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DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3164.2011.00985.

Terbinafine pharmacokinetics after single dose oral

administration in the dog

Mary R. Sakai*, Elizabeth R. May*, Paula M. Introduction

Imerman, Charles Felz*, Timothy A. Day,
Allylamine antifungals, such as terbinafine, are fungicidal
Steve A. Carlson and James O. Noxon* and act through inhibition of squalene epoxidase, the
enzyme catalysing the synthesis of ergosterol from squa-
*Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Veterinary Diagnostic
Laboratory and Department of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State
lene.1,2 The allylamines possess a dual mode of action as
University, Ames, IA, USA a consequence of the requirement for ergosterol in fungal
Correspondence: Mary R. Sakai, Iowa State University, Lloyd Veteri- cell membrane synthesis and the toxic accumulation of
nary Medical Center, 1600 South 16th Street, Ames, IA 50011, USA. squalene resulting from squalene epoxidase inhibition.1,2
E-mail: Until recently, terbinafine was marketed only as Lamisil
Sources of Funding (terbinafine hydrochloride; Novartis Pharmaceuticals, East
This study was funded by the Department of Veterinary Clinical
Hanover, NJ, USA) and was under patent protection
Sciences, Iowa State University, Ames, IA and research start-up
funds provided by Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA.
(patent expiration date December 2006). Availability of
Conflict of Interest generic formulations has dramatically decreased the cost
No conflicts of interest have been declared. of terbinafine, leading to increased usage in veterinary
medicine. Terbinafine may provide an effective, afford-
able and safe alternative to traditional systemic antifungal
Terbinafine is an allylamine antifungal prescribed for Currently, most cases of subcutaneous and systemic
the treatment of mycoses in humans. It is increasingly mycoses are treated with azole antifungals (itraconaz-
being used in veterinary patients. The purpose of this ole, ketoconazole and fluconazole), amphotericin B,
study was to evaluate the pharmacokinetic properties iodides (against sporotrichosis) or combination drug
of terbinafine in dogs after a single oral dose. Ten therapy. At typical therapeutic doses (e.g. 510 mg kg)
healthy adult dogs were included in the study. A itraconazole and fluconazole are less hepatotoxic and
single dose of terbinafine (3035 mg/kg) was admin- have less effect on steroidogenesis than ketoconaz-
istered orally, and blood samples were periodically ole.39 Itraconazole is recommended as the treatment
collected over a 24 h period during which dogs were of choice for many subcutaneous and systemic myco-
monitored for adverse effects. Two of 10 dogs devel- ses because of its superior efficacy against filamentous
oped transient ocular changes. A high-performance fungi (including Aspergillus spp.) and the dimorphic
liquid chromatography assay was developed and pathogenic fungi,36,10 but the cost of treatment is usu-
used to determine plasma terbinafine concentrations. ally prohibitive in all but the smallest patients. The
Pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using PK azole antifungals are fungistatic drugs and their use is
Solutions computer software. Area under the curve considered most appropriate in immunocompetent
(AUC) from time 0 to 24 h was 15.4 lgh/mL patients. Polyene antifungals, such as amphotericin B,
(range 527), maximal plasma concentration (Cmax) are fungicidal drugs and can be used regardless of
was 3.5 lg/mL (range 34.9 lg/mL) and time to Cmax patient immune status; however, the necessity for par-
(Tmax) was 3.6 h (range 26 h). The time above mini- enteral administration and potential for nephrotoxicity
mal inhibitory concentration (T > MIC) as well as are important limitations of therapy with amphoteri-
AUC/MIC was calculated for important invasive fun- cin B, even with the newer liposomal formulations.1113
gal pathogens and dermatophytes. The T > MIC was The liposomal formulations are significantly more costly
1718 h for Blastomyces dermatitidis, Histoplasma than conventional amphotericin B, and when the addi-
capsulatum and dermatophytes (Microsporum spp. tional expense of frequent laboratory monitoring is
and Trichophyton mentagrophytes), while the MIC considered, treatment with this drug is often prohibited
for Sporothrix schenckii and Coccidioides immitis by cost.
was exceeded for 9.511 h. The AUC/MIC values ran- There are several published studies and case reports
ged from 9 to 13 lg h/mL for these fungi. Our results documenting the efficacy of terbinafine for treatment of
provide evidence supporting the use of terbinafine as dermatophytosis in cats at doses ranging from 30 to
an oral therapeutic agent for treating systemic and 40 mg kg,1418 but fewer published reports regarding
subcutaneous mycoses in dogs. the use of terbinafine in dogs. Reports in dogs focus on
Accepted 28 March 2011 treatment of Malassezia spp. dermatitis and dermato-
phytosis.1820 Further unpublished reports and clinical
experiences suggest that terbinafine may be an option for

