2017 The Role of Scapular Kinematics in Patients With Different Shoulder Musculoskel - 20170730120051

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Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2017) 21, 386e400

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The role of scapular kinematics in patients

with different shoulder musculoskeletal
disorders: A systematic review approach
Roshanak Keshavarz, PT, MSc, DPT a,
Siamak Bashardoust Tajali, PT, MSc, PhD a,*,
Seyed Mohsen Mir, PT, MSc, PhD a,
H. Ashrafi, MSc, PhD b

Department of Physical Therapy, School of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran
Department of Applied Design, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

Received 11 May 2016; received in revised form 10 August 2016; accepted 2 September 2016

KEYWORDS Summary This study aimed to identify the role of the scapula in shoulder musculoskeletal
Scapular Kinematics; disorders (SMDs) and provided a systematic review of available studies in the field of scapular
Shoulder three-dimensional kinematics. We systematically searched 5 international databases,
Musculoskeletal including Scopus, EMBASE, PubMed, CINAHL, PEDro, and Cochrane Library from June to
Disorders; September 2015. Twenty studies met the inclusion criteria and were retrieved in full paper.
Scapulothoracic The selected studies were critically appraised independently by two researchers. The patients
Muscles; with shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS) and shoulder instability had an increased protrac-
Shoulder; tion, lesser upward rotation (UR), and increased internal rotation (IR) during scapular plane
Pain; elevation, whereas the patients with frozen shoulders had lesser protraction. Moreover, the
Disability patients with SIS had a greater scapular posterior tilt (PT) and external rotation during shoul-
der abduction. Increased scapular UR and PT with decreased scapular IR was seen in patients
with stiffness of Latissimus Dorsi and fibromyalgia without any changes in the scapular IR.
The results of this systematic review help the clinicians to have an insight about scapular
kinematics as a predictive index for SMDs.
2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. Fax: 98 21 77533939.

E-mail address: s_bashardoust@yahoo.com (S. Bashardoust Tajali).

1360-8592/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The role of scapular kinematics in patients with different shoulder musculoskeletal disorders 387

Introduction common SMDs (SIS, Frozen Shoulder (FS), SI, Rotator Cuff
Tear (RCT) and Scapulothoracic Muscles Problems (STMPs)).
Shoulder pain is one of most common musculoskeletal com- The inclusion criteria were professional and clinical
plaints in modern societies. Up to 40% of the population ex- confirmation of the SMD by various clinical examinations,
periences shoulder pain in their life which includes 20.9% of and the use of a motion analyzer and similar kinematic
musculoskeletal disorders (SMDs) in the general population methods (Euler angle) to calculate 3-D scapular kinematics,
(Lawrence et al., 2014). Proper scapula position and orien- during the active humerothoracic elevation as clearly
tation are necessary for improving shoulder strength, stabil- stated in the paper. Three scapular kinematic variables
ity, range of motion, and premium functional ability (Kibler (scapular upward rotation, external rotation, and posterior
et al., 2006). Through recent decades, researchers have tilt) were present in the included papers. Differences be-
focused on the role of scapular control in SMDs (Ludewig and tween five mentioned SMDs and controls was not be
Reynolds, 2009). The scapula is a key link between the upper accredited to the kinematic motion-capture methods.
extremity and axial skeleton during daily activities. The The studies were excluded if they were not published in
muscles attached to the scapula provide proximal stability for English language. Studies conducted on non-specific shoul-
the upper extremity activities (Kibler and McMullen, 2003). der pain, non-adult age groups, animals, cadaver, as well as
When the scapular musculature cannot stabilize the scapula, single-subject case reports were excluded.
neuromuscular performances might be affected leading to
shoulder malfunction (Voight and Thomson, 2000).
Numerous studies have found that scapulothoracic mo- Search strategy
tions are different between patients with various SMDs and
asymptomatic individuals (De Baets et al., 2013; Timmons We searched the Cochrane Database Library, MEDLINE
et al., 2012). Scapular dyskinesis has been found in 32% of (1968e2014), EMBASE, CINAHL (1974e2014), PubMed, Sco-
the patients with shoulder instability (SI) and 57% of the pus, and PEDro from June to September 2015 using MeSH
patients with shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS) and indexing terms. The full search strategy is depicted in
(Warner et al., 1992). Furthermore, these comparisons Fig. 1. We also searched the ProQuest and SIGLE from June
were provided using surface electromagnetic sensors. to September 2015 to find the unpublished and/or gray
However, skin-motion artifacts related to surface electro- literature. Reference lists of systematic reviews were
magnetic sensors may create the differences among the searched to find more related studies. Excluded studies and
groups (Hamming et al., 2012; Karduna et al., 2001). their reasons for exclusion are listed in Index 1.
There is a clear controversy in SMD studies which have re-
ported scapular-kinematics alterations in patients with the
SMDs. The main role of scapular kinematics in the upper ex- Study selection
tremity function helps the practitioners to recover the scapular
pattern movement for all shoulder dysfunctions and/or pa- Two investigators (RK and SBT) searched and assessed all
thologies. Our systematic review study helps the clinicians to distinguished titles and abstracts to identify the studies.
have an insight about scapular kinematics as a predictive index The full text of the eligible studies was retrieved and
for SMDs (Green et al., 2013; Ludewig and Reynolds, 2009). reviewed independently by two researchers (RK and SBT).
There is little evidence to provide systematic informa- The data were extracted separately by the researchers. In
tion on scapular kinematics in specific shoulder pathologies case of any disagreement, the researchers reached a
such as SIS (Timmons et al., 2012), stroke (De Baets et al., consensus by exchanging ideas.
2013), SI (Struyf et al., 2011), and unimpaired shoulders The studies were also excluded if the subjects had a
(Borsa et al., 2003). We aimed to present a systematic history of shoulder surgery or dislocation and shoulder-
method to summarize the results of studies on different girdle fracture or shoulder pain produced by neck motion.
types of shoulder disorders in the field of scapular kine- The use of 3-D scapular kinematics during reaching or
matics. The aim of this systematic review was to identify grasping tasks also resulted in the exclusion of the study.
abnormal kinematic patterns and their role in the diagnosis Each selected study was screened and entered into a
of SMDs based on scapular kinematics. We searched for data extraction form by two investigators independently
scapular kinematics alterations from the normal pattern in (RK and SBT). All data, including the authors names,
various types of musculoskeletal shoulder disorders. The publication date, characteristics of the study population,
hypothesis of our study was abnormal kinematics might sample size, diagnosis, age, gender, dominant hand, and
have a considerable role in different types of SMDs the kinematic measurement method, were entered into
(Ludewig and Reynolds, 2009). This study may help the tables (Table 1). Scapular kinematics measurement
clinicians with the diagnosis of SMDs type and/or abnormal methods included task, motion capture system, scapular
scapular kinematics as a simple guide. kinematic techniques, Euler decomposition, scapular
landmark, and range of humerothoracic elevation (Table 2).
In general, there were twenty studies that reported 3-D
Method scapular kinematics in patients with the SMDs (Tables 1 and
2). Eleven studies provided a comparison between healthy
Eligibility criteria participants and patients with SIS, and six studies reviewed
RCTs, FS, and SMPTs systematically. Three studies stated
We included published studies in English language to the differences in scapular kinematics between healthy
compare scapular kinematics in five groups of the most people and patients with SI.
388 R. Keshavarz et al.

