx, which accounts for xx%

The map is divided into the middle and lower left, the geography is not familiar with the students are to review a few
continents, the ocean, and the main country of English.

Encountered line chart and pie chart combination, pay attention to pick the point, pay attention to time, it is easy to
ignore, usually practice when Qiazhao stopwatch said.

The flow chart can be said to be diffuse, such as tesco music download .

Practice materials: machine, enflares website

4. Retell Lecture

Normal speed speed, as far as possible that over 40 seconds, see the mature machine (to give you a noun,
you can recall which machine, the specific key terms, where the key points, far, the machine through into
the blood . )

Focus on the words you must hear the original word, name, place name, number, year date and some key conjunctions
or other recurring words.

After listening to the speed of memory machine, filter does not need to say the content, compared to SST , RL logic is not
so big, do not need logic processing.

Practice materials: machine by, enflares website, (scallops hearing APP , TOEFL test full of APP in the
scientific American 60 seconds and old care 93 , each of the first sentence of a fine listening, can be used
as RS to train, but also when the hearing FIB practice, and finally a complete article to listen down, listen
to 5-6 a day , do not seek, but the quality of hearing).

5. Answer Short Question

This part of nothing to say, on the one hand to see the machine by the other side of the examination when the question
when the RS listen, must listen to ask you what the problem, and then focus on a high degree of concentration, and now
there are a lot of picture title , So the use of machine by the slowly reduced. In short ASQ accounted for little value, not
too much care, play a normal state, bold and can be.

Practice materials: machine by


1. Summarize Written Text

Use 2-3 minutes to find each keyword keyword, 1-2 minutes check spelling, as long as the general summary, do not
specific things (such as: such as, for example, which includes ).

5-75 words, with a word string together, do not be what 30-40 words on the test 90 points misleading, different content
of different content of the article, the number of key content is different, more focused, the word to write more (Such as
the police into the school, the United States ban wine order), less focus, the whole film is very long-winded words to write
less (such as aging ).

Do not do too much synonymous substitutions, my personal experience, final exam 3 Pian SWT almost how many
replacements were not, and many of them are full sentence written down.

As much as possible use of conjunctions, because the general SWT theme, not a logical turning point, is the narrative
relationship, the accumulation of some senior conjunctions, such as nevertheless , positive , nonetheless and so on.

Note that the use of semicolons and commas, if no conjunction is available, then use a semicolon as a comma to separate
two sentences, and there is no limit to the number of semicolons and can not use the semicolon.

Focus : look at the machine by, you can calmly say the essence of each machine by all the more than thirty of the
original title, their first to write out, and then compare the real look to see where the key points missed, but remember ,
The machine is only a reference, when the exam on the machine by the original and the examination room
of the article can be very different, do not over-rote, as long as the story of the logic, key points and
keywords on the line.

Practice materials: machine by

2. the Write Essay Essay

This part is the same as all ASE in the same type of PTE , and does not require a lot of exercise time.

Machine in all the problems are seen again, each writing some arguments, in the heart must have a few.
Not every one is written both positive and negative point of view, we must see the title asked you
are positive or negative , or your opinion , the examination must be clear, not because of the simple essay
simple to take it for granted.

The basic use of four paragraphs, the first paragraph of the title in addition to the original word, the synonyms to replace,
but to ensure that the same meaning as the original sentence, and then put forward your exact side or anti-point view.

Each section at the beginning with some templates on the line, but not the whole section is a large space template, so
the content is missing a lot of points.

Must pay attention to their own grammar and tense, the basis of good can write some clauses, bad, honestly write simple
sentences, essay does not test how good your grammar, only test your essay there is no logic, and This should make
good use of conjunctions, including conjunctions between sentences and sentences and conjunctions
between paragraphs and paragraphs.

Positive and negative sides in the elaboration of the views, must be illustrated to support, for example, casually compiled,
such as I used " according to a research conducted by the University of Sydney " , the other from their own point of view
" From my experience " , For example, must have .

Do not use abbreviations, articles do not use spoken words, but should use written words.

The last paragraph to sum up, first re-elaborate anti-party views, and finally stressed that their views again.

The number of words as far as possible in the control of 250-280 or so, but according to personal ability, do not
deliberately in order to get the number of words caused by grammar and spelling mistakes.

Finished writing must be 3 minutes to spell check, these two points is given to you, do not you lose your own.

It is not recommended to use slang, especially all coins have two sides.

Practice materials: machine by


Read and write about the number of key training questions: Read Aloud, Summarize Written Text, Highlight Incorrect
Words, and read their own Reading fill in blanks, Reading & writing fill in blanks and paragraph sort Reorder .

1) back words , this point no longer stressed that the word does not know, and illiterate is the same.

I choose one hundred words of APP 's TOEFL words, more than 4000 , every day first back 100 , all more
than 4,000 after a good, I am a person every day 1000 words to study, but each time different energy, according to
their own reality Situation Plan the number of words reviewed daily.

2) Cloze , download cocoa English APP , choose one of the professional English four, college English six and college
entrance examination in the English cloze to practice, each empty control in 20 seconds to complete the whole
control in the 70-80 % Of the correct rate, and then find some fixed online with memory, and to strengthen their
English grammar, and now fill the basic language in the 1-2 questions.

Problem solving skills: according to part of speech to do the first round of choice.

Uncertain first empty, according to the back of the empty to exclude

Quickly read the full text, if the level can be directly to see the location of the sentence that line
is also OK, but there is a certain risk, if the former sentence is a logical relationship.

If you really do not know the word, first select the method, then select the word to understand,
or from the context to find.

3 ) multiple choice : if the election, if the test is the details, then with the name of the problem to the original position,
if the test is the subject matter, then quickly read the article, the answer is a circle, The answer to the
multiple choice is the box, do not overdo the time in the multiple choice questions, each question control
in 2-3 minutes. If five multiple choice options, the correct answer has 2 Ge, if it is 7 options, there are
three correct answers, six options are not necessarily, but just be sure you choose the correct answer is,
not to take care of this and pick any number, Reading and listening to the multiple choice
questions have a back link mechanism.
4 ) paragraph sort : This question is the main test of logical thinking ability, machine through the Central Plains a lot,
see the machine by, and then the daily training can be in theEnflares website
and http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and -Answers / Parajumbles / l1p1

On the practice.

The solution to the problem is: first find the first sentence, and then according to pronouns, logical relationship
sorting the total structure

1. pronoun: he, she, him, her, they, them, these, those, this, which, that

2. The name of the full name of the phrase in front, rather than full name in
the post

3. In addition, furthermore, as a result of, but, however, never come in

first These conjunctions are not in the first sentence

4. A + noun sentence on the same term in front of the sentence, for

example, A famous writer at the beginning of the sentence on the front
of the write .

5. Sort according to the time of the story.

6. According to the story of the logic, first , second to sort.

5 ) training language sense: by reading hunch over time, be sure to see more articles in English, can be
downloaded science daily the App , read every day 5 or so articles, not just let you read, be
read inside word usage, fixed with, and so on.

All reading review information: machine by science , science daily app, one hundred words cut, cocoa


The last part of the examination before the whole, I strongly recommend reading after the end of the break, wash a cold
water to drink under the clear water.

Listening exercises are the purpose of listening, what is fine listening, that is, every word should understand, every word,
every detail. This is a lot of training materials, such as scallops hearing APP , TOEFL test appeals APP , and TOEFL test
scores of the web version http://toefl.kmf.com/home

1. Summarize Spoken Text independent calculation time, not too nervous, spend 2-3 minutes check

This part is the most important thing in listening listening, examining the ability to listen to the shorthand and ability to
understand, listen to the time to write down the original word, many pte names (all back down, for example, Napoleon,
Hubble, Amory Lovins, Mary Mallon, etc.), numbers, year dates, newspapers, university names, are scoring points.

Intensive listening practice is to survive every word every word, and then understand, complete a listen again, listen to
every day 5-6 papers, and then look at youtube or youku onTED Talk videos, make your own ears forever Soak in
english. Where are listening to English.

See the machine by the machine, the contents of the machine through the infiltration of your bone marrow, do not die by
mind, to remember the names and keywords, such asSecosteroid , intestinal such professional terms. After all the notes
are recorded, the memory by the content, with 50-70 words to write out, do not need a word, you can write a
few words, this is not SWT .

2. Multi-select and radio

Listen to the radio : the speed of the subject, sometimes the title and answer are very short, the answer may
sometimes be four words, this time immediately to see, shorthand, and then carefully listen to the article, write down
some useful notes, and then choose.
Listen to the election : generally every option is racing an article of the RA , so the election of the words directly close
your eyes to listen carefully to the article, write down some keywords, the end of the answer to your answer, then, at a
glance, one Stock fresh feeling blowing.

Note: and read the same, the hearing of the election is also a drop of points, and the score accounted for
very little, so do not be too tangled, otherwise you will be too late to do the final Write from dictation , but
the most terrible to send the sub-title.

3. Highlight Correct Summary

This is the subject of my eyes closed carefully listening, write notes, and then make a choice, this question is nothing to
say, when the choice of practice it.

4. Select Missing Word

This question is very interesting, the idea is to put 40% of the attention and heart in the first half of the article heard, and
the progress of the article to the end of the last two, is very important, that time to be very concentrated Attention, listen
to the words and options in the sentence is synonymous or antonyms, all the key is the last two sentences, so be sure to
maintain a high concentration of attention.

5. Highlight in here Incorrect Words split personality problem

Why is it called personality split ? Because first of all your people to maintain a high concentration of 200% , the mouse
must be faster than to see and hear the word at least 2 or more words, and then, now HIW speed is 1.2 times the
science Americans 60 seconds, so this question is very exciting and challenging, especially those who read
the pronunciation ofed changes, small details of the pronunciation is different, very abnormal, very sour, so do this topic,
please put yourself Adjusted to play the advanced version of the blood of the state.

Practice materials: enflares website, the speed increased to 1.2 seconds, the basic test this speed, listen to
a woman called Karen Hopkin read the article, you will doubt that they are not into another space.

6. Write from dictation

Congratulations you came to the last boss of the zodiac , the same, the spirit of a high degree of concentration.

The basis of the RS is the ability to have a great effect on the WFD , please use the RS method to practice WFD , here
not much to repeat, but must see the machine by the sentence, rather than cooked, and now the exam will be machine
Sentence in a word replaced, if you back by the machine, may cause the brain cognitive obstacles, card machines, died
there and missed the words after, so that your hearing and writing on the tragedy.

