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Stolcol aa ey Cecilie ma eee ote nme) aN | ¢ x Sesser aa >| Ss 2 a 5 NS : \ LS 3 i) Author Sarah Phillips is an expert in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and how the brain learns. “The more children interact with the materials, the teacher and each other, the more they will learn.” Walk into an INCREDIBLE ENGLISH classroom and there is a buzz ... you could find children acting out a story, using a Venn diagram or finishing a project confidently English. The trusted methodology is based on things that children love. Stories in every unit pull them into the new language, and songs, games, acting out and craft activities give their brains plenty of practice. The Activity Book really makes them think to help them remember more. Children also love to learn relevant things. A colourful lesson in every unit uses English as a vehicle to teach other subjects where they develop skills needed as part of their general education whilst improving their use of English. Allevels have an incredible range of support items to help childrer with English in many fun ways. feract This second edition gives the class even more ‘Anew Starter Level More support for storytelling More reading texts and personalized writing tasks More support for the Cambridge YLE Tests with a NEW testing programme More skills development activities for speaking and writing More grammar practice and language support ered oxfordparents gi Help your child with English “(o> 4 Visit Oxford Parents for ideas and free activiti © Adi 1g your child’s English skills © Songs, action games and craft activities * Video demonstrations ‘on develo} 2nd EDITION WCREDIBLE « ENGLISH WwW 4 Activity Book DD New friends 2 BD the treehouse un Bd come and play! 20 Me and my world & Revision 1 29 G atthe wildlife park 32 By atthe shop a BB tunchtime 50 Me and my world & Revision 2 59 Warthe fair 62 By athome n BD arthe poot 80 Me and my world & Revision 3 89 Picture Dictionary 92 Envelope cut-out 101 Sarah Phillips Michaela Morgan and Mary Slattery OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (e) D Comers 1. Listen and number. © 13 a g LN \) O a g 2. Listen and circle. © 7 a Friday EY Tuesday Tuesday Saturday Wednesday Wednesday Sunday Thursday @® saturday BJ Wednesday sunday Sunday Thursday Monday Monday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Monday Thursday Sunday Tuesday Friday 3 Write and order. (Smnmeon Whats your favourite day? Write and draw a picture. J nn ss ur vet Aa one oa te 1. Match. +¥: six two seven twelve eight nine eleven $3 t & ® 2. Listen and write the numbers on the T-shirts. © 1s 1. Listen and match. © 1» 2 Look at activity 1. Read and write. C He's Shes) ( nine four sight ten ) That's my friend, Jim. He’s eight. Roa eer 3 Write names and ages on the T-shirts. Ask and answer with your friend. That's my friend, Sam. How old is he? Ry) . 4 Draw two friends and write. | IL This is This is 1 Read and match. This is Lucas. Hes my friend. This is Kim. She's my friend. This is Maddy. She's my friend. Shes 8. This is Mike. Hes my friend. This is Lucy. Shes my friend. This is Adam. Hes my friend. He's 10. 1. Write and say the next numbers. 