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Terbinafine pharmacokinetics in the dog

treatment of subcutaneous and systemic mycoses as 10 min at 503 g. Plasma was removed and placed in plastic test
either an adjunctive or primary therapy. Current dosing tubes for storage at )20C until analysis. Blood was collected for
post-treatment complete blood count and serum chemistry panel at
recommendations have been extrapolated from terbina-
the 24 h time point.
fine use in humans, success in various clinical veterinary
cases, and studies in cats. The purpose of the present
study was to describe the pharmacokinetics of terbinafine Measurement of plasma terbinafine concentration
in the dog after administration of a single oral dose and to High-performance liquid chromatography assay
use these data [along with reported minimal inhibitory High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet
concentration (MIC) data for fungal pathogens] to form a detection was used for the terbinafine analysis in canine plasma sam-
basis for recommendation of future clinical investigations ples. The method was a modification of the protocol previously
and uses of terbinafine for treatment of select subcutane- described by Denouel et al.23 A terbinafine reference standard
was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Corp. (St Louis, MO, USA). The
ous or systemic fungal diseases in dogs.
terbinafine standard was dissolved in methanol to make 0.12 and
0.012 lg lL standard solutions. These were stored at 4C in tightly
Materials and methods sealed glass vials. The standard solutions were used to produce
various dilutions of terbinafine in water and in control canine plasma
The procedures performed in this study were approved by the Institu- (obtained from three study participants prior to the start of the study).
tional Animal Care and Use Committee at Iowa State University (pro- These dilutions were used for calibration curves and assay develop-
tocol #6983). Informed consent was obtained from the owners of all ment. The assay was validated in house by one of the (PMI)
dogs enrolled in the study. using pooled canine plasma spiked with the terbinafine reference
standard. The limit of detection of terbinafine in canine plasma was
Animals and housing 0.01 lg mL. A standard calibration curve within the negative control
Twelve adult dogs were used in this study. All dogs were owned by canine plasma was created, with concentrations of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1
veterinary students and employees of the Iowa State University and 5 lg mL. The mobile phase consisted of A = 0.012 M triethyl-
Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center. In order to be included in the study, amine plus 0.02 M orthophosphoric acid and B = acetonitrile at A:B,
dogs had to weigh at least 23 kg, be healthy and of good tempera- 50:50 (v v). The HPLC system used was a Waters 2695 separations
ment, and could not have received any medications or supplements module with a Waters 996 photodiode array detector (Waters
within 2 weeks of the study. Larger dogs were selected for this Corporation, Milford, MA, USA). The analytical column was an Axiom
study to ensure the safe collection of multiple blood samples. The 5 lm C18 150 mm 4.6 mm column. The ultraviolet detection was
dogs ranged in age from 2 to 9 years old. Prior to inclusion in the set at 222 nm with a flow rate of 1 mL min. The area of the peak
study, a complete physical examination, complete blood count, was integrated, and samples were quantified against the control
serum chemistry profile panel and urine specific gravity was per- pooled canine plasma standard curve. The percentage recovery after
formed on each dog. Exclusion criteria included evidence of systemic ethyl acetate extraction was 80 8%.
disease, medication administration other than routine heartworm and
flea and tick control, pregnancy or lactation, or behavioural problems. Sample preparation
Dogs were hospitalized for a 24 h period during the study and housed All plasma samples, calibration curve samples and negative control
in wire-sided plastic-bottomed dog crates or holding cages, routinely (blank) plasma samples were prepared in a similar manner. A 500 lL
walked, allowed free access to water and fed a diet similar to the one volume of sample was added to a clean glass 15 mL screw-cap tube.
they ate at home at t = 0 h and t = 8 h. Next, 1 mL of 0.2 M borate buffer (pH 9.0) was added and the tube
was vortexed for 5 s; 5 mL ethyl acetate was then added and the
tube was vortexed for 30 s. Next, the tube was centrifuged for
Haematological and serum biochemical analysis
10 min at 626 g. The ethyl acetate (top layer) was removed, placed
Blood samples were obtained from dogs via jugular venipuncture and
into a clean glass 7 mL vial, and was evaporated under nitrogen to
urine samples were collected via a voided sample. Complete blood
dryness. Vial contents were reconstituted with 200 lL of methanol,
counts were performed using an Advia 120 Hematology System
100 lL of this reconstituted solution was placed in an autosampler
(Bayer Diagnostics, Pittsburgh, PA, USA). Serum biochemical analy-
vial, and 20 lL was injected onto the analytical column. For samples
sis was conducted using a Hitachi 921 Analyzer (Boehringer Mann-
in which a higher concentration of terbinafine was expected, analysis
heim Roche, Indianapolis, IN, USA). Urine specific gravity was
was performed with 10 lL injection volume. Each time samples
evaluated via refractometry.
were run, a new set of calibration and blank samples were prepared.

