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PRE-U TEXT PHYSICS VOLUME 2 ISBN: 978 983 3879 85 4

Physics Volume 2

Chapter 27 Physical Optics

Practice 27

At the end of this chapter you must know the following:

Huygens Principle


Air Wedge

Thin Film


STPM : 1999, P1/Q29; 2002, P1/Q5; 2005, P1/Q15; 2005, P1/Q16; 2005, P1/Q18
Reference : Pages 235 to 236


Huygens Principle

Each point on an existing wave front can be considered to be a point source

of secondary wavelets. Each point source emits wavelets of the same

frequency as the propagating waves. The speed of the wavelets is determined

by the medium through which the waves propagate.

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PRE-U TEXT PHYSICS VOLUME 2 ISBN: 978 983 3879 85 4


Constructive interference

Destructive interference

Coherent sources

Definition The sources of similar waves are coherent if the waves they

produce have the same frequency, amplitude and a constant

phase difference.

p = m p = optical path difference

m = 0, 1, 2, 3an integer constructive interference

For destructive interference,

p = (m + 1/2)

Youngs interference pattern

y = D y = fringe separation

Thin Film

p = 2nt cos

2nt = (m + ) (constructive)

2nt = m (destructive)

t = (/4n) t = minimum thickness of the thin film

Diffraction Grating

dsinm = m

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PRE-U TEXT PHYSICS VOLUME 2 ISBN: 978 983 3879 85 4


Definition A transverse wave which has its vibration confined to one

plane (plane-polarised or linearly-polarised)

Maluss Law: I = I0 cos2

Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. 2007 3

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