A Cross-Sectional Study Examining Shoulder Pain and Disability in Division I Female Swimmers 2014

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A Cross-Sectional Study Examining Shoulder

Pain and Disability in Division I Female

Article in Journal of Sport Rehabilitation August 2013

DOI: 10.1123/JSR.2012-0123 Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Shana Harrington Angela Tate

Creighton University Arcadia University


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Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 2014, 23, 65-75
http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/JSR.2012-0123 www.JSR-Journal.com
2014 Human Kinetics, Inc.

A Cross-Sectional Study Examining Shoulder Pain

and Disability in Division I Female Swimmers
Shana Harrington, Corinne Meisel, and Angela Tate

Context: The prevalence of shoulder pain in the competitive swimming population has been reported to be
as high as 91%. Female collegiate swimmers have a reported shoulder-injury rate 3 times greater than their
male counterparts. There has been little information on how to best prevent shoulder pain in this population.
The purpose of this study was to examine if differences exist in shoulder range of motion, upper-extremity
strength, core endurance, and pectoralis minor length in NCAA Division I female swimmers with and without
shoulder pain and disability. Methods: NCAA Division I females (N = 37) currently swimming completed
a brief survey that included the pain subscale of the Penn Shoulder Score (PSS) and the sports/performing
arts module of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) Outcome Measure. Passive range of
motion for shoulder internal rotation (IR) and external rotation (ER) at 90 abduction was measured using a
digital inclinometer. Strength was measured using a handheld dynamometer for scapular depression and adduc-
tion, scapular adduction, IR, and ER. Core endurance was assessed using the side-bridge and prone-bridge
tests. Pectoralis minor muscle length was assessed in both a resting and a stretched position using the PALM
palpation meter. All measures were taken on the dominant and nondominant arms. Results: Participants were
classified as positive for pain and disability if the following 2 criteria were met: The DASH sports module
score was >6/20 points and the PSS strenuous pain score was 4/10. If these criteria were not met, participants
were classified as negative for pain and disability. Significant differences were found between the 2 groups
on the dominant side for pectoralis muscle length at rest (P = .003) and stretch (P = .029). Conclusions: The
results provide preliminary evidence regarding an association between a decrease in pectoralis minor length
and shoulder pain and disability in Division I female swimmers.
Keywords: swimming, upper-extremity function, pectoralis muscle length, outcome measures

The prevalence of shoulder pain in the competitive competitive sports for 3 main reasons. First, in a study
swimming population has been reported to be as high as conducted by Sallis et al,7 collegiate female swimmers
91%.1 One study found that 69% of National Collegiate were found to have a significant increase in reported
Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I swimmers shoulder injuries when compared with males (21.05 per
experienced shoulder pain.2 This shoulder pain can be so 100 swimmers compared with 6.55). Second, research
severe that it may lead to functional impairments and even has found that females demonstrate more generalized
cessation of swimming participation.3 The reported injury glenohumeral-joint hypermobility than men.4,8 Hyper-
rate in collegiate swimmers ranges from 2.12 to 3.78 per mobility has been described as a potential risk factor for
1000 athlete exposures, and 35% to 44% of those injuries injuries during sporting activities.9,10 Finally, participation
were to the shoulder or upper arm.4,5 This indicates that in female collegiate swimming has doubled over the last
swimming has an overall lower risk of injury compared 20 years, indicating a steady rise in its popularity.11 Cur-
with other sports but a high risk for shoulder injury. In rently, there are over 500 collegiate female swim teams
addition, 1 study6 found that competitive swimmers with in the United States, and swimming ranks seventh overall
a history of shoulder pain were 4.1 times more likely to in female sport participation.11
have a future shoulder injury. Unfortunately, even with the high shoulder-injury
Females are of particular interest when it comes rate in competitive swimming, a clear understanding
to examining shoulder pain and disability in overhead of how to prevent and treat shoulder pain in collegiate
female swimmers is lacking. Several studies have investi-
gated risk factors for shoulder pain in swimmers,2,3,6,1215
Harrington is with the Dept of Clinical & Applied Movement 2 of which limited their investigation to the college popu-
Sciences, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL. Meisel lation.2,14 Since subacromial impingement is the most
is with the DiSepio Inst for Rural Health and Wellness, Saint common underlying condition responsible for swim-
Francis University, Loretto, PA. Tate is with Willow Grove mers should pain and injury, various physical character-
Physical Therapy, Willow Grove, PA. istics that are associated with subacromial impingement

