A Blinded, Randomized, Controlled Trial Assessing Conservative Management Strategie - 20170730120051

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J Shoulder Elbow Surg (2014) 23, 500-507



A blinded, randomized, controlled trial assessing

conservative management strategies for frozen shoulder
Sarah Russell, MSc, MCSPa, Arpit Jariwala, MChOrth, FRCS(Tr&Orth)b,
Robert Conlon, BSc, MCSPa, James Selfe, PhDc, Jim Richards, PhDc,
Michael Walton, MSc, FRCS(Tr&Orth)a,*

Wrightington Upper Limb Unit, Wigan, Lancashire, UK
Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, UK
University of Central Lancashire, Preston, Lancashire, UK

Background: There is little evidence for the optimal form of nonoperative treatment in the management of
frozen shoulder. This study assesses the efficacy of current physiotherapy strategies.
Methods: All primary care referrals of frozen shoulder to our physiotherapy department were included
during a 12-month period. Of these referrals, 17% met the inclusion criteria for primary idiopathic frozen
shoulder. The 75 patients were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: group exercise class, individual phys-
iotherapy, and home exercises alone. A single independent physiotherapist, who was blinded to the treat-
ment groups, made all assessments. Range of motion, Constant score, Oxford Shoulder Score, Short Form
36, and Hospital Anxiety and Disability Scale (HADS) outcome measures were performed at baseline, 6
weeks, 6 months, and 1 year.
Results: The exercise class group improved from a mean Constant score of 39.8 at baseline to 71.4 at 6
weeks and 88.1 at 1 year. There was a significant improvement in shoulder symptoms on Oxford and Con-
stant scores (P < .001). This improvement was greater than with individual physiotherapy or home exer-
cises alone (P < .001). The improvement in range of motion was significantly greater in both physiotherapy
groups over home exercises (P < .001). HADS scores significantly improved during the course of treatment
(P < .001). The improvement in HADS anxiety score was significantly greater in both physiotherapy inter-
vention groups than in home exercises alone.
Conclusions: A hospital-based exercise class can produce a rapid recovery from a frozen shoulder with a
minimum number of visits to the hospital and is more effective than individual physiotherapy or a home
exercise program.
Level of evidence: Level I, Randomized Controlled Trial, Treatment Study.
! 2014 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees.
Keywords: Shoulder; adhesive capsulitis; frozen shoulder; physiotherapy; SF-36; HADS; anxiety

Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is a condition of

Ethical approval: Stockport Local Research Ethics Committee Clinical uncertain etiology characterized by the spontaneous onset
Trial Registration Number: 05/Q1401/86.
of pain with significant restriction of both active and pas-
*Reprint requests: Mr. Michael Walton, MSc, FRCS(Tr&Orth),
Wrightington Upper Limb Unit, Hall Lane, Appley Bridge, WN6 9EP, UK. sive range of movement of the shoulder.33 It has been
E-mail address: mikewalton@shoulderdoc.co.uk (M. Walton). classically divided into phases of freezing (insidious onset

1058-2746/$ - see front matter ! 2014 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees.
Physiotherapy randomized controlled trial for frozen shoulder 501

Table I Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria
Age 40 to 70 years
Patients reported local shoulder pain, frequently present either over the anteromedial aspect of the shoulder extending distally into
the biceps region or over the lateral aspect of the shoulder extending into the lateral deltoid region. Symptoms were present for at
least 3 months.
Spontaneous onset of a painful stiff shoulder
Marked loss of active and passive global shoulder motion, with at least 50% loss of external rotation
Normal findings on anteroposterior and axillary radiographs of the glenohumeral joint
Exclusion criteria
Pathologic findings or glenohumeral osteoarthritis on radiographic evaluation
Clinical evidence of significant cervical spine disease
History of significant trauma to the shoulder
Local corticosteroid injection or any physiotherapy intervention to the affected shoulder within the last 3 months
Cerebrovascular accident affecting the shoulder
Inflammatory joint disease affecting the shoulder
Bilateral frozen shoulder due to possible underlying systemic cause
Thyroid disease
Any coronary event, postcoronary artery bypass, or catheterization before the clinical appearance of frozen shoulder
Prior surgery, dislocation, or fractures on the affected shoulder
Active medicolegal involvement

