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Exciton Formation in Semiconductors and the Influence of a Photonic Environment

M. Kira,1 W. Hoyer,2 T. Stroucken,2 and S. W. Koch2
Laser Physics and Quantum Optics, Royal Institute of Technology, Lindstedsvgen 24, S-10044 Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Physics and Material Sciences Center, Philipps University, Renthof 5, D-35032 Marburg, Germany
(Received 6 April 2001; published 3 October 2001)
A fully microscopic theory is presented for interacting electrons, holes, photons, and phonons in semi-
conductor heterostructures. The formation dynamics and statistics of incoherent excitons are analyzed
for different densities, lattice temperatures, and photonic environments. Luminescence experiments are
shown to depend strongly on the photonic environment in contrast to suggested terahertz absorption
measurements. Whereas luminescence in free space is dominated by plasma contributions, terahertz
absorption should be able to directly measure excitonic populations.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.176401 PACS numbers: 71.35.Lk, 42.70.Qs, 71.10.Pm

After the creation of electron-hole pairs, spontaneous In the incoherent regime, the relevant two-point quanti-
recombination determines their ultimate lifetime even in ties are given by electron f ke eyk ek and hole f kh hky hk
ideal semiconductors. In this context, it is an old but still occupations. Using the standard many-body Hamiltonian 0
open question whether and under which conditions a sig- [4], f ke and f kh couple to four-point correlations ceq,k ,k
nificant population of incoherent bound excitons can form deky eky0 ek 0 1q ek2q , cq,k
,k de y h y h e
k q2k 2k 0 k 0 1q
, and
in such a nonequilibrium system where the ratio between cq,k
,k dh h h y hy , where dO O 2 OHF
h k k 0 k 0 1q k2q
bound and unbound pairs depends on the characteristic
denotes the correlations beyond the Hartree-Fock contri-
time scales of the relevant interaction processes. It is not
butions OHF . To deal with the infinite hierarchy of cor-
even clear a priori how to count bound states since a rigor-
relations, we use a systematic truncation approach [5],
ous exciton number operator does not exist [1]. However,
which allows us to describe correlation effects at the de-
one wants to understand the quantum statistical proper-
sired level under all excitation conditions. Since we want
ties of these excitons, their distribution function, possible
to include all four-point correlations, we apply this method
bosonic as well as Bose condensation aspects [2], and find
at the six-point level and obtain coupled equations,
ways to manipulate the exciton formation, e.g., with a pho-
tonic environment [3]. Furthermore, it is essential to know eh 2
f ReV ceh , cX 1 G eh 1 R eh , (1)
how to detect exciton populations experimentally. t h
In this Letter, we outline and evaluate a microscopic
theory which is capable of solving the central problems
i h cX EX cX 2 iGcX 1 SX 1 UX cl 1 RX , (2)
discussed above. We include photon-, phonon-, and t
Coulomb-interaction effects microscopically and describe
and the equivalent dynamics for ceh . These equations
electrons, holes, and the possible exciton populations
are written schematically and the brackets . . . denote a
consistently in the Fermionic electron-hole picture. As a
functional dependence. For example, the carrier densities
result, we are able to evaluate the excitonic correlations,
are coupled to the four-point correlations via the Coulomb
formation rates, distribution functions, etc. for different
matrix-element Vk , they are cooled by phonons Gke , and de-
temperatures and carrier densities without neglecting the
pleted via the spontaneous emission contribution Rke . For
underlying Fermionic antisymmetry. We show that the ex- 0
the exciton correlations, E q,k ,k
is the renormalized kinetic
citation of an incoherent system with a terahertz (THz) X 0

field yields an exact analog to atomic optics, thus identi- energy of two electron-hole pairs in cq,k X
,k . These four par-

fying an exciton number in the atomic sense without the ticles can interact via the two-body Coulomb interaction in
six different ways which are described by U X q,k 0 ,k contain-
need of a number operator. This number is used to de- P q,k 0 ,l
termine experimentally relevant conditions leading to in- ing sums of the form 1 2 f ke 2 f k2q h
l V l2q c X . The
coherent exciton populations. A possibility to manipulate phonon interaction is included microscopically in the terms
exciton distributions is studied using photonic band-gap G q,k ,k . Using the bath approximation [4] for phonons, G
structures [3]. To analyze the experimental possibilities for leads to phonon scattering induced dephasing such that no
the detection of excitonic correlations, we compare photo- phenomenological dephasing is introduced. The quantity
luminescence to THz absorption and show that the THz q,k 0 ,k
signal can serve as an excellent measure for incoherent SX Vk 01q2k fke fk2q
fke0 1q fkh0 2 fke fk2q
fke0 1q fkh0 ,
exciton populations, whereas luminescence always con- with fkl 1 2 fkl , represents the Coulomb scattering of
tains a fundamental plasma contribution which becomes two uncorrelated electron-hole pairs. When only EX , de-
dominant in many situations. phasing, and SX are included, a scattering result at the level

