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FIITJEE Talent Reward Exam for student presently in Class 8 Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 258 Caution: Question Paper CODE as given above MUST be correctly marked in the answer OMR sheet before attempting the paper. Wrong CODE or no CODE will give wrong results, 1. You are advised to devote 1 Hour on Section-I and 2 Hours.on Section-Il and Section-Ill. _ ms ia SECTION -1 Q1to11 42 oO (IQ) Gio 3 = @. 181022 6 2 coed eee fo MATHEMATICS) (SCIENCE & Part—B | Chemistry | Q. 49 to 54 6 -2 MATHEMATICS) Part—C | Mathematics | Q. 55 to 60 6 2 3. Answers have folbe marked dn the OMRsheet. ‘The Question Paper Contains blank spaces for your rough work. No additional sheets will be provided for rough work: 5. Blank papers, dlip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electranic devices, in any form, are not allowed. 6. Bofore.aitempting paper write your Name, Registration number and Test Centre in the space provided atthe bottom of this sheet. Note: Check all the sheets of this question paper. Please ensure the same SET is marked on header of all the sheets inside as indicated above ‘Maximum Marks’ of this page. In case SET marked is not the same on all pages, immediately inform the invigilator and CHANGE the Questions paper. Registration Number Name of the Candidate Test Centre TIE (0 FiTUet house 208 Roly See FTRE-2013(Sample)-C-VIIl-P2-IQ+S&M-2 SECTION -1 le} 1. Find the next letter in the series 3, 14, 39, 84, 155, 2 (A) 250 (B) 254 (©) 256 (D) 258 2. Find the next letter in the series A21K,L43V,W03G, ? (A)H62R (B)H72S (C)H52Q (0) 826 3. Ina certain code language if the word VALIDITY is coded as AVILIDYT, then what is coded as IMPORTED? (A) MIOPDETR (B) MIOPTRDE, (C) OPTIDETR (D) MIPOTRDE 4, Find the odd one among the following: (a) 44 (B) 289 (©) 125 (D) 361 5. __Ina.class of 115 students, 60 play Basket Ball, 50 play Volley Ball and 20 play both Basket Ball and Volley Ball, then how many students play neither Basket Ball nor Volley Ball? (a) 15 (B) 25 (c)5 {D)0 6. By how many degrees the minute hand in a clock moves in the same time, in which the hour hand moves 18° (a) 216° (B) 240° (©) 210° (D) 180° ‘Space For Rough Work TMMUEE Lid, FUTIEE House, 204, Role Sara, Sorvapriva Vihar, Non Doihy 110018, Pr 40700000, 20200400, Fan 20013012 10. 1. FTRE-2013(Sample)-C-Vill-P2-IQ+S8M-3 Which among the following year is a leap year? (A) 2500 (B) 2800 (C) 2600 (0) 2700 If ~ stands for x’, ‘x’ stands for ‘+’, “+” stands for value of 7: 21x8149-3x 14? (a) 21 (8) 24 (c)27 (0) 28 * stands for —, then what is the In the series given below which is the 9" element to the right of the 5" element from left end? #TSUV9874367$£45@%J7289 (A)S (B)E (c)4 (D) % When a watch shows 3.00 PM, if the minute hand points towards the south west, then in ‘which direction will the hour hand point at 9:00 am? (A) North West (B) South Bast (C) West (D) North 19 people entered a bus before Aneesh. 12 people entered the bus between Aneesh and Vipin and 14 people entered the bus after Vipin. How many people are there in the bus if Vipin entered the bus before Aneesh? (A) 20 (B) 22 (c)21 (D) Can not be determined Directions (12-17): Read the information and answer the questions given below: A cube is coloured red on all faces. It is cut into 64 smaller cubes of equal size. Answer the following questions: 12. How many cubes will have at least two faces painted? (a8 (8) 24 (c) 32 (0) 56 TWEE Lid FITIEE Howse 20, Kale 8 Space For Rough Work FTRE-2013(Sample)-C-VIILP2-1Q+S&M-4 13. How many cubes