of diffuse shoulder pain with progressive loss of move- Many studies have attempted to establish the most
ment), frozen (gradual subsidence of pain, plateauing of effective treatment of frozen shoulder, but there still re-
stiffness with equal active and passive range of motion), mains much debate in the literature. Currently, there is no
and thawing (gradual improvement of movement and res- agreement on the standard management of this condition.14
olution of symptoms).33 Differing classifications have also The controversy is due in part to a failure of many authors
been described; Neviaser described the process in 4 stages to precisely define and accurately identify frozen shoulder
based on arthroscopic findings,31 and a recent review by among other causes of shoulder pain and stiffness.17,36
Hanchard20 has suggested that two groups, pain predom- The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy has completed a
inant and stiffness predominant, may be simpler and project on the management of frozen shoulder.20 Conclu-
more appropriate. All of the classifications, however, stress sions drawn from these evidence-based clinical guidelines
the importance of recognizing that the disease process is a suggest that future researchers should report their physio-
continuum rather than having well-defined stages. therapy interventions in sufficient detail to remove ambi-
A primary or true frozen shoulder occurs when there is guity, consider multicenter trials, and focus on specific
no exogenous cause or preexisting condition. It is manifested stages of frozen shoulder. In line with these recommenda-
as an idiopathic painful shoulder with a decreased range of tions, the aim of this study was to investigate the clinical
movement in which no systemic diagnosis, precipitating effectiveness of common physiotherapy interventions in the
shoulder condition, or radiographic explanation can be treatment of frozen shoulder using validated outcome
found.25,29,36 Arthroscopic and histologic studies have shown measures to determine effectiveness.
that the condition is one of glenohumeral capsular contrac-
tion, particularly of the coracohumeral ligament within the Methods
rotator interval.8 The condition is usually thought to be self-
limited, although Hand et al22 demonstrated that 41% of The study used a randomized controlled trial of 3 common
patients have mild to moderate symptoms at 7 years and 6% physiotherapy interventions. Patients were randomly allocated to
have severe ongoing symptoms with pain and functional loss. treatment groups, and the study conformed to the CONSORT
Despite considerable scientific research, the etiology and statement.1 All patients gave written informed consent before
pathology of frozen shoulder remain unknown.23 The preva- participating in the study.
lence has been estimated at approximately 2% to 3% of adults Eligible patients were all new referrals to the physiotherapy
department with a diagnosis of frozen shoulder. Patients were
in the general population.29 However, Bunker8 calculated a
assessed and inclusion and exclusion criteria verified (Table I).
much smaller prevalence of 0.75% of the population on the Inclusion criteria were representative of the typical features of
basis of clinic attendance in secondary care. It usually de- frozen shoulder: an insidious onset of pain and stiffness with a
velops between the ages of 40 and 70 years5,33,36 and rarely clinical reduction in range of motion, principally a >50% reduc-
recurs in the same shoulder unless an injury or disease process tion in external rotation, without an underlying radiologic abnor-
predisposes the joint to repeated episodes of stiffness.13,21 mality.30 All patients were required to have had symptoms for a
502 S. Russell et al.

