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t.a:yin_~reactions of individuals.

\\'ith coca this latter cocaine dispels extreme fatigue 2nd a w l l justified
factor. 2s Slanltgazza has already reponed, is in feeling of hunger; at 6:OO P.M. this colleague, \vho
senera1 of ~ ' C T ) ' great significance. There are said to had not eaten since the early morning and u.ho hJd
be.people \\.ha cannot tolerare coca at all; on the worked exceedingly hard during t h e d 3 y , tool; 0.0Sg
orher hand, I have found nor a few w.ho remained un- of cocai'nun? nwfio!icum. .\ f o r . minults lal*:r h e
sffected by Scg, which far me and others is an cffec- declared thzt he felt as though he h a d jcst e.?lc!1 t n

to undei1zl;e a

effect of coca is \.ouched for

by a series o f reliable reports,

is completely l a c k i n g the characteristic urge for im-

d r u g at all.'

by coca in such doses is due not so much to direct rhirst, and woke the next morning u.ithotir f::!izg
siimulation as IO the disappearance of elements in all tired. O n yet anorher occzsion he climbed a
ofie's gtncrzl state of well-being \vhich cause depres- 3OOO-foot mountain and arrived conplere!). exhzusted
sion. One may perhaps assume that the euphoria at the summit; he made the descent upon t h e i n f l u -
resulting from good health is also nothing more rhzn ence of coca, with youthful xifor and no feeling of
the normal condition of a well-nourished cerebral fatigue.
coriex which "is not conscious" of the organs of the C I ~ m e n sand~ ~ J . CoU2n'' have had similar ex-
body to which it belongs. periences-rhe latter after wzlking for several hours
During this stzge of the cocaine condition, which over snow; Mason" calls coca "an excellent thing for
is not otherwise distinguished, appear those symp- a ?ong walk"; Aschcnbrandt" reponed recenliv how
I O ~ Swhich have been described zs t h e wonderful Bavarian soldiers, weary as a resu!t of hardships
siinu:atirig effect of coca. Long-lasting, intensive debilitating illnesses, were ncvenheless a p z b l e , z f i x
rr;cntal or physic4 work can be performed \\.iihoot taking coca, of participa:in_cin r n i n c a v m 2nd rnzrchel.
f Z i i g t i C ; i t is as though the need for food and sleep, 5lorino y > able 10 s!zy 2:vrke \vhole nigh:^
\Vhich otherwhc makes itself felt peremprorily at cer- u j t h i h c 2id of coca; M a n i e g z z z remzined for forty
rain times of the day, \vert completely banished. hours w,ithout food. W e =e, therefoie, justified in
\{'hilt the effects of cocaine last one can, i f u q e d IO assuming that the effecr of coca on Europeans is the
d o S O . cat copiously and without revulsion; but one szme as that which the ccxa 1:aves have on t h e ln- L,
has the clear feelins ;hat :>e m a l was superfluous. dizns of South Amcricz.
Similarly, a s the effect of cocz declines i t is pojsible The effect of a moderate dose of coca fades a\va\-
10 sleep on going to bed, but sleep can just as cnsily so gradually that, in normal C ~ T C U ~ Z ~ ~ i:~ Cis Cdiffi-
C .
be omitted with n o unpleasant consequences. During cult to define its duration. I f on: works inrensi\.el!'