Figure 1 Search strategy and summery of the literature search.

Assessment of quality selected to evaluate the related methodological subjects

based on our research method. The scoring tool of the
The quality of the included studies was critically appraised included studies could predict the following criteria: 1.
individually by two researchers (RK and SBT). The checklists inclusion/exclusion criteria, 2. manner of case selection, 3.
such as the CASP tool (www.casp-uk.net) (Singh, 2013), definition of scapular rotations, 4. methods of task per-
STROBE Statement (Von Elm et al., 2007), and STARD formance, including sensor and electrode placement, 5.
(Bossuyt et al., 2003) did not validate to assess the quality reliability of the applied methodology, 6. statistical power
of observational studies. None of the CASP tools were (justification of sample size), and 7. statistical procedure
appropriate for your purpose and therefore you created (Table 3) (De Baets et al., 2013).
your own quality measure based on the questions in the The results of our research could provide an analysis of
CASP and STARD tools, and do not mention case control the data and the methodological quality of the included
studies or qualitative studies. Seven different criteria were studies (Table 5). The Cochrane Collaboration tool was used
The role of scapular kinematics in patients with different shoulder musculoskeletal disorders 389

Table 1 Description of the study population for the selected papers on scapular kinematics.
Study Subjects (n) Age (year) Gender Dominant side
Con. Exp. Con. Exp. Control Exp. Control Exp.
A: SIS Group
Lukasiewicz et al. (1999) 20 37 34.3  7.5 45.8  11.0 12 8 8 12 20 e 32 5
Ludewig and Cook (2000) 26 26 20e71 Range 25e68 Range e 26 e 26 e
Borstad and Ludewig (2002) 26 26 20e71 Range 25e68 Range e 26 e 26 e
Hebert et al. (2002) 10 41 34.4  8.4 44.3  9.2 6 4 20 21 5 5 33 8
Laudner et al. (2006) 11 11 21.2  1.7 22.1  3.5 e 11 e 11 e
McClure et al. (2006) 45 45 26e74 Range 24e74 Range 21 24 21 24 38 7 38 7
Roy et al. (2007) 15 8 37.3 46.1 8 7 7 1 15 e 5 3
Seitz et al. (2012) 21 23, 2 drops 18e70 Range 18e70 Range 11 10 10 11 e
Lawrence et al. (2014) 12 12, 2 drops 29.3 35.7 5 7 5 5 11 1 10 e
Haik et al. (2014b) 23 26 27.7  6.84 29.65  9.09 e 7 D, 16 N 16 D, 10 N
Lopes et al. (2015) 19 19 46.4  10.9 40.2  13.8 8 11 7 12 e
B: RCT Group
Mell et al. (2005) 15 27 30e74 Range 30e74 Range 9 6 7 20 e
de Oliveira Sousa et al. (2014) 26 48 Control: 45.81  8.68 13 13 10 28 e
ACO: 42.78  11.74
ACO RCD: 48.16  8.69
C: FS Group
Rundquist et al. (2003) 10 10 51  10.55 52.9  10.49 9 25 9 1 e 4 6
Fayad et al. (2008) e 16 OA, 16 FS e OA: 56e86 e e 25 7 e OA: 9 2
FS: 41-69 5 bilat 6
FS: 10
D: SI Group
Ogston and Ludewig (2007) 29 29, 4 drops 16e45 15e43 13 16 13 16 28 1 24 1
Illyes and Kiss (2006) 15 15 26.35  5.61 21.85  3.8 5 10 5 10 e
Matias and Pascoal (2006) e 3 ASI, 2 MDI 1 SI e 37  8.5 e 3 3 e
E: STMPs Group
Laudner and Williams (2013) 19 swimmers with no e 18.8  0.9 e 12 7 e
recent upper extremity
Avila et al. (2014) 25 40 47.2  5.3 48.3  8.8 25 0 40 0 e
SIS: Shoulder Impingement Syndrome; RCT: Rotator Cuff Tear; CRCT: Chronic Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy; FT-RCTs: Full Thickness Rotator
Cuff Tears; FS: Frozen Shoulder; OA: Osteoarthritis; SI: Shoulder Instability; MDI: Multidirectional Instability; ASI: Anterior Shoulder
Instability; STMDs: Scapulothoracic Muscular problems; FM: Fibromyalgia; F: Female; M: Male; R: Right; L: Left; D: Dominant side; N:
Non-dominant side.

