Contrast2 AIO EEP4

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4 Extra Exam Practice Name

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Noise Matters
There is so much noise in our lives today. Mobile phones ringing, people talking loudly, traffic and music playing
wherever you are in shops, in restaurants, swimming pools, health clubs and even doctors offices. Most people
like music, so they dont think of it as noise. But when the music is chosen for you and you cant decide when to
turn it on and off, it can become not only unpleasant, but also stressful. Music thats played by businesses with the
5 intention of making the atmosphere more inviting to customers is called Muzak, elevator music or piped music.
Today, many people are starting to speak out about their dislike of piped music. In England, the organisation
Pipedown campaigns for freedom from forced music in public places. It aims to give a voice to the millions of
people who hate piped music, but feel powerless to do anything about it. Pipedown has many supporters,
10 including many musicians who dislike being forced to listen to piped music wherever they go.
Listening to music isnt a problem, as long as it doesnt disturb you or others. But constant exposure to noise,
including music, can cause stress. It can interfere with a persons concentration, cause hearing and heart problems
and, even, depression. Although piped music may bother shoppers, they arent exposed to it for very long.
However, its the people who work in shops that may suffer the most, as theyre forced to listen to it all day.
15 Today, people realise we have the right to breathe clean air, so isnt it time we turned our attention to the dangers
of noise pollution? Businesses should stop forcing music on their customers. People may have the right to smoke,
but they dont have the right to force others to inhale their smoke. And they also have the right to listen to music
as long as it doesnt interfere with an individuals right to peace and quiet.

1 Choose the correct answer.

1. According to the writer, Muzak is an example of .
a. how businesses manipulate workers
b. the noise in our lives today
c. how musicians promote their music
2. Why do businesses play Muzak?
a. To entertain the public.
b. To relax their workers.
c. To attract customers.

2 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify your answers.

1. Pipedown promotes public areas that are Muzak-free.

2. The writer thinks that people shouldnt smoke.

3 Answer the questions.

1. Why do many musicians object to Muzak?
2. Why is Muzak particularly bad for shop workers?
3. Why does the writer compare noise to smoke?

4 Extra Exam Practice

4 Choose the correct meaning for each word.

1. inviting (line 5)
a. welcoming
b. original
c. expensive
d. informative
2. powerless (line 9)
a. embarrassed
b. afraid
c. unable
d. proud
3. bother (line 13)
a. entertain
b. disturb
c. offend
d. frighten

5 Write a composition of about 100-150 words. Choose ONE option.

1. Write a letter to the manager of a restaurant, complaining about the piped music there.
2. Describe a musician you like. Why do you like him or her?

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