NB-CPD SG02 03 002r2 - EN 934 series-FPC Cert - Admixtures For Concrete Mortar and Grout PDF

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GNB-CPD Guidance from the Group of Notified Bodies Issued: 10 February 2012
for the Construction Products Directive
SG02 89/106/EEC

GNB-CPD position paper from SG02 - EN 934-2, EN 934-3,

EN 934-4 and EN 934-5
Certification of the factory production control of admixtures for concrete,
mortar and grout

General scope, limitations and aim of this guidance for notified bodies
This position paper contains guidance for notified bodies (NBs) involved in the attestation of
conformity of FPC of admixtures according to EN 934-2, EN 934-3, EN 934-4 and EN 934-5. The
purpose is to help NBs work equivalently and come to common judgments. This guidance contains
informative material (which NBs should or may follow) and/or normative guidance (which NBs shall
follow or at least work equivalently to as circumstances demand).

The primary document for NBs is the edition of the relevant harmonized standard that is currently
cited in the Official Journal of the EU to which the manufacturer works. This guidance is thought
necessary to provide clarity and completeness for NBs so that they can work equivalently. It
supplements and makes practical for NBs the harmonized standards EN 934-2, EN 934-3,
EN 934-4 and EN 934-5, approved AG guidance, and Standing Committee guidance in the form of
GPs, which also apply - unless otherwise explicitly stated in this guidance. This position paper
should not contradict nor extend the scope of the work and role of a NB, nor impose additional
burdens on the manufacturer, beyond those laid down in the CPD and EN 934-2, EN 934-3,
EN 934-4 and EN 934-5.

This guidance should be considered valid until the relevant standards are amended to include the
guidance (as thought fit by the CEN/TC); or until guidance from Commission, SCC or AG has
changed on relevant matters. Whereupon, the paper should be considered for withdrawal/revision
and be replaced by new guidance as necessary.

This position paper was considered approved in its original form by SG02 on 17 April 2002 and by
Advisory Group on 30 April 2002, and the revisions by SG02 on 17 April 2002 and 2 November
2011, and by Advisory Group on 30 April 2002 and 29 January 2012.

NB-CPD/SG02/03/002r2 Page 1 of 15
Revision 2 of this position paper was issued to remove some requirements that Advisory Group
determined were not appropriate, and to remove some passages that were widely applicable to NBs
assessing construction products and replace them with references to AG horizontal guidance

This position paper was first revised to incorporate several minor and largely editorial changes to
the Forward.

Paragraphs that have been changed from NB-CPD/SG02/04/011 are indicated as follows:
modified text or paragraph by a broken left border line;
new paragraph by a solid left border line, and;
where previous paragraphs have been removed by .
Also Annexes 1 and 4 from the previous edition have been deleted.

1 Foreword ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Scope and field of application ..................................................................................................................... 3
3 Reference list .............................................................................................................................................. 3
4 Terminology ................................................................................................................................................ 4
5 Certification process ................................................................................................................................... 5
6 Application................................................................................................................................................... 5
7 Initial inspection of the factory and the factory production control .............................................................. 5
8 Issue of the certificate of factory production control ................................................................................... 6
9 Continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of factory production control ..................................... 7
10 Nonconformities .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Annex A - Guidance on the EN 934 series of standards ...................................................................................9
Annex B - Overview of checks on proper functioning and reliability of measuring equipment described
in the EN 480 and EN 934 series of standards .............................................................................. 10

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1 Foreword

Sector Group 02 of the Group of Notified Bodies for the Construction Products Directive
89/106/EEC has prepared this document to assist NBs in following equivalent procedures in
certifying the conformity of the factory production control of admixtures with Annex ZA of EN 934-2,
EN 934-3, EN 934-4 or EN 934-5.

The scope of this document is to supplement those standards and EN 934-6 taking into
consideration the necessary internal procedures of the certification bodies. All the activities of the
notified certification body, necessary to achieve the EC certificate of factory production control, are
reported and explained in the sequence of the certification activity.

It is emphasized that the admixtures manufacturer / authorized representative is responsible for

ensuring that admixtures bearing the CE Marking have all the characteristics required by Annex ZA
of EN 934-2, 934-3, 934-4 or 934-5.