to assess the risk of biases (selection, performance, the included studies had a comparative observational or
detection, attrition and/or reporting biases). All sub- case-control design (Fig. 1). Not all studies reported the
headings of Cochrane Collaboration tool are not suitable for examiners risk of biases, and some researchers did not
assessing the risk of bias in observational studies (Table 4) report their method of blinding and/or concealment allo-
(Hurlow et al., 2012). Therefore, the quality and integrity cation. The participants in both case and control groups
of the study outcomes were assured. were age-matched in all included studies (in a range of
18e70 years, not children). Arm elevation was done in
three movement planes (frontal, sagittal, and scapular);
Results however, all included studies did not report alteration of
scapular kinematics in three movement planes and two
Study characteristics phases (elevation and lowering). Most of the included
studies reported scapular kinematics differences in one or
Twenty studies met inclusion criteria and were retrieved in two arm movement planes (sagittal, frontal, or scapular
full text out of 669 potential abstracts in field of SMDs. All plane) during the elevation phase.
390 R. Keshavarz et al.

Table 2 Brief details of task and measurement methods of included papers on scapular kinematics in shoulder musculo-
skeletal disorders.
Study Task Motion Scapular kinematics Euler Scapular HT
capture measuring technique decomposition Landmark elevation
A: SIS Group
Lukasiewicz et al. (1999) Static Sc Emag Static digitizer Pro/lat/tilt TS, AA, AI 90
Ludewig and Cook (2000) Sc Emag Acromial receiver e Skin Pro/lat/tilt TS, AC, AI 30 120 ;
fixed E, L
Borstad and Ludewig (2002) Sc Emag Acromial receiver e Skin Pro/lat/tilt TS, AC, AI 40 120
Hebert et al. (2002) F, S 3D optical NR Lat/tilt/pro NR 110
Laudner et al. (2006) Sc Emag Acromial receiver e Skin Pro/lat/tilt TS, AA, AC, AI 0 120
McClure et al. (2006) S, Sc Emag Scapular receiver-Skin Pro/lat/tilt NR 40 120
Roy et al. (2007) Static F, S 3D optical Acromial receiver- Flexible Pro/lat/tilt TS, AC, AI Flex. 70
template Abd. 90
Seitz et al. (2012) Static Sc Emag Acromial receiver e Skin Pro/lat/tilt AA 90
Lawrence et al. (2014) F, S, Sc Emag Acromial receiver-Bone Pro/lat/tilt AA 30 e120
Haik et al. (2014b) S Emag Acromial receiver e Skin Pro/lat/tilt TS, AA, AI 30 e120 ,
fixed E,L
Lopes et al. (2015) F Emag Acromial receiver e Skin Pro/lat/tilt TS, AA, AI 30 e120
B: RCT Group
Mell et al. (2005) S, Sc Emag Scapular receiver-Skin Pro/lat/tilt TS, AC, AI 0 e100
de Oliveira Sousa et al. (2014) F, S Emag Acromial receiver e Skin Pro/lat/tilt TS, AA, AI 30 e120 ,
fixed E,L
C: FS Group
Rundquist et al. (2003) F, S, SC, Emag Acromial receiver e Skin Pro/lat/tilt TS, AA, AI Full range
IR, ER fixed
Fayad et al. (2008) F, S Emag Acromial receiver e Skin Pro/lat/tilt TS, AA, AI 30 e60
D: SI Group
Ogston and Ludewig (2007) F, Sc Emag Acromial receiver e Skin Pro/lat/tilt TS, AC, AI 0 e120
Illyes and Kiss (2006) Sc US motion Triplet on scapula-Skin NR TS, AA, AI 100 e120
analysis fixed
Matias and Pascoal (2006) S Emag Scapular receiver-Manually Pro/lat/tilt NR 120
E: STMPs Group
Laudner and Williams (2013) Sc Emag Acromial receiver- Skin Pro/lat/tilt C7, AA, H, St 30 e110
Avila et al. (2014) S, Sc Emag Acromial receiver- Skin Pro/lat/tilt Acromion 30 e120 ,
fixed E, L
Emag.: Electromagnetic; US: Ultrasound based; F: Frontal plane elevation; S: Sagital plane elevation; Sc: Scapular plane elevation; Pro:
Scapular protraction; Lat: Scapular lateral rotation; Tilt: Scapular tilt; TS: Trigonum spina scapulae; AA: Angulus acromialis scapulae; AI:
Angulus inferior scapulae; AC: Posterior acromioclavicular joint; IR: Scapular internal rotation; ER: Scapular external rotation; St: Stylus;
H: Humerous; E: Elevation phase; L: Lowering phase; HT: Humerothoracic; NR: Not reported.
*Scapular rotation analyzed up to 120 of humerothoracic elevation.
The role of scapular kinematics in patients with different shoulder musculoskeletal disorders 391

Table 3 Methodology quality of the included scapular kinematics papers.