Terbinafine administration and sample collection

Upon admission to the hospital, a repeat physical examination was Pharmacokinetic analysis
performed and an 18-gauge, 5.08 cm intravenous catheter was asep- Analysis of plasma terbinafine concentration curves and pharmaco-
tically placed in the cephalic or accessory cephalic vein. A single oral kinetic modelling was performed without compartmental bias using
dose of terbinafine hydrochloride (NorthStar Rx Orchid Healthcare; PK Solutions computer software (Summit Research Services, Mont-
Princeton, NJ, USA), 3040 mg kg was administered with a meal at rose, CO, USA). Area under the curve (AUC), maximal plasma con-
t = 0 in order to enhance absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.21 centration (Cmax) and time to reach Cmax (Tmax) were calculated for
The dose range was selected based upon previously published rec- each dog. Terbinafine MIC values for important invasive fungal patho-
ommendations.14,18 Blood samples (35 mL) were collected from gens (Blastomyces dermatitidis,24 Histoplasma capsulatum,24 Sporo-
each dog at times 0, 15 and 30 min and 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and thrix schenkii,2426 Pythium insidiosum27 and Coccidioides immitis28)
24 h postadministration. Blood samples were collected from the were examined in conjunction with the terbinafine plasma concentra-
intravenous catheter at time points t = 0 through t = 8 h.22 Approxi- tion versus time curve. Select dermatophytes (Microsporum canis,
mately 0.2 mL of blood was removed and discarded prior to each M. gypseum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes)24,29,30 were also
sample collection (twice the flush volume of the catheter), and the examined for their relevance in deep dermatophyte infections
catheter was flushed with heparinized saline after each collection. (dermatophyte pseudomycetoma, granuloma or kerion).3133 The
Blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture at times time that terbinafine plasma concentration remained greater than the
points t = 12 h and t = 24 h, due to the fact that in preliminary trials, MIC (T > MIC) and the AUC over MIC (AUC MIC) were also calcu-
catheters did not reliably retain patency allowing for blood collection lated for each fungal organism. Statistical software (SPSS 19; IBM
after t = 8 h. Blood samples were collected in sterile glass blood col- Corp., Somers, NY, USA) was used to perform descriptive and infer-
lection tubes with EDTA anticoagulant. Samples were centrifuged for ential analysis, which included a series of Students paired t-tests.

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Sakai et al.