Practice information: machine by, enflares on the hearing of the custom function, the machine by the copy
of the subject, you can simulate the real examination of the way.

Finally, I wish you as early as eight fried at the same time to remind you that there is no diamond, do not
embrace porcelain live, there is no solid English skills, please do not indulge in recitation machine and
neglect the daily training, machine in my master hands, , On the contrary, in the hands of indulgent people,
is opium. The The The The The

Finally, the essence of PTE tell you: hard to review, make good use of machine, write more memories, the
accumulation of character .

My last test is in the May 10 exam, that is, 8 for the first wave after the storm.
The following experience is only for listening and writing, because enflare inside everyone's oral sharing has been very
comprehensive, and more practice like to read the test test hard strength, the basic poor students or read more articles
back back words, more to see Read it quietly.


For the hearing is not good, but also want short-term crash students, the method is yes. My personal advice is to go hard
to practice. This part can contribute a considerable amount of hearing scores. Now wfd new topic is also a lot, in the
practice of RS, your wfd will be followed by the upgrade.

The above argument is based on the last test because of that small storm 8-11 exam students are rescore the results. I
changed the performance before the hearing is 74, after the change is 79. The last test I rs feeling all the reviews are full
(there may be a small mistake), so add a fifth, and as far as I know a lot of students listen to the points after only 3
points, I guess should be done rs not good enough.

As for the other part of the listening question I have seen the silence also met, but the feeling that those questions have
little effect on the score.

Now it's getting harder and harder to write the blanks, but it's going to catch the 6-level listening audio or more advanced
words to practice spelling. (I have some exams encountered jeopardize and bibliography, though i know the meaning of
these two words, but no spelling on ...)

WFD in my practice to improve the process of rs, my last test four wfd three new questions are basically all dictated.


I was just the first two exams just stupid back to the template to test, and found it was not so easy to stabilize 79, then
see enflare ' Kevin Wang ' experience sharing feeling great help, he mentioned the essay example is very important , In
my first two exams I did not have an example or a personal experience to write. Subsequent exams added an example
after the score was clearly stable. Examples can be made, eg according to the research conducted by xx University, ...

Strongly recommended enflare inside "4400 words pte eight fried experience sharing by Wang Yixiang" This analysis.


My second language as a second month did not practice all of a sudden fell down, and then pay close attention to
practice on the stability of 90

My personal skill is no brain fast reading, time-tested. (You can see my first two exams, read the slow pronunciation is
not high, followed by reading fast but instead up the pronunciation of the premise is not card, pronunciation must be
accurate, can not swallow sound.

So for the spoken pronunciation is good (machine recognition, not to speak English pronunciation) students I suggest you
try, those so-called punctuation in my own test several times I was completely abandoned.

Retell lecture now there are many new bodies, I have three new rl there are three new body, and basically how did not
understand, so I do not recommend that you spend too much time in rl above, as long as the fluency and some content
to ensure All right.

I am not saying that rl content is not important, on the contrary, content is very important, give you a lot of points to pull
listening If you are very strong, rl every key word can hear and can be connected into a complete sentence, and tell the
story. That your hearing should be no problem.


This part I really can not give any useful experience, feel good when the score is not high, I feel bad but still over.

RO is very important, this problem is not good = 79 game, this part of the students must not practice, I insist on doing
five every day, every day to see ro silence (on the first two met the machine, the latter did not encounter)

May 8 pte began to change the subject, I was in the test on the 10th of that test two days before the mentality of the
explosion, the basic did not review, the original hearing is not good, RL and wfd also for the sake of the. And those days
to change points before the score is particularly low The last can be considered lucky, after the heat score after listening
to paste the 79. test pte process for people like me is not strong people really tortured, mentality is very important, here I
would also like to thank my parents and friends The support, without them I had long been given up.
Finally wish you a smooth examination, do not give up easily, do personnel, listen to fate


* DI

A flow chart download music four steps flow chart other nothing special
* RL

1. Darkness in galaxy

This lecture talked about the darkness between galaxies . A picture from NASA was provided to further explain the
darkness . this hubble image of the galaxy is copyright free and can be found on the newspapers , magazines and the
internet . according to the lecturer , gaps between galaxies are not dark . the reason why we cannot see it is because the
expansion of the universe causes lights to be shifted to lower frequencies , so our eyes are not able to detect infrared
light. to conclude, the darkness between galaxies still remains mysterious to us.

1. journal

In fact, the focus is not the publication of the publication is the journal forgot the specific category of the journal and the
other contrast to the other is upfront can see what the site and the xxjournal generally find what index in the portal and
then said the theme of the journal feature 3 what Published in the journal bibliography published in the table is not posted
back to the author

1. Western countries child birth rate

European birth rate drops, women do not want to have children, young men ... mentioned employment



1. Parents born order affects their parenting

2. Difference between human &animals

* Essay

Foolish to get married before finishing school?



Icing and anti inflammatories

Icing and anti inflammatories will help with the pain and swelling . vigorous massage of the knot in the muscle will help it
to relax and ease the pain . meanwhile , work on strengthening
and stretching your hip , hamstring and lower back muscles for stretching , focus on the hamstring stretch , the hip and
lower back muscles for stretching , focus on the hamstring

stretch , the hip and lower -.

* RO

The game is very hot today; since ... after winning (long);


1. Laughing/ Humor

2. Biology( DNA& RNA)


1. The evaluation/ valuation from/ paper will be reviewed by the university personal.

2. The new product failed due to the lack of demand.

3. The island is located on/ at the south/ north end of the bay.

Test room hi memory, RO: 1, open the company, loans, put 5 years, profit, summary 2, 1999 group of people diet

DI: table: average inactivity picture: maslow that triangle and 3 circle cross graph

2, reform in latin america (chicken) has two new questions, one with a map, one did not figure ASQ: 1, where scientists do
experiments: laboratory 2 Art on the back: natural 3, researcher to do research is the objective or subjective

SWT: 1, beauty contests (article paragraphs completely disrupted) 2, children watching TV

ESSAYthe most pressing problem nowadays

RO: 1, open the company, the loan, put 5 years, profit, summary 2, 1999 group of people's diet survey, in 2004 the same
batch of data show that vegetables and fruits eat less, and then explain the young people and young people eat fruit
Vegetables and more, and then said that parents should be good setting R-FIB: professor phenix but not the same with
the chicken, the same as a word like another no chicken like a talk about an animal first say they (appealing) method to
get food, Then there is an animal with another food (habit) is not the same, it dug in the ground (ground)


1 ikbana More than simply putting flowers in a container. It is a disciplined art form in which the
arrangement is a living thing where nature and humanity are brought together. Contrary to the idea of a particolored or
multicolored arrangement of blossoms, ikebana often emphasizes other areas of the plant, such as its stems and
leaves, and puts emphasis on shape, line, and form. Though ikebana is an expression of creativity, certain rules govern its
form. The artists intention behind each arrangement is shown through a pieces color combinations, natural shapes,
graceful lines, and the implied meaning of the arrangement. 2 practice with you network had
combine with you need to apply

3, there is an excuse about metal poisoning, the general meaning of people do not know, I choose it is partly (because) ...
is invisible; ingest heavy metal ...

SST1human genes 2 talent warversion 2 version 1 3 scienceyoung peopletechnique in
classroomno scientific evidence shows young peoplescienceright teacher can teach specific skillscan make
students do magical things

L-SUMMARY: 1, while the option at the beginning of that day to drink 8 cups, in fact, 4 cups is enough, because the food
coffee drinks water, and then we through the metabolic effect into energy, carbohydrate like 2, inheride speak children
affected by what, What is a clear choice for the election: 1, positive psychological treatment (there is a good choice on the
immune system is good, another rule selected make patient happy, but not sure)
L-FIB: 1, contract, pattern, moods 2, aspiration, wealth, intergration (the word to determine this, but almost the word)

WFD 1. the application process may take longer than expected. 2. everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire
drill. 3. interim grades will be posted outside of the student lounge
Test room hi memory, DI test to the 1970 and l990 poverty ratio; RO test to the novel characters that

RA and RS are nothing special, are the last two a little harder

DI test to the two national flag that, there are 1970 and l990 poverty ratio that
RL Brain developments gene with 500 years ago, there is almost a forgotten


SWT Beauty contest

Compulsory voting

There is a forgotten
Essay: before married before reading your studies

The whole is not difficult, but fib has some seen in the chicken, but not the same empty

RO test to the novel that person, that is not necessarily the bad guys that

SST competition in English speaking world

The analysis includes the most important information

Your thesis should have a fairly limited scope.

Identity port happened to thousands of people every year.

Seeking character outbreak, DI, bar chart accounted for the majority; RL that dog feeding experiment, a little out

Thank you for sharing, heartfelt wishes, must be fried!



Did not touch the chicken, you can recall is there is a on the United states and Russian, the other is not very long, not
many words, only met a slightly twisted, and now do not remember what words

Give me a second, I will be with you shortly. (The first half is the same, the last part I sure it is)
In front of a few short, including the last sentence, behind the longer, in particular, there is a lecture or other speeches
taken, there is a special noise, but also quite long, did not listen to understand

There is a (...) front forgotten (pretty long string), followed by can be found in the university website. (Like this)
But I feel I have encountered before the test before the rs question, the total feeling deja vu, finished so I want to amnesia.