hunger, sleep, and fatigue and steels one IO intcllec-

".\ : I ~ C : ' S a.-:cGnr c i 15c c!f:i:s 01 co:a:nc on him?,!!' cri:iidc

(;.. _ . * .... \:., . ;'::I

cceded in 2chieving a stare of greatly increased hzp- p:epirarions \vhich ha\x 15: full or a; lezct the essen-
p i n e s accompanied by 3 dcrirc for conplc:c int- rizl c f f c a s of coca Ica\-cs.
mobility: this \v2s interrupted occasionally, ho\\rver, a) Coco us u srimulonf. The m i n use of cccz \vi11
by the most violent urge to move. T h e analogy with undoubtedly remain that which ihe Indians have
the results of the animal experiments performed by made o f it for cenruries: it is of v213e in 211 cases
von Anrep is unrnistzkable. When h e increased the \\.here t h e primzry 2im is IO increase the physical
dose still further he remained in a sopore beoro: His capaciiy of the body for a given short periijd of rime
pulse rzie xvzs exr:cmely high a n d there ~ 2 as 2nd to hold strength in reserve to meet further de-
moderate rise in body temperature; he found that his mands- especially when ourivard circumstances ex-
speech HZS impeded a n d his hvldwriring unsteady; clude t h e possibility of obtzining the rest 2na nour-
and eGenruz1:y he experienced t h e most splendid and ishment normally necessary for great exertion. Such
colorful hallucinations. t h e tenor of which \\*as

situations arise i n wartime, on journeys, during
friEhtening for a short time, b u t invariably cheerful mountain climbing and other expeditions, etc. -
thereafter. This coca intosication, too, failed to pro- indeed, they a r e siruations in tvhich t h e alcoholic
< duce any state of d c p r e s h a n d left n o sign what- siimulants are also generally recognized 2s being of
soever t h z i h e cxperimenrer h2d passed through a
v d u e . Coca is a f a r more potent and fzr less harmful
period of inioxicztion. h l o r t n o y 5fzj;z zlso experi- stimulant than alcohol, and its uidesprczd uti!ization
enced a similar powerful compulsion to move after is hindered at present only by its high cost. &Xing in
tzking fairly l u g e doses of coca. Even after using 18 mind the effect of coca on the natives of South A m e r -
drams of coca leaves hlantcgazza experienced no im- ica, a medical authority a carly a s Pedro Crespo
pzirment of full consciousness. A chemist who at- (Lima, 1793) recommended its use b y Europezn na-
rempted to poison himself by taking 1.5g of coczine vies; Neudorfer (1870), Clcmens (I 867) 2nd Surgcon-
became sick and showed symptoms of gutroenter- Major E. Charles recommended that i t should be
iris, but-there uzs no dulling of t h e consciousness. adopted b y the armies of Europe as well; and As-
chenbrandts experiences should not fail to dr2\\ the
\I. The Therapeutic Uses of Coca zitention of army administrators to coca. If coczine
-_ is given a s a stimulant, i t i! be::er thar i t should be
I t was inevitzble that a plant which had echicved such given in small effective doses (0.05-0.lOg)2nd re-
a reputation for marwlous effects in its country of peated so often thzt the effects of the doses o\.erIap.
orisin should have been used IO tre21 t h e most varied .4pparcntly coczine is not stored in the body; I h a w
disorders 2ad illnesses of the human body. The first alrezdy stressed the fact that there is n o state of de-
Europeans \ti10 became aware o f chis rreasurc of the

prcssion when the effects of c x a have worn off.

nati\-c population were similarly unreserved in their At present it is impossible to assess \\.ith any cer-
recommendation of coca. O n the basis of wide medi- tainty to \\hat exrent coca c2n be especred lo increzsc
cal experience, 5 l a n t e g u z a later drew up a list of the human mental po\vers. I t z v e ihc impression that
rhtrapeuiic properties of coca, tvhich one by one protracted use of coca can lea5 to a 1zs:ing inpro:c.
r r x i \ cd t ? x rcLnoukd_rmenr of orher doctors. In the ncnr if the inhibitions manifested beio:e i: is ! a k m
are doe o n l y to physical causes or to eshrustion. To and after protrac!ed use rcsults in a pcrrnancni curt.
be sure the instzntaneous effect of a dose of coca I have myself made a series of such observations.
nnot be compared with that of a morphine injec- Like :\!anicgatza" and Frankl." 1 h2i.e expcrl.
n; bur, on the gGod side of the ledger, there is n o cnccd personally how. the pzinful S ! n F t O m s atten-
riser of general damzge I O the body as i s the case dant upon large mez!s-Yiz, a fccling of pressure 2nd

