L P T Statement

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The 10% increase on property tax in Tipperary is yet another kick in the teeth for homeowners in


The 10% increase in property tax foisted on the homeowners of Tipperary is yet another kick in the
teeth for people who are already struggling. The thousands of homeowners who are in negative
equity, mortgage arrears, struggling to pay their bills have been let down by yet another bailout for
Irish Water and central Government who have been diverting central funding away from Tipperary by
the tens of millions since the amalgamation of the councils in Tipperary. Not only did the people of
Tipperary lose their town councils and their area offices in the so called Putting people first
Wipeout of local government but Tipperary has also had tens of millions of euros slashed from the
local Government fund of which the consequences of can be seen in the poor road and street
condition in every town and village in Tipperary. It must also be remembered that over 2 billion euros
has been stolen from local Government and handed to the disastrous super quango Irish water who
have wasted it on inflated salaries for the chosen elite and exorbitant consultant fees. After years of
Central Government slashing the Local Government Fund the Tipperary C E O now has to inflict yet
another tax on Tipperary homeowners and his reasons for doing it couldnt be more insulting for the
hard pressed taxpayers of the county, particularly those in unfinished estates who were forced to pay
Local Property tax (on top of their development levies etc)despite getting NO services from local
government and now they are being promised yet again that they can go onto the long queue to be
taken in charge if they pay an extra 10% property tax . With 83 estates in the queue to be taken in
charge and only the money to take 8 a year in charge it will take ten years just to catch up. They must
feel insulted by the 22 Cllrs who inflicted this extra financial burden on them.

22 cllrs took over an hour wrestling with their consciences and lost when they marched back into the
chamber and failed their constituents. They just dont grasp the hardship the people are living
through particularly Homeowners who have more than most felt the brunt of austerity caused by the
wrecking of the Irish economy by Fianna Fil . The narrative that they will now try to use to their
constituents is that they had no choice but to inflict even more pain on the people of Tipperary. We
will be told that every penny raised will be used for Local Services but in reality it lets Central
Government off the hook for slashing the Local Government fund and will ensure that property tax
is increased every year from now on as Tipperary county council gets less and less from the Local
government fund. Expect more and more increases in the future unless people put pressure on the
22 cllrs to make them accountable for their treasonous action last Friday.

Yours sincerely Cllr. Samie Morris 18/09/17

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