minimum duration of 3 months to minimize the number of patients reflect current national clinical practice. The physiotherapy
in the early pain-predominant phase. The exclusion criteria served treatment period was limited to 6 weeks, after which all patients
to eliminate patients with an inappropriate diagnosis of idiopathic continued with the home exercise program.
frozen shoulder and other medical conditions that may complicate An independent statistician generated the assignment scheme
the pathologic process. All patients were asked not to have adju- by use of computer-generated permuted block randomization. A
vant therapy for the duration of the study, except oral analgesia. random block length (chosen with equal probability from blocks
At baseline, all patients underwent a standardized subjective of length 6, 9, or 12) was used.
and objective examination, as recommended by Wadsworth37 and The exercise class group treatment consisted of group therapy
Bowling et al.6 Range of motion was measured in a standardized scheduled twice per week for the 6-week intervention period. All
manner with a universal goniometer from bone landmarks. Most patients were given careful instruction and demonstration of each
patients were unable to reach 90! of abduction; therefore, external exercise by a supervising physiotherapist. Patients performed a 50-
rotation was measured at the maximum pain-free angle of minute exercise circuit composed of 12 stations. Each 4-minute
abduction. This point of abduction was recorded at baseline and station was designed to facilitate range of motion exercises at the
used for subsequent measures to ensure comparability of results. shoulder and thoracic spine. Stick, pulley, and ball techniques were
Each measurement was recorded 3 times and a mean taken. used to address forward elevation, abduction, extension, and internal
Routine anteroposterior and lateral radiographs were performed to and external rotation. There was an additional station for scapula
exclude bone causes of stiffness, such as osteoarthritis. Primary setting exercises and 2 stations addressing trunk rotation and side
and secondary outcome measures were taken. flexion. Exercise sheets were given to ensure compliance and to aid
in understanding of the circuit (Appendix 1). The patients were also
Outcome measures instructed on the specific shoulder exercises in the home exercise
program and given the information booklet (Appendix 2).
The individual multimodal physiotherapy group received 2
The primary outcome measure was the Constant-Murley score.11
sessions of individual physiotherapy treatment per week for the 6-
This has been shown to reflect shoulder function with accuracy,
week intervention period. The physiotherapist was a specialist in
reliability, and reproducibility.2,16,39 The score combines subjective
musculoskeletal physiotherapy with 11 years of subspecialization
and objective measures to produce a 100-point score, comprising 4
in shoulder therapy. The treatment program was based on local
parameters: activities of daily living, range of motion, pain, and
practice and expert opinion, in the absence of a clear consensus in
strength. The minimal clinically important difference (MCID) is
the literature.34 There was no attempt to standardize this group,
the smallest change in a score that patients perceive as meaningful,
and management decisions were made on an individual patient
causing clinicians to consider a change in the patients manage-
basis as determined by the treating physiotherapist. Treatment
ment.15 At the time of writing, there is no data that clearly states
could be adjusted according to the severity of symptoms. It
the MCID for the Constant score. However, routine clinical prac-
included Maitland mobilizations that were progressed as the
tice within the organizations involved would normally consider a
condition improved, soft tissue massage, myofascial trigger point
change of approximately 15 points to be clinically important.
release, heat, and stretches. The patients were also instructed on
The secondary outcome measures were the Oxford Shoulder
the specific shoulder exercises in the home exercise program and
Score, the Short Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire, and the Hospital
given the information booklet.
Anxiety and Disability Scale (HADS). The Oxford Shoulder Score
The home exercise group received instruction on the specific
is a subjective questionnaire that contains 12 questions derived
shoulder exercises in the information booklet. The information
from 2 parameters, pain and function. Scores from each of the
booklet included the home exercises; a description of frozen
questions are added to produce a single score ranging from 12
shoulder; and advice on sleep, posture, and pain relief.
(least difficulties) to 60 (most difficulties).12 Patients complete the
After baseline evaluation, outcome measures were taken at 6
score unaided. The SF-36 is a widely used, self-administered, 36-
weeks, 6 months, and 1 year. All outcome measures were per-
item generic indicator used to assess general health.38 It has
formed and recorded by an independent physiotherapist who was
recently been applied to the evaluation of shoulder disorders.35
not involved in direct treatment of any patients and was blinded to
This is a questionnaire designed to assess 8 dimensions of
the treatment allocation. Patients who expressed a desire to
health status, which include physical functioning (10 items), role
withdraw from the trial because of inability to cope with ongoing
limitations due to physical health problems (4 items), bodily pain
symptoms were recorded as having failed to respond to treatment
(2 items), social functioning (2 items), mental health (5 items),
and offered alternative treatment.
role limitations due to emotional problems (3 items), and vitality
and general health perceptions (5 items). HADS consists of 7
depressive items and 7 anxiety-related items40 and has been shown
Statistical analyses
to be a reliable and valid tool for measuring emotional distress in
medical populations.24
Data were analyzed within groups to assess the effects of each
intervention on the outcome measures and between groups for
Intervention groups comparison of the effects of the intervention. All data were tested
to determine if they were normally distributed, and where
Patients who met the inclusion criteria and agreed to participate in appropriate, a repeated-measures one-way analysis of variance
the study were then randomly allocated to 1 of the 3 treatment (ANOVA) on the outcome data was conducted. All data were
groups: group 1, exercise class plus home exercises; group 2, in- tested by the Mauchly test for sphericity. Pairwise comparisons by
dividual multimodal physiotherapy plus home exercises; and use of the least squares difference were conducted to investigate
group 3, home exercises alone. These groups were identified to the differences between the treatment groups and at the time
Physiotherapy randomized controlled trial for frozen shoulder 503