1. Listen and write the numbers. @ 1.2 She's__7 .She’s_17__m_29 cm. He's He's m cm. He's . He's m cm. She's - She's m cm. She's - She's m cm. ‘Measuring height (Maths) 1 Find and colour the days. Number the days of the week. djujc/k/S/u}n|dj)/aj|y|djojg Wile|d/nie|jsid y|/ bial l b}/t}|ule|M/o|n|dj)/a/y|rje|di7 cla}r}|Fir}i|d)/aj/y]/b/i;kie Sja|t ridja}s/y]rjo|bjo|/t hj}ajn s|T}|h}ulr|s|djaily h|o|p uje|si/dj/a/y/fi/liy 2 Make the words. Write. — “ udysTea notbad good -—_very good 3. Listen and joi join the number: s. © 1s Complet e. thirteen 4 Look and write. He's nine. eight. fourteen ‘eleven twelve one, . fifteen, five two! fe four three six . : “sever . nine " 5 Listen and match. @ 116 Abdul Katie i ‘oris 1m 304 « * * » ~ J = 1 40 tat 3 Sd GON #GIO* GO 94-8? Is ? No. _ 2 3) CAKAS AG WO OFO? 4 4% OFO% 40 WO O, 1s Bing inthe box? Yes. No. = Wilt a sentence about the picture in code, J mn 1 Read and match. I like football and I like cars. 6 Qo » “2 ik Tlike football and I like animals. Pre Ceeaerr 1 Write. picture window vase mirror .deor door avon 1. Read. Tick ¥ or cross out. si C It's got a chair. YW ' Itsgetesofa. 5 It's got a rug. It's got a cushion. It's got a window. It’s got a cupboard. It’s got a table. It's got 2 pictures. It's got a vase, So "Ee 2 Listen and write the names. © 12” Flo Fred Poppy Bing | t t 3 Look at activity 2. Write Yes or No. 1. Is Flo on the cupboard? ___ 3 Is Bing in the cupboard? __ L L_) 2. Is Fred under the cupboard? 4 Is Poppy in the cupboard? 4 Write the questions. onthe box under the cupboard onthetable inthe box underthetable in the cupboard ‘ao! (od Is it on the table? Yes. ? Yes. 7 b Yes. Yes. 5 Read. Draw and colour. The room has got a window. It's got a yellow bed with two orange cushions. It's got two pictures and a mirror. It’s got a red and purple rug. The room is green. = GS © & on EJ Come and play! 1. Listen and number. © 10 2 Read and colour. The scooter is red. The bat is blue. The skateboard is black. The boat is grey. The ball is orange. The yo-yo is yellow. The bike is pink. The kite is purple and white. The frisbee is green. The skipping rope is brown. 3 Write. scooter skateboard kite skippingrope bet ball bike frisbee boat yo-yo ‘aie LO ls é Draw your favourite toys. Write Ive got... F 1 She's gota bike. _S__ 5 She's got a skipping rope. 2. She's got a kite. 6 She's gota boat. ___ 3 She's gota bat. __ 7 She's got a yo-yo. 4 She's got a frisbee. 8 She's gota ball. —_ 2 Read and draw the toys. i as LE » eS 1. She's got a kite. 3 He's got a bat. 2 He's got a skateboard. 4 She's got a scooter. eim Listen and number. © 13 2 Look at activity 1. Write. She's got ascooter askateboard akite aboat He's got ; askipping rope ayo-yo afrisbee abat 1 e She’s got a skateboard. 5 @ 2 i ees—“S & ————— 7 3 @ ees @ oo A Qe Es ma 3 Colour the toys in your picture. Listen and colour your friend’s toys. He's got a black yo-yo. 4 Write about your picture. 1 He’sgota -4 2 She's » & 3 6 eg $ White sentences about the picture on page 20. EEE with your fi True or J Cert ee ‘Swap with your friend, Say True or False. 1. Listen and write the names. © 135 Sa rE Lesson7 1 Write. mite helicopter van lorry motorbike plane Ca @ =e Lo" Ge 1 Colour the blue toys. toys with 2 wheels 2 Read and write T (true) or F (false). 1. The lorry is blue. F The motorbike has got 2 wheels. The plane is blue. — The boat has got 2 wheels. The helicopter is blue. The van has got 2 wheels. AuRWN ats Teor EA 3 Look at activity 2. Write the route. 1 He’sgota 4 2 She's 3 6 What's she got? (2 | What's he got? She’s got a black What's he got? What's she got? 5 Draw the toys in the correct places. So Oe & ® —— Toys with " Black toys _— four oO _ iO ae 6B ae Sf GS & GS = 1. Listen and number. © 2 Complete the labels. ¢ table bed cupbourd shelf cushions 2 Read and cross out the mistakes. Write the text correctly. I’m Thomas. I'm tert. I’m Thomas. I'm six. y This is my bedroom. It’s got a table, a cupboard, a shelf and a box. I’ve got twelve cushions on my bed. ( I’ve got five planes on my bed. ( > My favourite toy is a helicopter. 3. Write about your bedroom. #2 a] ~ wage? Bp shelf chair Tuesday Friday Sunday Date Monday YY kite cushion frisbee *& x 2 Solve the code. Answer the questions. Clue! Write the first letters. What do they spell? 