66Harrington, Meisel, and Tate

have been compared between swimmers with and Methods

without shoulder pain and injury. These factors include
scapular kinematics, internal- and external-rotation Design
strength, the ratio of external-rotation to internal-rotation
A cross-sectional design was used.
strength, joint laxity, yardage, flexibility, shoulder range
of motion, and types of training.2,3,6,1216 However, the
results from the previous studies have been inconsistent. Participants
Beach et al2 found no significant correlations between The participants consisted of women from 2 NCAA
shoulder flexibility, strength ratios, and shoulder pain in Division I swim programs (N = 37, age = 19.5 1.19 y,
28 NCAA Division I swimmers and 4 club swimmers. height = 170 7 cm, weight = 64.7 6.8 kg, body-mass
Based on data collected in a survey, Stocker et al14 index = 22.5 2.3 kg/m2) who were at least 18 years old,
concluded that collegiate and masters swimmers did currently participating in full team practices, and had no
not subjectively report an association between shoulder history of shoulder surgery in the past 12 months. Recruit-
pain and shoulder flexibility. They went on to postulate ment occurred through e-mails sent to NCAA Division I
that pain was perceived to increase with swim-training swim coaches who would be conducting winter training
intensity, with a possible relationship between muscle in the state of Florida.
fatigue and shoulder pain.14 It is important to note that
these studies were conducted over 18 years ago, and
both on-land and in-water collegiate swim training have
changed drastically during this time. In addition, the Participants reported for a single testing session lasting
results of those studies should be interpreted cautiously 40 minutes located at a designated area near the swim-
due to methodological variability. ming pool. All participants read and signed an informed-
Due to these limitations and gaps in the research, consent form approved by the University of North Florida
we sought to explore relationships between different institutional review board. Participants completed a brief
physical measures and shoulder pain. Bak16 recently survey titled the Sports and Symptom Survey Form used
discussed the etiology of swimmers shoulder related to by Tate et al3 to capture basic demographic information
intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors included about the swimmers and their sport participation and pain
joint hypermobility; scapular dyskinesis; glenohumeral or shoulder symptoms (see the Appendix). This survey
internal-rotation deficit; rotator-cuff imbalance; lack included a subscale of the Penn Shoulder Score.17 Pain
of flexibility, or stiffness; posture; core stability; and was rated at rest, with normal activities (eating, dressing,
increased thoracic kyphosis.16 A recent study conducted bathing), and with strenuous activities (sports, reaching,
by Tate et al3 examined several of these risk factors associ- lifting) on a numeric rating scale of 0 (no pain) to 10
ated with shoulder pain and disability across the lifespan (worst possible pain). Shoulder function during swim-
of female competitive swimmers and found potentially ming was assessed using the sports/performing arts
modifiable variables that could be used as a basis to module of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and
test the effectiveness of a shoulder-injury-prevention Hand Outcome Measure (DASH).18 The DASH sports
program in the age groups studied. However, collegiate module asks participants to rate 4 items (physical abil-
swimmers were not included in the study, and despite ity with sports technique, participation, satisfaction, and
the high incidence of shoulder pain in female collegiate frequency) using a 5-point scale, with 1 signifying no
swimmers, there is a lack of recent research on factors difficulty and 5 signifying unable over the past week.
associated with shoulder pain and disability in female Next, passive shoulder ROM, shoulder strength, core
Division I swimmers. endurance, and pectoralis minor muscle length were
Due to the high rate of shoulder pain and disabil- measured by the same licensed physical therapist.
ity in this cohort, it is important to discern the clinical Bilateral shoulder passive ROM was measured
impairments that exist in collegiate swimmers with pain in degrees using a digital inclinometer (The Saunders
and disability to assist with creating injury-prevention Group, Inc, Chaska, MN) in the following order: supine
and -rehabilitation programs. Therefore, the purpose of external rotation (ER) at 90 of abduction and supine
this study was to determine if differences exist in shoul- internal rotation (IR) at 90 of abduction per Norkin.19
der range of motion (ROM), upper-extremity strength, Two trials of passive ROM were performed, and the
core endurance, and pectoralis minor length in NCAA average was used for data analysis. Intratester reliability
Division I female swimmers with and without shoulder was previously established for passive ROM (ICC3,1 =
pain and disability. Based on the findings of Tate et al .921.0, SEM = 0.671.54).
and Bak, we hypothesized that female collegiate swim- Bilateral shoulder peak muscle force in kilograms
mers who report significant shoulder pain and disability was measured by means of a maximal voluntary iso-
would demonstrate increased shoulder ROM, decreased metric contraction (MVIC) using a handheld dyna-
upper-extremity strength, decreased core endurance, and mometer (Lafayette Instrument, Lafayette, IN) and was
decreased pectoralis minor length when compared with normalized to each participants body mass. Strength
swimmers who do not report significant shoulder pain was assessed using methods described by Daniels and
and disability. Worthingham20 for bilateral shoulder IR, shoulder ER,
Shoulder Pain and Disability in D1 Female Swimmers 67