t h the chronic use of morphine. fullness in the stomach, discomfort 2nd a disinclina-
5.lany dociors fell that coca would play an impor- -
tion 10 work disappear u i l h eructation following
i a n t role by filling a g a p in the medicine chest of the small doses of cocaine (0.025-0.-e and a p i c I
psychiarrisu. It is a well-knoun fact that psychia- have brought such reljef I O my colleagues; and tivicc 1
trists have a n ample supply of drugs at their dispos Observed how the nausea resultjng from gzsrronornic
f.c?r reducing the excitation of nerve cenrers, but non excesses responded in a short time to tbe effects of
u-hich could serve IO increase the reduced functioning cocaine, and gave way I O a normal desirt to ea! and a
o f the nerve centers. Coca has consequently been feeling of bodily well-being. I have also learned to
r prcscribcd f o r t h e most diverse kinds of psychic spare myself stomach troubles by adiin; a smz!!
i I debility - h>*steria, hypochondria, melancholic in- amount of cocaine to szlicylzte of sodz.
, hibition. stupor. a n d similar maladies. Some suc- F l y colleague, Dr. Josef Pollzk, has g i v e n me the
' ~ j ;tsssj h2L.e been reported: for instance, the Iecci:, following accounr of 2n zs:onishizg e::?.-: of :o:iint,
,-I .~filoaiaJulizn (Limz, 17S7) tells of a I r x n e d mir- u.hich shows that i t cia be used to t i e 2 1 nor fileicl\.
sionzry \vho u a s freed f r o m severe hypachondria; locel discomfort ia the s:omach but iiso s-L i l O U S '

