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3D shoulder kinematics for static vs dynamic and passive vs active

testing conditions
Xavier Robert-Lachaine a,n, Paul Allard a,b,c, Vronique Godbout d, Mickael Begon a,b,c
Dpartement de Kinsiologie, Universit de Montral, Montral, Canada
Hpital Sainte-Justine, CHUM, Montral, Canada
Scapulo Humeral Investigation Team
Hpital Notre-Dame, CHUM, Montral, Canada

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Shoulder motion analysis provides clinicians with references of normal joint rotations. Shoulder joints
Accepted 30 July 2015 orientations assessment is often based on series of static positions, while clinicians perform either
passive or active tests and exercises mostly in dynamic. These conditions of motion could modify joint
coordination and lead to discrepancies with the established references. Hence, the objective was to
Keywords: evaluate the inuence of static vs dynamic and passive vs active testing conditions on shoulder joints
Shoulder orientations. Twenty asymptomatic subjects setup with 45 markers on the upper limb and trunk were
Static tracked by an optoelectronic system. Static positions (30, 60, 90 and 120 of thoracohumeral elevation)
and dynamic motion both in active condition and passively mobilised by an examiner were executed.
Three-dimensional sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, scapulothoracic and glenohumeral joint angles
Motion analysis (12 in total) representing the distal segment orientation relative to the proximal segment orientation
were estimated using a shoulder kinematical chain model. Separate four-way repeated measures ANOVA
were applied on the 12 joint angles with factors of static vs dynamic, passive vs active, thoracohumeral
elevation angle (30, 60, 90 and 120) and plane of elevation (frontal and sagittal). Scapulothoracic
lateral rotation progressed more during arm elevation in static than in dynamic gaining 4.2 more, and
also in passive than in active by 6.6. Glenohumeral elevation increased more during arm elevation in
active than in passive by 4.4. Shoulder joints orientations are affected by the testing conditions, which
should be taken into consideration for data acquisition, inter-study comparison or clinical applications.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction dynamic vs static and passive vs active conditions on healthy sub-

jects. Shoulder motion analyses could mislead clinicians if testing
Shoulder motion analyses serve both to establish normal joint conditions are ignored.
rotations and identify pathologic patterns (Fayad et al., 2006; Lude- Clinicians and scientists deal with the same limitation that non-
wig et al., 2004). During the examination of a patient reporting invasive assessment of shoulder motion is affected by skin motion
shoulder pain, shoulder joints orientations are estimated visually or artefacts over bones (Karduna et al., 2001; Meskers et al., 2007). For
with a manual goniometer (Montgomery and Suri, 2011). The man- this reason, researchers have developed tools and methods like the
ual goniometer is adjusted according to anatomical landmarks dur- scapula locator or the double calibration based on a few selected
ing static positions. Since dynamic motion represents a target of most static positions to estimate the full range of motion (Brochard et al.,
rehabilitation programs (Montgomery and Suri, 2011), a dichotomy 2011; Johnson et al., 1993; Pronk and van der Helm, 1991). These
may occur when clinical guidelines are based on static positions. In
latter methods identify the scapula coordinate system at each static
addition, clinicians often rely on passive tests or exercises during
position according to the palpated anatomical landmarks. However,
physical examination (Price et al., 2000). To identify abnormal
these static approaches were not validated on dynamic testing con-
shoulder behaviour it seems important to understand the effect of
ditions or other type of arm motion. In addition, the difference
between each palpation for every static position introduces reliability
Corresponding author at: Laboratoire de Simulation et Modlisation du Mou- issues (Della Croce et al., 2005). Furthermore, they are limited to the
vement, Dpartement de Kinsiologie, Universit de Montral, Campus Laval, 1700
scapula, while the clavicle and humerus are also confronted to soft
Jacques-Ttreault, H7N 0B6, Laval, Qubec, Canada. Tel.: 1 514 343 6111x44017; fax:
1 514 343 2181. tissue artefacts. Alternative methods exist to measure shoulder
E-mail address: (X. Robert-Lachaine). motion dynamically without several static acquisitions (Jackson et al.,
0021-9290/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Robert-Lachaine, X., et al., 3D shoulder kinematics for static vs dynamic and passive vs active testing
conditions. Journal of Biomechanics (2015),
2 X. Robert-Lachaine et al. / Journal of Biomechanics ()

