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Section (1) The name shall be The CEY Foundation. The CEY stands
for Community Engaged Youth.


Section (1) The CEY Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to

assist students in networking, establishing lasting relationships,
and community engagement. The mission of the CEY
Foundation is to engage NPHS students to become
active members in their community in an effort to create
positive change. The CEY Foundation hopes to embed the
values of commitment, achievement, and unity into members
during their involvement with the foundation.


Section (1) Membership in this organization shall be open to any student at


Section (2) Membership shall be for one academic year; August to May.
Members are welcome to renew their membership the following

Section (3) A member shall be considered in good standing with the

organization as long as he/she fulfills the following criteria:
A. Earns at least three points a month. Meetings are worth 1 point and
scheduled events are worth 2.
B. In case of an absence or inability to attend an event, a valid excuse
must be provided to an executive officer.
C. Must be in good academic standing. (Minimum GPA of 2.0)
Section (4) Members who remain in good standing are entitled to the
following benefits: a cord at graduation, letters of
recommendation, eligibility for leadership positions, free
entry to organization-sponsored events, etc.

Section (5) Failure to meet any of the requirements listed in Section (3) may
result in loss of any or all privileges listed in Section (4); and, in
extreme cases, may be grounds for removal of membership.

Loss of privileges/membership shall be determined by the

executive board.

Members being considered for disciplinary action may make

appeals by attending a board meeting to discuss.

Section (6) This organization shall not discriminate on the basis of age,
race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry, disability,
sexual orientation or political affiliation.


Section (1) In case of organizational dissolution the organizational funds

will be donated directly to a non-profit organization voted upon
by the existing membership.

Section (2) Requirement of at least two signatures and/or a vote of the

general membership to approve budget expenditures.


Section (1) The appointed of this organization shall include:

A. Director (or Co-Directors)
B. Assistant Director
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
E. Historian
F. An advisor who is a current, full-time employee at NPHS.
Section (4) The availability of an appointed position will be announced by
the executive board during a general meeting. During that
meeting, members interested may fill out an application for
that position. The following shall be the process of
appointment for the officer positions listed in Article 5,
Section (1):
A. Any person considering an appointed officer position should
become familiar with that respective position by reading the duties
listed in the constitution and/or shadowing the current officer for a
minimum period of time.
B. Anypersoninterestedmustbeingoodstandingwiththe
C. Persons interested must verify that they will be returning in the fall
semester to fulfill their position if elected as an officer.
D. Applications must be turned into an executive officer on the
deadline stated. (Date shall be decided by the board.)
E. Decision will be announced at a general meeting. (Date shall be
decided by the board.)

Section (5) Term of office shall be for one academic year; August to May.

Elected officers are eligible to hold for as many terms as they

wish, unless they are removed from office.

Section (6) Any officer may be removed from office

by the executive committee in consultation with the
faculty/staff advisor for failure to fulfill the roles and
responsibilities outlined in Article 6.

Officers being considered for disciplinary action may make

appeals by providing a written explanation/defense to the
Director (or Co-Directors), who will make a decision
alongside the executive board.

Section (7) Should an office become vacant in mid-term, a new officer

shall be chosen through application and approval by the
executive officers.

Section (8) Requirements to be an officer include being a registered

student, in good academic standing (determined by executive
officers), at an NPHS for the entire term of office.
Section (9) A current, full-time employee of NPHS will be selected to serve
as advisor by the executive board members when needed.

The advisor may serve for as long as the please.


Section (1) The director (or co-directors) shall serve as the head of the
organization and shall be responsible for calling for and
presiding over all scheduled meetings, serving as the
spokesperson and point of contact for the
organization, voting only in the case of a tie, providing a charge
and general oversight for all committees, establishing
goals for the organization to work toward, etc. They shall
be responsible for enforcing the terms/procedures of the
constitution by keeping track of each members

Section (2) The assistant director shall serve in absence of the president, and
shall perform such duties as assigned by the president. Shall be
chairman of the Membership Committee.

Section (3) The secretary shall be responsible for maintaining all records of
the organization (e.g. constitutional amendments, meeting
minutes, membership rosters, attendance), and for
recording the minutes of all meetings, etc.

Section (4) The treasurer shall be responsible for managing the

organizations finances. Duties may include: coordination of
fundraising efforts, general bookkeeping and financial
reports to the executive committee, etc. Shall be the
chairman of the Fundraising Committee.

Section (5) The historian shall be responsible for the organizations social
media account and shall take photographs of the organizations
events. They shall assist in marketing.

Section (6) The Advisor shall supervise all general and board meetings held
at the school.

Section (1) There shall be two standing committees, and their

charge is as follows:
A. Fundraising Committee: Responsible for ensuring that enough
funds are raised annually to cover costs associated with
programming, travel, activities, etc.
B. Membership Committee: Responsible for managing the
recruitment of new members, new member orientation and
verification of current members fulfillment of requirements for
good standing.


Section (1) There shall be a minimum of 1 meeting per month during the
spring and fall semesters. Additional meetings may be called as
necessary by the director(s). Additional meetings must be
announced at least one week in advance.

Section (2) The organization is subject to the policies and procedure of


Section (3) A quorum for conducting business shall be considered to be 1/3

of the members present.

Section (4) The Advisor shall supervise all general and board meetings held
at the school.

Section (5) All general meetings shall be open to any NPHS students that
are already members in the organization or have an interest in
obtaining membership with the organization.


Section (1) Any member may submit a proposal to amend this

Section (2) Amendments may be made according to the procedure below.
A. Proposed amendments must be submitted two weeks in advance to
an executive officer; the amendment will be voted on at the
following meeting.
B. Executive officers and active members will be eligible to vote on
any amendments.
C. For an amendment to pass, a 2/3 majority vote of members and
officers present, provided there is a quorum, will be required.
D. Passed amendments will be noted in the minutes and placed in the
constitution. The revised constitution will be distributed to all
members within 2 weeks.

Section (3) Amendment repeals may be made according to the following

A. Motions to repeal a constitutional amendment must be submitted in
writing. No oral repeals are acceptable.
B. For a repeal to pass, a 2/3 majority vote of members and officers
present, provided there is a quorum, will be required.

This constitution of the CEY Foundation has been ratified (or amended) by the general
membership on September 17, 2017.

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