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Limericks by 1/2IC

A limerick is a short and fun five-line poem with a distinctive rhythm. The first,
second and fifth lines are longer than the third and fourth lines. The rhyming
pattern is AABBA. The longer A lines rhyme with each other and the shorter B
lines rhyme with each other. The children had lots of fun attempting to write
an original limerick styled poem with a partner.

Nathan and Zoe

There once was a girl named Wheat

Who thought it was funny to cheat.

She ran up a hill,

To lie down and chill.

Until she got caught by Pete.

Eva and Jack

There once was a bear named Paw

Who thought he could eat his jaw.

He saw a snail,

Then he went pale.

Until he started to raw!

Sienna and Cooper

There once was a boy named Zest

Who thought he was the best.

He ate lots of junk,

And really, really stunk.

He always stood out from the rest!

Max and Cristian

There once was a man named Fit

Who thought he was a big twit.

He fell into a tank,

Then smashed into a bank.

Until he decided to quit!

Alyssa and Peter

There once was a boy named Slip

Who wanted to go on a trip.

He forgot to bring a map,

So he decided to sing a rap.

And ended up at the local tip!

Kaylea and Amelia

There once was a girl named Bran

Who would love to drive her big van.

She would scrub it clean,

So it would glisten and sheen.

Until she came up with a getaway plan!

Alexander and Curtis

There once was a bird named Swines

He would always slam into signs.

He had a toy sling,

Which got caught in his wing.

And then he got stuck in a mine!

William and Rocco

There once was a man named Buck

Who would always kiss a duck for good luck.

He accidentally slurped a slug,

Then he rolled and got caught in a rug.

Until he yelled, Crickey, Im stuck!

Olivia and Mason

There once was a dog named Bug

Who thought he was a champion Pug.

He lost every competition,

But it was still his mission,

Until he tripped over a rug!

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