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Assalamualaikum Wr.


Respectable all of the teacher

All my friends that I care about
First of all, lets pray and thanks unto our god ALLAH SWT who has been giving us some
mercies and blessings so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and
happy situation.
Peace and salutation always pass to the Prophet Muhammad, his family, his friends, and
his followers may we be reunited on the surge by him.

Happy audience
On this great day, let me represent gave a speech in this farewell in order to deliver a
range of impression and message us during our dear school. Do not forget I thank all our
committee that has been trying hard in preparing for this event. Every beginning must have
ending and so does each meeting surely there is farewell. We studied in this school. So
many things we have gone through with either love or grief.

It is too heavy for us to leave the school and leave all of the large family of this school.
However, we cannot do anything. We still have to continue this struggle. Therefore, we all
ask for prayer and blessing of teachers so that we can be successful in the future and
benefit the parents, religion, and of course our nation. It is time for us to leave this school. I
represent the whole child class XII will deliver messages to you.

For teachers,
Forgive us for all our behavior during this troublesome. Although we are no longer located
near you, we will always remember all the advice and guidance the Mr/Mrs. of all teachers.

For the friends, especially those of class XII

This ending is not the end for us but this is a start of our struggle to success. Keep
learning and take all our dreams and let us keep the good name of the school. Lets ruin it
with actions that do not deserve to do.

For younger sister of our class,

Now you will keep this school. Keep learning, make teachers and parents proud. And also
adhere to all advice of Mr. and Mrs. Teacher because it is a good thing.

We hope May we all be successful. I was there as a representative of the students of class
XII again saying many thanks. I hope that the other time we could get together again. If
there are mistakes and shortcomings in this speech, I apologize. Thank you for your

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Assalamualaikum, Wr.-Wb.

Rispektebl ol of the ticer

Ol my frens det I ker a baut
Fes of ol, lets prey and tengs antu awr gad Allah SWT hu hes bingiving as sam mersis and
blessings, so wi ken a tend and gedr in dis ples in gud kndisien and hepi situesien.
Pis and salutesien olweys pas tu the propet Muhammad SAW, his femly, his frens, and his
followrs mey wi bi riyunaitid on the surg bay him.

Hepy audiens
On dis grit dey, let mi riprisen gep a spich in dis ferwel in order tu delivr a reng of
impressien and mesej as during awr dir skul. Don forget I teng ol awr commit det hes bin
traying had in pripering for dis ivn. Evri bigining mas hev ending and so das ich miting surli
deris ferwel. Wi stadid in dis skul. So meni tings wi hev gan tru wit eidr lov or grif.

It is tu hivi for as tu liv the skul and liv ol of the laj femly of dis skul. Howevr, wi kent du
eniting. Wi stil hev tu kntinyu dis stragl. Derfor, wi ol ask for preyr and blessing of ticers, so
det wi ken bi saksessful in the fyucr and benefit the pernts, relijien, end of kours awr
nesien. It is taim for as tu liv dis skul. I riprisent the hul caild twelp klas will delivr mesejis tu

For ticers
Forgiv as for ol awr bed bihevier during dis trabl sam. Oldo, wi ar no longr loketid nir yu, wi
wil olweys rimembr ol advais and gaidench the Mistr. or Misis of ol ticers.

For the frens, espesialli dos of twelve klas.

Dis ending is not di end for as, bat dis is a start of awr stragl tu sakses. Kip lerning and tek
ol awr drim and let as kip the gud nem of the skul. Lets ruin it wit eksien det du not diserv
tu du.

For yangr sister of awr klas,

Now yu will kip dis skul. Kip lerning, mek ticrs and pern proud. And olso a der tu ol advais
of Mistr and Misis ticer bikes it is a gud ting.

Wi hop mey wi ol bi saksesful. I was der es a represntativ of the studns of twelve klas a
gein seying meni tengs. I hop det the adr taim wi kud get tugedr a gein. If der armisteks
and sortkaming in dis spich, I apolojays. Tengkyu for yur attensien.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.-Wb.

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