Vzniegazza p:aises coca as bein3 almost universally refles reactions; one must therefore asscrne that a-
efiective in improving those functional disorders caine has a powcriul effect o n the mucocs ner;lb:a:
Xvhich 1r.e now g r o u p together under the name of 2nd the muscular system of [his organ.
neurasihenia; F l i e ~ s b u r g ' ~reporrs excellent results "A forty-two-year-oid, robust man. ivhorn the
from the use of coca in cases of "nervous prosua- doctor knew very well, HZS forced to adhere most
tion"; and zccording to Caldwell," it is the best ionic stricrly t o a certain diet and io prescribe2 .ne;llimes;
for hysteria. otherwise he could no1 avoid the attacks about to b:
E. 3iorselli a n d G. Buccola" carried out csperi- described. \\'hen traveling or under the influenx of
m e n s involiitig rhe systematic dispensation of co- any emotional strain he \v2s pzrriculzrly susceptible.
czine, over a period of months, to melancholics. The artacks follo\ved a regular PZ:~C:K: T h y began
They gave a preparation of cocaine, as prescribed b y in the evening h i t h a feeling o i dis:cr.fort in the
Trommsdorf. in subcutaneous injections, in doses epigastrium, followed by flushing of the fzce, te2ts in
ranging f r o m 0.0025-0.10s per dose. After o n e or the eyes, throbbing in the temples a n d violent pain in
two months they confirmed a slight improvement in the forehead, accompanied b y a feeling of great de-
the condition of their patients, who became happier, pression and a2athy. He cocld no! s!~??. during . the
took nourjjhnleilt, 2nd cnjoyed regulzr di_ezstion.' nigh; to\vard morning :tz:v:e:c Ion2 p::,!~! spzsrs
On the whole, t h e efficacy of coca in cases of ner- of vomiting which lasted fo: hours. R;:nc! zbou!
vous and psychic debility needs further investigation, midday he experienced some relief, 2 n d on drinking 2
u.hich will probably lead to partially favorable con- few spoonfuls of soup hzd a fcfling '2s though the
clusi0r.s. According to klantegazza coca is of no use, stomach would at last ejcct a bullet w h i c h hzd lain in
and is sometimes even dangerous, in cases of organic it for a long time.' This was follo\ved by rancid eruc-
change aad i n f l a m n ~ t i o nof the nervous systen;. tztion, until, toward evening, his condition rcturncd
b) The use of coco for digestive disorders of the to normzl. The patient trzs incapable of \vork through-
srornoch. This is the oldest 2nd most firmly founded out the day and had I O keep to his bed.
use of coca, 2nd at the same time it is the most com- "At 6:OO psi on the tenth of June the usuzl symp-
prehensible IO us. According IO the unanimous as- toms of a n attack began. At ten o'clo:k, zfter the
sertions of the oldest a s well as the most recent violent hezdzche had developed. the patient \cas
authoritics ( J u l i a n , Martius, Unanui, 3lzntegatza. .eiven
. 0 . 0 7 j g coco;'nuni i,:l:ric:jmt.v. S h ~ r i l : ; there-
Bingel," Scrivener.7 Frankl, and others) coca in its afier he experienced 2 feeling of \v2rni!h 27d eruc-
r?osi t w i o u s f o r m s banishes dyspeptic complaints tation, tvhich seemed to him t~ bs 's!ill too little.' .A[
and the disorders a n d debility- ed theretvith, 10:30 a second dose of 0.075g of coczine \vas given;
the erucrations increzscd; the patient felt some relief
and \vas able io write a long letter. H e al!egcd rhzl he
felt inrensi\.c nio\'emenl in the stom2ch; il t\le:**e
o'clock. apart fioin a slight headache. he "as nor- m3n! of thl: aurhors \ r h o ha1.c \\ri:lcn on coca : C ~ Z ; J
mal, e \ c n cheerful, and nalkcd for a n hour. He i t as a"source of sa\ ings"; i e . . t h e y arc of ~ h opjnion
could nor clccy, until 3:OO AM. but that did not distress l f i a t a system ithich has absorbed c \ c n a n c\trcmc!y
h~m. H c a \ \ c L c the next morning healthy, ready for $mill amount of cocaine is czpable, as 3 r w ! i of the
\\ ork. a n d w i t h a good appetite." rcaciion of the body to ceca. oi amassin: a ;rci:er
The cffect of cocaine on the sromach ->lantegazza :10;e of \iral energy \\hich can be C D : : \ C ~ I : ~ inlo
:isumcs rnis 2s weII-is t\t.o-fold: stimulation of nark than nould h a \ e been possible \ \ I I ~ O J;oca.': ~
mc\.emenr a n d reduction of the organ's sensitivity. If rake the a m o u n t of uork as being constin[, t h e
The laitcr \\,auld seem probable not only because of bod). which has absorbed cocaine shouid b: able 10
rhc local sensations in the stomach after cocaine has manage \vith a lo\vcr metabolism. \\.hiCh [Urn
been taken but because of the analogous effect of CO- means a smaller intakc of food.
czine o n other mucous membranes. hfaniegazra This assumption \\.as ob\.iourly made I O account