2012; Karduna et al., 2001); these approaches can indicate the 2007) and the interaction between passive vs active and arm eleva-
impact of testing conditions on shoulder kinematics. tion were not included in the statistical methods (Hallstrom and
Shoulder kinematics compared between series of static positions Karrholm, 2009; McQuade and Smidt, 1998; Price et al., 2000, Qin-
and dynamic testing conditions have revealed signicant differences gyun and Gongyi, 1998; Ribeiro and Pascoal, 2015).
(Fayad et al., 2006; Meskers et al., 2007). Kinematics at various arm The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of
motion velocities also suggest that static positions may differ from conditions of motion on shoulder joints three-dimensional kine-
dynamic motion (Prinold et al., 2013). The assumption that static matics. The specic objectives were to determine the inuence of
positions represent adequately dynamic motion (Brochard et al., 2011; static vs dynamic and passive vs active testing conditions on
Lovern et al., 2009) was not thoroughly tested and needs further shoulder joints orientations and measure their interaction with
investigation on shoulder joints orientations. When comparing the arm elevation. These testing conditions are expected to exhibit
methods of skin markers during dynamic motion to the scapula locator signicant joint angles differences on all shoulder joints.
during static positions, a study attributed the joint angle difference to
the inaccuracy of the skin markers method (Lovern et al., 2009).
2. Methods
However, part of the acromioclavicular, glenohumeral and scapu-
lothoracic joint orientations differences may come from the static or 2.1. Subjects
dynamic testing conditions but their study could not distinguish the
differences that emerged from the methods or the testing conditions. Twenty (self-reported) asymptomatic right-handed subjects (10 males and 10
Many rehabilitation tests and exercises are executed passively females; age: 2474 years; height: 1.7170.10 m; weight: 68.7711.3 kg) signed a
while the patient is instructed to relax his arm (Ebaugh et al., consent form prior to participation in the study approved by the University Ethics
Committee. The subjects were excluded if they had any history of shoulder disorders,
2005). The passive or active condition may modify shoulder joints
range of motion limitations or pain. The subjects were not performing strenuous activity
orientations and affect the main outcomes of a test or exercise for the shoulder or repetitive overhead movements within their profession or sports.
(Price et al., 2000). Previous shoulder kinematics analyses com-
paring passive and active conditions showed controversial results 2.2. Instrumentation
(Ebaugh et al., 2005; McQuade and Smidt, 1998; Price et al., 2000;
Qingyun and Gongyi, 1998). The disparity of the methods used in The participants were setup with 35 reective markers on the pelvis (4), thorax
the previous investigations and their incomplete assessment of the (6), clavicle (5), scapula (9), upper arm (7) and forearm (4) on the dominant upper
limb (Fig. 1). The anatomical markers were placed on anatomical landmarks and
shoulder joints limits the scope of the ndings.
used during a static trial to construct the coordinate systems according to the
The clinical interpretation drawn from the investigations of static International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) recommendations (Wu et al., 2005).
vs dynamic and passive vs active conditions is further complicated by The technical markers were placed on portions of segments less affected by soft
partial measurements of solely the scapulothoracic joint (Fayad et al., tissue artefact relative to the underlying bone and used during dynamic motion
(Cappozzo et al., 2005). Marker trajectories were tracked by 18 Vicon cameras
2006; Johnson et al., 2001; Meskers et al., 2007; Price et al., 2000),
(Oxford Metrics Ltd., Oxford, UK) at 100 Hz.
only in the scapular plane (Ebaugh et al., 2005; Johnson et al., 2001;
McQuade and Smidt, 1998; Qingyun and Gongyi, 1998) and a limited 2.3. Experimental procedure
shoulder range of motion (Price et al., 2000). Furthermore, some data
analyses were not designed to contrast static vs dynamic (Hoard II Participants were standing upright in a standardized posture, asked to look
et al., 2013; Johnson et al., 2001; Lovern et al., 2009; Meskers et al., ahead and maintain their trunk stable. The reference position, a relaxed posture