2 "9 Tim Eve Luke rit S yi ex Be @ — Se S S BS gw —_— Bel —_ CS — — ge — 19 — Ss — How old isTim? How oldis Eve? How old is Luke? He's . She's . el Saturday cupboard 19 How old is Molly? 3 Look and write onthetable inthecupboard underthetable questions. under the cupboard _ in the box 1 Is the car under the ced table? Yes. Se Yes. 9) ) | eet 3 se aia os —________ Yes. 4 — Sees, aa SN ge es 4 Write. tug vase cushion box picture cupbeard y PNT Cel Cw feta g 1 Listen and number. © » N Read and tick V or cross X. Ai SS It's got 2 legs. It’s got 4 legs. It's got wings. “ parrot v x v giraffe bat snake monkey crocodile penguin 3 Write. bat zebra lion crocodile snake dolphin giraffe parrot penguin monkey What animals do you like? Wite Tike... mn 1 Write two sentences. Use It can and It can’t. i Cons It can’t 2 Write. Answer the question. a b c d e f g h i j k I m gwi|o ’ I |r 1 * v ° vio | el & n{|ol]plalr s tfufvfj[wfx fy i ola t - | * > « * t |» | ~ els 1 MG 3 dade? MES oC kK? Gan__? Yes. Yes. 2 MO oC se? Sd OC KEOOD? No. Yes. What is it? It’s a eee eed 1 Listen and circle, ©2* ose (985) ae te Ge gg FP “wer BE Tghee ss Tate Bf TOs 2S ee he cS 3 Write. Listen and check. © 2» Itcan fly, Itsamonkey! It’s greyandwhite. Itcan-ctimb. Itsbrown. It'’sadolphin! Itcan'tfig. It can swim. Itcan't climb. It’s brown. It’sabat! It can’t run. It's brown. It can climb. It can’t fly. It’sa monkey! op Choose another animal. Write, J eS eee Le Read and find the route. Write the numbers. She can’t swim. Sy She can swim. She can climb. 1 She can't climb. 0 He can swim. He can’t swim. He can climb. O g He can't climb. 0 = Se en fm Ea 1 Write. tail body legs wings feathers beak 1 Read and number. # IR 1 Look at my monkey. It’s got a body anda head. Now it's got a face and ears. Now it's got arms and legs. Now it's got a tail. Oo And now it's finished! Drawing animals (Art) UPRWN _____ _____.. Circle the animal. Write the clue. Write the answer. It’sa______ hs 2 Listen and tick ¥ or cross X.@2 Write the animal. zebra dolphin snake penguin run fly swim climb a tree oo x 2 3 4 WH notbad good _—_very good een) 3 Choose, write and colour. It’s yellow and brown. It can run. It can't fly. It’s a giraffe. It’s a parrot. It's red, yellow-enrd-green. It can fly. It can’t swim. It’s red, yellow and green. 4 Read and number. her [SA eI Look at my hen. It’s got a body anda head. Now it’s got a beak. Now it’s got a tail. It’s got wings and feet. And now it's finished! 8 At the shop Listen and circle. © 2 "42 Pete "ess.©| "S823 "66 | "ORF We "ate @| "Seeds Count. Write the number and cross out a word. A ge _3_ _sharperrer sharpeners © oA ® ® sticker stickers N ® Geno ° —— marble marbles E. eS dinosaur — dinosaurs \ \S —— keyring key rings felt tip felt tips Van figure figures 3 Complete with the correct form of the word. Colour the toys. sharpener xubber sticker marble balloon badge dinosaur keyring felttip figure He's got 4 pink___ rubbers _._ She’s got 3 red She's got5red___—==————.SsC H's got 2 green He's got 1 yellow_____. She's got 1 yellow She's got 10 blue________._ He's got 3 brown He's got 6 blue___. She's got 4 orange om (Som vour favourite small ous Label een) 1 Read, draw and colour. Can I have three blue felt tips, please? Can I have two yellow dinosaurs, please? 2 Look and write. Can Thave four red balloons, please? fr 1 Listen and number. © 22 Listen again and match. Here you are. SEX n Bs ne S . 3 C 0=090 No, sorry. ° ose See || OS | afk | (ape || aie & Good morning. &) Hello. S Hello. Can I have a car, please? B Hello. Can I have a car, please? §) Yes. What colour? 6) What colour? S Grey, please. S White, please. §) Here you are. §) No, sorry. No white cars left. Number Number 3 Write. > { helicopter motorbike lorry ) van train boat plane Shopping list 1 CanIhavealorry, please? 