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Compensating and Rehabilitating Rape Victims

Rape is an epidemic which is spreading out very rapidly all around the world and India is a major
victim of that disease. But as per the Indian laws only women can be raped. This is not so in
other countries where laws are gender neutral and do not require that a rape victim be a woman;
although statistically, male can be victims of rape. Moreover the law recognizes that the object
other than male penis can be used to commit rape.

In India, a rape victim is treated as isolated from the society and so on. Besides physical injury,
mental trauma is terrible as well. The reason behind this trauma is how society behaves with
them. To cope up the rehabilitation of a rape victim is much more essential factor in a rape case
to bring them back in the main stream of the society. And also there should be some means and
provisions of compensation for the victims of rape.

This research paper aims at the challenges faced by a rape victim. Also contains a brief interface
of Indian laws as well as laws of U.S The strict and immediate measures to curb out this assault
from the root level is also discussed. Apart from this, researcher attempts to discuss some ways
to compensate rape victims and make them believe that nothing has been changed for them. Also
researcher suggests some rehabilitation camps for the victims

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