To maintain equivalent use and interpretation of this document, notified bodies are strongly invited
to raise any questions, remarks, or problems related to the use of this document with the secretariat
of GNB-CPD/SG02. The address of the secretariat can be found on the CIRCA website

2 Scope and field of application

This document defines and describes the sequence of the main operating procedures to be followed
by a notified certification body in granting and maintaining a certificate of factory production control
for admixtures on the basis of the requirements of Annex ZA of EN 934-2, EN 934-3, EN 934-4
and/or EN 934-5.

3 Reference list

EN 934-1:2007, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 1. Common requirements

EN 934-2:2009, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures -
Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling

EN 934-3:2009, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 3: Admixtures for masonry mortar -
Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling

EN 934-4:2009, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 4: Admixtures for prestressing
tendons - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling

EN 934-5:2007, Admixtures for sprayed concrete - Definitions, requirements, marking and labelling

EN 934-6:2001, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 6: Sampling, conformity control
and evaluation of conformity, including EN 934-6:2001/A1:2005

NB-CPD/AG/03/001, Numbering of certificates of conformity

NB-CPD/AG/03/002, Guidance to notified bodies on the attestation of conformity under the

Construction Products Directive 89/106/EEC

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NB-CPD/AG/03/003, Examples of EC certificates of conformity

NB-CPD/AG/03/004, Checklists for initial inspection of factory and factory production control and
continuous surveillance of factory production control

NB-CPD/AG/07/008, Guidance to notified bodies in certifying own brand labelled products and
those involving significant subcontract manufacturing

4 Terminology

For terms used in this document that are not covered in the documents listed in clause 3, and for
those that needed to be detailed, the definition is given below.

Manufacturer or their authorised representative applying for the EC certificate of Factory Production
Control for admixtures produced in a factory.

Authorised representative
Any natural or legal person, expressly designated by the manufacturer to act on their behalf. The
authorised representative must be established in the EEA, Switzerland or Turkey.

Supplier / trader
A company buying a CE-marked admixture and selling it under its own (brand) name without
changing the composition of the admixture. The admixture is sold with the CE marking of the

Brand name
A unique proprietary name owned and used by a manufacturer for a type of admixture.

The European Commission website dedicated to the Construct Products Directive (CPD) in which is
contained all the information concerning the general co-ordination (GNB-CPD Advisory Group) and
the specific co-ordination (sector groups) of bodies under the CPD.
Relevant information may be found at any time by consulting:

EC certificate of factory production control

A certificate which entitles the manufacturer to affix the CE mark.

EC declaration of conformity
Declaration by the manufacturer or their authorised representative in conformity with Annex ZA.1 of
EN 934.

Person appointed under the responsibility of the notified certification body to perform the activities of

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Any natural or legal person who manufactures a construction product or who has such a product
designed or manufactured, and markets that product under his name or trademark. The
manufacturer is responsible for that product, and for the purposes of CE marking this includes
ensuring that it complies with the harmonised part of the standard and achieves the performance he
has declared.

Notified certification body

In the context of this Position Paper the term "notified certification body" can also refer to a
subcontracting inspection body carrying out inspection tasks under the responsibility of the notified
certification body. All contacts with the manufacturer will go through the notified certification body.

5 Certification process

The scheme to be followed by the Notified Certification Body to grant and maintain the Certificate of
Factory production Control is divided into four main operative phases:
the application (see section 6);
the initial inspection of the factory and the FPC (see section 7);
the issuing of the certificate (see section 8), and;
the continuous surveillance of FPC (see section 10).

6 Application

The application for certification of factory production control is submitted by the manufacturer or
their authorised representative to the notified body. For the application procedure see

The application will include a description of the types of admixtures to be considered in the
certification process and for listing on the certificate of factory production control.

7 Initial inspection of the factory and the factory production control

For initial inspection procedure see NB-CPD/AG/03/002. This includes (section 4.6) actions in the
case of nonconformities.

During the initial inspection of the factory, the inspector should use a checklist prepared by the
certification / inspection body for this purpose. See NB-CPD/AG/03/004.

Before carrying out the initial inspection of the factory and the FPC the notified certification body
shall verify whether all items described in clause 5.4.2 of EN 934-6 are dealt with appropriately in
the production control manual and related documents.

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If this is not the case the Notified Certification Body will inform the manufacturer about the non-
compliances found and request corrective actions and an updated version of the documents. These
documents shall be made available to the inspector as the latest controlled versions during the initial

During this initial inspection the notified certification body will further investigate whether the
documented system is implemented in accordance with the requirements of EN 934.