Results potential adverse reproductive or gestational effects of

terbinafine in dogs. One dog had a grade 2 6 systolic
Ten dogs were ultimately included in the study. Dogs ran- heart murmur on physical examination. The dog was
ged in age from 36 months to 9 years and in weight from evaluated by a veterinary cardiologist and diagnosed with
24 to 43 kg. There were six castrated males, one intact asymptomatic early degenerative valve disease with no
male and three spayed female dogs; the breeds included functional impairment; therefore, this dog was allowed to
golden retriever (n = 1), Labrador retriever (n = 3) and be used in the study.
mixed breed (n = 6). One of the original 12 dogs was Initial haematological and biochemical analyses did not
excluded for behavioural problems. Another dog under- reveal results that excluded any dog from the study. One
went artificial insemination the week prior to the study dog had a serum creatinine measuring slightly above the
and so was withdrawn owing to the lack of data regarding upper limit of the reference interval (150.3 lmol L; refer-
ence interval 44.2132.6 lmol L); however, urine con-
centration was within normal limits and no evidence of
renal insufficiency was diagnosed. This dogs urine was
well concentrated (specific gravity 1.032) and it had no
accompanying clinical signs of renal insufficiency. Since
the dogs haemogram was within normal limits and there
were no additional changes on the chemistry panel to
suggest renal insufficiency, the serum creatinine mea-
surement in this dog was considered to be normal for that
individual and not an indication of disease.
Throughout the 24 h study period, two of the dogs
experienced periocular swelling, chemosis and conjuncti-
val erythema. This appeared in both dogs approximately
8 h after administration of the terbinafine dose, and disap-
peared within 2436 h of terbinafine administration.
Throughout the study period, there was no evidence of
ocular discomfort in the dogs, they were nonpruritic and
Figure 1. Mean plasma terbinafine concentrations in dogs (n = 10) had normal menace and pupillary light reflexes. Physical
after oral administration of a single dose (mean dose 32.8 mg kg; examination was performed on both dogs and no other
range 3035 mg kg); error bars depict SEM. abnormalities were noted. The two dogs experiencing
ocular changes were examined by a veterinary ophthal-
mologist after study completion. The dogs had normal
Table 1. Pharmacokinetic parameters of terbinafine in dogs after vision and ophthalmological examination was within
oral administration of a single dose (3035 mg kg)
normal limits aside from minor incidental findings consid-
AUC Cmax Tmax ered to be unrelated to drug administration. No other
Dog no. (lg h mL) (lg mL) (h) adverse effects were noted throughout the study. Post-
1 18 4.3 3 study haematological and biochemical evaluations did not
2 10 1.3 6 reveal significant abnormalities in any dogs.
3 21 4.3 3 The terbinafine plasma concentration versus time curve
4 13 4.6 2
is shown in Figure 1. Pharmacokinetic analysis revealed
5 11 1.7 6
6 15 2.9 3 that the mean Cmax was 3.48 lg lL (range 1.34.9
7 15 4.9 3 lg lL) and mean Tmax was 3.59 h (range 26 h). The
8 5 1.5 2 mean AUC from time 0 to 24 h was 15.4 lgh mL.
9 19 4.7 4 Table 1 summarizes the data for each individual dog. Pair-
10 27 4.6 3.9 wise t-tests showed no significant difference between
AUC, area under the curve; Cmax, maximal plasma concentration; and individual dogs in terms of AUC, Cmax or Tmax, given a
Tmax, time to Cmax. confidence interval of 95%. The reported MIC values,

Table 2. Pathogen-specific terbinafine pharmacokinetic analysis and proposed dosing intervals (3035 mg kg)
Organism Reported MIC (lg mL) T > MIC (h)* AUC MIC (lg h mL) Proposed dosing interval
Blastomyces dermatitidis 0.0818 18.8 13 Twice daily
Histoplasma capsulatum 0.0618 17.6 13 Twice daily
Sporothrix schenckii 0.250.518,20,21 9.5 9 Three times daily
Coccidioides immitis 0.631 11 9 Three times daily
Pythium insidiosum 3223 0 Not assessed Not recommended
Microsporum spp. 0.0117 17.6 13 Twice daily
Trichophyton mentagrophytes 0.0117 17.6 13 Twice daily
*T > MIC data exhibited approximately 5% intersubject variability.
AUC MIC data exhibited approximately 10% intersubject variability.
For deep dermatophyte infections.