Study Inclusion- Manner of Methods Definition Reliability of Justification Statistical Final
exclusion recruitment for task of scapular methodology for sample procedures score
performance rotations size (max. 14)
A: SIS Group
Lukasiewicz et al. 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 12
Ludewig and Cook 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 12
Borstad and Ludewig 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 12
Hebert et al. (2002) 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 8
Laudner et al. (2006) 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 12
McClure et al. (2006) 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 12
Roy et al. (2007) 1 2 2 2 2 0 2 11
Seitz et al. (2012) 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 12
Lawrence et al. 2 2 1 2 2 0 2 11
Haik et al. (2014b) 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 12
Lopes et al. (2015) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 14
B: RCT Group
Mell et al. (2005) 1 0 2 2 2 0 2 9
de Oliveira Sousa 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 10
et al. (2014)
C: FS Group
Rundquist et al. 1 2 2 2 0 0 2 9
Fayad et al. (2008) 1 0 1 2 2 0 2 8
D: SI Group
Ogston and Ludewig 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 14
Illyes and Kiss (2006) 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 9
Matias and Pascoal 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 4
E: STMDs Group
Laudner and Williams 1 1 2 2 1 0 2 9
Avila et al. (2014) 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 10
2: Good description; 1: Moderate description; 0: No description.

Scapular kinematics show any substantial differences in the scapular posterior

tilt compared with arm elevation in the scapular plane. In
Many studies reported various results in scapular kinematics addition, these patients showed a greater posterior tilt and
in patients with SIS. Scapular internal rotation was external rotation, and less upward and external rotation in
enhanced in SI patients and reduced in FS patient. Studies the scapular plane when they abducted the upper
on rotator cuff tears (RCTs) showed an increased scapular extremity.
upward rotation and posterior tilt to compensate gleno- Many studies in the field of 3-D scapular kinematics in
humeral movements. The patients with shoulder pain had a patients with SIS represented lesser scapular posterior tilt
restricted scapular upward rotation. above 90 of arm elevation and lesser scapular upward
These studies described the effect of the SMDs on rotation at 30 e60 of arm elevation compared with
scapular kinematics during elevation. The results of the healthy people (Herberts et al., 1984; Karduna et al., 2001;
included scapular kinematics studies are shown in Table 5. Lukasiewicz et al., 1999; McClure et al., 2006). Conversely,
Two researchers compared the results of both affected and Ludewig and Cook reported that increased upward rotation
non-affected sides. In general, the patients with SIS had and posterior tilt might have a compensatory role to
less scapular upward and external rotation, but did not decrease painful scapular motion during arm elevation
392 R. Keshavarz et al.

Table 4 Critical bias of the included scapular kinematics papers.

Study Selection bias Performance Detection Attrition Reporting
Random Allocation bias bias bias bias
sequence concealment
A: SIS Group
Lukasiewicz et al. (1999) Low Unclear Low Low High High
Ludewig and Cook (2000) Unclear Unclear Low Unclear High High
Borstad and Ludewig (2002) Unclear Unclear Low Low High High
Hebert et al. (2002) Unclear Unclear Low Low High High
Laudner et al. (2006) Unclear Unclear Low Low High High
McClure et al. (2006) Low Unclear Low Low High High
Roy et al. (2007) Low Unclear Low High High High
Seitz et al. (2012) Unclear Unclear Low High High High
Lawrence et al. (2014) Unclear Low Low Low High High
Haik et al. (2014b) Low Low High High High High
Lopes et al. (2015) Unclear Unclear Low High High High
B: RCT Group
Mell et al. (2005) Unclear Unclear Low Low High High
de Oliveira Sousa et al. (2014) High Unclear Low Low High High
C: FS Group
Rundquist et al. (2003) Low Unclear Low Low High High
Fayad et al. (2008) Unclear Unclear Low Low High High
D: SI Group
Ogston and Ludewig (2007) Unclear Unclear Low High High High
Illyes and Kiss (2006) Unclear Unclear Low Low High High
Matias and Pascoal (2006) Unclear Unclear Low Low High High
E: STMPs Group
Laudner and Williams (2013) Low Low Low Low High High
Avila et al. (2014) Low Low Low Low High High
Low: Criteria for a judgment of YES; High: Criteria for the judgment of NO; Unclear: Criteria for the judgment of UNCLEAR (un-
certain risk of bias).

(Ludewig and Cook, 2000). Laudner et al. (2006) found that Three studies on 3-D scapula kinematics in SI patients
a significant increase posterior tilt might happen during arm reported a decrease in scapular upward rotation during arm
elevation in the scapular plane (Laudner et al., 2006). elevation in scapular and frontal planes (Illyes and Kiss,
Another study reported that pain could create similar 2006; Laudner et al., 2006; Matias and Pascoal, 2006).
compensatory patterns or an increase in scapular upward Moreover, these studies showed an increased internal
rotation among healthy participants with experimental pain rotation during scapular plane elevation with no differ-
induction (Wassinger et al., 2013). However, Hebert and his ences in glenohumeral translations among patients with
coworkers did not find any differences between partici- multidirectional SI. The patients with SI had similar scap-
pants with and without SIS (Hebert et al., 2002). ular kinematic changes (Ogston and Ludewig, 2007).
The scapular elevation during arm elevation in the Another study showed different results: increased scapular
scapular plane was observed in patients with RCTs retraction and posterior tilt with no changes in scapular
compared with healthy people and patients with tendinosis external rotation in the same subjects (Matias and Pascoal,
but no differences were reported for posterior tilt and 2006). The patients with SIS or SI had an increased pro-
protraction (Mell et al., 2005a). In patients with RCT, the traction, and patients with frozen shoulders showed a
scapula moved more than the humerus during arm elevation decreased protraction. Finally, two studies in field of STMPs
when compared with healthy individuals or patients with evaluated the effect of the fibromyalgia syndrome and
tendinopathy (Mell et al., 2005b). Two studies evaluated 3- Latissimus Dorsi muscle stiffness on 3-D scapular kine-
D scapular kinematics in patients with FS and demonstrated matics. Increased scapular upward rotation and posterior
earlier increased scapular external rotation during arm tilt with decreased scapular internal rotation during arm
elevation in frontal, sagittal, and scapular planes. There elevation was seen in patients with Latissimus Dorsi stiff-
were no differences in scapular tilt between affected and ness and fibromyalgia without changes in scapular internal
unaffected sides. rotation (Laudner and Williams, 2013).
The role of scapular kinematics in patients with different shoulder musculoskeletal disorders 393