will have 3 faces painted? (ays (8) 24 (c) 16 (0) 12 14. How many cubes will be there with only two faces painted? (A) 22 (B) 20 (C) 24 (D) 30 15. _ How many cubes will be there with only one face painted? (A) 20 (B) 24 (C) 22 (D) 30 16. _ How many cubes have no colour on them? (A) 8 (B) 24 (©) 16 (0) 12 17. How many cubes will have red colour on them? (A) 24 (B) 56, (Cc) 64 (0) 58 Directions (18 - 22): Read the information and answer the questions given below: (i) There are seven members — A, B, C, D, E, F and G of a family. Five of them own a different coloured car Red, Blue, White, Green and Black. (ii) Five of them are teachers and each teacher teaches a different subject like social studies, Physics, Biology, Philosophy and Psychology. (ii) Bis nota teacher and owns blue car. (iv) E teaches Biology and owns a car which is neither black nor white. (v)__ G teaches social studies and owns Green car. F is not a teacher but owns a car. (vi) Aisa teacher but does not teach Philosophy or Psychology and owns a car which is nat white. 18. Whois the owner of white coloured car? (A (B)F (Qe (OG ‘Space For Rough Work TWEE Lia. FUTIEE Howse, 204, Kel Se "mr 46106000, 28000400, Fax 2 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. 24. 25. FTRE-2013(Sample)-C-VIIIP2-IQ+S8M-5 Which coloured car is owned by C? (A) He does not own a car (B) White (C) Red (D) Green Which coloured car is owned by Biology teacher? (A) Black (B) White or Red (C) Red (D) Data inadequate ID teaches Philosophy, who teaches Psychology? (AA (BDF OE wc Who teaches Physics? (AA (B)F (QE (D)G SECTION - II SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS (PCMB) PHYSICS Part-A Which of the following are mechanical waves? (A) Sound (8) Light (C) Radio (D) All of these The current in a wire depends. (A) Only on the potential difference applied. (8) Only on the resistance of wire. (C) On both of them. (0) On none of them. A rain drop of mass 0.1 g is falling with uniform speed of 10 cm/s. What is the net force on the drop? (A)2 «10° N (B) 10°N (©) zero (0) 102N FIUEE Lis, TICE Mousa 294, Role Sa/3i Sorvapriva Vinar, ow ‘Space For Rough Work nebo ew Hilow FTRE-2013(Sample)-C-VII-P2-1Q+S&M-6 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. A current of 2A passes through 12V electric bulb. The electrical energy consumed by the bulb in 20 min is (A) 28.8 kd (B) 30.8 kd (8s (D) 18 kd A block is pressed against @ wall with a force F. Which statement is true? (A) Friction force acts along the wall in upward direction. (B) Friction force acts along the wall in downward direction. (C) Friction force acts along the direction of applied force. (0) There is no force of friction between block and wall CHEMISTRY Part-B Which of the following contains cotton? (A) Polyester (B) Terrycot (C)PET (D) Terylene Which of the following substance possess ductility? (A) Carbon (8) Hydrogen (C) Copper (0) Sulphur Which of the following statements) is/are correct for anthracite coal? (i) Itis the hardest variety of coal It has the highest calorific value as compared to other variety of coal Itis known as household coal It contains the highest percentage of carbon Choose the correct codes: (A) ii and iv Bi (C)i,itand iv (0) i, iiand iv ‘Space For Rough Work TTUEE tic PUTIEE House 204 Kola Baral, Sarvapripa Vihar how Dein -1100 18, Pr 40100 31. 32. 