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Terbinafine pharmacokinetics in the dog

T > MIC and AUC MIC values, as well as recommended different between greyhounds and nongreyhounds.
terbinafine dosing interval for fungal pathogens are Additionally, terbinafine is not subjected to the first-pass
shown in Table 2. Dosing intervals recommended herein effect (i.e. hepatic or gastrointestinal metabolism prior to
are made on the basis of maintaining plasma concentra- reaching the systemic circulation). Although the grey-
tion greater than the MIC for 100% of the dosing interval. hound breed is well known to have some singularities in
drug metabolism and distribution,4044 we conclude that
the pharmacokinetics of terbinafine in greyhounds and
nongreyhound dogs are equivocal. The kinetics of absorp-
Results of this study show that oral terbinafine is rapidly tion may be slightly accelerated in greyhounds, but this
absorbed when given with food, reaching Tmax within phenomenon appears to be saturable.
approximately 3.5 h. This is slightly longer than the Tmax Several studies have confirmed that terbinafine has
described in humans (2 h) after oral administration of a good in vitro efficacy against organisms including
single dose of terbinafine.34 In our study, terbinafine was dermatophytes,24,29,30 S. schenckii,2426 B. dermatitidis,24
administered with a meal because studies in humans H. capsulatum24 and P. insidiosum (as part of a combina-
have found that higher Cmax is achieved when terbinafine tion therapy).30,45 There is also evidence that a synergistic
is taken with food compared with on an empty stom- effect is produced against pathogenic moulds and yeasts
ach.21 (including Aspergillus spp. and Candida spp.) and against
Most reported adverse effects of terbinafine adminis- P. insidiosum when terbinafine is co-administered with
tration in humans are manifested via the gastrointestinal fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole or amphoteri-
system; rarely, adverse effects involving the hepatobiliary cin B.2,27,45 This has proved useful in the treatment of
or cutaneous tissues are reported.2,35 No such adverse rare or refractory systemic and cutaneous mycoses in
effects were observed in our study; however, since only humans46,47 and may be advantageous in veterinary
a single dose of terbinafine was administered, the possi- patients as well.48
bility of adverse effects following multiple doses cannot To the best of our knowledge, the pharmacodynamic
be excluded. An unexpected finding in our study was the properties of terbinafine remain incompletely described.
occurrence of periocular swelling and erythema in two The pharmacodynamic parameter (T > MIC, AUC MIC or
dogs. These two dogs were also enrolled in a subsequent Cmax MIC) most predictive of drug efficacy has not been
investigation that was continuous with the presently established. As such, we were unable to consider the
described study, in which they received terbinafine daily issue of time-dependent versus concentration-dependent
for an additional 13 days; no recurrence of ocular changes action when recommending dosing intervals for terbina-
was noted after an additional 13 days of terbinafine. Rare fine therapy. Our recommendations were made using
ocular adverse effects have been reported in monkeys the most conservative approach, assuming a required
and in humans, including white spots on the retina,36 a T > MIC for 100% of the dosing interval.
single report of green vision along with pruritus and urti- Our pharmacokinetic analysis demonstrated that thera-
caria,37 and a single report of anterior uveitis.38 All of peutically significant plasma concentrations were reached
these described effects were reversible upon discontinu- and maintained for 17.618.8 h (T > MIC) for fungal
ation of terbinafine. pathogens including B. dermatitidis, H. capsulatum and
The cause of the transient periocular swelling and ery- all dermatophytes examined after a single oral dose of
thema noted in two of 10 dogs in our study is unknown. terbinafine at 3035 mg kg. This indicates that terbina-
Both dogs were from the same household; however, fine administered at a dosing interval of every 12 h should