Table 5 Outcome variables and results of included scapular kinematics papers.

Study Reliability (ICC) Sig differences
A: SIS Group SISG compared to CG
Lukasiewicz et al. (1999) ICC (3,1) Y PT & [ inf-sup position at 90 ;
0.88e0.99 [ PT, UR, Y IR, [sup & med position in SISG & CG During
scapular elevation.
Ludewig and Cook (2000) ICC(2,1) Y UR at 60 arm elevation, but no differences at 90 or 120
0.93e0.98 elevation
Y PT & Y ER at 120 .
Under loaded, [ IR
*No difference in PT, at 60 & 90 elevation.
*No group  load interaction effect for UR, PT.
*Group difference did not effect on phase of motion for IR
Borstad and Ludewig (2002) e Y UR at 40 and 60 elevation and Y PT at 100 and 120
elevation during both elevation & lowering phases.
[ IR at 120 arm elevation during the lowering phase.
Hebert et al. (2002) e 48.2%e51.3% of the scapular total ROM was provided by Y PT,
in flexion & 40.3%e42.4% of it was ER in abduction.
Y UR and ER while having [ PT, in flexion.
Y UR, ER, and PT, in abduction.
Laudner et al. (2006) 0.97 [ PT and clavicular elevation.
*No differences in UR, ER, & clavicular retraction.
McClure et al. (2006) ICC(3,k) [ UR & clavicular elevation in flexion.
0.90 [ PT & clavicular retraction in scapular-plane elevation.
Y ROM & force in all directions.
Roy et al. (2007) ICC between day [ UR in all positions, [ PT and ER at 70 flexion.
0.62e0.97; YPT and ER at 90 abduction.
Seitz et al. (2012) ICC(3,1) [ PT at totally angles.
0.98e0.99 [ UR at rest & 45 of elevation & acromiohumeral distance at
45 & at 90 with SAT.
*SAT did not change normalized isometric strength.
*SISG & CG had no alterations in reaction to the SAT.
Lawrence et al. (2014) ICC (1,1) Y Sternoclavicular PR, irrespective of angle, phase, or plane of
Control: 0.83e0.98 shoulder motion.
SIS: 0.76e0.96 Y SC elevation at 30 of arm elevation in scapular plane.
Y UR at 30 and 60 of elevation in frontal and scapular plane.
*No sig. difference between groups in AC kinematics.
Haik et al. (2014b) ICC (2,1) ICC during arm elevation in both groups in ranged of 0.92e0.99.
0.92e0.99 ICC during arm lowering in both groups in ranged of 0.54e0.88.
ICC (2,3) ICC for assessment of scapular orientation with the arms
Control: 0.58e0.88 relaxed at the side in both groups in ranged of 0.66e0.95.
SIS: 0.54e0.85 SEM in ranged of 3.37 e7.44 for both groups.
MDC increased from 7.81 to 17.27 at the higher arm elevation
Lopes et al. (2015) ICC (ascending Phase) Y Penn shoulder function.
0.22e0.95 Y ER during elevation & lowering.
ICC (descending 12.0% higher upper trapezius EMG in 30 - 60 elevation.
B: RCT Group RCT compared to CG
Mell et al. (2005) SD for phases 1, 2, & 3 [ SHR in 25 e77 & 77 e129 during flexion & in 77 e129
were 0.0078 , scapular abduction.
0.0078 , & 0.014 , *No difference in rhythm slope between CG & tendinopathy
respectively. group.
*No difference in PT & protraction.
[ Scapula motion for each degree of arm elevation in 77 e120
[ elevated scapula in the initial two thirds of movement.
de Oliveira Sousa et al. (2014) e ACO group: [ IR, [ UR & Y SC elevation and Y SC PR.
(continued on next page)
394 R. Keshavarz et al.