1. What's missing? Write. , , circle triangle rectangle square O u Q Ineed 2 Squares and I triangle. 3 O triangle — Caring for family and friends 1 Count and write. 25p £1.20 50p £2.10 £3 ai PS, See 50 T've got a crocodile and a monkey. How much? 20p+30p=50p _ T've got a snake and a crocodile. How much? T've got a zebra and a snake. How much? T've got a penguin and a parrot. How much? T've got a monkey and a penguin. How much? urpWwnea Geer nemcaente >) 1 Write. Find the mystery word. g 3 7. the questions and answers. Here you are. No, sorry. eile Thave —___ Li eile I've got a marble and a sticker. How much? 10p+15p=35p__ I've got a dinosaur and a key ring. How much? — I've got a badge and two stickers. How much? — I've got a key ring and a badge. How much? — I've got two dinosaurs and a marble. How much? — urWwna Gnas 1. Listen and match. © 22° 2 Read and write the prices. 1 Atuna and lettuce sandwich a is £2.50. £—____ An egg sandwich is £1.75. g E> £2.50 Asardine sandwich is £2.10. A chicken sandwich is £2.75. g eS A cheese and tomato sandwich is £1.80. ur Wn oP) 3 Write. cheese tuna chicken tomatoes sardires sausages rice bread lettuce eggs x g| s 3 N S| a u Nmtnonaano shopping list of your favour 1 Read and write the numbers. Do you like sardines? No. Do you like sausages? Yes. Do you like eggs? IDA Do you like eggs? No. Do you like rice? Yes. Do you like chicken? “fe No. a Yes. OK. Number for you. & OK. Number for you. 2 Write the questions. a b c d e if g h i j k l m gwi|o ’ 1 |r * v ° v + | | x n ° Pp qa r s t u v w x y a ola t = | * > « * t |» | ~ 2 = 1 IA BAK FOO OKKd? 3 1A BAK FESO KONO? Do 2 IA BAK £O4O CKOM? 4 1A BRAK F540 Do you like sardines? Ye © © 1 Listen and draw © or ©. © »s 2 Look at activity 1. Write. . , chicken tuna rice lettuce Idon'’t like tuna. Frecuencia fs Ba 3 Draw foods. Complete for you. Ask three friends. Do you like rice? Gs) @) Draw food here > Write names here y, CO Gi & a QO|Q|O QQ|Q|@ O O43 56 Ata 4 ite, Draw and write. (Tike Tdont like © e ea pak at your fiend’ pictures, Play amemory game. 4 ® 1 Listen and number. © >” 1 Write. meat dairy fruit fish vegetables cereal 1 Read and write the answer. bread milk asardine anorange acarrot abanana lettuce cheese asausage chicken 7 Vegetable @ Fruit It's orange. What is it? It’s yellow. What is it? It's green. What is it? It's orange. What is it? 7 Meat gq Dairy It’s brown. What is it? It’s white. What is it? itm eee 1 Write the words. Match. 1 oso “3, 2 ao 6 s Coccooco 2. Listen and colour © or ®. © 2 ee os |? © ® =e @ © @ @ ©] oe ®|@ Lp. ep ES 3 Write the questions and answers for the girl. (2 sen 1 GP Do you like 2 No. 2G ee oS eS pn 4 Write. Ilike apples sardines sausages I don't like eggs rice chicken 5 Read and tick v the correct sentence. a My mealhas got fish, vegetables and cereals. O b My meal has got meat, vegetables and dairy. CO c My meal has got meat, vegetables and cereals. 0 d My meal has got fruit, vegetables and dairy. O 1. Listen and circle the correct answers. © 2 —— wy ~ f 1 Where is Luigi a fT ce from? o™yp Ze Italy Spain Ireland te What is Luigi’s favourite food? 3) Whatis Luigi's favourite? 4 Whatis Anna's favourite? GEG 5 Whi k: Se 10 COOKS 3} in Luigi’s house? 2 Look at activity 1. Read and complete. grandma Italy tuna pizza egg roa , My name's Luigi. I'm from My favourite foodis It is a traditional Italian food. You can ( have different things on top of your pizza. My favourite pizza has got and _ It’s delicious. es y My cooks the best pizza a SES in the world - it’s fantastic! 