there was a third dog from the same household (also maintain appropriate plasma drug concentrations for
enrolled in the study) that did not exhibit these changes. treatment of blastomycosis, histoplasmosis and dermato-
Whether the ocular changes were drug related or due to phyte pseudomycetoma. For S. schenkii and C. immitis,
an unknown trigger from something that occurred during the T > MIC was 9.511 h, indicating that administration
hospitalization cannot be determined. The observed ocu- of terbinafine dosed at 3035 mg kg every 8 h would be
lar adverse effects may be related to administration of necessary to sustain therapeutic plasma drug concentra-
terbinafine; however, the possibility that this occurrence tions. Therapeutic plasma concentrations of terbinafine
was unrelated to terbinafine administration must be were not reached at any time in the 24 h period for
considered as well. P. insidiosum. As a result, terbinafine administered at
A recent study described oral terbinafine pharmaco- 3035 mg kg as a sole therapeutic agent cannot be
kinetics in greyhound dogs (n = 6) after administration of recommended for treatment of pythiosis. As synergy
a single dose (30 mg kg) of terbinafine orally with food.39 between terbinafine and the azole or polyene antifungals
The mean Cmax we report in the present study has been proposed, future investigation into the possibil-
(3.48 lg mL) is slightly lower than that reported in grey- ity of combination therapy for pythiosis or other fungal
hounds (4.01 lg mL). Additionally, we report a mean infections that are refractory to single agent therapy may
Tmax of 3.48 h and AUC of 15.4 lg h mL, compared with be beneficial.
2 h and 17.253 lg h mL, respectively, reported in grey- Although the T > MIC for dermatophytes seems to
hounds. In comparing these studies, Tmax seems to suggest appropriate use of terbinafine for superficial
exhibit the most variation between greyhounds and dermatophyte infections, the authors hesitate to make
nongreyhound dogs. Differences in drug metabolism are dosing recommendations solely based on the data pro-
unlikely to explain this phenomenon because eventual duced in this study. Tissues infected by dermatophytes
Cmax and AUC values did not appear to be significantly in superficial infections are avascular components of the
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Resume La terbinafine est un antifongique de la famille des allylamines prescrit dans le traitement des
mycoses de lhomme. Elle est de plus en plus utilisee en medecine veterinaire. Lobjectif de cette etude
etait devaluer les proprietes pharmacocinetiques de la terbinafine chez les chiens apres une seule dose
orale. Dix chiens adultes ont ete inclus dans letude. Une dose unique de terbinafine (3035 mg kg) a ete
administree oralement et des echantillons sanguins ont ete preleves periodiquement sur une periode de
24 heures au cours de laquelle les chiens ont ete suivis pour deventuels effets indesirables. Deux des 10
chiens ont developpes des changements oculaires transitoires. Un test HPLC a ete developpe et utilise
pour determiner les concentrations de terbinafine plasmatique. Une analyse pharmacocinetique a ete rea-
lisee par le logiciel informatique PK Solutions. Laire sous la courbe (AUC) entre 0 et 24 h etait de 15.4
lg mL (moyenne 527), la concentration plasmatique maximum (Cmax) etait de 3.5 lg mL (moyenne
34.9), et le temps de Cmax (Tmax) etait de 3.6 h (moyenne 26). Le temps au dessus de la concentration
minimale inhibitrice (T > CMI) aussi bien que le rapport AUC MIC etait calcule pour les pathogenes invasifs
fongiques importants et les dermatophytes. Le T > CMI etait de 1718 h pour Blastomyces dermatitidis,
Histoplasma capsulatum et les dermatophytes (Microsporum spp. et Trichophyton mentagrophytes) alors
que la CMI pour Sporothrix schenckii et Coccidioides immitis etait depassee pour 9.511 h. Les valeurs de
AUC MIC variaient de 9 a 13 lg h mL pour ces champignons. Nos resultats fournissent des preuves sup-
portant lutilisation de la terbinafine comme agent therapeutique oral dans le traitement des mycoses
canines sous-cutanees et systemiques.

