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Interim Report

Name of Pre-Service Teacher

Scott, Molly

Unit Code

School Name
Lynwood Senior High School

Name of person completing form

Graham Regan

Role of person submitting form

Mentor Teacher

Planning includes:
Use of lesson planning templates
Understanding planning documentation
Student diversity considered
Appropriate information sources
Please tick of the planning was satisfactory


Excellent planning that has led to great lessons.

Teaching and Learning Strategies include:

Selected strategies match lesson objectives
Lessons are relevant and meaningful
Student-centred strategies adopted
Group learning encouraged
Evidence of creativity
Please tick if the teaching and learning strategies were satisfactory


Great variety of strategies to both groups and individuals demonstrated.

Relationships includes:
Interactions with students are
Interactions are positive
Inclusivity is considered
Sincerity and genuineness are evident
Please tick if relationships were satisfactory

Has demonstrated the ability to be firm but very engaging with her students.

Communication skills include:

Sound oral communication skills evident
Sound written skills are evident
Active listening is both utilised and facilitated
Non-verbal forms of communication are utilised
Please tick if communication skills were satisfactory

Communication excellent. Instructions clear and concise combined with the ability to listen and pause to enhance
maximise interactions.

Classroom management includes:

Management techniques are positive and proactive
Management techniques are effective
A range of techniques are utilised
Management of classroom space is purposeful
Group management is effective
Please tick if classroom management was satisfactory


Has set a high standard early and maintained that through both direct and subtle reminders of what is expected.

Content knowledge includes:

Adequate content knowledge exhibited
Knowledge appropriate for year level
Balance between content and process
Please tick if the content knowledge was satisfactory


Knowledge in most areas excellent and where lacking very quick in catching up in order to deliver at the appropriate
Instructional Strategies
Beginning and conclusion of lessons effective
Time well managed
Learning is scaffolded adequately
Selected resources complement content
Decision-making exercised competently
Explanations clear and precise
Please indicate if instructional strategies were satisfactory


Excellent planning has led to the ability to demonstrate a variety of instructional strategies that have led to some
outstanding lessons.

Evaluation skills include:

Evaluation of own performance realistic
Childrens learning appropriately monitored
Evaluations used to inform future planning
Meaningful records are maintained for the purpose of reporting (as
Please tick of evaluation skills were satisfactory


Feedback tips have been processed and implemented in subsequent lessons to provide outstanding learning
opportunities for her students.

Professionalism includes:
Exhibiting all the qualities and characteristics expected of an individual at this stage of
their teacher education professional development.
Please tick of professionalism was satisfactory


Planning time early before school and then at the end of the day impressive. Proactive in seeking advice for

Areas of strength
Planning Instruction skills and timing. Monitoring student achievement and providing feedback. Positive relationships
with both students and colleagues. Ability to absorb advice and implement positive changes.

Areas for further development

PE teaching outside which to date has had limited opportunities.

Actioned by Regan, Graham on 10/08/2017 8:36:37 AM Actioned by Vinci, Lisa on 10/08/2017 1:18:54 PM

Actioned by Scott, Molly (20130277) on 10/08/2017 8:39:19 AM

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