3 Write about your favourite food. ms: a. sae B monkey giraffe badge crocodile lettuce tail feet wings marbles figures badges sausages lion bread rice 2 Read. Draw the animals. It's black and white. It can swim. It can't fly. It’s got two legs and a beak. It can run. It can't fly. It’s got four legs and a tail. Dies green. Bes green. It can swim It can swim. and it can It can’t climb climb trees. trees. It can't fly. It's got four It’s got a long body. legs and a big tail. chicken eg§ tuna cheese ours Ihave an ours § sandwich, please? _ 1 8 Do you like snakes? 3 S Do you like snakes? 4 o Pri ns] 1) VACA 1 Listen and number. © 2 2 Read and colour. The sleepy face is pink. The happy face is yellow. The hungry face is brown. The dizzy face is green. The thirsty face is blue. The sad face is red. The scared face is white. The cross face is purple. ifm b Fesios| 3 Write ("thirsty sleepy scared happy bored dizzy sac) 1 Write. (7oss) bored happy dizezg sad sleepy cold hungry TS Sect) 1. Listen and number. © 2: Is he happy? Is he scared? Is he cross? Is she sad? Is he sleepy? _ Yes. Is he thirsty? Is he dizzy? Is she bored? ene nn oe) 3 Look and writ tions. oman Wane icetions Ishe Isshe hot sleepy sad dizzy scared cross Yes. Yes. Yes, Wilte questions about Class Book page 55, e., ga rE Is Flo bored? Play a memory game with your fiend. 1. Listen and find. @ 2s Then listen and number. Oh no! Sorry. Are you cross? Recognising and dealing with feelings 1. Listen and number. SES) Write. piano violin (piano violin xylophone guitar flute ) guitar flute =, 1. Listen, choose and write. © »: (ike Idon'tlike }\ happy sad sleepy scared dizzy bored 1 sthis music. When I hear it, I feel 2 —__________ this music. When I hear it, I feel 3 SS sthis music. When I hear it, I feel 4 sthis music. When I hear it, I feel ci rm Cre a aa, | a Write the mystery words 2 Listen and circle. ©» 220 92° ‘200 ‘CS OS © ©, op een) 3 Write. scared hungry thirsty -bered cross hot Chris When I hear it I feel happy. Jackie ~ like this music. When I hear it I feel bored. Steve I don't like this must\_ When Thear it I feel dizzy. When I hear it I feel sleepy. Jill Bom 1 Listen and number. ©» i 2 Read and match. «< * ¥ » 1 dave KOMI * . Who am I? 2 Gate FOO OX. Who am I? 3 tate IASG MRO. Who am I? 4 Sak PEKING Ct. Who am I? 5 tak UXEOSCOk Hx AlO+t. Who am I? oma 1 Listen and number. ©: Complete. q ~: doing my homework cooking painting a picture 2G watchingTV readingabook making a model a una ican 2 Write and match. 1 I'm cgnokoi . I’mcooking. 2 I'm gdonia pzlezu . MS What are you doing? 3. I'm drengaia okob . 4 I'm gpanitin a ercupti . 3 Complete. Act with your friend. 1 Colour the inside activities yellow. Colour the outside activities green. Follow the routes and write. I'm playing inside today. I’m playing outside today. I'm playing inside and outside today. do homework climb a tree doa make a in puzzle model *, K \ SS Cr Kaneko cr Listen and number. © + Write. having a shower washingup washing my hands cleaning my teeth having a bath 1 Read and match. How much water? 1 I'mcleaning my teeth. Ineed 30 litres of water. 2 I'm washing up. Ineed 4 litres of water. 3. I'm washing my hands. Ineed 15 litres of water. 4 I'mhaving a shower. Ineed 6 litres of water. Tus ec ers Few eo — NN £TD QO 2. Listen and number. © 37 Come and play with me! good —_very good 'y 2. Write. (ues What are playingagame reading cooking et you doing? making a model doinga puzzle painting ey" a } } + Follow and write. having ashower washingup cleaning my teeth having a bath washing my hands notbad good _—_very good At the pool 1 Listen and number. © 30 Z Be go ‘ = ey 250) > Cx V6. OS - Yo Ses 21 2 Read and match. I'm eating an ice cream. T'm watching. T’m drinking a milkshake. I'm reading a comic. T'm floating. I’m taking a photo. OU0U I'm listening to the radio. Tm writing a postcard. OO000 Alm 3 Write. swim eatanicecream drinkamilkshake float read takeaphoto writea postcard have a shower Once up castle. TH She was a2 favourite summer activities. Label. mh “ f 1 Read and write A or B. 1 Shes drinking, _B 4 He's havinga shower. 