Overall, there is no particularly complicated question, pie one, linear 1 Table 1, other histograms

The first is pie, speak amount of waste chicken is similar

There are UK population by age, is a bar chart, divided into 3, 3 colors, chicken are similar

There are line chart, talk about product sales, divided into three colors, there are soft drink, ... (other do not remember), 2
is the first on the next, one is on, growth is not particularly large
There is a bar chart is also divided into three, the type with the population by age almost talk about the extent of garbage
recycling inform, very understanding, generally understand, do not understand, sub-age, the left there is a bar, color Also
different from the special distinction, say how many% of people understand that the whole crowd, it seems that the
number of 68%

Is a bar chart, similar to the previous question, the left of the different colors of the bar speak the world population,
followed by a few countries in different regions of the situation,
Table is the simplified version of chicken, on the 1month, 3month, 6month (or 1year to forget), very simple,

The other is not very difficult, in short, bar chart accounted for the majority

Ask you again lost in the city need to buy what, the answer map
Figure, 4 cups, sizes, from left to right size decreases, ask where is the biggest, the answer on the left

Map, is a horizontal bar chart, DI common map moved to the ASQ, (instantaneous confusion), from the down on the
decline, which asked the least impact on the impact of the election that the following, as if the reward bonus is too small
There is a like a water is installed in a container, surrounded by a few faces, did not understand at the beginning, casually
said 6, finished next regret, it should be 5 side bar

The other do not remember, there are 2-3 did not understand, casually say the answer, it must be wrong, there is a do not
understand the situation, crying on the side

HG & LG, there is a PPT, I said it is not good, may be the problem is chicken but they do not have a good finishing, so a
little chaos, although the understand, the notes are very few, then 40s not enough to pick the PPT Said, or card
The dog fed the experiment, with chicken a little bit out, gave a PPT, the title is reward processing, feeling the dog feeding
order is also a bit messy, causing me to say is also chaos, and card

There is a RL I forgot
Overall, the RL card is more powerful


SWT 3 articles

The first part of the Travel and tourism on a period of time, I did not react for a time, it should be chicken, I did not pass
again before the SWT chicken, so see only a bit silly, and thought it was a big essay began, repeatedly read the subject
Only recovered, wasted a minute to start, but fortunately the article only a period of time will be enough
The second part of the women in the leadership of the proportion of no men, should also be chicken,

Third parent control children watch TV, is also chicken,

Essay 1 articles

Person's region has no influence on the accomplishment of the individual, gives your point of view, and gives examples of


MCQ (multiple choice) 2, are 5 options, just remember the first content is people's behavior is the human brain natural
reflection, or consciousness of the impact of rat experiments to push people,

The second forgotten, I chose the two answers, the specific content forgotten

1. Grazing to improve the productivity that (the my own test several times, but did not turn to the chicken ah, that
little partner with ah)

2. Edison that (chicken)

Fill in the empty with tremensdous, noveity, improved, tribute, it is estimated that there is an empty I am more vague, or
return to chicken it, have to see, but with the option interference, to the examination room will be a bit fuzzy, after all,
chicken look a little fuzzy
3. There are McDonald's and burger king there are two other, known as big four of burger that (chicken)

I only find the article, I sure the answer is, claiming, rectified, reliable, the middle should have two empty I forgot to specific
which, a little fuzzy,

4. There should be the fourth, but the content can not remember now, I should be familiar with the exam, the answer is
very accurate, but the chicken did not find, it is estimated that I have been tested before.
RO (2 articles)

Did not look at chicken, no voice, I write what I remember

1. The first one on a few families of a festival, to participate in a game, won a prize, a total of 4 words, do not know
is not chicken

2. The second is if you want to study abroad, the site a lot of content, do not know how to choose, and then
suggest that you must visit, there is a follow, and then if the conditions do not allow it does not matter, find a
stay in school accommodation, so convenient of. This is five words

RO did not see chicken, not familiar with the problem, 2 questions spent a lot of time, do not know right
FIB (with an estimated 4)

I feel I have been tested, there is no chicken version of the hands, so do not know if there is no chicken
One of the articles on Australia's influence on Asia, the option forgot

The other forgotten

MCQ single (2)

The last time left only a little more than 1 point, only to see the first article to find an answer (not sure), the second directly
elected an answer, seeking character outbreak
Reading did not rest because it was read an experience posted, said Lianzuo do so more state, I am in the seat stretched
a lazy estimated to spend tens of seconds directly point next


SST (2 articles)

Mary Mallon is the same as chicken

Citizen should be informed informed (chicken), I feel a few less chicken, I heard elected or unelected parties, the specific
Han did not understand, this I only wrote more than 50 words

MCQ multi-election (2) 5 election 2

Will an artist introduce Europe's painting into the country

I chose the country level is not domestic good, there is a forgotten, but remember the wrong option, one can increase the
financial aid (wrong), the other options forget, the key can understand the election
The second is on the pronunciation, it should be said that one is how to pronounce, the other is through viberate, but also
5 election 2,

FIB (2 articles)
I really did not care, remember to fill their own words, the above has been mixed together estimated that there are two
missing, and now want to think about the following words, Not up

Choose correct summary

One is the development of internet

There is also a study of human fossils of fish, made on the modern fish and the ancient world a little difference between
the conclusions, almost so
HIW (2 articles)

The first short, there are a few words is easy to see and ignore the eye, so be careful
The second part of a little longer, I feel missed one did not choose out

2 Chicken 1 new title

Why has this project been held up for so long?

The second chicken exam finished remember now to forget

Your role is principally involved in the new chemical processes.

Finally seeking character outbreak, bless!

One of the animals is to enhance their specialties in order to survive, for example, panda eat bamboo, RL second
question with a bar chart, is about the benefits of immigrants to the country


RA each question three to four lines, a total of four to five new words, a year, the other is not difficult
RS has a long question, there are two problems in the middle of a more difficult words, the other okay

Dl a question similar to the machine by percentage of population in urban area is a machine by machine XYZ, histogram
A question is the flow chart download music first step search, the second step pay, the third step download, the fourth step

There is also a question of two polylines, the trend first decreased after the rise
RL first question with a line chart, talking about the relationship between population and resource usage. Population grew
17 times and resource was 70%. The number of four or so, are expressed growth rate, need to write down

The second question has a histogram, talking about the benefits of immigration to the country. Mentions education and
health care. There are also several numbers and years. Not how to understand the specific. The
The third question on urban development, the specific content do not remember.

ASQ this question to fry, almost no machine in the,


SWT 1. Machine songbirds 2. Machine napping

1.Employers tend to prevent employees into decision making process.

2. Some lifestyles are causing people's illness. Highlight some of these lifestyles and state what national
healthcare services should do.


FIB machine by the Indian onion (drag the word) changes

Machine by Richard Morris (down) has changed the main focus on the effects of the Internet revolution, and then said the
problem of class attendance
The plane is filled with Planes (the words), three, helicopter, altitudes, collisions, satellites

By E-learning (the word) that the working adults can also be offered the opportunity to receive higher education
RO one of them is talking about animals to enhance their specialties in order to survive, for example, panda eat bamboo,
but some people oppose

The other do not remember, even if the machine is also very time to catch a very hurry

1. Machine by Talent war V2 version

2. By Indian peasants

1.If it helps to take notes in order to concentrate, please do so

2. To gain full marks, an appropriate bibliography is required

3. Animals raised by captivity behave differently from their mad counterparts.


5. SST Mary Mallon, behind that she was not isolated, only said 22 people infected 1 people die

6. @ Dandan Thank you for sharing, sincerely wish you!

7. Speaking:


9. Dl World population and income level other is not difficult, no flow chart

10. RL Dimension
11. Narrative description

12. Girls and boys performance

13. Writing:


15. SWT Tree ring dating Nobel prize

16. Essay Impact of different means of communication on society

17. Reading:


19. FIB: flowers will use the temperature trick insects, and then scientists use fake flowers in the middle of the
sugar to do experiments to attract bees, even if the change in the color of the flower results are the same,
remember the words irresistible, result

20. Two groups of researchers were the best of their respective regions, and then what to do shelter, fence divided
into two sides of the side, while cattle, summer cattle cattle in the winter
21. Japanese is more and more in English, for what what, and then out of a provision, and that the elderly and
young people on the Japanese usage of the attitude. This is basically the choice of conjunctions, on the other
hand and the like, according to the context of semantic judgment
22. Encyclopedia rampant corruption

23. Sharks bite people

24. RO

25. 1EU is facing two fishing problems, 2 what is one, 3 what is the other, 4 with what solution, S this way to
another how how the local
26. 1 people have different views to reach a consensus takes time, 2 why it takes a long time because people want
to change their attitude, 3 do not directly put the evidence out, 4 and use logic to convince others. Probably this
logic is not clear

27. 1imodern anthropology is studying what? 2anthropology what, 3 but the range is too large can not be studied, 4
so focus on human society
28. Listening:


30. SST Mary Mallon, did not say that she was isolated, only said 22 people infected 1 people die, then typhoid is
transmitted by food and water

31. Democratic and republican

32. FIB Hearing There is a professor early in the morning from TV to make comments only a few minutes,
remember the words are ready, fame, education

33. WFD
34. The dining hall will be in progress during fall break.

35. When workers ask for higher wages, the companies often raise prices.
36. The morning's lecture on economic policy will be canceled.

[Examination room memories] 2017-07-23 Pearson Melbourne Zhenti memories to share


RA is not difficult, and less, on three or four difficult words

RS first sentence is particularly long, the back of the good

Dl test to the two sides of the flag that

Top 10 livable states in the US

China and Brazil meat consumption

There is a pie chart that all aspects of daily life emissions of greenhouse gas ratio, the following note has a percentage, it
is recommended that you directly see the note that the map is very complex

There is a column chart is annual salary of 10 most popular jobs in historical field
RL galaxy did not mention NASA, there are plans to say that this figure was used a few thousand times, and is free

Left an amnesia ...


SWT US Prohibition Order

Cows and grass are different from the chicken, talking about the bacteria in the rumen

There is also a loss of memory ...

Essay: happy married early


Reading Fib exam to the onion;

RO has a science comic, there is a talk vegetarian


Competition students, academic, research, funding

Environmental law

The author's early work was less philosophical and more experimental
Neuron is ... in chemical processes

These essays (indeterminate) contain important information.

[Examination room memories] 2017-07-22 Shanghai Zhenti memories to share

Thanks for the sharing of small partners


RA has a chicken, Shakespeare, but more than a chicken on the sentence, then the other has a long sentence

RS is not particularly long

DI is a regular map, a tree cut picture, rainfall is precipitation

RL themo dynamic Kenetic theory Welsh speaker

Assumptions housing debt wages give a histogram

There is not a chicken can not remember the


Ageing population

Australia education

Disadvantage and advantage of getting employees involved in decision making in companies

FIB stress other without chicken

RO one is before the chicken on the rail, but not the same as the chicken This is not mentioned that the two are talking
about the beginning of the two W was the last to be replaced by steel
There is also a very simple problem for the United Nations to solve the fishing



environmental law
Biology finding

I thought we would meet in the small room.

The theme of the work exhibits American growth quantitative term

There is a not remember

ike to see such memories!


Like to see such memories!

A bit like this picture but the title is Greenback Blue, Federal weighted what, Y axis to 130, X axis is from January to July
2000 to ask what is the picture, there is no option optional. Look at the background should be talking about exchange rate
like, or economics, Greenback is the meaning of dollar bills.



Cow and Grass, London world's mighty capital


Three inventions compare airplanes, computers, antibiotics

Whoever controls the media, the images, controls the culture. "-Allen Ginsberg at the beginning of this sentence, and then
say your opinion and your example.