Resumen La terbinafina es un antifungico del tipo alilamina prescrita para el tratamiento de micosis en
seres humanos. Se esta utilizando cada vez mas en pacientes veterinarios. El proposito de este estudio
era evaluar las caractersticas farmacocineticas de la terbinafina en perros despues de una sola dosis oral.
Diez perros sanos adultos fueron incluidos en el estudio. Se administro una sola dosis de terbinafina
(30-35 mg kg) por va oral y se tomaron muestras de sangre periodicamente durante un periodo de 24

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Sakai et al.

horas durante el cual los perros fueron supervisados por posible efectos nocivos. Dos de los 10 perros
desarrollaron cambios oculares transitorios. Se realizo un analisis mediante HPLC para determinar las
concentraciones de terbinafina en plasma. El analisis farmacocinetico se realizo usando el programa PK
Solutions. El area debajo de la curva (AUC) del tiempo 0 a las 24 h fue de 15,4 lg mL (rango de 527), la
concentracion maxima del plasma (Cmaxima) fue de 3,5 lg mL (rango de 34,9), y el tiempo para la Cmaxima
(Tmaximo) fue de 3,6 h (rango 26). El tiempo para exceder la concentracion inhibitoria mnima (T > MIC) as
como el AUC MIC se calculo para agentes patogenos fungicos de importancia y para dermatofitos. T >
MIC fue de 1718 h para Blastomyces dermatitidis, Histoplasma capsulatum, y dermatofitos (Micro-
sporum spp. y Trichophyton mentagrophytes) mientras que la MIC para Sporothrix schenckii y Cocci-
dioides immitis fue sobrepasada a las 9,511 h. Los valores de AUC MIC oscilaron entre 913 lg h mL
para estos hongos. Nuestros resultados proporcionan evidencia que apoya el uso de terbinafina como
agente terapeutico oral para tratar micosis sistemicas y subcutaneas en perros.

Zusammenfassung Terbinafine ist ein Allylamin Antimykotikum, welches fur die Behandlung von Myko-
sen beim Menschen verschrieben wird. Es wird zunehmend bei Tierpatienten angewendet. Das Ziel dieser
Studie war es, die pharmakokinetischen Eigenschaften von Terbinafine bei Hunden nach einer einzigen
oralen Dosis zu evaluieren. Es wurden zehn gesunde Hunde in diese Studie aufgenommen. Eine einzelne
Dosis Terbinafine (3035 mg kg) wurde per os verabreicht und Blutproben wurden periodisch uber eine
Dauer von 24 Stunden, wahrend der die Hunde auf Nebenwirkungen uberpruft wurden, entnommen. Zwei
von 10 Hunden entwickelten vorubergehende Augenveranderungen. Ein HPLC Assay wurde entwickelt
und zur Bestimmung von Terbinafine-Konzentrationen im Plasma verwendet. Eine pharmakokinetische
Analyse wurde mittels PK Solutions Computer Software durchgefuhrt. Die Flache unter der Kurve (AUC)
vom Zeitpunkt 0 bis 24 h betrug 15,4 lg ml (Breite 5-27), die maximale Plasmakonzentration (Cmax) betrug
3,5 lg mL (Breite 34,9) und die Zeit bis zu Cmax (Tmax) betrug 3,6 h (Breite 26). Die Zeit oberhalb der mini-
malen inhibitorischen Konzentration (T > MIC) sowie AUC MIC wurde fur wichtige invasive pathogene
Pilze und Dermatophyten kalkuliert. T > MIC fur Blastomyces dermatitidis, Histoplasma capsulatum und
Dermatophyten (Microsporum spp. und Trichophyton mentagrophytes) betrug 1718 h wahrend die MIC
fur Sporothrix schenckii und Coccidioides immitis bei mehr als 9,511 h lag. AUC MIC Werte reichten bei
diesen Pilzen von 9.13 lg h ml. Unsere Ergebnisse liefern Evidenz dafur, dass Terbinafine als orales Thera-
peutikum fur die Behandlung von systemischen und subkutanen Mykosen bei Hunden eingesetzt werden

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534 2011 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 22, 528534.

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