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1) Name the features of 8051?

2) What is UART?

3) Explain the memory of 8051?

4) How many register banks are there in 8051?

5) Total number of pins in 8051?

6) Number of bits that can handle at a time?

7) What is CISC?

8) How many 16 bit registers does 8051 have?

9) Stack pointer initialized from______ address.

10) What is RS1, RS0?

11) Which mode does the timer act as split timer?

12) In timer, if gate bit is ‘0’, it implies__________ control.

13) In timer, if gate bit is ‘1’, it implies___________ control.

14) Reset is a ____________ interrupt.

15) Number of maskable interrupts does 8051 have?

16) SUBUF means________.
17) In which modes is the UART used for multi processor


18) IDL mode is also called as_________.

19) How to exit from power down mode?

20) What is the architecture used by 8051?

21) Which port does not have any multiplexed operation?

22) How many ports does 8051 have?

23) Which port has pull-up resistor?

24) Which ports are used for address & data interface

25) What is TMOD in 8051?

26) What is SFR?

27) Write the address of SFR?

28) Addressing mode which used to access SFR?

29) What is mean by RISC

30) Size of bit addressable memory in 8051?

31) With which register the stack shares its memory?

32) what does C/T=0 implies?

33) What is the final count for mode 0?

34) What is the final count for mode 1?


35) List the number of modes in timer?

36) What is SCON?

37) Name the power saving modes of 8051?

38) In built A/D OF 8051 has ___________bits of digital output.

39) What is OFD?

40) Define watchdog timer?

41) Which register are used for indirect addressing?

42) Explain MOVX@DPTR, A .

43) All external data moves must involve in_____ register.

44) DPTR can address_____ bytes.

45) RP can address_____ bytes.

46) Movx is normally used with_____________.

47) The number in regisre RP must be a __________ address.

48) Movc is normally used with_________________.

49) When the stack pointer reaches ffh it rolls over to___________.

50) 8051 mnemonic for AND,OR,XOR,NOT.

51) CPL A implies____________________.

52) Name the control registers in 8051?

53) Name the interrupts in 8051?

54) Give some application of 8051?


55) _________ is used to reset the entire interrupt.

56) Use of ASCII in microcontroller?

57) Use of gray codes in microcontroller?

58) Parity in microcontroller?

59) BCD in microcontroller?

60) What is mean by timing?

61) 8051 have __________ serial port .

62) 8051 have _____________crystal clock

63) _________of external EPROM.

64) What is the error due to extra instruction included in the s/w

timing loop.

65) What is mean by labels?

66) Advantages of 8051 microcontroller?

67) What is mean by an instruction?

68) What is the three distinct parts of an instruction?

69) What does C/T=1 implies?

70) 70)What are the restrictions apply to signal functions?

71) 71)signal function must call the _________ function at least


72) 72)Name some keywords in cx51 compiler to the scope of the

‘C’ language.

73) 73)_________ is key word used to disable the keyword


74) 74)Internal data can be broken down in to



75) 75)The data memory specifier always refers to the first

_______ bytes of internal data memory.

76) 76) The Idata memory specifier always refers to all _______

bytes of internal data memory.

77) The Bdata memory specifier always refers to _______ bytes of

bit adderasable in the internal data memory.


78) What are the different types of memory models?

79) What are advantages of small memory models?

80) What are advantages of compact memory models?

81) ________ is used for addressing large model?

82) What are the advantages of large model?

83) What are the 16 bit registers?

84) What is the use of pc and dptr?

85) What are the ports that have pull up resistors?

86) Max freq in 8051 design?

87) What are the pins used for resonant network?

88) What are the restrictions applied to absolute variable location ?

89) What are Pcon registers ?

90) What are Scon registers ?

91) What is the architecture used in microcontroller?

92) How many pins are there in 8051?

93) How many banks are there in the registers of 8051?

94) How many registers are there in each bank?

95) How many IO ports are there in 8051?

96) Number of timers in 8051

97) Number of modes in timers of 8051?


98) Bit configuration of 8051 timer

99) Using which bit in timer/counter mode control reg the

timer/counter can be switeched

100) How many interrupts are there in 8051

101) Power saving modes that are available in 8051

102) Name some SRF in 8051?

103) How will you calculate baud rate?

104) Applications of microcontroller?

105) How many bytes of on-chip program memory did 8051 consist


106) How many bytes of on-chip data memory did 8051 consist of?

107) Assembly has ________ constituent parts

108) What are the parts of assembly language

109) Numbers can be specified in _________, __________,


110) Arithmetic operators perform arithmetic functions like


111) Arithmetic operators require ________,________ operands

112) Results of arithmetic operators is always ___________

113) Binary operators are used to _________,________,_________

on the binary value of their operands

114) Relational operators compare __________ operands

115) Relational operator comparison is ___________ or ________

116) __________ and ___________ memory can be accessed with

the instruction MOVC via dptr registers

117) The __________ memory class can be accessed with the

instruction MOVX via dptr registers

118) The ___________ directive signals the end of assembly module

119) The _________ directive generates standard error messages

120) How many interrupt vectors are there?

