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Code No: 117DN Set No.

IV B .Tech. I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, September - 2017
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. A
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.

I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. The ___________ unit provides the physical means of contact between the solvent and solids consisting
of prepared oil seeds. [ ]
a) Extractor b) Absorber c) Filter d) Drier

2. Oils high in_________ such as soybean, corn, and sunflower, may be degummed prior to refining.
[ ]
a) Fats b) Magnesium c) Calcium d) phosphorus

3. Flake thickness is generally in the range of 0.005 to _________ inches [ ]

a) 0.1 b) 10 c) 0.040 d) 0.020

4. Stem borer a very serious pest of maize found throughout in __________ [ ]

a) USA b) china c) japan d) India

5. The bleaching process improves the __________of the oil. [ ]

a) Viscosity b) thickness c) odor d) color

6. Foods are highly susceptible to ________attack and insect and rodent infestation. [ ]
a) Enzymatic b) bacterial c) bypass d) microbial

7. Fermentations are used in producing various foods and __________ Chemicals [ ]

a) Bio b) harmful c) electro d) unwanted

8. __ based food raw materials may only be available in usable form on a seasonal basis [ ]
a) Crop b) Animal c) Dairy d)all the above

9. Food processing generates wastes with high __________ loads. [ ]

a) BOD b) COD c) DO d) TDS

10. A breakeven analysis is used to determine how much sales volume your business needs to start making a
_______________ . [ ]
a) Loss b) Profit c) Money d) None

Code No: 117DN :2: Set No. 1

II Fill in the Blanks

11. The guiding principles in ___________ are the flow of material (primarily raw material), the work during
process, and the finished goods

12. An over riding principle is based on basic____________ in that microbes need moisture to live

13. The objectives of ____________ and constructing a sanitary food handling facility are to minimize
harborages, eliminate the entrance of pests and other sources of contamination.

14. ______________ systems have proven to be a source of contamination with pathogenic microorganisms

15. ___________ refers to the overall design of a manufacturing enterprise

16. In the hydrogenation process the _____________ oil is transferred to a reaction vessel where it is heated
to 163C (325F)

17. _____________ in the processing and refining of edible oil products is used to prepare the oil for use as
an ingredient in margarine, shortening, salad oil and cooking oil.

18. Low heat impact on paddy, reducing losses through product breakages as a result of _______________ .

19. Maize or corn (Zea mays) is a plant belonging to the family of_______________ .

20. _________________is a versatile crop grown over a range of agro-climatic zones

Code No: 117DN Set No. 2
IV B .Tech. I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, September - 2017
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. A
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.

I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. Stem borer a very serious pest of maize found throughout in __________ [ ]

a) USA b) china c) japan d) India

2. The bleaching process improves the __________of the oil. [ ]

a) Viscosity b) thickness c) odor d) color

3. Foods are highly susceptible to ________attack and insect and rodent infestation. [ ]
a) Enzymatic b) bacterial c) bypass d) microbial

4. Fermentations are used in producing various foods and __________ Chemicals [ ]

a) Bio b) harmful c) electro d) unwanted

5. __ based food raw materials may only be available in usable form on a seasonal basis [ ]
a) Crop b) Animal c) Dairy d)all the above

6. Food processing generates wastes with high __________ loads. [ ]

a) BOD b) COD c) DO d) TDS

7. A breakeven analysis is used to determine how much sales volume your business needs to start making a
_______________ . [ ]
a) Loss b) Profit c) Money d) None

8. The ___________ unit provides the physical means of contact between the solvent and solids consisting
of prepared oil seeds. [ ]
a) Extractor b) Absorber c) Filter d) Drier

9. Oils high in_________ such as soybean, corn, and sunflower, may be degummed prior to refining.
[ ]
a) Fats b) Magnesium c) Calcium d) phosphorus

10. Flake thickness is generally in the range of 0.005 to _________ inches [ ]

a) 0.1 b) 10 c) 0.040 d) 0.020

Code No: 117DN :2: Set No. 2

II Fill in the Blanks

11. ______________ systems have proven to be a source of contamination with pathogenic microorganisms

12. ___________ refers to the overall design of a manufacturing enterprise

13. In the hydrogenation process the _____________ oil is transferred to a reaction vessel where it is heated
to 163C (325F)

14. _____________ in the processing and refining of edible oil products is used to prepare the oil for use as
an ingredient in margarine, shortening, salad oil and cooking oil.

15. Low heat impact on paddy, reducing losses through product breakages as a result of _______________ .

16. Maize or corn (Zea mays) is a plant belonging to the family of_______________ .

17. _________________is a versatile crop grown over a range of agro-climatic zones

18. The guiding principles in ___________ are the flow of material (primarily raw material), the work during
process, and the finished goods

19. An over riding principle is based on basic____________ in that microbes need moisture to live

20. The objectives of ____________ and constructing a sanitary food handling facility are to minimize
harborages, eliminate the entrance of pests and other sources of contamination.

