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Youre standing in a room with 3 light switches in the Off position.

These switches trigger 3 light

bulbs that are in the next room hidden from view. You dont know which switch is connected to which
light bulb, and you are allowed to go into the room with the light bulbs only once. How do you
determine which switch is connected to which light bulb?
Answer 1: Flip the first light switch on and wait around for about 15 minutes. Then quickly turn that
light switch off, turn the second one on, and run into the light bulb room. The one light bulb that is on
matches up with the second switch. Touch the other two light switches; the one that is still hot
matches up with the first switch and the cool one matches up with the third.
A cowboy rode into town on Friday, stayed three days, and left on Friday. How is this possible?
What month has 28 days?
A father and son were involved in a car accident. The father was trapped in the car, but the son was
rushed to the nearest hospital. Upon entering the emergency room, the doctor who was supposed to
operate on the young boy exclaimed, I cant operate! This is my son! How is that possible?
Mr. Davis lives on the 30th floor of an apartment with a total of 30 floors. Every morning, he leaves
his apartment for his job at the local bank promptly at 8am, gets into the elevator and goes down 30
floors to the street level exit. Every evening when he returns, he takes the elevator up to the 10th
floor, then gets out and walks up 20 floors of stairsexcept on rainy days, when he takes the
elevator up to the 20th floor and walks the remaining 10. Why does he do this?
A man is moving towards a field, but he knows that when he gets there he will die. Why does he
keep going?
If a rooster is standing in the middle (at the highest point) of a slanted barn roof, which side would its
egg roll down? The one who built it didnt want it. The one who bought it didnt need it. The one who
used it never saw it. What is it?
Two identical women who have the same mother, father, birthdays, height, and weight go grocery
shopping together. Another shopper stops them and asks, "Are you twins?" The two women reply
that they are not, and they are telling the truth. How can this be? If your uncles sister is related to
you but is not your aunt, what is the relation?
. Answer 4: The doctor was the boys mother. Answer 5: Mr. Davis is very short and cannot reach the
buttons for the 20th or 30th floor. On rainy days, he is able to reach the button for the 20th floor only
because he has an umbrella with him. Answer 6: The man was skydiving, and his parachute didnt
open. Answer 7: Roosters dont lay eggs. Answer 8: A coffin. Answer 9: They are triplets (or
quadruplets, quintuplets, etc.). Answer 10: She is your mother.

Riddle 1: Shopping (**)

A married couple returns from shopping at the supermarket laden with bags. The man begins
complaining to his wife that the bags are very heavy. Why are you complaining? She says. If you
give me one of your bags, I would have twice as many as you do, and if I give you one of mine, we
would have the same number of bags.
Question: How many bags does each of them hold?

Riddle 2: The Jester (***)

The king who was bored with his jester and was looking for an occasion to get rid of him, called him
one day and said:

Say something, anything you want. If what you say

is a lie I will hang you, if you say the truth I will slay you.

The jester thought a little and then said something to the king. And the king let him live!

Question: What did he say? Jester said I am gonna be hanged

Riddle 3: Sheep (*****)

There are 57 lions and 1 sheep in a relatively large cage. If a lion eats the sheep, then it gets sleepy
and vulnerable to be attacked by another lion (i.e. it becomes somewhat pseudo-sheep and a potential

Assume that if a lion kills its prey, it eats it alone (without sharing it with another lion). Also assume
that all lions are reasonable and know that all the other lions think logically too. Each lion wants to
live first of all, and then if it can eat a victim then it will. The priorities that are (from largest to

1. To eat a potential victim and live

2. Not to eat a prospective victim but live

3. To eat a potential victim and die

Lions can survive without eating the sheep or any other potential victim (ie, they are fed).
Question: Will the sheep survive?

I think sheep will survive because it is mentioned in the question that lions think logically then
they know that they are going to live because they will be fed so they wont take any of their life
by eating the sheep.

Riddle 4: The two twins (****)

Two twins appear in court. One of them always tells lies, while the other sometimes tells lies and
sometimes the truth. One of the twins, John, had committed a crime. (we do not know if John was the
one who always told lies). The judge asked the first twin: Are you John? Yes, I am, he answered.
The judge asked the second twin: Are you John? He answered either yes or no and the judge
immediately found who John was.

Question: Was he the first or the second twin?

. 2nd is John ( 2nd guy is the one who tells lie and truth because he said either yes or no and it is
sure that one of the statement is true means he always does not lie this means that the 1st guy is
the one who always lies so he is lying that he is John means 2nd guy is john).

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