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Intermediate | Article Discussion Lesson 13

Lesson 13: Cohabitation

Hi! Welcome to the Article Discussion lesson!

Todays topic is about C o h a b ita tio n .

Have fun learning English!

Activity 1 | Vocabulary and Expressions

D ire ctio n s : Listen and repeat.

V o ca b u la ry

C o h a b ita tio n Living together or existing together with someone or something.

O p e n -m in d e d Willing to consider different ideas or opinion.

T a b o o Not acceptable to talk about or do.

P a rty A person or group participating in an action or affair.

P re ju d ice An unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, sex, religion, etc.

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Intermediate | Article Discussion Lesson 13

Activity 2 | Article

D ire ctio n s : Read the article aloud with your teacher.


Cohabitation is still considered a taboo in many countries simply because marriage is

important to most people, but is it really a sin to live like a married couple without the

documents and ceremony?

Some countries have become open-minded with regard to this. They think that

cohabitation can lessen the numbers of divorces these days. Some people also think that

it is better since you have the chance to know the person well before you enter a lifetime

partnership- marriage. You can never know who the person really is until you stay with

him or her under one roof, so living in together is a good way. Through this, you can

also know if you are compatible in any ways. Incompatibility may mean a lot of fights and

misunderstanding. You can also know if you can really stay with the person for the rest of

your life. Through cohabitation, both parties have the chance to quit if they think

something is unfair to them. However, marriage is very important, and it is just right to

be in a lifetime agreement before you give everything to your partner. Marriage also gives

not only the spouse security but also the children. Through marriage, everything is legal.

Discrimination and prejudice for both the couple and the children will never be an issue

through it?

Nevertheless, discrimination and prejudice may arise when the married couple

needs to divorce because of the things they havent realized until they have stayed


What do you think? Is cohabitation a good way to lessen some problems or would

it create more problems in the future?

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Intermediate | Article Discussion Lesson 13

Activity 3 | Question and Answer

D ire ctio n s : Answer these questions about the article.

1. Why is cohabitation considered a taboo in most countries?

2. What are the advantages of cohabitation?

3. What are the disadvantages of cohabitation?

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Intermediate | Article Discussion Lesson 13

Activity 4 | Summary

D ire ctio n s : Make a summary of this article, focusing on the main topic. After that, your teacher will give

you an example of the summary.

Copyright since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved.
Intermediate | Article Discussion Lesson 13

Activity 5 | Thoughts

D ire ctio n s : Exchanging thoughts about this article. Give your opinion about the article first, and your

teacher will give his/her opinion next.

Copyright since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved.
Intermediate | Article Discussion Lesson 13

Activity 6 | Free Conversation

D ire ctio n s : Answer these questions related to the topic of the article. Have a free conversation about it

with your teacher.

1. Is cohabitation still a taboo in your country?

2. Do you think cohabitation is a good way to lessen divorce rates?

3. Would you ever consider cohabitation?

4. What do you think is the effect of cohabitation to the children of those couples with that kind of


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