Table II Mean Constant score domains and range of motion

Baseline 6 weeks 6 months 1 year
Activities of daily living
Exercise class 6.5 12.0 14.0 14.1
Individual physiotherapy 6.7 10.6 12.1 12.7
Home exercises 6.2 8.2 11.0 11.6
Range of movement
Exercise class 9.7 16.8 18.3 19.2
Individual physiotherapy 9.7 14.9 16.1 17.0
Home exercises 10.3 11.4 13.8 15.7
Exercise class 15.4 33.0 36.1 38.2
Individual physiotherapy 16.6 28.2 32.0 34.0
Home exercises 18.7 25.6 31.4 34.0
Exercise class 6.1 9.7 13.4 16.6
Individual physiotherapy 7.3 9.2 10.7 13.1
Home exercises 6.4 6.8 8.5 9.8
Total Constant score
Exercise class 37.5 71.5 82.0 88.1
Individual physiotherapy 40.2 62.9 70.8 77.8
Home exercises 41.7 52.0 64.8 72.0
Forward elevation, degrees (range)
Exercise class 95 (85-125) 140 (130-150) 153 (145-160) 166 (155-180)
Individual physiotherapy 96 (85-120) 136 (125-150) 151 (145-160) 165 (145-180)
Home exercises 96 (85-120) 112 (85-135) 129 (95-150) 146 (100-180)
External rotation, degrees (range)
Exercise class 15 (10-20) 39 (30-45) 53 (45-55) 58 (55-60)
Individual physiotherapy 16 (10-25) 37 (25-45) 52 (40-55) 57 (45-65)
Home exercises 16 (10-25) 28 (15-45) 38 (25-50) 49 (35-60)

intervals of outcome measurement after intervention. Adjustments (n 25), individual multimodal physiotherapy (n 24), or
were made for multiple comparisons by the least significant dif- home exercises (n 26).
ference. The baseline (preintervention) measurement was included The mean age was 51.1 years (40-65 years). The female-
as a covariate as it will be related to the repeated measurements to-male ratio was 1:1.14. The dominant arm was affected in
after introduction of the different interventions rather than being
53% of the study population; 73% of patients were right-
an outcome of the intervention. The effect of the intervention (the
handed. The mean duration of symptoms was 5.79 months
average effect of the intervention over time) was then tested by the
main effect of intervention group; whether the effect of the (4-10 months). The primary analysis was intention-to-treat
intervention varies over time is represented by the interaction and involved all patients who were randomly assigned.
between the intervention group and the repeated group and the There were no statistically significant differences between
repeated factor over time. the groups in any of the measured baseline characteristics.
A power calculation was performed estimating the MCID of 15 The mean Constant score at baseline was 39.8 (18-64), and
points for the Constant score to achieve 80% power and 5% sig- the mean Oxford score was 34.4 (20-48). The mean forward
nificance. A cohort of 117 patients was required, with 39 in each elevation was 95! (85! -120! ), and the mean external rota-
of the 3 treatment groups. tion was 16! (10! -25! ).
Statistical analysis was performed by the SPSS PASW Statis- A repeated-measures ANOVA demonstrated a significant
tics for Windows, Version 18.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA).
improvement in both Constant and Oxford scores for all
groups between the different time intervals (P < .001).
Results Further analysis with a pairwise comparison allowed com-
parison between the individual treatment groups. At 6
A total of 850 patients were referred to physiotherapy with weeks, the exercise class group demonstrated an improve-
a primary care diagnosis of frozen shoulder during a 12- ment in Constant score to a mean of 71.5 (60-89). By 1 year,
month period. Of these, 705 did not fit the study inclusion the exercise class group had improved Constant score to a
criteria for primary idiopathic frozen shoulder; 70 patients mean of 88.1 (71-96) compared with the home exercise
declined to participate. Thus, 75 patients entered the study group score of 72.0 (49-91). This was a significantly greater
and were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: exercise class improvement in the exercise class group than in either the
504 S. Russell et al.

Figure 1 Mean Constant score for each treatment group over

time. Figure 3 Mean HADS anxiety score for each treatment group
over time.