33. FTRE-2013(Sample)-C-VII-P2-10+S8M-7 Which of the following property/properties is/are correct for polyethene? (i) Itis a linear polymer Itis a cross — linked polymer It's monomer contains carbon and hydrogen (iv) It's monomer is vinyl chloride Choose the correct codes: (A) i ivand iv (B) iiandiv (C) iand iv (D) iand iii ‘The oxide of an element (X) reacts with water to form a solution which turns red litmus paper to blue. The element (X) should be (A) Calcium (8) Sulphur (C) Chlorine (D) Nitrogen MATHEMATICS Part —C. Which of the following lies between 3 and Z a 3 As @s 2 4 (c) 3 (D) 3 If 2 (x- 3) = 3x +4, then the value of x is (A) 10 (B)-2 (C) -10 (D)2 In the figure, ABCD is a quadrilateral, then find the value of 2x+ Zy +22 + Zk (A) 540° (8) 720° (C) 270° (D) 360° ‘Space For Rough Work FTRE-2013(Sample)-C-VIll-P2-1Q*S&M-8 36. Let xbe a four digit positive integer such that the unit digit of xis prime and the product of all digits of x is also prime. How many such integers are possible? (Aa (6)8 (3 (0)5 4 50x, 37. I x4 = 66, then the value of 2 =" Is 1 1 A) = B) = (A) 3 (B) 3 3 2 c) = D) = (©) 4 (D) 3 BIOLOGY Part-D 38. Cheese and yoghurt are the products of (A) distillation (8) dehydration (C) fermentation (O) pasteurization 39. Kanha National park is located in and is famous for (A) Madhya Pradesh, Elephant (8) Madhya Pradesh, Tiger (C) Ocisha, Tiger (D) Assam, Elephant 40. Match the following and choose the correct combination from the option given below. Gall Organelle Function {a)| Endoplasmic Reticulum (1) | Take part in cellular respiration (b)| Free Ribosome (@)|Take part in osmoregulation and excretion (©) | Mitochondria (3) | Synthesis offi (¢)| Contractile Vacuole (4) | Synthesize non — secretory proteins (A)a-3,b-4,c-1,d-2 (B)a-1,b-2,c-4,d-3 (C)a-3,b-4,c-2,d-1 (D)a-3,b-2,c-1,d-4 ‘Space For Rough Work TUE a. FUTIEE House, 204, Rolu S073), Sorvapriya Viner, Now Deity 110018, Pr #0700000, 20080400, Fan 20812042 at. 42. FTRE-2013(Samplo)-C-VIll-P2-IO+S&M-9 Match List | with List Il and select the correct option. Tist=1 Ust=0 (a) | Hippocrates. (ly Green Revolution (b) | Norman Beriaug (il) [Louis Pasteur (o) | Edward Jenner (ii) | Father of Medicine (d) | Pasteurisation (IV) [introduced Vaccination (A)a-l, b=ll, c—Ill,d-V (8)a- ll, b-1,c-IV,d—Ill (C)a=lil, b-i, c=, d=1V (D) a=, b-1,c-1V,d=11 Which one of the following is correct option? (i) | Sharbati Sonora High yielding variety of Rice (2) | Pomato Produced by the hybridization between potato and tomato (@| Bt Cotton Bacillus thuringiesis bacteria treated cotton (4) [IR 36 Variety of wheat Statements (A) (2) and (3) are correct (8) (1), (2)and (3) statements are correct (C) (1) and (4) statement are wrong (D) (1) and (3) statements are correct SECTION - Ill SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS (PCM) PHYSICS Part-A ‘A source is vibrating with frequency 500 Hz, the sound wave thus produced is travelling with a speed of 350 mis. A compression appears at a place at a given instant. The minimum time interval after which a rarefaction occurs at the same point is 1 1 A 58 Os 1 1 ©) T058 ©) 355° ‘Space For Rough Work TWEE Liz, FITUEE House 284 Hale Sarai, Survazrina Vihar, New Doth) 170010, Ph 40108000, 20940005, Far 20070042 FTRE-2013(Sample)-C-Vill-P2-10+S&M-10 44, 47. 