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Whats New Version 3.40

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1 PTM 3.40 General New Features & Improvements
1. PTM DataSync via Web (additional license required)
a. In addition to the existing option to synchronize Locations, Assets, Jobs and Reports from
multiple local PTM databases to an SQL server you can now choose to alternatively
synchronize to a web Server.
b. You can synchronize data via any internet connection
c. Web server maintenance and backup of data will be provided
d. A new license is required to enable synchronization via Web
2. Custom Reports can be added and stored in the PTM database.

2 PTM 3.40 Features & Improvements for Testing Transformers

2.1 Dynamic OLTC Scan (DRM)

Dynamic OLTC-Scan (DRM): measurement and graphical representation of the DC current during
switching of an OLTC on all available phases. Filters can be applied for phase, parity of the tap and
up or down cycle. Taps may be switched automatically via switchbox or manually. In addition to the
measurement curve ripple and slope are shown in a table and in a graph similar to the DC Winding
Resistance Test. This feature requires CP SB1.
Dynamic shorting can optionally be deactivated for power transformers which have an OLTC on the
high-voltage side.

2.2 Trending
Historic trend analysis of Power Factor / Dissipation Factor / TanDelta and capacitance for
Transformers and Bushings

Available for the following tests

o Transformer Overall PF/DF/TanDelta & CAP
o Transformer Bushing C1
o Transformer Bushing C2
o Spare Bushing C1
o Spare Bushing C2

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2.3 Firmware for HGT1
Firmware for HGT1 is now installed onto the hard disk during setup of PTM.

2.4 FRANEO 800

2.4.1 New features
Import and export of CIGRE WG A2.26 data formats
Import and export of IEC 60076-18 data formats
Import of Megger FRAX Version 2.5 test files

2.4.2 Bug-fixes
Import of Doble SFRA test files: Imported 0 Files issue has been fixed
Calculation of the Winding Assessment Factors according to the DL/T911-2004 for low, medium and
high frequency fixed

3 PTM 3.40 Features & Improvements for Testing Circuit Breakers

3.1 Usability improvements

Grouping of measurement traces allows fast graphical result handling.
Results and assessment limits are separated to increase the user interface clarity.
Failed assessments are highlighted in red. Tooltip provides further information.
Redesigned hardware configuration view. Complexity removed by introducing tab view and the
possibility to collapse / extend channel configurations.
CB MC2 and CBTN3 modules now store and restore their phase assignment.
Phase assignments can be edited after the test execution.
Seamless CIBANO 500 embedded software update via PTM.

3.2 Contact travel feature improvements

Automated calculation of Contact Wipe for closing operation travel data.
Assessment of numerical contact travel results integrated.
Intuitive velocity zone wizard visualizes zone configuration in real time.
Contact velocity is calculated for up to eight customizable velocity zones.
Velocity zones can be specified using various reference definitions and freely adjustable offset

3.3 Extension of IOB1 functionality

Use the IOB1 output channels to supply and measure circuit breaker coils or motors.

3.4 Extended motor supply voltage range

Motors can now be supplied with negative DC up to -300 V.

3.5 Localization
CIBANO 500 device website now available in Chinese language.

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3.6 Test plan templates in Guided Workflow
Circuit breaker test jobs in Guided Workflow can be stored as templates.
Test plans in Guided Workflow can be loaded from existing templates.
Dedicated template editor available to organize circuit breaker templates and define favorites.

4 CPC 100 Toolset 3.40 New Features and Improvements

4.1 Completely reworked CP CU1 Templates:

For all reworked templates: Improved printing area and ability to disable cell color for print out.
Line Impedance Template:
o Distance Relay Performance Check: This tool allows to enter the relays present parameters
and shows the actual zone reach for all possible fault combinations based on the line
impedance test results. This helps to illustrate the effect of wrong parameterization in a
straightforward way.
Mutual Coupling Template:
o This template also features the Distance Relay Performance Check.
o Template now calculates the k-factor for four different cases: no mutual coupling present,
parallel line in operation, parallel line grounded on both ends, fault fed via parallel line.
Ground Impedance Template:
o Allows selection of applied Standard (IEEE 80 or EN 50522).
o Allows consideration of complex reduction factor for correction of the ground impedances
phase angle.
Step & Touch Voltage Template:
o This template now allows automated assessment according to IEEE 80 and EN 50522.
Reduction Factor Template
o Simplification of test procedure
o Calculation of the complex reduction factor

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OMICRON is an international company serving the electrical power
industry with innovative testing and diagnostic solutions. The application of
OMICRON products provides users with the highest level of confidence in
the condition assessment of primary and secondary equipment on their
systems. Services offered in the area of consulting, commissioning,
testing, diagnosis, and training make the product range complete.
Customers in more than 140 countries rely on the companys ability to
supply leading edge technology of excellent quality. Service centers on all
continents provide a broad base of knowledge and extraordinary customer
support. All of this together with our strong network of sales partners is
what has made our company a market leader in the electrical power

For more information, additional literature,

and detailed contact information of our
worldwide offices please visit our website.

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