Read :


Professor Phoenix
Stress: too mxch, too many, few (intensified) intensely, sometimes

Plainness test the first three times, had their own memories of the original also saved their own ruler: Slave, competent,
strive, transportation, focus

Students work extra income, gain experience, develep skills , debts that they can not pay off, change the limit
of working hours, many students exceed 15 working hours could not find the original, which is probably a word -
(I chose reduce ) 15 that is fifteen said, although not difficult, but has been unable to find the original

The establishment of the workplace social networking

Finally, if you do not have this talent, you need to practice this is the answer I guess

American Anthropology Department (drag the word is a simple word is the testimony, when it comes to
something out xxx didn't_ (selected the appearance) Other words also learned, clean
Art museum (drag the word) times, comes, gallery, pull, paintings There are two confused art, month

Forget which question, there is a at the turn of the century, remember that with the usage


Just remember that there is a first end foremost

Another question is to talk about the experiment, the following is only five sentences, not in accordance with the
semantic arrangement

Researchers are struggling with an experiment or negative evaluation (Researchers have strong ...)

In that case ...

The experiment is open ... (one of which is particularly long, about 20 words) spend up to 2 questions, after the
psychological scores should be detached

R-multiple choice

A total of 4,5 paragraphs

American Frontier. To read this understanding of the content, with the Zhenti background 8 into

R a radio

Home-working (time is not enough, even the options are too late to see the time to)


DNA and RNA at the beginning of the biology study, human being and the like, then pick butterfly, flower, dolphins

(Once suspected dolphin behind there are no e) are related to one another ...
Sound Receptor

The sound is not like that Yotalube audio, but the same content, the beginning of the door on their own said the Sound
Receptor this word, paused and began to talk about content, nonsense little audio is very short.
What is the content of the song vibrational energy to physical motion, and finally that would invite people, especially MIT


Interview, 2 female, refer to children, seems to be related to their development, the last word is staff (beep)

Same position, Matched ideas, Right level

L multiple choice

A male professor said no exam, to review the textbook, otherwise it will not keep up

Choose a male voice, but do not understand ... ... option has mentioned Freud theory

Female voice, talk about the media if the change will be how to do (then think of my essay)

The text is more profound, if the people released, do not know the news source, there is no proof, loss of
professional ... etc, options are Sensitivity ... Professionalism ... Transp


Dialectal, situational, work, molecule (listen to the word, but that is written in written form ...) other forgotten, and even
have not heard of 2,3

Control system in manufacturing provides a high level of accuracy. Ok is peovide instead of require.
The result of experiments (experiment) is (was) reported in the table below

The theme of instrumental work exhibits (more of) a more demure compositional style.
The first time can only write the The thin instrumental ... ... ... but the second may be the machine through the back of the
familiar relationship instrumental is easy to be ignored, and the exhibit and demure compositional style is also determined,
read the In the speed, but because the sentence and the word structure, count back machine is still very easy to stay.

[2017.07.20 examination room memories] such memories, powerful!


RA no chicken, just remember two words, relentless; veterinary.

Dl: form: business & education earning, (there is no $ that sign in the form, when you read the figures will say dollars
Well? Anyway, I said dollars) Line diagram: sunrise & sunset There is a line diagram is very simple. Image: tree of the
ring, the picture on the text is: xxx growth rings, there are half of the round arrows indicating cooler climate, the other half
of the round arrow indicates the warmer climate. Bar graph: men & wome door how many minutes a day in different
activities, Indicating the coordinates are: watching TV, etc., watching TV is the largest number one, both men and women.

RS: Amnesia. RL: community health worker, gave a ppt, there are three points, the first point is training & counseling skills
can prevent spreading the disease. Hiv example, which is difficult to control. The second point is quarterly meeting. The
third point is the group meeting / seminars, hear the original is the group meeting are unsuitable for particular groups.
Gave a picture, a lot of people above, the speaker often asked mother questions, on the experiences, new things, the last
sentence that draw conclusions based On perception What the ghosts. Do not understand.
ASQ: 1. If 1.3.9 called odd number odd), that 2.4.6 called what? (Even number even)

What is camel growing in habitat?

What is the measurement to measure the speed of car? Kilometers per hour


Swt: pascolena

Essay: the information revolution brought about by mass communication has an positive or negative influence for
individual and for society

FIB: Jean piaget in the chicken in the poring over reports, suspect, discovery, prolific, champion a way. (Must be familiar
with the chicken, I chose the design a way, would like to stamp their own ten thousand).
Counterfactual about bronze medalist seems to be a new question, probably means to get a higher happiness of the
bronze medal, where the words have what might have do; based on their prior expectation. Google a bit, and this
background is similar, for reference only http: //blocis.scientificamerican.com/thoucihtfu- animal / why-bronze-medalists-
are-happier-than-silver-winners /

Locic: the delicacy; demand; fetch, source.

Marmoset new topic: talk about how marmoset learn how to absorb food, through its incisors to absorb sap, the option
has an unusual food_ (process! Habit! Diet) I chose the food process there is a blank is in____ (mouth ...)

Speak the attendance rate, but not the same as the chicken content, the first option is that they have their own_reason
(unique! Children of different ages have different reasons, there is a space is _response (deserve / earn / amnesia), I
chose the deserve. There is an empty ones. There is also some empty embarrassing of some children.

Drag the title: 1. Talk about the subject, compared with (time) that the numbers are at the dawn of agriculture, the space I
choose is time, middle memory, the last one is at a (rate) of one a fortnight.
2. Speak biology, the first empty. Then (basis) for inherit. Behind amnesia.

On notes of any kinds can not be brought into the examination room during examinations. Option has designated us
referring to other amnesia.
Multiple choice questions: 1. Asked the article on the daughter of the views of the daughter of education, I was in
accordance with the chicken selected the first option, I hope her daughter at home. Only this is the right answer.

On the invention of tesla, the article has a lot of strange words, such as scorn (contempt), seclusion (seclusion), ask what
the following is right? 1. he died with few fame 2. he never get rich. It is hard to feel no one right.
The other two orangutans.


Female novelist
MCQ: multiple choice, on the comparison femal birth rate is how to compare? The article is mainly contrast early
pregnancy with later pregnancy options are: because of changing seasons (I think it is wrong); there are LA and adjacent
areas to do comparison;

Beep: the first question options are travel, quarantine. I selected travel, the second question options are equality, equalty,
equailibirum, I chose the last one.
FIB: contract, pattern, modes

WFD: If you are not sure, phone student services for help.
It is hard to hear whether it is on hold or held held, and there are prepositions such as in / on.

Memorial memories from Brisbane's latest memories!

Thanks for sharing


RA Plutobrain hemisphere
Dl music download, meat consumption, rubbish

RL: journal preview publish

Bomb calomoter

Australian export

SWT:napping, watching TV
Essay: should marketing produce consumer good, build reputation or short strategies


Piano; Foreign aid


FIB:Arab student distance course


Tribe work with each other to build monolithic statue

Qualification will be assessed by using the criterion to approach

The island is located in the south end of the bay

Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill

FIB: managers, self, external training,

SST Indian debt ;War of talent

MC: that mother talk to the stranger greeting tone will become a child's example, friendly, smile, the child will follow the
mood relaxed, speak unfriendly, distrust, the child will be nervous

Thanks to "Rabbit" to share, sincerely wish to blow up fried!

Too noisy really plt style but this is the supervisor of the little brother I have seen pte most handsome staff did not one

1. Introverts and extroverts that deformation

2. Deformation of brain hemisphere

3. Russian trade is European trade union member, but it is the most liberal

4. The other is not too long with one or two words is not very affected but the examination room is really noisy ah
so loud behind really thirsty


1. The lecture notes can be seen on school website.

2. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.

This rs chicken often really often feel the chicken in the red of the recent test must see. The The When I was exammed by
the back of the sister scared of the meal did not say the whole sentence so sad. The The

3. The other is very short feeling 10 words if the usual enflares practice 2 times the speed of 17 words above will
not feel hard but I am nervous the card. The The


1. The flag that

About the typesetting

There is a name on the right of the country that is the middle of the triangle but there is a white 6-pointed star

2. I thought it was rl first question silly and so on

3. There is a standard level bar chart feel these two days of punch card group was practiced

4. The rest are the basic line chart bar chart pie chart

But I did not say a good feeling of tension is not noisy can not hear their own voice good despair. The The


1. Small language disappear

2. Brain development

3. Non-profit organization

There is a ppt, I am excited to say that over the finished watching the recording has stopped the heart poured out of a
This question was seen in the early chicken
Feeling is already an antique title

Speaking of the government voted 2trillion

Australia has a lot of nonprofit to stop

Then the number of four times the growth

Speaker is also based on the order of ppt speech speed is very slow


1. Telescope

2. There is a look at the complex map

The result is asked to elect

Asked a few classes


3. There is a court diagram seems to ask who listen to the figure

Suddenly there was a judge tribunal and my lord

But I finally blurted out the major

Do not ask me why I do not know if I am stupid

4. Asq the problem is not very difficult

If not answer is completely because I do not understand the words inside

But still look at the chicken in case it can be a line



1. London

And chicken is not the same as before there is coffee that is the coffee business burned down is not London burned down
I read it several times that I did not understand the meaning of the general meaning is the same as that before the weak
who did not expect to catch up after Tokyo NY become a cow city

2. Nobel prize

Did not mention the polar bear just said the growth of the sea level they are not the same view and then said the
consequences of melting the iceberg is not so serious that the last possible to save the human (black question mark face

Recently tested several times

Swt feeling and chicken is not the same

So it can not completely back chicken

1. "Travel" powered by

2. City people more and more urbanization that problem

These two are the latest hot test

I feel the only one of the two essays

Is it my own introduction did not do good heart tired


There are 2 chickens

There is an excuse for the galaxy is difficult to find a bunch of options inside I know two words desperate
Gas drilling: election triggered, escape, convention

There is also an astronaut into the cabin experience to do experiments that is also chicken

No chicken crying

1. That is, people have spiritual beliefs Han, case is about this, men and women have faith without chicken

2. Business power transfer is also no chicken

Read multiple choice questions

1. Radio: oshc election to the university can also be handed over to other institutions

2. multiple choice: speak fungi, mushroom ask which is one of the examples of fungi associated with the fungi of the text,
I only chose a fungus on the earth there are many

3. multi-election: there is a praist party and the democratic party of the contrast of the article that the party special thing is
not a democratic election leader said well people democratic party can choose their own leader, the pra-
Options can openly elected their own members, who can freely dismiss members, the leader has the final say, and the
democratic party is very similar, there is nothing