121) There are ___________ external interrupts in 8051

122) There are ___________ timer interrupts in 8051

123) There are ___________ PCA interrupts in 8051

124) Serial can operate in _________ modes

125) Function return values always uses_______

126) Features unique to micro controllers

127) The functions using _________ memory model makes data

access efficient.

128) ___________ controls directive specifiers.


129) Absolute register accesses are controlled by the ________ and

__________ control directives

130) __________indicates that the function is recursive or reentrant.

131) __________indicates that the function is an interrupt function.

132) _________specifies which register bank the function uses.

133) The function is terminated by the 8051_______instructions.

134) Reentrant functions must not be called from _____ alien


135) Return addresses are stored in the 8051_______.

136) Minimum space required for stack arrangement?

137) What is meant by TF1?

138) What is meant by TR1?

139) What is meant by TF0?

140) What is meant by TR0?

141) What is meant by IE1?

142) What is meant by IT1?

143) What is meant by IE0?

144) What is meant by IT0?

145) What are the different types of arithmetic instructions?

146) RTX-51 recognizes _______ task states


147) States recognized by RXT-51 are

148) Ready, running and blocked are called ________.

149) Sleeping is an ________ task state.

150) The task with the highest priority of all task in the ______ state

is executed.

151) Microcontroller performs which operation

Arithmetic operation b) logical operation c) arithmetic& logical


152) The basic units of microcontroller are


153) Microcontroller provides how many bytes of RAM

126 b) 256 c) 64

154) Microcontroller provides how many members of vectored interrupts

a) 5 b) 1 c) 3

155) Microcontroller provides how many numbers of programmable


a) 1 b) 5 c) 2

156)8051 Microcontroller consists how many interrupts

a) 5 b) 2 c) 1

157) Microcontroller consists of how many timers

a) 5 b) 2 c) 3

158) The flag register 8051 is called

A) ADC b) DAC c) PSW

159) How many pointers in 8051 microcontroller

A) 2 b) 3 c) 4

160) How many operating modes in 8051

a) 5 b) 4 c) 2

161) The 8096 microcontroller consists of how many major sections

A) 2 b) 3 c) 4

162) Microcontroller consists of how many kb of ROM

a) 3 b) 5 c) 4

163)8031/8051 consists of how many machine cycle

a) 5 b) 4 c) 3

164)8031 consists of how many addressing modes

a) 6 b) 5 c) 4

165) Which addressing mode is directly specified to the instruction

A) Indirect b) Direct c) register

166)8051/8031 instruction classified into how many groups

a) 4 b) 6 c) 5

167) How many instruction that affect the flags of 8051

A) 3 c) 2 c) 4

168) What are the instructions that affect the flags



169) How many instruction that affect the over flow flag

a) 4 b) 5 c) 7

170) What are the instructions that affect the overflow flag


171) What are instructions that always clear carry flag


172) The first byte 8051 instruction is

a) Op code b) address c) Data

173) The size of 8051/8031 instruction is

A) 1to4bytes b) 1to3bytes c) 1to2bytes

174) The time taken to execute machine cycle is

A) 6clock periods b) 10clock periods c) 12clock periods


175) Microcontroller consists how many memory blocks

A) 2 b) 3 c) 4

176) what are the memory blocks available in microcontroller?


