Test de Evaluare Initiala VII

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Limba englez
Clasa a VII- a L1

PARTEA I____________________________________________________ _____60 de puncte

1. Answer the questions:
1. Whats your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your favourite book? Why?
4. Describe your best friend!
5. Where did you spend your holiday?
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous or Present Simple.
1. The children _________________________ (play) football in the courtyard every weekend.
2. My friend __________________________ (work) in the office right now.
3. Listen! The baby ________________________ (cry).
4. They _______________________ (not read) a book at the moment.
5. John sometimes ____________________ (drive) to work.
6. Our parents _______________________ (not go) on holiday every summer.
7. You never ________________________ (drink) coffee.
8. We ____________________________ (swim) in the ocean now.
9. Many people ________________________ (visit) New York every year.
10. Mother ____________________________ (cook) dinner at the moment.
3. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative or superlative. (15 points)
1. This year its..(hot) than it was last year.
2. Whats(good) way to get to the centre?
3. The librarys...(quiet) place in the university for studying.
4. Books are..(entertaining) than computer games.
5. What does.(early) flight to London leave?
6. A computer is..(useful) than a typewriter.
7. Thats..(bad) excuse Ive ever heard!
8. The first story she told was.(funny) than the second one.
9. This book is(interesting) that that one.
10. Its .(heavy) weight Ive ever lifted!
4. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1.Matt .................... (never/go) abroad for his holidays. Its too expensive.
2.The Titanic was travelling to New York when it ................ (hit) an iceberg and .................... (sink) in the
3.Its autumn. The days ...................... (get) shorter and shorter.
4.My parents are in America on holiday. They ........................ (stay)near San Francisco.
5.I ....................... (never/eat) Chinese food in my life.
6.Shakespeare ................... (write) more than 36 plays.
7.If the weather .................. (stay) fine, we will go for a walk.
8.Look at those clouds! It ................... (rain).
9.They ..................... (rehearse) for more than an hour now
10. I (get) in time if I take a taxi.

PARTEA a II-a _______________________________________________________(30 de puncte)

Write a letter to Jessica telling her about you and your family. Do not use more than 80 words.
+10 points BONUS

Se puncteaz oricare alte formulri/ modalitti de rezolvare corect a cerintelor.

Nu se acord punctaje intermediare, altele dect cele precizate explicit prin barem.
Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota final se calculeaz prin mprtirea punctajului total acordat
pentru test la 10.

PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

1. Answer the questions:5 x 2p=10 points 3. the quietest
5 points for correct grammar structures and 4. more entertaining
connectors 5. the earliest
5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary 6. more useful
7. the worst
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present 8. funnier
Continuous or Present Simple. (10x1p=10p) 9. more interesting
1. plays 10. the heaviest
2. works
3. is crying 4. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in
4. arent reading brackets. (10x2p=20p)
5. drives 1. has never gone
6. dont go 2. hit sank
7. drink 3. are getting
8. are swimming 4. are staying
9. visit 5. have never eaten
10. is cooking 6. wrote
3. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative 7. stays
or superlative. (10 x 2p = 20p) 8. is going to
1. hotter 9. have rehearsed
2. the best 10. will get

PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)

Intelegere scris A1 - A2
4 points for appropriately beginning and ending letters:
2 points the beginning/title: (Dear + the friends name)
2 points the ending: (Best wishes / Love / Lots of love /Yours + the senders name)
6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
3 points for a balanced structure (greeting/introduction, content, conclusion)
2 points for the general impression

Matrice de specificaii

C1: C2: C3 C4:

Competene S extrag Reformularea unor S S scrie
corespunztoare informaii enunturi/rescrierea deduc relatri
nivelurilor generale i unor cuvinte sensul simple ale
taxonomice specifice dintr-un conform cuvintelor unor
text citit n gnd unor structuri din context si evenimente
studiate sa formuleze trecute i
enunturi experiene
Teme/ personale
Uniti tematice

Copilul i lumea 30 p
nconjurtoare - Letter (Partea II)
Verbul - timpuri 10 p 20p
verbale: Present (Partea I, ex. 2) (Partea I, ex. 4)
Simple & Continuous,
Present Perfect, Past
Simple & Continuous
Adjectivul grade de 20p
comparatie (Partea I, ex. 3)
Vocabular: obiecte, 10p
cuvinte familiare (Partea I, ex.
TOTAL 10 p 40 p 10p 30 p
coala gimnazial Gh. Banea Mcin
Str. Florilor, 30
Tel.-Fax 0240571004
e-mail: scoalagheorghebanea@yahoo.com

Test iniial Limba englez

Clasa a VII-a
Testul iniial (predictiv) are n vedere verificarea nivelului de pregatire al elevilor (se anexeaza o
copie a acestui test). Prin acest test s-au verificat concepte operationale precum: timp verbal, tipuri de verbe,
tipuri de adverbe, substantiv, adjectiv.