Table 5 (continued )
Study Reliability (ICC) Sig differences
ACO RCD group: [ UR than both other groups.
ACO RCD & ACO groups: Y SC retraction & [ PT.
C: FS Group FSG compared to CG
Rundquist et al. (2003) e Y Maximum ROM of arm elevation from flexion to scapular
plane abduction to coronal plane abduction.
[ ER ROM with the abducted arm than with the arm at the side.
YIR ROM in the abducted arm.
Fayad et al. (2008) 0.93e0.99 Y Protraction during elevation in the sagittal & scapula plane.
Y Protraction & [ SHR in FSG than GHOG during abduction no
[ Scapular lat. rot. & SHR in both groups in each plane of
*No difference in PT between affected and unaffected sides
and was not influenced by type of disease.
D: SI Group MDIG compared to CG
Ogston and Ludewig (2007) ICC (1,1) Y UR during arm elevation in scapular & frontal planes.
angular-dependent [ IR during scapular plane abduction.
variables: [ PT during 0 e60 scapular plane abduction & no difference in
0.89e0.99 abduction.
ICC (1,1) *No significant alterations in GH translations.
Ant./post. [Passive humeral ER ROM & [ passive IR of the complicated
Translation: shoulder.
0.83e0.96 [ External passive ROM on the complicated side compared with
ICC (1,1) the uncomplicated side.
Sup./inf. Translation:
Illyes and Kiss (2006) e ST & GH rhythm of the affected shoulders are linear.
The ant, post, & inf. displacements of shoulders with MDI could
be modeled.
*Sig. difference in the displacement between the Rot. centers
of scapula & humerus, related to anthropometrical
Matias and Pascoal (2006) e The thorax slight extent & contra-lateral Rot around 90 of arm
[ retracted position in arm elevation above 90 .
[ PT near the 90 of arm elevation.
[ ER as arm elevation progress.
*Sig. differences in protraction on 3 subjects & in spinal tilt on
5 subjects.
*No differences in ER in all subjects.
E: STMPs Group Muscles problems compared to CG
Laudner and Williams (2013) ICC (2,3) Latissimus dorsi stiffness: [ UR & [ PT at all four angles of
0.92 humeral elevation.
[ Latissimus dorsi stiffness had moderate-to-good relationships
with Y IR at 60 & 90 of arm elevation.
Avila et al. (2014) e Fibromyalgia women: [ UR & [ PT than the control group.
No sig. in IR during arm elevation & lowering in the sagittal &
scapular planes.
SIS: Shoulder Impingement Syndrome; RCT: Rotator Cuff Tear; FS: Frozen Shoulder; SI: Shoulder Instability; MDI: Multidirectional
Instability; G: Group; CG: Control Group; Ant.: Anterior; Post.: Posterior; Scapular sup-inf: Scapular Superior Inferior; med-lat; Medial-
Lateral; UR: Upward Rotation; PT: Posterior Tipping; ER: External Rotation; IR: Internal Rotation; PR: Posterior Rotation; ROM: Range of
Motion; Rot: Rotation; SAT: Scapular Assistance Test; EMG: Electromyography; SHR: Scapulohumeral Rhythm; GH: Glenohumeral; ST:
Scapulothoracic; SC: Sternoclavicular; AC: Acromioclavicular; Sig.: Significant; SEM: Standard Error of Measurement; MDC: Standard
Error of Measurement; ICC: Intraclass correlation coefficient.
The role of scapular kinematics in patients with different shoulder musculoskeletal disorders 395

No significant differences were found between arm intersegmental locking, or hypomobility of the upper
elevation and lowering phases in the scapular plane, except thoracic spine) is related to changes in the position of the
for scapular internal rotation at 120 and scapular anterior scapula, and an imbalance of the scapulothoracic mus-
tilt at higher humeral angles in patients with SIS. It should cles. It is suggested that spinal alignment has a great in-
be mentioned that differences in scapular internal rotation fluence on the scapular position and shoulder range of
and anterior tilt results in reduced accessible subacromial motion (Lewis et al., 2005).
space during arm elevation and lowering phases in the Several methodological aspects, i.e. various diseases,
scapular plane (Borstad and Ludewig, 2002; Seitz et al., joint angle calculation, measurement methods, proced-
2012). ures, and tracking systems are required to be taken into
account for differences in scapular kinematics data of
Methodological aspects various studies. The International Society of Biomechanics
suggests angulus acromialis (AA), trigonum spina (TS), and
The relevant papers were critically appraised by two re- angulus inferior (AI) to define the scapular joint coordina-
searchers independently based on the quality measure tion system to compare the 3-D kinematics results (Wu
method. The quality measure scores are briefly reported in et al., 2005). Recent studies have used the same mea-
Tables 3 and 4. The Cochrane Collaboration tools for surement protocols and tracking systems (motion analysis)
assessing the risk of biases were in the range of moderate to to compare 3-D scapular kinematic results among patients
low for the included studies. This critical point shows that with the SMDs.
all included studies did have degrees of bias (moderate to
high) (Table 5). The highest quality score (14/14) was for a
Scapular kinematics in patients with shoulder
study conducted by Lopez et al. who justified the sample
impingement syndrome
size. However, a study by Haik et al. obtained the highest
quality in Cochrane Collaboration tools for doing perfor-
mance bias. The range of quality scores for RCT, FS and In patients with shoulder impingement, scapular upward
STMPs studies was from 8 to 10. The methodological quality rotation was decreased at lower angles (30 e60 ) of arm
showed that studies by Matias & Pascoal and also Ogston & elevation in frontal and scapular planes, while other 3-D
Ludwig gained the lowest score (4/14) and highest score in scapular kinematics showed no significant changes
SI studies, respectively. The rate of random sampling was (Lawrence et al., 2014). These alterations may cause a
very low among the included studies; only one group of decline in the subacromial space and also the rotator cuff
researchers applied randomization for their RCT. tendinopathy. A slight drop of scapular posterior tilt of the
Thirteen studies reported intraclass correlation coeffi- shoulders with SIS was associated with a complex disability
cient (ICC) ranging from excellent to good. The other seven (Borstad and Ludewig, 2002; Endo et al., 2001; Lawrence
studies did not report the ICC values. Only one study was et al., 2014).
designed for ICC evaluation of scapular kinematics in two During arm elevation and lowering, scapular external
phases. rotation was decreased in patients with SIS (Lopes et al.,
2015). Qualitative studies with lower methodology quality
scores suggest that in patients with SIS, scapular internal
Discussion rotation might increase during arm elevation (Hebert et al.,
2002; Ludewig and Cook, 2000). However, many high
Many researchers believe that scapular kinematics is an quality studies did not find any substantial differences in
important contributor for the level of pain and/or scapular ER/IR through arm elevation in patients with the
disability in the shoulder joint (Fayad et al., 2008). SIS and also healthy participants (Endo et al., 2001;
Appropriate scapular alignments and movements are Lukasiewicz et al., 1999; McClure et al., 2006). The
needed in order to achieve a normal function in the upper reduced scapular external rotation may affect the sub-
extremities (Kibler and Sciascia, 2010). The most effective acromial space, leading to shoulder pain and decreased
position of the rotator cuff muscles is associated with ROM of the SIS through arm elevation.
scapular alignments. Therefore, following SMDs, the pa-
tients may substantially benefit from an appropriate
rehabilitation program for restoration or correction of Scapular kinematics in patients with rotator cuff
scapular dyskinesia. The scapula does have a main role in tears
completing the shoulder ROM during abduction in com-
parison with flexion and scapular plane elevation (Kibler Age, gender, heavy work, dominant hand, and history of
and McMullen, 2003). As a result, abnormal scapular ki- trauma increased the probability of RCT. These patients
nematics may lead to SMDs (Ludewig and Reynolds, 2009). had a lower range in flexion and less power in abduction
This systematic review evaluated the scapular kinematics and external rotation (Yamamoto et al., 2010). The rotator
among patients with shoulder musculoskeletal disorders cuff pathology had great effects on shoulder rhythm (slope
and speculated the altered scapular kinematics in various of the scapula/humeral elevation curve) during arm
types of shoulder disorders. elevation in scapular and sagittal planes. Mell et al.
An important subacromial tissue injury model has (2005a,b) found that scapular elevation might increase
suggested that an alteration in thoracic spine alignment through all degrees of arm elevation in the scapular plane
(e.g. thoracic kyphosis, forward head posture, both in healthy and the RCT groups. They also found no
396 R. Keshavarz et al.