177) Which one is permanent memory blocks


178) Which one is temporary memory blocks

a) RAM b) ROM c) EPROM

179)8051 The entire 64kb data memory space is

A) External b) internal c) both

180) The address range of external memory is

a)0000h-FFFFh b)0000h-0007h c)0000h-007Fh

181) How many ways that interfacing I/O devices in microcontroller


a) 2 b) 4 c) 3

182) Bus interface unit reads from which memory

a) Data b) programmable c) port

183)8051 access how many working registers

a) 8 b) 7 c) 5

184) Program memory consists of how many bytes

a) 64 b) 128 c) 256

185) The SFRs consists of how many bytes of memory

a) 256 b) 128 c) 64

186) Cx51 compiler provides how many pointers

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4

187) PCA timer consists of which register

A) CH b) CL c) CH&CL

188) PCA consists of how many bit timer

a) 32 b) 16 c) 64

189) The 8xc51 GB consists of how many input modes

A) 2 b) 4 c) 8

190) What are modes available in 8xc51 GB

a) Scan b) select c) scan&select

191) Compare & capture mode performs how many function

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6

192) Cx51 provides which data type

a) Bit b) program c) memory

193) Cx51 convert between which pointers

A) Memory b) generic c) memory specific& generic

194) Abstract pointers access which memory location


A) Variable b) fixed c) direct

195) What modes are used in power saving modes

a) Idle b) power c) power down & Idle mode

196) How many locks available in 87C51

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4

197) A/D converter consists of how many inputs

a) 5 b) 6 c) 8

198) A/D converter consists of how many SFRs

a) 12 b) 10 c) 14

199) A/D converter consists of how many resistive ladder

a) 256 b) 64 c) 128

200) Assembler is which tool

a) Hardware b) Software c) Both



1) a.Inbuilt ADC.
b.Has counter arrays.
c.Has timers.
d.Serial data transfer.
2) Universal Asynchronous Receiver Trnsmitter.
3)RAM- 128 + 64KB
ROM- 4KB + 60KB
5)40 pin IC.
6)8 bits.
7)Complex Instruction Set Computers. It is the design of
control unit through software.
8)It has 2 registers. They are PC,DPTR.
10)Bank selection bits.
11)Mode 3.
13)Software and Hardware.
16)Serial buffer register.
17)Modes 2 & 3.
18)Sleeping mode.
19)Hardware reset.

20)Harvard architecture.
21)Port 1.
22)Four ports.
23)Port 0.
24)Port 0 and Port 2.
25)Timer control register.
26)Special function register.
28)Direct addressing.
29)Reduced instruction set computers.
30)16 bytes.
31)Bank 1.
35)Mode 0,1,2,3.
36)Serial control register.
37)PD-power down mode and IDL-ideal mode.
39)oscillator fail detector.
40)It acts as watching dog. It resets the controller when
the timer overflows occurs.
42). Copy data from A to the external address in dptr.
44)64 bytes.
45)256 bytes.

46)External RAM or IO addresses.

48)Internal RAM or External ROM.
51)Complement each bit of A.
53)Timer 0, Timer 1, serial port, external interrupt.
54)Control and monitoring purposes.
56.Codes decimal,alphabetic,control characters.
57)Used in position sensors.
58)Detects errors in binary data.
59)Codes the decimal numerals 0-9 in binary.
60)If a counter is preprogrammed to be a timer ,it will
clock the internal clock frequency of the 8051 oscillator
divided by 12d.
61)1 full duplex.
64)(Actual delay –desired delay)/desired delay.
65)A label can be any combination of up to 128
letters,numbers (0-9).
66)a.low cost.
b.Multiple vendors.
67)It is any of the coded set,that have been

defined by the manufacturer of 80)51.

70) Signal function may have max of 8 function
parameters and may not invoke another signal
function ,can be invoked by user function.
72) Far, Idata, Bit
73) No extend
74) Data, Idata, Bdata
75) 128
76) 256
77) 16
78) Small, compact, large
79) Access is very efficient and has most efficient
80) Faster than large model
81) DPTR
82) Generates more code than the small or compact
84) Used to hold the address of a byte in memory
85) Port 1,2 and 3
86) 1-16 MHZ
87) XTAL (1,2)

88) It cannot be initialized

92) 40
93) 4
94) 8
95) 4(8 bit ports) or 32 bidirectional IO lines
96) 2(timer 0,1)
97) 4(0-3)
98) 16 bit
99) C/T
100) 5
101) Ideal and power down mode
102) Tmod, tcon, psw, pcon etc
103) Baudrate = OSC freq/12
104) Mobile
105) 4096 bytes
106) 128 bytes
107) 3
108) Machine instruction ,assembler directives and
109) Hexadecimal, decimal, binary
110) Addition, subtraction ,multiplication division
111) 1 or 2 operands
112) 16 bit value

113) Complement, shift and perform bitwise

114) 2
115) True or false
116) Code and constant
117) Xdata
118) End
119) Error
120) 15
121) 7
122) 3
123) 2
124) 4
125) Cpu registers
126) Internal ROM and RAM,I/O PORTS with
programmable pins,Timers and counters,serial
data communication
127) Small
128) Register bank
130) Reentrant
131) Interrupt
132) Using
133) RETI
134) Alien
135) Hardware stack
136) 7

137) Timer 1 overflow flag

138) Timer 1 run control bit
139) Timer 0 overflow flag
140) Timer 0 run control bit
141) Interrupt 1 edge flag
142) Interrupt 1 type control bit
143) Interrupt 0 edge flag
144) Interrupt 0 type control bit
145) Direct, indirect , register, immediate.
146) 4
147) Ready, running, blocked, sleeping.
148) Active task
149) Inactive task
150) Ready

151. C
152. A
153. B
154. A
155. C
156. A
157. B
158. C
159. A
160. B
161. A

162. C
163. B
164. A
165. B
166. C
167. A
168. C
169. B
170. A
171. C
172. A
173. B
174. C
175. A
176. C
177. B
178. A
179. A
180. A
181. A
182. C
183. A
184. A
185. B
186. A
187. C
188. B

189. A
190. C
191. C
192. A
193. C
194. B
195. C
196. A
197. C
198. B
199. A
200. B

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