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Code No: 117DH Set No.

IV B. Tech. I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, September - 2017
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. A
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.

I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. The solution by FEM is [ ]

a) always exact b) mostly approximate c) sometimes exact d) never exact

2. Primary variable in FEM structural analysis is [ ]

a) displacement b) force c) stress d) strain

3. Stiffness matrix approach is used in [ ]

a) displacement method b) stress method c) force method d) mixed method

4. Transformation matrix .. for all elements [ ]

a) is always same b) is different c) depends on element axes d) depends on material

5. A singular stiffness matrix means [ ]

a) unstable structure b) one or more DOF are unrestrained
c) wrong connectivity of elements d) wrong solution expected

6. One possible load in structural analysis is the specified [ ]

a) nodal temperature b) stress in an element c) heat flow d) strain in an element

7. Assembled stiffness matrix after applying boundary conditions is NOT [ ]

a) square b) symmetric c) banded d) singular

8. Determinant of assembled stiffness matrix before applying boundary conditions is [ ]

a) < 0 b) = 0 c) >0 d) depends on the problem

9. Determinant of assembled stiffness matrix after applying boundary conditions is [ ]

a) < 0 b) = 0 c) >0 d) depends on the problem

10. Any point in a structure can have maximum of . DOF [ ]

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6

Code No: 117DH :2: Set No. 1

II Fill in the Blanks

11. Shape functions for a triangular plane stress element are also called____________________.

12. Sum of shape functions at a point is __________________ .

13. When more nodes are used to define the geometry than are used to define the displacement, the element
is called_________________ element.

14. Element formed by joining n+ 1 node in n-dimensional space is called _________________ .

15. Continuum elements in different analysis may vary in___________________ .

16. Number of DOF for a 4noded quadrilateral thermal element is_____________________ .

17. Conductance matrix is the equivalent of stiffness matrix in______________ .

18. A 3-D dam is usually modeled with___________________________ .

19. __________________ problem is solved through iterative method.

20. Stress-strain matrix for axisymmetric element is of order________________ .

Code No: 117DH Set No. 2
IV B. Tech. I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, September - 2017
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. A
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.

I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. Transformation matrix .. for all elements [ ]

a) is always same b) is different c) depends on element axes d) depends on material

2. A singular stiffness matrix means [ ]

a) unstable structure b) one or more DOF are unrestrained
c) wrong connectivity of elements d) wrong solution expected

3. One possible load in structural analysis is the specified [ ]

a) nodal temperature b) stress in an element c) heat flow d) strain in an element

4. Assembled stiffness matrix after applying boundary conditions is NOT [ ]

a) square b) symmetric c) banded d) singular

5. Determinant of assembled stiffness matrix before applying boundary conditions is [ ]

a) < 0 b) = 0 c) >0 d) depends on the problem

6. Determinant of assembled stiffness matrix after applying boundary conditions is [ ]

a) < 0 b) = 0 c) >0 d) depends on the problem

7. Any point in a structure can have maximum of . DOF [ ]

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6

8. The solution by FEM is [ ]

a) always exact b) mostly approximate c) sometimes exact d) never exact

9. Primary variable in FEM structural analysis is [ ]

a) displacement b) force c) stress d) strain

10. Stiffness matrix approach is used in [ ]

a) displacement method b) stress method c) force method d) mixed method

Code No: 117DH :2: Set No. 2

II Fill in the Blanks

11. Element formed by joining n+ 1 node in n-dimensional space is called _________________ .

12. Continuum elements in different analysis may vary in___________________ .

13. Number of DOF for a 4noded quadrilateral thermal element is_____________________ .

14. Conductance matrix is the equivalent of stiffness matrix in______________ .

15. A 3-D dam is usually modeled with___________________________ .

16. __________________ problem is solved through iterative method.

17. Stress-strain matrix for axisymmetric element is of order________________ .

18. Shape functions for a triangular plane stress element are also called____________________.

19. Sum of shape functions at a point is __________________ .

20. When more nodes are used to define the geometry than are used to define the displacement, the element
is called_________________ element.