2 He's drinking. __ 5 She's sleeping. __ 3 She's having a shower. 6 He'ssleeping. 2 Look at activity 1. Write. He's She's readingabook running eating anice cream @ 3 1. Listen and number. © 3» Match. (Ghes swimming.) (Hes taking a photo.) (Shes drinking a milkshake. ) (Hes listening to the radio.) (Ghes having a shower. (Hes writing.) X Bay 2 Write the questions. Read and circle. What's he doing? What's she doing? 7 What's ? 2 He's eating a sandwich / anice cream. She's reading a postcard / a book. $s He's watching TV / a bird. 3 Ask and answer with your friend. Write the missing names. Whats Sally doing? ny. ai fipuy aiydos wip Kelly y This is sentences about Class Book page 71, gg ra sleeping. Swap with your friend and say Tive ot False. hep DCE 7 Matchiand write, leg arm face back foot She's putting suncream onher She's putting suncream onher She's putting suncream on her leg ; » {Qe She's putting suncream . ( 3 y onher—- She's putting suncream onher eEeveseet et rE 1 Listen and number. ©=2" Write. \ play withatop dance play leapfrog play marbles ) 1 Read and number. _A__3_ He's reading. ____ ____ She's riding a horse. He's dancing. She’s climbing a tree. ____ ____ He's playing marbles. ___ ____ He's swimming in the river. ga rs Children’s games (Art / Geography) 1. Write. Find the mystery word. 77 "h at; [e alviefa[s{h[o[wle[r \ og an 8 5 5 a \: rr??? ?ttptfy?éfdpfdf cous Tee Ss, 2 Listen and match. @ +3 GN © GS, ra een) having a shower writinga postcard reading a comic a What's she doing? What's? op ee 2 He's listening to the radio. ‘ 7 What's he doing? oo She's eating an ice cream. ty What's she doing? ft 4 1. She's playing marbles. x KR B83 3 we coe fh, 2. He's riding a horse. 3 He's swimming. 4 She's taking a photo. —_ 5 He's drinking. al | & —— 5 6 She's eating a sandwich. 1. Listen and circle the correct answers. ©" 1 Where is gy Karla from? re 9 7 2h g The Philippines Argentina Italy P : 2. Whats SIPs eae ae she making? & LEDS 3 Whenis ir ret, the festival? {2% z 4 What is Pablo doing? The Masskara festival 5 Isita happy festival? Yes No 2 Look at activity 1. Read and complete. October happy the Philippines isdancing mask Hello. My name is Karla. I'm from I'm making a - It is for the Masskara festival. The festival is in In this picture my brother It'sa festival. 3 Write about a festival in your country. mss piano have a shower scared eatanicecream guitar take a photo hungry cross 4 sleep cook do my homework thirsty ffi violin flute watch xylophone 2 Write the words. Answer Yes or No. @ Isshe___? 5 Ishe eo ° d £; 3 ? 6 “hel Isshe el ee) I'mreadinga comic. 1 What's Rob doing? 4 He's cooking. 2 What's Li doing? 5 She's doing her homework. 3 What's Kelly doing? 6 She's listening to the radio. Ss a | 1 [New friends Read, find and stick. Write. Mitch Wednesday Sunday Flo Friday Norton Tuesday metre Bing Titch Monday Saturday Fred Thursday Poppy centimetre Trt] Bb 7 rected Read, find and stick. Write. table vase cushion window bed shelf rug door sofa cupboard mirror box picture chair \3] Ce eT WIth E Read, find and stick. Write. scooter motorbike ball yo-yo frisbee plane kite helicopter bat lorry bike skateboard van boat wheel skipping rope Trt] Picture g At the wildlife park Read, find and stick. Write. zebra parrot wing monkey beak penguin feathers dolphin bat snake tail crocodile lion giraffe | 5 [atthe shop' Read, find and stick. Write. sharpeners felt tips balloons dinosaurs marbles pound rubbers keyrings stickers p badges figures Emm Read, find and stick. Write. cheese eggs sausages fruit rice cereal tuna lettuce vegetables chicken dairy sardines tomatoes fish bread meat Exon Read, find and