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New Brighton School

Wednesday, Sept 20th, 2017 6:00pm


1) Call to Order

2) Adoption of Agenda Sept 20th, 2017

3) Approval of Previous Minutes June 14, 2017

4) School Report Principal Jeff Hutton

a) School Update
b) Celebrating the first two weeks
c) Staffing updates

5) Council Matters
a) Welcome and explanation of town hall style council and explanation of the difference between the
School/Parent councils.
b) Motion to renew for March 5 for movie contract
Dates for movie nights
c) Kernels popcorn - mini fundraiser
d) Playground update - sent email to minister Eggan requesting
e) Motion to remove previous signing authorities as the bank won't remove either of them until we have
minutes stating they should be removed
f) Motion to approve operating procedures as presented

6) Unfinished Business

7) New Business
a) Christmas Concert thoughts and ideas
b) Field trips

8) Other Business

9) Date and Time of Next Meeting September 13th, 2017

10) Adjournment

Pending Approval

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