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1(a)(i) Q: Transport vesicle 1m
1(a)(ii) S transports synthesised proteins 1m
1(b)(i) P1: semi-permeable
P2: allows small particle/ same size (as pore) to pass through it
P3: acts selectively/ allows certain molecules/ substances to pass through// control/ 1
regulate the movement of substances to cross it// facilitated diffusion// active transport 1
P4: dynamic/ fluidity/ flexible 1
P5: contains phospholipid (molecules)/ proteins/ cholesterol 2m
1(c)(i) P1: R is Golgi apparatus
P2: modifies protein into enzymes
P3: packages the enzyme 1
P4: into secretory vesicles
P5: move to plasma membrane 1
P6: fused with plasma membrane 1
P7: (enzyme) secreted/ released out of the cell 1
Max 3m
1(c)(ii) P1: the organelle is chloroplast/ animal does not have chloroplast 1
P2: do not need to absorb light energy
P3: does not carry out photosynthesis
P4: animal is heterotroph//holozoic nutrition
1(d) Q: Mitochondrion 1
R: Sperm 1

P1 produce energy /site of cell respiration 1

P2 needed by R to swim / move to fertilize ovum 1
2ai Able to name structure labeled P,Q and R. 3
Answer :
P : Cell wall
Q : Cytoplasm
R : Vacoule / Cell sap
aii Able to state the condition Y of cell. 1
Answer: Turgid
b Able to explain how conditions X and Y occur.
Condition X:
Cell is in normal condition / maintain its shape / not change.
Solution outside the cell is isotonic to the sap cell of plant cell.
Water diffuses in and out of the cell at equal rate.
Any 2
Condition Y :
Solution outside the cell is hypertonic to cell sap of plant cell.
Water diffuse out from the cell by osmosis
Plasma membrane is pulled away from cell wall.
Any 2
Able to explain the effect to the transport of mineral ions into the root
hair cell.
The cell unable to produce energy // energy is not generated
Active transport does not occurs.
Thus, mineral ions cannot be transported into the cell.
Any 2

2c Able to explain the effect to the transport of mineral ions into the root
hair cell.
The cell unable to produce energy // energy is not generated
Active transport does not occurs.
Thus, mineral ions cannot be transported into the cell.
Any 2

4(a)(i) 2(a)(i) Able to labeled X,Y and Z

X : Sucrose / 3 = 2m
Y: Glucose // fructose /2 = 1m
Z : Fructose // glucose /1 = 0m
4(a)(ii) Able to complete a diagram of enzyme- substrate complex 1m

4(b)(i) Able to state two characteristic of enzyme
P1 : Enzymes reaction is highly specific 1
P2 : Enzyme does not change at the end of reaction 1
P3 : Riversible in action 1 2m
(Any two)
4(c)(i) Able to explain the reaction of enzymes
F : Increase of enzymes concentration will increase rate of 1
enzymatic reaction (until it reach a maximum point)
P1 : due to more active site is available to bind with a substrates 1
P2 : More substrates will bind at the active site of the enzymes to 1
form enzymes-substrate complex 1
P3 : produce more products
Max 3m
- Any 3
4(c)(ii) 1

4(d) Able to name the enzyme 1

Able to explain how the enzyme act.
P1: Zymase enzymes found in yeast. 1
P2: It acts on starch and convert it into glucose 1
P3: It acts on glucose and convert it into alcohol 1
P4: through fermentation process
(any two)
1+2 = 3

5(a)(i) Able to name the type of cell division 1m

5(a)(ii) Able to state the importance of mitosis in the process of skin cell replacement 3m
P1: produce new cells.
P2: have same genetics informations as the parent cells.
P3: have the same characteristics as the parents cells.
P4: to replace dead and damaged cell.
.Any 3 points

5(b)(i) Able to explain the technique to increase yield

F: Cloning / Culture tissue. 3m
P1: produce new young plants /clones which have
similar characteristics to the parent plant..
P2: it is based on mitotic cell division.
P3 :same genetic content // chromosomal number with the
parent cell.
.Any 3 points)
5(b)(ii) Able to explain why pruning activity able to produce more yield
F1 : mitosis active at the tip of the shoot / meristemic zone.
E1: pruning the tip of the shoot will expose the lower 2m
branches exposed to sunlight.
E2: more nutrient will be used by the branches.
E3 : increase the growth rate at the branches. E4: more flowers / fruits will be formed /
- Any 2
5(b)(iii) Able to name the hormone 1m

