Mastering Management: A Four-Step Process That Really Works

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Mastering Management

A Four-Step Process That Really Works

Abstract: How do managers add value? Why do they

get paid? What should managers be doing?
The problem is most managers cannot answer these
questions well because whatever they say, the next ques-
tion is does production stop when you are not there?
which leaves them scratching their heads.
In answering the fundamental questions of how do
managers add value and what should they be doing, this
article draws on my experience of managing, working
with, training, and educating many thousands of managers
and many years researching and studying the subject. By
exploring the hidden realities that exist for managers and
by bringing a common-sense approach to the subject, we
will show managers how to make the answers common
practice as well.
It is hoped that this article will help managers gain
clarity about their role as managers and how they can
achieve results for their employers that justifies their pay.

Keywords: Management, managers of today, managing,

managing in the 21st century, managing people, man-
aging tasks, mastering management, principles of
Tim Woodman is the founder and
managing director of two companies, The art and science of managing people is a complex
Woodman Coaching and Management mix of background frameworks and processes allied to
Learning & Coaching. Tim is a graduate an understanding of how to get people to do the things
in engineering, has a masters in
that you want them to do and understanding how your
business administration, and is a
qualified business coach. As a trainer choice of behavior will influence this outcome. In this
and coach, he has been helping article, we will explore what managing in the twenty-
managers to manage well for over first century entails by thinking through the challenges
16 years, besides being a practicing that face managers in getting things done through other
manager for over 35 years. Outside
work, Tim has regularly achieved great
people. We will explore what managing in the twenty-
success representing the Great British first century really means, which will leave you with the
triathlon age group team. practical and pragmatic four-step process to manage-
ment. In the process we will uncover the real day-to-day
issues that managers face and give you insight into how
you can meet these challenges.
The four-step process is this:

understanding my role and responsibility

managing myself and others

Business Expert Press 978-1-63157-800-7 (2017) Expert Insights

Mastering Management

you focus on forthcoming activity that may

be further down the line than you would
naturally anticipate by doing activity alone.
Lets look at the next in the sequence in
the model, DO. This implies that manag-
ers do and for the uninitiated, your natural
instinct is to do technical tasks rather than
managerial tasks. For many managers the
justification for this is that my staff will re-
spect me more if I get my hands dirty and do
the tasks that they do. We also hear people
say that leading by example is a good char-
acteristic to have. However, being a good
leading to motivate manager and getting results is about all the
managing performance things we are now going to talk about which
will gain you the respect of your staff.
Lets first explore the process that most The third part of the model is, Check.
management books will share with you. I like this because for a lot of managers,
The kaizen model of this is the part that is done poorly, if at all.
is well known and well established and as There is a great management saying:
a dynamic framework adheres to the KISS You wont get what you expect, you will
principle of Keep It Simple Stupid. There get what you inspect
are, however, a couple of drawbacks to this
model. The first real day-to-day difficulty is And I would add to this by saying so
this. therefore be careful what you inspect.
Even though we know that to have a For example, in the management of sales
plan is logical and, is argued by many, as people, it is relatively common practice to
the first step in developing any business ac- measure the number of calls made over the
tivity, our natural instinct is to get on with phone or face-to-face. By measuring just
the activity and not plan. Our instincts are these things, first, its very easy to manipu-
that the plan is worthless, a notion that can late the numbers, second, we have no idea
be supported by this well-known saying: about the quality of the calls made, which
in my opinion, is the most important part.
No plan ever survives the first contact
with the enemy The other elements of checking include
how you might do it and how often you
Because of this, our instincts are that once might check. Some managers end up be-
the plan has been written, it is worthless. ing accused of micro-managing and others
Because what happens next, rarely, if ever, of not showing any interest in a persons
matches the plan. So why bother making a workthe two ends of the scale.
plan? So heres another saying for you: The final part of the model is Act. I suggest
it should read manage because what if that
The plan is worthless, planning is invaluable
outcome was positive, e.g., the individual
So if we look at the kaizen model, it is was doing a good job? The implication of the
circular and it does lead us back to the plan word act is you have to take remedial action.
section, which supports that planning is
an invaluable statement, i.e., by looking at Step one
what happened and then by replanning you Understanding your role and responsibility.
will gain the benefit of regular planning. The basic question for all managers is
The more planning you do, all of it will help this:

2 Business Expert Press 978-1-63157-800-7 (2017) Expert Insights
Mastering Management

How do you add value to your organ- track cycling team over the past decade
isation and therefore justify the salary the have become expert at marginal gains.
organisation pays you? They take a particular situation and break
Most managers response to this ques- it down into its component parts. They
tion is that they ensure production targets then look at each of those parts and find
are met and that if they werent around ways to improve them, even though it may
people would not be as productive. Our re- only be a marginal improvement. All these
sponse to this is, improvements, though, add up to signifi-
so what happens when you go to meetings, cant and world-beating results. The same
go on training courses, or go on holiday? can be said of business and the skills and
At this point, many managers look per- processes and techniques that we employ
plexed and lost for an answer. Because, to produce business results.
of course, production doesnt stop when So by focusing on small improvements
the manager is away, although people are the individual will be able to generate over-
naturally inclined to slow their pace if the all large improvements. The key to this is
person in authority, who doesnt manage the following:
very well and hasnt set up an environment
where staff maintain their commitment to Identify the area to be worked on.
achieving goals or targets, is away. Come up with ideas on how it can be
So what is your role and responsibility improved.
and how do you add value as a manager? To Try one of the ideas.
put it simply, getting your staff to be more Use the experience to learn whether the
efficient and more effective is the real idea can be further improved or discarded.
reason why youre paid and how you add Repeat as appropriate.
value to the business. Think of it this way:
Decide the mission, look after your people Most managers find the above illuminat-
ing and the place to formalize this is in the
To put this into context, your task as a appraisals. For most managers, they dont
first-line manager is to take the goals and view the appraisal process as anything
targets agreed with your line manager and more than a paperwork exercise for HR.
to achieve them in the first place and then It is in fact the best place to map out with
to develop your staff so that output capabil- your staff member the areas that you can
ity is improved. work on in the following year. The process
So how can we look after our people of identifying small changes and improve-
so that their productivity capability is im- ments is a daily activity that can be carried
proved? The answer to this question is not out, while also in the process of produc-
a simple one. The starting point of course tion. Your staff member will only get better.
is to ensure that every person in your team One day at a time, which means that they
has clarity about their goals for the day and should have something to work on every
for that week. And, if appropriate, over a day. Im sure you now are starting to real-
longer term. ize that managing people and looking after
The development of individuals skills them is a time-consuming activity. Your or-
and capabilities should also now be looked ganization pays you to add value, you add
at. When all is said and done, the individu- value by facilitating the skills and process
als doing the work are the experts at the improvements of your staff.
tasks that they have to accomplish. How Here is another saying that holds true:
do you help them to become better experts
the managers job is not to solve problems,
is how you add value. We can take a les- but to facilitate problem-solving!
son from the sports arena here. The British

Business Expert Press 978-1-63157-800-7 (2017) Expert Insights


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