claims to h a \ x achic\,ed the most brilliant successes in for the, according 10 yon uncxpkintd effect
treatments of Zastralgia 2nd enteralgia, 2nd 2!1 p 2 i ~ - cf coca on the Indiznr. I t ~ X Si13t c\c;r :-,c:e:>zrii!.
f u l and crzm2ing afflictions of the stomach z n 3 j T r i 0 I t . C a contrzdiction of the 1 2 . 1 ~oi coni:;\z;jcn c.j
i!:iesrinc.c. \\.hi;h he 2r:rjbuies I O the znesthe;izing cze:s!.. Fer Izbcr u k i c 5 f:E:?.s L.;~C: f33.2 0; :isss:
p:operties o i coca. On this point I c2nno: c o n f i r z ;on-,por,snts in\ @ I \ cs 2 cei;iiiI loss, ei;hc; in !!.,e ntiii-
\IanreSazza's cspericnces; only once, in connection zziion of assimilrred food or i n the cor:.:rsion of
u.irh a case ef gzstric cararrh, did I see the sensjri\-i:y energy into work; this loss :ol;ld perhzps be reduced
~f the siomzch to pressure disz?pear after the admin- i f ce:;iin appropriate steps \vert trker.. I r hzs nor
isIration of coca. O n other occzsions I have observed Seen pia\.cd thzt such a process :akes ?!ece, box.-
. .
m:%'self. and Z ! j O hi.zrd fxxn ot!?cr doctcr.c, Ih?t pz- 2:'cr. E.\peri;!lc;i!s d e s i ~ ; l c d:O dc::crni:nc ;r:: Z:i>Ou:1i
tients suspected of having ulcers or scars in the cf urine climir.ated \vith 2r.d ivitkout :he cs: cf coca
s!omach complained of increased pain afier using have not been altogether conclusive; indeed, these es-
coca; rhis can be explained by the increased move- perirnents h a w not always been conducied in such
ment of t h e stomach. conditions that they could furnish :onclusi\.e results.
Accordingly, I should say that the use of coca is .\loreover, rhep seem to ha\.e bcen curied out on the
definitely indicated in cases of atonic dipestive weak- vsumption that the eliminztion of u:ine - \vhich is
ness a n d t h e so-called nervous stomach disorders; in known not to be effected by lzbor - \vouli provide a is possible t o achieve not mere:y a relief meuure of metabolism i n general. Thus Christison
of the symptoms b u t a lasting improvement. noted a slight reduction in the solid componcilts of
c) Coco in cachexia. Long-term use of coca is fur- his urine during t h e walks o n uhich he took coca;
ther strongly recommended-znd allegedly ha been Lippmann, Demarle. Marvzud, 2nd mo:e rxcntly
Sfason" similarly concluded from thcir expt:im:n:s
that the consumption o f c o c i reduces th: i r . o u n t of
phthisis. long-lasting febrile diseases, e x . ; a n d also urine elimination. G u e z u , " on t n e o:h:r hand,
during recovery from such diseases. T h u s McBcan" csrzblished a increase of uiine eli;ninerion of 1 1-24To
under the influence o f cocz. A berter a\~ziiabilityof
mzterials already stored in the body explzins, in his
to hzve a limiting effect on the fever a n d sweatin_e. opinion, the body's increzsed working p o w r and
Peckham" reporrs wi;h resard IO a case of definjtely zbiljry to d o without f o o d when under the influence
diagnosed phthisis th2t after fluid extract o f coca had of coca. No experiments hzve been c x r i t d out with
been used for seven months there was a marked im- regard IO rhe elimination of c i r b o n dioxide.
p r o w m e n t i n the patient's condition. HoleCogives m Voit proved rhat coffee, which z!;o riled a s a
account of another rather serious case. in which "source of sa\*ings," h a d n o influence on rhe brezk-
chronic lack of zppetite had led to z n advanced con- down of albumen in the body. !$'e mus! regzrd th:-
dition of emaciation and exhaustion; here, too, rhe conception of coca as a "source of sa\.ings" 2s dis-
use of coca restored the patient IO health. R. Bartho- proven after c e n a i n expefimenrs in which znimals
lo\^" observed. in general, that coca proved useful in were starved, both with a n d \vithout cocaine, 2nd the
trcaring phthisis and other "consumptive processes." reduction of their b o d y ueizht and the length of rime
?lznregarzz and a number of other authorities attri- :he). were able to uithstand inanition \\ere observed.
bule to coca the same invaluzble therzpeutic quality: Such experiments \\.ere cairied out by Ci. Eernard,"
thzt of limiting degenerztion of the body a n d increas- Slorino y h4aYz, Dcmarle, Gazeau, an3 v o n Anrep.
ing strength in the chcc of cachcsia. The result \v2s that the animals to which co:zin: had
O n e might wish to attribute such successcs partly been adminisicred succur;lb:d to inzfii:i ~2 jilst 2s
1 0 the undoubted fa\orzble effect of coca o n the soon- perhaps c\.cn sooner - i h a n l h o i e -A ?,i:h hhd
discstion, but one muat bear in mind that a good rtceived no cocaine. T h e s:z:\,a:ion of 1.a P i r - i n