The individual multimodal physiotherapy group showed

significantly better Constant scores (P .002) and Oxford
scores (P < .001) than the home exercise group at all time
points. A pairwise comparison showed a significant difference
between 6 weeks and 6 months (P < .001), 6 weeks and 1
year (P < .001), and 6 months and 1 year (P < .001) for both
the Constant and Oxford scores for all groups. This demon-
strates a continued improvement over time (Figs. 1 and 2).
All pretreatment and most post-treatment Oxford scores,
Constant scores, and HADS anxiety and depression scores
were strongly correlated (P < .001). HADS anxiety and
depression scores were significantly higher preoperatively
compared with any of the post-treatment time periods (P <
.001). Pairwise comparison between the individual groups
showed no significant difference between the physiotherapy
Figure 2 Mean Oxford Shoulder Score for each treatment group intervention groups (exercise class and individual multi-
over time. modal), but both groups showed significant improvements
in HADS anxiety score over the home exercise group
individual multimodal physiotherapy group (P < .001) or (exercise class: mean difference #2.195, P < .001; indi-
the home exercise group (P < .001). The difference between vidual multimodal physiotherapy: mean difference #1.509,
the exercise class and home exercises exceeded MCID at P .024) (Fig. 3). There were no significant differences
each postintervention time point. Although significant, the between the groups on HADS depression score.
difference between the exercise class and individual phys- Within the domains of the SF-36, there was no signifi-
iotherapy groups did not meet the MCID of 15 points. This cant difference demonstrated between the groups in the
significant improvement was also demonstrated within each general health, physical function, role limitations due to
of the Constant score domains of activities of daily living, health or emotional problems, or vitality domains. There
range of motion, pain, and strength (Table II). The exercise was a significant improvement in bodily pain (P .011),
class also showed a greater improvement than the individual mental health (P .009), and social function (P < .001)
multimodal physiotherapy and home exercises groups on over time on repeated-measures ANOVA test. Pairwise
the Oxford score (P .037; P < .001). comparisons demonstrated a significant improvement in
There was a significant improvement from baseline in bodily pain between the exercise class group and home
forward elevation and external rotation in all 3 groups. The exercise group (P .032). There were no other significant
improvement was significantly greater in both of the phys- differences between the treatment groups for any of the
iotherapy intervention groups over the home exercise group at domains of the SF-36 outcome measure at any time point.
all time points (P < .001). There were no significant differ- One patient from the exercise class group died and was lost
ences between the exercise class and individual physiotherapy to follow-up. One patient in the multimodal physiotherapy
groups in terms of range of motion at any stage (Table II). group was referred for a glenohumeral local anesthetic and
Physiotherapy randomized controlled trial for frozen shoulder 505