49. A cricketer catches a ball of mass 150 g in 0.13 moving with a speed of 20 mis. He experiences the force of (A) 300 N (8) 30N (C)3N (D)0.3N A current of 4.8 A is flowing in a conductor. The number of electrons/second moving through any cross-section normal to direction of flow is (A) 10° (B) 2 « 10" (C) 3 10" (D) 7.68 x 107 Which one of the following would a hydrogen balloon find easier to lift? (A) 1 kg of steel (B) 1 kg of lightly packed feathers. (C) 1 kg of water (0) Allof these If the current in the electric bulb decreases by 20% then the power in the bulb decreases by (A) 25% (B) 36% (C) 64% (D) 40% A block A of mass 5 kg is placed on a rough table. The coefficient of static and kinetic friction between surfaces of block and table be 0.4 and 0.3 respectiveh ifthe force F exerted on the block is 10 N(g= 10 ms) the force of friction between block and table is (A) 10.N (8) 20N (C)15.N (D) 50N CHEMISTRY Part -B ‘Which one of the following properties is incorrect for thermoplastics? (A) They do not melt ata particular temperature (B) They can be deformed easily on heating (C) They are used for high temperature application (D) They cause air pollution Space For Rough Work TATIEE tia, PITJEE Mousa 204, Kalu Sorel, Servopriya Vihar, Now Doin) 11001, Pr 40100000, 20000493, Fan 20870042 50. 51. 52. 53. FTRE-2013(Sample)-C-VII-P2-1Q+S&M-11 PET isa (A) polyamide (B) polyester (C) polypeptide (D) none of these Toluene is expected to be present in (A) Coal tar (8) Coal gas (C) Natural gas (0) LPG Elements (X) and (Y) undergo the following reactions: X+0,—>X0, 2Y +0, —>2Y0 XO, +H,O—>H,X0, YO+H,0—> (OH), Choose the correct statement: (A) *X is metal and “Y’is non — metal (8) X is non - metal and ‘Y*is metal (C) Both X’ and ‘Y’ are metals (D) Both *x’ and.'Y’ are non — metals Choose correct statement(s) from the following: () Sulphur catches fire in air !) Aqueous solution of sulphur dioxide tums blue litmus red (ii) NO» is an acidic oxide (iv) MgO is soluble in HCI Choose the correct option: A) i and ii (B)ii, ii andiv (C) i ii and iv (D) only ii and i CuSO, +Zn—+ ZnSO, +Cu Which of the following change(s) take(s) place during progress of the above reaction? (I) Blue colour of CuSO; starts disappearing, (ll) Areddish brown substanoe starts depositing in the reaction mixture. (lll) Copper is oxidised (IV) Zinc is reduced Choose the correct codes: (A), Hand Ii (B)1, I, lll and iv (C) land tt (D) ili and iv ‘Space For Rough Work IEE tia, FITJEE House 204, Ka FTRE-2013(Sample)-C-ViI-P2-10+S8M-12 MATHEMATICS Part-C 56. 1 4 Then the value of y is : Txex Tx 7 y (@)x (D)O 56. In circle with centre © chord AB is produced so that BC equals radius of the circle. CO is drawn and extended to D on the circumference as shown in the a figure. Point A is joined to O . Which of the following \ ‘expresses the relationship between angles x and y? (A) x=60" > (B)x-2 , (C) x=3y (D) there is no special relationship between x and y 57. If a? +b? +c? + 6b + 8c — 2a = -26 then find the value of 2a + 3b— 4c (A) 26 (B) 18 (yo oe 44 | 1005 a Zz 58 at yea “ze toos | Mavalueet oa a ay? 2 100522 (A)2 (B) 14 (3 (0)1 59. The square root of 666% 667 x 668% 669+ Lis (A) 667% 668-41 (B) 667% 668-1 (C) 666x669+1 (0) 666%669-1 60. Ife’-3a+16-0Then Ja-(8-av7)+(843v7) (A) (B)2 4) 3 (D)o0 Space For Rough Work PIE Li, IITIEC House 208, Aaly Sarat, Sarvapriva Vihar. Now Delhi 110016. Pe S040, Fan 20B19042 FTRE-2013(Sample)-C-Vill-P210+S&M-13 FIITJEE Talent Reward Exam Class 8 PAPER-2 ANSWERS, SECTION -1 1.Q 1, D 2 A 3. B 4, c 5. B 6. A & B R c 9. B 10. B 11. c 12. Cc 13. A 14. c 15. B 16. A 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. c 21. D 22. A SECTION — II SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS (PCMB) 23. A 24. c 25. c 26. A 27, A 2a, “eB 29. = C 30. c 31 D 32. A 33. A 34. Cc 3. =D 36. ¢«CA 37. B 38. c 39. B 40. A 41. D 42. A SECTION - III SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS (PCM) 43. °C 44. ° 8B 450°C 46. B 47. B 48. A 49. c 50. B 51. 0C«A 52. B 53. =B 54. c 55. D 56. c 57. D 58. A 59. B 60. D

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