.. .
experiment carried out by history itself, and reported their conclusiveness. S o r e 0; them ! ! - i C ~ ! \ c I:r:c
by Ucanue- seems to contradict this conclusion, doses of o p i u m or morphine 2nd ~ ~ ~ ' ~ I C Lo f~ l0::g O T I S
ho\rc\e;, for rhc inhabitants who had partaken of standing. T h e r e is nor much informarion on the sub-
coca a e said to have escaped death by slayation. I n ject of relapses, a s mobt cases Lvcrc reported ui;hin a
t t , i s cocnection one might recall the fact that the very s h o n time of the cure ha\inS been effected.
human n e n o u s s!'stem has an undoubted. if some- Symptoms \vhich apperr during rt.s!enrion zre not
what obscure, influcnce o n t h e nourishment of tis- ahvaps reported in detail. There is cspccial value in
, sucs; psychologjcal factors can, after all, cause a
healthy m a n to lose tveight.
those reports which contain the obser\*ation that the
patients were able to dispense uirh coca afrcr a fcw
T h e therapeutic quality o f coca which u e took as weeks without experiencing any funhcr desire for
o u r argument ar the outset does not, therefore, de- morphine." Special attention is repea!cdly called to
serve to bc rejected out o f hand. T h e exciration of the fact that morphine czcheda _ca\'e w a y to excellent
nerve centers by cocaine c a n have a favorable influ- health. so that the pa ti en!^ were sczrecely recogniz-
ence o n the nourishrnenr of the body afflicted by a able after their cure." Concerning the mcthod
consumptive condition, even t h o u z h thzt influence wirhdraual, it should bc mzde clezr that in the ma-
mighi u.ell not t2kc the f o r m of a slo\ving do\vn of ority of cases a graduzl r:duaion of the habituzl
i netabolism. of the drug, accorr.pnitd b!. 2 g r a d u d incrczs
/I I should add htrc that coca has been tv2.rrdy
praised in connection with the treatment of syphilis.
of the coca dose, wzs the mtihod chosen: hou,ever,
sudden discontinuation of the &ng zlso tried.:'