I chose the leader



1. Talent war

And my last version of the details of the exam is not the same

But probably the content is still the youngest, economic changes, population growth, mismatch finally concluded that the
talent should be on the premium

2. Changes in gene
These two are recent hot questions I seem to catch up with the trend. The The


1. Only two lines, a breath finished, about business only sales,

2. The second is the pain of my test heart

Very long speed is not very fast,

I hands down to listen to the two to tune the volume,

And then missed. The The Then there was no. The The

I am now I do not know what that stage in the end, just remember that I am crazy looking for where he said
The last thing of the exam


Listening questions

1. Multiple choice: there is a research, investigation of women pregrency and season there is pollution relationship

2. Radio

- pronunciation of the voice of each voice vocal and what another method of pronunciation comparison, I chose the
pronunciation of the tone is not the same as a long time ago where to read the title

3. I have chosen the doctor to suggest that

4. Beep: there service also progress option, very slow

5. Listening Summary: Speaking atom motion and heat, Einstein theory just proves that small subject can use this

6. Fib: no chicken, the word is 46 range

-government, regime, similar, critics, expect

- there is a thought for a long time did not think of it


1. Everyone must leave the premises during the fire drill.

2. The new product failed due to lack of demand.

3. The slide shows that there is a minimal growth.

So let me blow up it


1. A young man from a small colon town ... how did Shakespeare become

2.Akimbo on the two originals of the other is not very difficult to have no special words
RS this I did not practice so do not know what is chicken but not very difficult

This is a simple table, with a marked year and a specific percentage remembered from 60% directly to 4% and another
little Ao word
DI is basically a histogram on a flow chart without pictures


SWT Pascolena; Nobel Peace Prize

Essay 1.travel is necessary or not in a quality education 2. ACtions louder than wotds, agree or not


RO Peru Timber Logging

Enrployees' Attitude but it seems a bit different. Because it is Chinese, it is not very sure

FIB Stress; English Class at Bejirg Language


SST Novelist; then there is a new question is about Citizen and government policy class, and then talk about tricks in the
book what do not remember

1.Before submitting your dissertation yout advisor must approve your application

2. Review all yout sources betore drawing any conclusion (s)

3 There is also a new chicken that has never heard of science research what is through chemical processes

[Examination room memories] 2017-07-15 examination room to share


RA is not difficult, there is no trouble, the length is moderate

DI normal pie chart chart histogram two national flag chicken essence

RS speed is moderate, the last two sentences long, but can understand
RL Small language disappears due to the development of the brain nonprofit organization

ASQ that, a lot of plans

A man watching the day, with a telescope, asked him what stuff

There is a map, there are a lot of courses above, asked the students on a few, four


Swt London economy Nobel Prize for education For education, travel is not necessary More and more people moved to
the city, okay


It is so hard to read fib drilling


So hard

We say that our genes are similar to our ancestors

Do not forget anything else

Wfd The slide shows there is a minimal growth Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill.

[Examination room memories] 2017-07-14 examination room to share three

@ Tree thanks for sharing


RA: introvert extrovert machine by variants

RS: In addition to the last sentence is relatively long, the other okay.

DI: no new map, all the column cake.

RL: 1) NGO has plans, machine version. 2) brain develop with maps, machine version 3) amnesia ASQ: amnesia,
inorganic by.

SWT: Nobel Prize London Finance

ES: travel mega city population


FIB: Indonesian volcano

Andromeda Galaxy, do not know whether the machine by

RO: inorganic, hard to remember is a case of corporate mergers and acquisitions

MCQ-S: school surrender insurance

SST: 1) talent shortage mention babyboorn bubble burst, dot corn, rnisrnatch, controlled scientists.

2) gene evolution mentioned powerful rnind

MCQ-S: vocal fold

SMW: environmental deterioration, choose survive

SIW: Ultra fast

FIB: There is a government

WFD: 1) The slide shows that there had been a minimal growth 2) Amnesia, 3) The new product failed due to a lack of

The other is very difficult for my memory and goldfish almost, just remember these. Seeking 8 fried, save character!

The two - line chart is consistent with the machine

Two or three flowcharts, forgotten

A two-line two-line chart

A chart
RL (3 questions)

Welsh language does not have any pictures

Mars habitates a page ppt wrote three aspects including goal
There are a few things to write

SWT (3 questions) tree ring

How is London over New York in Tokyo?

Criminal investigation, business because the reputation is not willing to report, the police to start doing statistics

(1 question) the mass media TV radios newspaper

SST (2 questions) education leadershin Stanford University

Einstein universe fix unchangable Hubble 1920

WfD (3 questions) ouriences is hosting no next week

To gain full marks, an appropriate bibliography is required

Sales figures for last year others better than expected


Because I am inorganic without template, so I do not know what is the new question which is the old question.
RA: not long, about three lines, only two questions four lines. But feel a bit difficult to read, easy to bite the tongue.

RS: seemingly sentence recording finished immediately began recording, not the previous three seconds to wait, and this
need to pay attention.
DI: There is a flow chart of paper, the word is a bit difficult to read, but the process ok, a little knock Pakistan ... ... there is
a use of the library on the Americans the frequency, bar map, orange. A pie chart, that is the percentage of business
scale, 75% of the enterprise is small size, there are small size, medium size and large size of the number of employees.

RL: the feeling can not grasp the focus ... ... I do not know what I said, which has a bar with a bar map, that seems to be
what risk, which blue bar to 100%, as if the income is less than a number. There is a page to a lecture of the PPT, about
three ... ... for me all the words ... ... cup ah, this time all my RL problems are stuck ... ... tears without tears ... ... do not
know Will Oral Fluency fall below 50?
ASQ: What is the first three letters of my alphabet? I almost said that Alpha, Beta, and Cramma ... gave a timetable, the
main draw is duration, which activity is the most time. It's yellow that's below. There is also a question, a form, the table
has Autumn, Winter, Spring, ask an activity held in which semester, the answer Spring.

Writing: 2 + 1

SWT: The first article on the tree ring, which also said tree ring interval, wide and narrow like Morse Code. The second
article is that forced voting undermines democracy, especially in the name of Australia, saying that compulsory voting has
fundamentally undermined the democracy.
Essay: Written Exam is used to detect students' good and bad, how do you feel With their own examples.

Reading: This time my Reading is 41 minutes, a total of 19 questions. Pull down the FIB is 7, a choice of three, Re-order
like four, three drag FIB, 2 single choice. Subject to do more confused, completely amnesia ... ... only remember that at
least three FIB drop-down is relatively long, almost full screen. Choose two articles are full of the left side of the screen.

SST: The first article says globalisation, giving two definitions. The second said the environmental issues, but also said
that Charles II, the central meaning should be now although we have a lot of problems, but the pollution problem must be
There is a multi-topic, saying that the time of their own courses at 5 pm, too late, and some tutorial is in the lunch break on
the time, not good.

There is also a question, seems to be Highlight Correct Summary, there is video, that is a revoker, you can go on a very
difficult land. That thing that meets the stone what will do the same as the somersault action, very fun.
There is a problem that is the development of Internet, 1969, remote control other computers, file transfer protocol, email,
news group.

HIW this speed is a bit fast, not long. Three or four lines. These two will have a strange name and location, pronunciation
is not a good judge, it is recommended in this above tangled. I have tucked at least one or two words today.
The rest forgotten. WFD language fast, not so clear, and do bad, at least certainly not as good as last time.


RA is not machine, simple and simple, but there are four long, five elements, names have names, we practice when we
must develop their own ability to read uncommon words
DI no strange map, the basis of the cake line, only by machine: baby sleep hour that
RS is particularly difficult this time, some long sentences, almost every only do more than 50% of the repeat, only two are
determined 100%.
RL four new questions, no machine by, I really did not remember one, sorry everyone. The The
ASQ: basic knowledge of the problem, remember to have a map on the four footprints, ask what is the footprints, wolves
or birds? I answered wolf

Writing 2 + 1

Swit 1. Australia education 2. Technology prediction

Essay: the most pressing issue global and solutions

Ro: 1. Map 2. Language

FIB machine has an Edison, my question is to dig out all the yellow empty


Sst: 1 urbanization
2. Amory Lovins
FIB I have two empty not to hear it, remember one is talking about photosynthesis, others are very basic words like
swings, gaps this.

Animals raised by captivity behave differently from their mad counterparts

I heard is different than, I have Google, both usage are right, we test when the attention to listen

Why has the project been ever up for so long?

I have heard that
most of the features are part of the previous system.

I heard that were the

author's previous works are more theoretical and less experimental.
What I hear is less philosophical and more experimental.

Finally wish you a smooth test! The The Fried The The
Thanks for the little buddies! Come on! Fried together!


RA is not machine, simple and simple, but there are four long, five elements, names have names, we practice when we
must develop their own ability to read uncommon words
DI no strange map, the basis of the cake line, only by machine: baby sleep hour that
RS is particularly difficult this time, some long sentences, almost every only do more than 50% of the repeat, only two are
determined 100%.
RL four new questions, no machine by, I really did not remember one, sorry everyone. The The
ASQ: basic knowledge of the problem, remember to have a map on the four footprints, ask what is the footprints, wolves
or birds? I answered wolf

Writing 2 + 1

Swit 1. Australia education 2. Technology prediction

Essay: the most pressing issue global and solutions

Ro: 1. Map 2. Language

FIB machine has an Edison, my question is to dig out all the yellow empty


Sst: 1 urbanization
2. Amory Lovins
FIB I have two empty not to hear it, remember one is talking about photosynthesis, others are very basic words like
swings, gaps this.

Animals raised by captivity behave differently from their mad counterparts

I heard is different than, I have Google, both usage are right, we test when the attention to listen
Why has the project been ever up for so long?
I have heard that
most of the features are part of the previous system.

I heard that were the

author's previous works are more theoretical and less experimental.
What I hear is less philosophical and more experimental.

Finally wish you a smooth test! The The Fried The The
Thanks for the little buddies! Come on! Fried together!

1. Speak

RA: no chicken, the word is not a lot, but each question has an average of one to two.
RS: a seemingly is the early works of this research are more experimental.
DI: total population of ... poverty rate by gender, destination of Indonesia
RL: dimension, open border p16, relative prices of computers and xx The unit price will drop
ASQ a person took a piece of paper to ask this paper is what, I answered is diploma. But the feeling is not what should be
a certificate what is what organ
2. writing

SWT two silent Breakfast Skip, Tourism Industrial,

first is can law change people 's behaviour
The second is of Think at The OF S. & Should you do Base for ON at The theory- Sake & PHARMACY OF S. & Itself or
Should have have use?
3. read

There is a multi-election is the experiment to simulate the avalanche,

FIB Indian onion, estee lauder, Richard morris, suspected government powers
RO no original title

4. hearing

Sur: Mary mallon, DNA RNA,

WFD: Coffee house has student discount.
Behind the garage is a secret storage room.
Neurons are principal of physics seemingly, remember and there is a forgotten.


