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war efforts of both World Wars in the 20th century and

c    the dismantlement of the British Empire also weakened

the UK economy in global terms, and by that time Britain

had been superseded by the United States as the chief
The c   
         player in the global economy. However, the UK still
  6 or c6 is a sovereign state located off the maintains an important role in the global economy.
northwestern coast of continental Europe. It
comprises the island of Great Britain (England6 The United Kingdom is one of the world's
Scotland and Wales) and the northeastern one-sixth most globalised countries. The capital, London, is a
of the island of Ireland (Northern Ireland)6 together
with many smaller islands. The mainland areas lie major financial centre for international business and
between latitudes 49°N and 59°N (the Shetland commerce. The British economy is substantially boosted
Islands reach to nearly 61°N)6 and longitudes 8°W to by North Sea oil and gas reserves, worth an estimated
2°E. The Royal Greenwich Observatory6 in South £246.2 Billion in 2007. The British economy is made up (in
East London6 is the defining point of the Prime descending order of size) of the economies
The UK lies between the North Atlantic and the North of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In
Sea6 and comes within 35 km (22 mi) of the northwest 1973, the UK acceded to the European Economic
coast of France6 from which it is separated by Community which is now known as the European
the English Channel. Northern Ireland shares a Union after the ratification of the Treaty of Maastricht in
360 km international land boundary with the Republic
1993. The UK entered its worst recession since World
of Ireland. The Channel Tunnel ("Chunnel") bored
beneath the English Channel6 now links the UK with War 2 in 2008. The UK economy grew by 1.1 per cent in
France. Q2 of 2010, the fastest growth in 4 years, accelerating
from the 0.3 per cent growth recorded in Q1 of 2010 and
0.4 per cent growth in Q4 of 2009. The annual rate of
Population: 6166126300
Area: 2436610 km
2 growth was 1.6 per cent in Q2 2010.
Capital City: London
Official Language: English ‰ 
Government: Unitary Parliamentary Democracy and
Constitutional Monarchy Stonehenge and other examples of prehistoric culture are all that
Currency: Pound remain of the earliest inhabitants of Britain. Celtic peoples
Religions: Christianity6 Hinduism6 Sikhism6 Buddhism6 followed. Roman invasions of the 1st century B.C. brought Britain
into contact with continental Europe. When the Roman legions
   withdrew in the 5th century A.D. , Britain fell easy prey to the
invading hordes of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes from Scandinavia
The United Kingdom is the sixth largest economy in the and the Low Countries. The invasions had little effect on the
world by both nominal GDP and PPP. It is the third Celtic peoples of Wales and Scotland. Seven large Anglo-Saxon
largest economy in Europe after Germany͛s kingdoms were established, and the original Britons were forced
and France's in nominal terms and the second largest into Wales and Scotland. It was not until the 10th century that the
after Germany's in terms of purchasing power parity. Its country finally became united under the kings of Wessex.
Following the death of Edward the Confessor (1066), a dispute
PPP per capita is ranked the 19th in the world and
about the succession arose, and William, Duke of Normandy,
nominally ranked 22nd. The United Kingdom is also a
invaded England, defeating the Saxon king, Harold II, at the Battle
member of the G7, G8, G-20 major economies,
of Hastings (1066). The Norman Conquest introduced Norman
the Commonwealth of Nations, the Organization,
French law and feudalism.
the World Trade Organization, and the European

The UK was the first country in the world to industrialize in

the 18th and 19th centuries, and for much of the 19th
century possessed a predominant role in the global
economy. However, by the late 19th century, the Second
Industrial Revolution in the United and the German Christianity remains the major religionY
Empire meant that they had begun to challenge Britain's Y Y
role as the leader of the global economy. The extensive

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Monarch- queen Elizabeth II
PM- David Cameron
world by both nominal GDP and purchasing
power parity (PPP).
112,000 filipinos as of 2009

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