scapular depression and adduction, and scapular adduc- core-endurance tests, a 12-in ruler was held by the tester
tion in a randomized order to minimize the effects of vertically from the mat to the lowest portion of the hip.
fatigue. Thirty seconds rest occurred between trials, If the hip lowered, the participant was provided verbal
and a 1-minute rest period occurred between testing instructions to try to resume the correct straight position.
positions. Each measurement was taken twice and the If the hip dropped a second time, the test was ended.
average was used for data analysis. Intratester reliability Participants performed 1 trial of each core-endurance
was previously established during pilot testing for all position in a randomized order: prone, dominant side,
shoulder-girdle strength measures (ICC3,1 = .72.99, SEM nondominant side. Reliability of core-stability-related
= 0.801.35% MVIC). measures has been previously reported (ICC2,1 = .74.96,
Core endurance was assessed with the side-bridge SEM = 8.3210.29 s).23
test21 (Figure 1) and the prone-bridge test22 (Figure 2) Bilateral pectoralis minor muscle length was assessed
used previously by Tate et al.3 Participants were asked to in both a resting and a stretched position using the PALM
hold each test for as long as they could, and duration was palpation meter (Performance Attainment Assoc, St Paul,
recorded in seconds. To ensure proper technique for the MN). Pectoralis minor length was obtained by placing

Figure 1 Side bridge test.

Figure 2 Prone bridge test.

68Harrington, Meisel, and Tate

the PALMs caliper tips on the medial coracoid process same cutoff as Tate et al3 for the DASH sports module,
and the fourth intercostal space adjacent to the sternum.24 as a score of 6 or more requires at least mild difficulty in
Testing positions of rest (Figure 3) and stretch (Figure 3 of the 4 areas surveyed. However, we used a different
4) were selected based on previously reported method- cutoff for pain because the swimmers in our study had
ology.3 Normalized pectoralis minor length at rest and higher levels of pain during strenuous activity (swim-
stretch was obtained by dividing the pectoral length by ming).3 In addition, of the 37 participants in our study,
the participants height and multiplying by 100. This only 8 participants (21%) reported no pain (0/10) in either
normalization has been previously used by Borstad and their dominant or nondominant shoulder with strenuous
Ludewig25 and termed the pectoralis minor index. Reli- activity, whereas in the Tate et al cohort a greater per-
ability and validity of the PALM to measure pectoralis centage of swimmers had no reported pain (0/10) in the
minor length have been previously established (ICC3,1 = dominant (39%) or nondominant (47%) shoulder.3 For
.98.99, SEM = 0.320.29 cm).24 the other 29 participants in our study, the responses for
pain with strenuous activity varied from 1/10 to 9/10.
Statistical Analysis Due to the low number of swimmers reporting 0/10 pain
with strenuous activity and the high prevalence of pain
Participants were divided into groups based the Penn in competitive swimmers, we needed to create a cutoff
Shoulder Score strenuous numeric rating score and a total that emphasized a clear distinction between those with
score for swimming disability using the DASH sports and those without significant shoulder pain and disability.
module (range 420, with 4 indicating no swimming The Penn Shoulder Score strenuous numeric rating score
disability).3 Participants were classified as positive for has been shown to have a standard error of measurement
pain and disability if the following 2 criteria were met: (SEM) of 1.0 and a minimal detectable change of 1.4.26
The DASH sports module score was >6/20 points and the Therefore, a score of 4/10 on the Penn Shoulder Score
Penn Shoulder Score strenuous numeric rating score was for pain with strenuous activity was selected to represent
4/10. In addition, our groups were further categorized by significant pain, as it is well above the SEM but includes
whether the combination of pain and disability occurred 70% of the response options (4/1010/10). The following
on the dominant or nondominant arm. If these criteria 2 comparisons were made: + or for pain and disability in
were not met, participants were classified as negative. The the dominant arm and + or for pain and disability in the
cutoff markers were created to compare those with no or nondominant arm. Means and standard deviations were
minimal shoulder pain and disability with those incur- calculated per group for all variables of ROM, shoulder
ring substantial shoulder pain and disability. We used the strength, core endurance, and pectoralis minor length.

