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Meeting Minutes

Date: 9/17/17

Subject: Christmas Party Caroling Music

Attendees: Rebecca C & Kathy G

In an impromptu conversation at the Ministry Fair, Rebecca and Kathy resolved several items
regarding Christmas carols at the womens Christmas party. Rebecca C will play keyboard and
Pamela B will lead in the singing.

Rebecca oered to prepare the video presentation of lyrics for the carols that are based on
A Christmas Prayer.

Kathy G will email Rebecca the Christmas Prayer to reference the songs,

Kathy G confirmed w/ Chris S in a subsequent meeting that Chris S and Rebecca C

have done this many times and will work together on necessary coordination.

There was some discussion about where the keyboard and microphone would be setup,
which was deferred to be a discussion that would include Roxie H because dual use of
surrounding decorations and lanterns for photo ops.

An updated EMC form was emailed to Barbi M w/ note starting requirement of

microphone and keyboard in the lobby w/ diagram to follow at a later date.

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