176401-1 0031-900701 87(17)176401(4)$15.00 2001 The American Physical Society 176401-1


of the second Born approximation is found [6], which de- is always related to the correlated part; its explicit form is
1 P q,k 0 ,k ik 0 1q2kr
scribes equilibration of carrier densities via carrier-carrier given by dgr L 2 k,k0 ,q cX e , with the nor-
scattering. malization length L . The inset of Fig. 1 shows the time
For the formation of excitons, the term SX acts as a evolution of dgr when the system is initialized as an
source, UX enables bound states, and G provides scattering incoherent plasma with vanishing dgr. In order to have
toward these states. In addition, the spontaneous emission conditions favorable for exciton formation, low 10 K
recombines the densities and correlations via R eh and RX temperature and na0 0.03 carrier density are used
which result from a photon emission bqy accompanied by a together with the photonic band-gap parameters. The
recombination of an electron-hole pair, i.e., bqy hq2k ek . pair-correlation function (solid lines) peaks at r 0 and
This gives rise to luminescence into all directions and increases linearly in time after 300 ps. For comparison,
couples carriers and correlations into the semiconductor the dashed line shows the 1s-exciton probability jf1s rj2 .
luminescence equations [7]. Polariton effects are included The pair-correlation clearly has a similar shape, which is
via the back coupling of the carrier dynamics to the light a direct evidence that exciton formation is in progress.
modes. In general, the spontaneous emission rates R eh In order to identify the excitons, we seek a precise
and RX are determined by the overlap-matrix elements of connection between population correlations and atomlike
the confined carriers and the optical modes. Consequently, bound states. Traditionally, the occupation in atomic states
they depend on the local photonic density of states which is probed with light matching the energy difference of
in photonic crystals can exhibit large pseudogaps even if the states, implying THz fields for excitons [13]. Here,
the total photonic density of states does not have a com- we consider the THz excitation to be perpendicular to the
plete gap. Thus, a significant reduction of the radiative quantum wire. The minimal substitution [14] leads to the
decay rates can be obtained by placing the semiconductor typical J ? At interaction,
P where At is the vector field of
heterostructure in an antinode of the optical field inside a the THz probe and J k j ke eyk ek 1 j kh hyk hk with the
photonic crystal. In our calculations, we assume a reduc- current-matrix elements j eh related to the THz polariza-
tion of the radiative decay rates by a factor of 100, which k
tion t PTHz JL . For an optically incoherent system
can already be achieved in present day samples [3]. [15], the THz polarization obeys the exact equation,
The semiconductor luminescence equations together
with Eqs. (1) and (2) and the dynamics of ceh form a 2 2 X y
PTHz vn,l Jn,l ImdBn,q Bl,q , (3)
closed set applicable to heterostructures of various dimen- t L q,l.n
sionality. Because of the overwhelming number of index
combinations that has to be included, we restrict our nu- which depends only on excitonic correlations dBn,q y
Bl,q .
q,k 0 ,k
merical evaluation to an effectively one-dimensional model They are connected to cX via the operator transforma-
system, a quantum wire, where the carrier momenta are no tion Byn,q k f n kekye hy2kh , where fn is the density-
longer vectors [8]. Nevertheless, we regard the numerical dependent exciton wave function, and keh k 6
results presented below to be valid not only for quantum meh me 1 mh q have been defined [4]. In Eq. (3),
wires but qualitatively also for quantum wells [9]. hvn,l is the energy difference of two exciton states and
We use the standard GaAs type parameters with a 3D-
Bohr radius of a0 12.4 nm and choose the correspond-
ing wire confinement such that the lowest exciton state is 0.6 1.2 ns

11 meV below the unrenormalized band edge in agreement 30


with experiments [10]. The initial conditions of the com- 0.4 0.5ns
putations correspond to the situation after an idealized in-
T (K)

coherent excitation where both the electrical field and the 20 0.2
0.02 6 ps
interband polarization are vanishing and no correlations
exist. For low enough temperatures, the exciton formation 0.04
is eventually due to acoustic phonons [11]; only those are -4 -2 0 2 4
10 r/a0
included in the analysis. 0.08
An intuitive picture of the exciton formation suggests 0.16

that excitonic binding manifests itself as an increased 0.1 0.2 0.3

probability to find electrons and holes close to each other. n a0
Therefore, we investigate the pair-correlation function FIG. 1. Formation diagram for the lowest 1s-exciton state as
gr ne rnh 0 which determines the conditional a function of density and temperature. Contour lines indicate
probability to find the electron density ne r when the hole constant relative formation rates n1s tn ranging from 0.02
is located at r 0 [12]. In the incoherent regime, the to 0.16 ns21 . The inset shows the pair-correlation function at
10 K and na0 0.03 for different times after initialization of
Hartree-Fock approximation leads to a constant gHF r the system as uncorrelated electron-hole plasma. For compari-
ne r nh 0 n02 , where n0 is the spatially homoge- son, the dashed line shows jf1s rj2 for the 1s-exciton wave
neous carrier density. Thus, the genuine r dependence function.