R . b ' . T-zylor" claims that a patient's tolerance of In the Iztter cas: Pzlmer piescribes t h a t a certain
mercury is insrcved and the mercury cachexia kept dose of coca should be re2er:ed 2s cfre?. c!crkg t h ?
in check when coca is administered 2: the same time. day a s t h e desire for morphine :fc::j.* T h e dtily
J . Collan" recommends it a s the best rcm:dy for close of coca is lessened graduz!iy cnr:! i t is possil;!e
srornariris mercurioli3 a n d 'reports thrr Pzgva!i3 to dispense with the zntidote zltopether. From the
2 h 21s prescribes it in conjunction with preparations very beginning the attzcks experienced during ab-
of n:rcury. stinence were either slight or else b e t m e milder after

d) Coca in rhe trearnient oJ morphine and alcohol a few days. In almost eveiy case the cure was effected
addicrion. I n i b e r i c a the importznr discovery hzs by the patient himself, \\hereas the cure of morphine
recently been mzde that coca prepararions possess addiction without the help of coc-2, as practiced in
the -power to suppress the craving for morphine in Europe, requires surveillvlcc of the paricnt in a hos-
// i
! habiiual addicrs, a n d dso to reduce to negligible p:o-
portions rhc s:rious symptoms o f collapse which
I once bad occzsion to o b s e n c the czje of a mzn
a p p c t r uhile the pztient is being weaned zway from who was subjected to th: t!.pe of c u e involving the
' the morphine habit. According to my informarion sudden v.*ithdrz\\fal of morphine. zssisred by the usc
(\v!iich is 12rgeIy from t h e Derruii Therapeuric Go- of cocz; t h e s2mc patiear hzd suffered scvere s)mp-
rerre). i t was 1iI.H- Bcniley6' who anncunced. in>!2y toms as a result of zbstinencc in the cocrss of ir pre-
187s. that he had substituted coca f o r the cus;omz-y vious cuie. This time his condi!ion \v25 rolcreble; in
zlkaloid in the case of a female morphine addici. particular, there was n o sign of depression or nausea
Two years later, Palmer, in an article in the Louis- as long as the effects of coca lasted; chills and d i u -
sille hfedicu14'4ws, seems IO have aroused the Sreat- rhea \\.ere n o w the only ptimantni symproms of his
est general interest in this treatrnenr of morphine ad- a b s t i x n c e . T h e patient ~ v z scat l?c?ri?,?cn. 2nd c ~ l d
I diction; for the ne\[ two years "ryrhro.y*/oncocu in function normally. Durins thc first 12ys O! rh: C u r e
the opium habit" was a regular heading in the reporis he consumed 3dg ofcoco:',~umn i u r i c r i c u m daily, 2nd
of the Therapeufic Gumre. From then on informa- after ten days he \vas ab]: to dispense \cith t h e coca
. * $
(.! mo:rninc. 1 a m raiher inclined to assume that
c w a has a directly an:agonistic cffcct on morphine,
3 n d i n suppcri of my view I quoic thc follo\vin_e
obser\2:ions of Dr. J o x f Pollak on a case in point:
.'.-I:h ;r iy - ih r ec- !'c ?. r - old \\'om2 11 has been su f f e r i n g
for !'ca:s from se\*ere nienstrual inigraine \\ hich can
t-: a!!?\ isizd o n l y try morphia injections. .Although
i h c lady i n question ne\.cr takes morphia or expcri-
c n c e s an!. desire i o d o so when she is free of migraine,
dtiring the aitacks she behaves like a morphine ad-
dict. .\ few hours after the injection she suffers in-
icnse depresion. biliousncss, attacks of vomiting.
\\ I:Ic!-I 2re slopped by a second morphine injectios;
t!;c:e.Jpx, thc syn;p:oms of intolerance recur, \\ iih
i h ? r e s u i t 1 1 i i t an iiitick of migrzine, along \vith all i i s
cc!!:eq:enccs, Leeps ;!?e pa!iex in beit for ihrct days .~r;;C;,g :he p:;i~;.L ; 3 .A:.c:i I h ; . . ~<z. \
in a ~ o r \\.;etched
t condiiion. Coczine \\.as thea tried sesczl excitement \>:hich they \\
to c e n b a t ihe m i g z i n e , but the treatment proved un- zttiibuied 10 the coca. .4 y o u n g \!.riier, \
successful. I t 1 ~ 2 snecesszry to resort to morphine in- by treiimeat n.iih coca to :csumc
jeciions. But 2s soon 2s the s\:mptoms of morphine longish i l l a s s , gz:'e gp ccir.g the
iziclcrrnce appeared, they were quickly relieved by the undcsira5le sccondr-.::; cf;tc:s
?: of ;oc:inz, \\*i!h 1 1 result~
cohered from her nttack in a f2r shorter time 2nd
t k t t!ie p t i e n t rc- k q i 1 1 it had 011 !;:Ill.
g ) Lorel applicalion oJcoco. Cocain- 2 2 : i:s sz!:s
consumed much less morphine in the process." ha1.e a marked anesthetizing effect when srm;ght in