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of degrees of freedom (q) of the thoracopelvic (TP), sternoclavicular (SC), acromioclavicular (AC) and glenohumeral (GH) joints in the chain
model with the technical () and anatomical () marker placement, the functional joint centres () and elbow exion axis (EL) and the X, Y, and Z axes of the coordinate
systems are represented by the dotted grey, plain grey, and dashed black arrows respectively. Reprint with permission from: Robert-Lachaine et al. (in press).

Please cite this article as: Robert-Lachaine, X., et al., 3D shoulder kinematics for static vs dynamic and passive vs active testing
conditions. Journal of Biomechanics (2015),
X. Robert-Lachaine et al. / Journal of Biomechanics () 3

Fig. 2. The static positions consisted of the exion (sagittal) and abduction (frontal) planes of elevation (A) and ve thoraco-humeral elevations (B).

with the arm lying on the side, was used to compute a reference conguration as in Since the static positions were setup with a manual goniometer, the thor-
Jackson et al. (2012). They executed three series of ve repetitions of arm exion, acohumeral elevation angles estimated using the kinematic chain did not exactly
scaption and abduction to warm-up and familiarize themselves with the protocol correspond to the aimed angles. Mean7SD difference in thoracohumeral elevation
(Robert-Lachaine et al., in press; Yoshizaki et al., 2009). To locate joint centres of angle between the aimed and measured angle after reconstruction for all positions and
rotation, they executed three repetitions of arm exion, scaption and abduction, conditions was 1.172.5. Thus cubic interpolations were applied on the static posi-
shoulder rolls, shrugs and circumductions, along with elbow exion and extension tions and kinematics were retrieved at 30, 60, 90 and 120 of thoracohumeral
(Monnet et al., 2007). elevation. The mean value of the 12 shoulder angles obtained from the static acqui-
sition was used for each position. For dynamic motion, the 12 mean joint angles of the
raising and lowering phases from the three repetitions were used at the same thor-
2.3.1. Static condition
acohumeral elevation angles.
The static condition consisted of maintaining the arm at four thoracohumeral
elevation angles (30, 60, 90 and 120), each in frontal and sagittal plane of ele-
vation (Fig. 2). Each position was adjusted with a manual goniometer by a kine- 2.5. Statistical methods
siologist and maintained for 5 s.
Normality was veried with Lilliefors tests before using parametric statistics.
2.3.2. Dynamic condition Separate four-way repeated measures analyses of variance (ANOVA) were applied on
The dynamic condition was performed in 3 s to raise the arm to approximately the 12 dependant variables, the orientations from the sternoclavicular, acromioclavi-
150 and 3 s to descend the arm (  50/s) monitored by a metronome. Thor- cular, scapulothoracic and glenohumeral shoulder joints (3 angles each). The four
acohumeral elevation and depression was executed in the frontal and sagittal factors were static vs dynamic, passive vs active, thoracohumeral elevation angle (30,
planes. To control the plane of elevation, visual cues were setup with the manual 60, 90 and 120) and plane of elevation (sagittal and frontal). The results focused
goniometer at 90 of arm elevation to indicate the direction of motion. only on the main effects of static vs dynamic and passive vs active factors and both
their interactions with arm elevation in line with the aim of the study. In the presence
of interaction with thoracohumeral elevation angle, simple main effects were observed