Code No: 117DH Set No. 3
IV B. Tech. I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, September - 2017
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. A
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.

I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. One possible load in structural analysis is the specified [ ]

a) nodal temperature b) stress in an element c) heat flow d) strain in an element

2. Assembled stiffness matrix after applying boundary conditions is NOT [ ]

a) square b) symmetric c) banded d) singular

3. Determinant of assembled stiffness matrix before applying boundary conditions is [ ]

a) < 0 b) = 0 c) >0 d) depends on the problem

4. Determinant of assembled stiffness matrix after applying boundary conditions is [ ]

a) < 0 b) = 0 c) >0 d) depends on the problem

5. Any point in a structure can have maximum of . DOF [ ]

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6

6. The solution by FEM is [ ]

a) always exact b) mostly approximate c) sometimes exact d) never exact

7. Primary variable in FEM structural analysis is [ ]

a) displacement b) force c) stress d) strain

8. Stiffness matrix approach is used in [ ]

a) displacement method b) stress method c) force method d) mixed method

9. Transformation matrix .. for all elements [ ]

a) is always same b) is different c) depends on element axes d) depends on material

10. A singular stiffness matrix means [ ]

a) unstable structure b) one or more DOF are unrestrained
c) wrong connectivity of elements d) wrong solution expected

Code No: 117DH :2: Set No. 3

II Fill in the Blanks

11. Number of DOF for a 4noded quadrilateral thermal element is_____________________ .

12. Conductance matrix is the equivalent of stiffness matrix in______________ .

13. A 3-D dam is usually modeled with___________________________ .

14. __________________ problem is solved through iterative method.

15. Stress-strain matrix for axisymmetric element is of order________________ .

16. Shape functions for a triangular plane stress element are also called____________________.

17. Sum of shape functions at a point is __________________ .

18. When more nodes are used to define the geometry than are used to define the displacement, the element
is called_________________ element.

19. Element formed by joining n+ 1 node in n-dimensional space is called _________________ .

20 Continuum elements in different analysis may vary in___________________ .

Code No: 117DH Set No. 4
IV B. Tech. I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, September - 2017
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. A
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.

I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. Determinant of assembled stiffness matrix before applying boundary conditions is [ ]

a) < 0 b) = 0 c) >0 d) depends on the problem

2. Determinant of assembled stiffness matrix after applying boundary conditions is [ ]

a) < 0 b) = 0 c) >0 d) depends on the problem

3. Any point in a structure can have maximum of . DOF [ ]

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6

4. The solution by FEM is [ ]

a) always exact b) mostly approximate c) sometimes exact d) never exact

5. Primary variable in FEM structural analysis is [ ]

a) displacement b) force c) stress d) strain

6. Stiffness matrix approach is used in [ ]

a) displacement method b) stress method c) force method d) mixed method

7. Transformation matrix .. for all elements [ ]

a) is always same b) is different c) depends on element axes d) depends on material

8. A singular stiffness matrix means [ ]

a) unstable structure b) one or more DOF are unrestrained
c) wrong connectivity of elements d) wrong solution expected

9. One possible load in structural analysis is the specified [ ]

a) nodal temperature b) stress in an element c) heat flow d) strain in an element

10. Assembled stiffness matrix after applying boundary conditions is NOT [ ]

a) square b) symmetric c) banded d) singular

Code No: 117DH :2: Set No. 4

II Fill in the Blanks

11. A 3-D dam is usually modeled with___________________________ .

12. __________________ problem is solved through iterative method.

13. Stress-strain matrix for axisymmetric element is of order________________ .

14. Shape functions for a triangular plane stress element are also called____________________.

15. Sum of shape functions at a point is __________________ .

16. When more nodes are used to define the geometry than are used to define the displacement, the element
is called_________________ element.

17. Element formed by joining n+ 1 node in n-dimensional space is called _________________ .

18. Continuum elements in different analysis may vary in___________________ .

19. Number of DOF for a 4noded quadrilateral thermal element is_____________________ .

20. Conductance matrix is the equivalent of stiffness matrix in______________ .


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