differences in PT and protraction during arm elevation, but Scapular kinematics in patients with
not during flexion (Mell et al., 2005b). Scapulothoracic Muscles Problems
Patients with full-thickness rotator cuff tear showed a
greater scapular elevation during arm elevation, Among scapulothoracic muscles, stiffness of Latissimus
compared with the healthy individuals and/or patients Dorsi had a moderate to good relationship with increased
with tendinitis. This alteration of scapular kinematics scapular upward rotation and posterior tilt. Furthermore,
represented that RCT might be relevant to loss of cuff decreased scapular internal rotation during arm elevation
strength and function rather than pain (Mell et al., was seen in patients with STMPs (Laudner and Williams,
2005a). The methodological quality score of two rele- 2013). It was reported that a stiff Latissimus Dorsi could
vant studies was moderate and both studies had a high pull the inferior scapular border to more superior and
attrition bias score. As a result, there is no high quality lateral, and caused an increase in upward rotation during
evidence to clarify abnormal scapular kinematics for pa- arm elevation. A stiff Latissimus Dorsi forces the scapula to
tients with RCT. posterior tilt and external rotation because of the attach-
ments (Laudner and Williams, 2013). Regardless of the
Scapular kinematics in patients with frozen specific origin, a different relationship has been shown
shoulder between Latissimus Dorsi stiffness and scapular dyskinesis.
The methodological quality score of both included studies
Studies in shoulder rhythm and scapular kinematics was moderate.
demonstrated that scapular external rotation occurred A similar increased scapular upward rotation and pos-
earlier and larger through arm elevation in frontal, terior tilt was seen in fibromyalgia women during arm
sagittal, and scapular planes as compared with the unaf- elevation in sagittal and scapular planes (Avila et al.,
fected shoulders and healthy participants. Moreover, the 2014). The researchers reported that the scapulothoracic
scapular tilt was not substantially different between the muscles could affect scapular kinematics and behaviors
affected and unaffected sides (Rundquist et al., 2003; and cause different SMDs. Briefly, few studies found
Vermeulen et al., 2002). No strong evidence was avail- various scapular muscle activity patterns in SMDs as
able to support the common theory of the scapular explained below:
compensatory role in retrieving a maximal range of limited In shoulder impingement, the upper and lower trapezius
glenohumeral joint through arm elevation (Fayad et al., and also the serratus anterior muscles have the key role in
2008). Yang believed that scapular kinematics might be a scapular dyskinesis. The electromyographic activity of the
predictor for the clinicians to assess patients with FS upper and lower trapezius muscles increases during arm
although the etiology might be vague (Yang et al., 2008). elevation. The serratus anterior muscle shows a decreased
Looseness of glenohumeral mobility may lead to limita- activity in all phases (Lopes et al., 2015; Ludewig and Cook,
tions in external rotation of the humeral head and un- 2000; Phadke and Ludewig, 2013).
derneath gliding of the acromion through arm elevation. It seems that in shoulders with glenohumeral instability,
The capsular adhesions may lead to some degrees of lim- the activity of the lower trapezius and serratus anterior
itation. The scapula is pulled outwards prior to humerus muscles might increase in the mid phase of arm elevation,
movement during elevation to reach the same end point of while muscle activity length of supraspinatus and infra-
the scapula and glenohumerus in healthy people. The spinatus is increased (Illyes and Kiss, 2006; Matias and
methodological quality of all included studies in FS pa- Pascoal, 2006).
tients was moderate. Symptomatic patients with rotator cuff tear show a
trend toward increased muscle activation of supraspinatus,
infraspinatus and upper trapezius compared with asymp-
Scapular kinematics in patients with shoulder tomatic patients with rotator cuff tear. However, asymp-
instability tomatic subjects have a greater subscapularis activity
(Kelly et al., 2005).
The patients with SI represented a decrease in the scapular The patients with frozen shoulder have an increased and
upward rotation during arm elevation in scapular and imbalanced upper and lower trapezius muscle activity
frontal planes, and also an increase in internal rotation which may exchange the scapular movement to compen-
during scapular plane elevation. Our results confirmed the sate impaired glenohumeral motion. Greater scapular
results of studies by Ogston and also Ozaki that reported no elevation and upward rotation induce the compensatory
differences in glenohumeral translations among patients movement pattern (Fayad et al., 2008; Lin et al., 2005).
with multidirectional SI (Ogston and Ludewig, 2007; Ozaki, Our results showed that the patients with SMDs
1989). Matias and Pascoal showed substantial alterations in compensated the impaired glenohumeral motion through
scapular protraction to retraction and also anterior to scapular substitution movement, excess scapular elevation,
posterior tilt in patients with the SI, while they did not find and upward rotation during the elevation of their arm. The
any changes in scapular external rotation as compared with increased application of accessory muscles such as trape-
healthy subjects (Matias and Pascoal, 2006). The patients zius activity may lead an abnormal scapular motion. These
with SI had an increase in scapular upward rotation and a results are in favor of clinical observations that suggest that
slight scapular posterior tilt. There was no strong evidence an abnormal scapular motion is noticeable in patients with
to confirm scapular kinematics alterations following SMDs. SMDs during arm elevation.
The role of scapular kinematics in patients with different shoulder musculoskeletal disorders 397