steroid injection at 6 weeks, and 2 patients from the home particularly beneficial in improving this anxiety aspect of
exercise group withdrew at 6 months because of intolerable shoulder pain.
pain. All were included in the analysis on an intention-to-treat The benefit of exercise classes demonstrated can influ-
basis. No patient underwent surgery or reported any other ence clinical practice by potentially reducing the number of
interventions during the time frame of the study. individual physiotherapy treatment sessions, improving
cost-effectiveness, as suggested by Carr et al.10 It may also
improve care pathways by initiating effective management
Discussion from initial diagnosis. This could standardize treatment
outcomes and have an impact on the need for surgical or
Hanchard et al20 reported that the evidence for the management more invasive interventions.
of frozen shoulder is inconclusive and is generally derived from The findings of this study, however, are in contrast to
studies with weak methodology. Kelly et al26 have suggested the work by Levine et al,28 who suggested that patients
that there is no clear evidence to determine which patients may prescribed a therapist-directed home exercise program had
need formal supervised therapy as opposed to a home exercise the same outcomes at short- and long-term follow-ups as
program. However, the findings of this study support and pro- those of patients treated with other interventions. Kivimaki
vide substantial evidence for the use of physiotherapy, and in et al27 compared patients treated with a home exercise
particular a group exercise class, in the treatment of patients program to those with manipulation under anesthesia and a
with a diagnosis of idiopathic frozen shoulder. home exercise program. Other than a slight increase in
Clinically, an effective treatment intervention should range of motion, the group performing just a home exercise
result in a significant change in results during the first 6 program did not differ at any follow-up in pain or working
weeks. With an MCID for the Constant score of 15 as a ability.
reference, an improvement greater than the MCID was Another interesting finding of this study relates to the
demonstrated by 91% of patients in the exercise group, diagnosis of frozen shoulder. Only 17% of initial referrals
68% in the individual multimodal physiotherapy group, and (145 of 850) met the inclusion criteria for primary idio-
41% in the home exercise group. The exercise class group pathic frozen shoulder. Whereas the specific alternative
demonstrated a mean Constant score of 72 at 6 weeks diagnoses were not recorded, the inappropriate referrals
(increasing to 88 at 1 year), which is comparable to the represented a large number of patients with rotator cuff or
published outcome of 75.5 after arthroscopic capsular impingement symptoms without stiffness. This suggests
release despite a significantly more invasive procedure.4 that there is a need to educate primary care physicians and
Both physiotherapy intervention groups also demonstrated physiotherapists involved in the diagnosis and management
significant increase in objective measures, including range of frozen shoulder to improve their clinical diagnostic ac-
of motion, over the home exercise group. curacy. This low number of true frozen shoulders in the
The results of the study confirmed that patients seen in population questions the estimations of primary care
an exercise class, supervised by a physiotherapist, had prevalence29 and is more in keeping with the lower esti-
better patient-reported outcomes and recovered in a shorter mations made by Bunker.8 This difference in true preva-
time than those patients in an individual multimodal lence made recruitment much slower than we had
physiotherapy or home exercise program. Physiotherapy, anticipated and led to the key limitation of this study in that
and in particular a group exercise class, provides a clinical the number of patients recruited did not meet our initial
setting in which patients can discuss their condition with power calculations. However, despite the smaller numbers,
others who are in a similar position. This may reassure we have demonstrated statistically significant differences
patients and provide them with peer support and the between the treatment modalities studied.
motivation they need to continue and to progress in their A further limitation of the study is the absence of a
rehabilitation. Patients were taught self-management of natural history control group. The constraints of the ethics
their condition and how to deal with any increase in pain. process prevented inclusion of a no treatment arm in
Behavioral changes during the treatment period, relating to the study. However, the home exercises group represents
improvement of self-management, could reduce the utili- a control against direct physiotherapy management and
zation of health care services during the follow-up period may well represent a close approximation to the natural
and reduce sick leave in patients. history.
We have highlighted that physiotherapy interventions This study has also provided information about the
lead to a significant improvement in patient anxiety appropriate use of outcome measures. Both the Constant
compared with home exercise and that anxiety and score2,16,17,39 and Oxford score12,32 have been validated for
depression are strongly correlated with symptoms in this the assessment of shoulder conditions. Both of these
frozen shoulder cohort. The impact and importance of scoring systems have shown significant changes in reported
central sensitization aspects of shoulder pain are currently outcomes for the patient cohort in this study. The SF-36,
being highlighted.19 This is the first study to our knowledge however, showed few significant differences overall and
demonstrating that physiotherapy interventions may be only for bodily pain between the groups. This lack of
506 S. Russell et al.

sensitivity of the SF-36 in the assessment of shoulder dis-

ease has also been reported by Carette et al,9 who found no Disclaimer
significant differences between the groups they analyzed in
The authors, their immediate families, and any
their study comparing the use of corticosteroid injection, a
research foundation with which they are affiliated did
supervised exercise program, and a combination of the two
not receive any financial payments or other benefits
and placebo in the treatment of frozen shoulder. Beaton and
from any commercial entity related to the subject of
Richards3 concluded that the SF-36 is not sensitive enough
this article.
to detect the disability experienced by patients with upper
extremity problems. Griggs et al18 used the SF-36 in a
study evaluating the efficacy of a specific 4-direction
shoulder-stretching exercise program. They concluded
that the SF-36 did not demonstrate significantly lower Supplementary data
scores for the satisfied patients compared with the general
population. Buchbinder et al,7 in a previous trial of oral
Supplementary data related to this article can be found
steroids for frozen shoulder, discovered that only the bodily
online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jse.2013.12.026.
pain subscale of the SF-36 detected a benefit of predniso-
lone over placebo at 3 weeks despite large, clinically sig-
nificant benefits observed for other outcomes, including
pain, function, and range of motion. This lack of sensitivity References
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