Figure 3 Testing position for pectoralis minor length Figure 4 Testing position for pectoralis minor length when
at rest. stretched.
Shoulder Pain and Disability in D1 Female Swimmers 69

Based on previous literature and the variables we I female swimmers with and without shoulder pain and
were most interested in (pectoralis minor length and IR disability. Our results were in partial agreement with our
ROM), it was estimated that 9 to 16 participants (effect hypotheses and indicate that NCAA Division I female
size = 0.71 and 0.94; positive for pain and disability swimmers who reported shoulder pain and disability
and negative for pain and disability) were required in demonstrated decreased resting and stretched pectoralis
each group for this study to obtain a power of .80.3 A minor length on their dominant arm when compared with
1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to female swimmers who did not report significant shoulder
determine if differences existed between the groups on pain and disability on their dominant arm. However, our
the dominant extremity (+ for pain and disability or for results did not indicate a difference between strength or
pain and disability) on each of the dependent variables of ROM between the 2 groups. This is in agreement with a
ROM, shoulder strength, core endurance, and pectoralis study conducted by Beach et al,2 who also did not find a
minor length. The same analysis was conducted on each correlation between pain and shoulder ROM or strength
dependent variable between the groups on the nondomi- in NCAA Division I swimmers. It is important to note that
nant extremity (+ for pain and disability or for pain all participants were currently competing at the NCAA
and disability). SPSS statistical software (version 19.0, Division I level during data collection, which on average
SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL) was used to analyze all data. required 18.8 hours of swimming each week. It is possible
Statistical significance levels for all comparisons was that individuals with impaired strength and ROM are not
set a priori at = .05. be able to tolerate the intense demands of such rigorous
practice and hence do not compete at this elite level, but
prospective studies would be needed to determine this.
Results Shortened pectoralis minor length has been associ-
ated with altered scapular kinematics. A change in scapu-
A total of 37 Division I female swimmers participated in lar resting position has been hypothesized to decrease
this study. The number of participants grouped as + was subacromial space due to increased anterior tilt and IR
12 for dominant arm and 14 for nondominant arm, 8 of of the scapula.25 Most studies have not examined muscle
which were + on both the dominant and nondominant length as a factor that can contribute to shoulder pain but
arms. Participant demographics can be seen in Table 1. instead focused on overall shoulder ROM. Our observa-
The ANOVA revealed a statistically significant difference tions were in partial agreement with the study conducted
between groups (+ or ) on the dominant arm for pectoralis by Tate et al,3 which demonstrated that resting length of
minor length at rest (F1,35 = 10.265, P = .003) and stretch the pectoralis minor was significantly reduced in high
(F1,35 = 5.164, P = .029), with significantly decreased school swimmers who had pain and disability, although
muscle length at both rest and stretch for the + participants the Tate et al study did not include a cohort of female
as shown in Table 2. No other statistically significant Division I athletes.
measures were found for the other dependent variables on While we are not aware of a reported clinical mean-
either the dominant or nondominant arm. (Table 3) ingful difference using the PALM to measure pectoralis
minor length, the significant differences found in the
Discussion current study on the dominant arm (0.68 cm for stretch
and 0.53 cm for rest) are greater than the reported
This purpose of this study was to determine if differ- measurement error of 0.32 cm.24 Our findings of signifi-
ences exist in shoulder ROM, upper-extremity strength, cant differences in pectoralis muscle length at rest and
core endurance, and pectoralis minor length in Division stretch on the dominant arm indicate that muscle length