2.3.3. Active condition with Bonferonni post hoc testing to adjust for multiple pairwise comparisons. Plane of
The active condition was executed with the instruction to keep the hand open elevation was an additional factor to collapse the data from the two planes in the
and the thumb pointing up for static and dynamic conditions. statistical analyses, but the effects involving this factor were not interpreted since they
were already documented (Ludewig et al., 2009). The marginal mean was calculated
from both planes to indicate a global effect on the shoulder. The marginal mean was
2.3.4. Passive condition
also calculated from the collapsed data of passive and active for the static vs dynamic
For the passive condition, the subject was instructed to completely relax his arm,
contrast or static and dynamic for the passive vs active contrast. Level of statistical
which was maintained in position or manipulated by a professional kinesiologist (XRL).
signicance was set a priori at .05 for all analyses. When sphericity was not met
This passive manipulation is known to appropriately relax the subject's shoulder
according to Mauchly's test, the HuynhFeldt correction was used. SPSS (SPSS Inc.,
(McQuade and Smidt, 1998). The starting position was the same in active or passive
version 21.0, Chicago, IL, USA) was used for statistical analyses.
conditions. The kinesiologist manipulated the subject's arm from this relaxed position
for the dynamic passive movements.
Three repetitions were executed for each of the four combinations of condi-
tions, namely: static passive, static active, dynamic passive and dynamic active. The
3. Results
order of the trials was randomly assigned between abduction and exion, static
and dynamic and passive and active conditions.
Table 1 presents main effects on the static vs dynamic and
passive vs active conditions and both their interactions with
2.4. Data analysis
thoracohumeral elevation angle with respective simple main
The sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular and glenohumeral centre of rotation effects in Table 2. The complete effects from the four-way ANOVAs
and elbow rotation axis were located using functional methods (Ehrig et al., 2006; are available in Supplementary 1 (Table S1).
O'Brien et al., 2000) to personalize the kinematical chain linking the shoulder
segments (Jackson et al., 2012). The anatomical joint coordinates systems (Fig. 1)
3.1. Static vs dynamic effects
follow the ISB recommendations (Wu et al., 2005). The YXZ Cardan angle
sequence for the sternoclavicular (retraction , elevation and axial rotation ),
acromioclavicular (protraction , lateral rotation , tilt ) and scapulothoracic A cross interaction between static vs dynamic and arm elevation
(protraction , lateral rotation , tilt ) joints and the YXY Euler angle sequence was observed on scapulothoracic lateral rotation (F3, 57 3.726,
for the glenohumeral (plane of elevation 1, elevation and axial rotation 2) joint P.016). Scapulothoracic lateral rotation progressed more during
were used as recommended by the ISB (Wu et al., 2005). Reconstruction of joint
kinematics was performed by an extended Kalman lter to attenuate errors due to
arm elevation in static with a simple main effect at 30 (P.014). At
occlusions in marker trajectories and soft tissue artefact (De Groote et al., 2008; 30 of arm elevation the mean7SD angle was  4.077.2 and
Fohanno et al., 2013).  45.1715.2 at 120 of arm elevation in static, whereas in dynamic

Please cite this article as: Robert-Lachaine, X., et al., 3D shoulder kinematics for static vs dynamic and passive vs active testing
conditions. Journal of Biomechanics (2015),
4 X. Robert-Lachaine et al. / Journal of Biomechanics ()

