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Tenses (Bentuk Waktu)

1. Present
a. Simple Present
Kalimat yang digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian yang biasa terjadi sehari-hari.
Rumus : Subject + Verb/Verb-s + ...
Contoh : Nita writes a letter everyday.
Budi and Rudi Play footbal everyday
b. Present Continuous
Kalimat yang digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung saat ini.
Rumus : Subject + be(am,is,are) + Verb-ing + ...
Contoh : Nita is writing a letter now.
Budi and Rudi are playing footbal now.
2. Past
a. Simple Past
Kalimat yang digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian lampau/lalu.
Rumus : Subject + Verb-2 + ...
Contoh : Nita wrote a letter yesterday.
Budi and Rudi played football yesterday.
b. Past Continuous
Kalimat yang digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di masa lampau/lalu.
Rumus : Subject + be(was,were) + Verb-ing + ...
Contoh : Nita was writing a letter at 4 pm yesterday.
Budi and Rudi were playing football at 3 pm yesterday
3. Future
a. Simple Future
Kalimat yang menceritakan kejadian di masa datang.
Rumus : Subject + will + Verb + ...
Contoh : Nita will write a letter tomorrow.
Budi and Rudi will play fottball tomorrow.
b. Future Continuous
Kalimat yang digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di masa datang.
Rumus : Subject + will be + Verb-ing + ...
Contoh : Nita will be writing a letter at this time tomorrow.
Budi and Rudi will be playing football at 3 pm tomorrow.

Latihan 1:
1. She _____ her dog everyday. (feed)
2. I always ____ to the dentist. (go)
3. Tom and I _____ a song together. (sing)
4. I ____ breakfast every day at 7 AM. (eat)
5. He ____ his mother. (love)
6. Budi ________ on the road. (walk)
7. They _________ very quickly. (run)
8. We _________ the car. (stop)

Latihan 2:

1. I _________ to Justins new song on the radio. (listen)

2. My brother _________ at University of Indonesia. (study)
3. Lisa and I _________ for tom in the station. (wait)
4. Mr. Gideon _________ his annual report now. (type)
5. Kiki usually ___________ next to Ririn. (sit)
6. somebody .___________ at the distance. (scream)
7. The girl ___________ at me. (smile)
8. We _____________. soccer competition at the moment. (watch)

Latihan 3:

1. She _______ me last night. (call)

2. We ________in the forest last week. (sleep)
3. They __________ the rubish yesterday. (burn).
4. I __________ the floor two days ago. (clean)
5. My brother __________ some bread this morning. (eat)
6. He ________ the ball hardly las Sunday. (kick)
7. My family _________ to Surabaya last month. (go)
8. She _________ a beautiful song last night. (sing)

Latihan 4:

1. He ___________ a nice dream. (have)

2. the children ___________ football when I arrived at home (play)
3. She ___________ the clothes when I came. (wash)
4. When I did my homework, my younger brothers ___________English. (study)
5. I ___________ a car when the accident suddenly happen. (drive)
6. Mr. Oscar ___________ a cup of tea when i saw him yesterday. (drink)
7. When our father came back from his office, we ___________ TV. (watch)
8. When Paul ___________ a newspaper, he found an interesting story on it. (read)

Latihan 5:

1. Rachmat ____________ all of his friends to the celebration next week. (invite)
2. Manda and I ____________ some plates and glasses on the dining table for the dinner tonight. (prepare)
3. Yongki and Yoga ____________ in music competition at school next month. (participate)
4. Because of the big cloaud , I am sure that it ____________ soon. (rain)
5. I ____________ my Dad about the accident. (tell)
6. The athletes ____________ with the college track team next month. (train)
7. I ____________ the students exchange programme next year. (join)
8. She ____________ my uncle next week. (visit)

Latihan 6:

1. I ____________ a movie tonight. (watch)

2. She ____________ a magazine tomorrow. (read)
3. John ____________ Semarang at this time tomorrow. (leave)
4. They ____________ Their homework. (finish)
5. He ____________ dinner at this restaurant next week. (have)
6. We ____________ many question to you. (ask)
7. My mother ____________ me some money next week. (give)
8. Lusi ____________ some books from me next Sunday. (borrow)


Passive Voice (Bentuk Kalimat Passive)

Rumus : Subject + Be + Verb3 + ...
Be : am, is, are, was, were, will be, be going to be, must be, can be, could be, may be, might be.

1. Present
c. Simple Present
Nita writes a letter everyday. Passive : A letter is written by Nita
Budi and Rudi buy some books everyday. Passive : Some books are bought by Budi adn Rudi.
d. Present Continuous
Nita is writing a letter now. Passive : A letter is being written by Nita
Budi and Rudi buy some books now. Passive : Some books are being bought by Budi and Rudi now.
2. Past
c. Simple Past
Nita wrote a letter yesterday. Passive : A letter was written by Nita
Budi and Rudi buy some books yesterday. Passive : Some books were bought by Budi and Rudi.
d. Past Continuous
Nita was writing a letter at 4 pm yesterday. Passive : A letter was being written by Nita
Budi and Rudi were buying some books at 3 pm yesterday.
Passive : Some books were being bought by Budi and Rudi.
3. Future
c. Simple Future
Nita will write a letter tomorrow. Passive : A letter will be written by Nita
Budi and Rudi will buy some books tomorrow. Passive : Some books were being bought by Budi and Rudi.
d. Future Continuous
Nita will be writing a letter at this time tomorrow. Passive : A letter will be being written by Nita
Budi and Rudi will be buying some books at this time tomorrow.
Passive : Some books will be being bought by Budi and Rudi.

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