The first time on the battlefield: must be familiar with the order of the problem, or when the conversion will be very
panic. Multi-brush RA Dl practice every day. The Back words ... ... machine by Dl SST RL WFD must be familiar with ... ...
when the pen did not have to cover up, or will be dry. SST 5O-70 word !!! When the test forgot, lost in vain. Finally, the
psychological quality to be tough ah, so that in noisy environment, at the panic.
All filled, very noisy, like the Guangzhou market as the same. Have tried several times do not speak, wheat will not
automatically shut. The whole language is very affected, several times with partial card shell. The The The machine is
quite new. The keyboard is a mechanical keyboard


RA: no machine by, not too long, only two inside there is a word. Helpless was once the background of everyone roar to
bias, should not read the wrong words are simple to read the wrong, the students usually have to practice psychological
quality, especially in the noisy environment to do practice.
RS: no machine by
DI: there is a baby sleep problem is by the machine, the other is almost by the deformation of the machine, no special
strange, are LINE ah BAR ah routine, but actually the problem did not catch the point, or psychological Quality, quality ah
RL and SST: machine talent war (and machine by almost); NGO (and the machine is not the same, how specific is not too
much like to forget); exams are God travel ... .. test a universe, said before Thought that UNI and FLOOR as immobile,
and later Einstein found that has been doing relative movement, mentioned HUMBLE ... ... there is a question about the
population growth now how many people have the most history, and then use more resources, is How many times, and
then forgot. More see machine by it, background knowledge more understanding. I RL actually head was the door folder,
and in that supplement, fluently do not know how much detained ... ...
fugue. The The There is a 2, 4, 6 is ODD, 1,3,5 is what we want to see how the base said. The There is a question asked,
read a book you want to look at the information, is to see bibliography or index.
I did not see the machine, do not know too much machine through the content test to no. But there is an Indian onion is
FIB and the last time a student said the flowers and honey is also the FIB, the first empty irresistible

There is a question in the multiple choice question to see the video answer

SWT I did not look at the machine, the first one seems to talk about their parents at home is the old pair of child care
when some of the impact of the second article about the differences between animals and behavior and motivation.
Essay is an argument: many companies now encourage employees to participate in decision making to discuss strengths
and weaknesses


Listen to the FIB, the voice of the mouth is good ... ... there are 2. 3 are even with the guess ... ...
WFD language quickly ... ... I forgot to write ... ...


RA: all new

DI: garbage patch that map Retell: small language decrease; migration control


SWT: compulsory voting; India and US works

Does Essay: law have any effect on human behavior? ; Advertising do not want to shop to shop, advertisers should be

RO: India IT


SST: student debt is too high; Einstein suggests that the universe is constantly changing

If it helps you to take notes to concentrate, please do

The coffee house has a special student student discount average the week.

The dinning room will undergo a fresh during the fall break.


Music download for the word to search to find Average rainfall in inches other do not remember are the column

Do not remember


SWT cattle and grass; city back to the countryside; new do not remember the story of the first person statement.
The same question, the RL said the card, RS and ASQ missed the first question did not react, ASQ almost no new
answer, answer finished Read in the classroom to rest, waving no one came.


One is about the library catalog is a war aviation there is a new one


Indian peasant faces high money because the cost of seeds and pesticides is too high, up 2000% from the past. Indian
farmers are borrowing companies and companies that sell seed pesticides.

Talent war did not watch the machine is listening to a book called this, college graduates looking for work to face this,
there are many countries face talent problems, that the baby grooming country and China, or education and demand is
inconsistent, for creative talent needs Increase, as well as the lack of university engineers to train scientists.
FIB first paragraph express, the second paragraph is normal, there are difficult words

HIW first paragraph express, the second paragraph normal

There is a video on the speed of the robot speed

The product failed due to a lack of demand

We can not consider to increase our price at this stage

Try to motivate each other to make statues (new seems to be one or two words)

RA than the first difficult little bit, no hard to read the words are like three lines did not machine by! 1, talk about the two
sisters to discuss parents tutor Yan sister said very strict sister questioned "what are you talking about? Then say where
there is so strict

RS did not hit the machine by half of the simple, half of the main and there are noise and accent

Dl only one machine by! 1, very simple pie chart, 4-5 percentage figure 2, or very simple pie chart, 7-8 percentage figure
Zhuang people talking about the use of various types of search engines 3, pie and pyramid mixed map, left There are two
percent of the pie chart: Government 79.1% and Private 20.9, the right is the pyramid figure a lot of text do not have to
worry about nothing to say 4, Maslow's Hierarchy This machine is the machine by the left is 3 circles, the middle of the
overlapping part of the right is the 5-story pyramid Text 5, very simple histogram, a few figures in 2002, a comparison of
things in 2008 6, a little hematemesis of men and women compared to the histogram and table chart, tell the older
generation and young people some of the things contrast , And fortunately, recently saw the survivors, only to know
Millennials and Gen X, Y, Z meaning, this way the table is the comparison of these words

RL 1, frogs variation has a pie chart can not remember the number, too nervous, this word super difficult, amphibians that
words can not say a moment of tension to speak some of the main frog limb more, and some less, has become a global
problem The reason also mentioned, but did not hear clearly, I guess is genetic mutation, and finally said the frog in the
water will affect the quality of water River can affect human health

2, Latin American Economic Pool is a chart that does not have time to watch, talk about Latin America through
globalization and reform after the economy slows down, the economy is very unsustainable people question the change
3, the population aging (new topic) mainly talk about more and more population, aging is serious, the United States is now
13% of the degree of aging, to 2030 will be 23%, then referred to Japan and Europe is the same with Germany For
example, by 2030, 20 percent or more will be over 65 years old

ASQ did not see machine by 1, the scientists are based on the competent or objective to do the experiment - ubjective 2,
where the school can borrow a library to see a library


SWT: really test the UHF class 1, Beauty Contest 2, Children Watching TV

Essay is roughly for the government and organizations, there are many global problems, what is the most pressing
problem that affect our planet? And what solutions do you recommend?


Completely vomiting blood, in April 10 of the FIB in the 7, this time in addition to Rq is a new title and the election is easy
to choose more difficult FIB a few very difficult, almost all options do not know the word 1, the main Tell some tips, how to
use dooretwork, first of all and others to be more Engage, do not have to help others when the need to contact, followed
by why Combine what, and finally this is the need for Practice, because it is not born Will be something
RO is the machine by 1, Business Trick 2, Teenagers and Fruits


SST 2 machine, a new title

1, Talent War Speaking Late 90s scarcity of talent resources Companies are competing to grab talent, the reason there is
the nature of economy has changed there migr .: migbs causes less skilled workers supply Finally speaking Talent is at a

2, Gene mainly talk about people and 500 years ago people genetic changes, but in fact did not change the number of
only a small number of people different, the speed of change is not very fast, and cognitive and behavior changes related,
genes also contribute to powerful Mind
3, the new topic, talk about young people choose science as the future prospects of some things, that there is no
evidence that many young people love science, good teacher during class will play a very good role, so the teacher to
stop the update skills , So that can help young people, and finally mentioned, only with good teachers, you can do magical

Scs a day to drink eight glasses of water this view is wrong, because a lot of food is absorbed by the body will break down
the water, so a person four cups of water a day enough to eat the rest from the food
SMW said that the behavior of government officials, the author of their attitude to what option is not a word is recognized,
blindly selected

HIW has a fast language speed, the speed of the eyes can not keep up with the speed of his speech, but these three
questions should have successfully won
FIB is one is aspiration, contradict, modes another can not remember

Two machines, one machine, a new machine, a new machine, a new machine, a new machine, a new machine, a
computer, a computer, a computer, a computer, a computer, a computer, a computer, a computer, To the in
If you think this article is helpful, please share it with your friends!


RA: not too long, not difficult, little words

RS: for me are good, most can do all the repeat, a few wrong words or did not hear it
Dl: sales by quarters, the mainland drift; a new process, four steps, all the text, according to the concept can be, the rest
of the memory, are the normal chart analysis
RL: May the new title of the biomedical engineering. Boys girl English math scores, non-liberal sectors

ASQ did not do well. The The


3 + 1: skipping breakfast, technology development prediction, the third is new, by reading out what you write to correct
and improve;
The big essay is the government, big companies and individuals who should pay the primary responsibility for climate

Re-order, the first is the development of the track, the second is Wal-Mart


SWT: Different definitions of globalization, civic courses

WFD: The commissioner will collect fines! Between among sovereignties. (The last word is not sure)

Please make sure (that) you have collected all necessary materials.
The rolls accumulation of data is / was! Has converted to a communicable argument.

Did not sleep well last night, the state is not good today, this problem is so difficult. Spoken words: RA a lot of words will
not read, part of the spoken language interference quite big, RS half long sentences, RL two new, a brain development,
but the feeling of the map and recording a little out. Speak done a bit of collapse.

Writing: swt is a compulsory voting, mainly speaking about the decline in the British voter turnout, it is important not to
have the voting right but use the voting right, and finally also mentioned that the politicians and the media should urge
everyone to vote.

The second swt should also be new, about three paragraphs, talking about girls at the age of 14 and university, the
performance is generally better than boys, get a better educationalqualificatio, and under the age of 45 girls accounted for
the majority The But in the company, women in the board as men and more, to the two UK and US company survey
data. There is a reason that highly educated women have not yet been able to enter the board age, and if this group of
people to age, should board the women will be much more.

The third SWT is the beauty contest.

The last three exams (5.27-6.17) are the same subject, and you think that before graduation or looking for a job before
marriage is not a foolish idea.

Reading: it is unsatisfactory, there is a FIB drop is the machine to the interview dressing appropriate importance, the first
empty is the firstimpression this. RO talked about the development of the aviation industry in 1920-1930, World War II
prompted some towns to have their own pilots, and with some innovations, such as what fuel, and finally mentioned one
of the most important ... is manned aviation industry development of.