The initial type testing (ITT) is not part of the factory production control assessment to be carried out
by the notified certification body. However, as ITT is the responsibility of the manufacturer it must
have been carried out in accordance with the test methods described in the standard.

ITT is the responsibility of the manufacturer, but the certification body may wish to see evidence of
ITT to check the results from the factory production control for similarity and credibility.

Test results from FPC must comply with the requirements of the appropriate part of EN 934 and the
product specification (manufacturers stated values as referred to in table 1 of EN 934-1) and be
carried out at the required test frequencies given by the standard. The manufacturer stated values
and a procedure for the evaluation of the test results shall therefore be part of the production control
manual of the manufacturer.

Test methods used by the manufacturer must be the methods prescribed in the applicable
standards. Alternative methods can be used provided the notified certification body sees an
adequate correlation between these alternative test methods and those given in EN 934 and agrees
that these can be used as an alternative method.

Determination of the correlation of test results should be carried out on a regular basis using a
procedure described in the production control manual. In case of doubt the method prescribed in
the standard prevails.

Checks on proper functioning and reliability should be carried out on equipment used in the relevant
test methods. Guidance is given in Annex B of this position paper.

Results of production control tests (see clause 5.4.3.e of EN 934-6) of the admixtures mentioned in
the application form must be available for at least one produced batch at the time of the initial

A report containing the results of the assessment of the works production control manual and
related documents and the initial inspection of the factory will be sent to the manufacturer within an
agreed time after the initial inspection, normally not longer than 6 weeks.

The manufacturer shall inform the notified certification body about the corrective actions taken by
him within 3 months from receipt of the report of the initial inspection.

If the notified certification body classifies the corrective actions as not sufficient the notified
certification body may cease the certification process and the applicant will be informed of this

8 Issue of the certificate of factory production control

After the initial inspection has been conducted in accordance with the requirements of EN 934-6,
and when all of the nonconformities which may have been detected during this initial inspection
have been adequately dealt with, the notified certification body will issue a certificate of factory
production control.

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A certificate is issued covering those types of admixture requested by the manufacturer as defined
in section 4 of the appropriate part of EN 934 as long as the products are produced under the same
system of factory production control.

The format of the certificate of factory production control should follow the latest example given in
NB-CPD/AG/03/003, and use the example given for the certificate for hENs at AoC 2+.

The proposed numbering system for EC certificates is set out in NB-CPD/AG/03/001.

In cases where that organization placing the admixtures on the market has the admixtures
manufactured for it by a separate organization, the factory(ies) shown on the certificate shall be all
those where the admixtures may have been made, although the factory details may be given in a
coded format. For further details see NB CPD/AG/07/008.

9 Continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of factory

production control

For the inspection procedure see NB-CPD/AG/03/002.

For annual inspection procedure see NB-CPD/AG/03/002, section 4.6 - this includes actions in the
case of nonconformities.

During the annual inspection of the factory, the inspector should use a checklist prepared by the
certification/ inspection body for this purpose. See NB-CPD/AG/03/004.

The factory production control system will be inspected and assessed against the requirements
given in EN 934-6.

Test results from FPC must comply with the requirements of the appropriate parts of EN 934, the
product specification and the manufacturers stated values and be carried out at the required test
frequencies given by the appropriate parts of the standard EN 934.

The manufacturers stated values and a procedure for the evaluation of the test results should
therefore be part of the works quality documentation.

Test methods are given in EN 934. Alternative test methods may be used provided the notified
certification body sees an adequate correlation between these alternative test methods and those
given in EN 934, and agrees that these can be used as an alternative method.

Checks on proper functioning and reliability should be carried out on equipment used in the relevant
test methods.

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10 Nonconformities

Nonconformities apply only to the FPC and its implementation.

A nonconformity occurs when a manufacturer fails to follow the requirements detailed in his
production control manual or fails to take action following a failure in the specified systems,
equipment calibration or a product with test results outside the limit values stated in his FPC system.

The presence of one or more test results outside the limit values should not be considered as a
nonconformity. However, the absence of corrective actions in the production control manual to
cover such deviations or the absence of corrective actions as such does qualify as a nonconformity.

In the event of the system nonconformity (SNC) of the factory production control, the certification
body should take appropriate decisions/actions to ensure that the factory production control is
correctly applied by the manufacturer.