176401-2 176401-2
Jn,l k fn k jke 1 jkh fl k is the transition- and luminescence. Thus, strong spontaneous emission
matrix element between them, which leads to the ordi- leads to a significant hole burning in the excitonic distribu-
nary selection rules equivalent to atoms. To determine tion function around q 0 since recombination depletes
PTHz , the dynamics of dByn,q Bl,q have to be solved the correlations faster than they can build up. Still, the rela-
under influence of the THz probe and exciton formation tive momentum of the recombining pairs is not restricted,
dynamics. If the THz probe field is resonant with the such that f e and f h are depleted evenly.
lowest transition, we may limit the investigations to the To determine how the incoherent populations can be de-
excitons n, l 1s, 2p. By identifying
first two P P quantities, tected in a measurement, we compare photoluminescence
y y
S2 q dB1s,q B2p,q , Sz q dB2p,q B2p,q 2 to THz-absorption spectra. The inset of Fig. 2 shows the
dB1s,q B1s,q 2, Sx ReS2 , Sy ImS2 , computed luminescence spectra with and without photonic
R Sx , Sy , Sz , and V 2J2p,1s At, 0, v2p,1s , inhibition. In free-space systems, exciton populations con-
the Heisenberg equation of motion together with Eq. (2) tribute only weakly to the 1s luminescence which is mainly
leads to determined by plasma contributions; i.e., Hartree-Fock lu-
minescence dominates the full emission even if lumines-
cence at the exciton energy is observed [17]. Only inside
R 2V 3 R 1 Rdeph 1 dRXform 1 dRrec , (4) a photonic crystal, excitonic population can build up into
small momentum states such that the correlated pairs domi-
where Rdeph contains the dephasing due to phonons and nate the emission. Even though the majority of excitons
dR terms include the exciton formation and spontaneous remains unchanged by the photonic environment, the lu-
recombination of Eq. (2). When the THz probe is mo- minescence spectrum drastically changes since all the dark
mentary compared to the exciton formation and recombi- excitons with nonvanishing center-of-mass momentum do
nation dynamics, dR terms can be neglected and we find not contribute. Also, other phenomena such as Bose-
the terahertz Bloch equations which have a one-to-one cor- Einstein-like condensation require a significant population
respondence to the optical Bloch equations of atoms. This of small momentum states. This can be achieved only
analogy can be used to compute the exciton number even when the spontaneous emission is inhibited.
though Bn,q is not bosonic and Byn,q Bn,q is not a number When a weak-probe solution of Eq. (4) is used in
operator, a problem which generally arises in many-body Eq. (3), we obtain the linear THz absorption [13],
systems of composite bosons including atoms [1]. With
jd12 j2 dn1s 2 dn2p
the help of the identification provided by the Bloch vec- aTHz v Im , (5)
tor R, we can use dNn q dBn,q y
Bn,q to determine the hv2p,1s 2 hv 2 ig
number of incoherent excitons in state n. with the dipole-matrix element jd12 j jJ1s,2p vj. Fig-
To obtain an overview of the conditions which lead to a ure 3 shows the time evolution of the THz-absorption peak
significant formation of excitons in our model system, we
vary the lattice temperature from 4 to 70 K and the carrier
density from na0 0.025 to 0.375. We determine the lin- 10
P 10
ear formation rate of 1s excitons dn1s q dN1s qL .
PL (arb.u.)

Figure 1 summarizes the computed relative formation rates

rf dn1s tn in a temperature-density diagram. We
1000 N1S(q)

observe strong formation only below 15 K and na0 Hartree-Fock
0.18. Above 30 K and na0 0.3, the formation is negli- 5
gible since it takes over 20 ns to convert 10% of the carrier 0
density into bound excitons [16]. -3 -2 -1
The effect of the radiative environment is studied directly (h - EG)/EB
in Fig. 2 by plotting the 1s-exciton occupation dN1s q
with the strong (dashed line) and weak (solid line) spon-
taneous emission for the same conditions as in the inset
of Fig. 1. Both distributions show clear deviations from a 0 1 2 3
thermal bosonic exciton distribution (dotted line). Since qa 0
primarily excitons with relatively large momentum are FIG. 2. Momentum distribution of the correlated 1s excitons
formed, the exciton distribution shows a long tail even after 1.1 ns at 10 K and na0 0.03. The free-space (dashed
though the phonon scattering tends to thermalize the distri- line) and photonic band-gap (solid line) results are compared
butions. The thermalization also has to compete with spon- with a corresponding thermal distribution (dotted line). The
taneous recombination, scattering to other exciton states, inset shows the photoluminescence spectra (band-gap emission
multiplied by 100 to compensate the reduced optical coupling)
and effects due to the Fermion character. Since the photon together with the peak height of the corresponding Hartree-Fock
momentum is negligible compared to the exciton momen- result. Energies are given relative to the unrenormalized band
tum, mostly q 0 excitons participate in recombination edge in units of the 3D-binding energy EB 4.2 meV.

176401-3 176401-3

This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungs-
gemeinschaft through the photonic crystal and the Leib-
niz programs and by the Humboldt Foundation and Max-
Planck Society through the Max-Planck Research program.
M. K. thanks the Swedish Research Council (TFR and
100 (n1S - n2P)/n0

NFR), the Gran Gustafssons foundation, and the Center

2 for Parallel Computers.

THz (arb. u.)

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