Listening: listening and have to hang up, sst has a seemingly new, the first one stresses human revolution and genes. The
second is the university funding question, LSE that. Key words are LSE, national and across global border, competitive
international job market, government funding, the public and private sector, request charities, the last sentence which
should be visible visible to the vice chancellor. Hearing FIB test to a two-person dialogue to do eye examination, there is a
word pinhole, this note about.

Three summary questions, there is a rapid language speed, multiple choice questions are very difficult to very tangled.
WFD: your thesis should have a reason limited scope. The axx is the most important xx. There is a forgotten, is the
machine in the new question should be.

RA: not difficult

DI: A lot of new machines are included in the problem, including the oxbow lake, the flag of two countries, and a new line
graph is the number of people per family, the number of drivers and the number of people working Not difficult
RS: Basically there is no long sentence


1. New question: a question about air pollution, put a picture of Beijing street haze. Is the dialogue of two
people. (Sorry I did not listen very clearly) the effect that is now burning too much, resulting in greenhouse
emissions too much, and then there seems to be a new energy (s prefix can be used), this energy can reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, Tackle global warming

2. Do not know if the new immigrants seem to get up to 25thousand's income, which is a what calculation
problem. Policy is not too helpful. (With a map, but the main thing is not in the figure)

SWT: Is it like a lot of new ones? In addition to the United States ban wine that article, basically not seen in the
machine. But are relatively short.
Essay: The mass media, including radio, TV and newspaper can be seen everywhere. Some people think media play a
pivotal role in shaping the world view (or what values) of younger generation. Agree or disagree?

RO: not seen in the chicken on the original title, but it seems not difficult.
FIB: how did not seen on the chicken.

Is everyone in reading this area did not recall it, or even read also began to change the question?

1. Not the new topic: the study of biology, the world's all lifeforms are using DNA & RNA, genetic material, inherit,
have cell, all use metabolism to conform energy. In general, all threads are related with one another.

2. Not a new title: a writer, 13 years old began to want to novelist, but later some detour, but she thinks it is right
thing, and then see what a writer wrote an aphorism (the motto said, I did not understand did not write down ),
Each writing remembered the maxim, and then in the early 90s finally began to write the courage to start writing
novel, the first chapter of the name: "The secret life of Bees"

A variety of single-election multiple elections are very long, and then the option is also super ... I have a lot of singles and
select missing word are completely no mood to listen to. Especially select missing word there is a video, but do not know
what to say, have forgotten to see the mouth type of pick up the word.
WFD: Thank you before the big god to the chicken, or this hearing must hang:

1. Identity port happened to thousands of people every year.

2. The coffee house has special student discount throughout the week.

3. Americans has xxxly defined the process of xxx growth / development in quantities terms.

4. There is not a hard, really did not think of it, remember that there are some chicken.

Overall, the hearing is really harder than before, we have to work hard.

DI pie chart
download music flow chart, four steps slightly different, as if the purchase into buy
RS after two more long
British monarchy and parliament ...

European education expenditure
has a chart, followed by RL behind, I see the picture or DI, direct opening that heard the audio shock
Europe Oil painting
18th century, english, government, freedom of opinion, coffee house

aging problem The
first is very short, forget, as if only 5 lines or so
first law change behavior
Second article should protect the endangered species, to the opinion (title is huge, the effect is this)
eat insects, with the silence is not the same one, people eat insects before speaking, then do not eat, which is a cultural
______ (thing , element) a decade ago make a ________

Burger King
Company_add debt_cook_that is the
second is very simple and very short, forget the
Agriculture and globalization
language slow, simple, lead to remember too many write time ...
Vitamin D

difficult, very detailed, simply choose not to listen to the effect that
there is a one gas equipment, study plant or something ...
there is a will, speaker with two little girls to the country, ask the little girl to spend what the little girl to answer 2 reasons to
make him very surprised, 1 make the world more beautiful, 2 let the bees take pollen, and then he said feel sorry ... The
options are not wrong, was not good, was not 'ture, was not real

ask for
the words on the politicians attitude four options do not know the word, the audio finally said they are very selfish, I chose
a look of the word ...
feeling did not do a good job, the
first language rate suddenly slow suddenly, lightly, and a little ignorant of the
second slow, but I only elected three, doubt yourself ...
Wish the
first sentence forget the
confusing the cause and effect of these changes.
Tell me if anybody struggles in the labs.


RS did not ask the title of the library

The The first question is the last sunrise sunset test, but re-painted, and found that the trend of both have increased,

The Livable city, in addition to the title should have 7,8 dry word, no intermediate description, other typesetting and font
color is basically the same
The Earth profile


.Mega City 1900-2000

.EECD education funding, first talked about the UK spent very little, and finally talked about Finland
.Brain Development

What is there in mathematics, plus, minus, multiply? Division

.Camel is often present in the place

Where is the location of the university building

The Ask this chart which will appear in which account:

There are several classes in. The answer is 5, every day in the afternoon

.Gram, Kilogram which is used to measure butterfly wings

The Which is in the range of biology: 3 election 1 genetics

.Birth Order with Parenting

.2014 Paralympic Games, find the original.

It should be 4, because at that time skim and scan, it is very sure that the contents of paragraph 3 and 4:

11 February 2009 Major athletic events around the globe-from the 2014 Sochi Olympics to an annual powerboat race in
Norwegian fjords-are striving to neutralize their carbon footprint as part of a world-wide climate network, the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said today The sporting events are the latest participants tojoin the network,
and are particularly important for inspiring further global action on the environment, said Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive
Organizers of the 2014 Sochi Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games-to be held in a unique natural selling between the
shores of the Black Sea and the soaring snow-capped Caucasus Mountains-say they will put an estimated $1 .75 billion
into energy conservation and renewable energy.

That investment will be dedicated to improving transport infrastructure, offsetting greenhouse gas emissions from the use
of electricity, air travel and ground transportation, the reforestation of Sochi National Park and the development of green
belts in the city.
.Comparative advantage of Indian vs America (last time)

.Julie Bishop has been knocked out

The What are the benefits of chronic diseases?

Chronic disease. such as heart disease

If you have a chronic disease-such as heart disease, diabetes, asthma, or back or

joint pain-exercisecan have important health benefits.However, its important to talk to your doctor before starting an
exercise routine. He or she might have advice on what exercises are safe and any precautions you might need to take
while exercising

The About essay the methods and effects that can evaluate your ability to build arguments to construct argument options
with Formula. Idea
The relevant provisions have been explained in the classroom (options are within, about, throughout ) the course.

.it is possible (or ... (useful, helpful, common words like)

"Send / receive /? Impression seems to be related to the use of reference, the first selected copy

So use your intelligence to determine the importance of reference material

There is a Yanstone Linearity, and an empty, selected the validity .. ..

There is funding, especially chemistry, and chemistry.

The The theme is very special about flower arrangement art, there is a Japanese Pinyin called ikebana said flower is not
simply put a container, but also to pay attention to the flower arrangement (drag the words there are assembly, plant,

RO all non-question bank

The One of the first sentence is In his fasc relation xxx, and the beginning of the sentence is Written, xxx (auxiliary
instructions) The overall content is that before humans have a lot of records, sign, draw and then written, the background
story has Lenovo To SWT that content, but RO is usually cut. Currently can not find the original

The The other is about the outer space adventure, there are talk about the scientist 'explore, and Moon. Sun. Earth, then
the beginning of the next said Three planets

.Indoor in the second paragraph is what it means: election confidenc learning (?)
R-multiple choice

The A person at the beginning of D

Research on Prefrontal Cortex

Multiple choice
What is the brain?

The shape of the body determines the shape of the human brain
This body determines

The Forecast Avalanche

Time is too tense did not look good, I chose can predict when avalanche happens,

.Mary Mallon

Female no figures say 1869 was born in Ireland and then 1883 to United States, with the question bank almost, which
also mentioned the she got bored with her friends
.Citizen not well informed

The speaker is less than 1min. The length of the audio is less than 1min

The Ladies forget what to say, it is 5 options and order are very clear

The Male, talking about Soft soil last sentence is about Add water into_
The options are Water


.Patron later seems to be connected to wind energy power

Brought, call him (massive) men?

HIW (amnesia), with enflares 1.3x per day have a significant effect, there are only two to
the test, so still have to concentrate on God.
L - radio (including summary). What happened to men in Middle Australia?

Remember the option selected Attack Australian aboriginal rather than built real issue,
The A male speaker to say what rose colored theory (not sure is not so fight) test 2 times or do not know the answer
The When the woman said she actually read the junior engineering before that, then I suddenly heard the library, then did
not pay attention to how to listen to, The last man is very guilty of the question to ask whether to drink a couple of coffee,
the woman is promised to quickly. This question is the thread of the machine is to ask the girls how to know the road, the
results were happy when the subject was asked to ask the man go to the library? Options have He must take a turn, then
go straight, He must go into building then Take turn the details of

The The female speaker speaks of an ancient monarch through his architectural style to express his power. I understand
probably, but the options are very detailed, but also do not know the same answer
The But the future to worry about the factors are still a lot, such as the sea level level option is also very ambiguous, the
middle of the sentence have a concession section, not to mention the temperature is not a small increase, Good choice.

L ,
The Men and women said to change the house to live, the male Rui network is often going down, then Jun said the
neighbors are too noisy, they can not study

what is problem with their current place?

It is difficult to study there

Building is not wired with Internet access

Other residents disturb them

The rent is expensive is the landlord said she had a few choices on hand, and then boys said he wanted to control
budget, the results of the new options are too expensive.

.urur is hosting a business development conference.

.The result of the experiment is reported in the table below.

.The dining hall/ will undergo renovation during fall break

Take the road with the network, but also to share with you.

DI: Two map questions, tropical rainforest and plastic waste

RL: There are graphs of different levels of sound language and cognitive growth, others do not remember

ASQ: do not remember a few

SST: grass and cattle, develop travel and wildlife

SST: The recent invention of our benefits and disadvantages

Reading: a chicken diamonds, other miserable, finished reading I did not remember, sorry ah

SST: the first culture leader, the second movie visual there is a forgotten
FIB: This time a few words can be mixed

HIW: not very difficult, the last one is very similar, plus ing or change a letter like this
WFD: two sentences are chicken, essay phrase, there is a forgotten.