Suspension or withdrawal of the certificates may be considered in the event of a continuing

nonconformity of the factory production control system, as per 2.1.2 of NB-CPD/AG/03/002.

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Annex A - Guidance on the EN 934 series of standards

The following comments are intended to be helpful to both the manufacturer and the notified
certification body when implementing or assessing the implementation of clauses of EN 934 with
respect to Factory Production Control.

EN 934-2 Concrete admixtures - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking

and labelling

Clause 3.1.2 Compliance dosage

There is no requirement in EN 934 or in EN 480-1 for the compliance dosage to be stated or for the
dosage used during ITT to be recorded. However, good laboratory practice includes recording of
the actual amount of admixture added to the test mix.

For FPC testing to EN 934-2 Table 13, the compliance dosage may change with time, depending on
the cement and aggregate sources but should always be within the manufacturers recommended

EN 934-4 Admixtures for grout for prestressing tendons - Definitions,

requirements, conformity, marking and labelling

Table 2 Range of volume change

There is no requirement in EN 934-4 to distinguish between expanding and non-expanding grout

admixtures. However, the notified certification body should be aware that if a product is being sold
as an expanding grout admixture, it should meet the 0 < S < 5% requirement.

EN 934-6 Sampling, conformity control and evaluation of conformity

Clause 5.3 Formulation changes requiring new ITT:

It is not the task of the notified certification body to deal with items concerning ITT. However, the
notified certification body should ask the manufacturer:
Has any product been changed as defined by EN 934-6 clause 5.3, such that it requires a new
Has there been a change in the FPC procedures as result of the ITT?
and act accordingly.

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Annex B - Overview of checks on proper functioning and reliability of
measuring equipment described in the EN 480 and EN 934
series of standards

This annex gives information concerning the checks on proper functioning and reliability of
measuring equipment for testing and production (in this annex referred to as "equipment checks") to
be carried out as required by clause 5.4.3.a of EN 934-6. The equipment checks are not mentioned
in the EN 934 series. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer and should be based on the test
method involved.

The production control manual of the manufacturer should contain an overview of all equipment
checks to be carried out, mentioning the equipment, frequency and methods to be used.

The remaining part of this annex gives additional information to the notified bodies concerning
equipment checks in the relevant standards.

EN 480 Series - Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Test methods

EN 480-1 Reference concrete and reference mortar for testing

No references to equipment checks are given in this standard.

References are made in the relevant standards of the normative references.

EN 196-1 Methods of testing cement - Part 1: Determination of strength

Clause 4.2 General requirements for the equipment

Regular measurements of the equipment in figure 1 to 3 has to be performed. In case of non-

compliance the equipment has to be replaced.

Clause 4.4 Mixer

The gap between the blade and the mixing-bowl has to be determined once a month.

EN 413-2 Masonry cement - Part 2: Test methods

The weights, dimensions and proper functioning of the reference equipment should be checked.

Clause 4.3.2 Initial setting time procedure

The test results of alternative equipment are compared with the test results of the reference
equipment at least once per month.

All other cited standards of the normative references do not refer to equipment checks.

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EN 480-2 Determination of setting time

No references to equipment checks are given in this standard.

References are made in the relevant standards of the normative references.

EN 413-2 Masonry cement - Part 2: Test methods

The weights, dimensions and proper functioning of the reference equipment should be checked.

Clause 4.3.2 Initial setting time procedure

The test results of the alternative equipment are compared with the test results of the reference
equipment at least once per month.

All other cited normative references do not refer to equipment checks.

EN 480-4 Determination of bleeding of concrete

No references to equipment checks are given in this standard.

No references are made in the relevant standards of the normative references.

EN 480-5 Determination of capillary absorption

No references to equipment checks are given in this standard.

References are made in the relevant standards of the normative references.

EN 196-1 Methods of testing cement - Part 1: Determination of strength

Clause 4.2 General requirements for the equipment

Regular measurements of the equipment in figure 1 to 3 have to be performed. In case of non-

compliance the equipment has to be replaced.

Clause 4.4 Mixer

The gap between the blade and the mixing-bowl has to be determined once a month.

EN 413-2 Masonry cement - Part 2: Test methods

The weights, dimensions and proper functioning of the reference apparatus should be checked.

Clause 4.3.2 Initial setting time procedure

The test results of the alternative equipment are compared with the test results of the reference
equipment at least once per month.