Code No: 117DN Set No. 3
IV B .Tech. I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, September- 2017
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. A
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.

I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. Foods are highly susceptible to ________attack and insect and rodent infestation. [ ]
a) Enzymatic b) bacterial c) bypass d) microbial

2. Fermentations are used in producing various foods and __________ Chemicals [ ]

a) Bio b) harmful c) electro d) unwanted

3. __ based food raw materials may only be available in usable form on a seasonal basis [ ]
a) Crop b) Animal c) Dairy d)all the above

4. Food processing generates wastes with high __________ loads. [ ]

a) BOD b) COD c) DO d) TDS

5. A breakeven analysis is used to determine how much sales volume your business needs to start making a
_______________ . [ ]
a) Loss b) Profit c) Money d) None

6. The ___________ unit provides the physical means of contact between the solvent and solids consisting
of prepared oil seeds. [ ]
a) Extractor b) Absorber c) Filter d) Drier

7. Oils high in_________ such as soybean, corn, and sunflower, may be degummed prior to refining.
[ ]
a) Fats b) Magnesium c) Calcium d) phosphorus

8. Flake thickness is generally in the range of 0.005 to _________ inches [ ]

a) 0.1 b) 10 c) 0.040 d) 0.020

9. Stem borer a very serious pest of maize found throughout in __________ [ ]

a) USA b) china c) japan d) India

10. The bleaching process improves the __________of the oil. [ ]

a) Viscosity b) thickness c) odor d) color

Code No: 117DN :2: Set No. 3

II Fill in the Blanks

11. In the hydrogenation process the _____________ oil is transferred to a reaction vessel where it is heated
to 163C (325F)

12. _____________ in the processing and refining of edible oil products is used to prepare the oil for use as
an ingredient in margarine, shortening, salad oil and cooking oil.

13. Low heat impact on paddy, reducing losses through product breakages as a result of _______________ .

14. Maize or corn (Zea mays) is a plant belonging to the family of_______________ .

15. _________________is a versatile crop grown over a range of agro-climatic zones

16. The guiding principles in ___________ are the flow of material (primarily raw material), the work during
process, and the finished goods

17. An over riding principle is based on basic____________ in that microbes need moisture to live

18. The objectives of ____________ and constructing a sanitary food handling facility are to minimize
harborages, eliminate the entrance of pests and other sources of contamination.

19. ______________ systems have proven to be a source of contamination with pathogenic microorganisms

20. ___________ refers to the overall design of a manufacturing enterprise

Code No: 117DN Set No. 4
IV B .Tech. I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, September- 2017
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. A
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.

I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. __ based food raw materials may only be available in usable form on a seasonal basis [ ]
a) Crop b) Animal c) Dairy d)all the above

2. Food processing generates wastes with high __________ loads. [ ]

a) BOD b) COD c) DO d) TDS

3. A breakeven analysis is used to determine how much sales volume your business needs to start making a
_______________ . [ ]
a) Loss b) Profit c) Money d) None

4. The ___________ unit provides the physical means of contact between the solvent and solids consisting
of prepared oil seeds. [ ]
a) Extractor b) Absorber c) Filter d) Drier

5. Oils high in_________ such as soybean, corn, and sunflower, may be degummed prior to refining.
[ ]
a) Fats b) Magnesium c) Calcium d) phosphorus

6. Flake thickness is generally in the range of 0.005 to _________ inches [ ]

a) 0.1 b) 10 c) 0.040 d) 0.020

7. Stem borer a very serious pest of maize found throughout in __________ [ ]

a) USA b) china c) japan d) India

8. The bleaching process improves the __________of the oil. [ ]

a) Viscosity b) thickness c) odor d) color

9. Foods are highly susceptible to ________attack and insect and rodent infestation. [ ]
a) Enzymatic b) bacterial c) bypass d) microbial

10. Fermentations are used in producing various foods and __________ Chemicals [ ]
a) Bio b) harmful c) electro d) unwanted

Code No: 117DN :2: Set No. 4

II Fill in the Blanks

11. Low heat impact on paddy, reducing losses through product breakages as a result of _______________ .

12. Maize or corn (Zea mays) is a plant belonging to the family of_______________ .

13. _________________is a versatile crop grown over a range of agro-climatic zones

14. The guiding principles in ___________ are the flow of material (primarily raw material), the work during
process, and the finished goods

15. An over riding principle is based on basic____________ in that microbes need moisture to live

16. The objectives of ____________ and constructing a sanitary food handling facility are to minimize
harborages, eliminate the entrance of pests and other sources of contamination.

17. ______________ systems have proven to be a source of contamination with pathogenic microorganisms

18. ___________ refers to the overall design of a manufacturing enterprise

19. In the hydrogenation process the _____________ oil is transferred to a reaction vessel where it is heated
to 163C (325F)

20. _____________ in the processing and refining of edible oil products is used to prepare the oil for use as
an ingredient in margarine, shortening, salad oil and cooking oil.


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