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Characteristics of a Brochure

1.1 What is a brochure?

A brochure is a direct advertisement of your company, products or services. A

well designed brochure is an excellent opportunity to introduce your company
or products to your potential customers (BrochureDesign, s.f.).
Besides, it is a way to emphasize that you offer a better product than your

1.2 The brochure functions

The most important functions of a brochure are:

Informative function
A brochure gives the potential client the information you want to
communicate. For example: introducing your company or a new product,
or changes in your company (, s.f).

Advertising function
It is a very useful tool to promote your products or any new product you
want to launch to the market (, s.f).

Identification function
In order to promote the different Remember!
sections of your company or maybe, According to your main
the kind of products your company purpose, you have
has, you can select innumerable types to emphasize one or
of brochures, but they have to keep another function; but
the same concept of your company you need to interrelate
(, s.f). all of these functions to
be effective.

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1.3 Types of brochure

You can choose the best option to design your brochure according to your
objectives. There are a lot of possibilities such as Bi-fold brochure, Tri-fold
brochure, Gate-fold brochure, Z-fold brochure, folders, inserts, among others;
but the most common are the Bi-fold brochure and the Tri-fold brochure.


Bi-fold brochures are suitable for Tri-fold brochures are the

your outside or inside company most appropriate to show
projects (BrochureDesignTeam. a new product or service
com, s.f.). that your company offers
These brochures are economical (, s.f).
to print because of their sizes. This type of brochure has six
This folding forms four panels: a panels to put information, which
front-cover, a back-cover and is an advantage over other types
two internal panels (Brochure of brochures. Also, these kinds of
Design Service, s.f). brochures are economical to print
(Brochure Design Service, s.f).

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1.4 The information a brochure must have

As reported by Cohen (2009), a brochure includes the following sections:

Who you This information is related to the company, products and the
owner. You can even add a photo of the owner or manager
are to generate greater security to your audience.

What you This part contains a list of things you have done in your
do or sell company and also the benefits you can give to the clients.

How you In this section you need to write a short description of the
way, method or strategies you implement to complete an
work assignment.

This fragment includes a list of your achievements. Dont

What youve forget to include a lot of numbers, money, figures and per-
done centages. Also, you can include a list of clients with some

You should include the company dates such as physical

How to address, website address, phone, and mobile phone.
contact you Additionally, it could have a map to easily locate your

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1.5 How to design a brochure

If you create a brochure, you need to take into account that the most important
aspect is to catch the potential clients attention. To achieve that purpose you
have to design a unique and creative brochure. It has to be clear, attractive and
brief .
You need to bear in mind some aspects for creating a successful brochure. Some
of those aspects are:

Figure 1. Example of a brochure


Usage of Defining
visual aids concepts and

languages BROCHURE paper

Determining Colorful
the right brochure
font sizes design

Figure 2. Aspects you have to take into consideration at the moment of designing a bro-

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Defining concepts and structure: As it has been said, the first step is
to determine the purpose of the brochure. Will it be for giving information?
Or maybe, will it persuade someone to buy something? Once you decide the
main objective, you have to give a clear message to your audience.

Using the correct paper: If you use an inappropriate paper, your bro-
chure will be ineffective. Remember, your potential clients have touched your
ideas, products or services through your brochure. The market has a lot of
kind of papers you can adapt to your work.

Colorful brochure design: Make sure you will make an eye-catching de-
sign. So, you should choose a colorful design that suggests an especial feature.
The brochures covers design must grab the clients interest.

Determining the right font sizes: The brochure must be readable and
legible. The kind of font can arouse customer interest. You can use different
tools as glow and bold among others to stand out headlines or information
you want to keep in the clients mind.

Suitable language: The language of a brochure should be simple, concise

and clear, but try to use a catchy vocabulary. Write short sentences in an
easy and motivating language, avoiding redundancies, cliches, jargon or mis-

Usage of visual aids: You can use images, graphs or charts that generate a
great impact in your potential clients. This visual aid helps you to summarize
what you want to communicate and it is the easiest way to grab the clients

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When a company thinks about creating a brochure it has to identify who the
information is addressed to and then, plan the details in the design.

All brochures should have the three functions mentioned before but according
to the objective, one or another could be more emphasized.

The brochure design is a fusion of different aspects that work altogether to

get the prospective clients attention.

Some of those important aspects are the visual aids that permit to catch the
clients interest because they produce an immediate effect.

The message has to have a simple, clear, accurate but striking language for
catching the most of the population interest


Bien, R. (2013). Tips in Designing a great brochure. Recuperado el 13 de 08 de

2013, de Naldz Graphics:

Brochure Design Service. (s.f). Recuperado el 12 de

08 de 2013, de
chures.html (s.f). Recuperado el 06 de

08 de 2013, de

Cohen, W. A. (2009). How to make it big as a consultant. Recuperado el 06

de 08 de 2013, de

Pennisi, L., Gunawan, Y., Lee Major, A., & Winder, A. (01 de 2011). University of
Nebraska-Lincoln extension, Institute of Agriculture and Nature Resources.
Recuperado el 12 de 08 de 2013, de

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2012.

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