Coca w2s tried in America for the treatment o f contact \vith rhe skin and mucous mcmSrane ir. con:
chronic ~ l c o h o l i s mat about the same time as i t was centrated solution; this propen? sugges~si:s 0 x 2 -
introduced in connection with morphine addiction, sional use 2s a local anesthetic, especizlly in con-
2nd most reports dealt with the two uses conjointly." nection \virh affections of the mucous membrane.
In t h e tre~trilentof alcoholism, too, there were cases According t o Collin," Ch. F2u\ol strongly recom-
/ of undoubted success, in which t h e irresistible com- mends cocaine f o r treating d i s e a e s of the pharynx,
; pulsion to drink was either banished or alleviated, describing it 2s "le renseurpor ewellence des c h o r d s
and the dyspeptic compldnrs of the drinkers were re- vocoles." Indeed, the mesthetizing propertics of co-
liew3. I n general, however, the suppression o f the caine should m2ke it suirablt for 2 goxi m a ~f .m~h e r
alconol craL-ing through t h e use of coca proved 10 be a pplita ti ons .
more difficult than the suppression of morphomania;
in one case reported by Bentley the drinker became a
coquero. One need only suggest the immense eco- SOTES
nomic significance which coca would acquire a s a
1. O.R. Markhan. Pemi*ian Barks, Lcndon: 1880.
"source of savings" in another sense, if its effective- 2. According to Bibra'r esrimitc. .Vcrcoric S:irnul,-nfs. 16E5.
ness in combating alcoholism were confirmed. 3. Wcddcll. Voyage d a m IC Piord de la Boliric, 1655.
e) Coca and arrhma. Tschudi a n d Markham" 4. Scrivener. "On the coca leal and iu us: in diet t n t ntCi:in:."
report that by chewing coca leaves they were spared Medical Tirncc and Ga:tile, 1E7 1 .
the usual symptoms of the so-called mounrain sick- -.
< Carcilrrso dc la Vega. Cornrnccrcrios rech de io: Inccs.
1609- 161 7.
n w while climbing in the Andes; this complex of 6. Chrirtiron. "Obrcmations on t h e c l f m of C U ~ 0: , c ~ i t h. e
symptoms includes shortness of breath, pounding of l c a w s of E ~ ~ h r o x y l oCnO ; ~ .B-;:uh
" ,J.leJ;rci .Ic.:r .!. ! E?6.
the h e m . dizziness, etc. P o i z a ~reports ~ ~ that rhe Bibra. LOC.cit.
v t h m z ~ i cariacks of a patient were arrested in every 7. )rlantepzza, "Sulle virru igicfiiche e rncdic;lrr=li a'eiic C O C O ."

case by coca. I mention this property of coca because Milan: lS59.

i t appezrs to admit of a physiological explanation.
a. Scrivcncr. LOC.cit.
9. According I O C.110. whom Bibrz co$-r.
\'on Anrep's esperiments o n animals resulted in early 10. S)slcma mal. med. brasil.. 1623.
paralysis of certain branches of the vagus; and alti- 11. f i s a i s u r lo coio lu Ptrou. Thesis. Pa7r: 1662.
tude zsthma, as \vel1 as the attacks characteristic of 12. cf. Fronmullcr. "Coca 2nd Cz:." Proper l ' i e I . c : i r h : ~ ~ ~ ; h r t : i
chronic bronchitis, may be interpreted in terms of a j i r prak!ische Heilkunde. v. 7 9 . iS51.
13. I'icgem de cidodc de Cu:co a de Brlcrn. 1649.
r e f l n exirztion originating in the pulmonary branches 14. & + d ; ~ ; o ~ ~ O P J le3 p c r ~ ; , =ccr;r,-;cs
~ .:I
c'c I : i m r r t C u e Sa?.
o i :he 1 2 ~ ~ The s . use of coca should be considered 1651.
!>r ihe : r e z : m n t of oihcr vagus neuroses. 15. Sp:\'i 2nd 51inic:' J o a r c t l ; n Ef::;l. i F: I

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