All other cited standards of the normative references do not refer to equipment checks.

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EN 480-6 Infrared analysis

No references to equipment checks are given in this standard.

No references are made in the relevant standards of the normative references.

EN 480-8 Determination of the conventional dry material content

No references to equipment checks are given in this standard.

No references are made in the relevant standards of the normative references.

EN 480-10 Determination of water soluble chloride content

No references to equipment checks are given in this standard.

No references are made in the relevant standards of the normative references.

EN 480-11 Determination of air void characteristics in hardened concrete

No references to equipment checks are given in this standard.

The relevant standard ISO 2736/2 of the normative references gives only the requirement that the
moulds should be capable of providing test specimens, and the dimensions and tolerances of which
should conform to ISO 1920.

EN 480-12 Determination of the alkali content of the admixtures

Clause 7.2: Reference is made to equipment checks of the equipment (AAS). Each measurement
begins with the confirmation of the calibration graph using standard solutions.

Reference is made to ISO 1042 regarding the use of volumetric flasks of class A and to ISO 648
regarding the use of calibrated pipettes.

EN 934 Series Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout

EN 934-2 Concrete admixtures - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking

and labelling

No references to equipment checks are given in this standard.

Regarding equipment checks the following relevant standards of the normative references have to
be checked:

ISO 758 Liquid chemical products for industrial use - Determination of density
at 20 degrees

No information on equipment checks is given in this standard.

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ISO 4316 Surface active agents - Determination of pH of aqueous solutions -
Potentiometric method

A method but not a frequency is given in clause 7.2.

EN ISO 1158 Plastics - Vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers -

Determination of chlorine content

No information on equipment checks is given in this standard.

EN 12350-2 Testing fresh concrete - Part 2: Slump-test

Dimensions, including tolerances are given in the standard. No information is given on frequency of
the repetition of the equipment checks.

EN 12350-5 Testing fresh concrete - Part 5: Flow table test

Dimensions, including tolerance is given in the standard. No information is given on frequency of

repetition of the equipment checks.

EN 12350-7 Testing fresh concrete - Part 7: Air content - Pressure methods

Annexes C and D give details of the method for equipment checks and recommendations on initial
and subsequent checks.

EN 12390-1 Testing hardened concrete - Part 1: Shape, dimensions and other

requirements for specimens and moulds

Dimensions, including tolerance is given in the standard. No information is given on frequency of

repetition of the checks.

EN 12390-4 Testing hardened concrete - Part 4: Compressive strength -

Specification for testing machines

Information is given on calibration in clause 5 with an annual re-calibration.

EN 934-3 Admixtures for masonry mortars - Definitions, requirements,

conformity, marking and labelling

No references to equipment checks in this standard.

Regarding equipment checks the following relevant standards of the normative references have to
be checked:

ISO 758 Liquid chemical products for industrial use - Determination of density
at 20 degrees

No information on equipment checks is given in this standard.

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ISO 4316 Surface active agents - Determination of pH of aqueous solutions -
Potentiometric method

A method but no frequency is given in clause 7.2.2.

EN ISO 1158 Plastics - Vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers -

Determination of chlorine content

No information on equipment checks is given in this standard.

EN 1015-4 Methods of test for mortar for masonry - Determination of consistence

of fresh mortar (by plunger penetration)

No information on equipment checks is given in this standard.

EN 1015-7 Methods of test for mortar for masonry - Determination of air content
of fresh mortar

Information on equipment calibration for the pressure test apparatus is given in Annex A of this

EN 934-4 Admixtures for grout for prestressing tendons - Definitions,

requirements, conformity, marking and labelling

No references to equipment checks in this standard.

Regarding equipment checks the following relevant standards of the normative references have to
be checked:

ISO 758 Liquid chemical products for industrial use - Determination of density
at 20 degrees

No information on equipment checks is given in this standard.

ISO 4316 Surface active agents - Determination of pH of aqueous solutions -

Potentiometric method

A method but no frequency is given in clause 7.2.2.

EN ISO 1158 Plastics - Vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers -

Determination of chlorine content

No information on equipment checks is given in this standard.

EN 445 Grout for prestressing tendons - Test methods

A method but not the frequency is given for the immersion method only, in clause

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EN 934-6 Sampling, conformity control and evaluation of conformity

No references to equipment checks are given in this standard.

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