Au fost totodata verificate cunostintele gramaticale ale elevilor prin cererea elevilor, la anumite
puncte, de a alege formele corecte ale verbelor n context diferite, prin indicarea elevilor de a pune verbe la
timpul Present Continuous/Present Simple,Past Simple/Past Continuous, Present Perfect Simple/Past
Simple sau de a allege forma potrivit a unui adjective n context.
Testul a vizat de asemenea si capacitatea de exprimare liber n scris a elevilor prin cerina de a
elabora propozitii pornind de la anumite ntrebri date i de a redacta o scrisoare unui prieten.

Obiective operaionale

O1 - s ofere informaii despre sine despre activiti i evenimente;

O2 - s recunoasc noiunile/structurile gramaticale nvate i s le aplice corect;
O3 s utilizeze corect timpurile verbale nvate;
O4 s foloseasc corect ajectivele i gradele de comparaie;
O5 - s redacteze o scrisoare informal.
Descriptori de performan :
1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
x Nu ofer informaii Ofer foarte puine Ofer paial informaii Ofer integral informaii
clare despre sine; informaii clare despre sine; clare despre sine; clare despre sine;
x Nu recunoate Recunoate foarte puin din Recunoate partial din Recunoate integral
noiunile/structurile noiunile/structurile noiunile/structurile noiunile/structurile
gramaticale nvate; gramaticale nvate; gramaticale nvate; gramaticale nvate;
Utilizeaz foarte puin Utilizeaz parial corect Utilizeaz corect
x Nu utilizeaz corect corect verbele la timpurile timpurile verbale timpurile verbale nvate
timpurile verbale nvate; nvate Utilizeaz corect
nvate ; Utilizeaz foarte puin Utilizeaz parial corect ajectivele i gradele de
x Nu utilizeaz corect corect ajectivele i gradele ajectivele i gradele de comparaie;
ajectivele i gradele de comparaie; comparaie; Reuete integral s
de comparaie; Reuete foarte puin s Reuete parial s formulize enunuri logice
x Nu reuete s formulize enunuri logice formulize enunuri Redacteaza o scrisosare
formulize enunuri Redacteaz cateva logice integral i corect .
logice ; cuvinte/propoziii dintr-o Redacteaz parial o
x Nu reuete s scrisoare. scrisoare.
redacteze o scrisoare

Rezultate obinute:
NOTA 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
NR.ELEVI 14 6 7 0
PROCENTE 51.86% 22.22% 25.92% 0%
S-au observat lacune in folosirea timpurilor verbale, elevii nestiind cum sa le formeze si cand sa
le foloseasca.

S-a observat de asemenea ca unii elevii probleme la formularea enunurilor/propozitiile n limba

Engleza si la redactarea unor paragrafe.

n ceea ce priveste limba cele mai multe dificultati sau greseli intampinate sunt:

Vocabular destul de redus la unii copii

Nerecunoasterea unor cuvinte/sintagme din limba Engleza
Imposibilitatea exprimrii logice n limba englez
Necunoasterea folosirii unor terminatii verbale esentiale in limba Engleza ( de exemplu
adaugarea terminatiei ed), sau folosirea verbelor auxiliare la formarea unor timpuri verbale

Astfel, in urma rezultatelor partial nemultumitoare, se vor lua urmtoarele msuri:

Reluarea i consolidarea cunotinelor din anii anteriori ;

Exerciii de exersare oral i scris pentru forma timpurilor verbale; adjective&adverbe
Fise de lucru pentru dezvoltarea/consolidarea compenelor de exprimare n scris;
Utilizarea dictionarului pentru insuirea de noi cuvinte i exerciii de vocabular.
Exerciii de redactare de paragrafe scurte si de scrisori pe un plan dat.

Profesor Gheorghe Liliana

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