Study limitations Index (1). Characteristics of the excluded

The number of patients in many included studies was
limited. Individual specific variables, small sample sizes,
motion capture systems, different definitions for scapular
orientation, Euler decomposition, and inappropriate sta-
tistical methods might affect the results of the selected Study Reason to exclude
studies. Larger groups of patients might help our systematic SIS
review to better clarify the predictive role of the 3-D
scapular movement patterns in patients with SMDs. The Thomas et al. (2013) Use the inclinometer, healthy
assessment of healthy subjects and also patients with other population, only scapular UR
shoulder disorders may help to define alterations of scap- Su et al. (2004) Use the inclinometer, only
ular kinematics during arm elevation in frontal, sagittal, scapular UR
and scapular planes. Furthermore, the included studies did Graichen et al. (2001) Use MRI
not compare altered scapular kinematics in three shoulder Endo et al. (2001) Use X-ray
movement planes between symptomatic and asymptomatic Ackermann et al. (2002) Interventional trial, EMG study
patients. Finley et al. (2005) Manual wheel chair users
Ludewig and Braman Literature review
Conclusions Williams et al. (2013) Interventional trial, healthy
There is a controversy in scapular kinematics among SIS Giphart et al. (2012) Healthy population, vivo
patients. Rotator cuff muscles have substantial effects on biplane fluoroscopy
scapular alignment and movement patterns. However, the Roy et al. (2010) Reaching task
evidence is still not enough to confirm different scapular Chopp et al. (2011) Fatigue protocol
kinematics in RCT (it was only reported by two moderate McClure et al. (2004) Interventional trial
quality studies). The patients with SI have a decreased Huang et al. (2013) Interventional trial
scapular UR and protraction as well as an increased scap- Worsley et al. (2013) Interventional trial
ular IR during scapular plane elevation. An earlier scapular Haik et al. (2014a) Interventional trial
ER is the only kinematic change during arm elevation in Hsu et al. (2009) Interventional trial
sagittal, frontal, and scapular planes in patients with FS. Kebaetse et al. (1999) Thoracic position effect on
Tightness of scapulothoracic muscles such as latissimus scapular kinematics
dorsi and serratus anterior may affect scapular dyskinesis Wang et al. (1999) Interventional trial
and induce SMDs. Wassinger et al. (2013) Use the inclinometer,
There is no clear causal relationship between scapular Subacromial pain induced
alteration and a specific pathology. Further researches are Nagai et al. (2013) Effects of truck rotation on the
necessary to determine the predictor index of scapular scapular kinematics
position and orientation changes in SMDs. Yoshizaki et al. (2009) Healthy population
Miachiro et al. (2014) Fatigue protocol
File copies permissions
Paletta et al. (1997) Use X-ray
Henseler et al. (2013) Use magnetic resonance
All of the tables and also the figure are original. There is no
imaging with arthrography
need for any permission.
Interventional trial, Thesis
Park et al. (2012) Literature review
Authors contributions McFarland et al. (2013) Case report
Kedgley et al. (2007) Study on cadaveric specimens
RK carried out the literature search and review, data Scibek et al. (2008) Interventional trial
extraction, prepared the initial draft, coordinated re- Muth et al. (2012) Interventional trial
visions, submitted the manuscript, and prepared the writ- Wilson et al. (2013) Unavailable full text, Use of
ten draft. SBT contributed to the literature search and Biplane fluoroscopic image
review, coordinated the appraisal, synthesized results, and Kijima et al. (2015) Use of Biplane fluoroscopic
contributed to data critical appraisal and manuscript re- image
visions. SMR and HA contributed to the search strategy and FS
revisions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved Braman et al. (2010) Case report
the final article. Fayad et al. (2008) No scapular 3-D kinematics
Roren et al. (2012) Activities of daily living
Shah et al. (2015) Diabetes mellitus population
Competing interests
Rundquist and Ludewig Idiopathic loss of shoulder
(2005) range of motion
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
(continued on next page)
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