stick. Write. sad cross piano thirsty dizzy guitar flute happy hot hungry xylophone bored violin scared sleepy cold eit | § [Athome Read, find and stick. Write. washup domyhomework paint cleanmyteeth playagame watchTV cook sleep haveabath playonthe computer read doapuzzle washmyhands litre haveashower make a model oO At the pool Read, find and stick. Write. swim eatanicecream playmarbles takeaphoto readacomic play leapfrog watch writeapostcard playwithatop float drinka milkshake dance listen tothe radio have a shower Om OXFORD Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, ox2 6pP, United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford, Itfurthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade ‘mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries © Oxford University Press 2012 ‘The moral rights of the author have been asserted First published in 2012 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013, 1098765432 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved. 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Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials, contained in any third party website referenced in this work ISBN: 978019 444241 4 Printed in China ‘This book is printed on paper from certified and well managed sources Main flustations by: Gustavo Mazali Other illustrations by: Kathy Baxendale p:29; Beccy Blake pp.4 (bottom), 7,28 (top), 58 (top), 64, 68, 72, 85; Judy Brown pp, 6, 22, 34, 40, 43, 45, 49, 53, 8 (meal), 59, 61 (bottom), 66,70, 74, 83, 89, 91; Dusan PavlicBeehive Illustration pp. (top). 10 (bottom), 19, 23, 24, 27,28 bottom), 30, 31, 35, 44, 48 (bottom), 52, 54.57, 60, 65, 69 bottom), 75, 78, 79, 84, 90; Alan Rowe pp.25, 51, 56, 67; Mark Ruffle P21, 26,332, 38, 9, 46, 47 (money), 48 (op), 62, 81, 87 (top); Simon Smith, p.8(bottom), 16, 33, 37, 47 (animals), 77, 82, 86. Cover by: Gustavo Mazali. ‘Sticker artwork by: Mark Ruffle, Comissioned photography by: Gareth Boclen p.51, ‘The Publishers would aso ike to thank the following for ther kind permission to reproduce photographs and other copyright material: Alamy pp.29 (Aflo Foto Agency/dolphin), {89 (Thomas CockremMasskara Festival; The Bridgeman Art Library p.17 (details of doorjpicture)window/mirror from Van Gogh's Bedroom at Arles, 1889 oil on canvas), Gogh, Vincent van (1853-90]Musee ¢'Orsay, Paris, France/Giraudon, detail of vase from Room in Brooklyn, 1932 (il on canvas), Hopper, Edward (1882-1967/Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts, USA/The Hayden Collection - Charles Henry Hayden Fund); Getty Images pp.29 Peter Carsteny National Geographiclmonkey, Art Wolfe/Stone/bat), 38 (Joseph Van Os/The Image Bankjeagle), 86 (Peter Dazeley/The Image Bankjdancing, Olivier Ribardiere/Taxi/marbles, Firstlight/playing with top, Vincent Besnault/Taxi leapfrog); Oxford University Press p.68; Tate Gallery p.17 (Girl at Piano, Duncan Grant © Tate Gallery), Pe TiC) (0) Neth aN | © Author Sarah Phillips is an expert in CLIL (etree eee ee sacs) and how the brain learns. Ore aaa ee Cee eee Rc Walk into an INCREDIBLE ENGLISH classroom and there is a buzz ... you could find children acting out a story, using a Venn diagram or finishing a project confidently in English. Ce Me ee koe nee Cen oy interact with English in many fun ways. * een ee ener ae 3 (e) eng er Oe ase cr pee ye earn et a Pence sone a Nace tn) (@) Nae ee ary More skills development activities for speaking and writing More grammar practice and language support ae: , eee ep ure Cr Pt Ld Corea Sead Activity Book Par eee een cu Ey ical laha Flashcards, Photocopy masters book, Class Audio CDs Story frames book, Text cards ieee SAL Preemie} ( OXFORD eee ad KK ISBN 978.0-19-444041-1 Av

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