Table 1 Participant Demographics by Group,a Mean (SD)

Dominant Arm Nondominant Arm
+ P + P
Participants, n 25 12 n/a 23 14 n/a
Age, y 19.52 (1.16) 19.58 (1.31) .88 19.61 (1.27) 19.43 (1.09) .66
Height, cm 169.84 (7.34) 170.50 (7.50) .71 170.85 (7.34) 168.18 (7.20) .29
Weight, kg 65.6 (7.86) 62.9 (3.62) .27 64.64 (8.21) 64.83 (3.92) .94
Body-mass index, kg/m2 22.8 (2.36) 21.7 (1.91) .17 22.14 (2.46) 22.99 (1.85) .28
Experience competing, y 11.76 (2.01) 9.83 (4.61) .08 10.91 (2.76) 11.50 (3.81) .59
Time swum per week, h 9.44 (2.57) 8.75 (1.36) .77 18.78 (2.43) 18.75 (1.65) .97
a Group indicates absence () or presence (+) of shoulder pain and disability.
70Harrington, Meisel, and Tate

Table 2 Dominant-Arm Clinical Measures by Group

Measure Groupa Mean (SD) 95% CI P Effect size
External-rotation range of motion, .40 0.30
+ 101.92 (7.84) 96.99, 106.84
99.40 (8.65) 95.99, 102.81
Internal-rotation range of motion, .21 0.44
+ 69.25 (10.19) 63.65, 74.86
64.96 (9.26) 61.08, 68.84
Bridge prone, s .67 0.16
+ 84.87 (18.90) 69.17, 100.57
88.95 (29.72) 78.07, 99.83
Bridge dominant arm, s .67 0.15
+ 55.85 (16.56) 45.38, 66.32
58.55 (18.44) 51.30, 65.81
Internal-rotation strength, % body weight .76 0.11
+ 0.20 (0.03) 0.18, 0.22
0.20 (0.03) 0.19, 0.21
External-rotation strength, % body weight .68 0.14
+ 0.16 (0.03) 0.14, 0.17
0.16 (0.02) 0.15, 0.17
Scapular depression and abduction strength, % body weight .41 0.30
+ 0.19 (0.04) 0.17, 0.21
0.20 (0.04) 0.18, 0.21
Scapular adduction strength, % body weight .27 0.38
+ 0.19 (0.04) 0.17, 0.21
0.20 (0.03) 0.19, 0.22
Pectoralis rest, cm .003* 1.12
+ 9.54 (0.49) 9.26, 9.82
10.07 (0.47) 9.88, 10.27
Pectoralis stretch, cm .03 0.86
+ 11.57 (0.59) 11.07, 12.07
12.25 (0.96) 11.91, 12.60
a Group indicates absence () or presence (+) of shoulder pain and disability.

*Significant difference.

may play a key role in contributing to shoulder pain and an important modifiable variable that could potentially
disability in Division I female swimmers.25 Borstad and increase the subacromial space and possibly decrease risk
Ludewig25 reported that individuals with shortened pec- of shoulder pain in swimmers. To date, there has been
toralis minor are at a greater risk for shoulder impinge- limited research on pectoralis minor stretching interven-
ment with increased exposure to elevation, force, and tions in swimmers with shoulder pain and disability using
repetition. Collegiate swimmers are exposed to each of a valid and reliable clinical tool.
these factors repeatedly throughout each practice and The term swimmers shoulder was first coined by
competition. Since competitive swimmers are unable Neer and Welsh27 in 1977 to describe secondary shoul-
to alter their exposure to shoulder elevation, force, and der impingement in swimmers who breathe to 1 side.
repetition, increasing pectoralis minor length may be Secondary impingement is used to describe shoulder
Shoulder Pain and Disability in D1 Female Swimmers 71

