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Time: 2.30 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 90


Answer all the questions: 15 X 1 = 15

1. In animal cell mitochondria produces ____________ % of ATP molecule

a) 75% b) 60%
c) 50% d) 95%
2. Ceruminous glands secrete
a) Tear b) Sebum
c) Earwax d) Sweat
3. The maturation of sperms occur at
a) Vas deferens b) Seminal vesicle
c) Epididymis d) Testes
4. The chromosomal basis for sex determination was first proposed by
a) C.B. Bridges b) Clarance MC clung
c) T.H. Morgan d) F.Baltzer
5. According to Mendel brachydactyly is
a) Dominant character b) Recessive character
c) Intermediate character d) Double recessive character
6. The larvae of corals are called
a) Planulae b) Trochophore
c) Caterpillar d) Nymph
7. __________ is an important mechanical vector
a) Sand flies b) Rat fleas
c) Housefly d) Butterfly
8. The wasps poison consists of
a) Pyridoxine b) Histamine
c) Tetracyclin d) Serotonin

9. Interconnecting link between Amphibians and reptiles

a) Ichthyostega b) Archaeopterix
c) Dinosaurs d) Seymouria
10. Rathkes pouch becomes
a) Posterior pituitary b) Lateral pituitary
c) Anterior pituitary d) Pars tuberalis
11. Wrist is formed of
a) 7 bones b) 8 bones
c) 15 bones d) 12 bones
12. Sacrum is formed by fusion of (s)
a) 2 bones b) 3 bones
c) 3 bones d) 5 bones
13. Stratum granulosum has
a) 3-5 layers of flattened cells b) 8-10 layers of polygonal cells
c) 4-6 layers of spherical cells d) 2-4 layers of oval cells
14. Which of the following fiber is used in parachutes
a) Nylon b) Silk
c) Rayon d) Cotton
15. Most group of insects are plagued by (a)
a) Tachnid flies b)Grand beetles
c) Ichneumon d)Brachonoids

Answer any six of the following; Question No. 21 is Compulsory

6 X 2 = 12

16. Distinguish between pleiotropism and multiple allelism.

17. Earth worms are used as a feed for fish, prawn and shrimp-support your

18. How will you identify male and female crabs?

19. What is jungle safari?

20. Compare epimorphosis and morphollaxis

21. How are foreign objects reaching the trachea expelled?

22. What is Cauda equina?

23. Name the main lobster landing centres in India.

24. Define taxon.


Answer any six of the following; Question No. 30 is compulsory 6 X 3 = 18

25. 35% of cancer death are due to tobacco- Discuss.

26. Distinguish between corpus luteum and corpus albicans.

27. What influences sex determination in bonellia viridis?

28. What is Isinglass? Mention its use.

29. How can you prevent fouling?

30. Write any three evolutionary significances of fossils.

31. What is vestigial organ? List few vestigial organs in man.

32. How will you protect the books from the attack of silver fish?

33. How is vermiform appendix useful for herbivores?


Answer all questions: 5 X 5 = 25

34. Compare and contrast the five classes of arthropoda.


Describe the endo erythrocytic cycle of malarial parasite

35. How will you prepare permanent slides for microscopic observation?


Classify the arteries based on their functions.

36. Lymphatic system provides Immunity-Discuss.


Comment on ventricles of brain.

37. How is blood group analysis useful to human?


Write a note on Pearl Culture technique

38. How will you classify insects? Explain about the useful by
productsobtained from them.


i)Write note on Urey Millers Hypothesis.

ii)Write a note on Darwins finches.

kh dhjh


neu:2.30 k kbgf:70

- m

midJ dhfSF ila: 15 X 1 = 15

1) yF brf iknlhfhah cg brATP _yTWf rjj---

m) 75 M) 60
) 50 <) 95
2) brUd Ru RugJ
m) f M) g
) fhJbkGF <) ait
3) J brf cg eilbgW l
m) J ehs M) Jig
) voil <) J Ru
4) Fnuhnkhnrh mogil gh za g Kj Tat
m) C.B # M) shu bks
) T. H khf <) F. ghr
5) uh lhil vgJ
m) XF g M) xLF g
) ilgl g <) uil xLF g
6) gtsghiwf yhthf miHfgLtJ
m) shDyh M) onuhnfhngh,
) fgG <)
7) afKila btlh vgJ ___ .
m) kz< M) v c
) L < <) tzJ
8) Fs e fhzgLtJ
m) iglh M) lik
) blulh <) brunlh
9) Uthf kW Ctd d iz ghy
m) nahOfh M) Mahbl
) ilndhrf <) Kah
10) uhnf ig njhWgJ
m) l M) gfthL l
) Kl <) gh oguh
11) kfo fhzgLtJ
m) 7vYf M) 8vYf
) 15vYf <) 12 vYf
12) UbtY izJ fhzgL vYfvif
m) 2 M) 6
) 3 <) 5
13) onul uhQnyhr mL fhzgLtJ
m) 3- 5 mLF jilahd brf M) 8 -10 mLF gKf brf
)4- 6 tl toyhd brf <) 2-4 mLF tl brf
14) tUtdW ghuNLf gagLjgL iH
m) ieyh M) gL
) nuah <) gU
15) bgUghyhd df cl thehis brtFf
m) l M) bga tLf
) ankh <) uhfhdhLf

vitnaDMW dhfSF ila: dh v.21F ilagJ flhakhF.

6 X 2 = 12

16) gTL mf kW gKf kugQf ntWgLJf

17) kGthdJ, , wh kW wh nghwtF xU ey czthwJ vgij cdJ il _y


18) M kW bg eLfis vthW milahs fhgh?

19) fhL yF cy fh (Safari) vwh vd?

20) nkw cUthf kW cWghf xLf

21) RthrFHh EiH ma bghUf vthW btnawgLwJ?

22) fhlh<Fdh vwh vd?

23) ahYs Kakhd fwh o ikaf bgafis vGJf

24) tifghL myF tiuaW

vitnaDMW dhfSF ila: dh v.30F ilagJ flhakhF.

6 X 3 = 18

25) 35 rjj Wneh w ifiy gh _y VgLwJ vgij th

26) fhg oa kW fhg mf ntWgLJf

27) bghah G gh za vjdh ghfgLwJ?

28) dh vwh vd? mt gafis vGJf

29) nrjgLJ cf jhfij vthW f LgLJth?

30) ijgokf vnjD 3 gzhk KaJtij g vGJf

31) vr cW vwh vd? kj fhzgL vr cWf yt bgafis goaLf

32) bt f jhfUJ cDila jffis vthW ghJfhgh ?

33) jhtu cfSF, Gnghw Flth vthW cjahf csJ?


midJ dhfSF ila: 5 X 5 = 25

34) bjhF Mnuh nghlhYs 5 tFfis xL, ntWgLJf

knyah xL mftgQ RH g t
35) Enzh t cWnehfYF iyahd eGtfis (Permanent Slides) vthW jah
jkfis mt gf mogiltifgLJf
36) z kly neh jLghwiy mwJ vgjid th

_isYs miwfis g F vGJf?

37) uj tiffis flj vthW kDF cjahfcsJ?


xU ts bjho mikj kW guhkj g vGJf.

38) dfis vthW tifgLjyh? mtUJ ilF gajU

bghUfis g t?
i) nu y nfhghL g F tiuf.
ii) lh ~Rf g mtd ahit?

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