the mean scapulothoracic lateral rotation progressed from mean7SD angle of  14.3710.7 compared to  11.6710.7 in
5.778.0 to  42.6716.8 at 30 and 120 of arm elevation active (Fig. 4). Additional results are also provided to show actual
respectively (Fig. 3). A main effect on static vs dynamic was present kinematics for abduction and exion plane of elevation separately
on glenohumeral plane of elevation (F1, 19 4.839, P.040) and on and each for dynamic and static conditions in Supplementary 1 (Figs.
glenohumeral axial rotation (F1, 19 6.910, P.017). The gleno- S3 and S4).
humeral joint showed more external rotation in static with a
mean7SD angle of 29.3714.4 compared to  16.7718.6 in
dynamic (Fig. 3). Additional results are also provided to show actual 4. Discussion
kinematics for abduction and exion plane of elevation separately
and each for passive and active conditions in Supplementary 1 (Figs. The conditions of shoulder motion are often neglected in study
S1 and S2). design and interpretation of the results. Hence, shoulder joints
kinematics were measured during abduction and exion to con-
3.2. Passive vs active effects trast static positions vs dynamic motion and passive vs active state.
The analysis of complete shoulder kinematics from the sterno-
Interactions between passive vs active and arm elevation were clavicular, acromioclavicular, glenohumeral and scapulothoracic
found for sternoclavicular axial rotation (F3, 57 4.224, P.014), joints was never previously analysed with regards to these con-
acromioclavicular protraction (F3, 57 11.936, Po.001), glenohumeral ditions of motion. As expected, the testing conditions of static vs
elevation (F3, 57 6.113, P .003) scapulothoracic protraction dynamic and passive vs active showed signicantly different joint
(F3, 57 5.691, P .012), scapulothoracic lateral rotation (F3, 57 7.801, angles in all shoulder joints indicating an adaptation in shoulder
P.003) and scapulothoracic tilt (F3, 57 6.304, P.011). The ster- joints orientations. The main ndings are that scapulothoracic
noclavicular joint rotated backwardly less during arm elevation in lateral rotation progressed more during arm elevation in static
passive, where it passed from a mean7SD angle of 6.278.9 to than in dynamic by 4.2 and in passive than in active by 6.6, and
12.0717.4, while it passed from 4.278.9 to 13.7718.3 in active that glenohumeral elevation progressed less during arm elevation
(Fig. 4). Mean7SD acromioclavicular protraction angle moved into in passive than in active by 4.4.
retraction in passive passing from 1.274.8 to 5.6712.3 with
simple main effects at 30 (P .009) and 120 (P.001) of arm ele- 4.1. Static vs dynamic comparison
vation, but remained relatively stable in active (Fig. 4). Glenohumeral
elevation was similar between passive and active at low arm eleva- The contrast between static and dynamic shows the need to
tion, but progressed less in passive at 90 and 120 of arm elevation consider these conditions separately for shoulder motion acqui-
with mean7SD angles of  61.279.8 and  77.6712.5 compared sition and interpretation especially for scapulothoracic lateral
to  63.3710.7 and  81.9715.6 in active (Fig. 4) and post hoc rotation. Differences in joint angles between static and dynamic
tests showed a difference at 120 (P.024). Scapulothoracic pro- indicate the amount of error introduced when ignoring these
traction increased less during arm elevation in passive with conditions.
mean7SD angles of 43.078.9 to 44.8718.4 compared to The observation that scapulothoracic lateral rotation progresses
38.778.9 to 45.6712.5 in active (Fig. 4) and simple main effects more during arm elevation of about 4.2 in static agrees with the
were observed at 30 and 60 (Po.001). A cross interaction was some descriptive statistics (Hoard II et al., 2013; Johnson et al.,
present on scapulothoracic lateral rotation with simple main effects 2001). Similarly, investigations of various arm elevation velocities
at 30 (P.037) and 120 (P .040) where mean7SD progressed show that scapulothoracic motion increases more during arm
more in passive from  4.177.6 to 46.2715.2 compared to elevation at slow motion compared to fast motion (de Groot et al.,
5.677.6 to 41.4717.4 in active (Fig. 4). In passive the scapu- 1998; Prinold et al., 2013). Dynamic motion within our study was
lothoracic tilted anteriorly from  12.578.9 to  18.4715.5, while executed at a moderate arm angular velocity of approximately
it tilted posteriorly in active (Fig. 4) with post hoc tests showing 50/s; motion of higher velocities could lead to even more sub-
differences at 90 (P.008) and 120 (P.013) of thoracohumeral stantial differences compared to static positions. Superior gleno-
elevation. humeral external rotation observed in dynamic is similar to the
Main effects on passive vs active were observed on sternoclavi- results of a recent study (Hoard II et al., 2013). Glenohumeral
cular retraction (F1, 19 25.73, Po.001), sternoclavicular elevation external rotation is considered to facilitate arm elevation (Ludewig
(F1, 19 4.40, P.050), scapulothoracic protraction (F1, 19 5.11, et al., 2009). Without sufcient glenohumeral external rotation in
P.036) and scapulothoracic tilt (F1, 19 7.67, P.012). Sternoclavi- static, compensation with scapulothoracic lateral rotation could
cular retraction was less pronounced in passive with a mean7SD maintain a proper alignment of the humeral head within the
angle of  4.673.9 compared to  6.573.4 in active (Fig. 4). glenoid fossa.
Sternoclavicular elevation was more pronounced in passive than However, the results in our study contradict a study that reported
active with mean7SD angles of  6.374.4 and  5.574.0 a more scapulothoracic lateral rotation in dynamic (Fayad et al.,
respectively (Fig. 4). Scapulothoracic protraction was higher in pas- 2006). The disparity may come from the differences in methods.
sive with a mean 44.7710.2 compared to 43.179.4 in active Kinematics were collected at 30 Hz with an electromagnetic system
(Fig. 4). Scapulothoracic tilt was less posterior in passive with a where the sensor is directly related to a systematic error associated