Table 3 Nondominant-Arm Clinical Measures by Groupa

Measure Groupa Mean (SD) 95% CI P Effect size
External-rotation range of motion, .76 0.10
+ 95.64 (12.94) 88.73, 101.55
94.50 (9.47) 89.89, 99.11
Internal-rotation range of motion, .16 0.49
+ 64.86 (8.02) 60.22, 69.49
69.02 (8.84) 65.40, 72.64
Bridge prone, s .70 0.13
+ 89.86 (31.26) 75.31, 104.40
86.27 (23.78) 74.93, 97.62
Bridge nondominant arm, s .58 0.19
+ 57.69 (20.08) 46.57, 68.80
61.54 (20.71) 52.87, 70.21
Internal-rotation strength, % body weight .79 0.09
+ 0.20 (0.04) 0.18, 0.22
0.19 (0.04) 0.18, 0.21
External-rotation strength, % body weight .71 0.14
+ 0.16 (0.02) 0.14, 0.17
0.15 (0.02) 0.14, 0.16
Scapular depression and abduction strength, % body weight .18 0.48
+ 0.19 (0.04) 0.17, 0.22
0.21 (0.05) 0.19, 0.23
Scapular adduction strength, % body weight .29 0.38
+ 0.20 (0.04) 0.18, 0.23
0.22 (0.04) 0.20, 0.24
Pectoralis rest, cm .45 0.28
+ 9.89 (0.49) 9.58, 10.19
10.03 (0.50) 9.80, 10.27
Pectoralis stretch, cm .94 0.03
+ 11.95 (0.76) 11.52, 12.37
11.97 (0.79) 11.64, 12.30
a Group indicates absence () or presence (+) of shoulder pain and disability.

pain resulting from overuse and is typically reversible. in swimmers.2931 Although those studies incorporated
Allegrucci et al28(p309) further defined secondary impinge- stretching of the pectorals and scapular strengthening,
ment in swimmers as resulting from either disruption none of them measured pectoralis minor muscle length
of static stabilizers . . . or fatigue and weakness of the directly with a validated technique or used an entirely
dynamic stabilizers. Unfortunately, this definition female subject pool, so direct comparisons with our study
does not consider the impingement occurring from are not possible.
tightening or shortening of dynamic stabilizers. This While the cited studies incorporated pectoral stretch-
agonistantagonist muscle imbalance between tight ing in an intervention program designed to alter posture
pectoral muscles and elongated weak scapular muscles and scapular kinematics in elite swimmers, the results
has been addressed in several swimming intervention have been varied.2931 Hibberd et al29 found no significant
studies aimed to reduce the postural abnormalities found scapular kinematic differences among the intervention
72Harrington, Meisel, and Tate

and control groups. Although neither the Kluemper et with pain and disability on the nondominant arm did not
al30 nor Lynch et al31 study assessed pectoral length demonstrate a significant decrease in pectoralis minor
using the same method as in our study, both reported length. Since this was a cross-sectional study, cause and
favorable improvements in forward shoulder translation effect are unable to be determined. Therefore, it is not
and shoulder posture after the interventions. The latter known if a shortened pectoralis minor influenced shoul-
study also reported that 79% of their intervention group der pain and disability or whether pectoralis tightness
had improvement in shoulder pain after the intervention emerged as a result of the shoulder pain and disability. To
program.31 Results also showed a decrease in forward determine this relationship, future research should use a
shoulder translation without differences in scapular-mus- prospective, longitudinal design. Additional recommen-
cle strength.31 Forward shoulder translation, a component dations include a larger sample size, a blinded researcher,
of posture, is believed to be caused by a muscle imbalance and a repeated pectoralis minor measure (before and after
between a lengthened middle trapezius and a shortened pectoral stretching) using a valid, reliable, and standard-
pectoralis minor.31 Therefore, it could be inferred that the ized clinical tool such as the PALM. This would help
improvement in posture found in the Lynch et al31 study make more definitive conclusions regarding the effect of
may be related to lengthened pectoral musculature. While pectoral muscle length on shoulder pain in competitive
a cause-and-effect relationship cannot be determined swimmers.
from their data, reduced pain ratings were also found with
a pectoral-stretching program. Prospective studies using
direct pectoral measures may provide better understand- Conclusion
ing of the mechanisms responsible for the reduction in This study found that there is a significant difference
shoulder pain. in dominant-arm resting and stretched pectoralis minor
A recent study by Williams et al32 is the first com- muscle length between NCAA Division I female swim-
petitive swimming study to our knowledge to consider mers with and without shoulder pain and disability. This
both scapular kinematics, which has been considered an is the first known study to use a validated clinical tool
indirect muscle-length measurement, and direct muscle- to measure pectoralis minor length directly in female
length measurement. Participants were divided into either Division I swimmers with shoulder pain and disability.
a control group, an intervention group that received a To better evaluate female swimmers with shoulder pain or
focused pectoralis minor stretch, or an intervention group prospectively screen these competitive athletes, rehabili-
that received a gross pectoral stretch.32 There were no tation professionals should use a direct measurement of
significant changes in scapular kinematics, but significant
pectoralis minor muscle length with a valid and reliable
gains in pectoral length were found in the group who
tool such as the PALM palpation meter. Further research
performed the gross pectoral stretch.32 Based on these
is needed to explore possible interventions to lengthen
findings, it may be inferred that changes in pectoralis
the pectoralis minor muscle.
minor muscle length may not be detected when evaluat-
ing scapular kinematics but can be distinguished with
direct measurements of the muscle length, indicating References
that these 2 methods of measurement are not equivalent.
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74Harrington, Meisel, and Tate