5(c) Able to draw an animal cell undergoes metaphase

3(a)(i) P: Glycerol
Q: Fatty acids
(ii) P: 1 (molecule)
Q: 3 (molecule)
3(b)(i) Process X: Condensation/ Esterification
(ii) P1: (1 molecule) glycogen/ P combine with (3 molecules) fatty acids/ Q (to form Hydrogen
triglyceride). bond
P2: Bond formed// covalent bond.
P3: Involves removal of water//water is produced/ released.
3c P1: as an energy source Keep warm
P2: as an insulator( from heat lost)// maintain body temperature
P3: provide protection against shock// protect internal organ.
P4: contribute to structure of plasma membrane (to form lipid bilayer)
P5: aid infect soluble vitamin absorption (Vit. ADEK)
3d Effect: Thrombosis
P1: Cardiovascular disease/ any suitable disease related to the blockage of artery//
arteriosclerosis/ atherosclerosis/ myocardial infarction/hypertension/heart attack/stroke/
high blood pressure

P2: The individual consumes excess fats/lipids
P3: (accumulation) of fats/lipids/ cholesterol/calcium deposited on the (inner) wall (of
the artery)// atherosclerosis
P4: lumen narrower/smaller
P5: producing high resistance (to blood flow)// blood pressure high
P6: artery (wall) become harden/ arteriosclerosis
P7: blocks/slow down/insufficient/prevent blood flow
P8: weakened the heart muscle

3e P1: consume balance diet// consume less oily food according to food pyramid// eat exercise
more fruits/ vegetables// healthy eating habit
P2: practise healthy lifestyle// not smoking// not taking alcohol// not stress// sleep
P3: regular exercise// jogging every morning.
Rajah Penerangan
8a chromosome condense and
every chromosome consists of
two chromatids join at centromere


Chromosomes align at the

metaphase plate


Chromosome separate and

chromatids move to the opposite

Telophase Chromatids arrive at

There are two sets of
chromosome at each
Nuclear membrane
and nucleolus reapper

Cytoplasm divide to
produce two daughter

8b P1 Chromosome exposed to the radioactive rays 6M

P2 normal cell become abnormal cell
P2 cause uncontrolled mitosis
P3 Cause mutation to the gene or chromosome
P4 Cell will divide faster then form tumor
P5 Mutated cell compete with nomal cell for nutrient

9a P1: Nasi lemak contains carbohydrate/ fats/ cholesterol 10 marks

P2: provides energy/ building block for complex molecules/ DNA/ RNA/ glycogen
P3: excess carbohydrate cause obesity/ diabetic
P4: coconut milk in nasi lemak contains cholesterol/ fats/ mineral/ calcium/ ferum/
P5: Fried chicken/ egg/ ground nuts/ chilli gravy contain protein/ fat/ minerals/ vitamin.
P6: Protein is needed to build new cells/ for growth/ cell division/ repair cells
P7: excess of protein causes gout/ kidney failure/ liver failure/ increase acid uric level
in blood
P8: vitamin is needed for good health// any suitable function
P9: any example of correct vitamin and function.
P10: excess of lipid soluble vitamin cause liver poisoning/ bone damage/ hair loss/
kidney damage.
P11: fats provide energy/ insulation/ protect internal organ/ for water proofing/ built
plasma membrane
P12: Excess fats cause obesity/ cardiovascular disease.
P13: Cucumber contains dietary fibre/ water/ vitamin/ mineral
P14: Fibre/ water help in peristalsis movement
P15: Prevent constipation/ reduce the rise of gut cancer/ prevent coronary heart disease
P16: water as a medium for biochemical reaction/ solvent.
P17: mineral needs for good health/ any suitable answer
P18: Any example of mineral and correct function.
9b Able to explain the effect of malnutrition and suggest the way to overcome health
problem of each individual.
Diagram 9.1
F1 obesity
P1 condition where a persons body weight exceeds 20% the normal weight
P2 excessive consumption of carbohydrate and lipid
P3 excess carbohydrates and lipids in the diet are converted into body fat/cholesterol
P4 causes them to face a higher risk for cardiovascular disease/hypertension/diabetes
P5 can be overcome by practicing a balanced diet Max 5
P6 eating not more than what is required by the body

Diagram 9.2
F2 Anorexia nervosa
P1 condition where a person experience an intense fear of gaining weight/recognized as
a physiological disorder
P2 the weight of individual with anorexia nervosa is 15% or more below the normal
body weight
P3 deprive themselves from eating which leads them to experience severe lost of body
P4 tissue repair cannot take place due to lack of protein
P5 leads to hormone imbalance, liver diseases and cardiovascular problems
P6 will experience dehydration and can cause irregular period
Max 5
P7 early treatment through nutrition and gradual restoration of body mass
P8 counseling is also needed to help the patient to overcome their emotional distress
c) - Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide which competes with oxygen molecules 1
to bind with haemoglobin.
- less oxygen is available for the respiring cells and runner will experience a
shortness of breath.
d) oedema/ swollen of foot 1
- the lymph fluid cannot be return back to the blood circulatory system 1
e) easy exposed to disease 1
- do not have the body defense mechanism because no antibodies 1
- body dont have the immunisation 1

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