Table 1
P values (signicance identied in bold) of selected interactions and main effects from the 4-way ANOVAs on static vs dynamic (SD), passive vs active (PA), thoracohumeral
elevation angle (TH) and arm plane of elevation for sternoclavicular (SC, SC, SC) acromioclavicular (AC, AC, AC), glenohumeral (GH1, GH, GH2) and scapulothoracic (ST,
ST, ST) joint orientations.


SD  TH .776 .913 .165 .564 .056 .487 .907 .387 .517 .127 .016 .883
PA  TH .077 .059 .014 .000 .412 .277 .129 .005 .189 .012 .003 .011
SD .323 .251 .728 .968 .199 .106 .040 .376 .017 .271 .980 .274
PA .000 .050 .222 .078 .433 .720 .338 .108 .925 .036 .327 .012

Please cite this article as: Robert-Lachaine, X., et al., 3D shoulder kinematics for static vs dynamic and passive vs active testing
conditions. Journal of Biomechanics (2015),
X. Robert-Lachaine et al. / Journal of Biomechanics () 5

Table 2
P values (signicance identied in bold) of simple main effects from the signicant interactions between static vs dynamic and thoracohumeral elevation angle (SD  TH) and
passive vs active and thoracohumeral elevation angle (PA  TH) with Bonferonni post hoc testing to adjust for the multiple pairwise comparisons.


SD  TH 30 .014

60 .369

90 .948

120 .105

PA  TH 30 .127 .009 .917 .000 .037 .346

60 .283 .811 .933 .000 .825 .193

90 .063 .265 .069 .849 .285 .008

120 .089 .001 .024 .659 .040 .013

Fig. 3. Shoulder joint angles during arm elevation in static (grey) and dynamic (black) conditions from both passive and active states and abduction and exion planes of
elevation for sterno-clavicular (SC), acromio-clavicular (AC), gleno-humeral (GH) and scapulo-thoracic (ST) angles (marginal mean and 95% condence intervals) expressed
at 30, 60, 90 and 120 of thoraco-humeral (TH) elevation where signicant main effect (*) and interaction () were identied.

with soft tissue artefacts. The glenohumeral centre of rotation was was set at 100 Hz where soft tissue artefacts associated to each
estimated with a regression analysis method developed with bony marker independently was partially compensated by an extended
landmarks on cadavers (Meskers et al., 1998). Finally, the static Kalman lter, centre of rotation were determined functionally (Ehrig
positions were setup with a goniometer and accepted within 2 of et al., 2006; O'Brien et al., 2000), and interpolation was used to
the targeted angle. Whereas in our study an optoelectronic system approximate the exact result of static positions at the aimed angle. A