Appendix A

Sports and Symptom Survey Form

University _____________ Gender

Age Height ___ Weight ________

Dominant Hand: (circle one) RIGHT LEFT What is your primary stroke? _________________

How many years have you done competitive swimming?

Average months per year spent swimming?

Average months per year spent weight training?

1. Estimate the average number of hours you swim in a week during the competitive or training season (For
example 5 practices, 2 hours each = 10 hrs) _____________

2. Average # of practices per week during the competitive or training season ________

3. What side do you normally turn to breath? (circle one) LEFT RIGHT or BOTH

4. Do you train with paddles? (circle one) YES or NO

5. How far into your season are you? (circle one) BEGINNING MIDDLE or END

6. Have you had any shoulder pain or symptoms in the past week? (circle one) YES or NO
If yes, please circle the location: (circle one) RIGHT LEFT or BOTH

7. Have you ever had a traumatic injury to your shoulder? (circle one) YES or NO
If yes, please circle the type of injury: DISLOCATION FRACTURE (shoulder or collar bone) or
DIRECT TRAUMA (fall, hit, etc)
If yes, please list the injury and date this occurred: ____________________________

8. Does your shoulder feel unstable or do you feel like it ever slips out of place? (circle one) YES or NO

9. Which activities do you regularly participate in? (circle all that apply) Walking/running
Biking/spinning Exercise classes (yoga/pilates) Gym/lift weights Triathlon
Other (list)__________________________________________
Shoulder Pain and Disability in D1 Female Swimmers 75

Symptoms and Functional Ability

The following questions relate to the impact of any shoulder problem you may have while swimming.
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week.

Did you have any difficulty:

No Mild Moderate Severe Unable
difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty
10. Using your usual technique 1 2 3 4 5
for swimming
11. Swimming because of shoulder pain 1 2 3 4 5
12. Swimming as well as you would like 1 2 3 4 5
13. Spending your usual amount of time swimming or 1 2 3 4 5
practicing swimming

For the questions below, please circle the number closest to your level of pain or satisfaction. If both
shoulders are painful, please circle a number for each side and use R for right and L for left above the
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No Worst
Pain Pain

14. Pain at rest with your arm by your side: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

No Worst
Pain Pain

15. Pain with normal activities : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(eating, dressing, bathing) No Worst
Pain Pain

16. Pain with strenuous activities 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(sports, reaching, lifting) No Worst
Pain Pain

17. SATISFACTION: How satisfied are you with the current level of function of your shoulder(s)?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not Very
Satisfied Satisfied

18. How would you describe your shoulder related symptoms? (Check only one)
_____ I have no pain or shoulder symptoms
_____ Pain/ache only after heavy workouts
_____ Pain/ache (not disabling) during and after workouts
_____ Disabling pain during and after workouts that interferes with your athletic performance
_____ Shoulder pain preventing competitive sport participation

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