Another two new questions, there is a long argument what argument

RA: there is no chicken but it is not difficult

RS: no chicken sentence is not particularly long

DI: no encounter new map, pie, bar, flow chart is to download music that
RL: three are new, there are two really did not remember to copy to the map, the third is someone else to recall the welsh
people for the contribution of American literature and culture

ASQ: just did not remember a few

SWT: three inside and I last test the same, the first very short I was stunned, the second is the White Brothers invention
aircraft, the third is the benefits of bathing for heart disease, PS next door Sister Oral language is too slow to cause my
writing to be disturbed

Essay: The recent invention of our benefits and disadvantages

Reading: I was reading the exam, and did not remember I was in the end is not a fund, and then do, there is a question I
was three words do not know, drunk, finished reading my basic memories do not Up, sorry

SST: The first Vitamin D, the second Indian farmer's high mortality rate, did not appear new title
FIB: This time a few words can be mixed

HIW: not very difficult, little partner usually 1.2 times practicing no problem
MCQ: all stopped, do not know right?

WFD: The application process is longer than expected.

They were struggling last year to make service pay.

This schedule allows a lot of time for independent study.

There is also a question of the library, forget ... ...


Introverts and machine is completely different, no name names but have written in the form of large numbers
Download music There are three flow charts
World language is very large

RL: 2 new title

One question is the four reasons why the US obesity rate, one question forgot, 1 old question Napoleon III

Parental birth order (machine only different said only youngest spokesperson)

beauty pageant

Media laws
FIB trailer: a ra machine by fast changing variant

Laughing competiton in English spoken countries but university is not jobs

FIB: beginning initially experience


If you are not sure, phone to the students, service for help
2 new problem is very short to really forget the same xxx is not the issue is not appoach, both the exploration for the

Akimbo, hostility, slightly changed in front.
Drug treatment of disease, a lot of new words.
did not encounter new questions, BAR GRAPH many
began a few sentences is a very long sentence

gass emission, the CO2, male and female dialogue, the woman's point of view, with the map was Tiananmen Square
haze scene
1. The author wrote a lot of personal views on democracy, there are ALL letters such letters all letters, many
paragraphs. The last paragraph says that Australia is more democratic (with single quotes) and other countries are
1. The mass media, like TV, Radio and Newspaper, influences our society and shapes our opinions and characters. What
is your opinion?
2. People suffer of unhealthy lifestyle. reason and solutions by public service.

Government powers

The new product faied due t a lack of demand.
The schedule allows a plenty of independent study.
When workers ask for higher wedges, companies rise their prices.


Do not remember, it seems no machine by, but there is no hard words, most of the two to three lines.
There is a table of questions, there is a green vortex around Japan and Hawaii, the new problem by the
organic. The rest are histograms and graphs.

Are not long, long is not difficult, do not remember.

1) speak of European development? Did not understand, do not remember ... ... there are literature and what science and
technology development, reduce the man made a car and the like.
2) New Hampshire Uni has a remote control system that can monitor the situation on the computer.
In the cage to install a camera you can see the feeding of the fish, they do not want to eat when you can stop feeding.
3) There are three experiments with video. The conclusion is that dogs can be different grunt. The first two dogs were
unmoved, the
third experimental dog was scared to eat the bones.

1) medicine ad
2) Hubble
Essay: dangerous activities
1) foreign aid improvement
2) a game and AI on. Four words, do not remember two sentences. There are scientists intrigued by AI;
game computer beat a person
FIB: simplicity
featured decorative texture Traby HIW: speed too late to see. The
Single election: 1) typical prisoner which kind of

1) the teacher too much into the scientific research is not good for students
2) computer and children in the cognitive development of the comparison, the conclusion is that they are not the same.
Multiple choice
1) a lesson on energy or engineering, the teacher talk about what:, Ltd. Free Join, UK,
Home Usage
2) on a course does not account for credit courses as those statements are true: have to read course materials before
class, do not write the exam

It is not difficult, up to 3 lines at least 2 lines, but no chicken

UK unemployment rate from 1971 to 2006 (line)
UK people travel method measures in times per year in 1995 // 2006 (bar, four groups, there are cars / walk ...) There are
a few bars to remember

Two more difficult: two in the Pacific garbage into the mainland location (map)
People working time after 15 // life expectancy // inactive time (table, from 1901 to generation Z, a lot of data)

There is a long sentence, the other is okay

RL: small language disappear faster and faster


1. American Prohibition Order

2. Lifestyle helps to reduce heart attack rates

3.museology (do not know is not chicken, it is difficult)

Essay: Complete your studies / get married before you start work

SST: The reason for urbanization

HIW: very short two. The first one is only two lines, the second four lines a little more.

Enflares, help PTE candidates, we, from the word, sentence, section, a picture, a text to start, for your success to
lay a solid foundation! PTE learning on the road, we work together, beyond the self!

WFD is the last question of PTE hearing test, usually appear 3-4 questions, the examination is the fine listening
and writing ability, scoring criteria, write a word to a point.
First, practice fine listening, is to do this type of foundation.

Mutually exclusive events are neither complementary or opposite.

The application process is longer than expected.

The economic books are at the back on the left.

Law is beneficial to investors by protecting their rights and avoiding any improper actions in the market.

The university officer will help you locate housing and transportation.
Second, to understand the meaning of the sentence is particularly important, on the basis of understanding to
answer, will be targeted.

Artists are other than politicians played their own roles of cultural critics.
The first assignment is due on the f ourteenth of December.

The dining hall will be under renovation during the fall break.
If you are not sure, go to/ phone student services for help.
The massive accumulation of data is converted to a communicable argument.
Third, remember a good note, with their own mastery of the method, skills, good notes, in order to sort out, on
the basis of understanding into a sentence.

The evaluation form will be reviewed by university personnel.

The technician left the new microscope in biology lab.
We cannot consider an increase in price at this stage.

Control system in manufacturing can increase the high level of accuracy.

Before submitting your dissertation, your advisor must approve your application.

Fourth, WFD stress precision, the candidates must pay attention to the spelling of the word, the singular plural of
the noun, the sentence of the tense form of the requirements of the verb.
The qualification will be assessed with the criterion to approach.
Before submitting your assignment, your advisor should approve it.

Try to work with each other to build monolithic statues

Todays lecture materials will be included in the next weeks assessment.
Educational levels is found to be related to social and economic backgrounds.

Fifth, the answer time schedule: WFD need to manage and set their own time, so be sure to give WFD to do the
last question to leave a full time.
Reference of material is held in the hall of library reference desk

Scientists here are studying a wide variety of mysterious processes

The coffee house has a special student discount throughout the week.

When workers ask for higher wages, companies raise prices.

Six, check: write a word, remember to do spelling, grammar check.

When workers ask for higher wages, companies raise prices.

Americans have cheapest qualitative in terms

Americans have cheapest qualitative in terms

Why has the project been held for so long?

PTE writing, focused breakthrough, ESSAY week topic

1. Television has many useful functions to play in everyones life, for some its relaxation, for some it is
companion. Discuss your viewpoint and support your answer with examples and discussion point

2. The Information revolution has transformed the way of mass communications and has had some
negative and positive effects on individual lives as well as society. To what extent do you agree or

3. There are many global problems. What is the most pressing problem? What solution would you

4. In the past 100 years,there have been many inventions such as antibiotics, airplanes and computers.
What do you think is the most important of them? Why

5. Themass media, including TV,radio and newspapers, influences our society, and shape our opinions
and characters. What is your opinion?

6. Global climate changegovernmentlarge companiesor individuals should have main responsibility

to take action to solve this problem?

7. Use an example to illustrate how peoples lives can be defined by the place where they grew up.

8. The environment we live in is in danger due to various problems. What are the underlying causes? Who
is responsible to combat this? What measures?

9. In education system, assessment through formal written examination still valid?

10. It is usually foolish to get married before completing your studies and getting established in a good
job? Do you agree or disagree.

11. Travel to study is over rated, we have brilliant scholars who studied locally. Is travel really required for
higher studies?

12. In under developed countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be said the opposite as well.

13. Some people argue laws change human behavior whereas some people dont believe laws changes
human behavior . Do you agree with it?

14. Extreme sports

Read Aloud: 7 questions, each question length of three lines (there is a nearly four lines), the overall is not difficult, there
is no hard to read the names of names, but there are words, words are not very good fight.

Repeat Sentence: about 10 or 11, repeat 50% still can, but the sentence is longer than before, and some sentences in the
middle of a little long, as if two words, in fact, a word.
Describe Image: There are no pure picture questions, are the line graph, the histogram of what (maybe something else
but forget also possible), no pie chart, there is a World Population Development (blue and yellow), one is The number of
school sports boys and girls (chart)

Retell Lecture: There is a very short, feeling also 30 seconds, want me to retell for 40 seconds ... there is a map about a
turtle at the seaside, next to the map is Florida beach
ASQ: A total of 11, one of which has a butterfly, blue-black, the problem has a word that is crawl. There is a bar chart, six
bars, respectively, Class A to F, each two for a classification, each category two bar, the title asked the third category that
corresponds to the two class, the answer is Class E and Class F. There is a form, the title asked what the most ...

Writing: 3 Summarize Written Text

There is a question that read aloud is a good way to review their own articles, but pay attention to the stress in the
sentence, and write articles to use simple English and grammar easy to understand. There is one, with my last test (April
6 CQU) encountered the same, that is, Indian programming ability is good, innovation is also very strong, so the United
States lost its advantage, but there is an economist against, Said the United States in the need for innovation and the
need for long-term investment in the project has an advantage (this question should be the old question, test once).
Essay: TV has many functions in society. Including entertainment, learning, and companion for lonely. To what extension
do you agree or disagree? (Personally feel that the difficulty is not big, knocked 293words)

Order: drop down FIB, multiple choice, RE-ORDER, drag FIB, radio.

FIB the first four is not difficult, the last one long and the word a bit difficult to choose. One of them is similar to a preface
or introduction to a book.
RE-order two, the first forgot, a bit difficult to row, delay time (for several minutes did not understand), the second is that
an animal, with the human gene similar to 98.4%, but not speak, Because the language of the president in the throat is
not in the brain, not the brain control.

Drag the FIB somewhat difficult, a lot of words will not be confused, and finally left for two minutes.
A single article is even longer than the election.

SST second feeling good short, or even half a minute less, and the voice of the portrait clutching his mouth to
speak. Mentioned tourism, there are government spin it there deliberate there citizen

HIW speaks fast and sometimes, sometimes the two words will be read to make people mistaken for a word, may be
mistakenly marked the correct word, and when the reaction can not be marked when the time has read several words
down. So pay attention to even the reading and the speed when the slow.
WIFD: There is a sentence: The first assignment is due on the fourteenth of December.

There is a seemingly old topic deformation, I used to listen to is the dining hall is under construction raven holiday. The
under construction into the undergoing, did not hear the back, looks like decoration.

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