Please cite this article as: Robert-Lachaine, X., et al., 3D shoulder kinematics for static vs dynamic and passive vs active testing
conditions. Journal of Biomechanics (2015),
6 X. Robert-Lachaine et al. / Journal of Biomechanics ()

Fig. 4. Shoulder joint angles during arm elevation in passive (grey) and active (black) conditions contrasted by the marginal mean from both static and dynamic conditions
and abduction and exion planes of elevation for sterno-clavicular (SC), acromio-clavicular (AC), gleno-humeral (GH) and scapulo-thoracic (ST) angles (marginal mean and
95% condence intervals) expressed at 30, 60, 90 and 120 of thoraco-humeral (TH) elevation where signicant main effect (*) and interaction () were identied.

shift of 10 mm in joint centre estimation can affect shoulder kine- 1990; Srinivasan et al., 2007). There seems to be a link between
matics up to 5 (Rab et al., 2002). A predictive approach could lead to observed shoulder kinematics following fatigue and the adaptation
different joint centre of rotation location than a functional approach. used to maintain static positions compared to dynamic motion.
The joint centre approach, the motion analysis system and accepta-
tion of the targeted angle within 2 can all contribute to the disparity 4.2. Passive vs active comparison
in comparison to Fayad et al. (2006).
An explanation for the solicitation of more scapulothoracic lateral The differences between passive and active show the need to
rotation as arm elevation increases in static could be a strategy to consider these conditions separately for shoulder kinematics
prevent rotator cuff muscles fatigue. Glenohumeral superior transla- especially for scapulothoracic lateral rotation and glenohumeral
tion increased during dynamic motion compared to static positions elevation. Up to 6.6 of difference can be expected in healthy
(Teyhen et al., 2010) and also increased following induced fatigue subjects between passive and active conditions.
(Chopp et al., 2010). Fatigue effect on the shoulder kinematics showed A few studies corroborate the superior scapulothoracic lateral
that scapulothoracic motion was increased during arm elevation in rotation and inferior glenohumeral elevation in passive, although
comparison to pre-fatigue trials (Ebaugh et al., 2006; McQuade et al., using radiography for motion analysis (Hallstrom and Karrholm,
1998). When maintaining a static position, the scapula was more 2009; Qingyun and Gongyi, 1998) or a dynamometer for passive
laterally rotated than in dynamic motion which should reduce gle- motion (McQuade and Smidt, 1998). In comparison to Ebaugh et al.
nohumeral elevation to reach the same arm elevation. Since a main (2005) using an electromagnetic motion capture system, more ster-
function of the supraspinatus is glenohumeral elevation (Burke et al., noclavicular retraction observed during active motion is in agree-
2002), a reduced glenohumeral elevation could also reduce the ment; however, increases in sternoclavicular elevation, scapulothor-
supraspinatus solicitation. Fatigue appearance could be delayed by acic protraction and scapulothoracic lateral rotation observed during
recruiting more resistant muscles such as the trapezius. This idea is passive motion are in opposition. Since passive motion was executed
supported by the relative proportion of slow oxidative bre type with a pulley system attached to a splint at the wrist (Ebaugh et al.,
which is reduced in glenohumeral muscles compared to scapu- 2005), shoulder kinematics could be inuenced and not repre-
lothoracic muscles. Biopsies showed a mean proportion of 47% and sentative of passive clinical assessment. Sternoclavicular elevation
50% for the deltoid and supraspinatus compared to 69% and 76% for and scapulothoracic lateral rotation could increase due to this
the trapezius descendant and transverse respectively (Lindman et al., superior pull compared to a passive arm elevation assisted by an

Please cite this article as: Robert-Lachaine, X., et al., 3D shoulder kinematics for static vs dynamic and passive vs active testing
conditions. Journal of Biomechanics (2015),
X. Robert-Lachaine et al. / Journal of Biomechanics () 7

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the online version at: doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.07.040. pp. 222.

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Please cite this article as: Robert-Lachaine, X., et al., 3D shoulder kinematics for static vs dynamic and passive vs active testing
conditions. Journal of Biomechanics (2015),

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